HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-4-1, Page 88 TO DEALER& Ile teroOlf, 0/415:434::01.4421 resIINTICS. SCITOOL 13001 S OTE PAPER, ENVE41.0 2E, 8, let.'OLSCAPS, INES, &o.- &c. 4:10 o Bios of which he furnisb ad on avpli euti0u. J. Bookseller, Main Stmt, Ilseter, Ont.! pimaq* a.b.....7..r...Wommint•Ir.aerreawy.nowas•••••••••,on e • :refer ' r Ann 1r, t893 ward along thelittlie Ind, *the horre became BlOiriaing 411, ihominaled Ito ke frightened Itt a threshing machine, and reu . • ---, The ole°"t111 took BOOTS, SHOES ,10...,,whiqh. remelted iu favor of Miss away. The hamees broke wad allowed the 130,tenima-Mr, vcarreljtbe ,Htteeeley,, ttafe eake titer, eat end 44.21„z) 2z n wuis 4 11.103$ ,,trtaltitie,ii, Pa being denied abairturtu, filled'Illat position as he does in all hie undertakings, in a jovial way, And ea. tisfactorfly to the audience, The firet on the , programme being the chairanan'a adalrees, the Dr, enil that be felt, happy to see such a large a large audi- elle° preeent, ' remembered when it was dillionit to have snot) a large an^ dience to 'such gatherings, He could not see any harm in's0011 gatheringets lotig fie they were 01141M:fed in Snell a blI respecet e mariner as' thy woye have been at Crediton, Itlies Annie [iarvoy presided at the organ, and Id - lett the poaition eatisfactorily as nn former occassions. Med Harvey hes gained for herself a host of friends sinoe' (maim t. Weston t8. Aldworth..---Action for# inahoions arreet, Mr, J. T. Gnrrewt for Pin/tit/ff. 11Ir. T. Perteneon, Q. O. en 1 Mr. P. Holt for defendant. judge. tnont of nen 'alit, plause. The followino is the pro- Shelly re Iinesey.-Acrion rae conS- gramme t--Quartette,by Misses. Schram mon counte, enneent of counsel re - and Lloyd, P. Adams:and H. Eilber ;I veered to Hie Honor Judge Tones, Mr, recitatint, -S. Eilber ; solo, 11lies Par 113. L. Doyle for plaintiff. Mr. Git rr tv for tiefen diem t Hamilton Provident paean S'ceiety v.. RotIgers--.-Aotion for ejectment - Verdict for pleFittiff end one shilling darangee. Mr. J, T. Garrott for plaiuleff Mr. P. Holt for defendant', con solid :et ed Bank re.. Eeity, ( t enits.-Aotion on pi otniseory notee. Order made changing venae to Beane °'t8 of theelay to be paid oy dere/manta Mover; Cameron, Holt tt. Cetrieron for plaintiffs.. Mr. B. L, 1>tyle for tiefeud- in't'isaegart re. Teggart,---Aetions for horee'to teteapo front the beggea which wee shop is almost' completed. distributed among the audience, Dr. 10 thatiley theetaged. The hor-e ran to leterhil- Bttfex,--,The4eall for the leetlf6Iliouse nate iiveryetable, where lie belong(fl Fort'. hitt/ urriVed at it *Milne *ereetod'ae goon timely for tlr, 'Wright, a buggy owning along I ite posetble. behital took lam and his eoutpard, at up, and 1 , gueramit4_,,sta) Illigers 4in lite see ed thm wearisome trudge e e lexe.ex, heighe trt ood titbit '''beittg 'itt present 'e EMMY MadITIN.0.-1.110 anti lirestia, met- ing of the Enelisll'Ohurch was-inela ou Easter hontlay at 1.0,80 a. en. in Ohriet*Olierclt. Ittettethent, Rev, E. J. Robineott, be the eledr,. Elliotelisq., See. • Miselsilifi: tijaiiing was appointed•miniater's warden. ; Mr. 1.V. Case, sideStnan ; Ir Bok was fer4Iticted peoples wzinien ; MI. Romp, sidestuati r W. Case, delegate toytrod. A.11 deffartreents of the elfurch week ft the yearlit.....nved great prne- perity. The Sunday 'Collections being the largest for years. The pews and Sittings, as .„_ ii the pastiyear, were lb "be appropriated ky the wardens to -any persons needing them. a ' A ' PART -Ali QC.,244..atit...-.4-3. "tisa t% Lot concert was held'at ,Dobson's residence of Tudkereteith tehTlitfltedify of last week, whicu was r,:eller 8 grand stioCess) The ' henA Wss fult to dee r 1ftvitsg, The proceede amounting to some $12 were fused in behalf ett Ore reeidetit inhibitors salteity. THURSDAY, 'APRIL ,2, 1980. leietetvez feetve.-0e. Saturderafternoort Mut, .. .......,_,.....,,,,,„,,,,,„eeeee,,,,,..e,,,... .___.:. wet.restosiess &011ie the provalenee of a high wind-, a now ' -.. and handschno sign which 'had Tbe&erebtetl'a L LOCA1,T.E:Ws. 'faw days PrOVIOURIV. NS oW1310W1 .f II ti f ik t e,....--t-,,,...................,............--,........t.-.............., W. Drew's . i I. la ie rt t f ti5.,furniture store. The moulding The Te tale Belt archali, --ilielb, Co.,/ - which ran abeges the building, and npon which 'wen send their eetelanted Electrolroltate Belts to she sign rested, came' COI it. `111. two heavy the attlicted upon so it* -.S• trial, allemly cure.. t.'uttranteed. They ines.n. 'what they say, Write Pieces of lumber striking the sidewalk at the to them wit boat ...witty. $01110moment made a tremendous.erash. The t „ : moulding was badly splintered and the sign TIIERR is every sigu of 6 blIckward spring. brok,, hr-seyerat piaoc„. Hams -are beginning to think of inoubatiOn, TUE special services in the Methodist Church are continu.'d thts Week. •Ctratecreent,r.e-The weather awing the past m with bas been Very ohaugeable and. very un - le ;sant. Coosiderablo quantities of both 'r jo and snuw have fallen, end loft the roads Trm busy spring season appear, te 4.1a5se 'de a worse ktate than they are usually foaud commenced with our town Merchafits. at. this time of the year. The frosts at. night neve hem keen, causing coneiderable injury in ee'R'tet. stock'of parlor and. bedroom foxiiitine seine parts to the fall wheat and clever, Whole jest arrived &It John Drew's, opposlte the Cele- fields of the is.tter, it is said', are 'destreyed on trill Hotelmany farms. The Whet, it is thought, will ; scorer uniter the 'influence of favorable As hsttal, Mr. John Varmer; of the 'Star spring weather. Grocery, is to the fore with 8 latehe stook ef all kinds of seeds, See adv. GootoOtut.-A petty good story conies from a neighboring town in this county. A T.IXDRTITAXING, as usual. promptly attended printer elm had lost his situation was said to to at mode; ate prices at "oliti 01.0.N., opposite bo about starting a newspaper. A friend asked him if the report was true. Said he,' "Yee, lam going te start a nowenaper. The fact of the matter is that 1 have nothing to de. my wife and family are in bowl), and I have not a dollar to Mite them away, so that. I must repaii the damage dont by the heavy winter start a newspaper." We are afraid too many papers are started on a small capital. If half the Central 'hotel. The hest hearse in the •county. TBE Exeter streets will teguire conelderabIe nigl1-1Get2d gravel this summer to teturi»g. W. 0. Onkataus, of Hausa% hasiust teceiv ed a large quantity of Bay of (Watt seed bar- lev. Forn:ers shouhl not fail to see lit ,betore purchasing elsewhere. -- Mr, M.O. Allan, of Goderich, srha it town on Tuesday last. aud favored us with a visit- Ile is oat of the newspaper business now, .and. thinks Iiiinself fortunate in tense -. 5. Tern Prxere.-The pulpit 188 the Presbyter- ian Church iu Exeter was tiled by Icor, O. A. MiteheIl at the elteineou servie,e, the pastor, It.v. Mr. Ha; tley, being too unwell to attend tolis labors e.s •CRANAE /N Bt1$I8E813.-By reference to am. lertiseitient it another column it will he seen it Mr. P• E. Hatch has purchased. Mr. J. N. .1:10ward's hardware business, and is prepaied to give bargains to his customers. Do sox forget that Solin.Thew has a splenctd. • astn;tment of furuitire. Opposite the Centre' Hotel. fl'o6n Prn.D.A1 serVices were held In the 11. 0 Ch reh, Exeter, at 10,80 am., the Rev, M. Bull , of London, preaehing ale excellent *anon. Rev. G. Se, Mitchell conducted stir - Sart ithile Methodist Church in the atternoou. *.t Airen Oexenose.-Rev. Mr. 'Webber, of E tater, ,dehiverocl a leeteire in Mitchell the c ton tltsye tend the leatohell Advocate, in eipeiikiug.of Illot saps tier lecture was Ode of brit ever delivered iu Mitchell, anti that thoseiwho did not bear him I eissed a tre 8. Tea? mexeg Ilneevets.-le .'iltenerarce lee- e....reeen?tey_the auspicen of the 3 Itteter Division effeg., waslikegvered by Rev, Webber in tee i ioasemest e.ef the B. C. • .01105011, On Mouility. erenistek.lsae. '01he lecture e AS mrdel Icat, aa all Mr, Okreb'berte liectures are, and eW8 faistened wieheleete awftetlest, • , "fRet 'Env rouseete.s--Ore radar lori the 41.440Jirt0s-Mit15,30 Ireritirg peas .101.111(11,Y was etitee.9.4.4"Theetew heilding wilt be of ve ey re. , able "itinieusions, exeleteling half vray the papers in the cenutry should sus:tend pub- lication, the other helf would be better than t Ley cam now afford to be, aud would be more or -eatable to the localities in whioh they are p tblished. A FAST EIDE.-031 Thursday afternoon last the citizens were, surprised to see 8 team at- tach...0 to a lumber wagon dashing up Main St; set at the top of their speed. A nutu'e &ad could be seen above the wagon bus, but the owner thereof was unable to do anything more than 811 ow his legs across the front board mid hang on. 'Every crossing Ise rode wee gave 1 ide a ve'y violent thumping on the evagoa bottom. The street was soon linea with spectators, and several ineffectual at- tempts were made to stop the flying steeds, but the idea was soon abandoned. The horses turned at the station road and ran to Reynolds' hotel, where the wagon. caught against a gate post and they stopped. One of rho horses lied got the bit out of his month, and this accounted for the man beiug unable to control them, •••••••••••••-...-•••••,.-.• Usborne. A. few days ago two young men, one from Exeter and the other from Lumley, bird a liv- ery rig to take them lady lovers from 'Osborne to their new home ie Morris, All things went stnothly until they arrived at a place cal - 1 ' led "Steel's .11111," Tuckerionith, when the 1e/tees, from M/1 8010080 unknown to your cor- r. soonuent, became hightened and rau away. Alter eumeng 101110 lilt:4611W 0110 of the horses beiug rather stronger and swifter than the other draged his mate into the diteh, the young men ansi their fair oues still clinging to the seats. From the ditch the -horse made for the !mice. One home got over the fence, and with the beggy *till attached. presented an interest - 1 g 8 la. After en Lachine ,and making a a that/ugh examittetion, it was foiled that very lit)leanneage Wad done, oue of the horees being slightly scrateleed aud the buggy springs injiired a little, ow.i..g to the extraordinary weight of one of the yottug men and his fair 1 partner. It beiug deemed nasal° to proceed any farther with the hr -(18, the Lumley 'boy 110118 8) Seafoetlt and proeneed a livery jam, And oil its arrival at the euene of the mildew, the troubles of the young peel. In were end- ed. Bengali. "1"c441.:1;:,eptare upon whielieet is •built. 'Phe --- ...w.•0.1ttlp\g, will be two stories in height, weld (he will es one storey,. egtvrkiiten are Mr T.toe• leis.ett. of Pbceter, and Mr. J. Evens Sursorxee.-A big nhonting meth between of TS/Ingham, the crack shots of tho County el fetnigaged busily It it every dayeaetta ;toll no - aea • eeroae - Iceniteeta.-a- A. tilt cow -bel °ogling to isle. A. Bolton Ituag hersell'in the titan •last Saturday night. She was in tuft coutlititin being fed nearly all winter for beef. Mr, Bolton's loss Will be about .$45. Tun NEW Seoeu,-----The store of 'Mr, J. T. Westeott. of this place, is making rapid pregrese. It will etoou be iu run. wing order. • • Acoroarea.--While Walter Westoott was engaged in felling a tree on the ratio of allr. Philip Greenwood, of this place, -a chnult of ice fell on his noae anatook the. Ain of. Nem Etteaatatita.--Mr. Joseph Din- niu of this place, is shipping hoes to Fisher's Landing, Urtited States. BASE BALL, ----0.1 Good Fritlaya game of base ball was played between the "Clippers" and "Hoene Bette" club, the former canting off victorious. A gatne et Croquet was Alan ()lived, which, together With the base bull, was wit. nesped by it large erowti, some from St. Marys; Exeter and Zuricla, ,The day note a very pleasant one aud all eeemed to enjoy themselves well. Senate Iin.a.ED,--Te.11.1bt. Can n ;Who lives rt little south of thee plane, had three Aliso() worried by dogs last Sun- day afternoon. flaring purehased the Deet and Shs trete or W 11 Trott,We eau now offer*, tllQirblto oue ei , tite Best aul Chenest Stccks of ready-made" work ewer offered Ip traetor. Wer Av., Quid 0,180 remind those in. want ot rirst.elass, llomequatle Boots nUti Shoos, motet and oegved, 1,bat we can supply them wita What will give s...t- .4raetloix. Bepairing A01.10 NO/waste-sten nud settefeceters enareeteed, oat elle :500 for yoUrselves, Den'l forget the place- IL aerett's Moak, (1. EACRETT. IB. leTelelaie,m„ Exeter, February 19,1850, Mir 11101.1411.1.1•1•••••••=•.....1•1•04••••••••(.4nnhowi.O.V.1•11.111Nuil.... Mr, r..r. Ferguson turd Mr. Holt'for de - elle hes taken her abode in Crediton. During the dietrobution of the oake Mr. J. Grigg, if Exeter, by request played it number of inetrumeutal selec- tions %Udell were received with ap. sons ; dialogue E. Treeithick nod 3. Wilson ; recitation,' Miss Schram ; reading, I. Reid ; charade, Missee Thyer and Bahrein, J. Wilson. T. Adams and 8. Brown ; duet,. Misses Harvey and Schram ; recitation, Mi.s Hogarth ; dialogue 8. Either anti Smith ; reading, 3. Vtrileon ; solo, FT. Eilber ; dialogue, R. Hall and G. Nlenthe ; leeture, 3. Wilson ; $instrn mental, Miss Thayer ; dialogne, E. Trecithiolt and J. Smith ; solo, H. ; reading, 8 Brown ; 'reading. H. Eilber quareet te, Meesra. T. Adams, S. Brown, 3. Deid atoll H. Eil- 2 beeachee of a bond. Cage (tele feat to the ber. • The company diepereed after ta'ourt, of appral. Mr. T. F rterreon, Q. singing "Goa SELVE. the Qmeen.' Oi, and Mr. P. Holt for plaintiff. Mr. J., Caterow ea. defendent. This closed the h nein ese of tlte Court. SUAND SUM' PSESENTN.MT, County of therms 1,1 The iinrore beg. t SVt 5 leave to present t hat they have exnmined the Fein T, and fitiii t here are wftion, twelve 0r-hitiers, elev., lee anti 0110 f Innis Ten o flue et Ilueon Springt'A.esizese The Sprirg Assizes for the Orranty of lIurou commenced rat Monday,2.2ed inst His L irdehip Mr. Anetice Ar- mour premitling; Mr. D. Mel) inedel, . • 01et1 0f Ar seize; Me. a11 ) u MoDeitgail, /0-4,4)-4-4 Crnien OrmneeT. RodgerVilie; . • Iel.iit Lortiehip'e chortle Tem) very brief, - -,. !only pointing net the ditties which de- To the Editor of the .Paider Ria, -The scelie of the'.following re. latiotatook place on the'10th day, third month of the presi:tet' year in Hee Township. There was heavy ennw storm, in the Innritingt, hti".t,iti the after 1.100n w the eittlitr wds t.le-diglitful and old 8 tl refl onlhieeeleite • carpet ed surface hetet beately to 'the ecenery. It had its effect, etinecially in the •caee of Mr. john Northcott, far he opened , the seceete of hie liettet. to itie • house. keeper, Mies Leith Ii,inee ai1.1 she re ciprocated. attack was suicide; end a* matrimonial contract was ar ranged. terms. immediate actien and mitre returnri: The necessnry legal doc- uments were protenri 11 end the agree. ubt f Oceripancylin tuort il./ ore:), flor thelarge etakcid one htiedred dol - 25 l k rs, at sixty ingeong, t I, a place at the Jentennial Hotel, Hensall, on Friday, 9511 of c Penfi'44:44.14.1i8r, Tennis Butater, ewho hue A17114.880. At the hour of one o'elook. 5. jaou tetiehien in: the ruder. Wool 4.1seee het lotorbaire, stake -holder. 8. Grigg. tondon,re. ,Le tha .14,,,.,01.Arrawah ,48 fere°. Aliso on the mum day, at 111 oflock, ietterner, 4llatt goa° to there will be sweepstakes of $2 444 num, at takine a aoareed-clase f:Outot 0 nrePate f°r " 1.41 glass balls. A tine day& ea* la looked 'MAW. Ilisft Batelle r has already /weave •efeeetionnt exoettiesehata The Annual Votry meeting watt held in St. ' 4 ttecond.claf18 non.pr tr.,f ea that syv ; Alma h6de , a geed l'ital'eflinirch a- 2,90 p, in. Him. B. 3.ilobin. aril ari, Until,. her 'zeritur Atitis SPion:13' id-sit3nreix°e111 t.(3rtodillicedattily11 01167, lisoufi 112194. V ithe ea ry eeedged itself tip pay off the remainder at one , itt last e ear. takee her Owe. 1'4 . f-.11038(10wee reeppolueed ritinieter e War': h . elkf Ill Mr• NV Wilfj.)11 re 01 i 1 1 itt ee 0( Or t) pee. ''',`'v --Ort rri(thy,itactt sil a ra'l 111011 Va. Alfidepart. tient', of church work hi good " "I• Beetle. WWI elrivieg mum" order sta.prot,perons„ .. , (!4.01 yotunt lady at tlui %orthoontiugiorni,sellainnivatil; Mr,bJnoiksori, See, pee ey,,,,re 'e I 5. , r so . ,males 075 tintler sentence, (MO at debt o- •ftud one female, inenne„ awe iting :movel to the flarlUtn. ()at of the elev- volve neon the OrioleJury, and dirent• en moles five are vneran's. They are in theta h ewes p„ihts which they all well satisfied with their treatment. mielat bave to consider. • He referred 'Phil creed is clean and welt kepi. Ste to the 'respnneibility which; matted upon tW.onld recemmet ti that there be a drain thorn i,.i haying tce: decide whothor to frotn the voter closet --there are five of bring in true hilts or not. It torts trite ,them within the yard without any wat- that under oar yetry system certain er strpplY or Priiiiment rite mage ..to eases were snbinit tett to atleast twenty eleamte theme and thnik theta ie ill 71E.4. ! friar men, 'lent the iuiliative rested with or of the water in the well beirte, haffectf- he'IGuernncerily attltry weree-Jamers An- aref its intnntee. They would Nether ad to the solions injury of the, eelth . !neon Foremen, 8. 13' -own, W. OrSru.r, reconirrend that there be some provie- 11 Gallagher, Tlioe. Gesstnen. W. Blake, irm made fnr witter PlIr ply if) cage of F. Dalton, Thos Gileeon, J. ,nVin, W. tiro. And they are hapny to cangratn- floolier, C. Middleton! W. Searle Alpe. late your Lordshie on this your'dist Pentlend, J. Wendt.), NV. 111itiloola le ht. appearrtece in therms, on the lialimesa Monteith, Al. "Wallece; NV. Neutz, 3. of the' crimionl calender, and ti -not that. Po' 1 t land. • von ntny long live to be a. (trimmer, t to meet eiened end jte-t as the oriels hod . Dontlilien /vett) and Savings Sec'y the Bench, reached itte climes who shoned, eppee• tea 1111080r. -This was en notion for • Jae. A. Aetroaasn, in sight tint the- Rev. Nathan Stnith. 'i'olmottte • tforY - . dieneneed with. '• ' ' M - Foreneene Fe was hailed, and when asked to d, 'Sserato-t le , emenet with costs r 1 , • Grand Jury Room, .Gedericle, March a favor gladly Ocquieeced and,fortunate Ira Leaie for plaiutill. Mr. E. Cam- .24,11. 18,80, '1j011or defend an t. petty, et 01. 75. B,,,,set.This WO. Mckenzie re 09M14)411. -Action of ly, ft prescience of cerning need Itrel sed 1(2 ii aetien for reeovery of 'ant, Mr,T. rtiA,11. Th° Plikiltiff li'vP9 Ferguson, Q C., Air. P. 'Holt int- Plane :Inte,t`yee'80,tvItti,',171(11,,rt1 1Te, sedreit7etiuelneffe4netenti:t1 iS titre; Mr. Garrote for Defetitlaut, 'new itl Michiaatt. A verdict M1)11 e11- 0 16.°1.1lyg."116e,i;,1 110(1l f1°).11.04:driv,;1 tired tr Ipalmatillti.ti ff. Mr. 3. T. '3 arleW earhantiff: with $50 damiteee. for Queen VS GOO. aind.11.--`The 'efr. T. Fergnson, Q. Q,. and Mr. P. eavrilty," sled His Lordship sentenced ' him to eighteen monthein the Central 01 ompted him 8,, pecket his prayer b* ook The eltinbieT kat Wag adjit4t. • ed and after extending warm conernt nlittions and deeiree the divine tnol; his leave of the hippy pair. A eplend. id supper followed. We seldom see gr. Northcott itwity from home now, and. re) natd like, he for a time suppreeed publicity, lint as ''mo' der will out," so will any truth anti circumstances caused 8) etircelation of the repent that Pr55011- he Was married. The pteeence of th. i Qeeen re. diteclintentBlcGee.-dwI.ndAi icrt,- minister, the trtutspert of honsebold keit! for tottlerdt. with good'. a mean merrily °holing in his ?O. Me')ougall for the Crowe. Mr. Sundae' clothes and the absence of the I J. 'I'. Gerrow 'for prieoner. Mr. Me. Dougall on behalf of the Crowes con. molted to a verdict of "net guilty" be- ing entered, which wee accndiugly Hilliard re. Lays. -Action of trover t and conversion. Mr. Thos. Ferguson 1 . Q. 0., aml 'Mr. Pnrdom fur defendent. Mr. 3. T. Grorrow for plaintiff. Ver- ., diet for plaintiff for $280 88. cooductor at the prayer meciine, that neust,mean something. On being ie. terrog itedeby his confidants End well- wishers he adyi,e I them to diebelieve afloat hy, incredible reports were current of their unreliability ?• His 'enmity was thns answered, his flying reporte set gossips. Similar before, and aware why credit it now undoubted and, friendturned away Hatiefied, to feel chagrined, however. when the truth of the report wee eatabli.hed. Some of the nl lone won't aek him any more questions, and we don't blame them. He might lave bold res, anywey, as we never cha ivari anythely here. It is not right. That 'the newly wedded -pair may have a lengthy, happy and pros- perous future is the wieh of all, and We trnet they may be'very kind to each other. We know Mr. Nottlicett will for w were always wake kind bac bands. Belem (3Lt/BrOOt. 111.4 Cred:1011. The Crerilloil O. Y. Tie Lodge gave very interecting entertainment on the evening ef March 20th'' The alert- tnittee spared 110 11:188)make it'i1 tereettug. The hill watt orowdell.. enliven the 'everting the Oorninit tee foitr.etory cake from We. Geo. Nortslimore; batter, tato ladieti being Parsons VS. Crabb. --This is an ac- tion which is technically called a qui lain action and is brought by Geo, H. Parsons of this town, to recover pen- alties for the public uses of the Provin- ce, spinet the defendant, Christopher Crabb as a Justice of Peace of this Oounty. At our readers will doubt- less recollect, last December low young men were convieted before 1V1x. Crabb for dieeurbing an assembly of persoits met for moral and soci tl purroeee and eech were ion'e ed i a fine of $5 re and $6 eeete, and the arsvIth e er embers anti paims as well ad sore $24.00 for the:proaecution ofthese boys, been for so load a time a sneerer, have throat 'and mann!' from which I have !hie action ie. that Mr. Crabb's costs 11 ad, there wee only one ihrettneo,01, entirely left me with their use. I feel excesgve, end that Nif, Crabb 15 heme him ft new wan mi well ae look like one. tinder the Statute.' Dm ing the trial four years I was Unable L breathe it appeared that Mr, Crabb aeoertainecl ""Dil" 181 "0". •Fr°111 the 118e et. theft he 1," $11 05 as e seemessue ill the es arrh Remedy I can now do so tonnection with- the abeve enetti. The. freelY* Y°fir Inetlicinee he" to be all the rdprnenn tea. Lett* live Dr. Proree arta the gentleman connect- ed With Gratefully yonra, $5J0 REWARDLINTeranil CURE. Some people would rather be hum - ho tied then to get "value received" for the'r money. Hem* it is that ouch p !Non g run after this and that pre- teeded cure for catarrh, forgetting that Dr. Segese Catttrili Remedy is so posi- tive iu its effects, teat its former pro- prietor advertised it for, yeatt thronah- out the United Stater under n positive guarantee, offeting $0at-ewars1 for an monrable case and was never called up. on to pay this rowaed except in two °newt. Tide remedy has aelnired a fame that a branch office+ hag been established in London, England, to - supply the foreign demand for it, Sold by druggiete hi 50 cente. ,,CNABLE TO B RE AT THROUGH NOSE. PO RN, N'D FILL Pe', lot ft alare1t11.1114, DR. R, V. Peetora Dear Sir-Sonle timo age I bought ci D niche, some of ynur Dr. St.'s • Oa. horn Remedy and Golden Medical Diseoverr and commenced to late them. tope wee sot down ou the fnery list, but hin,Lorelehip dieponeed with jury Mid beerd the evidence lamself, mid re-ery. ed docisioo till the first day of 'April next. Mr, J. T. Gareow fur plaintiff. 0 '4, 1 WAT'O BMITIL• telt