The Exeter Times, 1880-4-15, Page 1•
Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, April 15, 1880,,
No 34.
lat0Feateer VISI',
in Centralia, bn corner of Station and Main
'•$treots, Welt fitted up, and suitable for Dry
loods, Greeory or General Store. For further
,,wartwniarr apply to J. H, 1LXND A1' Ilx4te), or
'YM,Riill,};Y, Oentralia.
FA:tt1X of one huihundred acres on the London
i d first eenessaioof Stephen, near the village
tit Ere, ay Apply te lilt 3, V. ELLIOT, Bullet.
"tor Exeter, Lagust 13 1670.
House fur :sale in;Oashirood, with one-
•"Ofth at au acre of I.,u;l, situated near Urtu's hotel
treat, and lu the best business halt of the
village. Buildings uotuly new. Quantity of•iimit
''troes eu tUOpremises' Price t•160. Tillie given to
salt the purenaser. Apply to, PETER WLNT-113,
i)reditun. lm.
11ARel I� OR SALE. ---Ler O. linable
' nine, Stephen, Gt) a.oros, 30 acres cleart'e,1,
arnvpltod, gaud bi,ielr house; good stable, Wel,
'folioed. Land escollent, in lalco shore, # gr
anileftuul !'ort 'slake, wheys boats rum there
"times a week,anit via mile from Grand Muriel
vouveuteuttescueJiand °hurt:nes, cttgood road
Vries, 82,1tto, terms easy; S13DE.10 1)AlSJd11.
BINS, li rewster p o
relARM FOR SAU1 .—Lot 14, OON-
ceaeiou le, Ste ,Lon, eoutaiutws .t00 nitros. 70
acres cleared. Good 1 g house and fr•a ,le barn;
a0), Uoodul
oig orcba.1, grafts:l.t ot1. `P110'
arae iswellfenced 3.0,1 a geed: sr.tto of 'Nati
^a•atiou, There ism •l.trgo uitlttity of I,Liaakash,
'Ilse a Never failing wekl, J r Corms apply to
'F:tk1N11Y i'ILLL.t:IF1' 11. Orcditon. June 5
toannzax taasxaiiteu
IMP O RRT:4.i'uv N O'TICE S.
.LLL. s 11111 .outs o•ltint-rate security ata ne-
aeratu rate of'iutorest. Apply to
B. V.1s'LLIOT,
Solicitor, )1:xetPr,
50th l'oreml er,187t1, t,f
.??ne3l. see,: p ,einptly attended to, Days of
sales axrang„a at title entice,
.j ODA:M , Ageal't; for the Us -
.e. a +borne uu;l Itis: hart 1t'uAlue1Fire Insurance
•^irinpaity, iicsii' ace--•F:try:aumr. Orders by
rail pralaptlyr ate anaied to.
S. C:All1?13eilLCJ,PI O'V NoIAte,
i, Load Surveyor, ase., will Le at the
t5 31.1Iiotel,I'retur,ontionpratrnool;tyinnao:l
''much. Orders for work left with .3.1,r. John
1, Liacii” aiAtrial retwive Prompt ettaution.
Chicago, April I2. ---The Daily News
has the fallowing spl'oial cablegram
from 'Monies Stewart Parnelh—"Durk,
(reined, April. 12, 1880. I aol exceed-
ingly well pleased lith the result of
theoetoetit?tis.' Our party has gained
nine seats from the Whigs and Tories,
while a marked improvemout has been
effected in its personnel. The timid and
iusinoere have been replaced ydeter=
mined and aestlotes workers. 'Vie have
carried Leinster, Munster 'and Con-
neet'ght except one'oounty. It is incor.
not 'to srippose that the Liberals are
rendered itteepenclent vi the Irish mem.
here. Their in,tjority disappears :allotted
W9 loin tbe Couseevtltives, Moreover
oar party will hardly crows to tbe Min-
isterol side of the II'1uee Commons,
eveu -thmlgh that site shall be occupied
by the Liberals instead of Constieva-
tietes. Our presence in the Opposition
tvill9ta n'iderstood as a constant re-
inindt r of the slender mature of the
tamers by ;which the Ministers Bold
their power. We expect that a good
land bill will be introduced and pareses
immediately, We'also anticipate early
paasa' e of a local government measnee
as well as a honsehold franchise bill.
This latter would enable us to carry
every trial' seat in t'arliameat with a
very few ineigtlifiealrt exceptions.
Should the Liberals refuse to accede to.
our jest demands, they can be very
promptly reduced to order by a deter-
mined Stand on the part of onr memb-
ers. The present Irish party is an im•
menet advance in every respect upon
previous rlrpresentatione. and sufiioient
'men have been returned of the claps
that know what they want. and are de-
terniined to have it, to render it prac-
tically impossible that the most power-
ful niiuiatry can withstand them. As
showing the 1•eeolntion of the people to
WAR UZIMe:Note COJfr'Z, OF LONDON. abolish landlordism, the election nF Jas.
MstrlrLlsEntt n 1752.; O'Keilev, who defeated the O'Conner
ARnctt 0.t3bi_alndfu CntiattainMt. tiulimi• Don in Roscoe anon, after sitting there
teat liability of all t040 ', sive large twetttv veers, is cnnstdered the most re-
eteserve Funds. Moderate rates of premium.
markable demonstration of the elect -
A. 'liYNDILAN, lou.
noon 1` weatenn, I onager. Agent at Exeter,
MOT/OE—The Rodgervillo °beese
v!naitt£treturiclg Company agree to hire in
]:ugh to food eu whey as follotos:-Whey mud at-
tontlaudl 50 033. pm: mouth. They can receive 50
from. t115 1st to tue 10th of 'day; 50 from the 90th
•to the last of May ; 10 from 1st to 10th Juno. Par.
Wishing to semi00 h )t;a ',viii address the un-
:'rrsigned 011 or before 1ht'Jlay, stating how elan}
Llrc^: 10tH send aunt at what time. JAMES LA 4t;,
.i11• tnager ltodgorville P. 0. 8t
OIIN H. I1YN.l.).t1A le, •
ev ,
atoms to loan on mortgages, notes and other
31c1r1 i tul:•1: Rents awl (10000nt3 001133tea onrem-
etnutble. tAr'ln* Inlnranee rifectetl ill first-obias
(lomm1�n, its at reasonable ratos. O.ace—at 1)r.'Y6.r1(Juiu'3..Maiu 14 root l:teiei
_tit. in -et received for inyostmontcumortgages
113 /tour code..
,e orasouable terms.
tarattuato of11o0,]Cvlitige of
(fake over O'Neil bank, and opposite Barnwell
0,132,111.7".-151'itpll i•+ , ,,. . , • , -
X b lloo
Half Price.
A BURMESE .bo -fa 1 4»'FERIItTG.
London, ..April 10.—A Thyettnyo
eorresrondeni telegraphs that the pub-
lic mind it,v,ry unsettled. Mandalay
ttstrologeree maintain that in order to
remove •the evil ier"flnences a great pro
pitia cry sacrifice is requisite. The
victims are to be taken from all ranke.
to the number of font' hundred. The
priests are to contribute ore hundred,
.andthe remniucler will consist of we -
men and children. Numerous arrests
have been nettle to sectn•li a sufficient
number Pram which to select the intend-
ed victims. Tine priests, who hitherto
enjoyed nennuntty from sacrifice, are
grLjttine Mandalay in great numbers.
The homun Catholic Convent: was re-
cently entered to procure the victims
from among the Girls there, but the at-
tempt was frustrated. • '.Che 'eternal
condition of the country is most un-
satisfactory. The people, while seeing
the folly of the Icing of Thyetmyo, ire
helpless' to effect a Ohmage.
Rangoon, April 11. --Seven hundred
men, women, boys, ghee, priests and
foreiguers have been burned alive Un-
der the towers of the city walls as a
Pacrifiee for tharestoration of the King's
health. `The pltnio iii Mandalay is
frightful. Hundreds 'of people are
leaving the city. The Iiing'3 illness
said to be leprosy.
Lon ion, Alai! 12.—The seven hund-
red persons sacrificed at Mand,tiay, for.
the restorlttion of the King's health
were buried alive, nob burned, as pre-
viously stated, tinder the tower of the
city walls.
Rangoon, Aprtl 12 -The following
is an a %plauation of the inassaore at
Mandalay. When a city is built in
Burmah human sacrifices ate) offered.
A. nova monarch usually has a new
xt adz, 13,,,a,CaCirv capital anti the evil spirits are irritated
that there has been )10 change of cnpi-
ttrl and, the virtue of old sacrifices bo-
ing gone to appease them, the aetro•
'loam's declared it neoeseary to offer up
700 lives. The sacrifices were made
• by order of King '1'hoebaw.e
,Bar. Iron, Carriage and Build-
ers' Hardware,
• BUFrere'FLEEING Foci THAIM LLl'88.
Toronto, April 11 —About five o'clock
on Srlttirday evening a hoavy wiled
storm accompanied by snow arose . and
'continued the greater part of the night,
Fancies, trees and telegraph poles ,were
blown down and the mires cI' the •vari-
ous telegzaph companies running
threugb the,tsity wet a broken and so
twisted by the wind that they wete lis-
Bless until this afternoon, wheu the
datnage tied to a great Extent been re-
Buffalo, N. Y., April 10.—The gale
which began here' this efteruoou has
about snbeided. 'The wind blew at the
rate of 42 miles are hour, and the water
was the higheat it has been for years,in
tee harbor, overflowing the wbarfes,
and inmost entirely submergingth•e Ie -
land, the iuhabitants of which had to
flee for their lives. A number of shant-
ies and five boathouses wore wasued
away. Ttie low lands from. Erie street
to Black Rock were entirely submerged,
and a portion of the look branch of the
New York Central Railroad washed
out, so that trains had to be abandoned.
A oar was blown from the track, also a
number of baggies overturned. No
lives are reported lost thns far, and no
d'inlage done to the shippiug iu the
A Brnssela (Oat.) dispatch enys:—
The most terrific snow ~torn of the
season set in about two o'clock on Sat-
urday, and suow oonluzenced falling
very fast auonmp•tiuo.l by high winds.
In three home :shone eix ineloss of snow
had fallen. and the storm ooutiuuee
with little or no at) ttonent.
Manitoba Train Wrecked.
St. Ptiu1, Minn., April 12.—A Cana..
than emigrant trniu boned for Winni-
peg, near West Uuion, on the St. Paul
Jr Winnipeg RE., was wrecked by a
broken wheel. Several oars were de.
molishe 1, killing a man named Gould
and 'set•ionsly injuring leis nephew.
Eleven care of stock and emigrants' ea
feats anti semen pateenger coaches were
in the trail.- A large nnrnber of ca'-
tle were killed. Gould and his nsrhew
were in the oar with their stock.
A Fearfal . nd Fatal Fall.
St. Mnlv'r, April 12 —Thie morning
shortly before eight o'oloolc James Con-
nors, a laborer, need 72 years, while
crossing the railway bride on the Lon-
don Branch, on account of 'a slight
covering of snow slipped and fell a dis-
tance of eiglity-fonr feet into the water.
Iiis body was recovered shortly after
ward, life being extinct. IIe leaves a
wife and fainiiy.
A. furious gale raged on Lake Ontar-
io friday.
Many persons perished is the flood
near Isaiod.
Another special- trains leaves Ottawa
for Manitoba to -day,
Worst was oommeneod on the Nova
Scotia Sugar Refinery Monday.
Six tens of gold ore, crushed at Ma-
hone and Marmors, a few day's ago,
are reported to have yielded $5.00.
Elsear Costongnay, of St. Anciet,
,Que., was killed by a load of wood be-
ing upset and thrown upon him.
Mr. Iiinl:sforci, U. E., bas been ap-
pointed to a position in the Depict;
Client of,itailways and Canals.
1> potitiou has been Fent' to Ottawa
to have the natne of the Don. Meant P.
O, changed to Riverside,:
Another party of masons and brick-
I8yere left Ottawa last oveuiug for
Rockaway I3eaohi.te work on too' new
A Swedish' ship arrived at Halifax a
few days ago from the West Indies,
with 'a oargo of sugar for .tete Canada
Sugar Refilling Company.
The Brantford Neil Relief Yana
have remitted to Her Grace' the Duch-
ess of Marlborough, $675.40 for the
betleflt of the poor of belated;
A. flue burst .in the boiler of alio
steamer' A rmenia, when she mita cut
Hous Belleville, mud caused a panic
among the passengers. The steamer
drifted two miles before «he oould be
anchored. She was towed to Ferry
leoint, and her passengers Ianded.
Thnirias .Cooper was tried at the AS -
sizes at .Whitby for •fo:utdering his wife,
lie was acquitted, but held for assault.
The Woodstock monthly cattle mar-
ket was held on Monday fast. The at-
tendance was fair, suit prices ranged
from 4 to 5;•c per pound live weight.
The body of Michael A. Dempsey, a
profligate Eiog street swell, was found
in Toronto Bay on Friday, 'and the
circuilletallces iudioate suicide.'
The Supreme Court decided to glee.
;judgment on the constitutionality of
the Coateda. Temperance Act on Tnes-
day next.
Most of the immigrants by the Sar-
dinian are a good class. of English far -
mere, who intend settling in the West.
Miss Birt brought over about seventy
children. •
One more of the children of Corne-
lius Hungerford, who were poisoned on
the 9th by oatiug wild.parsnips,is dead.
The mother and the others are recov
While working in a Hamilton stove
factory Sh LepatoureI had hie hand so
badly injured by the machinery starting
prematurely that it had to be amputat-
The lelanaaers of the Denver era Rio
Grande R'rilway have made arrange-
ments with some 2,000 men from Can -
I Rue to go to Colorado to work on the
new extension to Loadville.
The report that, the murderer of the
mounted policeman'Grayburn bad been
arrested tae not been confirmed. Col.
McLeod is flow at Fort Benton en-
quiring into the matter. .
Mr. Livingston, who replied to Cot-
onel Ingersoll, only had $18 in the
.Grand Opera House, Toronto, and
Friday (tight Rev. W. J. Clark had
only $16. .
Mr. Thoq. Forbes has sold his farm
of 50 acres adjoining Listowel, to Mr.
Jas. Dei brook, of Elma, for $2,850.
Mr. Forbes intends to take Horace
Greeley's advice and go West.
The dead body of an infant was
found in. a pewina church in St.
John's, Que., From the medical evi-
dence the Child ORM to its death by
violet: ce.
An named Buck, 75 years of
age, was fonud dead on Monday last,
itaWeek's Grove, near Conseoon. IIe
is snppused to have lost his way and
perished hi Saturday night's storm.
Tenders have been called for the vari•
ons warps in connection with the new
Sorghum factory to be built in the town
of Tilsonbnr:'. which it is intended to
have in workimg order by September
The family of Cornelius Palmer, Iiv-
ing in Hungerford, near Tsveed, were
poisoned by eating wild parsnips. One
chilli is dead. and the mother and four
other children are in a very dangerous..
The Local Legislatnre of Nova Scotia
on Saturday was prorogued. The Gov-
ernment passed' a resolution iu the As-
sembly empowering them to borrow a
half million dollars if required for the
public services.
It is stated by the chairman of the
Montreal Beard of Health, at a meet-
ing there,' that nine families out of
twenty, supplied by a milkman in.
whose family there was typhoid fever,
took the disease from ming the milk.
The failures in the D )miuion for the
Brat quarter of the present. year were
503, with liabilities of $4,816,277,
against 684, with liabilities of.1 ,11,G48,
607, in the corresponding quarter of
In response to an nnplication to the
Snperiutendant of Foreign Mails the
Cenadinn Government has granted the
United States' publications hailed to
Canada the same exemption from Ons-
tot.ns'llues as is granted by the Ameri•
01313 Iawa to Canadian publications.
(Ileopblis Le Chance, the J3•nlstrade
murderer, is said to bo partially do.
mooted. His mother and the mother
of his Victim are both ill :n consequ.
enee,of the tragedy. The former, it is
thought, cltnn0t survive the knowledge
of her sort's crime.
At Leamington on Sat.:ratty Dr. G.
C. Maxon was arraigned before Cite 1tla-
Aistrttto's O'ollrt, oct the information of
Rnbt. Fair, charged with forgery. The
charge was sttstaineli, and Maxon was
admitted to bail to stand his trial at
the Fall Asaieete..
A. most brutal alae of tape is relort-
ed from the Upper Ottawa. ,It' was
nominated by a man named tSl itie..,i
Levin, robiditlg near Fort Couloi ge, on
a little girl named Bellique, aged tau
years. The offence WRs committed on
the way home from church, Levine is
under arrest:
The Galt Reporter says ---We are in
formed that the town of Dluidis.has of remove the new toll gate 'stele
erected on tele mecadamized road, wee,
of Sheffield, and to let matters rerneett
as they were previously, provided,oaci:
town pays a share of the omite e,iread ;
iueurred in the Chancery suit.'
The steam fire'engine its 1GIc; geeown
manufactured by the Silaby 001.14111.11:.
of Seneca Fa11s, N.Y., 14tte sc;i:,ez to
Monday by the custom officiate 0f ts*
Thomasforuuder-w'aluatien, and take,
together with two hose reels and Si)
feet of rubber hose, to 4t. Thome-,
where it will be sold.
]ion. George Brown is in about tl'.
sante condition as Sunday. :iii s it iee
were greatly alarmed, not having o
bibitedsucb serious symptosis sitwe t
attempt was made upon hie life, ore..
quently the services of two other me•
cal gentlemen besides Dr. Ti;Llrobt. .
had to be called; .
. At Waterford, Ont., on Sunday see
ing, Herbert Larmcor. soli of M.
r •
molly, merchant, Leuvii i', %idle te
lug down to the I ette:et0rd n lfl eee.
borne became n1:lnanagC€s•ble and ti•
him out against a s, aIle wall. It
thought his skull deli fractllred
otherwise seriously in .urea.
,Ea•Lientenant Geyerz,or Lett
De St. Just is at l:ret cL t engaged
says Le Cnncoi'de,,or 7-;ire.e.
preparing a requisr,iun for present• •
to the Governor-Gee:uer'a1, by Linn t
forwarded to the Imperial AIit1-'c e
asking for redress for his summon, •
missal by the Dominion Goverri:
In respect t3 Will Rennie:7, l.::i1.
the G. W. R. near Bearnevilite. tit
lowing is the verdict.of the Coe.-
rn -Jury : "That the parson in nr<
was Itii;ed by the ten o clock eight
going east, and W11.6 probably lei.
the track between the reiteipeletc-;
that owing to his otv)1 eltt'e1ess:Je
imprudence was cxposed to (LIT,
death, and was v tt-a:eilir the lv.l,s
Railway Comprlr:y. His name
probably Wm. Renewals.. and Wt
the driver should. have repots,
On Friday last a tetrible
°erred at the saw -mill of leleyetit
near Pernhanl, tvl:fl`ta''" Job!,
Parnham, was Conine:t-.1y =,iir-t.:•:
unit one of hisarms ate; off. ea
was foreman of the tn,:1, ten
in fixing the guider; of one t;l'!;1,t,
lar.sawe, and b7 son11, tll!+14ee I
against it. Relief. ret„ 'og n t %n;
his heck, 01.1 t
gradually draw I sleet., II?I:; i c.a
saw could be steinpsel the
heal was wean c•:'.
of the clench. Beetle-, `•ii.
his ;,rills was wit .,
1'tebutations eeve—
1liuieter of Edits: :ti•"„eet
corrss.liril:te rtee. ease
parts of th'„! •l ;i ,, .+
sybtein-. 't'ha.1 • 't•..i:ii ,.:.:;;.
to bo that the _'oecnie..• New •.,,•
will be relievel' fe
continuing ,j'e ret t4i. t ,
.all the teachlt: rasa.; '•'ts
strnc)ion of ceinli l t,t: t f+.
certificates. They 'pat ,• .
ing by:the Edlto'1:i11oai V.
a alas haling 1 secel tett
year with It ;sneer;, tR E hies
nlathemetiee or reedern lettl;.
to Toronto Ieotteerely or t , ;
UL1iversity with telit: .l t, ;;11
stt'Uderd";as out 11? hili; lir.
OOt1-pt'CfeSsi,tual vet leineel.,0l
class certifieateei et Ido 11
er allow man having pear•'
his Becoud-',','ear evil h t'c Ilt'ISr .
the above .slibjec n to Carel: r
l'1tseed the n0:.t, )otesei0.l1'.i €+s
for firatelassctlrlili0,ittcog, a'
ell•n d idat e• having emesis sail,
in his second seal' its Ile t t: ee l
or mental, iuorltl.soientio Rita
ty, is reckonee 130 1)ttveie to
first class gritcle 1; ctst tiff ,;t;
who has piteeed u:ith honour
of last nlelltioL1li], Stlbjr.Ote 01
year is reckoned 118 1.14t1n4 01
first claws certificate, female t
May, 1880, every e;tnditietts i
011338 certiflea to 1llnett i)lta:i 111 "
jests preectibed "IUt0rtnetli3
' nation" in High iolioole,
s,tnivatiotin' for thesis last sow'.
sates loefuro;etlinty" boards I;
tiutaoel. (:rt'arinatea of Meetn•.
Iii MOOtreal etre 0ll»wett 1v li,•,,
.fiteperstors ha tii.f Pro ince.