HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-4-8, Page 2Tilt TIMES
Mt•,MSA.'.t"•FMiM"!i�Mi„�...1..%"W,wYMY,IMWw1N1...: .. ..'....,»...:. ;. .':.......... .....�:�:..,...... ...r-.... ..... ... ., .,- .... ... �.., -.,...
ed to ctomo straight 'tome -steer seh.00l,
At OT111 It.
for heir collective canduletoe,
'end attach the wood-pile.wood-pile.,]Jowcnultl Cilttdetnne j' being rsirnttgly ¢llpoeedt
by theCatllAntsolies, b.utlei Euglaucl ar:i'l
1 Trehind.
Election s ocourret't yesterday at.
f Piptcttl, Semlerlend anti 2 ieta diot, inat.
1.1.0WOW JOlia; mosii LIli;1,1'l ll LIiS
itho forget 1
The ft'neral • n eve”, and the house At funs o'olocit iho lest stick of the
wile p•nt t•,' r gilts; Jolla sea his ono•, wood wits sr burned, aild the sittitrg•'room
they leadleadtllrottrrll the fa►tn- tf Segall to gtaty c!tllY• 11118, hussar WPut
1.14'11'7• the t.wl., wee cleared and the "qt grid 80`t1,l>11 PP chills to keep oiler
%slid' til a t li >•ltt d lied set un it, le the lira alive till Jelin eltlluttt oolttes Vied
11119.! 01 1'tr, :' fill now tlxtta there was' 1, cleric mall ettll Ire, °nen) not,
nettling to be untie but to sit 'told thick, 'I 01311il'tva toy laity flit 'a.et'ttk or
the gni i emu,. bruit ateeesee, age'' thtey- twe till he uncial;, she Feld, and went
't t•t t• rl•1't r 'tl''lut 'seas tne'terl So- out• to the t;ht•d. The %furl buffeted
1i,tlteetl, 1iO was, hettt:;s'fartll, mo- Iter. The Anew floc* in her ft.pn,a1111
titers 1i 1)1 re r, Be felt n, if he load crept into the holes in her doles.; hut
• unetl trulta into manhood. she persevered, and ttt•neeed one of ti1e
'Tees-, mother l 1)lltt't cry any • Heavy ),clops tt'tk'1 the shed, 'Slowly and
t,t,rt t t' ,,r., ell>ar littl, t' si:jd' lt:hnrionely also pn-hed t'ktc sats np and
ht', tirateitty his °knit bt'et•letlHrh, nod rlOwll, till one titiek ens odf, Then sh,s
l,nttieg Itis reale around her shoelaces. etoi'prd to breathe, and presr:ed her
'I ttl goii,l; to take cine or shit uo{v.
I've settee hi •ttto tell you.'
9lrs. 'Metes (hied her Ware, and seem-
iion o:1 her side. But otte 51 jell' would
not keep the fire, eo she went to work
egttitt. 'Up an down, recently n d wea-
ett cotnfor ed by her situ's tenderness. rile' now, till, sndclenly, the dreadful
'.,Ir. Bloke told mc to -night Le did stitch in her sirle,thttt •hurt hcr,seetuecl
have the eit.ittitiou of.j suitor of the new to 1,r'enit, 111)11 she fell dawn, the blood
sclltt0'-Ileo-e. That will be six &I. flowing from her month.
furs a month, But Mr. Wilson wjll •'the found ler t tet
1 ay erne fourteeu to work for hit
thiuk I had better leave > chool nodi or dol all he conhl; the n. ighbor,' system, 'however, wltictlt gives e'•ch
work for pAt.. Wilson, me -Alter, I n,11.i wittclted, alud nut•vled, and helped; John 'enter es mann votes ns-me'r0bers, leer•
lf•s, c'fice unto; bet there t asetn"lw1p'
n I ohihlyd, faiuti� g, half-dead. 'The tinct -
the}atter`-rla'co woolen \yeretnnt►ltrea-ted.
Otte hating her olotllod-sot •on fie by
tome ni'lecrttant,
(laegow, April 1.--A gals eleotiou
meeting was held here.yostor'drey, due -
'tete which a gallery in the 111111oldini;
-'100 persons, seadoely collnpaell and.
ninny nf•its 0ecuttttuts were trerionsly
inj nasi.
Dublin, April 1.-1.)arnell d'rrived
:teeecterdity at -Ennis, and met t hit an
ovation Trent the people.
Rendon,, April 1.—This city is -en•
titled Co'l'our monibert in the Hnuse of
'Comment:, end as it ie largely Conser-
vative that, party'tnnde no special ef••-
'iort. The 'minority <• representation',
" pllil,
ecru lila li,iltg now. I mean to fill my wee; 811 aesitlut e'nil 1endeeuesn and mit Ietl the Libertele to elect •Aid. iT'tn:
father's. place) as well as I emu.' s
13at tha widow's heart was set see for the poor Little motl.er- She died
ince Ilei son a tenalter. iu the poli blee itta hitt!. ceiling him her deer,
tion �hi4 fattier had long held; and
though hi p'ates cheered her, she would
I,iot re:uttt hire to lace school. Site
Was exile]. with the needle, and that
lutist briupi money for their uretic. Six
dollar -i a uioutll would help, and they
o tubi grt al tet;. v the was easily per.
seeded to fall iu with his mother's
.But I 3'1.111 htiteg sot all my wages,
met her. 1 tenet to be a helps,. not a.
harden, to you.'
I41ndtiletertetl-Jelet lines! lie ruly
meant it. t o fully intended to devote ling in 76 con.stitnrtucies to•dety and
himself to hake hits mother happy nuts ituuninttlious in 48., )(j (Liberal). of Niancheett r, mss re-PiPp
O ntibrtable. Inexperienced, thought- • 'Ithe Static/Are lOonserrative organ) I
loss Jelin Meet, 1 Ho did not know� tell; also 5ir.'\Vm. Vernon Harcourt, of
nays ib clmoot be denied yesterday's
3 it:i-e'•f. Ile dice not tirertm • that Ire oxford nit),.
could be stilet It P»nut.pl to forget hitt election:4 pnsHestft3 iuteiest rf sigujff-1 They Times sem—Al-tont elle-third of
mother's need for his own piecteure, carter, bet minor defeats of Conserve -1 the entire nnrnbPr of mnmliers of lite
II. brought her hie "tiles; wages, and tivrectu lidttos are likely as not to be
they •vent to bny meeeria.ts for n newI succeeder by iolltnrittnt victories. llnnsa of Cnmmnils have now been
It n. 1 1 The Brits ),t ,k � iberal} ••r`R that no t
fink! t> mel. li• tl'lte aPcnn,rt t t C}nservative majority will be repleced
kind bey, eutl.preyiug fur his welfare.
Jelin-hoetoed event), some years,
st11co, ill whi-ott to remember, with're•
!.•ret• and self a.op roaoh, bow little be
h:lpeu l:i nether.
iiavittg trit4ati)tte0 lt'tllp lioiie,
AA'rd ?. s'-'t'�iiair y.•y t ,`�1 �1*
•llreparedhoteve•tenh_ieens terrors too ttArell tq'tWi•tt will anertteteoln its atldlrticm,antt Ls;o
howl . inrge eft;u6 et, -
Dry Goods, 'Groceries i. s ariai
Liquors, Crockery, Etc.,
Lawrer-eo as one of the four members
A somtnery:•of the whole field throtlgli.'
ont the Veiled kingdom indicates
retttrn thus far of 017 Liberals and 71
CollservetpvAt —a tottil gain rif 2�• Lib
Nods and 71 C •nuevvntivot;--a total
gain of 2f Liberetn and 10 Ceneerva•
bees, or a not grim nf 15 Liberals,
Ltntlon, April 1—The net Libera
ET1AL IIIMUUtia'3\n1C.1.1'F,111;ACON'eli'It,LA'S gain in the election) ja not 9e) sPatv,
Berlin, Anril 1.—'L'be result of the
London, Amid •1.—'!'here will Lepel-
election in Great 13ritein 3 rotinesd the
mnt+t profound Sensation here.
London, April 1.—Jacob Bright
sure for I which sh t worked tar to- th
1 elected, and e npnnrent result is n
!a '
t.••, lilt 1
he wanted a gen, He had been prop- such sweepMg change is manifested as
i.eed ouo h,' his father, anti now he that wtach struck down the great, per-
' knew a c',t;tuce to bny one f.tr 'only ty fn 1874. The retutlt •ettttnut be pt•e
eix dollars.' He we tried his makero•n.' Lfrom a' few d+tys' polling.
WW1 f1'';tttnnttti 1111 she consented. Het
Apajl 1 —Tire bull Mall had grown pati r already, from eon.'
stout 6).11 lemon, at her needle. A.ttd Gazette ()Amite the Government is de
six dol a 3 wits all she earned 'be a whole feared. The retire says the total voted
week of steady, hard work. But J .hit
did net thi 1e of ttntt. • She rose early
every M today morning to do tI1ewash-
•irtg.f •r h rrelf and John. She was a.
delicate little woman, and w,teliing was' .t ho Linerels had elected -79, the Con -
hard work for her. 13itidy 11I'Gnure svrv,ttivos 58 and the Horne Rulers 1,
%%oul•i do it many we lite f tr six dollars,
as she lied always done when John's
father wits -alive. But John did not
think of that.
cant time far 'segregate 343,568 Libor -
al and 231.376 Tory,
London, April 1..-1On to midnight
'Perhaps I can shoot a squirrel for
oar (Letter, now and thete'etteid he.
She did say then : 'etix dollars would
lenv nestt for a good many droners,: returned for Ripon.
But he bought the von, end• she London, 'Apt 1.. -Lloyd's Yetreereicr
smiled. pat-iontly at his enthuteiasnl' says: --'With re•pect to the sedge in
over it. as m titters will, she sewed a the contest, it may be mentioned that
little every night that month. in no single instance since the nast•iug
The next month Jolla had lost his
showing a not Ltberel gain of 161 seats.
The icberttls are :jubilant, While the
Conservatives are greatly disconraged.
WVestm:Meter elected two Cnnse•vatives,
l3'r ninttharn three Liberals, Hackney
two Liherle. •and i1L•. Goebel.' has been
Locket kitife, on l mast have another,' of the Reform Act of 183:3 has a Con-
ned ormmmnj jou teed a new eclloal•hoolc servative Administratiou appealed sue -
left but n trifle tor his Inlets. That' easefully to the people at the polls. In
rtlnuth s`le sewed a stitch in her Hide. January, 1835, when Sir Robert. Peel
r111'e tela month wad December, andwood dissolved the Parliament which had
r ti esTpresutt `ed haret i,iaaand tJohn'd s ewages been roturued to Support Earl Grey, a•
were neetioe, and she took them rPluc-
tantiy, fed tit; that he held yielded them
bet half wiilit:gly. When the wood -
`pile way in the yard, however, the
si_rht of ik, lease him feel quite self
cntnplaeeut. '1 am going to saw it all
11p, as SO071 es I ea'. get it hoesed, so
it will be :tut of the way of the snow-
storms,' said be; 'I do help you some,
don't I, mother ? What n big pile it
• it 1 I did wxut thetas) skates at Brig-
liani's though l`
Ilis incl her Smiled and sighed, rows -
col her'Inuul nn the aching snot itt her
• side, and then made her ueac1le-fly fast
as ever.
•Don't you ` clink I can have the
aka es !text pen0th ? This world will
te•t a good while. 1•Villthere be Rey-
nyting else to bnv ? hi:+ met.her th'nght
of the shoes she Deeded even' now, and
of the eeitely empty four barrel, n1 ap-
pro tatting tllxeteenll.of theenatiy,tnetiy
stitches that mu -t ha set to meet these
dlttnatels, and others tied were con
tinttally ori:ling, and replied : 'I don't
know, I fear we shall need nil we eartl
throe:eh the whiter, Boots are of more
by a Ltbernl majority.
London, April 1.—Wm. E. Forster,
•Liberal, re elected to Parliament al
`I)rndfnrd. Wm. J. Inornm, Libornl.
proprietor nf the Lendrn Tluctea'or?
N" rtl:c. re-elected at Bretton. Wm. P
Gladstone. Libornl, elected at Loe1 .
1',ePds gains 01R Liberal. Robert
[inosite, Connnrvetive, T'n ler SPorntnre
of Foreign Affairs, re-elected for ICing'e
Lynn. Chas. E. L?wie, Cnnservetive.
the orange leader, re-elected at Lon-
donderry City.
London, Anril 1,—The Standard de
clines tied the resnits of to.day'svoting
only served to fncrense the Govern.
ment's leases. The Conservative ma•
lority has well nigh disappeared. The
question ro longer is whether the
Ministry will be nblo to hold their own.
hot whether the oppnsitinn still ;Penrr
yuck a majority as will ennblo them to
take office with a reasonable prospect
of carrying on business satisfactar•
BEWITIIIof OorSTEltrOITy ANn tdtITATto\tl.—
rbe high reputation gained 1)y13At)tAnu's Pec-
rnnAt BALSAM fot• the cure of Coughs, Cold ,
suet all aisoatses of the Throat and Lungs has
given ri.1e to seurious imitations. The genu-
ine PECTORAL BALSAM 1183 the name of F. C.
Ragyard blown in the bottle which is of the
large size and sells at 25 ate. We think it
proper to warn the unsn:tpecting against BAL.
•!A3.18 bearing other names, or remedies offered
as a substitute. Look carefully to this and
take no other than I'IAAYAttn'S PECTORAL Bet, -
Liberal me•jo'ity was returned. In
July, 1852, Lord Derby appealed to the
couutry, and th'e verdict was au adver-
se one. In April, 1850, when .Lord
Derby was again iu the office, a similar
incident was followed by a like result.
ie November, 1868, wheu Mr. I)isrnali
was . Prime Minister, the majority
ugainKi him iu the new Parliament wad
doubled.' Uuthe other bared, mire
twice has a Liberal Prime Minister gone
to the country and been defeated -Lord
A1elleturne in 1851, and Mr. Gladstone
in 1874. Lord Pulttlerstou has been
the only- Premier who twice dissolved
Pariiatneut, and each throe retorted
with an insrertrod )nttjotity, viz., in
1857 and 1803.'
Ir to'don, April 1. --It rom visits pail
to the Carletote and Reform °lube it is
learned that the former expecte its the
retsult of the present,elteid t1 a Clouser-
vative inej,trity of 20, while- the latter
consequence than: slfatee, and yours Claims a liberal !.11013 •its of 10. Both
will soots be tet rn Ont.' clubs•e9:pect a coltlitfon'teith the Gov
'0, thesu'll iayt'ever an I''ng !' said eminent, and will appeal to the couu-
-tttt, givilrg the chair a theme w•it,b
.i boot boot, ikon male his mother
:art, paiafttlly. She heel grown weak
and nttrvaui lately. 'I guns I won't
begin tt saw the w.,odr • light. There's
ett0nxii for vs -morrow in ti•seshed now,
and Um tired.
To -m- rem, c''tnle, cold, snowy, and
.blustering. John wits obligati to be off
early at the school•ltouse, but prorate.
try ono year or eighteen month lienee.
There is an tit precedented energy
displayed at the polis, nett the onuves-
sir)g is ext.raorditittry 1u every borough:
The expen,es attending the eauvasetu•e
enoriuuus. As an ltteletece, the 1).lko.
of Devoushjre, whose four relatives
are ettndidatoa, lies paid out 400,.000
At his Store, MainStreet, Exeter, which will 1,f3. salol
'•'R7ticli b'tt sold at prioea'tt rhoartl of muter Free ,'mite.
The farmers of the surrounding country will iincl it to their ad-
TAntage to sell their produce without paying market
!fees,,ou the :Exeter mnrket,w11ir11 is sec3ollr;
to none in the west, and then
cilli at the store of the s'tuscriber and
o ,— --.-,
Eroving reoeired a lot of new machinery, I
,st. would inform the fanners of the sur-
rounding country that I am prepared to mann-
Mehra 1113 kinds of Horse Rakes, Barley
Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, elf, and having
secured the services of a .first-class Turnesr,1
am prepared to do
en the shortest notice, and for style and price
I defy competition. Always on hand a first -
Wass stock of I''ork and Shovel bandies. Mill
half a mile south of Exeter, A. COTTFLL.
Nationa Policy
oonetantly on hand slid made to order
Secure Xnumenzio
h ,I Lft•`'ja)1act1.
here to be.had iu Overooaliifi ; T'ttll. cloths, Broad -cloth
Doe skills, Silks, VVhioeys, Delaines, niid everything
nDecledin the Dry Goods line. The Grocer
Department very Complete. An inspection illi lied
No troul)lci to chow Foods ISAAC CA14LI TG
iaviug now g -gator facilities than ever, ere pro
pared to supply fanners with Irons Beaux 1'14'4
Btu.; iltgtt1.i Board, envie by ourselves; 01(17
Plows, ICntupor make; Scotch Diem o:ld harrows
tiultivators, (long
fl,rria osnnit 1>it,g1s 1)11 1(817(1, and made to or=
der. rtorse shoeing alt tided to on the shortest
x1013.0 t, liorttes shod to prarottt tnterlerieg. '
lttoyttLLltN & Mdt3ride,Riug Sb.,Ticusall '
SOME REASONS why these Suspenders
are better than others
lst.—No Elastic required.
2nd..—Is Slack when stooping,
3rd.—It never slips off the Soulders.
4th.—Sold at prices of common suspenders.
Try a Pair and Secure Comfort.
Manufactured by C. E. RAMAGE,
282 Adelaide St. West, Toronto.
and don't miss the oluutce.
net Received -
3rd Let of those Cheap Mink Setts,
3rtl Lot of Robes, Eiutt,n» .1311}• juices,'
Dress Goods and Winery;—dirt cheap,
Blankets and Metres at job ptic:'s.
Grey, Scat1.4 and Fancy I l,ul»e s --mill pricer;,
For variety nr d Latest Styles, don't fail to sect
Cloths and Tweeds, never bettor eelcct tl, and
he boat cutter in the colony.
For assortment and price unequailed-
Bought before the big advance, and am- customers
ret ttt' nclvanial'o not only of sileeting. Rom the
largest Stock in town, bat
Our object is to buy rood sell at 13 ttont• Prices,
and by the way people are Clocking uriland we
think we are doing it.
RAN T O N -•^ RE oG,.�3 dtid7
LA.f�I.ra' GOO'd
D .
Black Lustres for 12 eta.
Black Lustres for 20
Black Lustres for 25
B lack Lustros for 30
Black Lustres for 35
Black Lustros for 3.3
Black Lustres for 45
Black Lustres for 50
Black Lustres for 65
Blalk Caslh•Tneres for 30 cts.
Black Cas111neres for 45
Black Cashmeres for 55
331ack Cashmeres for 65
Black Cashmeres for 75
Black Cashmeres for 90
Black Casluneres for '$1,13
Black Craps Cloth for 45 eta.
Black Crape.Cloth for 75 cls.
For anything in Black or any other Goods, try
Eacrett's Block, Exeter.
I TART this opportunity of thanking my numerous customers for past favors. and wiehto
notify them null the public generally that
Z have Purchased Mr, D. Johns' stock of
and have Moved my own stook into the building lately occupied by Mr. ,1oli'ns, in the Poet
OfTice Block, where 1 now have one of the largest and best assorted stocks its the county.
Cooking, Parlor and' other Stoves
Also a huge variety of Tinware, Lampe. Lamp Chimneys, Core 011 and Cutlery. .
Eastimates given for Eavetroughieg. Carriage Plating a Speciality. Depend ttpon ft
will give you good value for your money.
0 -
The very hi;hesst .price in Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skins.
tom' Remember the place --•the Exeter Tin ars Stove Depot, Post Office Block, Mein Street,
Exeter. '
Exeter, January 20, 1980.
rl'-E116 IS N O J 1V.1[.1a'.41'1.1
Truth, Concerts You More Than Counterfeit,
Therefore, read penile se, and enjoy itsbaig,tiiin, Whom soy' 1)1)annfn.ct menta oe;n"furniture 1
Prepared with my proof -Sheet that the people eau im:poot at any time by calling at joy Ware
rooms whore they will see a snuerb die vier of
Furnit u e in All. Its Branches
n, tnnfaot irect by myself It'll m,r eotnbtnsrt rrttstic sltill,wIto t good tanrlcmanshilt. 1: des tare not
t,sittisfyingthe people with amass of Pinnitero that c•.uaot bo equalled for gladly or price lir
luxeter,all blowing to the contrary, notwithstatrtlieg.
Nesrlyopposite hemp's Tobacco Store,Maiu Stteet, l?setex,
�cr.: . ,.. �....'.,.ri'v.