HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-4-29, Page 1+1a�`.ti��amteaa.rlf�i:F7�Y�,�•..�rtr��rwsieR���. Vol. Val. Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, April 29, 1880. ty. No 36, ritoPrnTr LIST, A CITY IN ASUES, 10It S h. Lia OR '1'O RE N'r-A t.,,l a Host,, 'tern:, LAID W 1 ST1 13Y Frits --4,000 .r5OPLL HOMELESS AND WITHOUT FOOD -T11RE1S LIVES LOST IN TR:L FLAMES. in Centralia, on corner art Station said At•ttu ntreots, \\roll fitted up, and iinttabie for Dry 0, Mods, (fritter, or General filers. For further ?;tarttottinre nu]dv to 4.1. H. HYNTl10IAN,Exeter, or t1°ltf lt[Efl 1?1 (enti•ulf t. . Ottawa, April 2L—The city of Hall .j OIi, BALL--' AN:L1C!LLLE 1 is •in ruin+-- lit lr,ltyt oue•half of it, A. 1 Anil of one hundred acres on the T,otttion ,f Exeter' Apply to Ala, E,\r, ELL Sol el* 000nplod by B. Sit13011eto, on Bridge ;;.or Exeter, •..ugunt 1:, It37t). 1 • Sireet eget this afternoon, and owing WAGON SHOP A.M)'13\VT'.i,LIN( ' uud,lltstC0net•s,tnnofStephen ?teat thetillttgt. deVKStating fife bloke out 1:1 r1 h0nee tot high wind Spread rapidly both iu House for :cult in. 1'4%41nv0ct, with 000-1 a northerly and easterly direction, nttlt ox ea acre of loud, aitu.ttt d 1t, ttr oiai is hotel Despite every maims available, the (leunon'oonld not be checked in their fn, ions inereh, and building efts- build- ing wits destroyed. The houses were with few exceptions light wo3d0n Onee, and furnished the best of material for the conflagration. The ):In11--like- wise a portion of the Ottawa fire bri- ga'le•-sst resolutely to battle With the aipne,, with which, however, they were unable to contend. The whole area of aronu(l comprising Church, Duke, Lahr, bent, AIt•ion, Wellington, Charl- es, Central, 'Wright, Hannah and sev- eral other streets were burned. The boat was antenea; and the smoke so dense that the city was almost shroud -. 'n' ed in darkness, The lire raged in its intensity frum half•paet three o'clock until seven, when the wield changed foetknately, orad it was got under oien- trol. It is estimated that between 700 and 800llouups are destroyed, 'and over 4,000 reuple homeless. Several lives are known to be 1otit. A. 'woman nam- ed Latremonille was burned; also a man named Ouillette. The woman was confined yesterday, seed was un• able to leave the house. Ouillette was seen rushing from ills blazing dwelling into the street, and fall dead. Ile was terribly burned. Numerous accidents oocnrred. The area of ground aver 1VN.T.. CLARK, Agent for the Us- which the fire travelled ie a mile long • borne mid lribbort Mutual Fire Insurance by four hundred yards wide. In nuts. 'Company, Residence -Farquhar, Orders by er011R oases the OCCtl ants savedtheirpromptly attended to.p furniture, whicli is now piled on the S. O, U11?13.iaLi,, PROVINCIAL streets. The property destroyed was L;aucl Surveyer, Quo., will le at the mainly ncoialtied by laborers, who will LR .ya Hato] 1 xeter,on the first Tuesday ineaeb %neat,.. Criers for work left frith Mr, Join be unable, for soma :titan at least, to tEpackattamitillrecsivelx•omptattontion. rebuild. There is very little insurance, as companies would not take risks, deeming it too hazardous. Steps have :been taken to raise contributions to re- lieve the distress. Handsome subserip- tions have already been raised, and to- morrow night the city councils of Hall and Ottawa will meet to take action iu the matter. Hie l xoelieuoy the . Gov- ernor-General telegraphed to the May- or of Hull,sigoi!ying his williugness to poS'1' OFFICE BOX.OS TO RENT assist in any movement for the relief 1 number of Boxes in the Exeter Post office, of the homeless. Thousandsof persons 'with and witflont leek and ]ley, to 1ct on reasons.- from the City visited tile fire, and at Lilo terms. Apply to 1). JOHNS, Postmaster. one time there rsere beat forty members iu the House. The Governor-General and Princess Louise and Staff were among the first to arrive, and they re- mained some time. Ottawa, 2 a.m., April 22.—The body of another woman named Guyott was found an hour ago in the rains at her house iu Hull. It was terribly charr- ed. 1llniu.treet,al:tl iatthe Lusta'ustnest pelt of the village. Buildings tamely ttow. Quantity of fruit trees 011 tnop)ellti00tt• riette'ae. Time girr1, to suit the purchaser. Apply telgATItlt VIN:.11, Cr ot]i ton. 11n. FARM •1e'1.)R SA.1.t a. —Lot 6, Bauble trine, Stephen, 60 envoi, 30 acres cleared,3, ,:hopped, good brick 11t*trac. good ,table, rile, "eneoll Lend csrelleut, Ott Lake shore, i of a mile ftou) • .port Blake, where boats run there times 0 weekand 2 ore 1aaitefrollt Garand Demi Coutielaictat t:tsorrrui alta churches, ou good toad 'Trice, 1)0t1)0, terms easy; S1..i)lt:41.] 3)3.t 7A1% 1.1I N t9, brute et p o ctstu;etoiON- A,,10A1141 en1Stor1a,utainS 100 aru 10 ',zeros cleared. Gond 1 g ]louse sad frame burn, x80. liood,yettng orallu_r1, grafted fruit, The ' arm i. wnl3fenced and a :peed ststo of multl- 'atitioit. Where ,is a large uun)tty of black est,, tslse a lit,tot• failiiLg well, For terms upl+fy to :tI 13Y 1'flILLICk: h1. t/zetlicwu, Jtuoo IMPORTANT Nt TIMES . 1, ONEY LOANED IN LARGE OR' .L sutn39 slims o t dr -trate seoutdty ata auto• ,aerate rwte of iuternst. Apvly to B, V. ELLIOT, • ttlicit0T, Exeter, 28thNovenl'oer,1570. —af ABARGA.IN. --POf SALE TWO Lo'tsni lusted on Main Street in the Village ,of Exeter, suitable for private orpelrile buildings will be sold cheap. For partioulare apply to JOHN BREW Mt, Exeter, Out. TA-1MIES OKE, COUNTY AUCTION - 'el neer. Stiles p'omptly attended to, Days. of •solos arranged at this edicts, • PE/O1:"i :FIDE I1 S'iTRANDE COMM:, 0P LONDON,. E9TAY.7I1RED Ix 1782.: Agency edtabl'ished in Cat,nda inl80i, Unlimi. ',tea liability of ell tete ltockt.toldore, and large .Etoserve Feeds. 2.100 crate rates of premium, JOHN A. HYNbi6IAN, .2t1O13T W TYRE, Manager. Agent at Exeter, OHN H. HYNDMAi4, t. ACCOUNTANT, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT, money to loan on mortgages, notes snd other goouri ties, Rents and accounts collected nu ren.- sellable en.sellable terms. Iusnrenee effected in first-class Dompga les at reasonable rates. OStoo-at 1)r. Uvutlman's. Maio Street Exeter A. LAKE, AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY 0)!' HURON. A LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY . 1 just received for investment on mortgagee se inter cent, i\lEDS,WILLS, ETC., DRAWN on reasonableterms. }{ R. ABBOTTL. D.S.,M.ii.C.D.S Graduate of Royal College of D ENTAL SURGEONS. Ofitce elver O'Neilbank, and opposite Si unwell Pickard`. , 1,000 KEGS CUT AIMS --AT— Montreal Makers' Prices, IIiPOItTEII Carriage and Builders' Hard- ware, A SEVERE STORM. and was precipiated to the ground with the barn he was pinked up insensible. Hie injures are severe, but not emisid• ered daugerotts, Another barn in the vicinity had the roof oornplotely lifted off. Berlin, Ont., April 26. --About two o'oluak this afternoon a hurricane, ao• colupanied by a very heavy rain, struck tllie place. Its strongest force was ex- pended in a course from. west to east. South of Tiring street it lifted the metal roof of Simeon & (We furniture factory;. then Carried away a -large part of the roof of the old Lutheran Church or - Queen street, landing it fifty yards away. It afterwards blew inthe gable end of a new brick barn behind M. H. Boehmer'e house, and deinolisbed a brick summer kitchen just ready for the roof, behind the salve house, and then tap,lred off on the rouf of Mr. C. Helleles burn ou King street. HON. GEORGE BROWN. A SERIOUS ORANGE FOR THE WORSE. -- Toro') to, April 26. --Hon. George Brown passed a very bad night, and this morning, contrary to the Hopes of his friends, is considerably worse. He is again delirious, and hie medical at- tendants say that there are uudoubtfnl symptoms of mortification, andthough leis friends may be hopeful over his oo• oasional rallies, there is in reality al. most no chance of his recovery. . Toronto, April 26.—Althoneh other reports ere to the contrary, Hon. Mr. Brown's medical attendants say that he is still in a dangerous state. Dr. Thorburn says that mortification has set in and is rapidly spreading. And he does speak very hopefully of Ms patient's recovery. OUTRAGE IN PETERSVILLE. A YOUNG WOMAN KNOC3 I D DOWN AND KICK- ED ON SATURDAY NIGHT. Shortly before ten o'clock on Satur- (lay night, ae a young woman named Hannah Curtis, who is a domestic in the employ of Mr. Joseph Nixon, in Petorevillo, was proceeding home, elle was suddenly o,tufrotated by two young men 'who enlerged from behind a fence, eau; lit the young woman by the should- ers, and attempted improper liberties. She resisted t'leir attacks, and scream- ed lustily for assistance. Fearing nu doubt, that her cries would bring some person or persons to her aid, the two ruffians, previous to leaving. knocked her down, gave her a couple of kicks, and.left as quick as possible thereafter. A. discolored mark on the woman's flute shows with what force the blow was given. The woman succeeded in•reach- ing Mr. Nixon's house and informed the family of the attack made upon her. Yesterday afternoon nir.Nixon brought her to the pity and paused an iufnrma• tion to be lodged against two young mem whose identity she is positive of, and who are well known bail characters. •'L'be girl at one time is alleged to have been the associate of one or mere per. Brantford. Rens of frail reputation, but It►tterly Mr. Nixon say she lits been leading an ex. Oakville, Ont., April 26,—A sudden emplary life—tthioh le ata additional squall struck this vicinity, by which a , reason why every effort 'Afield be put young man named James Packett, 18 forth by the county force to arrest the years of age, of Bronte, lost his life. supposed offeuders. It appears he was raking stone in a scow near the shore at Bronte, when the equal! struck him, and thinking to eat% himself from being blown ont in-' to•the lake, he jumped overboard and atteniptrd to swim'aRhore with' the aid .of a plank, hut feiled in the attempt and was drowned before help could reach hien. His body has not yet been recovered, although parties are raking for it, Greet damage has been &one all over the country. Although the storm only lasted a few. nluantes, honses were unroofed, barns destroyed and trees blown down, and, in one case, a lady and gentleman were assisted out of their buggy, and left lying in the road, Feocea are blown down, and the roads are bloolced tip in a great miry planes. No damage to shipping has been reported as yet. The storm com- menced with violent wind, followed by a heavy fall of •• rain which lasted 20 minutes. ' - Guelph, Ont.,.April 26.--A heavy wind -storm eccompitnied by thunder and lightening, passed over this neigh- bolhood this afternoon. A barn in Ghazni', April 26, -General Stewart eMilrse o£ erection en the farixi of Mr., Again engaged the enemy on the l0 John Murphy, Mount Tara, iyas blown, st., •it'lie enemy numbered 800, known Sown. Mr. Murphy, who was on the as Alons111cit1nnl's army. After' two. LOS$ OP LIFE --GREAT DASrAGE TO PROP - Brantford. Brantford. April 26.—This evening, between 5 -land 6 o'clock, Jr. Aird, a hackman, was Unhitching his horses from the back at his ambles. One of the horses was taken ant, and the other ,still hitched, but the bridle off, when it took fright and ran away with the hack, doming iu contact with a single buggy in wlioh were two ladies. One of the ladies. named Mrs. Wilson, was seri- mealy injured about the head, and the buggy wail badly broken. The florae 000tioning on its entire°, ran into the buggy of John Well:lice, ,of, Windham, snijsshiitg'both vehicles botfly. IIIc. Wallace fortunately escaped with ti severe shaking. The h.>rse was theft citught, it being badly hurt. AFGHANisTAN. ANOTII1c.R BATTLE WON . BY GEN. S TEWAWI.. building, had not time to get down hours fighting they were de ea e r wt a loss of 400 kilted. and weuuded. British loos is two killed • and wounded, DETAILS OF' THE BATTLE ON THE INST. Cabtll,:April 26.—On the 19th in start the enemy was observed two Miles off. ' The British forces were int- mediately formed into position, the ar- tillery advanced to attack, filing with effect upon the enemy, who lined the crest of the hill, but before was devel- oped a desperate charge by 8,000 Ghazies was made along the face of the whole line, enveloping, both flacks. The G•hazies, of whom many were mounted magnificently, and led by throe men with standards, charged right into the Britiell,ana some of them succeeded iu getting round the fiank df two squadrons of Lancers,who euttrged on the main body. .A. ooneiderab'le number also got through the line of the infautry in the cectre and nearly reacli- edGen. Stewart and the headquarters of his staff. The battle lasted an hour, when the enemy retired leaving over 1000 dead and removing as many wounded. The British less was 17 kil- led and 126 wounded. • The nine 1Oru A /UM D1 POSAL OF THE AMEEOISHIP. Cetbn], April 20.—In coneegnenee of the difficul'y of ejecting Abdul Rahman Kban from the strong position he holds in Turkestan, and the evident prefer- ence for hiini of many influential chiefs. the idra of malting him Ameer gains ground. Cabul, April 20.—lt'Inhomed Hassan, ex -Governor of dellalabad and a zeal. 00s partisan of the ex. Ameer, was the chief leader of the attack at Oliarasaib. His personal standard was captured: GI.EAT SNOW STORM. Iu a Statement given to the Evening Telegram the Rev. T. W. Handford de- nies the charge made against him by Mr. Thoinpson, Tho 1ttil was the only paper to give an account of the investigation, and religious circles aro very much excited to•day at the reve- Iation. One of the ladles alluded to is about to bring an action for defamat ion of character against Rev, John Potts, of the bietropol]tan Ohurch,who, it is said, was the .first to spread the stories of Mr. Ilandford's vistt to her house. Mr. Handford will not `resign. Toronto, April 27. -Bev. T. W. Handford has sent a communication to the different papers, denying the charges laid against him, and Mr. Thompsnn .bas sent a letter, saying that he is prepaeed to substantiate' them whenever palled upon. A meet- ing of deacons was held today, out the representatives of the press were excluded, and what transpired cannot be learned. Toronto, April 27.—The Handford clericai scandal still creates mneh •ex• citement in this city. Handford ihas always been very liberal and outspoken inwthe pulpit, does not wear any • dis- t',etive dreas end was stern" amongst titidience who hetened .to. Col. In- gersoll, and those peculiarities, it is said, drew upon bine the dislike, not to rite a stronger word. of the Miuistoriat Association, nod Thomas Elgar, ac- countant of Out Bank of Toronto, 'one of the deacons of the church, in an in - I torview in this evening's Telegrain, ! says: "That he traced some of the 1 rumors against Mr. Handford to a rev- erened gentlemen occupying a high position in this city." Dominion. Waterwas let into Rideau Canal on TRAFFIC ST1'PPED ON TER 0, P. R.—ova- Monday evening. I.nxcilEs AND FLOODS. The "Queen City" will reduce the is - San Francisco,April 25—Since Tues- {sue of liquor licenses. day railroad and telegraph connections A new Opera House in have been cut off between Atte on the to be built immediately. west and Truckee on tlle.east side of the mountains. A terrible storm prevailed, not only in the jnountnins but tarough• out the state. In the valleys rain fell heavy, almost constant. ltive)R over. Bowing ; the lev'es in many places ware carried away ; railroad tracks were washed ont ; low lands were ]aid under water ; Country roads were rend- ered impassable ; bridges were swept away. Great fear was felt at one time for the safety of Sacramento, Marys- ville and other valley towns, but for- tunately the ricin changed to snow, otherwise the whole of the valleys of Sneramenlo and San Joaquin would have been devasted by the flood. In the mountaius over 16 feet of snow fell. In some planes on the railroad it dztift- ed over 40 feet deon. Avalanches swept down the mountains, crushing snow sheds, burying the Creek, and carrying away the telegraph line. Near Alta the land slide buried and tore away the track and road bed. Snow plows driv- en by ten rugines dashed through, ga- thering drifts without cessation, and hundreds of men worked with shovels. The storm has now•coased •and the track is virtually clear. The west- bound traius, including the Boston ex. oureion, were laid up at .lieno and Truckee, and the east -bound trains at Colfax and Sacramento. None of them were oaight in the blockade, and the passeugers suffered no discomfort. The ater,n has been the heaviest and most protracted ever encountered on the •Central Pacific,. Hamilton h Justice Osler opened Napanee assizes Monday. Light docket. The total oash subscription to the Hull suffers amounts to $10,822. The business of the House of Com- monsis to practically at an end. At Kingsburg, Que., Albert Wright hung himself. Cause unkltown. Robt. Decoursier, the Lambton Milts fratricide, is being tried io Toronto. Haulms leaves for Washington Wed- nesday. Ile is in first-class condition. At .13oboageon, Boyd's lime kiln, 500 bbls. of lime were aoneamed on Sunday morning. The weather is ftiir in Manitoba,. with the farmers busy plowing and seeable gain. At Waterloo assizes, Justice Carnet. - on hes only eight civil and no criminal case before hits. Geo. Wilkinson, Toronto, got in tR well and wanted to drown, but a con- stable wouldn't let him. Tne outlay in Montreal by Americans for horses during the pact four weeks exceeded x100,000:. J'lstice Morrison opened Lincoln as- sizes Monday. Twenty-seven civil eases and eight criminal calender Fire 'vent through' some of the 13e8t buildings in Kempteille ou S•curday night, A number of basinea People were the losers. Seventy French Cnr•dian laborers• have been engaged in nontrial to work on a new railway it, TORONTO'S have left for their dest:,t►tiou. TORONTO'S CLERICAL SCANDAL. left French Triage,nearOwen Botul I, James Jon,- Picked up his gttn 'by tho THE CHARGES OF IMMORALITY DENIED. BY mllsalta. AO ' one knows what made at Jis d OHM ead. REV. MR. nettne0Rn--DEACON TEHOMPSON DECLARES THAT •HE, CAN PROVE Teret—. JEALOUSY AMONG PREACHING BRETHREN ---ACTION FOR DEFAMATION` •OFCHARACT teff :Minnesota, tbl'eatetling the iuter-' ER TO BE TAKEN AGN3NS'1i SAN. 11'' ruption of railroad travel, PJTTS. ,.errible snow storm, embracing an c.ta of nearly 203 miles wide, has visi- Toronto; Anti! 27.—There,,: • +great excitementinthe oity to•alt' , the s,llt against ehartzo of )mslrlrality . 1 the Oeugre- the Rev. Mr, 1' laildf(arzs,etlargod with getional Ohttrnh• l h the .wife of a. ;:rilninal S1)tiulaoyt4r, tvho is fregnently onaunyercynl tr rciay, rind a rather eld• absent frnn7�dr, `3'hr',rtl still lis It �mrly maid' dei eo;ls ` this afternonn meet'111fv. official report. • This ex- "' gt,"}7int this report will he in €teens peri iMeter, but that a .plat is the .h tegntion Hilt take 1Aaee. The De Cofirsier murder trial finish- ed at 8 o'olock Tuesilsy night.; Mr. Daltah I41eCarthy„made a vigorous speeeh on behalf of hie client to con- viuoe the ,jt'try that the accused was insane. ° The jury deliberated about two hours, and returned to court ttitlz a verftiot of gnilty. Laing asked it he had anything to say, the prionuer shook his head acid answered very care- lessly, "NO"thing."' Judge Galt spoke' very feelingly to the prisoner, in *ten - teiroetl him to ba hanged on 'the, 1(11It nay of ,loin., at Pa o'clock it the morn- ing.