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The Exeter Times, 1880-4-15, Page 7
fikiTthtv 1'Piti11,1€)b th14 E DO INION. One Elliott became tired of ,Nato While in the Ottawa hospital, Gut ilia 'throat and Vinci. Iu Ottawa the animal meeting of the '.Dmruiniurl 1:.ltitttlOJ o.utumeimtiil• its set-.' Hied yeetertloy. The Irish 0 ithulitte of Toronto di. `Oceeee contributed $4,409 Lowando the 'relief of the sthffo.ere in Ireland. lu Quebeeeoue,ii er,rick. eitt his throat °Rehire yesterday, said that the i3ritirh could only retire from I tgbauietau aft. er the restoration of ordeethere. Louciou, April 7.—The Right Hop.; Ashburton 'dross,' Home 'Secretary., Maservtttive caniiidete for Lenoashiro 5out11 Went hay been ec•eleoted to Isar. 1;.,nau't, Dublin, April 7.-lienoornlnon :has retilrued Mr, Commons nod 1Ir, O'Kel• ley, both Parnellitos, the ©'Connor Doti being 'defeated by ti majority of 370,. 'from ettr to ear. Doepeedouey woe' Louden, April 7.—E, Clarke .who the ci• tuau' Iia t of et bucitet `runny to defeated the Conservative candidate iu field the blood.t Southwark, has been appointed Queen's 11�1£at+ nittty'ts'►lllih, who was 'b;lrnetd Counsel by Earl Beaconsfield, It is 'so severely recently at Merrittoli by 'believed improbable that Herbert Glad - leer Mother while crazy throwing oil 00 stupe wi!1 (mutest the city of Leeds iu. r her while asleep, and thousetting fire lilacs of hie father, who had that eon- to it, has flied from her injuries. stituency'in reservei.0 ease of hie own At OaliUgwood, .ap;,si mueiem ex:ani• •mtitloli was held on the body of Cohn :i eDenaideaud'the aoroner'e jury ley tallied a Verdict that he wee. aceide.tts-•:. stone, 'ally killed by falling dmlvn stairs, At special tneet:ieg, off Wedtresdey, 'of the Toronto Cowed', it WAS decided to baud ov,'r the remaining $50,000 tvurtli of debouturas to the Credit -y ti ley Railway, ou the Cauapitnv in;tl:iug `eonneclioa with their water lots. (f4ibsr,l ), Ren of W. E. Glil1 tote, who was defeated 'for 1liddlv,Rs, Hili stttui' as oaudttitl,t•e'for Lnet;a, his father, Filo has been returned for Leeds and Ilia, ',establishment, teas 'tried before ft°bent► 13thitu , 'having elected t 1 aoor i t toile ,of lnttniett'ates on the above o!n rge and: iattt:l'. `.rand fined X100. London, April Siemined gays the real significance of ie polls is that the Liberals will tea e;ole to die, WPINIPEG NE'%'S. house with the rsttlfyurt of the Home 1 11ler$. The Libe rill :let gain is naw \Vinnipol;, Man., 7. --Pur. 81 seats. '.,untlred tons. of freight 'leave arrived -during. the twenty-four hours ending etl noon yesterday, end Fifteen tees of piles' defeat for Miclluthiau. The Liberate Prouo1e to put up Edwarc. Barites in , the candidacy vacated by Wm. E. Glad VHF TRANSFER ca.' roWER. 1jettcdon, April 7, --?Che 'limes says it may be tt.li:teu'for grtauted that the for- mal transfer of power still not bo long delayed, Lond in,April 7.—Berlet G131,tistone, At Mount Forest, Mr. Gen. Cray, wiIOSe pretnised Sae, tl('IZe(1 a nhtl time ago for ('intrad rig ell illicit melting r'ASHION CUIT•UTAT. have ar rive 1 at the site of the d,rnpnaed 1I>•,neett ribbons are wide. 5r•1rt'rnnlCllttt`il]}Tfnr:lry pile I)ritjt�g, .Pareeols etre very wide this hummer. The belance of the material is avriviur ! shut rd,oiita tllstrwobe nnvts erylftt llinnnble. '1e.d'tly, anis the worst will be pr,ceePeel 1 Striped hose will be the prtvitiliiib '-e Rh in1t11ediittv'ly, l sttial, The c,irftraet for 100,00:1 tie for len Pluide are seen in many of the new second hundred mile eee:treat, ref }he goods. Snowflake erelpo lisse and tulle are "Cauatbinn Pacific ItaiIwn,y lees, teen noveltiete eee emerlc.ted. ll:,,eis I hit''1• ee,i anti Gold lime is used on black hall: with 'Tim, the t entraetnrs, lilt••,.,, delivered ;ills tffact, 't.ite ritl'lietile nn111btar. '4 3 moo em- `J`he light-o'3lored Erl,tltsh walking cwere ere Heid tO,Cle r,, pteitet ie exoeediegly popular. Two were hundred and i Frioged•tup a ite will be fashionable. .ny M(11, eneere•etl this summer. • ett;Unarmal fur w•,„tt nn sectio,, 13 of Ecru buntiug will be as fashionable • '•"uanadittr. Pacific' "t,iltvav, arrived Istat 116 heretofore. ,ui;,lit «t St. B ,• - The clarion! linen smile) is the most �lfttoa, and were for- styli:b fir belies, \warded with' t -,t cll••;nge to their deet1- . Illitts areal threadlace retail at from -nation at 1:; .t Portage, a special knit) $6 to $16 a pair. being ir, i9aiting to Molle the trans 13rii;iante will be revived for dross lee*, fabrics this soesou. Cuaohlue n's,drab is one of the 1ery fashionable shades. Tuscan straw will be in high favor for summer'bouuote, Pulite, dots are again very stylish in some kinds of material, 'ho Alike nn contract 15 ati11 con - Work is reported to to entire - 1.z ",stopped. A new ilfamenia hall was dedicated *bore last ni;llt with appropriate core - tunnies. A great reunion of the breth- ren t)f ?nystig do was held. THE BwITISki ErelL'OTI:(llX S, :NOTES OF TIii: GREAT CONTEST AND :t•F:S Ttlrr- eULTS. -- MORE mere UULE GAINS. London, April 7. --Dr. Comtleens and 11Ir O'I elly have been elected for li.os- •Comins,;,l'' county, a home ,flail( f{aiu of ctwo. SIR 1STA1701 D NnR'L1 CO TE ASSAULTED. New York, April 7.—'Ilio lle'ah1'si toaiilu says Sir Stafford Northcote de- livered a speech ora 1rlouday at Torquay. Tete aurl.,er.oe was so disorderly that the 7119el•tng Kaaba pPeree{Lttir.el,y, North - {'Vote was ,astctteltetl Ile r thorottg s op his. #.y Bottle, t>ut 1}is: friends escorted him ttCtfbly,. 'gine L• 3811'lIAL HALTER,. i(1'j10,��'cttiMalt Gazette says that an- tp14or,.eriva1tLe•g defeat of the •fa•overu- cpFnautiie inevitable in a few years. The, gfaceie,'we have created a Demooratio. ,,system,, i ud must bow to It. The &ok- tleness of the Detnoerats is s. part of the oldest experience of the human race. &fter discarding old favorites, with leery appearance of disgust and eon, tempt, they return to theta with, ardor in a year or two. Loudon, April 7.Tile (luoou will leave Baden Radon ou the 15th inst., on her rotate) to England. 11 Ir. Gladstone writes to the n''ews do. predation the demonstration preparing by the Liberals iu hie Honor, on his re• turn to London, 1 F'CalUAN AFFAIRS. Lord I.Cartingtou, speaking at Lau CONSIZidPTION CURED An old physician. retired from practice, hav- ing had placed iu his hands by au East In- dia missionary the formula of a simple vegc• table remedy for the speedy and peruialteu- gure for Consumption, Bronchitis.CatttLrll, Ast thlun, cud all Throat and LuugAf eetieus, also positive and radical cure fur Nervous De- ,bilitr and all Nervous Complaints, after hav- ing tested. its wonderful curative powers is thouta»cls,of eases, has felt it his duty to make it known to M suffering fellows. Aetnitted by 11rle motive aucl A desire to relieve human suf- fering, 1 will spud free of charge to all who de- sire it, this rooipe, in German, French, or Eng- iish,with full direetione for preparing and us- ing. Scut by mail by addressing with stamp, naming tine palter, W. W. Site&ass, 149 .Bowers Meek. Bocheeter. N. Y.. Important to Consumptives A gentleman having becn so fortunate as to cure his Bou ofOousnmption in its -worst stages,' after being given up to die by the most cele- brated physicians, desires to make ]mown the cure (whish proves successful in every case) to those afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and the Afioc- Uinta of the Throat and Lungs, and will send the Recipe, free of charge to all who desire it, if they will forward their address to DANIEL ADEE, 84 Liberty St., New York. hie, THE EX LTER Planing Mill, Sash, DOOR AND BLDID PUTS!! ALIa KINDS OF TURNING 1)one to order. itereenhbergiipplace I direr a 1 -lo 74 .rCi3 o . Dominion Orrans and Pianos, Canadian Pacific Pail w' Tenders far Roiling Stock. The Largest and Most Complete Factory in the Dominion, 140x100 feet. highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker in the World, 111111Tt AND DIPLOMA AT C17NTENNIATt, 1870. Do do SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 1877 OULD MEDAL AT PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO, 1876. ;5iIt1mf.SI .AWARD AT LNDUSTitTAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO, 1879. 'We fire now manufacturing Square and Upright Pianos. Best in the market, Correspondence solicited. Send for Il - 1r ti ated Catalogue. Mailed free. Address , � tts"'ION 0.71 CAN C OIEP ANY, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. 1 alurra.”. tor the) M.g7a Nano i OF THE. innommanynal e'vi of t3".it hi,.�e V Y rrHE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK 017 9,, Silverware, China and Dell ever seen. in the West, at Mr.Drow lien est roe circa au excellent stock e Silver Toa Setts, Butter (.:a'dcrs,Dcuhle and Single Pickle Cruets, Cake littskt,N, Card Ile cetvers,Cern mullion Set ts,otc.,t f.heCost Quadri rideuuUTlilde Plato, and isoueringtllescut eatprice athat rldu ASTONISH YOU 1 -tit C1:;E!It: E S! rro h31eju.tt opened out a new and oOln,'etc as. sort.uont of China, Glurs and Stonowares: A largo stack of Lam psjthstarrived. Cull anc satisfy yourself as to titmilty Hud Gheal.1110,s. Come fund. ;ry our instruments. Music Teut:hot still cn utnd. Sarviees at lowest figures. Speetale.ttention cailedto the Itttynlond Sewing ,iachiuo. Organs and Pi:uzos ltnsOrpasecit ft'r ueauty of design, and quality of tune, E. L)R--1..11W. 1879) 0 —'— (1879 TME OLD RELI.A13L.:I HO LTSE At alihim/3e, snd lartioalarly at a period when Trade is universally duprossed and moniy scaroo, it is in tete interest of every buyer to purchase where he can getthe ar Oak he want, at the Lowest rete. In oohing your attention to my present stock, 1 dose with ove'•y confid ease; it bailig more ear'efully asserted and selected Cheat tiler of any previOUsSeasen. In the Dry Goods Evelydepartnlentisreplete withthe most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked at prices which should command the attention of the very elosert buyers. THE OItDELLt:D CLO1'1IXNti still has MR. vr. IVES at it. head In Millinery Underthe:uo..agemontof Mise JIa^sIoghlon,we can suit the most fastidious. Our stock. of G"roce.ies, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one oftuelargoatand best assorted in the County. Intending purchaser's will oousulltheir best interests by examining nay stock before going elsewhere. 1-7nrierth kEfr •• %OU'LD SAY TO W those wlio intend purolhast r, to do so from the tuanufccflirer. Tho dealer who buys •te sell again must uecessarily have m profit We ctlaiut to give tile pdrohasers the ,tom benefit, which cannot tail �\ Grangers. Our Anemias meet the views orate yAnemias�"tr - ,• etre lees than these •ef site \. �Ai 505110he-tnrerrcou80'e''3'ent b' wo eau aen.:haaitor. 'C. & S. GIDLEY., i:Ltid 1� 'rainiture Ivirt rtifaeturers AAT r W O v IAD ,---:-.„<,..:_, c,,,,., -.7”7-,!"--•,_..„v , �' T can speciahtttention r---c`"r `-! . '`••,;,7,,2'''''''-v ',.„,•t�1p to a t,5 undertaking is HPI° out . Erb1e +.s of all the Different plate than ever, aft Ve Have adders several new designs t of lite The lest codon. caskota shrollds,and every 'unerel requisite at the Ion est prices. Our new Hearse is pronounced by eompoton1. judges to bo wound to not 6 in the pro viuees Societies. Opposite the Central " JOHN DREW 'f. i>1%f��,•;;c+.r,� r -�, til who has removed opposite the Oeutra5l klatel,>,xeibr,has opened out a a ow Stook ©t' I`"L'l, " ; tune olid Undertekill+Goorls terougllbtit. I ,,, SHROUDS, GLOVES and all SOCIETY EM. biome tarnished at 1o113 prices, e:e' FUNERALS A1Tt N)LD BY 1kIY3E111:. ' .w..-.-..+Hns,.'ice SA't.'I51+'ACITT.()N, GUARANTEED. I th«,nk 'Me'nnmerons ottstnrncro for their favors in tiro past, anti hope. Is Merit a COutinlu1210e of their patron.. ge in my now attendttUilN 1)it + SV. rpENDL115 ere iuvited'for furnishing the Boning Steak required to be delivered. on the (:anutlbu( Pacific Railway, within the nexx four you's, comprising tale delivery in ouch year of 311,0331 til., folL,wi ucl. VIZ 2U Lnciuuotivo) 113 itlns lc f irst elaas Cars (a proitortioa being si3ellor13) 20 ileuervl•class Curs, 'do. 3 1'3nMr06 and h'tg3age cave rf Postal and au0oldn5 care 210 Box Freight care Ido Plat care . 2 Wing Ploughs 2 Snow Pliu,ol131 . 2 bliu•m rs 431 Baud t;:ie Tam Will To 131,;MANIIFACTIII(Rn 118 T21m I)nau r0r „r.'t!Ax.v,A and delivered on the Cans: dila! PIc ht 3 3 naway, at fort 1i illiaut, 0r in the Prorine• td:' Manitoba. • Drawings, alts r iftcn tier13 and ether information n1a> bit bad on 311 i,lit ,tion at .the office of the F.npinenr»it,-o1iff, e:t rktave,„ou and attur the 1311), clay of 7.1AIt(;Il next, Tenders will be r ceiv,•ri l,c the undersigned nit to tweet of TN C i,Sl, ';1, the let slay of JULY next. Iiy order, 1 . I3:4Alr1r', Secretary. .DIr'PAItr:,tT:CT or' BATLWA'zAND 01uN ns,1 I'tta,ra 7th Feb., 1871 A' MANUAL ----FOE TIIC 4larrled and Unmarried IT TEACEils6 YOII Tan Secrets of Life, u d liow to Ei'jjoy them, Soz:t rostpaid on receipt Of 5U- Cents. 1IONTTII:AT, rl' 1+i1 fit. James St., Montreal. Please state in whe,t•paper ycn 88,1%' this. T13E FALL AND 'WietTER TfA.OE 0. Solatheott cam- Son. TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, Take pleasure to ir form the inhabitantf ofExet u add surrounding country, that. they have ju ope.iodout auestcellentassortubentoi Tireerlsi Coatings, 1-estivt,selc., inthelatest styles andpatterue,andfeel assured • titian 'tile matter nfclot iug, tlt,'y eau suit the stfastidiourtast es. -UP WITH. y7 ti TINES -0 -- PARTIES INTI NDING -TO PUP.CIIAS'E ORGANS SHOULD CALL AT T. rxmar and Examine his Stook. the Best that are Made. DOMINION ORGAN CO.'S. Ec 331 0111y Weekly Agricultural Paper PRINTEDAND PUBLISI-IED •X P3 it TEL E 'DO1'II10TY®IL. NOW IN ITS SECOND VOLUME. L/npanalleled success! •Newtanti^Ilnproved Form. x6 Pages Only One .Dollar 'Per Fear 001it 52 ill/MIMICS. 4 Numbers a Month; , 832 Pages a Year; 3,328 Columns for One Dollar. Devoted strictly to Agrinulturo, Ilorticulture, Stock, Dairy. Poultry, the Apairy, Household and everything pertaining to a Farm, both out of doors and in doors. Its Weekly Commercial Reports and Prices are Invaluable. The extraordinary success this haler has met with at the bands of the yeomanry el Canada during the past year, stands unrivaled in the annals or journal- ism of Canada or the United States. A large staff of able and practical writers are en- gaged. -and cerresp.,ndence of a valuable nature appears weekly from its many subscribers in Nova Scotia in the Last and British Columwia in the )$tllf�tl it.&; tl olintI A3 it EE. Printed and Published at the Welland Stcain Print - leg House, established, 463, by W. P. PAGE, Editor. N.13. COLCOCK, Proprietor'. Address, CANADIAN PARMER, Drawer Id, Wetland, Om. rt. !/si11'11TEDre VE t,p DECCIfIP 9347CGO/_.- 3h ti4410 el, —Pati 1860 003(31311,333133630111 Cpplb4IO 8114)011815113 '01(14 51433145 it; Xt rdninl03 fon. ealare0 pintos, so rnnrn,n,:,, scut 440 (+Horne, end toll d,nrlptires, Mem and direodan. .r pptanttnp IL AWtl anrtot143 of VeseettAs and !lower Seeds, imea,, ►4ow.n, of . ievslaatlk to nl ,Semi lo: ,p Asses., D. M. t',liBa'i l t`i 204 re gait, tW;o'at •