HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-6, Page 6• 0' SLUE 1SI'Ay 6, 086 STRAYED OR STOLEN. abutit the leugth of the roost you are 'going to raise the hens from, press the :warm edge up against their fe,it, and then you Itv'ern. Den'give the thing Away., Etitsouraging.- elergyman who:had been traveling in area -tote part of tl e \Vest was asked by a pious old iady il. he nanc il seen any eouraging. signs ot the spread of religion. 'S beard SOIlle 1,11idg,' Said he, rather hesitatingly. nco 'which you might call eeraging. A I Poet:vet a oaten, a women cried o It tt her domelke i ;-• ‘ifernelly Anti you mere seitrly-heitiled cuss, come right in to prayers. Varfilmhp ....,_... .—___ .....e l'hens On you. ever tried. Cut the hcatd !elen.e thing which has no life move?' 'asked jeseph Crooke of Eli Perkins. 4010ourae they CU,' replied,Perkins. ..'Why last year I saw wateh Spring, a rope walk, e herse fly, a match box, a P`munt stand, a mill dam, an oyster fre„ and a cat flab ; and this year,' ceu- timied Eli, exeeet to aee a peach blew, a kin sling, a brandy mash, and 'Anythiug more, Mee Perkiee `Why, Yes, I expected to Bee a stou. tame,. a eau break, an.1 a bank ruu.' 'Did yon ever see a ,41ine ahem, gum buil, or hear. a codfish bawl ?' asked M. Cooke. 'No, but I've seen a plank walk, a horee wlup,n tree toed, and 1 would not be eurprised some day to sea the great Atlautie coast. the Pacific slope, tree box, By the way, err. C toke,' neked EU, 'cell you telt me the difieteetect between trt'e fuel your motlee•itelaw e •Ne,I dun% see the dif!ereticiebrother Perkins. Well, the difference ;a thiserne leeve. iu the spring and the other &lift lease atit11.* AS Mr. Cooke loft. Ell told hirn tha! be had often seeu a mysterious thiuv. --that he had seen a uniform smile. 'Why, I've often -seen a strord fish, ' laid (*Janke, 'rye etton lettis skit) bouts too. and mace 1 SIM 60038 ahet. ors bele shoes. Tea,' ha ceetinued. f.e. Perkins. I have heard the bark o. a tree—actually seen the tree bath, seen it holier aud ColL1111811 00 to leave. The tree lint g on to its truok, which they were trying to seize for beard.' Eli told Cooke—bnt never tided the rest. It was suffittieut that the Cooke and the church boll were told, NOT 'MUCH -LOSS. A. young lady went to n drug stori• NIonday, located not far flout the mar- ket house, and had a prescription made •UP. 'How much r ingnited the lady. 'Fifty eents.'. said the oletk. • 'But I have only 45 cents with me,' replied the enstomer ; can you let WC ilaso it eir t1i t ?' 'No, ma'nee,' said the clerk, 'but you can pay me :five cents when you coup ri ag,ain.' 'But suppose 1 were to ate r Baia the lady jecularly,, 'Well, it watilaift be a great loss,' wes the smiling retipont.e. And imuidiately the andIng clerk .vttheretI from the flash ou he lady's face, that he had been niis, inderstood, and, before he could ad - •ure her tha it was the little balance and not her that would be uo great, JOSH, dhe had bound otit at a go -as -you - please gait, ani beyond the sueud voice. . WIG WAS CAIN'S WIFE?' HUMOR. The Rev. C. McOarthy, who preaches The latest—a tuote paiL A wag says of a. toper : his um bas passed the rubientel. • Dead business men tell nu teles ii the advertising columns. Gum ambits was discovered iu the mucilage. A journeyman beet -tapper is a, sole jenr lbere is more fashiee in the mote ki tiles in the eonntry. Telk18 cheap—nulese et lawyer doer • tne talking, . ve had illy spring cleaning, remark ed an incipient tramp BS he loaned over the garden gate;• cleaued right out. The only time says the Pitiladelphii• Cbrouiele, that oleomargaitte steetess- hilly takes. tits place of butter is whet. it catches a fly and holds it. A receut poet says :- 'As ehe sighed, he sighed.' If they were eluting side by side, it might have been a great sighed worse. It is a little late,. but the Czer accept our coegretulatious. It Ise'. often a man who le late for (limier es capes being blown up, A read•dy answer : Very red -h sired raseenger—'1 say, guard, why ou earth don't the train go rjeuarct--‘Goed gra- ciou.s, eir 1 put your heed illy 13'1a, Dull you ezpeet to go. on while the clangel signal is (nut IP Bs idgport, grono.): Standard r An ex ebaoge says teat Wil helnee lies.st stand thg offer of four thousand five •ittisidree dollars Mr hie violin. There is a mai on Main street whose violin wool; he cheap at twice that provided h• couldn't get ano'ber. 'Neoessity Loewe not Taw,' said a member of the ber one day at eer. 'Are you a necessity 7' asked a two year.ohl daughter. 'Well I can't rely. Why do you ask ?.1 replied the f,tulter. 'Because Mr. Spear says yen hoes/ nothing about law,' was the iu eprcent .reply.. There le lb yottng wady in Keokuk, TA,..vit,, who ts alk f -et lour inches tall. and she ougageti to be usarried, The man who is CM 1,er aid in thee words 'Thy ',treaty set my soul! aglow ; wed the richt oe %slang ; eerier wititte but little, here below • Bat wants that little long.' ,his t4esttey writes frown 'Etneaster 040,0.04 tho. Wet to raise hens 441 I,' confidersee„ (Pelee,. in strict t • Hiienev, a nine board', edge thd e. 1.. 'd the beet thing le znitfie every SamIty ro tne 'University Wa hirTtou Squall,. New Nork, th eastor of bat is 01111i'd the American 'Tree Church,receetly endeavored to %newer the question, 'Who was (lain ,vire ? IIs took his text from th fonrtlt chapter ofGenesie and the seventeenth verse.. The preecliv Raid tent he lied • Elected the pee -altar subetetaneomiced. it the recenest of several members o tis congregation. Afaio mining that he ole theories as to ths. meaning of ;he Bible stories had ceased to he ten able because of the Increased light or , {cieuce, he s+tid: that the theory held hy flany as to Gain's wife won }10 have ,•o be abandoned. 'The orthodox an ;n the question,' sail lie, gis 'perhaps itin married his, sister.' Well, I don't }rink he did. Now, I Mil geieg. to ,hirk the answering of this ryrteq-tion [have a theory of our race which othfIrk. to not believe in. Nine out or ten be• • leve the -Inman race came from one • 'air. I don't h.lieve it.. Do you say hat in heretical ?' Perhaps it is. but his is not a (petition to be answered sy those who cling to old theitries. The Ad thAory can never answor it. In the lest place, Cain could not have married tie pi.ztee when be departed to the land because he had no sirer. When esti' was born Adam wan only 130 years ed, a very young elan for those dare, ma Seth was tfie third child. T • k ri a mention of a, ilatteliter. Inthe •leaned place. Clain departed' to a c.ein. try wheel there were penplet, nnif be! Foared Urns'. ipre wanYff slay him bo al !lee of his rti•tinc., itr d the Lord 1 ecog nized the prettify of his clanger and set mark mi him a:at he might be saved:: 'Vile Bible nn where states that there e e only two people nriginetly crease, Adam wag the gollo,TO stomp for the 111111nil t'SOP, AGA 't11410 11114 ret 'alis 0, e. tted Ile them.' 1')o yotr believe that et, - gross and Chinese ere the deRcena,.log f the progettitorn trial ourselves 7 I don't. gain wAnt, ever to tis land of Nod, and there became chief nt a race GLASdOW thiell he l'ound there. He built a city. Ire entail% have (1(1110 alit:I alone. This, then, ninAt be my answer to the 1 venation ; there Were, rates of perrple. epee the earth at the titne Cain was! driven (rot a veenbortil, and from this Cain took lite wife.' The preacher dwelt At considerable length at, the lessons were tbeymoro generally Iwo. Pot this purpose the NATIONAL Villa are eon- •vein:out. mild in :team), end eertaie 21 bair elreets, They cleanse tied iuvig orate, purifying the blood without hind •-enee oectIliatiou. i CYR ry whom by Drugeietts aml dealers. Price 21; 001143. oBswais 4 OVII'X'rtillrliTTS AND blITAIIONfi..— • rho high reputation gained. bylistix.suo's poo. • roam, Bst,E4.SZ fur the cure ot Coughs, Cold and all alseases. of the Thrtrit and Lungs ha' (i('C11 rise to srurions imiottoms. Tho goon 1151.1 Pneroitat. 1.;st.sssi .11,ts the tattne (7 litigyard the bottle witieli is (Fr th, largo sizo tual sells at :15 ets. "We think I.' proper to warn the' against Bkl kssts bearing othar or roinetVes °from( a substitute. Look earefully to this ant 'take no vtl.er than Hairt..s.tit's Parrou.si, "*"•"*"7.."•"'"'"--""t"."..". Here vns et...L.—When exy.hydro 11311 Inlet:one:To Wits richt exitilitted 11 Etibibnigh, a poor I% (1(1110), whose richer would bevel. Weiler her aseent to tie •ttinielom above, took ht'r eent in thi lecture -room where the weeitt vs of tike internment • Wore 811 14?)), and which .t ere for the 1104)11111e 10 111 1101. MOO WAS 1111L:51 ill a into 1 4,1110011 -not, IL NVnIi iss Od into au elephant. tied other tile mar Vel4 Woro pertorrno,1 du, r atilt) serest altw 1110111', eh, sat it: rilete istonialenete. striving,. epteettettithol. . tt tho disk, lett e hen ee lemith a !let- tere: 'is was t ritiP4iet 10.4 ilito t...oe, and llifrottteti 11,'• lingo eye. she (01)111 "hill Se" no let- -ter, l! \ly good IR -144 1." N11 eX0iait11011. "a 0 (11101 Golf go oroligh that Teeri 14 8111110 IlOpe for life Boit Mitts yet 1 - Repo ? 'yes_ eitie eh:tette eert nit] ty ihnt, thole is tette(' 1)3 had how the ifl:"..tuts of limits, Scell.., Frost biter Sprains and 11 nits. 13at to it It loof, for ties relief from any 0 her entire, than by using liagyard's Yellosv OH. 10111=111=022:C.421===',XMILWCIMesiel8t1=11V-V—..X.I. Only Weekly Agricultural Paper PRINTED AND PUBLISHED IN THE EDONINION. NOW IN ITS SECOND VOLUME. Unparalleled Success! New and Improved Form. 16 Pages Only One Dollar Per Tear FO. 5z 4 Numbers a Month; 832 Pages a Year; 3,328 Columns for One DolTar. Devoted strictly to Agriculture, Horticulture, Stock,. Dairy. Poultry, the Apairy, Household and. everything pertaining to a ran; both out of doors and in doors. Its Weekly Commercial Reports and Prices areinvatuablc., ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIACLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Son Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest, including CONSUMPTION. . A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN 'WRITES "It does not dry up a cough, and leave the Galax' behind, as is the case with most preparations, but ZOOMS it, cleanses the lungs and allaysini:.. tation, thus removing the cause of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by artielte. bearing a similar name.- Be sure you get 3)11. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, with the signature of "1. BUTTS " on tlm' wrapper. 50 Cents and $1.00 a Bottle. Pre- pared by SETH W. Fowta & Sons, Boston,. Mase. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. .................m..m , iwok--,14;',r0 —"-177-777-4 /. ;• 5. NsJ A Protected Solution of the. Protoxide of Iron, Is as easily digested and assimilated with the' blood as the simplest food. When the blood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the. deficiency can be supplied by the use of the' PERUVIAN SYRUP. It cures " thousana ills" simply by TONING UP, INVIGORATING, and VITALIZING the system. The enriched and. vitalized blood. permeates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secretiols " ' Ailing for' disease to feet:Pupal,. lots .ts toe stmret of tba. wonderful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, ' Dropsy; Chronic Diarroo, Nervous Affections, Fcnno:e Complaints,. And all diseases originating in. a' tied st;tt. the blood, or' accompanied by debility. t;:' state of the system. CAUTIOE1.—Be sure you gat tlw " RUVIAN S YR UP." sold by rirtggi.,‘: r-• ally. Pamphlets sent free 10 any addl., 113. • Sent NV. FOWLS & Sons, Proprietor% ;oI rison Avenue,. Boston, Mass. twomemosTaueneuraentlamerWealftaseatrwermainieusaustmadestanonvor The extraordinary success this paper has met with - at the hands of the yeomanry of Canada during the past year, stands unrivaled in the annals at journal-. .ri.E SALL/ ism of Canada or the United States. A large staff of able and practical. writers are en-• gaged, and correspondence of a valuable nature. PORK PACKING HOUSE appears weeklyfrom its many subscribers in Nova Scotia in theEast and British Columbia in the 1Vest. SA.31121.7K COPIES PREE.. Printed and Published nt the Welland Steam Print- ing House, established 1863, by N. B. COLCOCK, Proprietor« W. P. PAGE, Editor. Address, CANADIAN' FARMER,. Drawer Welland, On... • • T_TA.Y PU112 WORKS. G PROPRIETOR. ttLgTiti•T:Al'eletidulttittTj;, 11.10 Dreuared to oder waurtielo 31/p8P/OP any Factory in tire County, and nt prices that defy competition. NV elle aa41 °interns dug on the shortest notice. 'Before purchasing eel] irttho•Efay Pump Works. mSlion--One-qoarte mile mat of Zzeter, 1 =den not.11. Hav 1 Allan. Lino.! LIVERPOOL, LONDONDI.RRY • SHORTEST' SEA PASS:AGE. to be drawn from l hn tits of Cain, Ana 'xilrrir:d alt te amid th A Tittle sititefor 'VG') Cain did not beentre 5 meiderer di at oriole lett WIte 14 ID that great .witne by envy end foriTerts feeling. — . There10 scarcely- ati'v dieeevis in • vhielt purgattves &flII ope.,.jog 111 (timer are not lrottefittal, and •••irk - neat anti nirovius tui4141 be vote,' led CABIN, INURKEDIAVP; AND srrshaAtim BTS. Persons wishing to send for their friends eon obtainpassage 001 tiflisitt lngtand d • MIX towuiaCanada. Artal"anypartiuty reatby htg to CAPT. 0 KEMP, Exeter. IRINg 'rho new Prelid13 IfecitainesureeSpermat ? IMPOZENCE. 9..ud nervoutcompf:ItZttrr: suiting Arne of wemory, serious inmedimenterbo marriage, great depression, etc 150 03 pox.: 4 for 52. Sold by druggists et.erywhore Whole'saloLflfAlg BittS. et CO., Toronto. f:1en t by mall, securely sealed,olmeeiptof price. address' Imperial /st.tdiesne Alphas, isatilliaP OTom,* Having commenced businessfor the Fall andWinte rT rade We are prepaved to purchase any quantity of Vork, euhjhet n3411140,11,1 We will take off' two pounds per hundred if dry, and three pound f soft. Shouliler twenty-five cents. It any of the bung g'at is Jet ft, 25 cents extra will be deducted.. No, por te bckght at an price 4 wii•rn; Si A. 1.7. S A Ci $'• Pork Cuttings en baud, at reasonable rates. We want all Hogs Cutting slight' through breast tot head, Ivied Plains opened, outto & J. PETTY» (PRAY'S. SPECIEC The 01. J ist EaleAse TRADE. MARK. r Abe A ftle...item,30,0 15 tvusakb Jug cure for 881111. 4,t nal Weak ii os .,, :berm a.to r sh e u.., --• s ,...... rt. FOWLER'S EXT. win Strawberry eee•- sweeisi Et--+ • A Specifio'nemedy kr all Summer• ' Complaints such as Diarrheat, Dy-. sentry, Canada Cholera., Choler Iforbus;. Cholera. Infantum, Sour' Stomach; Griping Pains, and all derangements of the bosvolereaus- ed by using improper foal such ea ' raw vegeteb les,. unripe or r you fruit, bath milk, impure' water or change of water, changes of tho seasons,. exposure. No. matter from, what orse-or in vvliat forte you are • subjcet to any of the above corn - plaints; btu. Ei.rils,c2.os' Wit.u.SitaAwnann7. will relieve you,. and it speedy cure will' be effected without inittry tlie system.. It is, manufactured frov tho Wild, Strawberry Plant, and free from' • opium and other ivjuribus drugs.. G1C Per saie by all dealers, at •10 Dr Or.00' PR1SI'AIIIID ItT :MILLI URN, BENTLEY St J1EARSON TO ICOVr 7 O. e ntr al Drug Store.. OPI?O'SITE CENTRAL HOTEL. EXETER. Coustauttv on.handl /ospotoiley /homes thandias at MI- Purrug & Chemiceis,, lo w 1110a sequence. of Selfe.brise as lose Mom of 'ory, Beforitits After Taking B ae k, D fatness. of viiu_ Sion, premature old age alsk e teakinggN;,egitn Lo. t- otally other Diseases that lead to Itisninty or CothuniptiOn and LPremature grave. f.:&* ^.10a41 particulars our pampltlet, which we ,lesirete scull five bv mail to every 0110. Specific Medic:too is soh/by n11 tiruggists at si per paekeipt or six packages for $6. or win he sent by mail on receive of the Lumley by addressing • GIti4oux Ytoi111)01:Calir.,0 lNIS0.21t•Irm. 157804tls1 itt lilieeterba alt druggists, and ever,v. where ittemonatt, ,tud 1151. UeltedStatee by whole. sale and retail druggists, N,13—'?be demand, of ear business have tones• stiated our removing to Tolt0nt,o00 whiah plane ploseto addrula all future conatturonatosse.. •DIG ES'I'lkAlf—Cercie nn int 117„ etnt Ushorno,. Noventber n; a htrge sow Th r owner in 1 have. het '1)11 prnviug nroporty and pitying, expeuses,, C CliakRIE • lelfIRFTJMERT,, all kinds,. }lair 13rtaches,- Cloth. Brushos'y No.ill3rtishes, Tooth Broshes.- Xn COMBS our stock is coropllete: TOILET SOAPS 1W ENDLESS VA'RIETV.. Jest arriVett the lorgest stock, per express,. frops,lnbrillfaCtliTer$, ei T1t1iIS$118, LADIEtq' ANT) (4,1?&TTSr SHOTIL., DAR BRACES, CHEST PROTECTORS. Horse (null Cattleiledicines a Speciality.. Physicians° Proscriptions and rstinv Reeeip• enrsfUll.y MAD 110l111 lied lit ng Store itt 00otis Einaorium.. opposite CentrelSo