HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-6, Page 5T H f, Thi M 7880 S'TAJ:R:G1:OCTRY Fresh anti neiiable. 1 1 kinds of Vegetable and •Agricul. direct from Ilea sin atrize .. 'White Wheat Scutt fife 1 land (liar t' 1 l c arley- i1., Le: love r Seel lt•Ata-wit0.1.1', SIIAR G slamos $' t Fresh, and Reliable, tural Seeds of the very best quality, Importers, at .7o1 -T 21,4. XE1,rS. E=etc 1 15 do 1 17 ., .., . 1 16lio, i 17 s1'lairm 1r11.th1T kinder .,. Flout per bbl. ,,, Potatoes, nor hag .,. Apples, l.er bag Pried Amilcu pr b... }togs. dressed per 100 Utiles, ron'1.i .. ft' 0311xlaiits, encl.': .., fifty per Gaon,. t mums her 'man .,. ... ..• lead... '. . 010 to 010 W,,tl,perib 018 to n 20 Turkeys pert(' 0 07 to 0 07 t:nix' 001 to 004 )Micka, ours, (r 0 40 to (1 50 110 to x18 11.1 to 115 ,,. 0 47 tot Ou"' , 034tor80 '1 00 to 3 25 050to0c0 . 000to000 0)01.00.16 025to650 0 50 (0 000 70 to 775 3 80 to 1 40 ., 600 to5((3' ,,, 4 001 co 5 00 ,.. (1 00 to 7 01 O 00 to 7 00 75 to 1 501 ,.. 1) (10 to10 00 ... 000to075 ST. MARTS Pail wheat, for brt•1be1 1 '0 rn 140 h 3•m0 wheat 114 to 118 1 +rh'y ,... au to a Gia I' vii ............................................ 0') to 0 04 t+.+tR 40 to 0 37 11tL,r 7. 00 to 8 CO 1'v'.is.Per +lozen....,. 0 0 to 000 Rater 10 to 18 lii.iso p"r Ib ...... .................. 4 50 to 0 00 1 \ re tt c d hogs ........ ..... 4 71 to 5 00 1'.)tat las per bag. 45 to 0 50 s•1110.111 Ski 111 1 00 to 2 00 'Wood per cord .... 2 511 to 2 75 DO NOT RIDAD THIS Taxing reet'.iwedn,lot of new inachlnery,I would inform the farmers of the xur- riein.liug country that Lana prepared to menu- faetnrtl • all kiwis of ',Horse (takes„ Barley rakes, Grain (Jratllea, Sllalt110, etc, anal having '>rocnred the S:arviens of a first-class Turner, 1 (tae prepared to du ALL RINDS Or TIHINIFG on the shortest notice, sante for style Mica price lllefv competition. Aliyuys on hand a first- class stool: of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill half a mile south of Exeter. A. COTT ELL. D MINION LABORATORY. These rprepitl'atious are arranged to cure every- (beet:sod condition which It is propel for Omatenr or family tc treat. Hundreds of phials sold monthly. Gall fur List and. Manual.. PERRY's COMMON SENSE IHU MPH1 I Y'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS, Horse & Cattle Medicines •The only scientific preparation in the nlaikot. 11.00 i CIRYSTAI.• SPT1CTAQLE S.' Tia best and, cheapest in the- nla);kot—scien- tiiically fitted. Wart,a & Ricwounsov's Pun/Term) Butter Color lis CHllta \vort11 w(tl•raLllted to give a rich dan- delion color, to 50 lbs. butter. 25o,. worth is suilicient, fpr. 300 lbs., Sign, of the Golden Mortar, Exeter, Just Arrived, a1 T' Z;HE CHOICE WA:MIT,1i' EUtO- CERY, A Brand. New Stock of Garden and Efie1d, Seeds, OYSTERS. ORI NGE$ AND LEMONS G. A. Eyndman FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. TMA.NI30013 : 'HOW, LOST, HOW RESTORED I We have recently tlubliehod a new edition of Dl;. oriroVP;.7,l;w:;r,i,'S 0111,I:1BBATII) 7SSSAY on the radical, and, poa•ulaicent erre (without me- dicine) of Nervous Debility, M. tat and physical 1m:opacity. irnpe)Jlr(louts to: Ilf,arliage, eta., re- Itnitinafroln 0x0068. t"Y.'Price in a Roalp(i ewrelppe,, only 6 conte ae two. postage 610ulll6, The celebrated amp, a+a5 thio admirable essay, e(Attrlydemonstrate eom;thz3•ty years'' inn:ea.e- tut [practice, tbitt aatarmin(consotfuoncos. may be radically cured without the clang.esous ugo,ef in tonna inedicino3,opt1iw 1100 ol. 110. knife ; point.mit alnoue of unmet once simple certain and of- f:ettie1, by meads ofWhich every tufforor,,3p mat- ter what his corulitfon.m(17y ((0,xn)ay cure himself cheaply, priyu,tely and radically. This Lecture should be in, t1l)pllandp, rift every youth and every, n1JLu 111 the land, Address, • TUE. r,,yril:WELLMEDICAL Oo, 41 Ann Street, Now ll rk. • Post (Tyles ll0* 4¢8G • er day+ at hams. samples worth, p Q +w �l ',fKee., Aschi;e:M, litiasgp (.1:, rig W. }L ILI rIATA.RREI ! CATARRH ! ! USE !- 6 Tile great Taxidermist end N(aturnlist, Beasts and Birds S%Fra. Nevada Sawing Conlnound. stuffed and Preserved in the most approved o style. In stook also a largo variety of Pleturoe, The Nevada onrefor CatarrhyetclisooYered, and Pieturoe framed in the best and 01508 01311 BOB BY style. Mein Street, Exeter. 9 m Q. rura�S CENTRAL Data A. rimE EXETER GREENHOUSE, All 11.ude of Whi(lnly and 130Ading Nla1111( '' Hni31ug BtLs tots and Zra308 filled bu '' ,. ord:r. t:^Lhbago, aaulifiower, ueIe v mud fomatn Plants In 80118015. Jub- ( bileg (al'uenialil easefully ntUildcd b0, e uadian and American Fruit and Ornamental Tr003, Orders 8olieltot) and satisf0.et'uo. i 1(Lr:Lnteed. GV\2.141U11ll0Ci1, is 9, LLIP 3"«1ate,„i"r?' Ft) ft Send for eireulors explaining our New System of ccnvassin A gen .t6110 ve 5vn.Iderfni 301(1083. 100 stinaenln- vas To 1, 200 iNli011erAliteS, Our publications are standard, Address, • P110 Henry Bill Pub. CO., 41 •i9 and 45'Sl11tneket R+, Norwich ,('nnn :, 10V.AL. �1i 1U wnnld remind bis nnrnerons er Customers that ho has removed to tht sato' formerly ou:n sed by Mr, Road, where be will be found ever a) my to attoud to all bushiest. in the BOUT' •"td 511011 .Line. 0. RAU, Ure(liton. SPEING STORE. W. LS HITT(, General Agent, Arkoma, Ont. HEN SrsLL. • FURNITURE BOOMS. 'NOTICE TO THE PUBLICW WILLIAM DREW FURNITURE DEALER Raving been drawn into the Furniture Line by (loecntfn\lness and falsehood is compelled t> 03,111inue the, i)1l,111e63, lead IS. PREPARED TO SJT,L, CHEAPER THAN �1;�r5t OTHER HOUSE IN THE COI•, NTX O1''.114;iRO N,. An examinnti':n cf, lnylrargu atcek,which is not' xeel ed outside of the cities, and a emmpariseu of my prices. with other foeto,'ies, cannot flail to couvino0 the public of, the truth of what I stay. Every Arf'icle.Marked Down. to.1.17e. Very Lowell Fibare, I hat'' m0i10 arrangements to purchase a New Hearse, *a-lich o'Ui'be ready short/y. Coffins, Shrouds and all. Unucrtakiug 1iaterial on hand. 1')'iuc-6 very reasouablu, ,Society Emblems •,•uust:ultly' in etotk. -.l o su+e to ;five, 111(1 a 0sl1. and I. will 711(11(0 it to your advantage to buy your Furniture from, lee. Beumnlber the plaaou--north of Molsonta 11Lani.. Why go abroad for your Furniture when you can gat lBetterValue for y,ourlmoneyi;1(toiiall. �a nirtin 3',�tS. CO WO OTU leaving bought t\uttlte I+'urnitnno Bt.:Moose of 11(17' y S. i•airbtLlrl,, and ntlded largely to the ,.tuck is 1 enab11(1 to offer furniture. at vary 10 : )771 yes. 111y Undertaking Delo.; 3Ln10310 will be tou,,,l 511 - Peril!): to nay in' this 50etinu, having just received 0 large ,addition of tall kinds of undertaapvg *eats 'A. first-class hearse will 1;6 fnri3ished for funeral: alt reasonable terms. Also agent:Jot t1e Walser 1' and Nelt'York Singer Sewing litacbine. M I L L I �i Z�-! E JAS. COXWO1iTH. AT MISS GAR1:1:IOK'S v0wlllnek Strew lIntn,New 5:1tina and 81111.s,' New Ribbons, Feat' ters, Flowers. and Ornaments, eheaperthan .ever before. Fano I, .Cit oods. Ronitou anal. Point tiraftl3, Berlin Wools, Mot. 00+, New I.r(ii0in., Patter:es-0 full line iu of el] hese Goods. Cal}mud see them. MAIN 5`[ Itt bl t', - - EXETER,. JOHN BACK ' having purchased the steel; of .1ie58r8. tipicer, has removed to the store lately oc- cupied by theist, North of Po it Office. Al! ]dunk Flour and Feed Always on Hand. FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS in groat variety. JOHN MICR. NE vV' GOODS,NEWGOODS constantly. arriving at W. D. MeGloglilon's Mammoth :1owo(lory Store, 186, Dundee street London, Ont'rio, Whenever you visit the For- est, City eon'; fail to visit this fine establishment, the only first'clfi• s store of the kiud in the City, and best arranged Jewellery store in the 11ot711 nion, The W.7),MeGloghlon Watch stands un- rivalled. Al' who use them recommend them to their fr.encls. A11 kinds of Watches ill stock Clocks of every (1eeerld)Eion, Rich Jewellery of ev- ery style, Diamonds and Precious Stone8,Fancy Goods, Spectacles, and all 'S1 adding Rings, Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery repaired anti 'warranted W D.lto),LOGRLON'. LACHINE CANAL. NOTICE TO MACHINIST CONTRACTORS .SEALED TENDERS addressed to the tuidersfgned (Secretary of Railwals and •Canals}.and endorsed "Tender for Lock Gates, Lachine Canal,' will bo received at this einem until the arriv'(1 011111), Eaatent and Western mails 'onTilUliyl)AY, the Std day of JUNF. next, for the construction of:gates, and the necessary ma- chinery connected with them, for the new locks 015 theLaehine Canal. Plane, Seeciflcatinus and General Conditions can I;o seen at thin office on and aster THURS- DAY, the 20th day of 51 1Y next, whore forma of tender can also be obtained. Parties tender{ur are expected to provide the anoeial tools necessary for,. and to have a practi. cal knowlodg) of, works,of thi9. class, and are re - (mooted to boar in ruine1 that tenders will not bo cousiaered unless made. 0. Icily iu accordance with the nrinteta foiitu,. ai}ff1,t---in alio ensu of firms —except ttlore are lattllc.hod,tlle actual signatures tho nature of the occuliat¢pn x11(1. Gsp residence of each member 'of tbyo acme;i (431(1, further, anae copted bank cheque fpr a sun-) crjilatl to $250, for the gates of each k trust au'c0)L(iany oath yew de whish sum s1ialj)fie forfcitodd'i the partyten- dereng eleolineti entering. into coi1tAncI for the work at tiro latoaal,1). oh thq, termite -toted in the 0)T,�e b ifted 1113 cheque i*ne sent its wil' be reformed to the reeiptlotive parties whore tenders are not accepted For the tilato,ful1inicnt tit the con)rart the party o21;. rties whose 1.0utler, it is pro pp prod to :incept v,;i/1 be t stifiud,th t their tendor;i(1,aeceptsld sub- 1jeot to aattolloeit of fine per oct}4 0f the bulk tutu ;0t the contract, -of which.thq. Bum.. sent in with• the tender will, be considered a oath -Eo be derma . teal to the esndj1 of the llecet, (or, General within e' eat <1 zy. (afterthe 'lateof tll(ynotiee,, Ninety per cunt only of tl)je p) ograeae•.oetimatoe will be paid until the eomplottpn,o . the work, This i)epartlnent dour net; h'iaoser, bI.i 15 lfsel1 'to accept tah.loWast or e.tir tSntlor. ' i3y order, F B3tAI N, Seerej(►) •, Popo of Itpf!�rtly.{ anrt Canals, ELL & PICKA are now showing full lines in New Dress Goods, Prints Wnit.e Cottons Grey Cottons Deni -ms Ducks Skirtings Ttt'veeds, Worsteds, &c. X11 5 tl� ;�StQ •.1 This grout nensohold Sredicino ranks amongst the leading necessaries of ,life. These falnone 1'1118 purify the Breen, an(j,"atit•:most powerfully yet 400titingly on tbo Livef, Stomach, Kidneys, and Bowels, giving tone, energy,. and vigor to these great mean 8prni.g1 of life. ahoy tiler con- ddently reoelnmended as a never failing remedy in all 0)1808 where the eenstita tion,from whatever :muse, has 1180010 impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments inoi• dental to females of all age; tatul as a genes al Family 'Medicine are unsurpassed , Its searching and hen,llug properties (1.10 1:110w11 11 roughont the world. For the one of bad leg6,bad breasts. old w0naude Sores andU)cere, itis an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it cures sorethreat, Broncllitis,(longhs Colds, and even Asthma. For Olandltlal Swol• lingo, AOeesReR, files, b'istritaa. Gout Rheumatism and every kind of Skin Disease, it has never been known to fnil. ThePiils and Ointment aro taan- 0factllreeonly at 533 OXFOILD STFKT. LONDON, And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines through- out hrough- out the civilized world; with directions iu almost every Mugu me. The Trade Narita of these Meelicinea are reate- tered to Ottfiw.s. 11.011ce, (any one in the British Prgseesinn..,wllo mn.y keep the American Couu- se.feit. for sale, will be prosecuted, F 'l`.ir0017'$0,•a ahonld look to the Label on the nd Boxes, If the address is not 590, Oxford Loudon, they are Spurious L+ MOVED --H. KINSMAN ti1it1N• has removed to ?c'annon's lllookr, three floors north of Carling's store. ()trice upstairs. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIWAY. TENDERS FOR ;TANKS AND PUM G MACFIIN51RY. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to noon 011 SATTf 1AAY, the 15th MAY neat, for furnishing and, e,.u6�acting. in place the 80.ern1 watering Stat{on¢.,ai vgthe liue or the Canadian )aeifle Bnilevay up) Ayr con- struction, Frost -proof Tank» with Pumps' and Pumping Power of either wind or steam,aly11Uay be found most suitable to the locality. Drawings can be seen find ap eoiftoation61 and other particulars Obtained 'at the otltee oil the Engineer iu ebiel, Ottawa,, qp and after thc'l5th Ape il., By gxdor, P BRAUN,, Secretary. Dept of, Railway 6.and. (la illi, Ottawa .1pt April, 1810, tel CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TE iDEISSa P01l J,RO BRIDGE, spPF.al- STI.1 TUR11. .TENDERS addressed to theunder. aiened,will_be,reeolved up to neon oftFPG11- DAY, the. lith MAF next, for fn null illig ttm(11 erectidg 'X�;13 , 1uperetreictltree otter. thN l(a6ternt and West' rn outlets of. tho Lake,ot the Woods, Specl1oatii0ns sad'soliltter particulars wi ijbo fur- nished on alt�ey�icatir)psnf the Oleo of the, Engin for hi tihidf,.r)itawa,rolu and after the 15th April,. Bo order, Pert of lifileveys arididatraall, fi' I1TiA,UIYt• id 0)t4 'MY 10 iSerfaS *. . 0:o ALSO AN ENTRA. ASI 3RTMENT Gents' reit a,. ats including- the Latest Reivelties. or.nza'vZI car.r.=.4.D m ax= CLOT INC ,1 Boots c ; Shoes.. in, Great Variety. A. Choice Line of Wall Papers. Our New I'IG{'LD & GARDEN SEEDS= are now in. No Worthless Stook. Your Patronage Solicited.. $?dliWELL.Lt PICl"iARD, JUST RE.CEZSrE1): AT TITFt EXETER G E R Y AND LIQ'U`qFq, IS'TGRE :G1UN, WAIL, OTJ , JIYSON 0141314CE. TEAS; -ki,,AASINS, CURRANTS", PR1.INEB,, DR kE APPLE. A� LAV.GyLr SLOGS. Ox c.42';�ED FR JIP, SARI jINE•S; LUB1STE1t&, • SAL A19, •,. '13I17El155WC3 'AN1's,PICKTrESa BRANDIES, GINS, WINES ANP, S BUDS, WYE", M.A,'1j O fLIG Ct✓iir 1B4 I OD; r,00?LtMOx, WE11 IJ TVBACOO$, AN.O CIOEA11(s, lifhoksalp And,, 6T. A8. AoF *Op S:trest,Emeter,.., �A :E. zulat rlecelyqclie4 el o oe suitply.of i t' . WL� ., , E',I�. PL,.AN T S.�.E S D S, . , � q1 aid nee them» ' eholdi arae? Sliver: .isle, for. safe, Pure, ?,Vines and tjqupol fpr. ed(ieian,,l' PI u apses:. .W '�., StZLL Y. Proza, . 4