HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-4-8, Page 1;VOL Vi Exeter, Ontario Thursday, April 8,1880 . re==f DONIIELLy'TR1'+4ED :'. Wellington Iddgitis, a'brother of the diiacovered oil his coat atal his .laud murdered George, Las been a resident i'OT L FOIL FA.iaL Oit TO'REN`I' -" J.'i:t+'. ,.13 1,'EllZN HOTEL," Z ," Centralia,' ThI1• NEEW$ IN IRE ' 'dor sale ur to r3 lit. 3 oHaoHxton g(vei( arse: of they alert. L'or particular& avu&y to .1011a .41120Ai aetee Diacitt1t,eker,t)reelltuu4 Out. February 1.1, 1•e,$0, Gf. • 7 31&ll SALE OR TO PENT—A. Stare z ti.n C ttraliunil oupusrmdof satlearna uniur 1911'.r110.) tiouds,-Groccry or (funeral Store. For further particulars apply to J. J , LICU , J zmter, or A1.111311,1.' Y, Ueutl•u1ia. LAND--LETTE't; FROM 'A o'f•Vacaville torn number of yours, and ELAINE. . is niuoh respected. The following latter has been vee©iv• lltit•edea Porteous, senior, the fabler of Itfareden, junior, deceased, is a re- ed by Win I7bunelly froth Bile of his epeetable'faririer living in McGillivray, oouttiue iu Irelaud, on ret;eiving the noir Olaudeboye, ole one of" Artelnua uews of,the recent trage d ' Bice's farms. y=-_ shun ]harsh 1.8th 1880 , . �i011 SALE ---AN EXCELLENT DJAIa WILLtAnl,•-w-WVotId you be hind Algal ok coo huus�tod error on the Loudon ettull«tt to Ittt ate know if it t t vsc Ara coy, aiiy Stephan anal the vl nge your father and mother and two 1)t'btll• °of,lDxo.s,r• +t-: ply lc. allia,l3, V. I�,LSalq�; l;vl•vd• TELE I{t:blE RULICttS—Polilpy OF THE FUT fur Exeter. August IS Ib70. err 0.11(1 niy poor s'leter tliridget Were "ULE'GOVERNMEENT OUTLINE.), 91() RENT FOR A. TERM OF 'PHttll' � ii Tait BRITISH ELECTIONS. k 1 ,til t ` • ' Sat 'il ^ , is rile tna T1i1 L1:HERAL VICTORY COtl:t('LETE wtraot7'r L YLr RS, Two improved fe. nus of •nue hundred aures each, a large bank burn and vt.tur buikilll,;s ou each p1 goo. ie rent lou ,t; pc ;paid iu advent a or satisfactory security given. Fur further darticnlars, apply on the premises to W, or QU1hT IN, lot 1. con 5. 1.1set"r Y.. n„ • �,TAi:rt3L� S1iOP,AtiDD1V.)ii.LIN(x- Y 1L uao for setle'i11 Sf ashwood, wills ono meth of tttl4tv."re d 10.11,1, esiauatecl near Orbit's hotel, ILLitin + tract, acd int,lla Tk,it ousinese peat of. tits 'village. Iltaildinge comely ,new. Quantity oi` fret. • tin the premll•ies• ]'rice. ,$450. 'villi,' t;tt n�to .alit, too pv,ecitusur. A»11Jy to Y u'1"S1a WiN 11, (:1u,.ttrau. •im. murdered? We saw a long account of, it in the Weekly flu's Pass, but cannot London, A.pri1.5;---The Mattes says it beliove it istruo, I do not know whe.h. is manifest that the Oppoeitiou has er in: father wrote to you yet or not, now secured a stems• worki_ig majority, but 1 ani sure time if the aetionnt we even if the Houle Eaters tare eutire;y saw of the inerder is true, it'will be the left out of acoouut, br'eakit(g of illy fatnes'''s all tihotli"er's ol•ADSTUit'S ,SON DEFEATED.* heart. As for haydel'f, I cannot give London, eA.pt•il 5.--Gladston's sou, You anV 9clea, of lily reelln,s. ' When I vibe atuod for Middlesex ties been cls think of tlio pleasure it gave me to hear Tented he his candidacy for Parliament. re-elected, of Bridget grans. to my uncle, and he The two Conservatives were , so menu yearn away without bearing Alas FOR 8/LB.—Lot 6, Stu;ble • Lino. BrepLen,50 acres, 30 acres clear:AI,4 t uupltuu, good brick house, good sta;bie, wel, tvuoehL Laudexcellent, (lo lattealtoro, $ ot a mile alum )ort Blake, whore boats run three times a W11,i, alfa 'lf of a mile from. Grand iluaa el 41on,oitiou14oscooJ mud Churches, oabodd road Pride, ;d,i,U, t•9rua aaLay; 51.UI1LJ 13L SJ4J1 ITLI45,bre uNsur p e Ivey. ,,illi FOR, B .Lie:.—Lot 14, CON - 7l', - ceusiuu 10; Eitel 'Lou, eau bolo ink 100 acres. 70 &wren cleared. (food .i g ituusu cud fra.ue barn, x00. tiou'rotas_ erelm.1, grafted trait, '3.110 111131 in weilteuovd anti a good state of etdil- vat)ou. 'thele ism largo nantlty of black ash, also a never failing well, 17or terms a),ply to 'Zit alt Y. i'AILL,il'JPM. (lreditou. Juno 5 ,...ra•trttcu a .M.Ma in sei IIS:1(3R'.Cu..N'T.1 U•ri(:ES. 1 1rONEY LOANED 1N LA.RGE OR ' - as smell S11111e 0 1 first-rn?h•se3ai,ty ata Ino- - .ima.tei rata of iutervet. Aplly:to lt. 1r. ELLIOT, Suliuitur, 'Mug er, 30011 Novemboi, Ys70. N Y sf AMES OKE, COUNTY'A.UCJ`ION- d &eel. Sales p -0111141y attoudcdto. Days or eater turarrPed at this oak*, �J. 014111E, • Agent for the Us- • r borne cue lrlbbert :lfutunl Fire Insurance ...Company, ltesldouc0--Partluuar, Orders by =ail promptly atcolded to. S. CAIip.Li Lb,1'1WVINCIAL e Land Surveyor, dao., will 0-e fit the at yeti ELutel,isxotor,cu the 11rstTuesduyialmidi all Lllei( souls. Doer William, you tell. a,luut41. Orders for work left with stir, John a)autiientew€l.trseeive:+rorateettoutiou. please write soon, and let ma know all particulars. Your loving enneiu, ate xinxufue(:aring Con peityagree to biro in • frntil limy alai compute that pleasure GLADSTONE ELECTED FOR MIDLOTRIAN. with thesorrowful tidings I have now,Loudon, April 5.—Glntlstoue 'was it almost drives me crazy. During elected to Pat•lialnont Per Midlothian, the ]list year I often tllclttabt I wonki receiving 1,579 votes to 1,808 fur the some clay have:the tileaettre of resins ''ail of Dalkeith, Couservative, who re- yt- si:1, but the *Fla news ee the whole- areseuted iliidlothilau iu the last Parliu- sale murderItas-aigr`heartened me, and 'neut.' 1 know my contforts'in this world are London, April 5.—The 1 inter, in its blasted for ever. If the amount be leadiugg araicle this morning, says: -- tree, we leve only to pray that 'their. souls may be happy. The murderers may eecagve pnuishlmlent in this world, but they cannot aceuse themselves of the crime land expect to escape puvisli- rnellt in the world to oome. I tho(aa'nt you were a bird )lions, until my mother wrote to Me telling mo you had two more lerotbers alive (Robert and Pet- rick) and also y1 sister. Had I seen poor I3ritleet before elle went to Arneri. oft 1 wonl.d not feel so bad, but I am slow IivinR in Dublin eleven years. and had not tbe pleasure ofsee:ng her be fore she went. She wrote mea letter latter arriving at your father's, telling "We do not hesitate to predict that, • No 33. t, s ehurt, throwing the doctor .out. He then seized the aiiima:e and .drove off, but alter going a short distance the reach of the vehicle balm, and he then were cut, besides a s•oratoh on bis teth pie. He accounts: for these suapioi.on. make by sayiug he cut hie henna will au axe.while chopping; wood. An in quest wits held to-doy, but it did no clear up the mystery. Further iuvesti- gation will take place by the District Magistrate, Residents of the neighbor- hood are terribly excited over the foar- fel tragedy. DOMINION. Mr. Peter Redpath has offered to build a wing to the McGill University iu Aloutreat. 11 ,t . unharnessed one of the pouiee and roue t away, but was soon cttpLur'ecl by same of bis frieuds, who land pursued hint on horseback,, and bruugilt him back to Belleville.: He was here put in a Cell with another prisoner, and remained gniet for several hours, but about 0 o'ul.)ek tine morning he made a vioioul attack or his fellow prisouer, tuariug hid clothes badly. The °Mieer oil duty had lunch difficulty iii overcoming. the madman, but he was fivally' locked up by himself, Mr. J. A. IoIoDenald, of Panmure, P; EX, is the geld needtiilist this year at McGill College Montreal. 'Phos. Smith, au old pensioner, of Torouto, dropped dead in bis house ou Saturday morning. Apoplexy was the pause. ' No lnpuest. The writ for the naw election in Cha- taeugguay has heel) issued. The nomi- uation will take place on the 10th inst. and pulling on the 18th. A young lad 'lamed Salmon, employ- ed in the 1Vaterous 'Engine Worth, Larantford, had his hand badly out ou Saturday, while nulling a circular caw. A. nlau:namedPoulin, from Cornwall, Ira* arrested at Montreal on Saturday on the complaint of the polios at his Wheu the Liberal goveruulent corned former resideuce for stealing two into power its policy respecting the ex' wattlhes, tectal relations uf the empire will be precisely ooiucideut with the ouuueels we urged upon the Bsaeousfield tennis - try," The Times has adviaed the staid - Lotion of the claims of Greene, guar - 'tutees for the better goverumeut of Christiana -le Armeuia and other .)arts of Asiatic •Turkey, and the withdrawal from Afgghauiatau, as sown as a strong frontier. is secured aha peace restored Stayner, of the firm of G. & 0. Stayner, in Cabal. .of Halifax, on Sutarday Iuorulilg, and the couple sailed Saturday afters noon iu the mail steamer ter Eoglaucl. During the sixty-two days the rail- way across the ice be'twoeu Hochelaga and ,Lnugneuil has beau open—1,000 cars of freight have passed over, The. total rust of the tracks was $15,004, and the charge foreach carload was $5: The promoters are satisfied with the re,ults. • Two boys, while playing ou Garrard street, T'uroute ou Saturday, found a three month ofd female (Alibi in an out- building of an uuuoeupied house. is was taken Dare of by a lady living the vioiuity, who expresses ilei' willingg- oess to adopt the waif. This makes the fourth child fonud within the lust week, two being alive and two dead. Lucy Ii.•1te Cook, a serv'tnt, has been arrested for .iesertiug it. PdwardGaIlipo, a I<irenohman, was arrested by 0 ussttabie Itlead, of eneo, a day or to ago, iu Dresden, charged with 1uiviug murdered the In- dian "Ban," who resided on lot 25, 11th concession of Dawn. Prisoner was conveyed to Sarnia and Lodged in jail, and it is eurreutly reported that he has made a confession, iu which he says he killed the Indian in self-defence. The Indians rifle was feted In prisnuer's possession. Prisoner is about 25 years of age, and is a eon of 11Ir. Oriel Galli pot of Dresden, and up to within a iove weeps of the murder lived in Chatham It is thought by realty that prisoner is of uusouud miud. eneoWN INTO A " A sad drowning accident ocourred in wELL,a--1 tetter OF A FRIEND ON sus- the harbor Monday afternoon. Font soldiers of the: Royal Artillery left fo Clareuee, ou the eastern side of the harbor, to visit solve Metals of the' same corps at George's Island, The names of the then were Gunuere Payne O'Neil, Me1ti1311e and Horst. 'Tey •vent in a small row boat, After slJstid- iugg some hours on the islited they started to return, and when near theit the boat ewaunped and all were thrown in the water. Burst, who was the only now who -could not Halm, succeeded in catching` a1 .hold of the trice, neck Gild hand,, she had marks If boat and kept himself afloat until the having beets cut with a knife, ;suit it boat from George's Is,leatdlw,seuedhim. was apparent that a desperete sth•ugglu The othors were fall drowned. " Payne's had tattoo plans before the poor girl beiug ;the olrly body rettovered, He was hurled into the. well, It was sa3• Was found dead flossing ou the surface pecten that she had been outraged, but with twp oars undies his arms, it is said th;tt'tlle (post T111,Ptem exalnitta' A in/feast' Rained James aefeelinnie, tint' shows the contrary. living to the fish 00eoes Ootl of Tenth A young~ man ntalned Laenunof�, son tinge? eaeulfle(l from the oastody of his frieuds; 811ridtiy morn lug, ttu(1. mount ed a horse, rude off et headlong speed. After going softie miles the horse fell from exhaubtion, and Dr. McL' area, of Shtunlohville, upprorlobing with a team uf potties, the uuatltuuu turiitd tlietll Isaac Vienna, of Yorkville, while suffering froth the effects or sl two weeks' debauch, on Saturday flight, drank a - half uuece of lettdauum. 'Tile doctor saved his life. Flue. Charles Alexander, brother of the preseut Earl of ()elation, was mar- ried to Katie, eldest daughter of Chas. .POLICY OF TAE FUTURE 'GUVERYiIENT. mss of all von r ltlitlness to her. rl'liia) The Tinges speaks of the policy of the future 0overuwent as-�tultaws ;—'The was the last i heard of her, or ever will L,berul Cabinet will uiaintale the Tree, vein au earth, if what we hear is true, ty of Berlin in iiuoorduuce. with the and Wen, may the Lo( d have mercy on public opiuiuu ofEurope and the pulley of the Groat Powers; it will treat the Augle-'I'urlcish ouuventiuu as au en- gagitneclt of eout.tugent obligatteu; 111 South Afriort it may enquire whether the auuesaLior, of the Trauevwal was not made in error. Altliuu•th the measure was approved by Lord Han- N- m- \TOI.WE Clle •Iloclgervillo Cheese flags to feed oil wl&oy 0.v fulJowa:--6Vhey mid at- tuuanu0c:, ti0 ctn. par mouth. :they can woceiv0-30.- echntbe 1st to the 10th of Me,y;S1) front the h?Ch to the lust of M'&,1'; 50 from 3.st-to 1011 June. Par. hies wislltzt,; to send us 111gs will address the tw- o ensigns(' 011 or belforOtlit Mthy, st.tti.11,0 hour manly their w,11 seed au(( at wuat•«tule. J AaS10S La..'( 0, hl.t1a,;as /butter villa I(, u. 38 elf OI1') I4, I .YN-] l(AN, It'CCOL'NT.4NT, CONYEYAT CER, (REAL :STATE AND IIVS1JiA•NOE AGENT, +t1^.o11Cy t0 than 011 motif ag'ee, Lao'toe and other reuttritien. Monts and accounts colieotod nn roe- ,cuuablo kering. Iusvruace ri(ected in first -clans Comps. res at ' reasuallisle rates, 0,110e—at 1)r. Ella luaall's, bassi O:reef Iheter LAKE, AIJ J TIONI�EIt FOR 4 e THE COUNTY OF HURON, LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY .i-1 'just receive tI for tuvestment ou Mortgagee 11(6 (tout seat. I3 EDS,WILLS, ETC., DRAWN .von reasonable terms. .Ri. AI3BO'TTL. D.S.,M.E.C.D.S Graduate oflloyal College of D1 NTAL SURGEONS. l00ice uvea O'Neil bank, and opposite Barnwell Picltards.. • aw�uenav,oa • MICHAEL DONNELLY. &(dress Michael Donnelly, No. 47 Bel. view Buildings, Dabliu City, Ireland. • burly and lir. Forster, the question BAR -ROOM FIt1k1T IN CALIFORNIA. ()twat to be treated as an open one, awl the new Geverutneut should u. \I,6SRACRE oe TWO LUCANITLS—THE AG- Sint ou the South African colonte3 Hotting whether they choose confeder- acy fur p(,Iitical purposed ur not, and if they shall eater into 6004 a common engagement for military defence ile shall relieve the Mother Ounut(y cram charges fur native wars. When this policy iu European, Asiatic aud South A e has been carried out, the poiut will be reached at which the Liberal Ministry, if it is tempted or for- ced to go further, cruet part company with the moderate wen, and we do not boys, however, wets not. the Duty sof- believe that the Marquis of Hartington e f and other leaders of the party will do - killed Porteous .Tb lieepel• of tl house where tbe unfortunate affair oC. then..'' GRESSUR SHOT BY A O01(RA.1E—FULL PABTI(IULARS OF TEE UCCUIURI(NCE. About 0 month ago Messrs. George 1:Iudgiutr, Albert ilodgsius, Jonathan Lindsay and M. Porteous left Lunt) fur California. A letter has just beeu received by the father of the last-nam- ed, ooutailtiug the sad news of the death of his sou. it appears that the party became engilggcd in a 'bar -room tight in which Porteous was shot dead, and G. Iiodgiub fetaly stabbed. The Biddulph (10,611 at ii or Llnusay shot the Inau who biro to go further, and do far we can le have flu difficulty ie. aueouiltauying currea Kgs a former residons of l3id- duIl.h. Lucan, April 8.—Marsden Porteous, late of Olandeboyo,'MuGillivray,a young mein about 28 yeare.of'age, Geo. Hoag. the, wife and family of five, and Jona- than leindHny, of McGillivray, on the 25th of Ttlebruary last, left Leman for Culifornia. - • I'IORRIBLE MURDER OF A YOUNG GIRL. OUT WITH A KNIFE AND R• North Middiesex• In the • death record, we regret have ing to place 1lrs, Thos. Joues, late*'of Aliso, Craig. ` Fifty (toilers or three months, was the penalty inflicted on John Dodd last week for giving an Indian11-quor. • Johnny:Coreant, of London Town- ship, was killed laet week, by the run- uiug aw)tyyof his father's team uf: hor- ses, of whicii he had charge. The ructefatigabler Williams .e(the London Chief of Police) hes;ferrotted' out a valuable_ ositness for the. Crown iu the Donnelly ease. He found hint 111 rue Xiugatou Peniteutiary. Every prospect pleasing, and only. matt is vile.' Mr. Curtain-, of itid- dulph, got x;500 last week for a. span of ',torsos, while Air. Sitnpsou of same place, got $250 for three youug collet, and $39 for a brace of calves. A boy named Smith was fatally in. jured in ljoGillivray, by a bplinter of a rook not larger them c hazel: nut, (which was being blasted by. dynamite), strllllug: him ou the head while he1tood with another boy tau rods away. There is no doubt that Mrs, Tien .,. uedy's depth, in Biddulph last week, a` was facilitated by the past and eiisting state of 'netters connected win the the late tra'gedtee, : She way ln(1t61ser of the prisoner Ren1.e&y, and tnotll rii'r."". — _t.• law of Win. Deunellye A broken leg and a disjointed ankle resulted from a 'friendly wrestling; match at the Powell Rouse, Parkhill, on Monday night Inst week. Mr. De Hart and Mr. Smith. were the wres- tlers. Mr. De Hart the sufferer, Air. Smith the sympathizer. The. Ailsa Oraig Salve made by the old trail lady there, has been reported - to have reached the Neuagh Hoopital, Tipporary( As it is said never to fain iu the curing of all running .sores, fav- orable reports of he wonderful effects in 01(1 Ireland, las in every other place it flat renoheI may soon be expected. Rev. T. ,Atkinson, Ailsa Craig, replies to all enquiries about it. .1' Mr. James Atkinson from Ailsa Craig on his way to Manitoba, writes from - thetraakjun:pin •nlaiu, near St. Pauls,, . to say' there was no one killed, but that a 12 hotirs delay Wade the past;euggers glad to have even half plates or auy- - 1thing to eat from. They fouud humor to be good sauce even without a whale sauce pan or a whole dap el sauce.• 4 Mr. Herman Hicks of the firm of - Chas. 111, lca & Go., the groat seep and ' cattle dealer. of London, 4'nglauli, has • been to Ailsa Craig to arrange there wtih the cori'ospnndent of nearly thirty papers of the Duminion, to give the true report of the hiiurkets a'fe,v hours u' after they heave oohiie off in England. r Phis shotilti b'e of greet. importance to uewo publishers, farmers, and cattle - buyers alt - over tbe. 'oonntry. All re- vere wishtrhg to keep their. interested , , frieuds, Whether buyers or sellers, puuctuatly posted up ea.tp the state of the lheep end cattier O1adiets, eau have the lt6teat atformatlou by writing to t '1'. A. Ilicks & Co.,,agent, Ailso. Craig, Out.,who will at oncefurnish theta perticlllars from latest usable*. - �.a Montreal, April 2.—A private des - A telegram has just been received by ' patch received here evening states ''ka,i, g 'W•t '°° MIss Ellen Hodgins, sister of Hiram that a young daughter of a farmer at flodgius, the clerk of Biddulph, 'that Balstode, near Arthabaskrtville, in this Previuoo, was foully murdered by somo getller with young Porteous, avers foal- human fiend. On Monday, last she ly murdered a few days ago at Vaace. left ha;r fethor's.: to visit a neighbor`s, villa, California. some short distance .away. Site dud It appeares ou their return from .not return that night, and wilco searpb work the three Canediune called at a was made next flay, her body way found 6610011 to rest themselves. Wbilat there , iu a well with her head: acme. On her they were set upon by', tipaniards,, Yu ng Purteouss fought like a luau and only fell' after' three bullets had passed thirocgh hint. 'Geo., Itedgins was eta•b'.. bed in half a dozen places and lay on the barroom floor iu a dying cnr.di- tiou. Y,llug Lindsay escaped' t%it1 a fOW WOUIRIH, .bat ant before he shot. a Spaniard- dead. Tho bur tender took the t<itie of the Cauacliaus and also shot of the neighbor to elmso house the do- ll, Spaniard dead, coaxed was going, has been arrested on •Sevsritl cartage were made, Lindsay i+ttil•iciou. l.tu is ouiy turf(:teen :ye)1rs )lied the blit tender wove 16100 arrested, dill, !111(1 bears a good ehitrnotor. He but were honorably disoharged by the was very intimate with deceased, At dusticu of the Pace at Vacaville. the time of his erred), blood stuinat were s;• ., 1 rEs IN T'ERTi1E'CT ORDER. GOODAS N,EVW Half Pricer 11a. itiad ,fmrI ty Bar Iron, Carriage and Euil& era' Hardwire, t r.1: -NfCoN. their brother-in-law, Geo. Hodgws, to. A Curling match was playact - in Sea. forth oil ("rood Friday, betaeetl the Seaforth atld Egulondville olubsAlet resulted iu favor of the former by ni �r t)oiu:S. Tho vote ou the Seafortll stater. works-• by-law, which was tlll(eu on Munday of last week, roenited iu the by-law being carried by a bot of 60 for to 8 agInimat it. .A. v,tltlable berme belonging to Mr.: Jas. Moore, of Anburu, (lied very bud- denly on Thursday. The animal' wee valued at $125, and was ttiok but a ftsty` hours. eitkaare. • t'