HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-4-29, Page 2TR 1i T 111.V B , 29. 188.0 A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. The party were hidden in holt elan uuder the pendulous bratiohes of the cottonwood tree. It was a secure t:eat,ts uo one could see them, they The rapid transition from the sunuy 'who SaVe1 me from the horrid erature, dear Josiah.' .While the latter saved you from a worse fate, Amy.' 'Thank heaven. yes °dated the young lady. 'Now it ie ati over. I wilt give the mouster hie due ; and, after there are few people who can say that they have been imvea by a devil- fish, road to the Shade of the otitis, almost blinded hint, so reining his steed, he dismounted, an closed his eyes eo as to nocastorn them to the gloom. As he being protected by a giant cottonwood I aid this, he heard a low cry, as though in front, nod ea interminable swamp ( same were ane very weary, and had i iu the rear; bat the exhalation from given up in depsir, 1 the decaying vegetation wee sickening, Thinking it might be a noise made while muequitoee and sand-ilies rend- by eorne animal.and pnwilling to alarm ered tieir iositien scarce( endue. the brute Zeno, should he be there able. Old Rosanne, who ha, unaidea, ear - Tied her mistress and ftiends through the mire of the swamp, and who was smeared from head to foot With the horribly -smelling slime, caught the faintIng form of the young man as lie dropped from the saddle, and gently deposited it iti a hammock she had re- set Yeti for her 'foster -child, Amy. 'Where is he wounded, Rosanna?' whispered Mrs. Moffitt, who was par- tiel to J osiah,and who had always treat - el him as a, soy. me dat 'brandy bottle, ma'am I -.applied the old negress. "He's got a powerful big holo in his side, and an- other in bis back 'I Laws ! dem niggers lab a deal do,ansiver for'l' Josiah soon revived under tine old woman's care,but the heat and nensqui- Ina' crested such a fever that at sunset :he was delirious, added to which the the alligatorsaattracted by the presence of so many harnan beings. swarmed be- neath tile hammocike in such numbers that hosanna was afraid to move"to his. assistance. When day dawned the reptiles is •appearf.a, and the old woman .orept.out to reonmehre. After being absent for some time -she retuned, =looked soared and sad, telling them that the 'ole house was )burnti right down.' Bat she omitted; the rest of what elle heard *shout Zeno gOidg off to the .batuing-piace to fetch her loved Amy Horne as his wife. Summer rallied after the faver left' him, WO WES conveyed 'to the house of' a friendly negro, who enlbivated rushes. in the swamp ; but Josiah =could learn uothiug beyond what Roettnua hinted —that she was not yet captured. Forttatiately for the young man, his wounds soon healed, the balls having gone °lotto through his enedy. Ou the fifth day they were Teemed by a party of scouts, who informed them that the insearreetion was at an eud. Joeiall accompanied the ladies to the with the poor girl, the idea of which fitted his mind:with horrible thoughts, Joeiali crept slowly toward the door, when,upog the sand near the entre/ice, he discovered Zeno's cap and whip. 'Greet heavens I the fiend is here,' he murmured ; then, approaching to the epee door, he cried ; Amy, Amy, I aro here ! 'Josiah l' replied a voice from the hut, 'take pare of the sea -devil.' The warning came a moment ton late, for, as she opeka, the moapter, hungry and savage from its long vigil, rooved swiPly towards bee lover, and in another instant had two of its arms round his body. A pert ot master of defeuse, Jesiale drew his sword, and with one out see, ered the adhering limbs: Contracting its form until it :Molted like a big turnip, the devil.fih esjeoted a shower of ink•black liquid over lee as. salient, covering him from head to foot with a uoieome, acrid enbstance, ex (wailingly irritable to the skin, after which it aged!) charged at him, wreath- ing, its long., fingeraike arms about his person, and closino it suckers so as to tear prices nut of his flesh. Acaiu the sword descended, and the creat n re retired before renewing the attack. Tu her anxiety to save her lover,Amy opened the door of the hut, ard en- couraged Josiah to hill the moester. When the aevil•fish retreated for the forth time, Josiah contrived to gasp out 'Wher'e Zeno '?' •Dead 1' replied Amy. 'Mind, Josiah! Why don't you out at its heed ?' On came the thing, with flashier oyes, and dilated form, shiny and hor- rible as the imagined creatures of some dreadfnl nightmare ; but weakened from loss of blood from his wounds, Snmmer felt that he could, hold out a very li4le time loager. The brute began to avoid the blows, and to endeavor to eeize the sword, finding which Josiah feinted, and rush- ed in, sevdreri one of the monsters eves troll) its head, then, with a back stroke, sliced a Pection from its eody. Crippled and blinded, the devil -fish retreated to the water. 'Have you any brandy in the but ?' cried Josiah. 'Tee,' answered Amy; and crick as thought she procu'ed the flask, and threwove it toward her lr. house of a friend, then arming himself summer drained ifs content, and —for it was dangerous to move about then awaited the final charge which he withoat that precaution.–set out for the felt sore the thing world soon make. sThie time the infuriated creature ejected its lignid and sprang at the As he peare,1 the sea, he espied a tali ' same motnent, landing itself exactly et negress walking leisurely toward him. Josieh'e feet ; but ere it could use ite Quickening his speed, he soon came op remaining feelers, he severed the other eye from its body, and after paeshie his sword several times through the monster, stretched it a quivering mass ppm) the sand. Its death•struge,les were terrib'e,and THE T. INES it WAS some tune before Josiah was as - wired of his victory, when, overcome. with exertion, he sank upon the sand and fainted. Whe he recovered, he found him] self in the log.cabin, with Amv bend• ing over him, crying softly, and Say- ing : 'My brave darling ! Ob, my (Luling ! apeak to me. Clasping her to his heart, he repent• ed his vow of love, and Amy told him how bitterly she had regretted her fool- ish snspicion. They left the Root hand-in-hand, and were soon nn their way to the hospital mansion which had given her parente shelter. Upon their arrival„fosiah was attend- ed by a physician, and prescribed 'per - feet quiet.' Lying in a hatnmook elnnein the veranda, with his beloved by hie side. Summer heard what he meet dreaded to he told—her treatment hy Zeno. AA the wards fell from her line, his grasp tightened poen her hand. and when she told hew the wretch had of- fered her marriage, Josiah ground his Beth with rage. Alit by bit she related all the tragedy, onnoltteion Paid : titual! heard yonr voice, dear love, ,T,ez that 1 wag to erved me, Miasee Atny,' ob. s who° she hAnnna, from a corner chair SC that Sh41"13flarvads "IC" a pinese of the loverh enjoy da i it was al,,."„fd" mP= did 'tack yon.' /Mg nap fang to her, and found that it was Julia, one one of Mrs. Moffat's house•servant. His firet hope was that this woman' bad discovered where her young mitt– tress had gone, and given her notice of the insurrection ; but he was soon un- deceived, for, upon accosting her she, replied : Atny ? Lord bress you, mesas! she gone off wid King Zeno. '(*ono where ?' shouted Josiah. Taking a seat on a lump cf coral rock ou the wayside, Julia gazed on her interrogator, and drawled out. 'Where's you's been, my mattes, dat Pet Immo dat ?' '1',r heaven's sake, tell me all you know ‘Npul, it!' replied Summer. 'I've been 6'sand know nothing of all Yoll efh• massa,answered Ju- lie, In the eagle tine drawl, as though eattliog herself to relit,. some interest- ing Pion of S°814,' datleno say when he c aim to be king ob the eliggers in dis hiked that be marry me. Now, woeld you believe it, my sweet et.,8,set, no sonnet we proclaim him king he Ryan up eat nose at die young lady; and go and marry Missee Amy 1' 'G ) and what, you'iblack demon ?' cried the excited lover. 'Fore Garai, you's too hot-tempered, sweetie !` sulkily retorted Julia. Ts told you no lies, now find out staying which, the damsel resumed her walk,and would not answer another ale er6tAvil. half -triad with anxiety, Jo4ifth spur - Stubborn l'acts. That in severeand °brolly:, eases, which have all defied all other reme- dies,Wilsou's CIempeutud Syrup of Wild Cherry gives inimediete relief, and a speedy cure. That no cage has been reported in which it has failed to give relief. That every family who keeps it on hand can langh Grotto, Whooping Gough, Colds, Brouchitte, andel! kin- dred dieeases. Tnat iu every .district where Wilson's Wild Cherry has been iutroduced it has jumped into fever' in an incredibly h eort time. That besides being a radioal cure for the above mentioned diseases it is one of the best TOO 108 That if you have not already done so it ie your duty to purchase a bottle at ()tic°. That you can hay it from any lend- ing druggiets in Woetern Ontario. COES 3MPTION CURED An old physician. retired from practice, hav- ing had placed iu his hands by an East In. (101 missionary the formula of a sitnplc vege- table remedy for tlio speedy and permanon- cure for Consumption, Brimehitis,Cattarh, Ast thine, and all Throat and Lung, Affections, also a positive and radical euro fur Nervous De- bility and atl Nervous Complaints, after hav- ing tested ite wonderful eurativo powers in thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering, will send free of charge to all Who de- sire it, this recipe, in German, trench, or Eng- lish, with full directions for preparing and us- ing. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. SIIREAR, 149 Powers Block. Rueltestor, N. Y.. Important to Con-tunptivss A gentleman having berm so fortunate as to cure his son ofConsumptiou in its worst steges, idler being given up to die by the most cele- brated physicians, desires make known the euro (whi3h proves sticcessfol in every case) to those afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and the Affec- tions of the Throat and Longs, and will send the Recipe, free of charge to all who desire it, if they will forward their address to DANIEL ADEE, 34 Liberty St., New York. GERMAN YRUP." No other medioine in the world was ever given such a test of its curative qualities as Bosonan's ertax,vit SYRUP. Ill three years two millions four huudred thousand small bottles Bina of this medicine were distributed free of charge • by druggists in this country to those affletod Black with .Consmnption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pnenumonia, and. other diseases of the throat and hinge, giving the American people undeniable proof that GmtniAls SYltuy will cure them. The result has been that druggists in every town and village in the Co - modes and United States are recommending it to their customur ers, Go to yodruggist and ask what they know about it. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Regular size, 75 mite. Threa doses will relieve any case. 1 THE EXETER ADM ST ALAIN ST. 0 lonvoor TAKE this opportunity of thanking my numorons oustoMorS q:or past favo notify them aud the public+ generally that hu,,e Purchased Mr, D. 91ins' stock of STOVES, TINWAF1E, LAMPS, &c. &c, and have moved my own stock into the building lately canceled by 7;.tr. jobbs, in the Post Office Block, NtillOVO 3.101V have one of the larasea mat best annoyed istooks in the county. Cooking, Parlor and other Stoves THE BEST IN THE MARKET, Also la,ge variety of Tinware, IAA)mi, Tanip Chimneys, Coal Oil and Ctulety. Eastimates.given for Eavetroughing. Carriage Plating a tipeeiality. Depend upon it will givo you good value for yane money. • The very highest price iu Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skins„ Kir' Remember the place—the Exeter Tia and Stove Depot, Post Moo Bloelt• Main Street) Exeter. Exeter, :humpy 20, 1880. G-0 'TO JAMES The'UNIVERSALSUSPENDER. QOME REASONS why these Suspenders are better than others 1st.—lo Elastic required. 2nd.—Is Slack when stooping.3rd.—It never slips off the Shoulder?. 4th. --Sold at prices of common suspenders. Try a Pair and Bemire Comfort. Manufactured by C. E, RAMAGE, 282 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. E IL SPACEMAN, R ICKAD'S. and thm't nalss the chance. Just Received -.- 3rd Let or those Cheap:Wilk S'tts, 3rd Lot if Robes, Hudson By prices, Dress Goods and Winceys--- dirt cheap, Blankets and EVffeti job prices, Grey, Scarlet and Fancy Flanne,s---mill priees, For variety and Latest Styles, don't fail to see our MILLINERY. Cloths and Tweeds., never better fieleetva, mud the best (mum in the county. OVERCOATS For assortment and price unequalled, IIOOTS AND SHOT'1S Bought before the big advance, and our customers get lime advantage not only of selecting from ilut largest Stock in town., but AT OLD PRICES, Our object is to buy end sell at Pettom Pribes, and by rho way people are flocking around we think we are doing it. COME AND SEE, jAME PICT:A.11D Black Black Black 331ack Black Black Black vesecisecTraseceseirseasecesessers UP WIT H. —0--- PA STIES INT ENDING TO PURCHASE ORGANS BEIOULD CALL AT FIEWTOIWS and Examine his Stock. the Best that are Made DOMINION ORGAN CO.'S - CAUTION. 4Do ynti hear whet EACH PLUG Oct' THE lo Navy 18 MARKED FOZI, BLAI.011 COODS. Lustres for 12 Lustres for 20 Lustres for 25 Lustres for 30 Lustres for 35 LUSDres for 3 Lustres for 45 Lustres for 50 Lustres for 65 331a3k Cashmeres for 80 cts. Black Cashmeres for 45 Black Cashmeres for 65 Black Cashmeres for 65 ' • 1 Black Cashmeres for 75, Black Cashmeres for 90 Black Cashmeres for $1,18 Black Crape Cloth for 45 cts. Black Crape Cloth for 75 cts, For anything in. Black or any other Goods, try BANTON BROTHERS, Eacrett's Block, Exeter.E NATIONAL POLICY Having triumphed atthe polls. ISAAC CA LING s proparod to give all bin customers tne bet (tilts itliat aouthe /tom its adoption, and has o h,ui1 a hat& atoeic tif Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines ana Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store,. Main Street, Exeter, which will be :sold which will bo sold 0,t prices unheard of under Free Traclo. The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, on the Exeter market,which is second to none in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and Secure IMMOVISO Bargains here to be had in OvercoaLing, Full -cloths, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and everything noeded in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department very Complete. An inspection invited Nc) trouble tel show 'Toads ISAAC CARLING, T.EIIS IS NO 13 011/BA_T 11=11••• Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit, Tboreforo,read, purchase, and enjoy its bargn ins. When I say 1 manufacture my own inreitme I ivei prepared will) my proot-sheet that the people coal inspect Many these by calling at my Ware. rooms where they will see a superb dis play of • Furniture in All Its Btanches ritulist:tared by myself and my armotned artistic shillovitn good worlsmariship. I der erre ,,tcasachifying the people with 001085 of Fee:Mime that cannot be orinalled for quality or price le 1112coterwall blowing to the acintrary,uobwithstancling. IINY FURNITURE GIVE J. BRAWN A CAIL. TWA MN bores+ and galloped toward the , darling r inquired her hive- IN I3RONZE LETTE1114 ‘nkna 64781 WHEN YOU WANT . naming -0a00. bear,' replied Atety ;NONE OTHER, CIENCTINTE 7,841 y0 do * Nearlyorposito Kemp's Toba000 Store,Malu Street, Ereter.