HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-4-8, Page 3A.11u1/ 8,
..u.rnn+ a�mmw;.k...r ..;._?lM.e.,7A+11N,,.•tu«,+Nn.,R7�!Mw,.anM.� �MM
NATIONAL: D l!aFLNC1 . nrinei', are e at the eepital for the purpose
of preseittg upon the Governmeet the
CV A SCAM; Adlt''th$ 'E1Iia resiitS (YVE
New York, ",tnreh 2.1,. -The Ile,'crlcl
editorially _
ri'ho Ilispectrrr•of A.; ti i1lF ry of ithe`Do-
tuil,iuu has recently made ti cempre.
liensivo report of the military strength
unci resources of Cteuatla, which is deem-
ed, of:snt'iicietttitullortano•? for ropibli-
cation by one own primas ce .0e.part-
ll eat. This ]•°pert i1Ll)kee a liven y f(1r-
ntftlable showing for the 1)ottditi'n.
which wool ( be by Ito means .a con-
temptible enemy when supported by'
time military and naval pntvt'r of (+rent
ftai I. ;t1( nfii.'l�r of t,h(t U•,itcnl tti at•
r ttrtlty rlaktl!:eli tet C:t(tttnitnst b,tr-
rnelis, who (lits bneu stttclvful; this rl o.
lenient, writ,?( It long ]atter to the ell n-
et.inntti f::iya)ttter, mane': bee in t.!to qt.
llen ranee e:f it ::Darn,, setting f rth our
It IpiP;snos4 in the eatlly ,slot:-r1's of i+tt,1-
tilsn war, Wo tae not slt+leo h'rs 11.1)1n-
h(1nsirll, batt it f4 well aweigh to r1 cog -
tee the fact that tiro 1),:ttiri"n I a•+
'desirability of reducing the t')ils on the
ZV(?ll`niil Ctln 1..
Tire iron c r1( mines in the vicinity of
ltitieshtt,il will be extensively :worked
(1111�•11,(.tho coming 'EUiri ler..
A angling lmaoh, 711° rink each, re•
i reeeutitlg Outtericl; and Ohat1u in, was
ptttyeil at'Whig llain yes tet day, reetiltitig
en it victory for G eleri(rh by erne shat.
l3rinhoi;;, the murderer of fleilneeey
tvp the Gatineau, is Doeetnlxer last, line
been arreetott hi Now York Sotto, and
:tile brought to Ottawa salt• evening.
l'11n French Glare] tet Qilehi c, stir.
Lif.tivere„ hast been informed by 'tetle-
graph irons I,uis that he has been all
I)r)i,lti,tt 0)csul G:i oral for L'ritisl)
Tito House of J )!
the 2,ra 0,,,i0,4sstott
about eight tllilo4
1)i Pll 0?lt•!1t(t to t 110
2JO, no iesu anoe.
Win. IL Gibson,
tent., 11't tull,ty Cil
ago for Nemantkot.
(it:O,lt('•O t•tlrn11w1 militia!; that 4:1, 8115 of to bo 1I1.(r: ici 1. [Ti'•1 ftiende. have not
t1, •4o Pre '(ruxt'l, orear:ized and }trilled, sit!c•' !tet tl fc;nn,lli!u and _are nnab e t
ttutt r11e :$ very curing it1 gstrri,nrt and otltniu any tress, of h:n1.
'Li hi artillery, y, tttl.l hes a greet itl.`tlnd- „'t l, lti' i711•!j alma isle. P'tgn.
11100 of C l.IV)ry hIrs-Pz th•tt lion C1L'iltlll• of I.)d,:Oti t, play,'d billiards at the l'.Inr-
; O means:; •'1 1hl1 1.1s,L'Ot) now men ( t 11,„nee, Pott Huron 011 '.1'(kst1t
c int in ev ry year far htuo ;errs' u1iil id_ hi, peg). (li•ct•1lrnfn lilt opponent.
rand til it the tnuuo nuulbor stns4 nut T11r, gaille WAS li()() points for $50. Hie
eve•y year t•t r)iL.e,se the li-t of enroll.
ea li'liltl'l t %'ho have received irt'Strtic-
t.]un:x and 1raieing, 'and would be i1n-
lu'e;liitt(!1•' available in a sadden cm-
ergency. This is a greater force than
cant` be pnt at once in the field by our
States which bnrlt-r nn the Dominus.
111 tingg, f,ertner, Jit
of 111nr1(nitin, a'Itl
from Toronto, has
ground. Loss,$1,-
n broonl.malter by
y, .tush., two week•
(t:it., %there 1 e was,
Wettest run was S3:
There is troub`e in the IR,tfcr reel
lapieeep:tl Cliurcll in Oitaea, A fe:
of the In ding unwnber•s de4ite to with-
draw from the jurisdiction of the A.tn!•ri-
eau branch. and become attache:: to the
Engli:.h (citrin itf t•}i' Church.
Oar r'ognl!tr army is se small, and the T,/0 3Ifufa er of E sue tin h t• b e
bulk cif Rig at ague!) a institute: its the
1 dratbit; with the school bank. ,1ueetion,
'Vesteru Territntl0s, that it woeiti be
says that be saw the children of en "'
Indian fuu'ily with one of these :latest- y
ors seemed by ft cord and ]ettclitil,* it
31)0 1.1t the bongo like a dog, �M '
OldJake is a one.eycil noilter dun, t,G
of .uretic, Miss. 01 a eoa .1, rail y day J'11
holt) ide )i mal( ori !t1( ol'l aunt „man, °
� M
and spent 111.1 aftcturu)II by the $te,
when b1'driln• 0'10•14'1"' t!,tt drivitn nut
and the 'lo r Ammo bolted ou tt`e in
etde... I" the course 01 111e nicht he
was awakened by by tt cold wind blow-
in;; on !lint,' ll:it i°ng a n'L•e ttt the
}iris, ho looked gull there sat old Jake.
'The tiro had nearly duel Out, slid the
dog West trotting she ohunks tn!,otler.
and actually blowing the dying embers.
Ths stun got omit of hal. rut oatmire
wood. tali`° a pellet for Julie near the
elo 01 the d ,or and again retired.
Tiara only valittir,u in the clu'11itr
:voids: will sitar be found to "h1,;yl•t1c
Navy" tobacco is 11) the degrees of
moisture tt?rich it coetelee., 7:,1)1100,
is a vary reedy absorbent of moisture.
aid 1)1 min811a1 states of the weather it
•it may become 1t little too 'm114 ova
little too dry to suit the taste of shins,
Tsui is It 11111)0?' matl.er,hnwever, ass the
essential c.,ua ity lit the tobacco is
tat ehnnged Its combustion is it
it la sinwlo- of a ii!tis faster etlenrdiug
'o tits, degree ut moisture, that is all.
Tile d taker the ping tllo gr(mtnr Mkt
turietnre,atld teeny prefer the (ink.
t'ADIt and ly, llnweve ,, t.ho preference fes
ithet' 0141( he snot.
E0KA- SYR G?."
No otlns mn'ddoine 1(a the tvnl•1,1 w,14 1(v r
glv„lt 80011 11 tt):t Of its euro ti,•0 renal ties ,n,
aivatlnitic'ta eiettm.t\ Senors. I0 ilt"e,1 y •ttl'. two 1
ulilliuus four htut,L•ed t1 ,0.141111` son.to L•' tit't 1
f this ltl licluetl'o1'e tlistrin'.11Nt1 fr..e of(.7t0 r,,
m artt;r0iItts (n 111111 cuniitry to t•iloyt. 11,11,a,.1 l
Coughs,: Colds, Hoarseness, Sore
Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza,
Croup, Whooping Cough,
Asthma, and every
affection of the
Throat, Lungs, and Chest,
ac It does not dry up a cough, andleave the cause
behind, as is the case with most preparations,
but loosens, it, cleanses the lungs and .allays irri-
tation, thus removing the cause of complaint."
DO NOT BE DECEiv-}i1D by articles
bearing a similar name. Be sure you get 1)11.
with the signature of ct I. BUTTS " ` on the
wrapper. 50 Cents and 01.00 a Bottle. Pre-
pared by SETH W. FowLB & SONS, Boston,
Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally.
t"r i
3 e..
r' 'r
tvttlt Lunsnull'hn, iL411nta, (:cin,,
Con;;11r, Pieuureol•ia, and other di.s.aizes1
the throat and llm(84 i,((•.11 ,r • •.
t aa„ tbo Anu�rio:w'
p•,ni'le umdeu}a1iiii ,1(f tlott (Li::t):.t:r 1ix1r7t,
Will tlita•a theta. Thr, resit, bits been that
11rn 'slits in every town and talars in t1,,• ('a-
1111,1114 and United. Stapes are 1t(, ii;n1„udin!; it
to *heir c 1410 lions. Un to your tlro .•1st sad
ask what tut t .',:way 111114111 it. Sample bottles,
10omits. Regal 1r size, 755 :-outs. ihrw closes
and has reduced the price of some of ,4111 rel,•tse any ca,'.,.
of little use in r contest with Canada. the bt,olt=, at least 111 has sent out air
Troops e.':uki 134 sent weer learn Great-eeet-` ...____-_.------
fdritein more rapidly thin' rue reenter
cnlers to the back tante,- asking their•
army eouid be reclnitcd_, Theis i3 e
copular notion that in ease of wet- we proposal to do so- t
n1)Id au,1(e a o .roplotP conquest of 0,111- Count (10 Ltlssera' t11P ee. 1)•r;Its' en•
ads in a single month, bat it. might net "sneer of the Sana Canal. examined the
views in regard to the wiedeine of his
CiKa'(Jitll'::.O:.d CUR i)
proves 7 easy a task.* In one respect
his cxpo.•isi•an of the military strength
fel' Ovular iy of treat imeortttnce. The
e•'mpletion of the enl•trged INT( liana
Canal iieNt year will give ready access..
t ' the upper lakes for,l3riLish gnnbna's
and ships of war. a 1,10.11 could 811 11
and de4roy cur wealthy but ilefeneel as
cities ou the lakes. This is the real
dal:get•, and it is the duty of our Ger-.
°rumen: to provide °.°bast it. At the
outbreak of war tl,e firs.: thing vye
sh"nel attnrtpt w .ttld 1 e o i•eiz.e the
Welland Canal, brit °auntie cn11Id pour
forth :mope faster for its defence than
wP could lan'1',hrm f r its capture. It (
i+f n:Mittens:We that we asi, pt off'ttli#nt
measures f.o. preventing the appear.
once of 1 British fleet an the upper
lasses, which are irurmesssil,l(1 to oar
navy. .1•1ler0 14 11. treaty 1).h which tl►e
United States and Great Britain sl.fptl-
late to m:ii•utaiu only ones email ve-set
each, with a single gun, en Lake: CNii-
tarin, sand two :,itch vessels a ic1) Dai the
upper L Ike -e 13u osis tlte,tty would bra
ebrngttt•e l by a :i •olaraiu')n of tutu•.•
Great Bri'11,11) cot1!r1(encs Armed (tesla
ers thrnttgh ti'e Welland G'lLnttl id four
or five d'1ys from Qnebec•,anchwe shot ld
have no naval force nn the lakes until
we could bad it. 111ean><hile :,tar Po.
Mutons and flourishing lake cities would
)•ie• at the mercy, at long range, of•I3'rit-
ie1) guns. It is tor the military e't,gi-
]leers to jurtge what is most sni1elite to
be done, but one of thefirst things that
suggest t: itself is the oonet)001ion of
strain, and heavily !trifled forts p•il the
' New Yo1 k hank of .he, St. L,twrer'ce
which .wou'd enmpletels command the
river, and, with the slid torpedos, would
rnttke it f11111osseihle1or any 13ritish oh1p
to 1 a;t3 lip into Lake Ontario. indeed
this wens•' nate of our most Iit(liiispeesa3-
ble nicas,aires for national `°flier.
Snsp+'nsintl Bridge at Niagara 1'n1b,
the o.lberday. 'I'o a reporter the Count
said that be :41111 profoundly ilnci,
with the Sn.ftensinnBridae,ns !: x11a'vell1
of-engiueetiug skill and genius.
111!r. llobert Henderson, Reeve of
Garafrexa, bac bas been elected \4nrtltrt,
of Distrerin. An attempt to appoint a
treasurer failed, and w s po )toned ti l
the nest meeting of Council, on the
29th of Jane, the 'Warden being em-
powered to i,orsow money to pay litt-
bilitiee till then.
Mn)nr-General Lnard has been ap-
p. iutt:d Srtc0Pssnr to Lient•G+'neral Sir
1i tlward Getby Smyth,, wire leaves Otta-
wa ler England the latter part of April.
1.fej,u'•Gencsl11 L1nu'll entered• the army
in 18.45, and sorvetl in the Crimea, in
China and India, Hod ttt nue tune was
1llllitttry Seeretary to General O'Grady(
Haly. .
A. repeat is abroad in Toronto than
.fr. J. S. Stevenson, Secretary of the
Corn Exchange and Board of Trade, is
missing. He has bot been seen since
Good Friday„ when. 110 told his family
that he was going to take a Holiday.
He had not given 1'118 wife any money
for five months, alleging that lie had
been epeeilating in grain, and had
Pisses to ]wake good. Mr. Stevenson
was formerly Commercial editor and
proof reader on the (210!i., and was al-
ways considered. a pett.ieularly sober,
behest mad industrious mitts --a man:
indeed cif a very steady, plodding des-
eription, who would be the haat to be
Led into any specudati•o11. 17'e owes n
house and lot iu latirlehtte„ and has le•irt
behind him a wife and five children,
who stein etit.ire ignorance of his where- ,
ibnntll,. 1411'1,. Sterenlson rather fearing
to has committed •suicide. It is not
known ciefleirtrl:v how hie acconnts
titsnd with the two Boards of which he
14F11. Th^mas Sttiilyerd heti been adkl-.
t.1 to,ille list of promoters of .the great
NrrI,iLweste! n Teiegraph Cnmpnny,
Tile Premier of 1lanitnba is; at prem-
was Secretary -. hut ,if there is any. dei
ftc;;eney nests it 1vi..I bo very smell.
lit conferring with Abe Dominion Gov -
err) nenb ttt Ol tawn,relatir:o t•1( tile erec-
tion of new Patlit1meat •buildttlgs in
.�Vinttfl Dry, ^,
tn.,.. wake, lens given notice, of a remo-
lut.ion that it id. not disirable .at. the
peseta time to proceed withthe,,.eon.
struo•tion of the western section ,of .ithe
Canada Pacific. Railway....
M'emerm, S. Nt elon, James • lit},(irRy,•
holies and ,if tl>..011,104.„14 St:..0044,.
A troteliler in, the forests of ltratil
maw lL hairy spider with a body two int-
cites long. It w)ta on a tree-ts•nnk be-
neath rt deep. crevlcle) ec,ros'r which was
strefeitecl ;a donee . whit e, web,,,; 'li''il•e
lower part of the, web !waft broken, and
two smell finches.wele •enttengleli isl the,
pieces, One was still relive' bat died
seen after its reggae. The hatrs off
theme spiders collie. off when , t,nicl10d
tltzld,.eansed,A;,let cii)enitlg,�i,rlitlltiotr.;1
• An alit l',ltvsician. retires} from practice. arty.
ing 1,atl pIa(4tl in his 11„uds by an Bind T:1
111(1 tnr,'touary t1),' formula 111 st81:411vogo-
taiga 1muody for the 4t1ta' It and 14 r 11 (1:r -
cute fur(kutenuntioh, soon:+biti',('rttarL,,_1.
tlnllt1, and all Throat ilial LungAffec(ious, elm,
11positive and ratliolI1 e'en for \error, 1).,•
bility 111111 at 1 Nrrvnt1s Compiaints, atter ]sat-
ing (este'. Its tvutl,it flit emotive hostels it:
thousands of casts, ltas felt iE his fluty to make
it known to. bis snff,!ring fellows. Actuated by
this motive and a desire to relit ve ]moan sui-
fering, I will -end fee of *1e11•1(1 to all who de-
sire .+', this recipe, in (r:rinses, French, or Ihig-
lisl:,e itl), full directions for preparing and las-
ing. Sous by Ma by addressing with stamp,
naming this paper. 1V. W. Sul•)It;n,14J Pu leers
Frg>; it:&:r's•. Wolin PownEne aro perfect'
1i trude,:s 11( their effects mum tllo iystt)tu, and
IT 0, hors (1,001)1 not fail to use them when
t u'ir i.-. the least (nspit?inn of wor)us,tuldsh'•o1,)
tvttr[lls not exist, the( Worm Powders will 1)0
found harmless to the, most delicate eonsit,ttion
and Due advantage at Ieast gauss`—a knnty-
lodge that the disorder prnetleds from some
other source than the presence of worms.
They aro sifeand reliaille.. For sale by all
dealers. Plice 25 -cents.
Importa'ut to Con umptivea
}}':'.ring commenced business for the
4 it 147
r?i. eltEl
A Protected Solation of the Pretoria° of Iron,
Is as easily digested and assimilated with the.
blood as the simplest food. When the blood.
does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the
deficiency can be supplied by the use of the
PERUVIAN SPTU•f. It °urea a "thousand
ills” simply by TONING. UP, INVIGORATING, ant
VITALIZING. the system. The enriched aol
vitalized blood permeates every part of the
body, repairing damages and waste, searching
out morbid .secretions '" ):}ring for
disease to feed upon. 1 els As t110 secret of the
wonderful success of this remedy in curing
Dyspepsia,. Liver Complaint, trails,.
Dropsy,. - Chronic Dia:=Aima,.
Nervous Affections, Female
And all diseases originating, in a bad state r,f
the blood, or accompanied by. debility, or a low
of the system.
CAUTION.—Be sure you get the "PE-
PL-RUVIANSYRUP" Sold by druggists gener-
ally. Pamphlets sent free to any address by
SETir W. Fowls & Soxs, Proprietors, 80 Iiar-
rison Avenue, Boston, Mass.
't4\41!7',1 Ivy Via) 1 � "9 1
311.. yr J 6d e.t.a) ,it, a.
Wd1.g Strawberry
A gentleman Matting born so. fer a:rate as to
erre his son ofConsutuption in its worst steges,
after lasing givoll up to (lie by, 11.Pst cele-
brated pll siciilns,. diioirt:s. to make ]tnowit the
caro - (which proves successful in, every case)
to those afflicted with. Astlttne„ Bronchitis,
Cul Zs Consumption, ( C 7 ,smn1 tton, aura the Mlle -
tions of the Throat end Liulgs, and will send
the. Recipe, free of charge to all who (lush a it,
if they will forward their address to,D HILL
ADLE, !}•:Liberty St., Now York. Gni.
"ct DndWi;mei" T rade
Pork, sabfe.:4 to the following regulations:
Wo will tithe off two petunia per lanndred if
dry, and time -pound- if soft, Shoulder stuck,
twenty-five (tents. If ley of the bong gat is
left irt, cents extra wilt bededttettal:
No poi.. wil I Pe tpught at an. price 4,
Pork Ctiittings.
on head at reasonable rates..
We want ail. Flogs Cutting slight through
breast to head. anti Rams opened. ontto tail,
(Irgens, Aucordoons, and 1.n,
nd sowing Machines for
' solo clump. All kinds ot
hand Shop.-Atn,in streot, di,othwood. (10/1 11 G.
80LDON, Proprietor. ?any 15 1.y.
impOTExcE, and all nervous complaints ru-
Idarrlaga, groat domes/eon, etc. 'toe per box! .1
for 0, sold by druggists ayarywhera. WoOle.
mail, secure! sealed, oh receipt of prim* &Wrong ..
Ultglarid, lysland 41)1 Stritland to any city or rail.
way town in Uanada. tArtioulara by apply-
ing to
tr S•pc'eifie Remedy for all Bummer
i:otnl)laints such a. I)i,trrlitt'a, 1)y -
sentry, Canada.. 0!htlela, Cholera,
tforbas. Cholera Infauttnn, Sour ,
1« { wsulnttcit. Griping }'hills. anti .all
derangements of the batvels, mita-
ed 1) mann improper food, 1, snail as
.-rte. raw vt eteldes, Irl si ft' 0r sourt�"t'i fruit, bad. III int novo Water or
cc:; °}lame. of water, change, of the
�*+�. (i'l64n114, expninrc.- No matter from
what c :1:.411 or in what form you are
subject, to .tuty of the above? cotn-
pliaiuts, Mt. E"wnnn's Oir"tu•) lir•
WILD Sri—u :taut will relieve you,
and a speo'ty cute will be eireett'd
without iuj'try tr. till yst.•In. It is
lllannfaptert',1 from 11,0 Wild
Strawberry.. Pleat; and fire from
°` eplutn;• 11(1(1 other iejnrinn( (tris,,
• ' Lbs safe by all .dealers, at ls.. Itgd..
.to ''1,01..(dti.
PREIA1tr'1) 1'Y
7'0 110.11r 7 0.
k.;entrai Drug Store..
rura.Drugs 81.,„
Hair Brushes,
Tooth Brushes,
Li; COMBS our stock is .complote. .
and Collis Medicines 4 Sperialit y.
(invalidly etas inautda.t tt dindvill 1 /Pug :ital.! 4
Fancy ,Goods filtuporitum.qppes.teieentra1 Betel,