HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-6, Page 8ti ei 1 TRU TItin wAx fit i880 BOOTS,S rt , 4, K away while the boy had no held on hue. They hOice US1G,, were dashed around considerably before the horse &topped, A fine covered:baggy lied the 'tsovele knocked ei'i, the springs broken, the ela&lrboard auntanhed and twisted, and the seat almost entirely demolished, Altogether the buggy wag a sad•looking wreck. OSE OV TIIALE ' THREE 'FI SHE RS HALF MAST HIGH WEARY itRlTLSII LION WHAT Alit THE WILD WAVES, •tCc. Duet. COME O'ER THE MOONLIT SEA ]J net. Price to cents each. Send postpaid on receipt of price. Also to stook " Jousse'B Musical Cate- t:;til:at" Price S5 cents. Czorny's tet Velocity 1•.xet•cie,,s, standard. overyw here as a items of acquiring delicacy and rapidity in fingering Mucic net in stook supplier& Ito order. 0?3g,i) tt If t, rt j. GRIGG, , Bookseller, Maiit Str:dt, Exeter, Out' '!'Irt f ter Irrl@fi, T1IURSDAIr, MAN 6 1880. LOCAL NEWS. The YO.taie telt Co., Marshall, Mich., Witt sena their celebrated Electro -Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon OO days trial. Speedy cures guaranteed, They mean what they say. Write to thou' without delay. HEttttIs'xstn uo local uutices will be inserted ft.r 1Jse than fifty coats, and none inserted'for those who do not advertise in other columns. Land salt for sale at Bissett Bros. W. CrhanrEnu, of Housail, has just received a large quantity of Bay o€ Quinte seed bar- ley. Farmers eholt.li not„ fail to see it before pnrchasiug elsewhere. Porry's Condition powder, the cheapest and best blood purifier in the markat—at the Vo - minion Laboratory. Sign of the Golden Mor- tar. Land salt for sale at Bissett Bros. The only place in town for ehiidrou's carri- ages and volocipedes is at Chas. Eacrott's. Call and see them. if you want a tie -top razor or strop call at Dominion Laboratory- Sign of the Golden Mortar. Laud salt for saleat Bissett Bros. The cheapest and uobbiost of canes at the Domiuion Laboratory. Sign of the Golden Mortar. Competon seed corn, which took first prize at the South Huron Fall Show. Excels any other. For sale at r. Carling's. bermes, SEarroEs.—Special services will bo held on Thursday eveuiug (Ascension Day,) ill the English Church at 7.90 p. ni. Tums Road. Commissioner, Mr. "Littlejohn, bas commenced repairing the sidewalks. They needed it sadly in many please. 7 Xrn the beginning of May the weethelhas taken a change for the better. The sou shines almost as strong as ill the summer time. THgEE wagon loads of machinery passed through Exeter on Saturday last for the Credi- ton wollen mills. PEnsotisL.—Mr. harry S.tmwell, who has been in Detroit for the past four month re- turned home a few days ago. — Mr. Chas. McLelland, of Blyth, formerly of Exeter, has been in town for the past few days, — Messrs. Geo. Lewis, painter, and Chae. Itiesett, wagon maker, left for Manitoba with Greenway's party on Tuesday. Wo wish them success in their new home. I' n rnco Ir.—Tbo new foundry of Mr. Ver. ity, opposite the Market, is being Feinted a drab color. The full force of hands is at work in the builcliug in the different branches of the busiuess. Scow.—On Friday lest a considerable quan- tity of snow fel!, which, however, (Reappeared almost as soon as it tonclted the ground. This, we hope, is the las: of the season. LErrftn Faoez DR. Luez.—IU another column. will be found a letter from Dr. Lutz, explain- ing a little affair that occurred a week a age he- t.veen himself and Dr. Cowen, and which fins been frequently spoken of and mierepreseuted. Every farmer who wishes to prosper, should take the Canadian Farmer, the only weakly ag- ricultural paper published ill the Dominion, The aro reports,collected from various sources, ere alone worth the money over and over again. See advertisement in another column. ee Rover, DEAxisttr Mit rtto.—'The rural dean- ery meeting o the County of Huron will be held e ri Wednesdny, May 13th, Divine service atid holy communion in Christ. Church et 11 o'clock A. in., preacher, Rev. 0. E. MattIrers, 11. A., of Clinton. Divine Service also at 7 o'clock p. m., after which theological addressee will be delivered by the visiting clergy. OMX'TED.—In the list of liquor licenses is- sued by th flornmiesinuers of South IInron, v;ihieh was puhlisbo:i last week, we inadvert- oatly omitted the following iu the township of Stephen :--B. Sparc and Wm, Balser, Crediton, W. J. Moffatt and Charles Robinson, Centra- lia ; Wm. Ilolt and 'Wrn, McLeod, Stephen. At a meeting of the Commissioners, held in. 1':xoter, on Tttesday, it was decided to grant a license to Richard Stanlake, Port Dlako,1'own- shop of Hay. iist.trrrr-. whd ndav last, while a young limn employed in McPbil.ips' livery stable had a o.tttple of the sable buggies up at the rixir to wash them, the horde took fright and ran, Arxaiztmeters,---Tire following appointments in connection with the Methodist Episcopal Church have boon mule in 'stations in this county;.-.-Goderich—Eev. G. A. Emetics. Sea- forth—C. W. Voiliok. Stauley—1 , Howey, Brussels—D. Baker, Rev. Mr. Edmunds, who has been in Seaforth for the past year, has beet* appointed to Glencoe, and Rev. Mr. Gif- ford, of Brussels, has been appointed to Dres- den. Too Mucrr or Gems Tnr*ta.—On Friday morning last the people of Exeter were sur- prised toses that a sign had been painted romo- tiatte during the preceding hour' of darkness, t1 new printingl office in town. The paper is to be palled Jehu et John's Buckeye if we understand the sign aright. We thought at first that it might be a uew Reform organ, as the paper whish lately represented the views of that party has gone ander tate control of a red - bot Tory, but when we considered that the uuildinp upon which tate sign appeared was the property of person called Dr. Cowen, who is known as a bitter enemy of Reformers, that idea had to be abandoned. We await with anxiety tate appearance of the new sheet. In the meantime we express our admiration of the skill which the painter of the sign dis- played in decorating. It looks as if he had been used to writing addresses on packing boxes. A NAnnow EecipE.--On Sunday afternoon two of Dr. Browning's children were out driv- ing,and wheu gdiug along theStatlon street;the jolting of the buggy threw the little boy, Nilly out, but by some nnacoonntable means he lit on his feet, and cliugiug to the Hues ran a:t fast as his little legs could carry him, Hie sister and himself commenced screaming loud- ly, and crying "whoa," which only made the horse trot faster. Before many rods wore gone over, the little boy fell, and the wheels nar- rowly missed passing over lis body. The lit- tle girl, with great presence of mind, got hold of the lines and had about brought the animal to a stop when Mr. C. Eacrett arrived ,'and caught it by the head. The little boy was not any the worse for his little adventure, and when placed in the buggy drove away as if no- thing had happened. Psnsoxere—On Saturday, last, Mr. Bernard O'Byrne, who has kept a hardware store in Exeter for the past few yearel, left here for Penetanguishene to take charge of some repairs and additions which are being made to the Pro- vincial Reformatory at that place. We cnn- gratelate Mr. O'By.rne upon this appointment, which we are assured is it good fat one. It has, no doubt, been bestowed upon hilt] as a slight recognition of the invalueblc services erhieh he has rendered the Reform party in malty had. fought coatets iu this and other parts of the country, when •his immense influence was necessary at some critical juncture to ensure the triumelt of the party. During a lung life- time Mr. O'Byrne vas given a consistent and uuwavering support to the Refurw party and has ever been foremost in the fight, and we are sure Mr. O'Byrne will agree with us if we say that ill a great measure the success of the party in South Huron et the lest local election was due to his nuremitting exertions on behalf of Mr. Bishop. We again. ' oougrat- uiate Mr. O'Byrne upon his app' :utment, for we are acre he will never go c .tt of his way to use the influence of his poei96n with those ru- der him. His family will r (main in Exeter for some time. Is Tnovnr.s The Reform party in South Huron is in tribulation over their new organ. They have been basely imposed upon. A. braz- en effort is being made to draw the wool over their eyes. Their paper has fallen under the control of a person rho is known as ;one the. loudest -mouthed Tories in the County of Heron, though he is not a blue-blooded one by any means. The medical man. who assumes to exercise editors,' ;auctions has an Mated, idea of bis owe importance and ability, but in that opinion the majority of the party in whose in- terest he pretends to edit a paper do not share to a very great extent, and when the London Free Pres' feels constrained to tall the medical editor that he is and "eeregions acs," the party very naturally feel humiliated—not because he is au ase, but became, the people who do not know him may think he represents the intelligence of the party. Perhaps it would not be so bad on them if the Dr. would turn a complete somersault, and talk as well as write Reform, bat ho presists in talking the worst kind of Toryism and writing the most imbecile of Reform articles. and ender such circum- dice than ever should march 111) and stances it is scarcely to be wondered at that down the street with measured tread to they lose their equauitnity. They do no relish the lined in4 and inertial strains, of doable dealing. Yoe instance, they do not the bagpipe with et reamers flying 'Inc] care to hent Mtn saying through his paper that with twiner utlfnrled on which is illi- Sie John Maederr aid is a vile inset, while he printed in letter's of gold, "Behold the argues on the street that he is the best and eteverest Man nn the American Continent. They uatilrally feel disgusted. They gill not acknowledge that the iucipid and pointless trash which rte doles out to them every week represents their opinion. They do not wish the it,tolligance of the party to be measured by the iutolligecoe of the editor who has the pre - good word of a Reformer. A'certeiu monkey upon one occasion used it cat's paw to pull some (donuts of a fire. The Reform party le the cats's paw which the medical editeir'is tie- ing to pull his olteanntsout of the fat. If it is any cousolatiou to the party, we may e$' bele that any elaime that the Conservative party have upon the medical editor will he Geld cheap, and a slow nate taken ill payment. withstanding all Wit hater, bluster and bragifhducio,be is at beart,l,ugilietically speaking, an abject, cringing, et'ONping coward, &ltd would not itcot'pt the chal lenge. 1 might here &trite that 1 have been accused by hint publicly of fray• ing written certain letters which ap• rented in your oolumne some Hine ego, known as the Jeltu letters, This 1 flat - 1d If t ere tate Plan pubtielr it y any, in you next faatte. Ile ham !Oho an To the Editor t f tire Bate&, etteatl me of writiug him anonymous In view of nay name having figured letters by post, ';'leis is also false. rather prominently ins somewhat dia. Aluriy other •ccusntions have been nlao laid to ttiy charge, widen I need not mention. Ik y intention was to bear my share of public censure in counec• reputable fracas which occurred leer week, would you kindly allow me the use of your columns to offer some ex - then with Chia affair in silenCt7, and p{anations? In orilar to do so inteili- would have done so, but on emerging Archly I mustoitrry you back to my ad- from my temporary retirement I fottnd vent to Exeter. About three years ago, tont rife Muscular Dr. had been tltttlnt- disregardiug the warniut;s of better fug himself on high, like au eXl►uded judgment, 1 was tuduae•d to leave it enufluwet, had been daubing on too it good practice to Dome here and enter much war paint, glvatiug over sats of into partnership with Dr. Cowen. On prowess which he did not Karl cannot perform, instead of beiug ashamed of what he really did do, and with his tis• nal strict regard to truth, had been grossly misrepresentitiq the facts of the ease. In ease there should bo ally • thing Dontined itsthrough medical eeieuce anti conte up this valiant curl ofhlliaretestlntildlfeel arriving I found Idly name had been heralded from Dan to Beersheba. 1 was introduced as a man of magnificent medical parts from higher spheres,born with a Gammon stethesoope in my ear; one who conld dive, so to speak, right on the other side,and all nth uoueeuse. Without going into particular& &ile'rce it to say that my position was soon rendered so unpleasant and humiliat- ing that by the end of the firet year 1 felt only too glad to retire ignotniutous- ly,thouglt ample protected by an agree- ment, the terms of Which I waived for the sake of peace. For the sake of pease and deoency on the day we searated I besought Dr. Cowen to agrieved theta are two means of redrese at his cnminand; either:' through the colums of itis mitesive paper, or if he will call on me personally I will only be too Intone, to make him the very best apology which ha tnost richly deserves iu my haude CA cvr t Lvrz. Centralia, remain silent regarding our affairs. To The this silence we mutually agreed. Por Tfoltcwiu;; its the standing obtain - the sake of quietude my first intentiuu ed by the Mil; o1 brhoul section N.'.9, at that time was to leave Exeter. How. 13i.ldulph, f r the mouth ending April ever, no suitable opening presenting it. 30th, l88Ut-81.d clams sr. 1st. Jane self at the time, future cirenm,stauces Atkin:tt te; 204.1. Mary E. Mitchell; 3rd. so she.ped civ course that I still re• Maggie Met+',tilt; 4lih. Alex Atkinson; main, Now, sir, that agreement be- 5t1)• lieury Atkinson; 6th. Ttlonnee ttsen us to remain .silent was at once tlitoht•ll. 3rd. class jr., 1st. Wesley violated by Dr. Cowen, who tore aside I+4tirlut'l; 2nd. Naur.ni A. Lingard; 8rd. that screen which should have hidden baric Hent easy; 4th. Louisa Heil. 6th, 1Itate H:tutees •6th.shine Davisc7tit ouritffalr from the public by beginning a gR 3; • system of fair;ifeing and misrepresenta- Laura Neil; 8th \V. Jy Dayie•; 9th. Tom - tion exceodrugly galling -to me. Fur at niy Atkinson; 10:i1, F. J. beefs; 11th. time this was borne ill silence until eitewtkrd 1±,cC elle. 2 .d; .class sr., let. ittmlelr, Raving purchased the' Boot and Shoe trade of W. rf. Trutt, wu eau DOW flor to the Public ono of Best and, Cla.ea est Stocks of ready mane work over offered ill I;xt'ter. Wit would also remind those in want of ilret-class, huine•made hoots anti Hlloee, sewed and uegged, that we eau supply thein itt what will give sat- isfaetluu. ilepalrlug done at•1•m•cst rates and satisfaction guar.eutoatt, Call end it' for youracives. Don' forget the plane—kaerett's )clock, C. t'ACI.ETT. j R. AI3RA.IIAM. Exeter, I'ebrtutry l0y 1850. Out. ouded by Mr. Charters, that the Audi. tor's Report be received and adopted, and that the Clerk procure 100 copies of the carne pril ted in ps:rttphlet form, for distribution among the rritepnyers. —'-Carried. Moved by Mr. Charters, seconded by Mr. Iialbfhtaeh, that J. McNiurtreo be bathometer ill place of Walter Slater, and that Stepheu Troy- er, P. Roeder and J. Smillie, be added to the list of pattmasters.—Carried Moved by Mr. 13eyrock, seconded by 31r. Morrilz, that no member of this council shall grant any money towards eraveiling, grading or ditching, without having first obtained the ot•aasent of the majority of the council at their regular meetings.—Carried, Moved bt Mr. Iieyr.'ok, seconded by Mr. Kelbfhisob, that the followiug amounts be expend- ed on the Tawulinee and Centre Roads, for the present year, vizi—South I3oundery $250, Not•th Boundary $200, Oen tte Road 1600.—Carried The sum of $10 was granted to C.Flaxbard, as charity, and the same placed ill the llauda of F. Murritz to provide necess- aries for hien.—Carried. A few no - counts were passed and ordered to be paid. The council adj.-nutted to meet as a Court of Revision on Saturday 29th May, at 10 a. m. f3. Fosniiii, Clerk. finally I deemed it necessary to try and John A Br.mwtt; 2ud. Elise J. Rollins; explain away these naiereprescntattone. Srd. Susan Lingerd; 4tlh; Albert Rel. Being a comparative stranger, this was bus; 5th. Jam. 13. Hicks; 6th. Mary M. imprudent on neenparb nod a mistake. Hicks; 7th. A McFalle. 2ud. class jr., The attempted explanation and denials 14. Ellen Atkiusou; ttud. Sarah Fair. were met by coarse abnee. I was in. hall; 3rd. Mary E..Rollins; 4th; Jas. R. suited and wuunded in tender points Neil; 5th. Win. Boyle. • and iA every form and shape, even my personal houesty;beiug impugned. 1 now lost all tether and rettraiut and descending to his den level hurled back taunt fur tauut'ridicule for ridi- cule, coarse abuse for coarse abuse, in- sult for insult, still- goaded ou by evil passion. Personal recrimination fol. lowed. Threats: of personal violence were intercltauged, which eventually culminated in the fracas in question. Permit me here to state that I deem my conduct in this couuection disgrace- ful in the entreats. 1atn heartily ashamed of it and hope never to so far forget myself again. And now, sir, for the affair in question. Last Monday I entered the Dr's. office in order to have some private conversation with hila. Sharp words quickly followed, which as quickly merged into a sort of Indian pow-wow,or perhaps more strict- ly speaking into a three -cornered bear dance. which was introduced by the gal- lant 1)r, waving a chair majestically aver his head and after some very com- plicated yet itnpurt.aut evolutions in which the three took part ended in ntv being seized in a , u tgu hrde 1 molneut arottud the body from behind by the gallant Dr.. thus pinioning my arms to toy side, when he called on Mr. Elliott to pound me in the face which, to dot Mr. Elliott credit, be did lightly at'd reluctantly at first until urged on by thio gallant preceptor. '1'o the truth of this statement I am prepared to make affidavit. Now, sir, here was pugilistic honor which, if divided, however, be- tween two. might bo somewhat famish- ed and savor of cowatdtce. Now, sir, it is brown by everyone that the Dr. huts b..teu thirsting for years for putzi- !istic honor, every attempt to gain which line ended in disgrace. The Dr's. excessive eagerness is hlyo 1 roverbial where anything like gain is in the question. Now what more natural than that he should grasp the laurels and appropriate the undivided honor to hitn• self. and in consequence annuld bear himself triumphantly and flauntingly and looking even more fierce and war- conquering hero cornea." My evil promptings at first tempted me to re- mr►in in the dicgrnceftil ring for one week lnuger, in order to send the gal. lent 1)r. n chelleoge to meet me openly and above board and thus give another ollportnnity to add laurels to •his crown. This 'would be unwarantable on Inv atunption toveal; for thew, They feel thea part and tinnecesstry,fnrnotwithet nniog the Reform ba tner is out of place when flaunt. that the Ur. gore; rotund clothed in all b a mem who was never kuowu to speal> a lion's skin and" i vat Lig fearfully, not. ' tlsborne. ROLL or. UIONOR.—The following is the roll of honor for. S, S. No. 5, Us - borne, for the past month. Seuior fourth class—let M. A. Tom, 2ud W. Welsh. Jnuit'r fourth class -1st F. Tom, 2nd James Shute. Senior third —14 E. Bolgt-on, 2nd R. Kydd, 3rd E. Frayne, 4th E. Bernick, 5th S. Ilarvev. Junior third—let F. Wes- cott. 211d E. Welsh, 8rd W. Fisher, 4th E. Heywood, 5th A Wescott, Senior second—let R. Hodgson, 2ud Jot. Hervey, 8rd 31. A. Kydd, 4th C. Front, 5t11 J. N. Perkiue. Junior seeand— lit R. Weleh, 2ud J. Airth, 8rd B. Boueliffe. tensed. Mr. Geo. Denote formerly station agent here, but lately of C.tledon East, tilts been removed from the latter plane to Allendale. Mr. C. Purdy has retired from the hotel bueiuess, having sold out to Mr. Hodgins, of Drysdale. We miss our genial • host and hostess very much from their old stand, yet we rejoioe that they have couclnded to settle down in our village among their many friends. Some of onr young ladies are be- ginning to oomplaiu of the goneral coin duct of our villa ,e swells; bo firm now gentlemen 1 probably leap year has sowethiug to do with the uusatitfac• tory state of affairs, However, the ledies are Annoyed and ju•tly, to think that the ladies of other villages are frit less charming than they themselves, eau enjoy the company of the sterner sexeitbonthaving to seek it. Conte boys hold up your heady, and acknow ledge yon are slightly, just slightly boorish; you are all conviuced that fin• teinale wit and beaaty, lleneall cannot be surpassed, or even equalled by any of the adjoining towns; then why is this thus ? Please chow a little more. gallantry, don't ask thein to seek youi•. company, for our Heuaall ladies will never sacrifice modesty even in its cruellest details, "and it id for this we love thein." A word to the wide is sut. ficlent. nay - Levinson, Metzei io,—The Council met pnratrent to adjournment. Moved by Mr. Kalbflteiacb, sero tiled by Mr, Hey - rock, that the sum of $42,75 be refund• ed the Canada. Cempeny being over. charged on trtXos, on lot 4 L.1.1.E.— Carried. Moved by Mr. H•tyroelr, gee- OPENED.—Mr. J. T. Wesoott's new store will be opened ill a few days, and will compare favorably with any is the county. Lena n BROOD. -31r. Nicholas Hor- ton, of the boundary, has a hen that hatched fifteen chickens, One of than was possessed of two heads. EXCFsA.itED.—A young gentleman o4 this place has disposed of his nen known (Rat -Tarries) Dog, Jack, to a lady it: Grey for a handsome token of love. Lein rep.—Mr, Wm. Kerslake, blaek- menith of this place, is unable to work on account of Raving a felon on his finger. - PosTroNED.—The Quiit match that Mid spoken of in your viiluable paper that was to be played here on Satur- day next, between the Hensen & Lum- ley Quoit clubs, has been postponed un- til the 24th of May. Game to be play. ed in Montell. LEFT Tower,—Our noted weather prophet, who has been stationed here for the last three years, left town on Saturdty Lest. The last severe snow storm over balanced his braiu and threw his ideas out of latitude. 13,a Eoo.---Mr Fyfe of this place has e common hen'n egg in his possession which measures 6.1 by 81 inches. Now if any other towuehip can beat that we would like to hear from them as 'goon as possible. , (Ionia Wonit..--On mindity last, Mr. J. Kydd & J. Hanley all of this place, plastered J. T. Wescott's store, con- taining ono hundred and fifty yards of plastering, in the short space of orte• hour and twenty minutes. A son of ofd Virginia carried the wort. Tht►t"a not to be sneezed et. Beat it who can... SAD AFFAuR.—It appears by all ito-• coultts that the young man that HO Itilled in Michigan. a few fiaye a 'A, nam d Win, Boll, he WAS from this. v'a'nity, as the disc.ittiorl given in the Expositor of last week, exitotly eor- responde with that of the young man.. Ile left here Inst fall for the lumber woods, Michigan. The Metals of the unfortunate your.g man hese the sym- pathy of the neighborhood. DANCE.—Mr. Westcott.leave the boys a dance which canto r•;fl! on 'Thursday evening, and it was a grand success. Mr. Daniel Moir, of I3umnsere Roost, acting as floor manager which position he filled to the utmost tentiefaction, his clear musical voice being heard in all (carts nf.tho building. Dan even sur- passed himself iif hie efforts to do jns- tice to thoeo who tripped the light fantastic toe. He also sang a couple of comic songs and was heartily oticored. After giving Once cheers ill favor. of Mr. Wescott awl hid new shire they I. 1 tleperteti to their respective homes weal pleaded with the evenings` entertaitos 'tient, %In -ion's qundrit{e baud fur- nished the music for the ocensiou. •