HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-4-15, Page 4lI ;3rt.. I. 880 1880 St11AHGBOCFRY sotto Fresh aud Ali kinds of Vegetable and Agricul nod. P.3rzx ., Main Street. White Wizen Scott . SPRIRG \vR1A1. • N .0.11 it1.KL'IPS k'ALa wrn.AT. Life Ite3 Chaff " Barley ,,. Oats -.. .., Clover Seed,... ....... Paws Eggs •,. . Butter . ... Fleur perhhi, ... Potatoot, per baa Apples, per bag DriedApplea lir b.., Flogs, dressed per 100 Beef .,. Hi .,. ides, rough dressed ... Sheepskins, each . ... Ray per: Fou .., ... tMinus per buslr .., Weol,per lb ,.. Turkeys per lb t,-euo ".. Duoks.leer pair............... ... ... . 3'l s S11A:n JRQEIRY 11880 SitZIOST 214411V10$11 Fresh and Reliable, tural. Seeds of the very best quality, direct from Importers, at Jour. ranzoixt.z. E2zete 115 tel. 17 Sierra Nevada •Smain 5 am 4 pound. ,f7AU'PiON'--ALIT PERSONS ARE \,.J hereby forbirldeu to give Credit 0n mygo' eouut to my wire, Martha \Yostoott, or any outer Person , ou rl;v account, as I well uotbores ponel- OATARRI1 1 CATARRH I ! USL The great C 1 1000 1 17 bee 'or any such. debts, WAL:1LEit WEST 0`L" LS t Exeter, tial Ob 1st, 1880. 0t. The oniypositive °twofer Catairil yetdiscovered, 1 18 to s 20 32b° 113 LIE EXETER GREENHOUSE. , c 45 to t s,5 N 0 81 to '' il5 All k ads of Window and Bedding Planta. 9 470 sti 8 13 �St'G. y Hanging Baskets and Vanes ii11ucl'tu 0 65 to ': 00 ^ y Ur'der, Oabbnge, oaud lowor, celery 0'00 to t1 09 -e and Tomato Plants 1u season. Job - 0 fG to 0 15 ,,� bins (a a3' Ioning carefully attended to. 6 25 to 0 50 tLltuailtian soul Alllaritali Fruit and ... 0 50 to 0 0 Ornamental Trees, Orders solicited 70 to 75' mid ituarauteed. W' .IIU11110vil. 1000 1 40 a 0 bo 3 6C . 400 oo 5 G ... 7 00 to t; Ott ., 700to750 ▪ 00 to 1 30 0 00 te10 00 ... 050to075 ,.e 0'111 to 0 10 018to0'da 0011.00-07 0 04 to 0-/•4 The !teary Bill Pah. Co., ..,..,0 Auto 0 50 :11 43 and 45 Shohlekot fit; Norwich, Corn E..?'PLO Jr.,P,A':.ArT P011 .3'1 LL. Seed for oircuiars explaining our New System cf canva,ssim; .4 Rents have wonderful suceess. 100 srusexalB- EES TO 1,000 X)TI,I.AITA:ITS, Ourpabdlhatione are standard. Address, ST.li:lilY'S itOr Pall wheat, per buallei .<.prin Wilttat - ... ....... Burley Outs • 1 23 to 1 gii t .F‘).3. .LiJ ..it.A.. V V A 1../ • 20 to 122 40 to 0 +5' 00tau0t 0 se to O't7 Ht1,...... (10to13(0 7 1 Tiex leer t )z0. l 0 11 to 0 (411 .(utter 10 to 18 Hides per'h ... .............. 4 00 to 0 50 Dressed. hers ........ 4 70 to 5 no Potatoes }c or bag ....... 45 to 0 00 well skins 1 00 ted Uig Wood per cord 2 5u to 2 70 �p��+ ,w9.Y .M✓ ol,. aii0w 2!4 Illustrate: Floral, a'uic1e. A beautifnl work of 100 Paoesl;One Colored Flower 1'1 -ate end 500 Illio.tratfoes, ',Atte lea'riptions of the best Flower) ani Vegetables with price of teed, and how to grow them, Allfor a five cont stamp In -]Kati it or Gorman, VIc. h 5 SEEDS are the best in the world. Five Omits for postage will buy, the Floral Unite, tol- liughlow to got the n. 2. lie Bloweraucl V0,g,nt,ble (1arelen, 170 ,gages, Six Colored Plate,, ane to nv huu•ired •,ngrav- dugs.. Far 00 eauts in (aper covers 1 1.0 elegant cL.th, - In German of English. .riche's Illustrated &Iuutrly atitgazine-32 panes, a eoloren plate in every number 'tun uxuly fine Engravings, Price 0,1,05 a year •, live copies fur 8.7. Specimen nu nb0r1 sent' for 10 cents. 8 t.itt1 cu,,ies for 25 ounts. Address JAMES VI('S, Rochester, :Y Y DOMINION LABORATORY IIU\IPI-IR.GY'S HOMEOPATHIC S1'FIC@1'iCS. These preparations are arranged to cure every diseased condition which 20 is propel for auzateur or tnluily to treat. Hundreds of phials sold monthly. .:all for List and Manua,. PERRY'S G0MMON SENSE Horse &r Cattle Medicines The only seieutii c preparation in the Ioai1tet. ROOK CRYSTAL SPECTACLES. The best and cheapest in the market—scien- tifically fitted. - �'I;LI.s 3'.0 Rrulrartr>sus's Pgitr'rexnp utter Cissrior ltl Otmy mirth SYtarralitCt1 0) g.eu aria» dan- delion color to 50 lbs. butter. 25c. worth is. sufficient fcr 300 lbs. Sign of the Golden Mortar, Exeter. Just Arrived AT TIN?, CHOICE FAMILY C.E14Y, A. Strand New Stock of RAU would remind his n-nlneroce 'l J• (List n 1 3's tllot he has removed to the shop formerly occu2i11 by 51r, Road, whore he will be (amid a vervas ny to atte.:dto all ousinesh in the BOOT •'1111SE:1:1 0Line. R 0. RAU, ' editor'. E.11) RING - port SALTS BY LUrz'S CENTRAL DRUG STORE. W, LS1ITH, General Agent, Arkona, Out. H E. N S A L L . �1) -..._. +.14, -- FURNITURE ROODS. • Why go abroad for your Furniture when you eau get Better Value for your looney is 11tns.11l. ' . COX V701-1.7.= having bought out the Furniture l0usiuese of Mr S. Faf1•hairu, and added largely to the stock is enabled to oiler furniture ut very hee plleels. MyLludelta11ug!lova 'tweet will be follndsu- perior to any in Moe section, having just received a large addition o! all kinds of under to ,r'Lg guests A tirst-classhearse will he furnished for funerals �J�" �� on reasonable terms. Also agent for the Wuuzer .iy`_L g L L , N JL:..f .t and New York Singer Sewing staehine. JAS. COX.WORTH. AT MISS CTARLICX'S VewBiaok Straw Eats, New Sediment/ Silks,',, New Bihbons, Feathers, Flowers, and Ornaments, cheaper than over before. Fancy Goods.• Remittal and Point Braids, Berlin Wnnls, dfot- , out, New Braid(n4 Patterns—,t full Tine iu of u.l1 hose Goode. Call and sue them. MAIN ST11B11', - - EXETER. ' ,3V1r.). JON BACK havingpurchased tho stock of Messrs 31, &E. Spicer, has removed to the store lately tie - tolled by them, North of =Lst Office. All kinds Flour and Feed Always on Hand. FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS 1 in groat variety. JOHN BACK. f1 W GOODS NEW GOODS i y c,> ex O,l 1 1° constantly arriving at W. D. Mc(ilogltlon's Malntnntll Jewellery store, 180, 1)unrlaa street (undue, Ont -ria. Wllou,tvor you vi. -it the lec•r- ost Gity csn11't fall tovieitthis lune estalliehnleet, the only float-cla,s stole 41f the ;cine in tho City, end best arranged Jewellery store in the Donli Ilion. The W, 1).Oletlloebinu V,' tch etancla 1(11• rivalled. All who use then' recommend thou.t to their fr,ends 511 kinds of 'Watches in stock Clock of eve• 3' desor)ptinn, Rich Jewellery of ov- /3 ery style, l)innlnnels and Precious Stones ,Fancy alai" Goods, iipce..taolos, and all 71 /Meting Rings, Watches; Cloelce, and Jewellery repaired and warranted. W 1). MobLU3HLON, Garden �aTnd p ie1d, Seeds, C 1 Sr3.. ERS, 4'RANGE8 AND LEMONS G. A. Hyo d.man FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER, TaL '1'HR ONTARIO LOANANDDEBENTURE COMPANY, OF LONDON, y ONTARIO. rVorlhiltg 'Capital, - 2,600,000. Straight Loans On Mortgages at '7' par cent, Interest ,payabld at the end ()f the Year. App.ly to .1I W. aISt 01.444 Manager, Lopatin, i+3arab 8th;1880. 1117. LACIlliNE CANAL. NOTICE TO MACHINIST CONTRACTORS O EALED TENDERS addrese.e'l to 1... the undersigned (Secretary of Railways duct Canals) and at:leveed ` Tender for. Lock Gates,_ Lachine Cu.uul,' w111 be ree,ri00(1 at this oitiee until toe arr'iv't I of the Tastorn and OVeastern Mails onT7311.3-WAl:,the 8t el day of JUNE next, for the construction o ,gates, and the 1100e3sary rna- eLiuel'p anluloctOd'With tiiern, for the new locks on the l achiue (;anal, Plant, Specifications and General Conditions can be seenet this ofice on taut atter TIMES - DAY, the 20th day of 10 \Y 1,0x4, where forms of tender 01(21 11.100 be 0Utdaiuocl. Pai'tins tend0rinf• are expected to 000vide the snocial tools 0cessary for Gild to have a practi- cal knowlodg • of, works of this class, and aro re - guested to boar in mind that tenclalg will not be cousioera(l unless made strictly in atoordanee with the nrinte,.forlue, ,unit --in the case of firms. o'oo'ptttlere arm attached the actual sdguetcres, the nature of the t'Cottptution ane, the residence of *tail member of the same; mid, furter Y, all a0- ceptocl batik abegtle for a sum equal 00 6250, for the gates of oath look, must accompany eaoli ten- cia , 1011, :11 sum Shall bo forfeited it the party ton- clerllig declines entering Into contract for the work at the dates and 211 the torula stated in the oiler pi—throttled, The cheque thud sent in wit' bo returned to the respective parties whose tenders are not a1oepted For the chute fulfilment of the contract the party or parties 3011030 tender it is proposed to 1ace0ilt will ba notified that their tinder is a0ee0tecl 1110- „e"t 00 a deposit of five per cent of the bulk sunt of the couti'ttlt—of silkh the sutra tent in with the tender will be considered a curt—to bo doles - tod to the/ coedit of the Deceiver General within eight dulls after the ,Hato of thenotieo. Ninety Icor cent only of the progrese estimates '(vi11 hopalduntil the completion of the work, This Dalaarttnout does rob, h0woVer, bind itself to ace05t the tossed or oily tender. By ordor, 1: RIZAIiN, Seeiretaiy, 1 Dept e Railways and Canals,, Ottawa, 29ttd 11.�1 tlrroll..880, 4:13 *14't:vt`sl}`(�b 14 My Iltustrsttocl (30talnime for 1.830 is now priutod and will he mailed free 00 all natorlting Paralilts- ere who send their mono and fust oliloo eddroes. t Farmers who what a reliable change of Send, Grain, &o„ wf11 1.10aia send their orders early. ..ileo and salurllos 0u apjJlication. WILLIAM 1t1,NNIE, See O1eIL 1111; J'Ol'alr t0. O,u,tda 11.A_ I .k' . (.i 0 .D : HOW LAST, MOW RF8TO ED We have recently published a new o111tin11 of he undersigned wouldi'lformthe i111ia1bi- 0(1t. t'7ndlReaR 330116 C4eulta11311AT! 1) 1'1t8st Y tallteofExeterand 010111113' that he bits anthazadlcalaudpgoxula:aoutonra (withmut stn- tlioine of i'I.:rvons 1Tobility Mental aur.. physical :til '+ � EAi L O O, MIKE Where dict you buy them brick 2 Well, Timmy, I bought them from Alitohell, of course. Hae he malty or 011011 left? Why, yes, -thousands of them, and first-class too. How does he sell them, .mike? Well,1iluuty,licsells them so cheap that 7 we s nate) tell, but if ,you wa11f an just go right bhoro, for he Rape he is bored to"S 111 as cheap a0. any in the county, Bouloruber, he lives south side 0reditoll gravel road.. JOBN 'M1MITCHELL. era niton. Lob. 24,188 line NEW j rl'C.}H ll SHOP i 1 hr ict OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP Incapacity imoinlimeute to Mari iage, uta, re - suiting from excess. 0110 look south ofilfslilaceemitbehopanclhopes 5' Price in a seeded en. elope, only 6 cents or 111 es ante libere'1 patronage that ,las been eat two postagestarnps. emoted to him in the The celebrated authIr of 1111s mho irable essay, olPally t101n0nritratea,11r1n1 thirty y0Ul'e' t(1100.ii. 0LAOSSMITIT AND W4e01( ItAILI0G 0u1 practia0, that alarxu16, uuusealhauloo lu1a3 bo ratline willhe 1st0udodtthitn WILLS tier braneA o hoall3 cured without the daugt'roua uht' ",f ill totted me,lielttes Or the 110.0 of the klttft, Point. 1lltalllefis, Kis metals/eon 10].11('1111 at the resit Ie'tt r1hno..e or erre at puce simple ooi'tain anti of- .101ts of the villagetllree thee, each weekend factual,bymoul;:'lf3011181ov+'r1aui 11. 1., rte 11 t, ter shut 1110 uuu,litiin lilac U0.. may cure 11ittr,Olf 1 { t 'hut t 1 .y„ .. .r„ �� .�'i .i_.. t.,. �� �� �...a A ..L This.Lsotnre should bo in tii0 1 youth and own y.men In the land, gaud at his WI toiteasllop. 1 it actress __ THE UULV1�T MOLL ;�1 1)1Ca.1 Un. Blacken) ithigir 1,2a (1 wagon luukingoarried 010 41 Ann Street,New If 0.k, as usna in al) its brunt1 t 1 y Post c1aioe Box 4586 B, DAMS. 0 Lily, )3'1 e.t11y trutllatil ,illy. Lama of 0(1011, ,ill 11,0,10. kept 001t00antl� )u posit the Central y o tel ! JOHN DREW 0' 0311 f4�3}.a"�<e.".•.is@,.sr)�i7'�i�5u���..LTJ.'F5� This great llouseboici Medicine ruulcs amongst the loadtug necessaries of life.. These iamun- Pills purify the 131;oun, and act mostpowerfell yettsootuiu ;ly ou the Liver, Stomach, Kidney., , and 11. owels, gi\ 111 + tone, energy, and vigor tt: these great -rain 3priug, of life. P1lev etre con- lidontly recommended es a :,eves f thing remedy MEM cries where the cell titntiOn,fl on] 'whatever cause, has become 1u1,1airi)d or weakened. The aro wou.lorfully efficacious in ail ailments int,. 110ntalto females of all age; and as ageuoral Family electiciuo are unsurpassed. Its searching and healing properties are known tl roe r;itout the world. Fox the cure of baad legs,bad bxaasts, old wmmitt 13woe andUlcc'rs, itis en infallible remedy. It effecttu:111• rubbed on tho neck and cheat, as salt into tueut, it auras sore threat, Brnuchltls,r;0uobi (folds, and evou Asthma. For Glnndul u-• S t of liar , Abcessee, Piles, Fistulas. (30ntBhalull,time and every kind of Skin Disease, it lute never been known to fail. The Pills and Oinbinout are mall' ufaoturoa.only at 51180,101.011? ST..EI:T. LONDON, And aro sol l by :a11 Von':iora of Medidrain through out tho civilized wo111) with directions in tiniest eyery 11101301 tgn. The Trane ]Marks of these 'Medicines - are regis- tered to Ottawa. Bence, any one in the British Posacs1in11A,wLo rutty keep the American Coun- serfeits for sale, will be prosecuted. r 'Pnrehasol's should look to the Label nn the tats sed Boxes, If the address is not 538, Oxford bruit, Landon, they alt 3piirfone , ENIOVEDH. KINSMAN, DEN- �, `LIST �r,.r is h�rtf"r' has renwvoa t0 Van e m'G ..........- 131t1ck, three doors north( of Qarline's store. Othee upstairs, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIW,1'(. TENDERS P011 "TANKS AND PUMPING IIIACIiINE ESY. ENDERS- will be received by the undersigned up to noon on SATURDAY, the .lith (11.1.Y 11anl, for furnishing and erecting 116 place tut the fie leoral watering stations along the lino or the Canadian Paeitc Itailwav under con- struction, Frost -proof Tanks with (Lumps and Pumping Power of either wind or steam, as may be found most imitable to the locality. Drawinge elan be soon and spOCitleatim,s and other particulate obtained at the office of the Engineer 1u chief, Ottawa, on and after the 15th Al ri1. By ardor. is. 74 BRAUN.. Secretary. D+pt of Itailwawsand Canals, Ottawa ,let April, 1880. td CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TENDERS FOR IRON BRIDGE, SUPER- STRUOTUIOG. ENDERS addressed to the l3tl(ler• .1: signed will h0 received up to noon a; F12I- 1')AV, the '55th MAY next, for 'tnrnlslliug and, treating Iron Superstructures orht ,tho 'Eastern and Western outlets of the Lake of *he Weeds. Speei1oations and otherparticular8 Willa, fur - lashed on ap Bu oat5 of the oftlee of the Engin ter in Chief, Ottawa, on and atter ties 15tH April, • By order,. p,Rltdil�fr Dept of Railways andOann10, tl Ottawa, let Ain II, 1600. r who hes r6110ved. opposite tLe Central Rotel, xxoter,has opened out a New toc i of Furniture and Undertaking Goods thiougbout. SHROUDS, GLOVES and all SOCIETY EM - bionic furnished at low prices. Lw' FUNERALS ATTENDED BY. MYSELF. SA.TISj'AOTT()N GUARANTEED. I thgatl( 11.13' numerous ctlstn5tlere for their flavors in the least, laind home to 2)1(1310 r.-00110)1104)mo of thein patron. gain lay now stand JOHN DREW. S /ELL ar now PIc showing fun lines in New Dress Goods, Prints White Cottons Grey Cottons Denims Ducks Shhrtings Tweeds, Worsteds, &C. bait r 0:0 ALSO AN EXTRA. ASSORTMENT Gents' Fen Hats iloludiug the Latest Novelties. OynnaqgwD dL AZ4M tDECOTITO Boots ( Shoes in Ureal Variety, A. Choice Line of Wall Papers. Our New FIELD GARDEN SEEDS are now inNo Worthless Stock. Your Patron•9ge Solicited. SAMWELL & PICKARD. JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER GROCERY AND LIQUOR [STORE, tl LARGE STOOD OF GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG-H'XSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, ()AXED FRUIT; SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SAL'.IION, BiTT;r,it SAUCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND 5VRUPS, EYE, :1VAL SOO:COI1, IRISH AND COMMON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Rotel. r A, .L A V 3'.,r Main StreetyE etee, -