The Exeter Times, 1880-4-8, Page 7ZION `ear is TILEI BES P POLICY IIiniesty is elwti,ys -tet to stay, Wood fl it always.•--t11e bet polis r. For estenoe, the other day lob a keen look int; hesil:eso ul,tir, etith hie hat tv un on the uttlOE) of hie 110011, was sten litly UU Clerk btt'OW, ft 6i :polo, g+trvliy look- Ing country lett of l ulette:1, with t3,' big enr0;lulJo it) lii,M hand, and hie inoutlh toil eyes witty drier, (9m0 ti.Slltlt`llee tit r nine), Clink nct.lrefipf) togettttll 2L1011g, brush)( at all the :Ague,11'lill)h the R1lltilt;tH1''fi known 1t 1'c 111llalint) as a he waa•apl'lhItoutly epellii,g out,. ''1•'he l;t-t4 shot, instantly restored order, it on the edge of rho pulpit be demand- ed "order' iu a stentorian voice, "The brethorn,' 110 remelted, 'will please'talte notice 'het I've got the drop •on -them, and any brother who cloolitres bo go to ilia seat., or elm' touohcs any - of that money,, will )rave le In eel el at his hence ttt•1111t1.1••,e'V at 2 p. no. °.. Out mining friend front Red 'tlluell d ill ph as let go the deaoou's necktie or lie is i►d business shall, beil)g iltttietl'ily* 11ine1231 SRCOIld-R11HeC IMO tile (Pitefftl, I iolciog lip the Scatter- 1 . 41,.,1>rosSandbaggageoars a Postal and smoking oars 210 Box Freight ours 1031 Plat core .2 'C tTtng Ploughs 2 Snow Ploughs 3: tier ears 40 Hand cars Tun wtIOL3C . TO ZIPS MAt`urse T4rtre IN TREDoatzxzol OPCANADA 311(1 clolivorO t ou rho Cana- dian Pacific ttailwity, at Fort William, or in t to Provtnee of Manitoba. Drawings, specifications and other information may be bad on application at the office of the lingineor-hl-chief, at Ottawa, .ou and after the 13th day of MARCH next, `renders will be received Dv the undersigned lip to noon of THURSDAY, the 1st day of JULY next. Canadian Pacific lariwy Tenders for Rolling Stook, rj1EN.D. RS are invited for furnishing 'hyo Rolling Stook: required to be delivered on the Zhou1 die k'l.c ifl llaitwcoo ssithilt the 11oxt four MVO, comprising t)10 delivery i11�0ae11 year of aboltt the following. viz :- 00 L000nlotivo 1!hli0'htle8 11 I irst•class Cars to proportion fining si,el�exs) ars do. hearted, and desiring. to do tt fi•ietallti' 1111.13 to a Ftrahtger, said to t oto b ty, '111. stoutly, what are you looking for ? 'Let me see that letter.' 'Now, I cant let yon l3ava that • let- ter, thtre's bonds in it," rail tire bo) 'btu p'rla3Jtf y'rlr etlil hell 111e where 11te ter Smith liver' roatnd here, Tho boss told oto the nambel'.'bnt I've forgotten it, and the totter has bondsin it, and so I aiu't go -lug to give it t0 enyelto but him.' F '1lhy, I've been wrlitiog for yoarthitl half hour,' salol tile'lt•een bllelne33 tlltttl, as his faoo brightened itn.; 'waiting for' you to bring Me titnse boudlt %Chico! I bought of,1Vitatts-his name.' 'Be you )lister Smith ?' attitl the boy ; '1v311, now ,Ilia tight grad 1' molt yon, for I'd 0101333 forgot the u•ninher where til.: boss said yon livor,, sod 1 w'ruld a't nave liked to go back to him without Adding you ; it would have looked as 1•f I wan careless." With tirade rematkla the lad took oleo a big envelope marled, 'J. Snlit.b.Eaq., 1'resideut,' au the upper corner12,5JO U. S. 293,' and in the lower corner -'Uumtuissieu due, $5. Please remit by bearer.' 'That's all right, sonny;' said the keen-biota:la bu•.inetie melees he hauled out a sonlitily furnished purse, gave the b.,v a fire -dollar bill and a quarter and said, ''There, sonny, that quarter is to reward you for your cleverness and fi delity,; aud, putting the euvelope iu ilia brts 3t pocket, he walked) leisurely round the corner, ran to Dearborn Street with the speed of a deer, skipped slightly round to Madison, and, hniiiug a street car, was whirled away at a compa(r)atively lielitning et eeil. Not until 111: Lind reach Uniou Park did h;, draw the prod )us euvelope from his pocket and,. with the roularic, 'Pray Heaven they are not registered 3' tears it open. He then found the euvelope contained a. copy of the Chicago 7'ribrure which he could have purchased at the oilieo for five cents. ,teh.nwhile the tainhple ct)uhatr hid, entering .,t, beer sa- loon in the vicinity of the Sherman IIouae, had rlibaorbod a beer, stilted away a five-t1"llar bill with seven other: ie thi• pocketbook, and, with the re- mark, 'The fish are biting very num- erously tn•day.;'takes another big en- v lope from his pocket*, and once 1110re sallied forth in search ofa keen -looking bu,itiess tnau.—Chicuyo 1 ribuue. 1' O CHANGE GIVEN. ed money, bandit g the ttt'enty-dollar. gold piece, resnnnte'd the collection, and the service proceeded without further in efrilptiou. 0 H WISE ANEIt1VISE. A. bad )habit to got into—a coat that le nut prod for. . •(",.orders aro ben;bt by the yard and worn out by the foot. .F Innlete the mule. It is always baelilvaid in deeds of violence, Tulin to a nlriltl is to pl tut a weed in a garden of flowers. Does the maternal ondfi•11 call its 70ueg with ha cottfiell bawl. It's an easy thing,, we are informed by J. Joshua Jeullins, to bear the toothache 1:1 the j tw of yotir neighbor, There is no disgrace in being poor.' The tidy ie to keep it ()diet and not let your neighbors lulow A. sig11 nn a barn in Preston Ct., treads cheerfully: "Tho place to buy Vont o{tfhitis it, et Graves Stoue's un- dertaking establiebinellt. A young scapefgrl!ce threw the ball 1 at his sister, and bit her on the back of the bend so hurl that the bawl came By order, F. BEILITE, Secretary. DnPAltTNU T OP RAILwAT sen CANALS. teem, 7th Feb..1870. 1 A MANUAL --011 rISC--- Married and Unmarried IT T3AC1il(S 704 THru Secrets of Life a;.d how to l;rjny them, Sent Iostpeld on receipt of 50 Cents. N.Y. S MONTILP:(L PUTS .00 , 181 St. dauii33 St., llontroal. Please state in what paper ycu saw this. out of her mouth. "TAY PUMP WORKS. A. fond mother P3 Lend villa speaks of bor late eon as having been born in Michigau hat raided in Colorado. The Vigilance Ooln0)11te noised hire. An entiquurinn has discovered that the reast'ct wily the anoi,?nti, took the awl for an elnbl•;1n of wi.ldntn was be- 1 0.inse lel saved lits talk and filled his stomach. One of the hardest lesenna to Iearn in life is that the man who ditftire with }'0U, not only in opinions, but in prin. ciples, may be as honest and siucere as yo'arself. An Iowa paper saga that ''tile Des Moines ladies have a compact to re- main at home Friday afternoons to re- ceive calls." But if they nil relnaiu at (home who will do the Dulling. A yonno lady in Chicago, when aelc- ed by the officiating minister. "Will you honor and obey this lean a8 your husband. and be to hila aota true wife?" said plainly, "Yes, if he does what lie promised me financially." An of t saw is that a chilli grow proud if snffered to look into a mirror while leas than twelve months eta. But what tate average infant can ane in the nlirrnr to make it proud la difficult for nus bat its parents to understand. A P,neton man 111 about cn tette a trip evened the world in an egehteen foot boat taking his wife with him on the journey. Ile hat; steadily declined temr,ting offers to take the wives of several other Boatoniane. One parrot had learned to pray end another to swear. They were lint to - 'ether in nrder that they mi,tht come to n common standard on the prayer qursti"n. Bat before three week' were over the both parrots were swearing, and neither of them praying. There is a moral to title, children. A man bor amt np .to rend it own: position on "The Tree." He got na far es "'This subject ilea many branches, when the teacher said, "Stop' you have not made your bough -set." "lf you in- tprrupt Ire anein," avid the boy, "I'll leave." 1f yeti give ale any more im- nmlence, I'd take the sen nut of von. Po vnhl•underarand?" said the teacher. "I twig," avid the bay, and then .the regular order of business proceeded. 'P11EAcHEg witO wigs EQUAL TO THE 0t1 - CIS [oN. Black Run, as any map may flail to show. ie situated to the Colorado min ing district, and the Baptist chur,lh is alresilled over by au able and athletic preacher. On the fourth Sunday in Febrnnry hist a collection was taken up for the hronz Jozef Land Mission, and the 111'tte was passed aroundby one of tl'> deacons. There was preseut n miner from Red Glutch, who was anx- ious es he phrased il,tn'put up' for the Franz Jozef heathen, but who had no coin smaller than a twenty dollar gold piece, and undertook to withdraw nine- teen dollars. This the deacon objected to, on the grounds plat no change was given' at that establishment. A. struggle ensued, in the cenrse of which the plate was upset, and the enttro congregation, rushed t0 piolt iip the scattered mousy. Had it not 'been for the presence of tniutl afth0 presiding minister the en- tire amount already collected would hive been absorbed by reckless persons eager to 'jump the deacon's claim,' as 00 10031 papers snbseq tently depress- ed it, The minister, f.hrt►tn'ltetyt, hap- pened to be an tad, Californian who thoroughly undereteod the true way of dealing with a Colorado assembly. Drawing a heavy rc:v'olver attd Ieautng G MUM - NINEEETOR. h aviw' (1(1(1011 to my pomp machinery, and pro cured a btree quantity of ih••st-class pump loos, I atm prepared to offer an article Superior to any Factory In the County, Dominion Orn and Pianos4 and at prioosthnt defy compotftlou. SV ells and 01010108 thug ou rho shortest notice• Before purchasing call olthe Ray Pump Works. piling--Cee-quarto mile volt of Exeter, 1,on1on Ito td. Hay 1 . THE F ALLAND\Vln'1'. It T1 -LADE 0. $outhoott c. So= TAILORS and CLOTlilEICS, Take pleasure to it form th a in habttnnt,o flilzeto odd surrounding c0antry, that tlloy have jus ope.1edout an eaoe11e11tass0rtmentof Tweeds, Coatings, Testingsetc., in theta(ost styles x nd:,atterns,ancl feel assured thatiutae ma.tterofatof ing, they can snit the ,1lostfustidi0usfOstes. THE EXETER Planing Mill, Sash, DOOR AND DLIRD TTA!TYAT•n's CATTLE ,Wi'IC0.—Tf1ia is aC011lbina• (ion of Vegetable Alteratives. Diuretics and Tonins, go hlondn1 as to nuke this gnice the beat fender in file world for horses. nettle, sheep or pigs. By Alterative we mean a blood Puri - der ; by n Dieretic ws moan) n medicine acting upon the bladder and kidneys ; by aTollic we mean something that rvili iucrOMeappetite and the power to digest; sad assimilate food. itt. this season of the year a due ib. package is Werth a ton of amnion food. Price 20 cents..' Tern "Hum" or'Tnit N. P. (National Pills). --- With the cry of "N. P." Sir Joan; gained the day, and 'the Grits pab"to vent in that terrible fray. Votctra trait the result:, --bat say Taunt yon will, tller4 is nothing HD certain as NATION• Al Pl311. If sick hnnriache, torpid liver, foul stomach or breath, Iur11 •c3 '.ion or Jannriice, bring you nigh unto &1111 ; if kind thoughtful friends ever speak Omit \vino. Oheer nn I Hetet Hay clic, bat tlticlh Nrttional rills, Price 26 emits. .170..'+0% ALL KIN D S OF TURNING Done to order. item emberthe place Dyer tt Zowa.xd Maros- T UP WITH E TIMES _0 -- PARTIES INTI.NDING TO PURCHASE ()I -Z G- A N S S'HOU'LD GALL AT The Largest, and Most Complete Factory in til Dominion 140x100 feet, Highest Honors ever awarded to any Matter in the World. ` cin AT CENTENNIAL, 1870. Y, AUSTRALIA, 1877 II3ITION, TORONTO. IA70. rXHI13ITION, TORONTO, 1879. Be - lust .511i99� and Bromine his Stock. the Best that are Tirade hilt" amouth And 8Y1TNflseigtt3rtint.oe11!WOE t I,()1 t t io aubilt free. StxAW 4 se, Augusto, Biloine. ORGAN Piano 'pare and tpright Pianos.. ace solicited. Beni for II. - Address • BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, aur.; e.,h. tar th1 3a OF THE and Sewing. Ma chi rrHE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK O'3' $ Silverware, China and Deli ever seen in the West, at Db�.aer+ tcA" • '1. rot! rt"rir OP . %r. Drew has'just receivers an otceUent stock e Silver Tea Sette,Butter Cool ers,Doubleand Single Pickle Cruets, Cake 13askets, C and ltece [vers, C 0111 1nu11i0n Setts, eta,ofthe Bost Quadruple and Triple Plate, and is offering the santcatprieesthat oldn ASTONISH YOU EON CHEAPNESS! - Jte hasjust opened out a 12 011 and complete as- sortment of China, Glass and Stoncware1. A large stook of I,ampsjust arrived. Call andsatisfc yourself as to quality and cheainless. Could an try our instruments. Music Teacher still on hand. Services at lowest figures. St,ecialattenti3moailed tothe Raymond Sewin3 Alachine. Organs and Pianos unsurpassed f. -r bounty of design, end quality of tone. E. DRi±W. 1879) FALL ----c (1879 TI -IE OLDRELIABLE' I-101_7SE At a 11 times , stud nsrtieularly atit period when Traci.. is universally depressed and money scarce, it is in the interest of every buyer to 'enrollees where hewn] gesthe article he waits at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to my present stock, I do so with every conoid ewe; it being u3orooarofuily assorted and selected than t.har of any previousseason. 0 In the Dry OEooc:18 Gvel•ydeparttnentis replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, narked at prices which should command the attention of the very Closest bny ers. UTE ORDEI{t' D OL• OTHINCTstill has N.B. ; IVEb at it, head In. Millinery Undortiretnc,:agelnentof Bliss lkteGloghlon,we can S'.litthe liTostfastidnrns. Grooecies, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of t tie 1 argest and best assorted in the Oonnty. Intending purchasers will.4Consul', their bestinteresta by examining mystook before going eisew bare. I"stock at' 'merle= Under talrer -4 NVOULD SAY TO tows() typo intend ptlrehaslltg to do so from the manufacturer. Tho dealer who buys to salt again roust necessarily have a profit. We eltim to give tbo purchasers the benefit, which cauneot fail to moot the view8 of the Grangers. 011.1' expenses are less than tboto of eta mann'ltcturer, eon soq"ont we gen selloneaner. C. & S. GIDI4EY0 d,tid VI t.rnitnre Manuilleturers q 'UTE W0ULis f rot ,,,x...._. . -,` .z..._. ^--- -., Call slrocinlnttentinn -r - to our u)�dortniting d°I 'L .- w:s.y` meut.r.iicaIs more con,. t I Y i) „y. ,',,,.:•••.:::-.1 •}l etathenevar)aswetlaee _'t K • ,I added several new designs .rr r• •. �l of iatd The best ooillu,,, 5 Emblems of all the Different caskets sbrollds,atid every • • micro l, requisite at the lea est prites. Our .new Hestia is pronounced by competent judries to be second to note 3n rite pr011nc80 Societies. GO TO 1 MAXN'STREBT, EXETER) V011 YOUR r1u- PATENT ME IOINLi S Attendance on. Sunday from 2.30 to 4 p, no. for the sftle 01 medicines only, W. B. S: LILE`St, Pro .