HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-4-8, Page 8Wall Paper ---,iNn-r-• Window Blinds. STOCK NOW aeJIiPLLTE. J. GRIG G, Bookseller, Main Street, "'actor, Out, Spring Shows. Spring Shows for tho exhibition of Entire Stuek will•bc held this seagull as follows:-- (ar.•y Branch, at B: useals, eta Wednesday, April 7. East "tiding Huron, at Wruseter, 1.0 Thurs- day, ,A.pri18.. Smith Biding Huron, 'at 13rneafeld, ou 'Tues- day, April 13. Bullet aud 11larris Branch, at Loudesboro, ou the 9th of April. Hibbert Breach, at Staffa, ou the 2# ,..a April. West Biding, atSmith's Hill, ou the 151 April, Stephen and l`aborue, •tat Exeter,'on Friday April 10. Turuberry, at Wiugham, on Wednesday, April 1.1. • TIIL'xSJAY, APRIL 2, 1880. LOOAL N..'WS. The Ye tale Belt (`u-, 3l:irslia1i,31khh.., tS'illsendtheir celebrated L'lectro.Voltaic1 elt_vvo the amiete.1. upon :i0 d...ys trial. tii)eedy sure, ttalauteecL They Deese what 'tllty stay. 'Write to lutein without dolay. • A strum: tt party from Crediton suede gtuite a display cu sirs streets last Tuesday. Steew.—Tuesday last we had a slight flurry of suo,v. as Me- Vomer would say. The air ha$ been a:little chilly since. FitrscD.—The western wiug of the new fouudry was rained ou Tnesduy afternoon, Tue. has as bee 'Amodio the . buildin d been g W. C. C rARTExS, of Houmall, has,jttst roe& - ed a large quantity of Bay of Online seed bar - ]t y. Farrner4s11on1d not fait to sue it before purchasing elsewhere. Arran the Int of May next alt liquids sold will have to bo measured by the imperial gal- lon. Dealers and others using measures will have to govern themselves accordingly. GooD F•oaTtr:)E.-73110iar that Mr. 'dice. Bawlen, of Blyth, furmetly of Exeter, lues teed left a legacy of several thousand dollars by a lately deceased relative in England. We congratulate Mr. Bawaeu onhis streak of good luck, RATN.—During the past woek a great amount o; rain has fallen in this section of the country. The roads, wl.ich bad become in excellent con- dition, wore made almost irnpaseable, unless Where heavily eoateclwith gravel. Under the influence of the'rain, however, the grass quick- ly changed from a dna color to a bright green. I\CREASED Accottfiionaarow.--The mixed trait' nu the London, Huron it Brace jtailway, of which "Davey" Brown is the popular eon- dnotor, has had. better acennirnndatiou for pas= settlers added to it. Instead of only a seoond- class caboose welch used to be its only pea- s,ongcr cal, it now has n first-class one previa. ed with every accommodation. CizeAN Wows. -The Parkhill Gatze a makes a blow byeause it managed to print the list of 0-)1vi1ti0OS for aliddlesax with only one error. That a nothing. We printed the Viet for the (3ottuty of Huronwithont avec. one mistake, anti the writing was the most occontrio we have seen in our travels, a 7, following has been handed us by a co:- rasp_indent ;—Two gentlemen in Exeter bought a tapering piece of loud meusuriug 113 rods at one cud and tventy at the other and 40 rods iu length. They want to know from porno arithmetician at what distance from the wide cud win they run a lino fence to cliiicle it into two etyma pacts and what it will cost for mak- ing the fence at one dollar per yard. Th usoxasa—rVe are indebted to Mr. James Willis, of Ohiolgo, brother of Met ties. George anti John Willis, of Exeter, for copies of 't11,i- «agopapers. Mr. Willis has beeu very ill with !.ver oomplaiot, but we see by ouo of the pap- ers that he is well eumigls to bo on the street, and that the doctor considers 11101 out of data. ter. --. Itr. {Geo.' Thesuton leas; come back from Gr,ivenhurst for a elinrt visitand .will return sn a few days. G arenhurst is thriving vi - i,t{;d in Muskoka, ' A New SSrcR••.—We have received rt copy of a new "novel outitIod "A Canadian Heroi.no,', auttontpani,ld by a rainiest that we mention it le for sale at tho Exeter lr:iukatores. '.t". C. 17ain is the author, 15 cents is the price. It tams not cost 'emelt motley. The work speaks ,.tr itsi,lf, • 1Ve love read some of it and are let aeyou.: tial, 31.11au 44. Po14. SCOTLAND. -We learn that 111r, Wanless, • of Exeter, left for Scotland yesterday, for the 'purpose of %louring additional capital toll vest ,au the tvaileu buidnese Of Exeter, wlti,h,'owitig, 'to the` festei'ingtaa'e of pv'oteotiou, a`a becoming '+r meet important; busineas here as well as lu other parts Si the Domiuleu. kr, Walden is ti'•aliretvd,enterpririitig rnan,auclwo trust that sus mission to the old couutr'y will Meet with that sutcesioit• loserves. As Biome -a-:The Mitchell • fduocate 'eaj•s in its last isstt.'o that Ria the only paper iiziPar h or Huron that:Islam putilished,hy Ilio ori- hival : proprietor. That is a nnistalto. We kuow of•two tu the Cuoril;s' of Huron that have never chaupe1 liauds. The Exeter Times was established. by Mr. John. White, and Mr. John White is still the Proprietor. The Brussels Poet also is -i31 the same hands that first pub- lished it. Tho following Are the officers elected for the of Jtiwes and W►n. Sanders lot, within Qtre Mouthfroro thus date, the road al- lowance bouudry. Said lot ou west side Will'be sold, (lark Jo write lk[e- Giltiarlay'Onuuuil teepectIng taking off the wa'tertfrom D;.lehay'e lot: Cunticil' meet ;1st Mondayio May. The 'follow - Lig olden; were granted• W, baker Work neiar.Chartow3 $5; 1ti, McDonald ohiops>ing O. R. $0; J Stacy relief $ii•; J. MoEiacheu elating 2 S. ':13,. $9,65, Jt McPhee do. $8,50; J Link do. $2,75; Asylum emit $25; J. While restating •culvert $2,50; error 10 dog tax $1; S: S. 4 $25; Crediton Fair x,10; S. en-: lake 1liir t)er $2,46; Clerk et. e• $80- 0. P1tDUTY, Clerk, Deborne. UNrnsrt D'xlrarour,i`zi s.—Ja. oertide Exeter Division, Sous of Teni'rjiertulee, for the .young gentleman 1'6'6liug iu the viai- ourreuti quarter • Minof a place called by theolassie name of Bummer'.3 Roost, experienced ao11F1aerirble difficulty the other eveu- leg iu getting to see bis Fair charmer, He was set upon ty is u:ttnber of cross dogs, and had to walk backwards 'fully a mile to keep them from biting trim. His locomotion was very slow., rind wlian be reached the hotise the inmates bad all retiteti to rest, and be had to go tonne without setting her. As he had promised to see Iter on that evening, dog owuers in that vicinity will likely be called upon' to rnnuru the untimely decease of their omelets. Rom. or ztorroB.—Thi following is the roll •of honor of the S S No. 5. Usborne :--Senior fourth etlaes.—lot ':Vary A. Tntny 2nd Wesley Welsh. Junior fmlrth.---Itlt 3, Shute; 211 F. Tom; t3 rd E. A. Welsh; 4th E. Johne. Senior third,—let J. Hey wonill 2nd R. Iiyd(l; 8rt1 E: Mode:sou; 4th D: miller; ,5(11 L. 13eywoc'tl; 6th L. I1'.eininit. 301dor third -=•-1st Williatn Pitcher; 2rtd E. Welsh, 8t d P. Wescott; 4th A. Wescott; nth E. Iieywootl; 6.h Irtaii,e Wet.00tt. Second cl •ttta.--1st J Hervey; 211d •J. N. Perkins; 8rd R. Hodgson; 4th Davila Dew; 5th MI A ICydtl• 6th Drvrcln •Couu'r Acx.-T11e following le a brief 1.y aopais of the Division Court d.ot 'Clams fur the recovery of debts or money on. deemed, the amount of which does not exceed $200, oat. bo 'tried at the division court; but when the amount e>;oeads $206 there shall be au appeal as heretofore. The Clerk shall place all mite iu which the sum sought to be rtcuv- ered exceeds ,r+,'100 at the foot of the trial list and the other business of the court shall take preuudenoe, sinless thejmlgo for specialreasons deciles otherwise. The judge shall require snob •adclit'ouad1 security to be given by the sjf clerk. and bailiffs as ali afford sufficient se - ciliary. There shall be paid to the clerk in the division court—in addition to all costs or, jury fees slew by last payable—on every suit mitered where the claim exceeds $k0, two cents, clues not exceed ,i 100. five cents; exceeds 1)100, ten scuta. Each juror shall be paid the sum of a10..),' CouNcrn MEETu1G.--The Cca'1od met pun. snout to ndjjourument at the Market House on Friday last. All the member% preseut. The miuntes of the previous meeting read andcon- firmed, Moved by 3. Pickard, seconded by W. laissett, that 515 be granted for charitable par - poses to Mr. Muttart and 825•87a for expenses of insurance. --Carried. Moved. by J. 1114114011,Seoou lets. by W. Bissett, that Eobt. Thompson be pound -keeper for north -end po"nd.—Car- riecl. By-law No. 2; 1830 was duly read and ?eased on motion of 3. Banton, seconded by W. Bissett. Moved by J. Pit:kard, seconded by J. Banton, that an underground drain be placed on the east side ,.f Main Street com- mencing at the Sanbie.—Carried, !loved by J. Banton, seconded by W. Bissett, that the oontraetfor draining be 1st by publie auction at the Merket House on Friday,, the 9th inst., at 2 o'clock p. m.—Carried. Moved by J. Pick- ard, seconded LT J. Nanton, that this Council adjourn until Friday, tho 23rd inst,, at 7,30 p. Carried. COMING Dow•x To Hoirlcsx- ALK.---ii'Itfle standing on the market square the day, we were aunised at listening to an argument that was proceeding between two wheat buyers, who are protectionists, mada manufsettu er who bitterly opposed the National Pulioy at the elec- tions of '78. The manufacturer was talking hard and fast agaiust the N. P. Ono of his antagonists asked him if the N. P. had not given his faetory more work. He admitted it had. "Ind," continued the wheat buyer, "don't you think the,National Policy has help- ed the country, and would you not support it now if you had to vote ou it ?" "Well," said the manufacturer, "if I must come down to honest talk, I would. vete for it. •It has done. nae a great deal of good, and I do not wish to see the tariff. lowered or removed for at least ton yew's to coxae. And it has benefitted the farmers, loo, for I speak from my own know- ledge when I say that I have paid the farmers a great deal more money for their productions thou I maid pay thorn beton." This oonver- nation actually took plaoo, and was heard by several people. If people wouldonly' coins down to 'honest talk,tuany tubo now oppose the N. P., be.causethey bete to acknowledge that they were wrung in opposing it bofure,would be the same boat with this manufacturer. Stephen, Peoloric.—?lir; Geo, Johnston, of Int 6, eonceseinu 18,• Stephen, is the fortunate pesaeseor of a very prolific ewe. On St. ''Patricks day she grave birth to five limbs. Such fecundity is seldom equalled. . COUNCIL i71gTINo.—'.filo Connell met on April 5th. All members present. Fortner mint/tee read an(1 signed. The followiug eh=engee .ware made hi the following 8. S. tote, 14 in cotset'ssioIIN Y 16 solid 17, takenfr tru S. S. 11 and joined to S. 8.7. Archy Cattrls'bcll to leave No. 11 aur} joist No' 7. Oierk to notify 0. i4lt:rrish tants R. L.ttborrue that unless they put no and agree to heel) repair 40 rt,de of foi,cu on the Merit bruit with .a. new barn on it 40x70. Dlr. Wm..•Earle;,the ptirohaier,. line got agoofy burgh. ••8loonung• I•1ill• Sctdt,tl..--A soeiai was held on Teen - day evduiut;'la,st, 'ill 11[1 1vIeTal;gart'e restating oder the . aual.ioes of thri Inalfee o, M. E. Church, 1'receeda to be app to the arratasa'01i1eut of the grosuytile, 'arid pttymeit of pleaolterts salary. SC1100 ,--.No Monthly report will be given br' the mouth of Match., as the County'Prualotiou extimi intiou was yield the same tiane'ae uur usual moil • tidy eratiiivatlou, and will olid+)eloro show the exaub stautt'lug of the (school. The tetras 1autbtixof 'days school was kept opou:l,O; the aggregate atteudauce 1801 ; average 08 9 10•; au cxtrutuel`v large •avetage for uue teacher. Personal. —DI re. Leal 41. has returned Boole. •Sl1e too ',roan visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. Spaekrnlau, in Etta.data, I'ark11i11• A cawing rtlatc11 100l( place in this village, ou ihi(uy the 2,tld luta:, totup to test the merits of the Lauce Tooth and Diamoud saw. bine saws entered thecsutitest, viz., two Lanae Tenth and seven Diamottcl. The log was .23 inch hard maple, t 010:1 saw to k off 0. „ cut, Below is the result elf the tlliituh Pt rite Sae ere 1• •a 11t'l,erB o>', • L •1tui, do, (aril ll.a v :1 & • t,,,. 4 u 13taucet,t,d Saw" Time L • to Tor til 47 st.'o l).=ulb.ud 6(3 .. bon. '1'.ro111 51 t, I);atu.,tul 70 " i'tF,::id :. 131y 1•h boys ift1iteig: 111 1)t1g'i11dt10 ex • Alt egg )t)eneeri„ d 74. inches in els. o(1)0terettoe+, Tn. -It re to the editor of 6th L. Philter. Beat in Seui• r olausee tlie'llu)'nu i:""" lit.il 4et.•k. at spelling snatch, Mary A.. Tom; 2nd 'Tile realti •r:u.• t i vx•Areyur Armitage, Frank \Vescett. I3est in Junior alas. of lieal'•rail uses ('titgt lz d on Monday 808, ii;obort.Hodgson. uigut ui lost , tv, i:: Oda 1.114ler over - tom following is the Duet is nil the tills l'6ua away faithFagerearrott.—The result of the quarterly written exatyli- /1411012 of the ;invite of S. S. No, 3,'iis- At the annnat vestry meeting in eon alloitiug tits stranding of the n,:ction with St. Pauls 0110)013, C;}ini sortie, tion, 1\ 2r, G, W. Billiton was appointed pis in the nasions classes; —4th class, N. Giltnnitrr 84` per Vent. ; :ti', Drtticen, clergyman 'a ll I11 d n, Dlr. W. W. Far- 81 : T1. Fritions, 57 ; A1. Gil$llare 54. '•a.n wes elected peoples warden, tlessrs. Srd class, sr.;1.,. Danorn 86 per cent. ; Jas. H. Combe stall R. 111. Itacey were R. G'ilrley, 7'3 ;Arthur b'ranaie, 68; appointed delegates to the Synod, M. Franeis,,66. 8rd elites jr., M. A. itltll, 66 pet "cent, ; M. A:. Orawfnrd. 66 .; 3. Dui ci ri, 60 ; B. Hackney, 57 ; oxen 'he had beau wurkiutz, and !tilled W. 3. Stiugon. 55 ,• L. kiuteerfnrcl, 40, A. Hackney, 55 ; M. Watkins. 54; N. it iuetautly. Tiro 3 ,cr had a very oar. Switzer,52 ; J. MoOnllnah, 52-; M, row escape as he tried to Pave Ilia ox. Stinson, 42.: B. Goth.42; D. Williams, OU1 ri,1 ay afteruauu of lust week the 87; C. iiticLocklin, 87; D. Stinson, brink dwelling house of Mr. Joules 35. 21t(1 class, J. Gilmour, 8S; ie. Jahnetoao, ou the 2ud co=teeasiou of Unnean, 80 ; T. Doman '75 E • T. -mi. Taekerstelth, was completely ciestroy- Hams, 62 ; 11 I. 3. Parker, 60.the av el by fire. The entire c•)uteuts of the erage attendance for the three months lit111e wt're saved, although some of the was 57, 58 aud r 50 respective. furu0e(e•tlure was slightly damaged by ro- EDITOR Tufts.—Permit me to sstate11, for the aatisfaotion of the public all 'lite is a person in Clinton Is lin is particularsennneeted (lith the fund able to perform a feat that is vett' nu• raised on behalf Helmet) Selma, widow usual, viz i•—tu wi ate Wiwi both 114001 at one and the some time and Iu op - of theles Wm. Joltus, who was get polite dirt•atiuns. Whorl it le known heated in a well last fall There are A few day's ago, as a sou of jar. 3. Mclilory, of Bushfield. was chopping trees in the bath, a tree fell one of the that the writing is a great (1001 bettor at present $270 drawing intel•031 at than the average of p• uman.hip the eight per cent, $6O in the bands of the petfurwauco i• the Laura tvuituy of 0ommittere mud $25 in the Treasurer's n010 • 27 nowt!) clumpedfir olot}lingf fir theflour ws,aYn ly.. ex - Au American soldier, named John Po - For the past six months the ferrateHunter, who slept all night at the Po- lioe Seetioro, Loudoun was on Aloudat night provided with e. pass for Wing. beau. Cousumptinu had worn him• down to a there skeleton, midi although tie tried to etraigtltett; up and at pear becoming in lasi uuitorui, lie tottered hone sheer wealtuess. "I have friends there," he said, "wlto will take care of tue. But it .lou'( be for long. I want to die iu Canada. It's my native place." The young man named William Martin,' Who WAS recently arrested in London by Detective 2hair, and taken. to Winghatn on the charge of stealing $2.50 from a faruler's house in the toll/11 ship of Morris on tbc'•9t11 Febrnary last,was tti'ied at (a•odtrioh before. judge Sguier the other any aiid convicted The prisoner having served a teem 10 the Penetnnguiahene Reformatory, woe seutenced to eighteen 100131 8 iu the Cetitra1 Prism). have been kept nu prnvisinue proonrecl independent of any of the fore- going items. It is propnee4 by the committee to give her $100 a year, commebeiag Ord March Net. JAMBS Been. on behalf of the Ootu, Lumley, Txu WeArnnit.--Tse weather of late hes been very warm and spring like. Several showers of rain have fallen dur- ing the Hast week,whloh has started the areas to grow consitlerallly. FArt WR1s. r.—The fall wheat !nob wlall in this victnity, the late routs have been a great belp to it. Sltnuld nn. thing happen to it until harvest the farmers might exsect good crops this year. Naw ltottrie.—•Mr. Stscev of thin piece, line mode a self•adjneting roller. which by the appearauoe will work well. . Senneer Woos. -Some of the farmers here lints started i+lnlv}tie, whiio otliets are patiently weitino. their• land todry ttp, ns they hltive everything ready to start their spring work, Solve As A F(tlITIWzarz.-2111e fn,rmITS hereY are going' to use a, great .gtlltlltity of stilt this spring as a fertilizer. ,Set. oral tune hove been purchased at elle Scaforth salt worlcx, effatinaav :GAto.--A form of 50 acres wax mill by chancery a few days ago, a little ernitln east r,f tins place, for 2,. 81' 1r ,130 ` *au rtudwitiiont leek tu1 0 slot totoIre,00Watsoua. 'furor is at V81y '0u(I Vtte, Ltelerilt5..e'1+1y'toi..J,4.LlW1 ,i,1t,a.ta4, . DEATHS, SA:Ogee—Id Stephen, on 'the 6111 lust., John Sanders, brick -maker, aged 51 years. • Ti ARlv'ERS, FEE THELAND Y. 40(121 twill food yyou. 1'ry t uporphosphate of lame and Bone Oust for your land. A aideypet. per given away full of information with tostim0- ulels, dltply to G, 1i1:1ei2, Agent, Exeter. tea DIG Es'TItAY—Carne on Lot 17, con 8, Vsborno, November 37, a largo sow The owner iu 'r leave Ler by prtomig property and peying expenses. '1',C. CLAIM posT OFFICE' 130N:8S TO IBEN'T. BOOTS,S114)3ES Arm LT,6.,112TZCS Having muck...used the Boot ran,i.Shoo trade of W. li.Trott, wtrean nowt;,iu ul(ur'to the i'ut sty note uf'. e3t Cin', Cthea :Mt St:ohs of ready made work ever eiforetl iu 1:a to+r. rt'0 would, aleu rsn)ftatl those : ata waitt of first l ltt is , home -matte ltuutn due( E.lwee, retrutl rtiutl ueace,l, that WO eau supl,ly thew wita What Dill give iMlrlctiult, Reitxirhial din=e at:lowe t taros dud satioraeti.+u suar,urtec, (id,Il,antl x,r+uu^ yanrdelrt.s. iYu.t'G Tolgot the place- i1 strut s Week, C.3 ACI1ETT. R. ABRAHAM. rtiotor, Pobru ary 10,1'850, Our Just Arrive d AT lila 0IIO1OE FAMILY GA. Chat=., A Tirane New Stook of Garden and Field deed OYSTERS, Y• E:1.LS,, ORANGE AND LEMONS G. A. Hynd.rnan FANSON'S BLOOK, EXETLB. THE TiiE ONTARIO LOAIV AND DEBENTURE COM PA.- ,'N' ., OF LON1DON, - 01\ITAIlIO,, Working Capital, - $2,600,00L Straight Loans Ura 1lortgcujes at 7- per cent. Interest payable. at the end if the Year. Apply. to . $ M, ,E'. UL ',mien, March Stb,180J, sSo N A_IDIANT. PACIFIC RAILWAY. Tenders for a 81001101.18112111.8 i, -Onion 8.1•10.,'r B'1D DIVER will be sect 1•0.0 by thi nu , t:• t;: sled ui=ti1 aeon on Monday, t,lt 1111 of Maven, n• auxt. The suction will exte:.1 fra.ln the nut, of tin) 48th Contract—near the western .1,t.tpulory . 11 Manitoba—to a point on the went nude (1 tit au ley of Bird -tail (;reek. Tenders must be nu the priu1ot forintwhichl with all other inlormati .n, may to mad' at tu.e Paciflo,Ba iway3;ngineer'3 c)liiceuy in irtt.awu ails Winnipeg, on and attar tate 1st d ty of l,Lut ".i 13y order, 1`, fiat .t'v DEPT. or Batr,wwys tC 0.wALa, 63. Ottawa, lath I,'ebruary, (zee The reception of the nbcve Tenders i.3 lost• pond until mien co fills) t.'1• , Jtla April Lox". B.y Ordut, 1'1310?ire, :aoaua..ry.. Dept, of Railways 4.t Cauals,1, Ottawa, liLt.tt;Vlardh, t5S0 ) VALUABLE IMPP.VVED Farmsfor Sale C , ON EASY TERMS OF REPAYMENT — IN THE — County Huro .. —11Y Tun — Ontario Loan & Debenture Co, OF LONDON, ONT. —e_ Lot Ito. 17, Concassioii 4 in tits• Towrlsfl'i t cl' Bullets, • leo acres more or less, 40 zeros cloarotl, i0 a0res timbered with 1300011, .1111318 and nam lac ; fraul,3 barn 30 x GA. Throe good springs, of tvtiter.. Also the Norte Half of ).ot Number 20 tut" the North Half of Lot ♦ur.uber 101, albnuessiun 4.100 acres, more or less, In the 'Towdehii, of lint/att. SO acres cleared, 20 ,acres lsseelr, luapie, Black Ash, and Kam. li'rauuehousa,xomtg nrmiard, good well. board uu,l rail'f.,uovs. dull„ clay and sand loam. 'Title propertt is in for excellent loeltlity. being oul,y aletuut iron. the T'.o150. u1 Clinton fon. • S d1' ef)r/d111.1•, The North Hatt' of the ti.erts7 Half of Lot No. 19, Concession 13,, Ili the Township of Stephen, 25 acres, niers or less, 0 nonce cleared, 30 acres wild. Beech, iva1,10, liornloek and White Ash. The Soil to a ',wetly loam,.ita to good 1leialttb01'lli)ed mot di„ taut frolu' thu 1)esilw' uu lulled and the Village of !:anter 10 maks. • In the I'tihsy a el Exeter, a Brick Blind's and 1)wellsug, 217: 40,. Two Storeys situate 011 ,.falai Street,,iu the best busiu01e ioualltyiu lexeter, NorWaite eadetu0itionsapplyto ' 11OI1ATIO HAI,};, . Clinton, AlIDZEW LAKE, Exeter, JOXIN PARSONS, 0reelion, or to WI.A.1. F. At811t,1'.,iC t number of Iioxos in the Exeter Poet O l?ioa, Manager of the O.ltario Loan .a Dela:r t:ire (lo Londofi, LemlVu l'aatua. ra,...we,.