HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-6, Page 311E General. Who have foro0d kW drays into six are req uired to work t wo Inot•u on the The ex-Lutpress Eugenie has er. forifautif Tho ei,gineers eves, heavy lived at Port taiteetetth. with sleep and fatigue, (lose int the too - The t ince of Waley visiteit tlr.Lila(1 moot %viten to do so is death to his liv- atone on Saturday. ing freight. Forced to be absent frons The cession of territory by Turkey to home and it °twitting i,i fitteitcea, de• hlonteuegrtl began on L+ t tll;ly. innr,tIl'ation aril[ t1I 81pation, triages Co-operative stores iu i'r'is, Frauds, and eteisel»lent at:isident and loss ou- Ilavo preyed a oumpletB failure. o'fze, l:. ce°. let ns trtud. Let us set Russia ha, tirade Bern and on Ite,ly for our fade and influences against break - the extradition of a notorious female' big of the Saboteur d,tiy, Let no work Nihilist. i he cruet trpou the track or alum the Lord Edwin Hill Trovet Will be v114.-1 1.0,0 upon that day tae far as our tiithi- ed to the peerage tiitll the title of Lord' circ'' eau prevent, it. Lot the railway bungee -titian trach quiet and undi:rturbed on The t awn cnnr.nieeionertt have cit,. Snt,(Iny sty utii' clin,oliyari1s, so that.. cider' to give a bait cuet to t„In (itlk(trr:a. (?vnrt may hate the privilege of of the Oonstellatinu. nr,kv'it g hie Borrie witli lila family on The Goustell:i,tinu ham began to diti• time. ti tiy,ta• lie aught.etud every rail grail ehat•ge her cargo of ut0vi'maty,, whte•li tie and wheel null bridge and rod itua will bo sent to all tioints hill elimawhui 01 windows ,tray recover its eiastieity. So I d.' b+•lieve that our nation will receive tt ble•ring. Our railway men 'will be lre.l'uier and ( h'tter roan, ,snN railway 'tier l,•ilre ,till ba ttdwuust balibilied from our knowledge.. twat required. A .1:3 ,uwhey despatch says there ie nn truth in the reports about the cleatli of Bing rl([ieebawi or. the !,1as Saunee at f1Tandaley. The Queen hes intirneted to the Declines of 11•rtirlbornn.;h her intention of oenferrinix the Rival 0. dor of Vic- toria and A leeft nowt her, At a grand brngnot. to 1)ta fiesseps by t onion ,.1y'ti chi:d i t tl� ing—,lying the fonntive of the Pelona:). canal with tate tin .11 et liol•e in hie von ug fact: euterptiee, DA Tai sep,1 warmly t,nlo uui „u i' tlt•t-ciibable yearning to lire gizecl ilia Arnericau press anti report •thti ani;''tt„ honored ph.ce in the world ere. beeittt: the onniltrtnient3 of hie yontll. And sem b.tdy'e Mother is thinking of tkoe tilme tv,tt;•u that • dear - file° will be hide' it where no hope can brig hien it —tehull her heart (tall hotne will be loft desolate—ht ctu•o tbt'I0 iw no euro for cuti',ult,t:ot,. Reader, if the chile be your neieiii•r's; take this comf'rting theological eulljeeta, hay been n uoilt. ; word to the tn,'th'r'tt heart before it i:+ ed Seorotary of the French Legation tit ! (00 late. Tell her that consumption is Wa811111 ton. enrable,t.bat men rue living today aged, The Emperor William hat alvi•e.1 r'.bustmoon, whom the physic:los pro the Ozar to retire to private lifat Li• vaale, for three months, lea..ins, the tlt):,11a13'.)PY•S Oi..IiLI), The King of Sweden has decorate:l Trot. Nordeneltj tltl 11. h;tr010 t a(i•l stint hila a grand or of thu 0 eler of the ,North Star in diatu•nlde ; value 1,000 guiueay. Dr. Edmund do Pro.epu•to, flit+ Pr•t. tostant divine and well-known c'titer •,n 1101311nntl iticttr Lile at ih+age of twenty- five, because nue lung had heel, almost conduct of affairs to the Czatevitch and destroyed by the dwelle. Dr. Pierce's Prince 1llolikcff, but the Ozer declin- Golden Medical Discovery is the must ed. ,`y efiicieut ,alterative fur separating the Some idea of the thrifty habits of scrofulous matter from the blood and the French mtiy be gathered irotn the lunge, and imparting stretigth to the fact that $153,800,000 was deposited sysietn. It has cured handl%(13 of eou. in the savings banks of France clun sutnittives. ing last year, and that the member of depositors exceeded 2,500,000 per. sons. The Lord Mayor of Loud rn haft re- ceived a telegrarn from the Christit.0 Coltnittee at Bagdad, saying that a terrl lel famine is prevailing in Tleao- pctalnia and that Maine lee m teen of etarvitig Curistians are crowdiees hither for relief. A. Lindon correspondent of the Ed- inbtltrtzh SCnteman BayB it 18 repnrted in official oiro'es that Sir Austen Ley - yard and Sir Henry Elliott, respect- ively British Ambassadors to °nustau. tinople and Venue, nave tent in their resignations. t Whoever is honorable and candid, A correspondent says the absence of honest and oourteous,is true geutletnau the Prince and Priuoaas Fr derilra of avhether learned or unlearned, rich or Iiauover and Baron Powell. Von Ram• ingen at Wiudsnr on Saturday last,and the Pxinoe's visit to of ugratulate Mr. Gladstone,is much commented on. The marriage of the Prineese of Hanover to her father's secretary has caused considerable friction in the highest eircle3. The funeral of Dr. Kenculy took place on Friday amid many tokens of mount- ing. A. procession of' carriages end sorue five hundred persons escorted the hearse from Tavistock square. the late red - device of doeeaaed, to Victoria Station for cr.'i:voyenoe by rail to Ll.nafug, Sus- our uoblestworks are generally most re- . sex, for iutetmont. Large crowds hued [plet with both. It is better to need relief than to want heart to i,iVe it. The secret of fashion is to surprise and never to disappoint. T1uth is the foundation of all know- ledge and the cement of all societies. He that buys what he does not want, will soon want what he can't boy. BETTER TEOUG.UITS: As the pearl ripens in the obscurity of the shell, so ripens in the tomb all the f 1ue that in truly precious. Every. elan endeavors whir his ut- most care to hide his poverty from others and his idleness from himself. Pursue what you know to be attain- able ; make truth your object, and your. studies will make you a wise man. poor. We bear wit'.,iu us the seeds of great - nese ; but suffer them to spring up,and they overshadow both our eenee,antl our happiness. Character is power ; it makes friends creates funds. draws patronage and support, and opens a sure and easy way to honor, wealth and happinees. The way to aognire lasting esteem is not by tiie fewness of a writer's faults, but the greatness of his beauties, and the streets. A Melbourne telegram saye the ques- tion of the exhort of frozen meats is seriously occupying the pnbiicatteution 'in A•letra'ia. 7.'ilere are 6,000,000 sheep and 3,000,0(10 cattle in Qua:Wand admitting a weekly exportation of 2000 toes of meat. Refrigerator works are to he immediately erected. Thousands of sheep were recently boiled clown for tallow. and cattle are almost unsale- able. The dale Henry Vincent, the English lecturer, ot.ce related to a corraBpoud- ent of The Tory Times Mint lie was driving with John Bright when the ileacs f Abraham Lincoln's death was ttlld them by a man who stopped their carriage by the wayside for that pur- pose. Neither of the two Englishmen spoke a word iii respon'ae. They drove on in utter silence ; and bye -and -bye when each looked un at each other's face., the eyes of both of thein were full. of tears. SUNDAY WORK ON RA.WLWAYS. Sunday is merle tate clearing -tip day of railways: More trains are nth on. that day than any other, It the grand excursion day ; the roads are crowded with trains, We are. pleased to 800 that one railway manager, Mr. Ilieltson, of the Grand Trunk Railway,' stands up against the practice. His sumer to the petition to run Sunday trains for excursions is pertinent 'I and sure that running finch 6xOursions on this railway will be of no profit; to it, and I think it will be ne profit to yell.' What wonder ;that the chapter of ttooicleuts is llo long and full'i''' Meu As the finest wines have often the taste of the soil, so even the most se - lignins often draw something that ie particular frorn the cnntitution of the mind in which they arise. A HINT.—If a youth is wooingly dis- posed towards any damsel, as he values his happiuess, him call on the lady when she least expects him, and take. note of the appearance of all that is un- der her control. Observe if the shoes fit neatly, and the hair well dressed. And we would forgive a man for break- ing off an engagement if :he discovered a greasy novel hid away under the cushion of a sofa, or a hole in the gar. nitrite of .the prettiest foot in the world.. Slovenliness in female will ever be avoided by a well -regulated mind. A woman cannot always he what is cal god '`dressed," but she may be alwayaa neat. And as certainly as a virtnoub woman is a crown of glory to her hue- band, so surelyis a slovenly one a crown of :thorns. 1�r}a month,Mnt e*Ponsosguaranteodtoartonts tu ` 1 outfit free. 8MAR'.t po Aegu ta,;fMaii,. TUE 8 E X E T e1 TIMES IN MHO i All kinds or printing done neatly cheaply and with dispatch Order you work where you can get it done the cheapest. Colored ork a Specialty ! THE E It A.LLAND W,l1v` i IiTJZA.OE+ ;"`.r. Sowthoott Son TAILORS and CLOTIII1:k13, Take pleasure to tr Torn" the bilrabitautiotBxetcr .dct surrounding country, that they Lave jus • oEtt.tedcrut an eocelieuta4eorttmentox 1`:i'eed*, Coatings, T estiu fsete,, in theta ten t 4tyles andpatterne,endfest,tenured tltatiutile tn,aMaar ofcrotkling, they oan suit the mostfastidfoustastes. �%(]rA're sae, CLoclte, YY Sewing, Rit:ohiues ,}rg,ias, Aerordouns, and 1;,nLreitas iopntred Aeerst It r the Warmer series sew- ing Mamines, Second- hand Sowing Machines for sale ohheap. All kinds of 1 'males and shutttesfor Sewiitgbiachine kept on hand Shop—drain Htreot, 1)ashweod, JOHN G. 8;11210\,Iroltriator, Atay10 1-y. The TIMESOFFICE has excellent facilitiesfor turning out CARDS, BILL HEADS, POSTERS, CIRCULARS f!O ! FOR MANITOBA. Lutin ; the zemttidder or tiro season of 18S0, Cx R I{ :+ N W_A.Y'S Manitoba Parties will leave ou The FIRST TUESDAY of Every Montt, :Next party on 1th May. For particulars aitl,ly to JR 0.71;4 ox. G.W. R,d.aont, Centralia ST, M �lll'S LIM+'WORKS. our lrawnliiln s born snow in full operation:and torals' i;autdailyalarge quant;ti of XE thatfor all purposes cannot be surpassed in the Domin- ion. Partiesfrom alistaneecan limey sbOPT rplied dtberatthekilns ar deliver dbyteame at low et remunerative rates. Order grata a distance urom1tt11 attendcdto. WHITSON 8 SC.L.iATE LEGAL 1.10 11. CADDY, Ltd. BA. ERISTER & ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, &c. Office, l'anson's Block Sauter. W IIcDIABMID,B.A., tf t.tI{GITER,N0TARY, CONVEYANCER LUC K 01,1T . MEDICAL.. DR. HUTCHINSON, Member of the College of Physicians end Surgeons of Ontario, &c., &c., Oiuee next door to I. Carlings, Main Street Exeter Dll. HYNDMAIN.—CORONER FOE the County of Huron. Oftice,nextdoor to tfr.I. Carling'bstore,Exeter. T W. 73ttOWNING M. D., C. M. fJ • P. r3, Graduate Viotoriauniversity• Offlee andresideuce, Don .niox 1 aboratoiv, Exeter. L) C. MOORE, M. D. C. M. .• Graduate of llcG4llUniversity, Montreal Oftieeaudrosidenee,Ibxeter,Ont. Office l ours— Ate lO a. m and 7 to 106. m DR. J. A. ROLLIN'S, M. 0. P. 8. 0., Viotoriu- St. Crediton, Ont. Office hours rein to 10 a.m.; 2 to 5 p• m. CLU'r'Z, M. D., • Wilco at his residence, Exeter. DR. IRVING, GRADUATE tNI- VERSITY Trinity College 0embeQyCollege Puveicians and surgeon' On:., olticelirkton. HOTELS. / `CENTRAL HOTEL, OREDITON l ) —wen. Baker proprietor. Thin Hotel has boon newlylurnisbedand fitted up in first-class style. Large and convenient Show Rooms for Oommereial Travellers; best of Bonenand cigars fit the Bar. Attentive Hostlers always on hand M 21-3m. WILLIAM BASER. PRINOB OF WALES HOTEL. OLIN L'ON. G. SWLlITS having purchased the above hotel, and fitted it throughout, now of- fers first -crass aocommodation to travelers, Good liquor and cigars at the bar, Good stabling ant attentive hoealer on hand. Every attention yard bo guests NEW BUTCHER SHOP The undersigned wouldinfornl the inhabi. tante oiExeter and vieinit. that hehas OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SkIOP oaedoor south ofhis$laacsu1ithehap anclhopes ehesameliberal patronage that has bean ac corded to him inthe IILAdEBMIT.ALND WLtlelf MAT.r2;tt liuewillbeextoudttdtohint in his uewbrancb o Business, Ris meat wagon winced) at the resi- dents of esi- dentsoofthevillage throetimateeeel weekend FRESH MEAT. all kinds kept eonetantll on hand at Lie butchorat1oli.' n1ackrtntthing and 'wagon tuakingearried col teusaa in el)ftit branchat E. DAVIS. LAm aS1EEll� Hyh ND titliaoyp ht Mitre and Bono Dust for your land. A spicy pa per givon away full:otinformatiou With t.stimo. eels, Apply to G. KEMP. area. EYetor. t o