HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-4-15, Page 8Wall Paper Window B1iuds. I, NSW COMPLF'TE, 'Bookseller, Main Street; Exeter, 0 Spring Shows.. Spring Shows for the exhibition of Entire Stock will bo hell this season as follows: — West Biding, at Smith's Hill, on the 15th of April. Stepheu'and T _ ole; at Exeter, on Friday April 15-r; let' T&Ui pAY, APRIL 1880. L0C).A:L NEWS. pite'tre tale 184t('o., Marsha 11,'4ilttil., \Vi11 Rend their celebrated Jeleetro•Voltaiu Bone to the afflicted anon au ages trate. speedy cures ed. eley mean what they say. Write t4 them Reade Mr, Thos, Hamlin's adv. in another tolurn% linen are storm, W. C. CrtenTRns, of Hensall, bas just receiv- ea alarge quantity of Bay of Quinte seed bar- ley. Flumers should not fail to see it before purchasing elsewhere. again drying up since the late Coshes at:. -13y tue inversion of a figure, the salary of :lir. Hogarth,lteeve of Stephen, was made= to appear in the auditors report the factory, it kept the flames from several of pnblishea in the papor;1100 instead off M. Tito the neighboring houses. Shortly after six item was correct on the priuted sheet. ti etook Mr. Cattell lit a fire in the upper part Posse:p.—We are pleased to see that Mr. Adam S. Case, son of Mr. 'Thomas Case, of the Township of Usborne, has taken a second class certificate at the recout examination held at the Normal School, Ottawa. We wish iter. Case suceess in the profession: weights and measures. act At the 'last:session of the Dominion Parliament, when his services were doomed unoeessary' He has owned con- sidaralalo property in Manitoba for some time and was ou his way thither when no ntet with his death He leaves a wife and family k good eireu1oi tent es; havinga few years ago sold for about 610,000 oases a brink Blau• shard near the town of St. Marys. Ttwr Suoorilte' I.fATon,—The shooting match between Mr. Thos, Bissott, of Exeter, and 1Ir, J, Evans, of Wiugham, which took place at Heusall, resultedin a decided victory for Mr. Bissott, his score beige 26 pigeons out of 30, 2401 1 / , 8000 " !" " 5 `" " .. 11 "1 U " 04 Ming • Alla, 16, 1880 be patiuuaater of said division f>r 1880, bitiona lnaoliine agents of the different That said lots be etrnok of of diviafuu mower and reaper companies were 'T and 10 on N. W. Ward, and that a there as osteal, and showed a larger by-law be drafted in accordance there- amount of machinery than ,heretofore.. wltt .-•-Curried, • Moved by J. Halls, The following is the prize list :--- secoucled by J. Shier, that bylaw No. • IIUltSe aS, 5 for 1875, reg;uleting the number of days statute labot•to be performed by all Birk it DRAUGItr BTALf101te. Parties rated on the assessment roll are Entries, 7--14, Nitron Chief, Thos; respeotively liable, be amended so as to Oalgnollon ; and, Wellington, itnaort- read as follows :--All Asseeetneut`from ad, Jonathan Carter ; Ili'li, Starling. $1 to $1000 be liable for 2days'work. claire, P. MoGt•egor. 1000 " 1800 IS " t" 8 " " AG'BICULTi ML STALtt0Ndt 1801 " 2400 '" " " 4 '« " Fntries,2-1st, Youtag Lord. Radar', I . Ricllbool. Giontilat IiUBtl0$L1, Entries., 2--lst, Pride of the rnmin- ion, J. Wilson ; 2ud, Young Nether. by, p. Ford. aearauAL VURPO$E, 1r0AL1ED 1877.. Entrieea 2 --1st, Yonne( Wellington, Pollock aa Armstrong ; 2nd, Youug England's Glory, John Purdue. GENL1BAL 1ttrBPasE, Pestis» 1878. Fntriese 1 —1st, Huron Plowboy, W. S. Mandel 3 Gns.—Robs. Bell, Timken—MO', in the statute labor division, iu which Nicholas White, Eliuiville, J'ns, Forest, the laud so liable be situated, that a Stanley. Bylaw be drafted accordingly.—Car. Canari Lr. ried. Moved by J. Halla; seconded by J. Hackney, that the sur; of $175 • be spent iu each ward fer grading and gravelling for 1880.— Carried. Moved by J. Shier, seconded by J. Halla, that the court of revision for this municipality, be held at the Tewn hail, Elitrtville, on Saturday the 29 of Inlay, at the tenor of ton o'ol•'ck a. in., that N. J. Clark be constituted AGED DL'n1TAlr. Clerk of said court and that he adver- Entrks. 5--1•t. Young ITtnra Otte tine the holding thereof according t, ford, T. Dix to: 2 el. Sir William, J. late.—Carried. On motion commit ad- Itetchen: 8..1, C-::ni t'me, A. Monate. j')nrned .till Saturday 29th of May CALVED masa 10 PT. '77. 1880. Tr.tttita• , 4 --est, Cavalier, inn. , G1 -n; 2:,1, Dake Tlderton, Geo. Sprott; 3n1, Stapley Duke, W.n. Gra- harn, C1LVr AFTER UPI'. '78. and Mr. Evans' 21, Wingliatn may take a 8001 " 8500 c it c+ 0 1i bang seat now, Mr. Bissett !n reality killed 8501 " 4400 " " " 7 `" 29 out tae 110, but 11 of ;them fell dead out of 4061, "' 5800 '" " at 8 "/ bounds, The more id exeelleut, and a good 5801 " 0200 " "" " 9 " deal of skiru)ishiug will be necessary to find 6201 " 7100 " " " 10" anyone to haat it, The following is the 7101 "" 8000 "" " "" 111 " 8001 " 8900 ,a it " 12 «" more :— 8901 " 9800 " /1 " le( ,1 26. Bissett—111111110111011111111011111Q11-- s 9801 ""10700 "" "" " 1,f " t« Evans—01001010110101O11011111:1111111 -- Tient two days be allowed for man 21. rand team. --Curried. heaved by 11. Alter the pigeon match two glass ball matehs, Horuey, seconded by J. Hackney, that at 10 bails each man, was shot, „with the fol. hereafter all statute labor liable to be luwing,result:-- performed in the Manioapality be done VIEW =WU, Bevells-10000 fell out. Urundy-1010010000. Fairbairn --1110111100, Carey--UOI1111111 ('ntin-1010110110. lsicualaee-111O111I11. Sxoc)ND MAIM. Ilevells-10000. Fah • Moncuueo-1011101111. eurtiu-1110111110. Carey -1101110100. DsslnrcTlvv Ftns.—Ou Taeesday morning about half -pact six o'clock the people of Exe- ter were Manned at hearing the cry of fire on the streets, followed by the sharp ringing of the ball. The nartse of the alarm was found to be iu Mr. Ambrose Cuttell's rake and cradle factory, about half a mule south of the village, Ill tbe towuslrip of 13sborue. The Exeter soath engine was 'soon out of the engine house and at the scene. Though not in time to save Henn Dr:An,—On Tuesday evening last a horse belonging to :lir. Wen, Delbrisge. of Us- borne,was atteekod with inflammation tshi:e in Exeter. The horse was put into the Commer- cial Hotel stable, anis a veterinary summoned, but to no pnrpose,as it died about eight c'clook. Tise animal was valued at e120, and was a fine- looking beast, having several times been before all the furniture, .Le., was removed to a awarded prizes as a carriage horse, ;place of safety. Mr, Cottell's stable and eriv- lug house in the rear of the factory was also consumed, all tate contents but a set of har- ness teeing saved. Mr. Hugh Hupkius and Mr, Entries, 4•• -1st, Glifften G.lchr1tiat, Henry revel's ; 2nd, Whip -poor -will,. ktobt. Brook ; 3rd, Accidental, Johne Beacon. Jtroits.—A. Young, Seaforth, ,Toe. Whitely, Gnderich Township, Thomas Young, Ashfield. BthaT,G, N. J. CLABn, Clerk. tieasall. Mr Rialto-. Dias SIR,—Many varied are of the building, and went into thehouse,which . the scenes which pre.-eut tltemselves i. one do.w "total', for breakfast. Ile had to the traveller as Ise wends his way been gene shout tweuty.)rtinutes when Mr.slung;ytiitr raiirt)adi some of a Rad,, and Diekia, who works for Mr. Cotten, and lives others of a comic nature. The one I next door north of the factory, observed smoke run about to relate collies adder the in the workshop ahendy alluded to, Ho at head of couile. As we passed aloin once alarmed Mr, Cottell, aa' together they froth Exeter northwa usually quiet village of 'lensed!, where 1'31:tcicQ trithts Of ton injure horses we hear sounds of rntt,ie, and throwing open the window 01 our car, fro see more thou drivers do. a e •uut.luss ntitubcr of urchins, some 01 iv"r may b.e sown at once, tbe with pilus, eotue with stovepipes and frost trill do it tin term. others clapping their tames and sheet- 1, Ir itncae a respeotabiQ Biddulpla ing. Luring a dello in the storm of farmer, :lt•opp,:d ds'itd recently, music we hear them bay, "tills will Atr. Cle,rr::e I'+ilfnt'd of DIeGiflivray, brill* tue;beer," a d then they est twk ,1r.s t )e dead sutlalonl on Vie Fath ins atin ouch one stritchsg with his churl, 11 . y to dee which could make not the sw••et- lost. est but the loudest niu•ie. 1 was 111 a Breat.kirta Into stt.reliouses and taltinr; study as to what this could mettn,lwhen �,t'.tin th••rnft•nm i4 as yet only tt new the door opened and two ;stately forms thing tot the I.lub. appeared toad ;lade for the trait', fel. The Grand Trull: Railway will ere lowed by a goodly neither of rusuruere. long have all their t' ondharners ctaang- The excttetnetit at this time was in- .ed toe til h'.t'Isoter, especially on the Corse. Mair shaking Inuits, women f Western sncti'•ne kissing, and the boys beating a grand retreat. I, of course, inquired what this all result, .tnd they told me that one of the city fathers, who llsad late - rd tae next• t1 prooeedod to the fire, Isut were only iu time to see the whole upper storey in a blaze. Owing to the want of assistance they could do no- thing to stop the poetess of the lire, but they at once set to workto remove whatever they could, Meantime the fire spread to Mr. Dick - house, which was, along with a stable a few rods off, soon euveloped in flames, but not Cann or Tuxres.—We clip the following from the London Advertiser;—"We have lunch pleasure in stating tate Confederation Life E rauci's Anderson, who live iu houses close by Associatten, of Toronto, throngh i1r. Mau- the factory, narrowly escaped being burned ning their agent, made a prompt and satisfac• out, but the efforts of the Exeter fireman sale tory settlement of all claims antler policy ficc:tl to keep the flames from their dwel- 3061 ou the life of the Iate Alex, Bissett, of links. It is supposed that the fire was canned Parkhill, by paving full amount of claim, with- by a spark shooting from the; stove and falling out any deduction whatever, and without the suing shavings. The property destroyed is the eIi htest cost. 'awry 60x26 feet,2 stories high,valned at,fr500; D.tvm3Iouaxz1Et machinery, costing $1,200, and )early new; ly rastiredf.'tu t,ualaiet had thought t Lxecutorsthiving horse, 520J ; fiauva stable, 150. Iu $L to take auto himself ra wife and had Neat Motteasaa j the iractory there was a large amount of stock, led to the altar one of the city belles A ,SunnTbi (..'IIA:ti(i1:.—lfiee are getting use t to c.)nsietint; of rakes, cradles, &v., atnontlting to and there was joined in the holy bonds sn;ldcn changes in the weather, but the most about 67i10; beeeh tools, ",t100; the harness, ,.f matrimony. The train started and sudden and complete in the memory of the $26; and about Zit cords of wood, 1135, Tho I walked throegll the train to see what "oldest inhat,i;;utt" was experienced on Sat- total lues ie therefore esti•nate'l at nearly $3,,, was going 00, KAwhen I opened the r'idny last. The morning was all thea could OJO.'I which there is no ineurauoo. Halroe door of the coach that contained the l,e tiesirc,l for spring.Rh, sun shone from a wind not been blowing from the eonth, Mr. happy couple, There I stay a sight ek'ndtc:'s sky, tete little birds whistled joyfully Cotten's house would also h.ve been burned. that I shall haver forget. AI he con- in the branches, etc., etc,, Put in the afternoon Tilts is a very heavy loss eo str. Cotten, and the wind changed to the north, and brought ile has the sympathy of the neighborhood, Ile (;ntrie•, 5. --14t, The Prince of Orange, T.lIrs..':1::2nd, Sir Richard, A. 11[iscl,'ll; 811, YoungWellington, John Metter. Jr:nn+,s.- ton. l'.'trv, Fiensall, Jon. The troe, !itstu1iec•$tniltt,Tit0s, Coates, Us - ht rue, North i,i-.iOdies€X: o•le of the strangest stomas that', o have seen has lost, nearly an las poeees'e 1, rind raft be 1s a for ensue months. kb sometimes it was im-' good eitizen,hc ought to be assisted tore -build, l,os:. iblc to see beyond a few rods, so thick and The Exeter north company shoed receive Lestcredit for tushing out•sind brining their eh - i was fere snow driven by the high. wind Fool - that pretaitc i, She storm aoutiunetl to ra> a git'ce down to n, thus showing they were anxi- ftirionely until late at night. Though the cold aus to do all they could to assist Mr. Cotten. was not severe, it was a little uucomfortab'e at this time of the year. TUB Asartfntr 01' ern; Saasov.--.Tise eorial assemblies which have beou held in Fanson's Miall during the past winter were brouglit'to a close on Friday evening last by a dress ball, which was par e.rcellence the event.of the Pelson. There aero about 60 couple present, • • a;nont; thein being several frontbondon,\Vieg- lotus, Seofnrth, Lucxn, Patltlt[Il, T'hedford,.To• r.)uto and Ingersoll, all of whom appeared to enjoy the affair . and expressed themselves well satisfied with their reeeptiou in Exeter. The Couimittee and the ladies who took the lead in arranging the ball worked indefatigab. ly to make the affair a complete success, and please all who accepted invitations. This was the first dress hall over held in Exeter, and it will not likely be the last. Crediton. Rev. G. Webber will deliver Isis cele- brated lecture, "William Prince of Orange," at (ke,litnn B.C. ()Introit, on Monday the 19 h inst., et 7.80 p. tn. Admission 15 ets. Proceeds to circtttt fund. Ail :are ct'rdiatly invited to -at- teat. 'Cleburne. Cnusscir. llnwTING.••••Council Met on the, llyd inst. pursuant to adjnnrntneht. All the members present. Minutes of previous tneeting react and eonfirrned. Moved by 3. Hackney, seconded by J. abler, that Alex. Carmichael receive I5 for relief.—Carried. ltovecl by J. Linl1,s 'seconded by 11. Homey, that Tais man, John Gould, killed at St. Paul,'Joseph Hewitt receive $5 for relief.— Miun., by the car wheel breaking, and throw- 0(3.11iud. loved by J. Shier, seconded iug the train from the track, was tt non -in-law j by J. llaultney, that Mat. Grace Griffis of Mr. Robinson and brother-in-Iaw of 1MLr,tai be paid the SUM of $80 for 12 woeke Bright of this town. Ma Gould was well- 1 board of W. f3rnillits, up to the 17th of known to many" persons in this neighborhood, April.---Oarried. Moved by H. elm` he was an excellent public speaker, and hey, seconded by"J. Hells, that lots 88 one the umet proinfOdht politioatis ou the lie- - • ua slide in the neighboring County of Perth. wee fr •:c, ttt du the 1t3. 1�. W. Sir'., that Sinton ;1Iu1`ag}f...1 serest in she rtai,>if:b; of eieoli. Tho: am- don't blame a twin. to be *very inert d, fiery tateresti�,g social came off at ,isir. P. ice's r"'eidtl,c Aliens.Crtaig,ltate- ly. `.Ilt-s rbject Ives to benefit t.ho funds of the G. M. allure!) auci the end , was well answered, \tie are sorry to learn that Scat'lttina and Scarlet foror have got into sever- al families at Ai!Pa Craig„ es yet only one coat Inas proven f.ttut. It is feared that o,ht'ra may fellow. gr. Win. 1. arlmntis only child, Willie, task ill ou Satertlav noel died after a few hours rsiekssees. Hie parent,. braced her tenderly mull exelaiinad, I are greatly nffiioted by this bereaverneut. "Oh, Nelly, you are all mise," and I The hay was about 4 years old. she said, '"Yes, Georgie, dear, aid you 1 Hey l& Jones have purchased the are all _eine." 011, V sir, I have he.si•ct 1 Gilles' property. in the east end of the old inen say that tnartis•d life was by all means prefernble ; I have heard young men who have just entered the rashes stay it was juaat tlse hose ; I have heerd debates corn off its flavor of mar Tied life; but, sir, none of therm affected ane like that scene on the train, I thought what coneolaatinn there ryas in those words "you sale all mfr',e.'' I4iany; were the remarks iudult•ed indulged Ili ny the fellow•travellere. Ono wail', "poor Lts1u:cs, they. mill soon get over that" another said, "if tl'eydon't their lips will take tromps, for they are pale now,' while one little girl milted hor fa, titer if that young man WKS going to Manitoba to leave his soother, they were maftittg such �a kissing. The time quickly passed away until tvo arrived eat Witgllatra where bid our friends goodbye, Yours &c., OOti, T,1AVIILI,E1i, Hub, and Mr. !Gilles remeves his plan • ieg null to the west,end, whore he con- nects it with the Tweddle Paw -mill, 11lr. Tweiddler1saving pnaohased a fart; goes to reside on it. Tommy Abbott, of Biddulph, will lose the prize if he dues not let bis clunks sit a little longer on theft eggs. Willy Von nil, of ;tinct Forest prrdnces 00 t.gg 0 incites around midways- dna G around Ilia centre, Point Edward says that G2 feight, rind 20 paayeiger cars arrived nrrred- ner=dav night from Ottawa and inter - now;' 0,•enr•oute for it[anitobst. The 20 passenger cars contained 566 Canadians wbose destination was the So.ith Huron Spring Showa Tho tabove society Held their erring fair at 13ruee(aeld on Tneadsry, the lgth` inst. The ,day oras all that could be desired, and the attendance was large. The show of horeca was good, far sur- taras,+ing 'that of former .years. The ' OOT , O t£.:T5113 S lfaving� purea.aoee. tete Itt'bt disci Alta trade Of W.11.'rrotts its can not"( offal•`to the l'abllo nue of the • Best an. Cheazest Stccks of ready rbado .rrhrlc ever offoterl in iixeter. We would aloe remind thoso. iu want el flret•cltt+s, hump-nettie Boots sett Show, Baited and.vegged, asst we oats supply tlietn tettu What will give sat. lafactiou. Eembiring done at:1oweat viten end etittefactioia guaranteed,' llallt.ad ser, for ynnrselves. 1)ott't forgot the place--ltacrott's itlock« C. EAG1?ETT. j R. ABRAHAM. *teeter, lrebruary till 1010, sm, feownweerreetweeeterememeeeereleeeteepetrearealseetesemeet what he profeaaaes to be. He however: frateileised heartily with his brother ministers, in all general, public and I important matters, of it religions and philanthopie nature. Ice, ice, ice. A steady stream of ice care pass the Haab every day with the cooling luxury for the citizens of the United States. • For Parkhill it is a big thing ---Dir CAW lid. Dr. l3tarolay—a $5,000 libel snit. Such a oleariug oat of Parkhill witnesses to the .London assizes has not before occurred. Some aceouuts of what the Aliso Craig 8 sive, is doing in the United Ines and Ieeltu.tl reuobnd the flab 1s t week. . Those especially from two doctors who use it in their practice and say it is ready a wonderfnl salve. 'Write to the Rev, Thos. Atkiuson,Allsa Craig,. That is if you want a cure fssr runniest sores of any kintt; seaman, &c., VP -6 11`0ftMAL SCBOOL EXAMI?ATLONN. CANDIDATES -wIIo OBTAINED SECOND oLASB Irw01�'nssV NAL cEivri rt0-a3•Es. • The following is a complete list of those Normal students who passed sue., cessfnlly the March examination fox' professional second Blase certificates at the Toronto school:— bi.tti s.—'Ntomne 13alla.ntyne. 'Alfred Cole, John Colo, Wm. Colvin, Ltewel- lyn Frank Cotten, Wm. May, I)nniel 0, Hetherington, Hem, Horton, T\vers. Irwin, Andrew 1 err. George Me 1. Mita. Jneeoh Rlatthe.ws, s,'irni. 1?. it'till , Jnbrl�,, s1orinv, George Ms'Xerfio, We'ls'y Nes well, Ge'•rge A. Peters, Aleca odea" tetter, Jame-, linhertenn. Tlsrnias C•" Shilsin'rlmtr, 1i.obt. Smith, fames ler Standing Thos. i te's neon, Simon Il Swa. tz, Jittnoa F. W'iliiareson, Cyrus Witmer. I+EntAT.E5--Sanies C'trrinron, Emmst M. Cheney, Caroline'CPPtrord, Charlotte Colmergar,,'Victoria A. Creeper, Annie 1 . Green, I ntheritia Dnrrach, Cathe- rine Dobie, Mary A. Dunn, Mary 3. Elli ttt, Sepiny Fox. filaria Hall, 0111i:+ ins Hardy, Margaret L. TJ•arri. Ren, 'Minnie It. ILty, Snsranna lItwden, (Ti•eco ]3. laeay, Mre 1)„ra A, liesners Etizebeth iinnt'lns, hist 1�, Lo+atr, 3uliw Tsoavla, Satoh Landn», edit alaston,. Lennie TtfoCrlusl'an, Tet,rie McLellan, Helr'nu Patterson. Ale.iuua 1iai�l, Livdith II. Thatcher. nary T . Trout, IlIerge.ret Ta Wert, ltl'nrgarot 11. \lrileen, Relents Wilson. G •J OTTA'W'A. MALES_ -\firs. George Arin ti,, ?i rttii� cis l',arkey, Fredsrielc Wm. T3arnett1 Semen' (',nmernn, Alam S. Ga'se, t'rri. 1'eIrirlc Oe, atee, Thos.' V. T. Cook. 0y, roe CoomI.e, Est bait (Tr. Cr'oslter;; 5 John l+;riward ()rnwle, Walter T. Cooly, A ghihalcl E. Duke, Isaac A. Erratt; Wro. T. T'or•nns1n, M. A. Gs•all11111, Tames E. It;siina, Anthony 11,. H,ankn, Pamela Leitch, iti7ilisarti illevben, "Wm. Moore, Artltnrs�' allots, Newby S, Muir, Ptinenn i,tellostgtall, Alex, McDonald, John Ttle,Tanet, Peer Metetugnlin, Philip P. Perla AlFrs'd • P. Platt, I'Vln. Print?, Chas 11, Parte, Hugh S. 1 ohes to son, Win. A. RIND .on, Andrew Robin - eon, Clra•s, 'Roberts, Win, rid. liaise, l dwarsl 13. Iloy, Alfred. J. Shields, Llnrry P. Shcirpe, Jelin.C. Smith, Alex- ttniier Steel:hnnee, Joseph >:I, Thomp s ar 'el0. rpliroo Allen H, Wen sant Tl it p g,� ant. Thnmae P. Young. Ft.1nIAtES—Christina Allan, Annie Ooninn, Mary E. 'Crepar, Charlotte Dunbar, t,)oro:hen, J. 31n11', Fannie E. TTielop, Ontharine M•sir, Louise M. Marsh, Helen B. Melville, Evelyn isf, itifacdoneld, ,Jennie A.Pitt terson.-ElTrrnra. Jeno Powell, • Elizabeth • Bnbertson;,.� Sir. Melts, file younger, of Lnnc(rn , Mary N. Simpson, Elizabeth Smith. England, plaid the Huti' a. visit lest week. His prinitiptal object being to ea - range' for 'the imtnediate arninunce meats of the ups rand downs of the lfingiish cattle and .sheep markets. The ITonee° is to favorite ono with the Cenadiatl ahippere. We regret very touch that the Revd. J. Iiigguis, Bauder minister of railed Crain, is nbeut to take Ilia delist'tasre from our midst. His .trenefee to the Ottawa district takes plata, In a few days. As a minister he possessed more 34 and 85 n,i the sail can., and lot 80 number of entries was far in excess of than ordinary attainments, as a friend • can N. It. 13, be retorted into a Steatite f last year, whits) :ah,stvs that the farm- and brother he was much eateeme.i, he 1 •seetion a veryranch of iia 1;a trust brit we ate ra I alar tri of weights and marten' es lab ,t' division. to be known Its (ay. ,No, ern of that eeetfon tyre Letting ante in. wa l rreelotts to the amaudeme s ma tos Wonus are the bane of a clad s •o;+- ivtence and the prolific sounder itf' ilie nunleroais diae•asea whish imperil the lives of ebilctreta. Their presence in the intestinal eatni is the soiiroe of great irritatksn5 whit+, opt'rating' on the rlohento nitons nrganizration,ofthe :child, ao keenly olive to every morbid itnpreesinn, C;iyrea rise tab time to the newt violent di stsarbltitrees of the li:erv- oue system, shelf as ftte,, eclnva i ons, epilepsy. and St, Vitus' dialled. "' thee'', shouldhave resource tat once, it71 sneer eases. to Freeltlnn'a WorMe'15ovd• ere. For sale by all dealerti, ' %ria 25 Conte. �• 1' .