HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-4-15, Page 3"RAISING TIII±I WIND et,, SWINDLEIt GETS IIItT91 I 1 INTO TIi0Ui3LLr FOR DOING SO—LONDON TOO,0UTirl TO I3N CAUGHT. As: stated in a Toronto despatch of. Wednesday a mau who gave the name qf " F.C. Shaw, a aeklool teacher in Aurora" was arrested in Toronto Post Ufaeo on .a charge of obtainiag money finder false preteneos. The story of the crimp dates back about a :Month. At the time there appeared in several qf the newspapers a seductive advortis ment which read as follow° :. WANTED—Two young lien. to ao- gonapauy agentleman,going.on a -Euro- pean trip.. Must be fairly, e.iuoated and furnish satisfaotery testiunouials of Moral ollareoter. A. liberal salary and expenses will bo paid. Apply until the 30th inst., to II. 1111 DLwEzr, NSW - market, 0it. The same advert'tsment appeared in 00l1 other papers with the name of R. W. Decker, instead of H. M. Dewett. To such an nclvertisment'it is not to be wondered that many answers were sent. To each answer, a reply was promptly =ailed, stinting that the application was aooepted. The naive of the vessel and time of sailingwere also given and the Terson applying was told to be at New- market on such"a date. Each appli• cant was adrrionislred pot to break their engagement, because the mission was a very important one. The salary offer- ed Was $700 and till expenses. Every- -thing up to this point seemed reason- able enough, but at the close of the letter the writer tells the applicant that to prove his good faith he must forward $10. In the latter, bait the alleged fraud will lie. Of course,the advertiser never intended to go to Europe or any other plane in particular. As may be supposed, many persons saw and ans- wered the advertisreept. A co'rple of, yowls men. . of L fable, ono in L•iudoi1 South,being desirous of i;btaining a o!leap excursion over the water wrote to the address named bat, on receiving the answer, as above stat• ed, they saw through the swindle at ones and refused to bite. Aerating wan from St. Thmmaj also made up his mind to go, and, was in- formed that Air. Decker, the advertis- er's secretary, would be at Woodstock on the 7'h of April to meet him, but i1( the meantime he was rsgnt:sted to for- ward his $10 to Toronto. The young man referred to wont to. Londrin. on NVednesday, and showed the letter to the Chief of Police and was informed that the whole affair was a swindle. Slime of the replies of Decker or De- wett were sent to the. Chit f of Police, 'i'oroutn. The case was Riven into the Lands of the detectives, and for the past two weeks the Toronto Post Ofhoe has been watched by a constable dress- ed in plain clothes. The °Meets yeti - epee were rewarded Wednesday rn;nrn- ing, as has been already stated., The prieoner is supposed • to be the same preen who last winter,resided at the Windsor Hotel, Montreal,. and carried on a similaroorresnondence, and .not iu vain, as a number ofyoung -men who were duped could testify. ln•. the Diuntreal swindles the plan was to ado vertiae for a gr tduete of . a college to net as tater to go r•,n a European . trip. The ten teller guaranteewas then;ask- ed for in each ease,j uyt as in tiro,.. pre • sent oue. HOW TLEE RUSSIANS. KEEP I The linssians have a great. knack•. of rnaleing their Winter pleasant. You feel nothing of the cold in those tiahtly- bnilt houses, where all the windows are double, and where the rooms are kept warm be big stoves hidden in the walls. There is no damp in aRussien house, and the inmates inay dress 11'1 - doors .in the lighest;garbs, tshich cone tract oddly with the mass of furs and. enbf's which they don when going out. A t:Isla/1 cart afford to ran no ri;lt of' exposure when lie`leaves tris hoarse for n walk or' drive. I -Io covers his head and ears wiih n fur bonnet, his feetand legs with felt boots lined with wool or fur, which are drawn on over the ordinary boots and trousers, and reach up to the knees; he next eloaks himself in an am,• pie top coat with fur collar, lining and miff,; and he, buries his hands in a pair. of ti'nlerloss gloves of seal or bear -skin. Time epuil,peal, and with the eviler of Ins °nut raised tall around; ,.so that it. snaffles him tip tet the eyes, the ,Ea•seian expose,: only his nose to the cold stir; end be t.akescare, frequently; to give ' tha,.t. o'tirall °.little rub to keep cfroll.la-. tlett•geing,. A etrevrg?r who ie. apt .tn f,lr,,et,thet preeeestiinn, woutd often,, get. his liesstr froze!: if it Were ,,riot for the ,eaeeteev of the Env:tens, who will al- ways l -•`v yr worn. hila if they • see .,his; t)0pe, 4r.nhitaning" find will te!ehaiden. help 1441 ttU 41,Kkre, yloo4ottel, +"; loth filU}vr, , in ltussiau citieswallclrg is just pos. eiblefor 'men during Winter, but hardly is) for ladies. rIthe womenof the lower order wear knee.boots; those of the store -peeping alas seldom' venture out at all;those of the aristocracy go out sleighs, TI1eso sleighs are lty no means pleasant for nervous people, for .he Kalmuck coachman drives them at a terrific pi ne that they frequently cap • size; but, persons nob destitute of thele find their motion most enjoyable. It. must be lidded that to bo spelled out of a Russian sleigh is tantamount only to getting a rough tumble on a soft mat- tress far the veary.thiolc 'far in which' the victim is sure to be wrapped will be enough to break the.fall. . The brasses and-hovete of the Russian working °lases are as well warmed as tliare of the aristocracy. Ac stove is always the principal iteni. of furniture in. thein, anti- these contrivances are 1'sed-to sleop on as well as to cook in. The mujiclr, having no bed, curies him - Reif up on his stove at his time for go. ing to rest.; sometimes he may be found creeping right into the stove, and on• joving the delights of a good vapor hath.. The amount of heat which a 'Russian will stand is amazing, and his carelessness in facing the cold afterward not less so, A CONDUCTOR WHO BACKED. 1)0 WN. Before the train lett `Bay City, yes- terdey morning for Detroit, a woman *early six feet tall,,and having a com- plexion like a fresh -turned brick, enter- ed the depot followed by a' dog almost its big as a yearling calf., Baying pur- oh,>•sed a ticket, the woman stood be- side the train until the conductor clone along, when she led off with 'You have been pointed out to me as the boss of this train.' 'Yes'in,' was his niod.ist reply. Well, I'm going to Dotroit for the old mats.' • 'Yes..' 'An this dog is coming along with sue. He goes with where I go every time in the year,'' • 'Yes, he can go down i0 the bag- gage car.' 'Not any he can't 1 That's what I stopped yon for. This 'ere clog is go- ing 'long in this 'ere car and nowhere alae.' • 'The rules of the road—' 'itlules be haned 1 Aly old man Can 1; .be banged around by everybody, and he never demands bis rights ; but Ln oinda haiin't Thomas—uot by a jag full 1' ' &1-culame, let dou't want no clawing off 1' sire in- terrupted, a4she peeled a pair of black mittens off her big red h•inde. 'I'm going and the dog's going, an. what I want 50 know is whether you want to raise a row on the cars or- have it right now a•)d here t'. The eoudnstor looked the dog over and was abont to shake hie head, when the woman began untying her bonnet. a..d quietly remarked :7-- '1 -'1 s'pose. beiug 1 am a . woman, it wouldbe no more than fair for the dog to sail in with pie. Come•. here, Leon- idus 1' '>tilaaame,' replied..the conductor, ns he felt a Fs hirer go up hie' legs, ,'take your dog and go aboard:: 'Honest Neu T. 'Yes.' 'TQ row, after.the. oars.start ?'•_ 'Then that settles that, and 1I'm ilillcit .ob•leeged, though you . didilkinder hang otT-nt first. Leouidus fuller me and believe yourself re—D,etrgit.; Free Pr•ess.,:, GE1tltTAN SYRUP." Ne other rnedicinein the world was ever given such a tont of its. ourative qualities as 1',osorxns's,GurimAr Signe. In throe years two millions four hundred, thusand smalt, bottles of this merlieiuower° distributed free of charge.': by druggists iii this country. to. A ose.atllated with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe (loughs, Pneumonia, and other diseases of the throat awl lnugs,,, giv.iiig the • Auxerioan peo'ple' undeniable proof that C+lonc r.SYRUP will tura them. The result has. been that druggists in every town and village in the, Oa - mules and. tnitsd States are recommending it to (heir Customers. Goto your druggist and ask what they know about it:. Sample bottles, 10 coats. Regular size, 76 aunts. Three doses will relieve any case. THE TiM'k1:E Anti, 152 r&-o� T HE, -.— a Ali kinds or printing done neatly cheaply: and with dispatch. Order,you ,work where yotl, can get it done t.11e cheapest, •'card: `' br.k. :. pc—c a t The T1:1''SE SO `rid:, E. .1: e,e :cellon; •f cili icefol; twini oath; l3 tinIptCOV NTitnirlinTs AND InrITATIONe. The high reputation gained byll.n.o i 's Piro- TcinA.r, 13A.r.sAy1 far the cure of Coughs,. Coldr, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs has given ;rise to spurious•: imitations. The genu- ine PmCTOII. n, BAr:sAU lids the name of F. C. Hagyittd lylgou in the- bottle which is of the large sizo,and sells at 26 ets. Wo think it proper te,wean the unsuspecting, against BAT,- • sAiars bearing ethos names, or remedies orrored as a substitlrte. Lok carefully to. this and take no otltor than. Ktoyon'y• Psor.orsan 413,11- 3Ant. ] IttrrancAN'S Wonrr Puwr>,rte aro perfectly harmless in their. effeotar upon. ,the Aysstein,and mothers should not fail. to use theitii:,when their ir:the least suspicion of woxxns,sid;dh.o*tll: worms not exist, the Worm, Ponders- will. be found, harmless tothe most delicate conettntion ancl one advantage at leant gained• --a. know= ledge that the disorder proceeds from some other sore Amu the presence of: worms. ,'1'bey, aro safe anfl rdirible. • Pee °alit, ) y -lcll'1 4trerers., 'Peitee, 4e de)1ts, tJf, BILL EA>.l..•f POSTERS;, SATalpI AANCILI ' Der l.nrnlmer orr MA15fl Al & 1 ISITr11Ir S, I''ifilrrCRJ:EH BRAuorr, OrrAwA,131st No.., 187J TIII7 f 1;27 f3X:. PP Rfa will bo 1 re•live:l to 1q Aurll next, for the A.NUIiUSct: Ifo tiEta of the following rivers: pivot KIgaehiia (North Shore).. > 11 atkl.oc'shoo do 11-usIAeecootai do ,. ltnwain° to " Atrta•eina.rro tlo I'aslias1ceboo do. t'ot'e -Niel die 'r Agwanne . do ;tlagpie do Trent do S. Marguerite do 1'vuteCi,st tlA Mbartl.l-silii (10 ,i;le do ' " Lit. le (`escal,adia (Brtic des Clia.eurs)... A i1( olio do 3 oc'uiona.e do " ltlulbaie tucar Mas;d.de.; (Sonlfl Fluoro), 1\'Iontlolus do 7 ilhgytr tNety lhrwswilxl 'Nash wauk do ,1nequet • cin Clt-trla do lnl,it,+r (tint/coati L land). , ttltuon. do Bent per annum tote etate1 : pay^-ble in ad • - vanes. Loewe to run for from effete five tears. Le,sees t'1( employ guardians Ut private cost. By Order , :- P. WIIT'1•CHFR, Coiu ninssione rof:1+.isheries, t( ri 0, tt T. M 1 it 'S L1M fell'{:Lillis. aur.lrawl' 'dine ')line:low In FoJI ,0 '1'eion'Onlr turUh) .c l:tautly a Largs. trIlan tit y of I'r��!FF!;;T�'' ,4',1'1' �, A Ri7a t',itttferall purr°Fes eannot he surpassed in the Dumb, - ion. Partiesfronl a listar,es, can o1wavrbe•v' i'1iec> either at the kilns t1( rieliv,r,: hvtottiiig atl"w est remunerative rates. Or•ico•soft) tu,i °island urowptly attendoOto. "hlITITSOr'1 S +.1asATE1;: LEGAL p • IL CADDY., BA.RRISTER ADDY.1- BAlLISTE1 & ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, ,to. Office, I'onson's Bina 1':xoter. I, r MoDIA IThiID, B.A., 4t+1stfsTEIt,Nt)TAl y, CON1E'>iANCER. LUCAN ONT. MI1PICAL. Ii. IIUTCtfINSON, Manlier of the College of l'1pniciane and Surgeons of Ontario,, cc., Ofiiue next door to I. codings,., Main Street 1 0Atel' BigE SYND111A e—CORONER FOR the County of Huron. O7lico,next door to ilr.I. CalFlaggstore,heater. PiW. B± WWNINfl M. D., C. M. • P. t*,.(radnaro Vietorialrn'verstt3.• Offwe •audroeidenoe, Dole oioo f.,d ,0i,,.tot4, bseter. .e C. A10013E, III. D. 0. M. d • Glytrluate Of NIe(;i1;Unirersity, Montreal • 0trl Co and tee Mance .17icatar,0nt. Office 1 ours-- Stole urs—Stole n. n1 and 7 to 10.n. m 'It. J. A. RO.LLINS, M. C. Y, S. O.,.Viotoris St. Crediton, Ont, ()Me hours mat 0 to Ilio. in.; 2 to 5 p, 'O LU TZ, M. D., V • Oii'loo at his residence, Exeter. 1)R.. IRVING, GRADUATE 0 I - /V1 ItSIT•Y Trinity College 51 er l.ei(:ollege . k'eivsicianr and surgoont n.°tileer.irkton. HOTELS: 'EN•TRA.L:; HOTEL, CREDITON; J —Win. Balzer proprirtcr. This. Hotel hgrf. been newly turnfehed and fitted up in first-class • style. Large and ctilivetalerlt Show Dorms fee Commercial Travellers; best of liquor:, , and 01.0113'6..tithe 13t.r..Attentive Host1gre elat•e3 F• on banal. , WILL tAltl I3ATt 1 l:. 13RINCE'' OF WALES HOTEL: C1'TN l'ON. G. SW&T(.TS having porebees i.. fie abovo betel, antt(it1.rtl it through bt, uow of• - refir m-elaysaoeomrnodatinn toten,elcrs, Cord Neer and cigars at the tsar. Gooct sfabling an :i attentive nos tlot on hand- Nvory,attention laiio.: to. guests,.,. GBA 'S SPECIE() 1\IIII)ICINE. . R.Ct£+i1lARK,r11eGt.iatE_ngiienTRAor MARK.', ^ Penirody,an entail .:,' im cure for demi' nal '.1 eakthos•�, 111 e1•,nsh to ro ll, n a Ilnpotcnev eud'all ])l(i)s kofes tnntfol- i low as a 10,11(011143 of Self Alnscr, as lobMelee y, � r T7nr+t9r0n1 Lassi- inial Tek' U Before riutiur ,1dv.,Pe.in 10 the In ., neck,Dimness of V letou I'relnatur'eaiciage. mut. ; runny other t)iseases'that.load to Insanity* or - Consumption and n Premature grate. , ()111,nhu:: in ole• pa'npillt't, winch we desire fie send fele by nrnilt,'every ono. t� The Spectlio Nod fame is sold,bl ell clrngoistsat 01riorpstkage crsixpacita"estot i.. UrWill 1,osamtbyMail ell : receipt of the money 1},,v addressing '.IUlL GHAT trmill01n55 'rortloarn, (111x.,( 04kDA, r aT`Sn1(1 its. 7sizeterltip atticlrt(glittn, 10 d every-.. whore lit onuMa 401(1 the lJnited States'iy whole• sale and retail drxglikts. '1t1ltodourrernovi q tto, of manta to bays b piece. ;Lease address ti11l`ktul•ar eotntntulfoatsns. • 0'ST UrrtoE'BOXES•TO. BENT' .+t► , A nl mber orTinxos in the 5xetor' Past Ot11ee, .1 C. , 4,c , with end witftnnttlock and stay, to lot on.ressons•.-. hie,terms, . Xlstr•y to l), Jofi)liS; l?orrtmAtAer,. , .) lid:>Fi4"did 5