HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-6, Page 44 The Maisons Bank saeoreeet tette ex eve or reAreattli'e'r, 1855. Capita/7 $2,000,000.. HEAD OFFICEMONTREAL 'T$oate,s wonsateN. DK. ,$restdefa-• l ann J.R. I3. oy, ]flSQ., - -- trice -?area:, DI1t,sO ORS. Bon DL Maopltereuu. 1e W Shepherd, II .A, Nelsen. ill la Ia, •ti it Ewing, Miles Wi1lialrls, 1 . Wiwima Titotete, P,BQ., Gatt'i13ldadUar, Jas l t i [u't,1:;tiQ., Manager Meottrcut Branch, AL- tir-iaoN, I1sQ., - - • - • - Ittsi,euEor. .Exeter 13rano21, 81.NIt7C C, B1ILVYF,Ie - - MANAGER, LOANS TO FARMERS, Slouey advtuteed to farmers on easy terms, on their OWu pruutisaory flutes with one or more good en- dorsers. No utortgetge required as security, SAXIN{+S HANE DIVAIRT'11X3 :L` 5 nee cent Inferestattoweet on (1ea.'osits. Drafts ou United States bought andsold• Ster ugBxolluuge bought and sold, Collections matte iu all parts of the Dominion and returns promptly remitted at lowest rates of •exeltauge. Exeter Angust15th 1878. G-ui THIS PAP play be found nix ftl'1 tit Cleo. P. IIUWP:LT, at Co't Newspaper Advertising, Bureau (10 Spruce tieing),ou ere rncteituty poln , tieiu�, c0utlnata luny jC9��l�m1J 10 rattle fur it in . Iv t vitefi Einit;:. THE OPPOSITION LEADERSHIP. Last week we bticily announced that the Hon. Alex. 'Mackenzie had re-ign• ed the Lee:d•: raliip of the Itefortn party teed that Ilam. Mr, Blake ,hard been se- lected to take his place. The change of Ieadership is of no vital tn.nneut to t:le C.lnservative party ; it o ,ucerns thee only do fares it mayhlave an ihiin- enee on public opinion, anal there is not any great danger of the immediate over- throw of the ,goverument. It has been evident for many months that a ohmage in the leadership of the party was es- seutial to its uuity. But will the new- ly -appointed leader succeed iu barmo- nizing the many conflicting elements of whioll the party is composted ? 'We hardly think ile will. It is no secret that many of the most influential men of the party, cordially detest Mr. Blake, owing to big manner which shows that he believes himself unitpprottieilabte and iuconlparable. L'ut whether be will be a duceeasful leader or not, time will tell. 113 hall foreo.l lir. 11lackeuzie in- to such a;positien that the latter could do nothing but resign. His breech on the Pacific Railway was a meet heart- less and noblest:iug ooradetunatiou of all that Mr. Maellenzie bad done con- cerning the construction of that Tail way. Mr. Mackenzie was forced to say that lie had spent millions of money ins -•preliminary" surveys, and transport- ing steel rails to Britteh Columbia for a railway which he never intended to oonstruot, and he must have felt ex- tremely uncomfortable and very unlike a leader when he voted in favor of M . Blake's resolution, and against the sol- ' ewn obligations he had previonsiv en- tered into kith British Columbia and England, and all at the bidding of Mr. Blake. Under such cireumstances it is not to be wondered at that he felt hu- miliated in the eyes of he people and t -keit representatives, and resiened the leadership of the party in disgust. Mr. Mackenzie had many excellent poiuts, and as a citizen would be highly eateetn- ed. As a political leader Le had not • the necessary urbanity of manner and versatility of talent. Unlike Sir John, I probably tbe_nrost successful aud um -1 vernally admired• leader on the Ameri- can Continent, nature had nut been lavish in providing, flim with those Huron News• The baled of ilio liSrd•. Iltett., are re. tleiving dew uniform. They will now preaent a better aud more Military ap- l'+sarauoaa A. (eve days since, a little daughter of Mr. !1Ybea. Senior, of Blyth, met with an accident which almost oost her the lees of her right eye. Sbe, was playing with a stick and fell on it, Milting her- self above the eye. A Mile girl, three years old, dntitrht. et of Solomon Stannan, of Mci illop, was badly scalded on Satttvday of last weak. She had been playing in the kitchen with a brother, and while thus engaged, the hatter pushed her into a pail of hot water. A foe' daps alnoe, a step -son of Itir. Robert Marabail, Goderioh townshin, met pith a very painful aeeitient, 1;Ie was engaged in driving a team plowing, and nue of the :horses being lazy, be went to etrilte it when the other horst; 'kicked hint in tide face, inflicting sev- eral ugly gashes. A few days sines, as lir. James Cart- er, of the Oih or,ncession, Gaderieh township, was di lying a young 11Qrse, the animal became 11nrnanageteble, and ening oft et breal(-neck (peed, suddenly bolted throwing off Mr. Carter and bresing him cnunidernble. List week, while Mr. D. Canteloe was driving thrnueh Clinton, the axle of his wagon broke, causing the horse to run away and throw hint violently to the ground; fortunately no bones were broken, hot he elle taltied several bruses about the head and body. On Frids•y of ]est week,Mr.A. Smitb of 1 gmondville, met with a severe an- ridtsnt. He wag engaged in taking flown dnuble windows on the top story' ref hie house, when the latter slipped. I)reeipating him to the gronnd. Both arma were broken above the wrists, his nose badly damaged and other injures received. North Middlesex. The regular (Inarterly Methodist Per- ' vied catno off at the ab.tve church last 'Sabbath. Look out for counterfeit 25 and O. i cent e'liu. A number of such being in Circulation. Try C I' n a i v wood ashes, leached or a I>nl C•ll- e eel, as top dressing for most vege- tables. The Ailsa Craig fire alarm bell, that is to be l)0 more: Tho colaneil biding both afraid aud ashamed- of it, ordered ' 1 t t a t' 't Exeter Alai/ _G 15N0 It a good one.------,----- , Or Tuesday evening Illy alto,, the f ' Jubilee singers, from Hamilton, are to': give one of their admirable concerts, in 1 tale liethod:it e'huroh, Ailsa Craig. Juhnny O'Connor o: the B'idl+,lulph (•• tragedy nntoretyty was greatly attached f• to Countable Pope,. and wept bitterly. un being transferred to his ue•ty home I and keeper. • Rev. F. Rfilley, of Ansa Orni.'g,ereael3- .undsoarljuatecl thtitthe niotrtintrxperteenee(t,ytirlt ed to a crowded' bona° of i idfel1owa the alit .,f the 1 :rated ilia-et:Runs which amen, 11any each snit,.eas soctue it llaCAR; t tit.. They are and others 1)1 the Methodist Church, cheaperthan anyothers,.. Sabbath eveuing, April' 2,5•eb, subjeot, ONLY "Honor all men, Love the brother- hood, Fear God. I3 )ger Ilia Xing." Some fine setec'i'ous were rendered by the choir. Mary Ilottg"ens,. of Blciiietaluh, died on Sunday, 25th.. She was -.a pioneer of pioneers to that distriot,. she settled there (from Co. Tipperary;.. .!relitr'd) svhen there was an nobrolte;n, foes from her shandy to the Georgian bay shores. She'.wus 90. yeaars oldi'whet: she died. - qualities outside of yet correlated to statesmanship.whieh are peonlld-ly air essential, possession of distinguished political'isadlars. A. leader was want- ed for the Reform party. We•feter they have not (utai:'led the manioc the posi- tion.. Tarte will' tell. A I1L'FoRllx contelnporarty says some of the (Souseatias paper; of the oouu- try are•eildealvor'ing tea work up syn pa• thy for the wouldl, a aaAaesin or H'on. Geo. Drown' by representiirg that be feels great regret b'eaau- a the wound is likely, to prove fatal., It is extremely fuolislt, for any -paper to make each a Charge. . W' do tot think their • is a Conservative paper in t+lie gountry-t•llat dee• not, feet! genuine, regret? oto the; at. trtok en Ur. 1*own a aro,, owl, anger at the fe1i!ow who, mace- the Aeon* It ()bite possible. however,, for them, to. state that i,1,, Bl'otatee,assltilatit ia. rryt• foe what' ha h,ts dbrle,, without endeav-. Wog,to,ogeul0 synmj r*tlit fk Ail tt. THE T•r Es MAI G. 1880 ''T 1 ONEY FOUND --IN EXI rEi a few days neo, a sunt of Monty, by Mrs, debit IdeInues. The owner inay have the ening by preying property and ltayiugg expenses evilly to 'TORN Afelblel ;R, Fleur and Feed Store. A �WA,YS ON HAND IN THEIR SEASON, the best of Seed Barley fwf.�l31C�4 Oats ALSO • WELLAN D CANAL, NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS, QEALED TENDERS addressed to the uncle. signed (Seeeetary of ilarilw,tya end (Muftis) and onder'sed" Tonder fur I Metre, wet. issa Canal;' will be received at thin office iultil the alrtv..l of the Western. mails nu TES 7, S1).A Y, ('IIP 15th 1):k5 OF JUNE next, for the inlhatrne Moll of swine and shttinnery bri'le,,, at various places on aha lido of tate WWeliend (lama. those. fat h! 1 t• Quiekhme c Waferlime glia sarotoboaennlbrwttiouluftlul aa.•(1 wee], and thoeo fol railway phrs1+osns arc to int iiS LAND SALT, LAND PLASTER t c Rlaoksmiths':Coal AT SWENERTON'S WAREHOUSE, Exeter Station, where my warehorsennett will 3Irreys he found front 7 a1n to 0 p m to wait on enstoiners, B. Sli)LNERTON, MORTGAGE SALE! iron: Ylays, speciflon stuns and general detition$ can be Reel) at this 1)Laoo on and rft»r' 11C)>, i'•`-''k•I', :list day of MAY next, where forms of Teethe can also be obtained, t'astioatendering arnoxlaectedto have n 5v'e- tical knowledge of trolls:: of this cfrti, and are re- quested to bear le imine twat tc'nd„rs' will act hn nousldered unless. made ct ietly in aoemeinnee with the printed forms,, lid --in the ott-c oA 101111. —oxanpt tltoro are :Ltt.,Niod the a.elea.l 111 n"ttlres the nature of the oocupattuu,. alai ri' i,•Pnce of each. 'member o4 the seine e to id( teethe', an se- oeptmi bo,alt ohe('le for a smut t tante 50 a ttel for eaoll bridge for which an o14tr t eteele;.t web nn- c''tupuuy 011011 to"ttor,.whtalt mire elude he furf'it. ed if the party neutering decluu a entt'riug into contract for the work at ton r+ttas sed rat int tettr,s stato,t in the oIt.1•a'tl.ut1lited NEW STAND. 1 would aaivaint my oustomors that I h(tvo red moved. lily Flour Feed IltiPtuo s to' W. II. TXIOOTT'S' OLD STAND, Three Doors Rouen of Bin Post Orme, and hive nfl5ned O11't a Miele° stock of fresh tr.LOWJ:;k4, TfI'I L]) AND WiIt•DEN SEEDS. L -a- Fiieerend Feod dolt't•ored free of charge;. YY 1" : U,oI2T'Z�' -L4axe :C'"i' .i O2'f,ii i.�ILQT"R and GRIST MILL,. llolog in 7nn,1 •worlrinn order gin sa every aceom- 'dttit1 ll�,;,il,lt• in ,(rs•tidg nrd flooring. flour: nm1 mill feed eeliverell to pttrt•ic.a leevin4 their urdetr hall ol r one n', fool; tttJ.1:G Id Il Ifttkery, o_ 0'11Y= le tt (lag, or atnlill'salne fifty 'N'll' dn'�tiidn ni��' rr11x°„! ,d�W W.a 'ifs/ trt'iiia.n The °tannic thee sent Ini wit' retu•ne d to the L ,, est) itrtivaye•hlpsn .,. a ,,'. •c t, 1,. F`or•the dee fulWAment of tine c'eeri o t the pert1' or pltrties whose tender It 1 pen epee tl t., acerin I here" r 7 -1 n:sad the 1T,rrlwev Sleek of the --OF-- will bo notitie 1 that, their heeler istweeted 1111'- Mttn ft P ,171; 1) ,vent t flu. from. Ile. J. & Reward,. i joet to a th po1 it of iffy per cent: of the built run 01 • ,l'1, st,'elt ooneilt:8 of L R ,l, Llanrtnall tub -Kir yhltiuh the ai?u0. sent au with the ,;111 and B3ndinz g► a cl>,ory tend ntlt be considered 11 ye •t- t , le. depeeitr'n tltiro retie oftlaRo.v..-(lentrl.virllat•••,,7 (tats uta a t'10 date of the notion. Ninety per tient only of tun proms, a r5 erie eaten will be nein until the eoanpletintl of the tw)t•L-: ' This islparttneert doe,, not, however, bind,itenif �TzrDer AND BY VIRTUE OF t� t tt� 1 t t dr. of Mortgage, dated the !lath flay of Jauua^'y, 147A, i ' Tttrl'V madeby•ftnlos Wilson dad Wiltituu 'Meer° and 1.4IT tatty. t',u,ir t :pootive wires to the vernier, these will he Dept of ltttihveys averCiural:e. u1dl,y ottuwu,SOth ibtioa, 1Yh.; til are 1 tendersnren t nt.tll tel. .8t V Qf �1 ,ice a o ameap :.e -)twee ur •cane el) e Power of Bole eoutuined in en Indenture L'y order, Pnblxc� l� i2c't ic�Tl, AT REYNOLDS' HOTEL IN THE VILLAGE OF lE.NSALL, -- ON— Friday, May, 7, 1880 BY SABLES OIi i?,,.Aocr tie nim,. At Three O'cleek in the afternoon, • subject to Faie�t• cnn(;iti'--s es Mull 1,then bepre- dnced, the ftlluwine Prevertt ,.via : Lots Ntnubers .100 and .tr. on the 1pn•tlh cede of King Stl set (utbors'ise tuu.iurtch Leath in the Vdiage ofensaHH iu.tlwCounty of Mum., enutaluing bv aamoas- urem,nit.tto-fifths of an etre, be the seumr•)xlore or less,.ns.shuwn un the. nada or plan of the sub- divi.iun of 1)att of the cosi th hall of 1.,et Sl,,iu the 1 mate 't• HA n! u c.e fou £ O t1.) Township l o of ins known uoyru is, .a, Ya ix\•'s r3ut•vay. There is a'-frituie dwelliee, Manse en thepronuf- Res, to„ (atllerltith a large frame building which was lately occupied by the mortgagors as a bsnd- inl. furteory tett is fitted with engine audmua- chine ry fvr trait ,)tlen° e0. 1,1 terth'r 11attieitlars appi( •to the auct:itttesr ur 0.t thr"uiliea l)5' ItIR Ti .l'..eneraOT.. end or&. 0 iei or. ar erre s Bazar Patterns They aro graded to FIT ANY FIG UR • Some time -ago we saw. in lame let- ters, over the door of a publics house, James Flanagan licensed to sell! spirits, Porter & Me. Alt night. time some one so altered tate worded Neat it was made to read :.J,,1ldanagan' licensed to dela Hell.. An old policeman seeing James next morning trying ta•hnend the mat- ter, oried'out, µ] 1auagau yam should jet Hell albue." D3IATHS.. MANNnce.,—On the 2961e :vieril, at the eesidasloe of her,. father,, Mr., McBride, 177 Albert Street,. Luudona, t"2cilia, beloved wife, of ;`Iv.,Chas,,l1i nning,of Exeter, at the age 20 yearn.. j1OUN1).—On Satl�rday, April 25th,, at the bridge in. Exeter, a eniall paroel of.. lauy's wearing apparel. 1')10 owuer eau leave it. -by cattily; atA in,FenwiCtt's,proving the prcllprty and paying for this advert -Unmet. Exeter, May 8th. 1880. 2tc.. CENTS liOIY. A- COM:. �� SUIT. Age nt fowEz,eter and vdeinfty,- W. A. OAINTFIELD Re would also can special, nttontibn: tabic well assorted stock of Panay (1n 1ds, iter?ii1 Wools, Fingering Yarns, huitting Coition in full steers. Kuittiug done to order. N good supply of 1105- lory always ou baud. Plees•i a ill a111)1 examine stock and prions before p,lruilasing elsewhere. Opposite len neon's Block. Cr 1•TZIMLI). EARED TENDERS WILL BE IJ' receive'? at this office until MONDAY, the lobi day of MAY, at noon, for the emote.% nntt comp,otinn -of Heating Apparatus for Post Office,. abs,, Witxsisor,Ont, P1'ane enti'speeinrations can be seen at the' office of William Srntt, Bilge Architect, Wi'tdsor. and also aro- age Department of Public Works, Ottawa, on antl'n•ftor;ifonde the 20th Instant.; Tenders to be•e•ndorsed"'Toners for Routing Apparasue, Wiitdser "- The signatures o1' two solvent redpponsihle par- tios'willing to becomo•sureties for the due heel- ment of the conte ac -tato be entered into, to bo at. tacked to tha•Tenderr TheDepartment:witS note be bound to accept the lowest or any teuder t 510811PL;La 177, Noe etary. ale)strtmsnt of Pub115 Works,, 'tc88 Ottawa, 22nd April, 1680, r +•-.•IL:., •A1A-E.i.Ell lig'-. ' r�'ili -Mill Bash r '� Pei land Cana .s t'NO}TICE T3 MAcfNIIST CONTRACTORS BALED TENDER'S ad(lreesrd to A tits undersigned tSec,•etnry (11 1lrtilwtat•e and Canals). 111111 ourlol•e•ed ” Tender rev Lock Gruen:, Weltalsd Canal” will be received Ott nee mine. .until the. anis-el of the I'lustr•1n nt,d Weston naafis en 1111J1t;e.UAY, the ere (lay 01 nr..N •: next, :for tiro cnustrvwlu,tl of gates, anti the necnsanre .tuuchineryronuected with them, fox thenew locks on the \Vel1and Canal, Plana. Spceiilr�:ti'ns dila Grntnyll e0firlititrns eon be seen at 11111: tnneo un, (..net nits>r. 1 11('Y>s- lt , . DAY, 11 o I r e_ t l 1t oay f BUY nerd yvlter0fcr1 s a 01 e ' v r , t n(. •n L t stat 11 0 l:ri obta[ucd. Parties tendering arc expentod to provide the spe0itll tools 11etes1.1t,,' for, t'1 hiwe.1 practical :rllc/Mel.l,rto of W,l'(,1 01 ties Blass, awl are rogue t- ell to betty fu mi,i t thio 1111thlta will net he 0on- tiderellttnlns::ltad() strictly fu aceoednnoe with t11;• p, ilia et forme, unci—in t111' case of 1"rns—rax- u pt there (1.10 attached tae actaru alenr,taroe,t e patnu, of the occupation 'u,l residtneo of oa,dl member of thu „nue; and, tnrS,her, au accepted ..rink cheque fora lulu cljtull to *ea., for the gates of multi lock, au tat acconepany each. to oder, \y h i all 5)1tu shoal be forfeited. it 111e party te11Lm im de" clines entering tate cuutreet for the wort: at the 'lanes and 011 the toms stater( in the nicer ,nbtu.t- ` The P Tltc 01 e(lnn time seat i4 will be retnruntl to the respective Pantie; whose tenders are not ate cept ,d, 1'or thednr. tnittlaneee of the enntract the parte- g,0la10140S 1011000 tender it 10 pr01,0E0d to at:ct• It will bo 11 1.11104 that their tender is 41.00011 ter) 5121)- jeot to a deposit of feedlot/. cent of the bulk so of the °entreat. -of which the sura pent fn 'WW1 the tender will be considered a part --to be deposited . to the erodit of Lha Receiver (ionerat within eight amus at'tet the do to of the notice., lfnety e'er eO',t 0013" rat tbo ))''Ogres estineatos will bo pap) uuti1 rho ctttl 5)letitm of the• everter This Department Luce not, however, bind itself to except the lowest or any tender. By order,. • F 13RAtt� , Som otary, Dept of P11ihvaye and Canals, UttaRa, :,kit 1Ln oh,,16t1a, td Canadian. Pacific:2,,ai1w,y. TENDETIS FOR TRANSPORT' OI') • BAILS AND, PA.9'rEN-ENCTs1. 9 f. a I:;iI and .1'senty ''aailiwayv Sk'itt'er: and Shovels, Dr11ti11a1 �Sprulc5, 1Stalla, GLASS, PUTTY, OILS, P0IINTS, Gawi Cil dile, Tent Stuff of All in'ls, Pitl,st.\r of I?tl.ri,t, anti Oit, Lamps rncl Cl(innleye. tfneTheeeeee:'tBefeweePriems 41^ern , tit;ii •„11 11 elle. mate t ono u,yt•„ak f:.1 a 1010 •lac,. .t .'.,11 t5 rev,v'(( ;r,] ,li1,eitud: No tr• thole to '.11,1• 1100.15, .1111 pr.u., U '1 be found to suit tlic- •,,lltr•>, 'rt•11 ",, •'a '1.'. "' A roll. 4.. r'�+'•t'' sal Q oeub s durkrRa'..ti, ,1, (Lilt duet, v Sam wall's Illoo''. . The Best Field -.1G RANTS. IBiMl1" Th1 Ai:E:t OP RATT,ROAD AND ill 717 Et\:Sr,;it LA N1771, (11' !MEAT 10J?II11l,- I•rY, WI'l'r1IN EASY REM! 11 n11 1'1(OM.1''1;7.'0 MARE:ET, AT 11:r:'1'1t1•:ifi,11•,Y G 1\k l'ltlt'l: i•t now ottor01l for eu.le in EASTERN •0R5(lON wad EASTERN W.iskliNoor'ON T1'.1tRI'1O11Y. 'rived) 'rands fore] part of the (;rent GRAIN 11 ELT of tato P'etefilc Sita c and 100 within an avertvie distance to 1ml,,toPer i whore SO wise fps 11114 H I spa:.;." ro,etals are (1(10)))) loaded >••O11P:tea's ee '1`1111 WORL3 GRAIN AT PORTLAND OOMIANDS A MINN lt;tli?AL TO THAT ODT.AINEI) IN CHICAGO. The Nortllrnl ❑title TtaflPrayand /Oregon Tlnfl- way and Navigatim d tmnl ,fly aro limy building Oomiles ofr<Lllway, tlavl1':l ng this region la all directions. 'elle settler to talus aeser(1 easy aud cheap 1ransportattilll to tile -water on the Colt ro- bin rlrcl•,nn 1 a, vapid lot:moan 111 tlln vahh1 • of these lrtu.ler. wllicll are now open to purchase nn,l pro. emptle1, LANDS SHOW' an Al Et7Arr;1 'YIELD D OF •4I1 Wilt-T3fl' Lb•Oilt WI1NAT PIER ACBE. No 'k allure• el Crops urea' known. B:ti IT1OAD LANDS offoosd at the uniform rate of g1.5l) au ,Are eil.LPMAI,E. MJW NM. ' KEALTkWIW, P01' pamphlet snit maps, descriptive of onnn-• ,try-, its resources, alimate,.route of trarol, rates. •i11111cfitl•1'41f01'1natiAl1, address T. 7P'l,. TANN:ATT,. Gael elusteru 1'ans'r .Agent, 252 Broadway, New York City. 'C'a1:ae.;ln Pacific Rail -- 4 W ay.. EALED T1*NDEI�'EP IxDRESSSED 1 TENDERS O FL+'I�,C�iNG, t to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tendons ' Flio•neetexeignnelarill receive Tenders for Wire . for'Lransport"will, bereceived u 1 to noon of sat urd110, the sth day o 31 ,0 next,. aur tyle transport of about2.7,000 tons (grads and Festeniinge—abon- eile-half to be delivered ou cars at. ISuterte 1 (11141 thu remainder at Fora William --during the sea- son of 1880. F'• rats of bendor•can bo had and 0therilltorma- tinno.on a )plication at.the ufllce oil the Eugineer- ut. ehlef, Ottawa. By order, Il i BR:1.UN, Soc.e•tory. Dept. of Railways at Canals, 1, Ottawa, Mod APRIL, 1860 I. SMUG AND S.:NICER 1884*. BISS:TT BROS. are now showing a lsege antlwell assorted STOCK OF TINWARE DOOR A .Di ` Alsace, new and, well selected stock of \iTO;rt0E IS HLIJE13Y GIVEN sip that theopleet forCourthe of year 1 ion wilt bte Towu- .�■ ■� . Seip of 'itaphsln roe the year 168W1vilt ba bald at T T the Town, 1•lalt, In tilt Village of .Crediton, on Tuesday, May 25th, 1860, at 10,o'clock a, in. By Order. C131.11S 11 1t 1•litull"it,11 (ilork. NOTICE, IS }1J REBY (t IMS. that the ao•partuorsltil, formerly Hutlptgtt lugg between two uudoi'siguote Jamas :13013i.'14e,.aritl William Ate trilbies as genera blacktimithefutile • consisting (if' ]ILK CANS, PANS, PAILS, 'nailr Harvest Tools which they Ire ofi(aring• M 1)01.000 that d efy _ - competition, klave 1, rrougiliug(a,epeclesiCAr. ALL. MINDS OF • Viiingu of Reiman under the style or • Arm of hfcMa l(tn di MrIlride, was disared,by int/teal coq•` sent 0u,the fourth day et flay 18111 Hurl .4.at'th .,,, builfposs.wail i n tutu a be carried ou bye theN. sold \VII lar tit(3fiilan,alone, :whr, will receive (11211 payy >wii debts of file late c.,, eartnereldtt). ' W O.011ttit'rllbeti,, \vir,T.i(t 1, Mp 1113,T1.tMI \Vitness. JA.31111A AiuiiItIb1,., Rated 41 1i .1L a y,1880. • ray afigbcstlllrite paid for:Hided, Catf;and Sheepskins, in Crash or Trade., USE Done tro.gridoit, it erphashates e&, Bane Dust ttimtenels,hrtt a pieta R,�ulhirtaauduasiµ47.1e�drau,Dvx!-�,iQWar,d �•* OH:•'Itvalq►yyo11+ 6et'-'• KEW) F,g1t1,Y,oLI11',0A014/lflr.'.' ,Geucii,g,,tv,ae erected whearo111uredi, on the lino . of Rahway in liheettoha. Yartiee tendering will furn,l h speeifcettions, drawings, Audi samples of ' 'rho i'ttnce'they11'Opose to art et, and inbio of the Farm Gales and Fastenings proposoti3 to he em- ployee.. The prices: must be for tht. w+ai'l' erected, • 'aud '15 every respect completed. 'ren'lern ad,ireseed to the undorsig1ed:and en- doreed "-Tender for '-'enol-g1' trill bo ween•ed ups ttt elooflpn Tuesday , the 1st Julie next. 13y Order, F. BB.AT1h, Secretary._ ,Dept. of Ieailwa•1•e and Canals, .1 , Ottawa, Apetb25tl', 18$0. r yy rd -dal. -i V O IE.,I 4Vylp,,dAci sol htiry,tltem brick ?y Welt ..17trritty,1 -bought, them from, Mitchell,.,of coulee, I7ns he meaty of tI1o)fl.11ettee Why, yes, thoneands of • them „stud fitst-c111•se(teo. How does he bei1 thjn1, , etia51'r W,e11,dsntW,y,32 Bello thorn so cheap that' '1 wete not tpetell,.brtiiif you,waninny }fret gn right • there, for be save 110:14 bound 113,6011 eel cheap as any in th1e• evenly. Remember, ,he l.ves.,sjueh sillea>ned.;ton SSavel,roat1.. J1)HI ,:llr1` Li1i1J'li�°if1. ere litnill k'ob..24„46;,• s, , iQanadian a. i c�R,all wy' emu. 'ears, f jatr•Rd /14k; Nock, ,giENDJji 3 are invited' foieflirnishing' A. the Rolling Steele, rec yi1'ed to bo r1ol1Fered; au the dlanedinuu?acini• ELi i1wav, wits An•the next 1000 ):ears, eomprisblg the delilSoty fel oath yesrr sit about the following, vie . 20.,Loeowativo Vanities ]A First -chaos Cars (a propoation,boiilg slyepere), 29''deoend-cl'tsn Oars, de.,, 3. newest' and(lryggage eitrs 51 Postal, and snag king:on,rs,. 210. Box I''roigll34 ware. 10(1' $let earn 2teWing,Plbnglr1 2 •etiew Riteig11 p , 2 Flee gore 40,11ttat4 ittrs_ Tr3w w11oL1d 'r0 ly1s sta1NllAn(rpftax7 .124 xn?I: bordsitos.o -C1rt.t1A,and delivered oe the Clane-. Alan .P,hoi tc' Ltailway, at, lloxt;Willisinn, or.iu, tl.b•. Province of,Marditolxa. Drawings, 'specifications mid etheri(lfortn tion, may bs, bed on apl)lioatiqu at• the Wilco ei the 11na}rtelr-hl-oltiel• at Ottawa, lOu. aid - aft., the, 15th defy 01,111AIICH next, Taylors will bo received blv the tytt'{eraignod up;, to noon of !Tthi1R1}DAY, the; 1st deey,uf JULY IlT, orftir, ' O R MI N, , secretary.. ott.ihwa 104*41.10,