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The Exeter Times, 1880-4-15, Page 2
t2 'L'1?:tlll llilJl~i 1:XATtitl1 Nc Ei. 'I avoitl(t bisvc a thuu.tlud dollars to be attuwed t;o slieralt with her for one mo; ineut,` 111ttroneed Jtat;lull Sommer, as, maim; hi, ItorMs, t1a •tnrtlt:U to : gteze upon the retreating figure of a ls>dy, whit heel just ti ldeu by lritu 'If elft- .rep,irt is true, Alii prey ouc muter the n1oneter, and then God ilelli her l' • •Aetthought irreoistillty - plwonted by 1ti feeliitee, tiro +,cede 11101 hardly pati - ed ids hen ere he turned hire 'l1uratl'e riche t(ud returned seaward. Tse nc;i"tn arca evidently, observed by the young leery, who nets mounted upuu olio of those throuMtzbred blood bores for width 0 Jamaica is Nitwits.fnr ebb tott::hted her steed with a whip, awl nkat tilt ata tuned emitter, while her ltnt•r•nor gradually increased the speed of his animal without the aid of slur or whip. :it was a C:rartill(a1 tYlortem ,1u1(i they were titling throne,']] tonne of the most lively scenery of the island, but neither cared ab net that, their sole •drought be- iug bestowed upon (etch other. Amy lt,•ffee weal to beanlifnl blonde, saholit eighteen years of age, Galt, grace - fut, anal lithe as a willow. She wee the or ly (laughter of a wealthy planter who lived at 'Toe Cedars,' lett t'hioh estate they were then riling, and shy Was acitn:awelodgd ou an b'ide's to be the belle of the island. 3o81ali i uint'itt•r wan a Bostonian, n ho for two yens had been retiidlu;i • iii Julutaica, where he represented the e ell -known fi1:u1 of Summer, I3ii•te, St Tappan. Ile was IL fine scum fellow, Rud r. general favorite with every one iu the place. Saute months before, he had pro- pobed to 'elks 3lofat, and beeu aoeept- ed,. bot au enfOrtUuate olotervati'tn made by hien at the governor's ball a feweveuin!'s before had caused a breads between the lovers. It wits :L trtiiiing platter, but Amy resented it so keenly that bar lover would uot•sacrifiee his self-r'speet so far as there than once to sue for for- giveuetle, and as matters were,unless by 4 miracle, it seernect as though Joeiaals Summer and Amy Moffat were parted far ever. The ladykyas propel, and adinittei no Dee into her confidence, while tbe geutleluau, equally sensitive, feeling that he had done all lie could to t:xplaiu' matters fait that lie could da no more, It may therefore be imagined that it was no ordinary emotive which prompt- ed his exclamation and the autiou that followed it. Amy was on her way to tbe sett, from which place her lover had just re- turned. They had reached that pert of the road w-ttere the ocean comes in view, and she was divergiug to the left in order•to descend to the roolty cav- utue which are in that part of the is• laud. iuclosed for bathing purposes, as the gentleman dashed up to her side, saying, 'Pardeu me, Miss itloffat, but 1 wish to warn you of a great danger," when thelady suddenly urged her horse to the top of its speed, and disappeared in the dark ravine. The coast was fringed wit It a wall of coral rooks, pierced with inrurarable Lutae, some of thein so 1ara'e as to ad- mit of the entrance of a considerable body of water. This at high tide form- ed deep pools behind the racks, which acted as natural bcreeps, while the laud aide wae'hiddeu frorn observatinn by high fences, overgrown by luxiriant creepers. Nothing could be more beautiful` than these natural Maths, and, iu order to keen the: colored population from venturing pear theta, their owners bad from tithe to time circulated marvelous stories about marine monsters found in the still basins, which tales being firm- ly believed by the ditedies and aunties on the planttttiontl for tniles around, bad gradnai'.y led to these places being, shunned by all save the buckras and their visitors. Summer uttered tt ery of annoyance,' and reining his animal, 'watched the turirt of his beloved nlitit she was lost ill the gloom of the ravine, when f3ueh- sud tfltd<ilned by her cotemptuotls treatment, be turned his horse's head itt the O(rp09ite tlir(utou, and galloped tewer(1 Tile taeears. Meats w ile, Atu/ checked her steed 1111 110r euterse begun to grow dttttger'oue, and upon betting ;tier lover, retreat; stopped altogeth,'tr, ' aid dismounting, faatened Iler, horse tee the limb c+f a cottonwood tree, .. and parting the thorny brtauuliss, threaded flee woy• to- ward the alitrfali'ue to but".'btttlltne-pletoe.. It tell) a most romeetie spot, the laud side being loo.:n(1 iv with tree -en- oniubered rookee while the 'l,aliyade by rVlltutt It (V}111'tori(1(10(110 was, eo laden with l)trs5i,l), •flowers that it locked 1lce A hurts] ratnpat t. Apprui(ulting the grate, she draw forth it key, banal throeitig back the "lot!, en. tiered cane( closed i4 beiltu(t her. The tl_tor of the btatixinee-place was of pule white send, that sup. a gradually toward the otiter or Sett -wall 0l Dural to which wte have before r. ferrel]. Ili the center of title wall a funtiel- y11>tlltid cavity, seen only at low tide, 'reels cement was sauddtd• what hick fronds of seaweed, alud, floored with many-hu.el anemones, through which the tide ebbed mud flowed. Sometimes when the water WAS low. a t;clttlelutau who owued s'itufiar bath- illg-pItLcee alut:g the Cut1st would (win through these holes into the sea be- er:ea ; but Amy had never thought of ru>irg this, the opening being always iu her mint] eouueeted With the grlut stories about lnrariue mcusteie told her in oltitdlllnt1 be her colored 110r0',whiull in, es;it.,u had neves been eu'tite'y eradicated, oven after Ale learued the ot•isitr of the tales. \Vhen she tettered the place, the sett was pcil.ring through the cavity with a gelate gurgling, btlggesti-:e Of Cuoluese and repose ; tii;U ]]laying secured the floor, Amy walked slowly toward a miniature log itut,which had beeu built expressly tar leer use by herr brother, .Lod iu a bhlort blue Was ready for the s• o ter. The young lady nnlonsenecl tsar lux- uriant fair hair, threw 11eeeelf upon the• warps sand, and idly watched the ruing water, nuu•uluriug ail elle did tin 'If lie lovrri tilt, he will not mind one Or 1 .' t rebuffs. 10101st he firm (sit•t1 hill] now, or he will repeat his foolish flirtation. He must be all or nothing to me, and when he has been properly punished I will forgive hien ; but after ?all, poor nit] follow, I am rather severe. ;upon bit». Yet, why out be ride aftet me in that frantic fashion, this ruorn- tur, T wonder ?' As she said this, she noticed a tree - snake depending from a spray of pas- eiUtr flnwee which had projected itself far heynud the rest of the pinta. While elle was gazing or it in a lint - less, meditative way, n humming bird darted into the iuclosure, • 8011 after skimming atoned the place for a few eecenda, poised itself before the flower on the externity of the spray. Ere sbe ooiild give the alarm, the larking rentils darted forth its long feelers. and ()netted its tinlsotton9 jaws, while the bird, an thele h mesmerized by the allot of the orentures eves. hung enependsrl 1I)' Va it. flntter•in Rita wings all the While in a avhirl of agony. Thus lssted for' a few eecnndn, then came 1! liebtnin,-like movement on the nart of the snake, and the gemmed beauty, was 111 else grafi(; of its hideous conqueror. Shuddering over the fate of the love- ly herd, and retreating from ;het part of the enclosure, Amy .approached the water', bat fnr some moments hung book as thntt:rh dreading to euter. Rhe presented a chsrming study for artist or scnlntor jest then, as, with dinlrv(tled hair renebine far belnw her waist, shetrembled upon the brink of the wool. 1t was like the fleet pause of thea hamming -bird before, the portal of the fatal flower. I+' or a few mfnntes she heeitated,then.. j'ininz her lovely hands, dived inks the enol waters, at the bottom of which crouched one of thnsn hideous monsters known 8.e the devil fish.. Its body, or head—ft-nit is difficult to tell where nue Ards and the ntber begins—was hidden in the (invity through which fi,o''ed the wn•er frnm .the sea. Thin nsrt of the cranture Was of stn. msnae size. and of n e1ekly, pale slate- cnlnr, spotted with hidsond blotches of orange -red, About n]idwrty on which were two ennrmons eyeballs. capable of Onntrncrinn nr exnaneion at the create vire a .will; while from the base of These miters they 101neli, the bialy radiated fifty nrma, each fifteen or twenty feet in length, teed thickly studded with snolrPra, SA ocnsfrtloted that when they attacher] thpmselvos their action when when exalted amyl(] enable ihetn to out Orli n ttlntilar riSoe frank anything soft- er than a grenits rook. On the tinder part of the body or head was placed a huglto ulouth,arwetl TIM rium:RIg Art rr, 1.5, 1A4�i with tfour rows of , grinders, which re- t ,¢� ceive(i everything captured by the meat-' E �5,'� , Vii,.O t1, 4 , ` n(•e, who oetild • from, its pe0nlierfor Raving trluu1phed at tbe ])Dila, rntatinti • only li've ou deft eub:ttatiee These teeth were abont 'a foot it. lengths and three incises iu width, and were soplaced ;,in the weuibr1ueous lining that, when tine jaws pt•otritaled tt1 Here theprey, the 111eide Of the pal,) ity eeetned, as it were, payed with Mtt)lies, Wilieli, in (losing, 0110 Pressed their viotite, and finally ground it into shreds. The bng•like eye -pupils veered be- tween two of the upper feeler", which ,were thrust forward over the eyes ]lits antenatal, while the retic of the went arils were oponea out s-eh.like over the bed of the bath, and were gradual- ly becoming covered with blued. While Amy hlul beet] watching the snake and its prey. the ulottatcr had twins tbtust feral its eyes. which,wtlell out of the wot•er,'blazed like meteors*; but, upon the young lady approaching the beth, the orbs oor treated and re- sumed their fish -like (]chides. As she torched the surface, a thrill seemed to pass through the (noatnre, aud fu an iilltents'ite arnz9 became whitens the sande upon which they rested, while the body obauged to n deep jet. It Seem rcl es theme') the elloriug platter had all rushed to the tat for point. Atny, unonnscimis es she was of the chat per, sw•ttrn Rud dusted abe,nt the pool, Guo; s than 0000 resting 0n the lllnlis(el•'M al'lns, whitnh R•erri, LOWAVPry by that time Po covered by scud x no» roely to (lifter frons the ridges form- ed by the tide. • MAAC CABLING prepared to dive all ills uustumors tan) her oats thn,t•vile ltcurnufroui its adoption,: and Luso howl a lar;;., stuck e.. Dry Goods, Groceries, • Wines ani Liquors, . oc kery, Etc., A -t his Store, Riltiu Street, Exeter, which will .Le sold Which will be Sold a1,pries s auhoited of uutlur Free Trade. The farmers of the s'ili'rotu diem country will rind it to their ads v;tutctge to sell their produce lAithout paying market foes, ou the Exeter uilzrket,svhicit is second. to none in the west, and then call at the store of the s''ibscri.Lcr and COc�Vi '° ` e_ Vire est write oto tart i'i„` Pr�i! here to be had in Ovorooai,:.ng, r'nll-eloths, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Sills;, 1rV•iuceys, Dellliues, and every'rnlu; needed iu the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department very Complete, An inspection invited ISAAC CARLING trouhlo to show P•ootl4 RANT `+ N O ES W. 1'ti •:., t. t4,., ' �iu� Sati rStVJ , iY% VK• ■YF 8:1 C Darting hither and thither, she stat/e; islfticle Lvistros for i2 era1 times altnrunuhed the 1"vity, an11 : „ ) t r ntlee 130 near the horrible etelature'slips 171ttOtt Lits: rca, 1(il' 2,) that the sprawling arms began to black 3_itlhurk•s .tor 2i3 vyriti s, at/ theuxh destronH of drawing Black Laterrur4 :iter 30 per into their fatal eihbrane ; but the Bi,t.,k,i,u;,Ij•ttS for 65 dt,vil.fi�h Was nob ready fur its prey lei,. ' 1- l�1' (rite 3 just th(-i1, Rod .wy SSWAMaway frons the clerk holes, eL maiming she 1(uew uS(,1 nut why. Becoming weary of the pastime, she withered tier flowing tteeees together, mud beg ii to wriug the water from than, alien her attention was attract- ed by tL bubbsiug sound proceeding from the cavil v. As the ttt)iee ifC''Paeetl, Amy beeline r Manned, and drooping her tresse,', was hurrying from the tvaieracieu the (rev it -fish contracted he fetters, fuel 111• veiling Its hotly, darted after her. She was spotting herself on to weed. friW1ld sttme on the edge of tiro bath AS the ltl0linter overtook her. and with a rapid evelutiorl threw its ft-eJet5 about der until she seemed to be it:- olrsnti in a living net. This action se patnlymtei her that she was unable to melte the blighteat sound, while her nese:lent glowered al her in snob a fi•ightlul. IUanler that site fmitt tt-d.. As tote became motionless., tate devil- fish reiaxed its grasp, and retreated to the malty, where, with lurid eyes x0(3 8.1(1 waving, fitrger•like arms, it luulted like a blazing meteor. Amy t•lowly returned to consnions, ness,aud,rieing her head, inoked arouuci fur tee dreadful tbiug. Could it be a dream ? she thought l brit Ito. There,. at the etitrauce of the tool, elle could site the mousier watchuig her as a taut does ra mouse. In het Offal helplessness she giauced about for some place of refuges wtae:e the creature could not follow ber, alt(1 ternetnberiltg the log lint, was leaving the r .elt,whett the devilfish once inure made after her. iLi,oYARD'pCATTLE SrIcE.—tl'l:is is a combine- tiou of Vegetable Alteratives, Diuretics aud Touic1, so blended as to make this Spice tete best feeder in the world for horses. cattle, sheep or pigs. By &Iterative we mean it blood Puri- fier : by aDiuittio we mean a medicine acting upon the bladder and kidneys ; by a Tonle wo mean something that will increase appetite and the power to digest; and assimilate food. At ibis season of the veer a one lb. package is worth a tan of common food. Price 25 cents. Ton "Huns" or TEEN. P. (National Pills). With the cry of "N. P." Sir John gained the day, and the Grits put to rout in that terrible fray. Voters wait the results --but say what you will, there is nothing so certain as NA•rzorv- AL Pax,. If sick headachetorpid liver, foul etomacli or breaih, ludi;;estiou or•Jattudioe, bring you nigh unto death; ,If kind thoughtful friends ver speak about wills, Cheer up i Don't say ie, but take National PI11a. Price 25 cents. National Policy PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS oon>rtautly on hand Gaud made to ardor MOMI.LLAN 1W ci3RID �' 'xmving now renter inanities than ever, are pre pared to supply farmers with Iron ]learn Plows Steel 8.loaltt Board, made by ourselves • Chill Plows, ]tnau )er make; Seetoh luo..d 1•larrows cI m cultivators, bhang flows, Carriages end buggies on lima, mod '(uado In or- der. i'oree 81100i10 att•'ndpd to on the shortest notioe. 71ore0 shod to prevent futerrerieg. t1ludlrlsirekii & Mobrrttc,Eels fStoliousatt ie)r 4.) e lil:tttta 14tl-lilt'" tor ErU 1-i1u(;l; 1•_..ur.ti:us fur 65 ells. B1a,k Cashmeres for 00 ets. Black Cashmeres for 45 Black Cashmeres for 55 Black Cashmeres for 6,5 - Black Cashmeres for °75 Black Cashlxleres for 90 Back Cashmeres for '1,13 Black Crape Cloth for 45 cts: Black Crape Cloth for 75 ccs. Per anything in Black or any other Goods, try Ettc'•rett'S Block, Exeter. GO TO JAMES IC4KA: and don't eilaueea Just Rr•reived- 3rd )art of those Cheap Mink Setts, Ord Lot of hobos, t-1 at •ou Buy ptiens, Dress (roods mutt \t'iut ,vs—cut cheap, ltlauke.ta and I.tuffrrs at ;psi, prices, 1. C1rey, Searlot mud Tr nay J lauue s- an1I1 j•ricep; For variety and Latest lit}ics, duit't sail to see ur MILLINERY, Clones 8.11(1 i'weeds, nuvor better aeluetc;l; and the•bust nutter in tite county. • The UNIVERSAL SUSPENDER otllltC(tAT3 sog.E REASONS why these Suspenders BOOTS AND SHOat get the advantage not nuty ut sole;eting fr'uin tits largest 4tulsll iu tort//, batt ,For ah ortfneut (.tit prion t u 8.:I:a'.110d. are better than others ; Bought before the big advance, and our t;4ii'©iners 1st. No Elastic required. 1 3u 1. Is Slack when atooptngg. 3rd(—It never slips orf the Shoulders AT OLD PRICES. 4th.—Sold at prices of common suspeuders. Our object is to buy and sell at Bottom Thiess, Try a Pah and Scours Comfort. nod by rito way people are tiuckiuo srouu t We 1•e'[anufaotured by C. E. RAMAGL, ' think we are doing it. 282 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. t,Ctile AND SEE, TAMES PT CT A: •T7 THE EXETER 'ties] J,i Luau']'' T l,Anr'ii MAIN ST. M�acihls.�lpeor0 TTAIIr4 this npporttxiiity of thanking my nttmerods Customers for past favors, and wishto notify them and the pubiie generally that I have Purchased Mr, D. Johns' stock of STOVES, TINWARE, LAMPS, ,&c.. &c and have moved my own stock into the building lately occupied by Mr. Johns, in the Pout Office Block, where I now have Due of the larges. and best assorted stocks in the county. Cooking, Parlor and other Stoves THE I3LS1' IN THE b1ArIttilT. Also a la.go variety of Tinware, Lamps. Lamp Chimneys, Coal Oil and Cutlery. Tastitnatss'given for Favetrougbiug. Carriage Plating a vpecialiay. • Depend upon it, wilt give you good value for your money. 0 The very highest price in cash 'peid for Hides and Sheepskins. r Remember the place—the Exeter Tin and Stove Depot, Post Offibe i ioct , .14lisih,Street,. Exeter. Exetar, January 203 18110. E H. SPAC3 t'<tt . ,. Truth IS N 0 1•3U.M7E3 .T Concerns You Marc Than Countorfe tv _--C< Thsroforo,reintrturahace, andoitfoyitabergs inR. Whe]i1 1(t?1matiufnetllaem,v errs furniture A'. sn1prepared withtoy eroof.shoetteat the people can ins •Ca.tany tdlau isy ce1ISug at zaxy arta rooves where titoy.wfil see is superb des tiler of • Furnit ue in All Its Branches ,,,sartfanettredby myself and ray columned artistic sly 0,witngood worlanitnsliip. Y11-1.earo not eatao;sfyllty the people with A want nti i'urn niture that eri,nuot be equalled tot+ quality or,p.rico lit k,xoter,ull blowing to the cotxgrnry,notwiths tanabing. ter,_.. WIEN YOU WANT ANT FURNITURE 1IVE J. BRAWN A RAIL.. liewrlvovvvaita Ikotnp's Tubaeeo S•torc, v1aia Strest, Lacter,