HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-4-29, Page 44 The kloisonsBank lxt'Qitt'OnATL'n 99X ACT or reuhlet uteeT,,less, Capita', $2,000,000.. • MEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. rTuo„,,,„ wonimmi,1 sl. _ Prcavlettf. eLlt, li. AloLs(>. Beg:. - - Vice-Pres., D11 ATUI;S. llou 1) L Macpherson, It 1V Shepherd,. }l. . Nelson, DI k' P, S 111:\viug,. Miles Williams,. 3'. \Vogt i lta1AN Tutt L1s gee., Eliot 91Pitxader, 1 ae 1;1 1 tun,1'lsy . L.1l rt.t Muntrectl .tlrnttcfi, Al. LLrA'rux, Meet:, - - . - - inspector. xote't l+z•ancls. til NET C, BREWER - - MANAGER. -- LOANS TO FAR11ER% Money advanedtofarmers onBusy terms, ontheir owe promissoey notes with one or more ttoott Q1- dVrners, . u niertbat e i. gtttred as security, SAVINGS l3ANliD4'FAIiT.1.1ENT 5 usr rent Int.:rot taliotea(1 on deeesits. Drafts ou United States bought audsoli. Star flglixu. I11 ('bott;llt acct sold, ('.,flections made in all pnvts of the P(nuinion tuul re tares promptly remitted. at luweatrates of exchange. Exeter August 15Ill 1,14714, THIS PAPE may be fenna (t'r Ilht at 531•:0.. P. & l'OWELL Ores Newsp-.per Advertising Ilnreau 1,e Spruce Street), where wirer - tieing canLractslnayi( "'� be made for 1t in u� p to t a Vie ("two/. 17 i'8I f'es. THURSDAY, ArRIL 29,1880. Hamblin blu2th'a Aritll- sent authorized maximum retail pricers, and those paoposed by the regulatione to come in force next month, provided the Minister does not change alta mind i1, the meantime.. With theao we give in a• third column the prices: at which Mr, AVarwick as.a professional malr,de-, glared they could be turned out while yielding a fait' reasonable profit to the producer,. it being tli,derstoo(1 that tho copyright was in the ban& of tItIQ De- )partlnent,. and any one allowed to print on the usual conditions. At such rates lir, \Varn'i&i offered to produce them under the he'av'iest penalties the Min- ister pleased to ll•egoire. Setting all such. statements abide, Mr. Crooks, who has no para\utioel knowledge of the mat- ter whatever, leaves the monopoly stlb- stant sally where it was, and the par- ents of the Province to pay the extra tax to book colupitera ,end publishers as formerly, while he aides a few pal- try cheese pariug ohal,ges, as the fol- liug list intimates m )74 upy R' Talhuntet's algebra ,,,......., lite Edith. Teuunson's England 05. Hamblin Smith s Algebra, ., • 90 Mn. Mackenzie has been displaced from the leadership of the Liberal party by Air. Blake. I.t has hug: been- con- ceded by all parties that tier. Bialke • would one duty be the recognized: head of the party, though what his qualifica- tions were for such a position u0' one seemed olearly to understand.. The Pacific Riitway resolutions of Sir Chas. Tapper gave Mr. Blake's and his imme- diate followers the chance they have loug looked for, of placing him at the heal of the party in the House of CoIII- MOD8. 1Mt'. Blake bits always been un- patriotic when the Pacific Railway and .Glitish Columbia, interests were brought up for discussion iii the House. The integrity of the Dominion i53 -nothing in his eyes c+)mpared to the ilupor'tance of snubbing. Ialilish Colombia.. bar. llac- keuzie could not have the hardihood to Lead the opposition to the National Policy of the government,. and the op• portuuity \r11io11 he had long wished far having eirived, Mr..:lake took the lead, aotl mantle a. six. hours speech in flavor of alrondoflilli; the British Co- lumbia section of the road, Mr.. Mao• kenzie supported hila feebly,. but their ru.8 miser'icordiaxl appeals fell fiat on the ears of the members, for oat of a two thirds house their resolutions was de- foated by an adverse majority of 82. Cul Skinner, one of the most consistent Reformers iu the Dominion, sew the ab u d led um atriot o t Ind which ti e party bad taken under Air. Blake, at,d voted with the government. Thus - for, IIr. Blake's leadership has. not been a very fla: tering stleoess. Ob - attention i, it poor feature of a states- mat,'d policy, and uutil Mr. Blake can make til' his nliud to leave o'libtruction to others, he cannot hope to make lnuuh headway in the good opinion of the people. THE FOII',THUOMING REGULA.- LATIONS ON. THE AU i'HOR- 1G1±;D TEXTBOOKS. We cotnmend the fallowing timely and excellent article from the London .1dvertisee :-The promised. revival of the rules and regulations on the author- ized text books iu the Public Scheele has been made and a .00py. of the re- vetell list has been issued to these more immediately o,uoerned, urepar)ttory 'to its being trivet' to the peblio in due uoaree. A few new books aro put. up 00 the list, tiloegh swain and again the officials at the Education Office de- e.ared to all applicaute that no others would be lautllorieed far a long time to et,rue, The system of allowrug private parties to hold the copyright. of such hooks is cuutlpuecl and the,. promised )'0ltlottOl] in the maximum, retail. price i$ sluh as to sppear tit.any cb passion- ate •on,lo;,ker.aa tiitl]ltly.ridiculoura. A few eelits of redaction in the Ca.'Se Of eomo of the least used booii8, with tearuety any lowering•of those most in den:mud, .e..ab tut all.that is. clone., So that the margin of ettOrtntttie ptoftt s0 oJet),rly,sh.own in the course of, the lute, p,t•)iitroVerttt to.ellst, an'a1:WftCb,llldeed, )leather wets -nor oould• lea denied, re- tntrailie very tullQll what' it. Was. lib atW Ijc,wvwtnalI:theled tLctinu autl•howt aua(stttuttly the,, s vil►g; to thea' Parente emayared, wir.}bb, what it might have 1nud4l, atter duiugainple. justice to .both ttuthllye nod ilylbli:llitlrs,,we •1];}v' mega is y,, to j)u.ti-i,x' p t lilel„ Jolt/3414a ate pard. - meth: ... ...... 75 Jeitrr's ('t111ac1a .,.......• 40 Miilora Swinton 2i ('atnol8ellta 4 leography 75 aaeon's Grtulumtr 75 Kirlt]ailti'n Statists... ......... -m0 Fltdn statics 75 lie_att1 ,• Ctnre'S Book- keeping ..........•,•.•......,,.•70 05 (a. 'YG-1 tee. 0 g o• o h - � b1) F(6' m tu0a 300 445 441 i0 40 73 871 90 15 25 20 7a 00 751 51 90 441 70 374 41) We give these as specimens of the extent to which places are pushed 1111 professedly in order to pity the copy- right and post of production. These ten books, among the most important, and, outside the renders, in the greatest demand ot all the autbo,•ized list, Are It present sold at the maxi)unm retail priceof ;7.05.. 141!•. Ornt)ks proro.es to reduce them to 0.15O, chile Mr. Warwick offers to bind himself nuclei the heaviest 1'enaly to produce and sell them for $&.(t.5. In other words, the Minister of Education is willing to al- low $2.50 011 every copy of these ten books soh: to go ae a tax to the cmn pt ler above all the fair profits which the publishers and workmen have any richt to ask. On every thousand of )Iles. ten books sold, the people of this Prov vincse are henceforth, after the Min islet bus gone through hi= promised re viral of prices, to ply „2,800 more than they would pay if the eolyriolt• were possessed by the coulltty and tin trate were free. it is a very low o111 dilation to pro the avora've !Annual sal. of these bootie at 10.000 each. Tt)i would ellen make the annual tax 14 perpetuity on those ten books alone, $28,000, That sum we are bold to say would euy up their sopyrielit mice ov- er, and be dune with it. Mr. Crooks. however, has willed diffsruu':ly. 1V. are sorry for it.. Ilia revisal of pride, is a here delusion, while the dollatr\ will compl)un,aud will be perfectly jus tiled in complaining, if a tax of sem, fifty thousand dollars is levied upon them every year to please and a(ivant age a few publishers and author s wht could be paid fairly, nay amply, of much lower terms. We say flit) thou sand, for if these ten involve an extra tax of $28,1)00, the rest will take u1 the balance. Aslsa 01 lig salve, The following speaks for itrelf. T„ the Eclat». 11f the Sentinel l.rcirlu. Deaf Sit: -1 know that that e are a groat !natty mote than either you or I int agiue, afiiioted with a blood disease, which takes the shape of what is gen• erally known as "Fever Sore," ant, which is thought by many to be incur- able. I joyfully t.eonud' the fact that after hav'i:lg suffered 80.110 15 or 20 years, 1 have been (as fur as preseut appearances go,) completely cured at tile bands of the Rev. Thos. Atkinson, Alice Craig, Ont,- T11at'kiug you for the publication of the above, and warmly ettoommending ltil the afflicted who wish a eluate • to oorrespnud with alit'. Atkinson. L bete, 114 a pledge of Any sluuerity, recureemy name in full. Geo..Boxte. Ingersoll, M £11lBD, IIIVINe--FLWVCHER.-On Wedndsdaye. the 2Ist inst., in Menet) Street Paesbytertnn Church,iiamiltou,by the ltov,D. ILFletoh- er assisted by the Rev. Oolin Fletcher, brothers of the britle,Wim irylug,MJ D), of Iiirkton, to Miss Isabella Relator. DEATHS. Dib (#azcs.-In. Stephen, on the 27th April, Tala0S•LQ (Rice, aged 430 years, 8 months; '27 day H.,. General. Donnie I'tltarngy's a1 polio the Su• p5'eene:O: llrt:tiae•availeo hint nol tion, AL' LAYS' ON HAND IN T IEIR SEASON, tato best of Seed arley ktr3,,4, Oats ALSO t Quicklime & VM/z2 erllme LAND SALT, LAM) PLAST.RIt (fc Blacksmiths 't>9:Co 1 AT SW.CNERTON'S'WAREHOUSE, BIoter Station, where my waroijcrsenlen will thieve be found front 7 am to 0 p to to wait on costumers. B, S\VRNEItTON. MORTGAGE SALE! Land and Bendinz Factory TNDER AND BY VIRTUE. OF A Power of Sale contained it , , 3 L3nu January, of Mortgage, dated the doth da y of Jauu ary-, 1878, hallo by James Wilson and 71'iiliuln Moore and their respoetive 11.1, us ft) the vender, there will be -old by T-'ublic Auction, AT REYNOLDS' HOTEL IN THE 'VILLAGE OF IlENSALL, • -ON- !riday, May 7, 1880, BY JAMES O1IE, ATicTIONEEE, At Three O'clock in the Afternoon, subject to such conaitiora 81 shall then be pro- duced, the Allowing I'roperte, viz : Lots Numbers 130 and 137 no the north side of Meg Su cot tot -itemise tele Zurich Ruud) le the VEdlage of Hensall in the County of Mum, containing by atimaan- urctut5nt Leo-i]i'tbs ut au cure, be the same more orlosi, ail show„ 0e the map or plan of t41( sub- divis2on tJf part of the smith half of Lot 21, in tho brat eoneess1u11 of the Township of Hay, known as Petty's Sarver. There is 0 frame dwelling leans() on the trend - sett, II"g t ie1' with tL largo ;ratite building whIelt wa., 1,1!014 oeeupled by the snort iters as a bad- inl; fn Lawry, and 1H tatted with engine and mtt- .:]tulcry Sul' that 4turpo. o. 1 .r nu•tbt 1 particulars apply to the auctioneer or at the (-Woo of AMR. B. V. ELLIOT, \ endure' ,Soitcitor. 2t Exeter, April 50,15,,'). Carradine Pacific Railway. TENDERS FOR TItANSPO1tr OF RAILS AND PASIENINiirS, 'PEALED TENDERS ADDPESSED to tats tl1dol•Higned, and endorsed "Tenders t:.r Tr:ulseo,t.' twill be recoiled up to noun 01 Sat- uro,rV, tt•e 8111 clay: a May next, for the transport' at about 20,0:;0 tons of rails '1410 1'ast.)uiuts-abou^ one-u.,lf t , be delivered 011 eters at uan0r$011 and t. o remainder at Fort \Villiulu-um•iug the seta - den Of 1tis9. 5' rine of funder can be had, and otherintornla- tion, on application 1.t the emus of the Etgiueer- ia•Cletef, ()thews. I3y order, F, BRAUN, Dept. of Railways Canals, A lieu-ettry. Ottawa, deed APRIL ,1800 1 -arper's Bazar Patterns, They are graded to FIT ANY FIGUR. an(Iso adjusted that the most inexperienced, with the aid of the printed etirectiens wllichtaccsom- pany each snit, con secure a perfeot fit. They are cheaper than auyothers, ONLY 2G OENT'S FOR A COM- PLETE TE SUIT. Agent for Exeter and vicinity, A. CAN -FIELD Ile would also call special attention to his well assorted stook of Fenny Goods, Relate Wools, Fingering Yarns, Knitting Cotton in all co:ors. Knitting done to order. A good supply of hos- iery always ou baud. Please cull and examine stook mutt prices before purehos lg elsewhere. opposite 5",oeon'S131ock. 4� �q VV ■ A., CAZTe 'X. 1'Ldri. ONEY FOUND --IN EXETrR, a Jew days ago, a stall of mousy, by Airs.. huhu McInnes. The owner may have tho 511110 by proving property and paying expenses Apply to Jolt t.4 MaINN1,S,Flour and.)'soti Store. TISE Superphosphates. & Bone Dust FOR YOUR GARDENS. It will pay you.. Sold by G. K EMP. and mos). ed'Ve, 1119.1 tt1L11.111. I.1uI'. killalHw of:lllsrrp�e(lttuill. .k A MA:NUA'L1 -rOB, Tett Married and Unmarried IT:'TEAC1:S8 YOII.T33'R Secrets of Lifea 11111 Lbw to illrjoy them. Sent • t ostpald 0 receipt) of burOents. 1Z:Y, dr. MONTREAL PUt3+:OG4 181 St, James Si,.Montreal. . Please state in what pnpertycu saw this, t ate now showing a biro and well assorted ..t.,, WEL.LAND CANAL. NOTICE TO 131UPUE DIALD1:B:i, LQEALED TENDERS alit"tr('4Red to the male •atgued ISeert-tars gf Railways and 11auuls) 4411(1 el(lletFed " Touter fur Bridges, W,.1 - laud \•< 1'laud 01Ialll," will bo received al this otilue until. the atrtv..1(lithe Western Mails, on TI.; SDA Y. P511, heat DAY OF Jt:;N1; next, 1orthe voestrttc- tine of swing and statloln"ry Lrttlgos (at VO l'1n11S i'laeos nu tl.t•, alta 1)1' the W'ell, nel (eens', T2,13)11111 highways aro to be (1 0141)113)111111 0,1 11'00 awl Wood, iin 1 lhus° for ),railway purposes are to be of iron. pi3L1l1,Slteei Son 410113 anti dotiornl '01 1314 ions esu he seen at this u'dee •141 1,u 1 rtt.r 11(4 t 1 t T- 31•�t day of MAY next, where formes ee 1 u).hn Call also be ublained, Partin tele ieritie, areexpeeta't t" lutvn a Arne- tical knowledge of tent It, of this l , S, luta aro re- quested to Hear hl )111(.1 twat 11141 s 11, 11t.t 110 considered unless made HC i„ tly- la neeer.11tltee with the printwl forms, 11d -..tet the cute of 117114 -except there are attached tliu actual) 1l::u ttltt'ea the nature of the ocean:ato , sand re, j.,e'ncs ot 0114111 Member of the 8:11110; and further, Ito 110pted batik ehe(pul Los 41 notate <(111141 to s:4tl for AP:1IL 29, 1880 NEW TAND Twoult1 i.Qtlnt4(llt lilt Qui=tontel•s that I have re- moved ley Flour ,' Feed B1t4hle8Q to W. 11. TI1.OTtiiS OLD STAND, Tlnie ])oor, small of the Post (anise, and has opcuee out a choice stock of. froth, FLOWER, FII;L1) AND GARDEN SEEDS. • ..14,Xl33ie" O1t•i.L 1rLlUiy .and GIUST MIL S e r+i.. Flout' and Food delivered free of charge. j I : • )' 014' IT "lt 1311(411; In good 11•nt'b ice order f t1'"S ern)* accept - 11ttwo possible lit 11' 1 4 lupiIM(ri g. 1�1ont; •1411 Will feed lcllv.'rrd to Irltl< len 0111 tbcir L o11111efou 01'0 ('('41 1 1, 1ti J. 11E1,1,14 Bakery, 4,17 O'137,'I,a 1: to (1) 8, ()rat hitt] sumo flay 1T'FI'e,litr:-a;_il'IL -0---. quint btttl4o for v,ui('ll an offer is malar,. must ae- it s 1 ' ' 'r'i' company each teethe*, which slue shall leo toilette" "• i44 1.41 �✓"d ed if the party tendering doehues entering into aoutraeb for the worn( It the rates and tin tee F.;247 IN 7' IN r (PM. terms stated ill thit oft. -1• subultttelt. The cheque tai la seat in ,vidb,. reanru0.1 to tau 1 eepeetivu p n'ti ei who.,!: renders are lot leery o(1. For the itu0 fulfilment of the omit4'((4 the parts' Or ,artier whoso t, tub - 'r It I• prole, e.l t, atecpt will bo uu'tillyd that tnt•i tender is itottooted sub- ject to it it-two:41, 0t dive per cent of the bulk stuo the cnutrnet•-al 14'. malt the 141)11 Rent in wall tilt, t,eu1er will h0 eto.witiorotl a p'. .1.- to Lr: Cleln,sih,l, to the credit of 0 to lt')001454-beta ',t1 1)11)tin rt„!1t clays 11fto.• t'lu tin to of the uuti00. N hlety per cent only of toe p4ogi'1tr8 (' bi11atea *till be pout until the coundetiuu 1,l the 541)111, This 1)epurttrle„t doe,, nut, however, bia4 Itec1f Do aue:al11 the lowest or an teo(ler. By or,lcr, 1 BE.APN, been. Lal y. Dept of Railways and 001111s, Ottawu,detn 1A1uroh, latik tel HARDWAREI There pendia sea Ilia ll1ue1o'1441 Stool!. of the - late Arm of 11 l.yrno h Oo. front Jar, J, 1 Howerd. 1'h, stuckcotullats o1 "half and Heavy Iardwase Spades autl shovels, Draining Spades, Nails, GLASS, PUTTY, OILS, PAINTS, Sans 013aiu1,B011t Steil' of ,111 Kinds, Plaster of Paris, t'o141 011, 'Limps rntl ('hitnllsy 1. we• 1 \• fag fill wing lihr)tines at Itedttot l rices A 1.r)1e; �,'%,,.,*::'.) do/40• i v 411 1,0 Via•l, to t.'" 414,. '( it afew fuss, r * y+ .1 <•a11 ,t re•oe0444, 1.4)4 s•dieite 2. .No t1 alble t:i s1'N,{:' \ show goods, :roti 3,riren w:II be foiled to suit the. l times, Welland Canal. " NOTICE TC MACHINIST CONTRACTORS 1 1DALED TENDERS addressed to 1.1, the 'mee4114i)cneel (Secretary of Railway,: act ('11111114) end u) 40'. ect " Tend or 17.r 1,c•c51.1 1 4, \Wilaet 1111tH," will he r.•c.'ive( tat this olive until the arrival of the 1?:.-t,o11 11.1 \V t 0i 11 1111110 011 THUlw!q)17', th( ar.1 du)' 11 11 N • n,i•xt, for the coustra(lio31 of 11 rtes, tool the 11001sslr) alnellIneryeo11)11(8.11 with 8110111,Lul the lien' lock, 011 file 15 'tilted 11,30,1, Plaits, Spe0!111 . tills anti (4eu.r' (1 conditions van be seen It this o1ien 4111 r 11(1 1 t; r 11 i t'll5. Del', the -40th oay of 11.1S' sue it, wince fo,111,3 of tender eau also he ubt4liu1.l. Parties tototo111 or axpr'^t"d to 5 0 12•t'1e Special tools necessary Dor, ntot tt. 11(1:1'.1:`1'..etteal 101011 ledge of wttrt(a u! tIrs'2n -s, : 11,1141',' 355 1114. t- el to Lear in 1111,1,11it,..• 1nei.0's will not he 0011- ,Clui0d toilet.: tile ue at r to to 1tce(rt:L•t 1100 mit& till priut-'(1 forint,, au.'i-- i0 the 0114.0 of areas• -,x- 1100 titer° 'ire 511 ,cl.' ,i 1110 a teat 41151,x tdl0s,tl( natnre of the hettlpntion )1.01 resf.e11ro of 0«111 uwul,n'r 011110 saute; Into, Ittt•teel', 1111 aetepted Lu111( 1'1101)11(• 1„1'a soul4.4111(11 to s(_;(1,firtl a-;1, les of ouch lock 101 5.101110npally 0a011 tel 10r.tviti'•11 011811 shall h,1 forfeit. ,l if toe party tout °vino '!,- 01111eH entering into 0,15 tri 48 for tl,e work at the rates and On tied Vane; lltltt0,1 1)1 0111. offer ai1b111 t- ' tell. The of talus th141 scut in 14111 be returned to 1110 res„('Ctive t,urt!us •wllm. e tentltn:8 114)4 not tut - cep t,.d.• 1''111.1110 dee fulfilment of the c'0uttiCi the party or parties whose tender it is proposed to aceopt 1vi)1 he uotitict that th Ir tender is accepted sub - pet to a deposit o, /fro per rent of the bulk "n of the contract. -of welch the :meg Melt in with the tender will he 0011141414 red a Part -to be depohit,41 to the creetlt of the -Receiver General within eight t1118 attest the (14110 1,1 111e notice. Ninety )'Cl• cant only of the 4rog els (stilhlates will be paid unlit taw uotupict)i1u of 4.111. work. This Department Loca not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest o1 any tender. 73y order, I I311AL'?I, . Secretary. Sam well's Meek. u 10 ..)0Si3 . 10 C P011 EMIGRANTS rA 1M:lrr ^:4 35 A111.1 Or' II AIT,110l1) AND I (5.'\ N14N3II' r'I: 1.1'.l'13, alp' :051::, I i '.'rt.*IL I'1 i', V,I1']lIN ::3IY li.,At'I1 f,1 )'1i;i'1i,1.i;S'1 li.l] 111•.1, .11' 1•0(5T 1 \ll 1,\' 1,1W pill! 'Eti, 1,7:. now 0117.0, ter 4.11, i :-W4 .- i 1 n i .1 Ltth O11F:c,<)A ant. 1i:<481'l:11N \i Atilt lN(l'C/)N '!'latlil'1U11Y. ')'lasts- Tanis fernb 40t of the great GRAIN r 'BELT of the 1(4(4 a1. pe, and rue within an :.xl 1 e oi$tn1114t.. ; 10 r) too 111 11, it L 1 ot't11l11 I where NO Inships ..,.d ea111(1.1vessels are ain't" 81 t,.- iloaded P011 ALL I'.1,18'1'S ('1• T1!. til \VORRLX). GRAIN AT PORTLAND COMMANDS PRIZE EQU_U1 TO T THAT tl.F.;'1'-1V.'.5D. Iti' CIJICA(GO. The Nortliorit l'nei l'.- 1'ett'l'vay and (1)1.401) Rail- . way tend \n.i.:.ttiou Company antnew Ina11.111 :. tae miles of rallwtty, tt tet r-,iug 11 `.4 re11 1) i41 at-. 'lirsetiotis. rho s 1ti•r Is tla.,s , . nl(.t oust- 1,111 Cheep Lrallopoe to ao,1 8,1 t1 0r9'n,.1( 1 til( f 1,91111n - Lin 4141)',:, Iii aL rapid to a let.,, in 1110 v1:141e 1,r these la1ntls, whieito.101 1154)' 011t11 to 1,nr4Lasc and pre. 0ulptio.i. LAN].);, SHOW us .O.ZEIZ: rtFl YIELD 01" '10 1tTf 1-18f s or ;Yitr,AT PER At,itE. No.. Fallure of Urope.ev:rr known. IIAILIROAD LAN1)S.cifered at the uniform, rate of 62.50 111] Acre. CL?M.fi7E MILD AND HEALTH)'. • Dept of P.uilwayu and Catltl1s, , Uttalv,, •)5ltlt litu'c11,18y0.. td T'(' pamphlet alta maps, descriptive of conn- , •t)'yt its ]'eaoUl'ite4, ulilnfte, route of travel, rata:;, and full iuiurluatioa, address SP'NG S.1):lnlalaL7 ,htd.sS! [1Y0'C fi11NS, RIFI,1 5, I1T•,TOLvxsps. )3LA6c, ' U• ]falls (111(1 181111)14044441Traps 1)1ewel Sporti11g Clouds. 1'J.t 1 arrest 111-11 Clitatpeiit 5(:,ek in Ontario. 'Wholesale told Itetail. ti5ut for our largefIlles- ttrtltcdcoital/vie and Price List, free bv 1,t • G3I81) .1t 8011, P 0 ilex c 57, London, Ontario T. R. TANK- TT, Gou'I Masten' Pass'r Agent, 25d Broadway, New York City. 1P47' RI STT. BROS. eonai,5tiag of. MILK. G Nk , PANS, . roil ; . &0. Also•renew and.. wellseleeted'stook oft(' Harvest Tools,, which they are- offering at.;prices that defy, competition., Lave.''Xruugliing &Speciality. . r Highest price paid for Mike, Cali and Sheepskins, in (huhu :Trade. MANHOOD w.. HO,W, LO$T, HOW RESTORE I Wo have recently published' a now edition of p18. CtlLVEBW: t,T,'S OEI,11113BATI(51) E,1SAY ott the redioal:atad-permanenti ours (witlwut,,nie- diehto)of Nervous Debility, Ileutul and physical incapacity, impe1llamuts to Aiariisyg)1, .mtQ„-re. sulductfront axons. ` ' t :_.1.'rice in'a seated .eISo1Qpo, ,oa33y6 ,cents 00 I1010 pelta•+05t(impa. The celebrated aethor,ofthin. admit'ableoesey, . 240 Box 1.'roigbAtcat*, AA tt1J�p�+ eg LOCALORTraveling 4,' prTf,L4'J ff t,„LeR at9, ✓,11110 11111('44 preiyerrce. 4,,,,i - Al o SALARY ncrinoeth. .flu EXPEkSES advanced. WAGES prenaptly wild. SLOAW_ 413to 30e t#alorge St. (,.1lstliatalaii. 0. s'1 ) OVTrrrfree to Agents, (1ud all expenses. 4118 p111(1. Address 1113 SWAY, Alfred, rte. $777 A 5'E,9.a and expenses to agents . outfit' Erre. P, 0• VIW.l'.ltY, Augusta, Maine. for.adverti,1olx.11')' pages,10 eta. Pamphlet G P IIOWFT.L s cO.,.ld HALLOO, .MIKE Whets- did yon buy them 1)174.051" Well; Jimmy, I j,ougilt *Awe from Ml)4c1)(4t1, '1. 00114490. Has he many of, theire,teft? Why, yea, thousands of therm and first -chess too. How doesllu sell thane, Mike 7 Well Jiminy, he sells them so oho(tp theft, I was not to tell,Lut if you hand sa,y just go right there, for lie sass he is bound to sell;as cheap as • any in.tho comity. Ren ielobor, .1111 livor south, side eroditou gravel road, , IOIIS 11117VIEELL 11 ore liton;'Peb, 24,188.; GDR', C.ana.dtaan Pac%fic_R(livy,.•,, Teaad2re't f pr r ENDERS are invited filr furnishing'' the Rt1Ling'Stnck;reg1ire<1 to be c)ellvered) on the Uaundian I'acilic Railway, wild/41411e next:. four years, comprising tato deliatery ira: eseb year • Of ab0ntthe following, VIZ •4 -- OS) Locomotive Engines • 10.14)5)011-0116 as Cuss (a proportidn being: eliepers) 20 Second -cites Curs, Joe, '1 ]d..prese,aud'bagggatge Cara 13.ic'Ostal and smoking.. oars., )1l arly (1e11nan1(tratoerfron1 .b1ixtlt years, 'oncosts 100 %')at cars tut practise, that ahemi11tl eonsofueuaea may Leal ihNing:1'loltulta•: ii 2,;15now Piottg;(rt 2•0''let gore egotl 43al oars. '1JIi7L wdioLE T t 15941 MlAii170ACC7 fuel' •rtr Ttt�tt; Doritsxss, (8' Ute l,J,A and. clolivoracl.on 11)0 Cana- (lia1Pnci4c RRailway,.at•I!ort Wi11i)ln),orinthee lb:evillce of dif nitohh. Drawings, Npec);'50ations••nin(1 other - i11f,Ormat1On.t 1)38)' be had on application attlbe'offl00 ot'tho EugiSeev4a.cbio1, at Ottawa,,ou after the 18111 deyyof MALUCH next: Tendert will be received are tho undoralgnedtn . te,nooteOf 1WEIlliRSDAY, tbs.'at ci't1wf 3>'ALY'tlext. ad oa11y oared witicoltt rho dangerous method 1} 'tonna medicines er the hoe of the Italie ;, Pointe pet ammo) of Burp Opines aiuple certain 11111.508-' feotunl;l)y1110111180f Which every su11'ortr, rnt)1n•lt- a ter what his doadition:anap be May curehieseolt, 01loa.ply, prlvtitoly and'raclically, This Lecture should be in ,Hatt hands oL,ovexy, !youth land every lean I11 the luuci.l Addams'. THE,O(TLY,LItWELD MEpreAL(Jo,, 41 Aim Street;Now,r''rk. l'otttOidce•Bcta 4:588 a• b1Mtfl1 ♦, ler e�6yCt home. Sanlplos aorbh' SeoretIrIy'• It tnonth,end evpGttsesgltarrnteeetto a(1ou�s . • &.-free.., ,,(ltl✓rooa, llti.ils017:74 Co',r DEPT T tel4TOS 18Al:wriA3'•AND CAh'AI;,*. �aK- V l➢;1"lppt4t free..5ltktv.,.keo.AvgBatawS[µiu� J'yri1 .*1► ltsiluJa�. lattb(►e. fill irsb,..i8.71.,