HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-5-6, Page 22 T >_r PTMES 'ONE 01? THOSE OBLIGING .. whi(,li iulbdtli height and breadth mea- sures about one and n half times es muoh'as it would, if symmetrical with the other parts of even so abnormally largo a head. The trunk of the body is about the bathe in size as that of many a big fat boy who walks the street, but the muscles aro soft and weal for want of activity. The measurement around the chest is 44 Welles, and around the waist 85 inches. Itis legs, however, are no Wolter than those of an eight- year-old boy of the ordinary e'ze. Ile extends his 'lauds to visitors, bids them good-elay, and chats with them in a ehildlah manner. He seems to have au evenly -balanced mind, but it is that of a prattling infant, 1Ie cannot read, and never would try to learn eveu the alpha bit, as his neck, although no ,weak- er that might be expected in a rerson who has always beon confined to bed, was not strong enough to move his bead withont giving hire rain. Both parents were healthy, of ordinary sta- ture, and possessed the average physi- cal development. They %ore engaged in itgrionitnra1 pn1'8nits 'about two miles from the village of Britigebnrough, which is a league from Riverside, New Jersey. A willow living au Fort street east has lately been greatly annoyed by several boys trying to steal her dotes, The other day she looked out jest as a boy about 14 years old was climbing over the fence, ant as she opened the door be ran across the street,—She thought moral suasion might help his ease, and bhe called : "13oy, ss ill you please o lme over here ?'' "Naw yer don't 1" he growled in answer. "Come now, be a goo,' boy and come here," she contiuned as a pedeattian turned the corner. "See anything green abort me ?" sneered the lad. The pedestrian looked from one to the other, and asked of the woman : "Do you want him ?" "Nell, I dile want him to come aver. " "Then he shall come!" interrupted the man, and he darted across the road, seized the boy and shook him up and said : "Won't mind yer mother els ? Got too big for s o it bot ts, have Toe ? We'll see about that !" "Oh I sir. I don't want him hurt I" oriel the woman aq she ran forward. "Just the way with a mother— jest like 'em 1 No, I won't hurt him, bathe needs a sound spankin to take the sass ant of him! Lomme ;sit clown on this boss-blook. "Yon dasn't—you dasn`t 1" yelled the bay as be tried to break away. "Sir, the boy isn't ," pat in the woman, but the man interrnped. "I heard him sassing you, and that's nnff ; come over this knee, young im- hndenee I„ The boy hooted 1iko a panther, the WOnian ran into the house and locked . the door, and in a few minutes a man and woman came •tearing down the street and pitched into the spanker like tiesre. They were followed by a boy of 10 and a girl of 20, all belongh,g to one family, and they ran the man against a fence, over a hitching -post, acmes the road and then got hila down on a sand -pile and clawed him almost naked. Two plasterers interfered un- til he ecbld get up,and he went through #hem all, then he went out of the neigh- borhood like a 'Texas steer. If things are yet sort o' mixed in his mind, the explanation at the beginning of this . article will make things clear. Ail boys need a good training, but one shouldn't get 'ern misplaced. Every boy should be spanked on his own individuality. A TREil�1ENDOUS HEAD, REMARKABLE SPECIMEN' OP A MAN. A. most remarkable specimen of a roan, after existing for many years in the wilds of Jersey,uukuown to the out- side World, waa broughtto Philadelphia. Ever Pince his birth he has been unable to stand upon his feet on acount of the weight ofhis head, • which is of abnor- mal size. For 28 years, the length of his life, he has been compelled to lie in bed continually. His name is Charles Erling, and he was born in Burlington oonuty, New Jersey. He lacks ere inch of being five feet iu length, but vrnuld probably have grown taller had be been in theshabit of taking physical exercise. His head appears to be about six', times the ordinary size, and his mother says, has always been (begirt). portionete in weight to the rest of his body as it is now, The measuretnent around the head at the middle of the forehead is 88 inches, while the pas- sing over the crown and under the -hit is 44 inches. Of course the head could never be weighed aonurately, brat its estimated weigbtat present is 80 lbs, which is two-fifths of his entire weight. The inner corner of his oyes etre four iincbes apart the distance from temple to temple is 18 inches, and' the bridge of the nose six inches below the upper line of the forehead. If it were a case of hydrocephalus it would doubtless be less. remarkable ; but there is every h ' lett' evidenceiu sun o t ofstate-. si site p yl menta made by several physictnns that it is neither more nor less than an ab-. normal growth of the skull and brain. ','he head is solid, and its parts nearly 3,roportiuuate, except the forehead, ITIS MEMORY WAS (TO0 000D. A lyirg witness will often to:l a very glib story, but he generally fails to guard all his weak points. At a resent trial in court the following took place in attempting to pr^ye an alibi:— Attorney S,—Yon say that Ellis ploughs(' for v ou all day on the 29th of November ? Witness, referriug to tlio note -book —Yes. S.—What diel be do on the 30th ? W.,– We chopped wood. ti. --On the 31st ? Ws -That was on Sunday, and he went sgnirre: hunting. • S.—What did you do on the 32nd ? \V.—He threshed wheat on that day. S.—What did lie clo on the 83rd ? WV.—It was raining, and he shaved out some handles. S.—What did he do on the 34th ? W.—He chopped wood. S. -What dui he do on the—? But before the question 'could be fin- ished, the witness' wife seized him by r•ke collar and whisked him outside the witness -box, yelling in his affrighted ear— "Yon old fool, don't yon know there are only thirty one days in fere mouth of November. A BAD GIRL TO MARRY. A bad daughter, says an exchange seldom makes a good wife. If a girl is •ill• tempered at home, snarls at her par- ents, emirs at brothers and sisters, and 'shirks' her ordinary dttties,the chances are ten to one that when Pile gets a home of her own she will make it wretched. Therease girls who faocy tie m. -elves so far superior to their par- ents that the mere privilege of enjoy- ing their society in the house ought to be all the old people should have the assurance to ask. While their mo- thers are busy with domestic duties they sit in the eatsieat chair or he on the safest snfas, feeding on cheap and trashy novels, and °helic l the notion that they are very literary individuals. The household drud eery is too coarse for etich ladies as they. Girls of this sort are generally very anxious to be married that they may escape the dila- , greeablen 'se of a home where they are held more or less under subjection. A caller, who dnesn't have is chance to see haw they behave as daughters may be excused for fancying them lovely and lovable beinga ; but one who dupe see 11 is foolish if he commits himself by offering marriage to a girl of this sort. If she will not assist her mother in the domestic labors. is she not like- ly to be equally slothful and ill-temper- ed when she marries ? If slie now, thinks Herself too fine to work, is it safe to expect that her views as to that matter would radically obatige if she became a wife. HUMOROUS. A. cat's mouth is like a free show, open to weal. Deep monrning---the groaning of the sea. Madam, never bang a door, if you do actor bang. a A. man Without enemies—but we an. ticepate. He hasn't been born yet. While being wise, keep straight. Never be crosswise. 'I9ie oyster is looking forward to- ward hie summer vacation. Gardeners find flee April weather very apt to springs leek. Second thoughts are best. It is act the same with mortgages. Jupiter, like many good farmers, now risen iu. the WuruUig an hourbefore the sun. "Oh, the 'parting gives rue pain," as as the boy said when his 'Mother was combing his hair, • SLi« Ur MISUNDERSTAND#No.–A clergy- man having galled up a elites of girls and boys, began with one of the former in these words . "My dear child, tell me who made your vile body ?"--Slee had no idea of the question applying beyond her personal appearance, and dropping a quick courtesy, replied, "Please. sir, mother made the body, but 1 made the skirt." TUE BEST CxAp—ASootoli nurse was out with a baby iu her master's garden, and the gardener euquirt d, "L's a lads die or a !Reeler —"A laddie," said the maid.—"Wee'," says he, "I'm glad o' that, fur there's ower money women in the world,"--"Heob, mob," says Jes- sie, "did ye ins ken there's a waist Beau o' the best crap. IT is now pretty well understood to be a)daogerous practice to attempt to palm off worthless imitations of the -Myrtle Navy" toboeco for the genuine article. In former years that pi tetio' MSS the clause of much annoyance, fuel Messrs. Tackett & Billings were compelled to resort to the law oututs to put a stop to it. Though they have not met with any oases of thekind late- ly, is is always a safe precaution tor the purchaser to see that thetrade mark T. B. in bronze,letters is stamped au each ping, no ping ever leaves the fac- tory without it, and to appropriate the trade 'nark is a punishable offence. CONSUMPTION CURED An old physician, retired from practice, hav- ing had placed iu his hands by an East In- dht missionary tlio formula of a simple vege- table remedy for the speedy and permaneu- euro for Consumption, Bronchitis, Cattarlt, Ast thlua, and all Throat and Lung Affections, else a positive and. radical mire for Nervous De- bility and a&1 Nervous Complaints, after hay lug tested its wonderful curative powers ht thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it knuwu to his suffering fellows. Aetuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering, T will send free of charge to all who de- sire it, this recipe, in German, .0 reneh, or Eng- lish,with full directions for preparing, and us. ing. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. SratixA 1,149 Powers Block, Rochester, .N. E. GExMAN YRUTP•" No other medicine iu the world was eyer given such a test of its curative qualities as Bosmlrie's (+>ru;.UAN SYRUP. Ill three years two millions four hundred th-,usaud small bottles of this medicine were distributed ,fsec of charge by druggists in this country to those aftloted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia, and other diseases of the throat and lungs, giving the American people undeniable proof that Geeswas SXIiIIP will cure them. The result has been that drugeists in every town and village in the Ca- nticles and United States are recommending it to their customers. Go to your druggist and ask what they know about it. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Regular size, 75 omits. Three doses will relieve any ease. UP WITH. THE TIMES o— PARTIES INTisNDING TO .PURCHASE ORG A N S S L10ULD CALL AT @ vrorrs anti Examine his Stock, the Best that are Made. DOMINION 01IGAN CO.'S. CAUTION. Z ACH PLUG Oif THE Myr41e cavymAIIICED I T. B. 11413RONZB Li111ERS, NONE OTHER GENUINE, IN1r'le TIN E�tka •111) 1141 (3, :WO THE EXETER STOITZ roILP 0 JTARE this opportunity or thanking lay numerous customers for past favors. andn•i,:tte .g notify them and the public l;°uorally that I kltbsre 1'tdr(r110st.'(1 Mr, 1). J °hos' stock of STOVES, TINWAflE, LAMPS, 84c. &Ca and have moved my •colt stock into the building lately oeecpioil 17 Mr. elms, iit the 1'ost Oflioe Nock, whores I now have one of the larges. and best asserted stooks in tltt, county, Cooking, Parlor and other Stoves TIIE BEST IN TITiUAlwlsl':T. Also a la,ge variety of Tinware, Laml s, Lamin Chimneys, Coal (til and ('uilery, Eastiuiates given for Eavotrosghing, Carriage Plating a a,pocialdty. .Uopclil spun f will give you good value for your money. The very highest' price iu Cash tpaid for Willes and Sheep skins, 1:." Remember the place—tlio }Exeter :Cin are. Stove Depot, Posh Odie,) Block, Main Street,. Exeter. Exeter, January 20, 18"30. E H. SPACEMAN. GO TO JAMES PIOKA a_ i.D'S THE ,- ,OLD is 'THE EW and don't miss the change. Just Reeelved— Sr,l Let of those Cheap link Setts, 3rd Lot of Robes, Hi d,,uu Bay prices, Dress (foods foul 11nuxvs dirt cheap, Blan]tt,ts and Eteflor at j, 1, prices, es, (iruy, Searle t and ] u,cy llatah-s--lll' prices, e'er variety and i.ftest Style:,, don't fail to seta our MILLINERY. Cloths and Tweeds, never better selected, end ▪ atlthe best cutter in the rotuiiv. The UNIVERSAL SUSPENDER. SOME REASONS why these Suspenders tJ are better than others :— lst: No Elastic required. 2nd.—Is Slack when stooping. 3rd.—It never slips oif the Shoulders 4th.—Sold at prices of common suspenders. Try a Pair and Seoure Comfort. Manufactured by C. E. II.AMAGE, 282 Adelaide St. 'West, Toronto. OVERCOATS co t TS For assortment and piiee tnaqualied. BOOTS AND SHOE: Bought bef oro the big advance, nue our customers get the advantage 001 on!y. of selecting from tineI largest Stock in town, but AT OLI) d'RIC'ES. Ourob11'ect is to buy and sell at IBottcni P1•iee11 and by rho way potpie aro flocking around we think we are doing it. COME AND SEE, 3AME3 PIC.NAR7.) � A DI T. 0 % . .. r'cooDs. ,3. Black Lustres for 12 cts. Black 'Lustros for 20 Black Lustres for 25 Black Lustres for 30 Black Lustres.for 35 Black Lustres for 3 Black Lustres for 45 • Black Lustres for 50 Black Lustres for 65 S s' Black Cashmeres for 30 cts. Black Cashmeres for 45 Black Cashmeres for 55 Black Caillmeres for 65 1 Black Cashmeres•for 75 Black Cashmeres for 90 Black Cashmeres for $1,13 Black Craps Cloth for 45 cts. Black Crape Cloth for 76 ets. For anything in Black or any other Goods, try RANTON BROTHERS, - Eaerett's Block, Exeter. NATIONAL POLICY THE Having triumphed act the polls, ISAAC CARLING e prepared to give all bis customers tae bet efits !that Will accrue (rota its adoption, and !taco hand alarge stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines ana Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be :sold Which willbe sold at prices uuheard'of under Free Trade. The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ads vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, on the :Exeter market,which is second to none in the west, and then ,. call at the store of the subscriber and 4 Secure Immense `= aria s here to be had in Overcoating Fltll.ii1oths, Broad-e.1oth Doe skins, Silks, Wineeys, Delaines, and everyttlinb noeded in the Dry G-oods line. The Grocery Department very Complete. An inspection invited No trouble to show moods ISAAC CARLING '1'.CIIS IS NO '3OMBAT Truth ConcernsTon More Than Counterfeit, Therefnre,react, puroliaee, nod onlay its bargains. 'When I say 1manufacture my own furniture mu prepared with »ty nool•slteet that bhepeople Can inspect at any time by calling at my Ware monis whore thoy,wiil see a 0111.0st doll play of Furniture in All Its Branches nlznnfactnred by myself and my combined artistic ehill,aritn goodworkmanship. I der mre sot rsatlsfying the people With a oases of Vuenituro that carluot be equalled for quality or price in xeter,aII blowing to the eontrary,notwithstandiug. • 0--- WHEN YOU WANT ANY FURNITURE GIVE J. BRAWN A CM L. ilearlyoppoal,to Xemp's Tobacco 'StorefI ain Street, Exeter,