The Exeter Times, 1880-5-6, Page 7a1OW TILE CAPTAIN'S :llATI±iN'J 'pil'ed hal 11snits to st.liue tire {{Belo brtaen, the ettl redia Auld the i3rst; 1lIMO of Glul farm tow tett the noise and '{vague, and ,tsceu:ling the ur.itrtor deck - •cif the croft, he took poesesaton of the• ttill'er-rullttstrete he utryleti the rt'iuse, {lull' ,said; -m 'Now, bort lily itivth11t10n is ''vert. tsilillrle-- I height uritice it annum of dol- lars nut of it Iuay bN, lbtct 1, Ftfll't p this, n poem it: yon +:stn silt n.;es iv if you like •to. 1 v:l ailtlt.'y f,tstoncd ct 2i) lath{?tn• 1410 on to th.i iiiii.r-ttt axle tit tlle'oraft, null put on a et.tnt griuuiel. shall brine this here boss alone: the 0+1.011 a {hider dot 1,11 rt:ufet1 top anile, •13.ru1 P ,hen Ono nf.,3uth cusses-seare 1litre--op- en anovabrella at hiu., or lanytlht e/a. - theIl wheu he goes Uttering •ateetig et • but 25 knots an hour alta won't ans- wer to his holm, I'll jut• drop the a i• --cher and ride on the gale. Cr!t up.' The horoo came jogging, gently down t he road, when, aceortling to the pre - gramme, the first mate melted oat and hitt a hilt overttle nuxo with;a.dtlalt- •atnt. Tile terrified atiiuinl stood oil his hind logs for a moment and then : i.i''::ok •a course narthweet by north hila ;;rest celerity. The itltereett'ti epeeteters be- held t.ho'ft'arleei; eeptein Eines tint met- ed, thnuLh the bn;gy bout mud carve:net before the breeze; then, with a t1•iutrl- phant stud$ they saw hili:{{ heave alit the n. teller witi.i a merry 'Yo, heave, •hot' The g,rapuel dragged fora mo- mohit i,i the treacherous sautls of the load, thea caught ilt a rook. ()teltaie Cornwell rose lute the stir Bute a bird on ttie tii'lg ant' stilled majestically :forward, ali:;l;tnt4 or his ear; the horse stood on his head for a sectnd, and then resumed his onward nurse at the Tate of at least seventy Hailes an hour, lead amici a frightful oraeltieg, ripping, tearing and smashing, alt the wagon vanished hitt) thio air et:carte piece of `'the mizzen axle, to which the 'settlor heel been fastened. Captain Ocrnwe•'-1 -can't preci sly tlli- 4lerstand why, when the tackle held, he wasn't able to ride out the gale,•but is 'n0 discouraged, and will repeat •t'he,ex- ' phrimont as soon ata lie has:hn'{i a ,'heti' 'buggy built .npon lines of his ower de-. • eigning. Life -insurance •enneelessere are hearing 'down upon him tfrsili all -quarters, and the liveliest interested iu 'the neighborhood. We wish :the gap. t'lant Captain alt success. AMERICAN ITEMS. 'Gout is fouud•tn tgc'dd haying quau- 'litios in Georgia. A writ bf 4tt''ietts '.corpus has been •granted et 'Earl Tratroiszo in Dennis 1 sarney's •case. ,.'Special imnrigra'st trains were sent tout Cron Newtor'k ou Sunday to re - i lieve Castle •Garen. 'A. terrible snow -storm embracing an •.urea of '200 miles wide, on Monday 'vieitod M.inet:tota. Several persons wens killed and •wouuded and twenty buildings demo]. 'lolled by a cyclone in Adams County, on Friday evening. A.t Worcester, MMIass., Benjamin Coolr, 'lather of four sons and throe daughters, Iles been arrested, charged with incest 'with all his daughters. "Tae Pullman Car Company to -dray 1'begins the ereetinn of a manufacturing ,establishment at Kensington, five mite, iiouth of Chicagr, to cost $1,250,000. 'Twtri thousand men will be etnpinyed, n Friday night, Ih Iowa, a cyclone 'destroyed everything in its path, which was half a {vile wide. Seven houses -were levelled to the ground and a num- ber of outbti'itdings destroyed. Several persons severely injured. Min reported that another deetrno. Jive storm passed over the south- east - am part of Missouri, nn Saturday, do- ing great damage at. Joplin, Webb City and other pieces, No loos of life is re• ported, but a number of persona were injured. The steamer fltreenburg, from 'Bre- men to Baltimore, Md., brought 1.900 immigrants, said to be the largest num- ber ever brought by one ship. During the passage there were coven deaths of infanta and two births. Yeeterday they stnrtsd for the west. Five of the bribera of the Penney!. vania Legielatm'o have been senteneed to a year's imprisonment at hard labor, and a fine of $1,000 each. • The Memphis board of henith gives Police 'that after allay 10 no fruits or goods of any character from tropical parts will'ho admitted luta that eity until anbjt'etod to ft thor:ttrgh inepec• tion, fif tt'f^enllernt n'racentiv deceased, a Moen Hoe to 'ts, news gatlterer,–aeie was 111 theY,ogielattireante yells; but 1 wouldn't ser guy thing about that. ()tut er'e ise hie `life Wag free from blot." !Torr is a Lnaget from the Pacific co.u't: .1)alclt Flat man the other tilt` picl;etl tilt a rook to throw At acoiv, The tvoittht of it attracted his attelllion, 111[1 en e+nrltinntinll it was found to o;+ntsin over $100 in gold.. A great anew and rain etorm visited ealifo-ttin dnj-inti the past week. In 'the n.onntiiing 'the snow Fell to the depth of .ixt•enn feet, end in some pitte- ett the railway track was covered to a {telt. of for v Co t, Sit.ee 18.10 Dolton •Tins paved 521, 07+1 83 lineal verde of street at a cost (if 88.288. 458 "1'o Show for 'it she hoe eixhty n iles nr More of the bent streets in the world. In the carne perind Toronto has expended in road repent a lareer snag tltnai $3.000.000. 't'o show ler it Plie ha8 it hundred miles of mad, whish it will take thonsande of rl. tll:ere to eert a•,vtiy. 'I'l.e {growth or the sett ietinetry in lliettionn is 'nntemnrthy, It is naw ala melt het the Soginnw T)iterict i3 the eeteond lnreest salt nrearietin•g seen tion in the Union. 'T'i1ero were 109 haute to npereti' n in 1870, producing 2,0:75.0.10 barrele or tan average of 12,- 110 barrole to nne11 well, and 51 new w• Pu will he in nee next year. The t r,.dnet. hna i•lttroneotl from 1.027.QOf) hdlg. in 1871 t'+ 1,5f 1,0001111s, in 1877 and prt'b,thl' 2 700,000 in l8SO. Seer. or SltoltrtzcUN9 IA' ihiiTeAc o.— Pha eleventh n,nnnal sale of ellert-horns from the Tiew Berl; (Cn.rtadti) herd, at Dexter Park nn Thursday proved an entire stleceee. Tho attfnllannn of buy- ers was good nit 'filo 'bidding lively. The animals nffere'd.fnr sale were n fine lot, and were futly appreciated. as will be seen by the "prices s AnnexT d. The nnniber of short -horns Gold were forty- five, nnrl the aggregate price received 81'3,270, nniking an average of $295. 'Phe everarya was reduced by the fact that four of the ewe were cleolared to he ilreibtftil 'breeders, without which the stvereffo would have been $325 on the remaining ferty one, Domineon. `tte'large number of the Ottawa me• ethernet: whet went to Coney Island to work Have returne,1 disgusted. Teeswater will ethnrtiy vote on a by- law granting $3,000 in aid of the change of gauge on the T., G. & B. itailway. Attila Strathroy Spring Show Mr. 'Edwin harrow sold to trir, John Stevens, of Adelaide, a yearling colt for $275. Mrs. Loars, of Qnebeo, who ran a nenjleinto the root of her thumb three weeks age, died ou Wednesday, mor- tification having set in. Archibald McLoughlin has sold to Daniel Doneenson, the south half of lot 5, in the 4th range sotth, Etrfria, with brt.ken front., for $3,700. Mr. McLoughlin leaves farming. The Quebec Legislature have a scheme fur ennsnlidating the railway and other Provincial revenues, and will seek to be empowered to hieue new bonds to the amount of $4,000,000 Elizabeth Poarsen,aged 21,ofGuelph has been committed fortrial on a charge of setting fire to 'Wm. Standish'set.able, at whose piece she was servant girl. Silas Snider, aged 25, fell from hoom, a mile from Belle Rook, on 't'nesday, in the township of Portland, and was drowned. He leaves a wife and two ohildren. The contract for the erection of new Legislative buildings for New Bruns• wink bas been awarded to Wm. Law- ler, of Chatham, N. B. The building will he a stone structure, and wilt oust $5'7.800. The Chancery Conti closed at Chat- ham en Wednesday. Aranng the cases decided -were Siieby vs, Ridgetown and Roland vs. ` Ridgetown. The former was decided in favor of the plaintiff and the latter was dismissed with costs. J. Howard 'Hunter, M. A., iti a can- didate at the Toronto University Senate elections. having otered the field at the request of the Alumni Association of the Brantford District. He would be a good member. The steamship Lake Manitoba war4 launched Thereday last as an addition to the fleet of the Atlnntio steamers of the Beaver steamship line. It is understood that Prinoe Leo• pnld's visit to Canada has not been abandoned, out is postponed on no eount of, the impending annonnee. netts of hie betrothal to a young lady of the T3ritish aristoorsoy. It is cnrrentiv reported that an Amerionn firm, Field & Jackson, have iboeght the ,Voint Farm, near GGoderiob, and intend to eipencl 430.000 in vitt- timeline beautiful smmnior retreat fedi thorough order. A wharf will be built on the property so that steamers can calla John Watson, of Ayr, has been ad - 'TKO T.PilYIES vertising for 'rnecttatics df.,various' • -• scuts, as he wants more iron to ' meet• his increasing 1 rail», Tnl►n'1' 'Fttan'n, nf, Ayr, wns nne '+f the .inlpYntllattt'1;e:Imre s wbn were rt trite nlhre't'he N. 1r. w•'t, tai 'he their retie, tide is ants, . it is {thine i 'it, A moefing Inas held ie Toronto, nn' Molhclay last, for the purpnsa of con• siderine the revival of the LibortelliAws- l'tntenr CO a Blake organ, in oppesllion 'to'tlle •Glaoe, 11'£r. Dymond, ex -M. P., is reported ae protriieent in the move- ment, and the firm of Blaine, Kerr & Bova astute head. ;feeb'befero the adjournment of 'tile Bowie Wednesday morning, at Ottawa, lion. Mr. nlacltonzie announced that henceforth he would be a private mem- ber, and no longer leader of the op- peeiti°n. The statement oeeegioned no Tittle surprise. 'Si,r John llttedentiltl paid a graceful compliment to the re- tiring leader. Tlanlatt left en the G. W. It. 'fat Washington Friday morning to meet Courtney in the great sculling match at that piece on fire 10th prnx• He tank with him hie new bent, the clenrge Warin, and the Lord Dufferin. He ex- pects ale° that the paper boat built for hint at .Trott, N. Y., will be in readi. peas nn his nrrivni. Tho George Wan iin'is the lightest boat Tauten ever set yin. Ds dimensions are; --Length, 30 ft. 'G in.; width, 11 inches.; weight, 27 patinae.' The champion expresses him- self well pleated with its work from the trial be tine given it. Tie 1,as been do- ing some heavy training of late, and feels in good trim. flits weight at pre- aent is 158 pounds in his every -clay at- tire, and he feels cnnfident of victory over the Union Spriggs senller. 1 titans an:. Piaios,, The Largest and Most Complete Factory in the Dominion, 14OxlOO feet. highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker in the World« MEDAL AND DIPLOMA AT CENTENNIAL,, 1878. Do do SYDNEY, Ai78TRALIA., 1877 GOLD bi7)I)AL AT PROVINCIAL, ILXIIIIBITION, TORONTO, 1878. HIGHEST AWARD AT INDUSTRIAL EXt lIBITIUN, TORONTO, 1879. We are now manufacturing Square and Upright Pianos, Best in the market. Correspondence solicited. Send for II lilstrated Catalogue. Mailed free. Address 13 =minion O ga and. Piano Co.mioany, BOWNIANVILLE, t)NTARIO. -arra .• tor the igr. OF THE Piano and Sewing D chine Wilson's Wild Cherry. One of the most thorougly reliable medicines now in, use by the Cauadlau publie is Wilson's Compound Syrup tf Wild Cherry Tbo eneci ss vclhiclh at- tends itrt use in cases of ;olds, Collette, Bronchitis,,Croup, Whooping Ouueh, Loss of voice and Week Lunge, is most remarkable. Oris inaily prepare(( to meet the de- maud for a good metlieine of the kind, in the retail store of the proprietors, hs sale inoreaantl so rapidly and be- came so terve that the tnannfaotnrer felt it was only:necessary to introduce it through the nevrspnpers of the eenutry to ensure its adoption as the national cure for diseases of the respiratory or- gans. Every leading druggist in Wes 1- 81'13 Ontarie now sells 1t. lie wise in time; get a bottle and have It on liana when required, The large bottles are the cheapest. Important to ton-umptives A. gentleman having beta so fortunate as to pure his son ofOonsumption in its worst stages, after being given up to die by the most cele- brated physieians, desires to make known the Duro (which proves successful in every case) to those afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and the Affec- tions of the Throat Anil Longs, add will seed the Recipe, free of charge to all who desire it, if they will forward their address to DANIEL ADEE, $4 Liberty St., Now Tork. Gin. DR. ABttRRETtlY's W01111 CANDY is Ind up 10 two colors, one oortanining pur- gative and ono without, whiotl combi- nation no other candy has. 1'his alone makes it very valuable in ease your child requires an opening medi- cine. It is the most effectual WORM UESTROYER known, pleasant to the taste, and as they contain no mineral, may .be administered to the most deli- cate constitution. Fall directions ao• company each box. Price 25 cents, or one dollar. To LAEICS ONLY.—The strength, brightness and durability of the color produced by Mrs. Freeman's new do- mestic dves•is almost incredible. The process being so olefin and simple there appeares no reason why every lady ehould not be her own dyer, by begin iug her experiments on a ribbon or a piece of cloth iu a small earthen crock or basin of boiling water, and proceed- ing afterwards to larger articles of dress or utility. They are put np in enve lopes with full directions. Price 15 cts. for alt colors except 1v1ageuta, which Is 10 cents. National Policy PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS constantly on hand and made to order MoMILLAN cBRIDE aaving,,owrenter fseilitiosthan over, ero pro Ip �ared to supply farmers with Iron Roam Plows Stool Mould {Board, made try ourselves ; Chill Plotvs, I{nairpper make; Scotch Diamond Harrows (cultivators, Gen q?Iowa, tdloarier,(7iencalhbnunri+entotn nhaenttoaonri notice. Horror rtrhlne deohtoortoeert- shod to prevent intorforiog. MelfILLAN St MoBrldo,Bing St,,rxensali • 13y t.ilF*.evalif A.um.Y0Mrtrio'n� 1 1� 'Pia.•'ma�a.!*4- "4 �•m �` IIfII MITE LARGEST A1%:l*D BEST STOCK Oar Silverwar., China and Doll ever seen in the 'West, at • E. IDM iW' STOZ. . ^n .t0 O :tlr i+re ,has jute{ received a1 ex .11etrt5 stock Silver Tett ietti-Butter Coolt'rs,Doublt andSingio pickle (: rn ts, Cake Baskets, Card Receivers,C orn mullion Set ts,ete,,ofthe3estQnndr find Triple Plate, and is offering the sameatpriees the t aldu ASTONISH YOU FOR CHEAPNESS! Fre has j ust opened out a now anti complete as- sm•tmont of China, Glass and Stoneweres. /. large stock of Lamps just arrived. Calltndsatit'fy vourselfas to quality and cheapness. Como and altryour instruments. V11131e Teacher still on jt�(+I 'rand. Services atlowestesures. 1141.1/10_ x Special attention calledto the nay=and Sowing :Sachine, Organs and Pianos unsurpassed ter beauty of design, snit quality of tone, E . D E E \%AT 1879) PALL -- n (1879 THE OLD RELIABLE I -TO USE At aiMimes, end earticalarly at a period when Trad,, is universaIIy depressed and money scarce, it is in the interest of every- buyer to purchase where he can get the article he wants at the lowest rate. In calling your attontiollto my present stock, I do so with every oonfid egret; it being hnoreearefully assorted and selected than that of any previousseason. In the Dry Goods Ey4eattnnent is replete with the most setsonable and fashionable fabrics, marked at prices which should command the attention of the very- closest buyers. THE. ORDERED OLOTHINastill has MR. WIVES at it.head In Millinery Uaderthetns..agententof'Hies McGloghlon,we can suit the most fastidious. Our stock of (+roeeues, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of tnelarges1and best assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will ooneuIitheir bestinterests by examining mystook before going eiseeruere. • C. & S. &IDLEYI Lrndsrta.kor-t and 11?) &rnit ire Aianuth tuners NITOULD SAY TO r r diose who intend 1, hutches i gto elo soi from the tuanufacturer, Tho dealer who bays to sell again must ueoecsarily have a profit. We claim to givethe purohabors the t benefit, which oanuot fail �a t to meet the views of the t "1 1 e ,, '' Grangers. Our expenses are Ices than bboso of ¢ate �,t,t 4 ;.: Matte 'aetererr eon seq'Tont we can sellohoaner. Emblems oft all the Different SATE WOULD can epecialattention to our undertaking dep,,rt ment,which is more com- plete Came ter, ae went% ve added several new designs of late The boat colons. caskets ehrouds,and every funeral requisite at the lowestprices. Our pow /rearso is pronounced by competent Judges to be second to none in :the provinces Societies. Opposite the Central II tel JOHN DREW who has removed opposite the Central hotel, exeter,bat9 opened oat a New Stook, of T't7,Y' ,a.tare and Undertaking Goods throughout,. SNROULS, GLOVES and all SOCIETY all. Monis furnished at low prices. tires' FuNItIt .ts AT7F11,'NTAD BY DITS11I,1",. SATISFACTION GITARANT ftD. 1 thank my nnmerona costnmerofor their favors in the post, and hope to motit a coati :Mende of their patrons go in my now steed JOHN DEW.