HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-4-1, Page 66 SELF DECANTA.TI4N. Ode of the most difficult feata (says a correspondent. at' Saturday's Notes r and Queries) to Perform is to cut off one's bwu head, An Trishmaa did it A'noa, and 1 suppose no one but au Irishman could do it. ' Sir Joutlit Bar- rington is autherety for the following story, (Personal Sketches of his own Time, vol. ii. p. 122.) Abut the year 1796 two laborers were going to mow some grans. Their road lay along the bank 'of the Barrow, They spied a 'large salmon lying half concealed un- der the bank, 'Ohl Ned -Ned dear ! look at that big fellow there; i'e a pity we hadn't a spear, isn't it ?' 411z. aybe,' said Ned,' 'we could be after Spikin' the lad with a scythe hand• 'True for you,' said Donnie, 'the spike on your handle is longer than mine; give him a dig With it, at any - rate.' 'Ay, will I,' return the other; give the lad a prod he'll never forget anyhow.' She spike and the sport were a11''t tlley thought of ; but the blade of the scythe which hung over Ned's shoulders, nev- er Dame into the contemplation of eith- er of them. Ned cautiously !oohed over the bank; the unconscious salmon lay snug, little imagining the conspir- Roy that had been laid agaiust its Life. 'Now hit the lad. smart !' said Den- nie; .'there -now -there ! raise your fiat, now you have the boy ! Now Ned success l success!' Ned struck at the salmon with all his might and main, and that was not tri- fling. But whether 'the boy' was spik- ed or not never appeared, for poor Ned, bending his'neok as he struck at the salmon, placed the vertebrae in the most convenient position for uufur- rushing his shoulders, and his head came tumbling splash into the Barrow, to the utter astonishment of his come rade, who could not conceive how it could drop off so suddenly. But the next minute he had the consolation of seeing the bead attended by one of his owu ears, which had dexterously been sliced off by the same blow wbi&i had beheaded itis comrade. The tread and ear rolled down the bank in comrany, and were picked up with extreme bor. ror at a mill dam near Mr. Richard - son's by one of the miller's men. 'Who does this head belong tot' ex claimed the miller. 'Whoever owned it.' said the man. 'had three ears, at any rate, though they deal match.' Coming Events. As the cnlct and bleak reinter tr•i,ida pass away, and the warm and exhilarat- ing influences of spring-tiine •conte to gladden the hearts of the millions who inhabit our lake bound don nin, so comes annnnlly tt diversity of sports, au -1 pastimes and entertainments in their proper season, to lift the clouds of despair and despondency, and let in a little sunshine athwart the pathway of our busy life. And as journalists, we are pleased to ntiur,,mlce; that at n:, very distant day, we ale to be visited with a superb tuft exhibition, known as Pullman & H,tlniltou's .Gtettt Lilt= dun C'cf.•dsratinn, enibraciug ]n its' catai)gue of attractions, every'lting pleasing, novel and attractive.' From the fnnny antic of the ctowils, to the nrtitii feats' of the gymnasium, and from the perilous adventures of clou,l- wallting bipeds. to the marvelous m,t,- noeuversOldie canine and egniue quad- rupeds; a milli provoking carniv,rl of of Hurupty Dnmpty, and prnlofie street. pageants. Toe whnle'cr:owned with a. master -mark of managerial persever anoe, by the introdnetinnititn the 1) ,• ntiuion, of the wonderful "E Zee -je Light," with which the immense ne,v' pavilions are tribe illurnlnated.b.E nssrs. Pullman & H8iniftirn.being the first to introduce this greatest of invention. to our people, prove beyond question, that they are. "live managers," arid deter. mined that nothing in the gray of tit- trac'iona shall escape their notice. We road in•,the reports, that the Electric Lglbt produces the effect of a Ih tusand jets of gas. burners, or that one siusl light it equal to the blaze of ten th,,u=:, and '.earidles, or even more brilliant than the rays of a dozen sun. A. 80 hort3'e:power engine and 20,000 yards insulated wire is used to produce -the fight; which our citizens will be nn the qui vive to see, when the Groat Elec. ric Light Show li'rlyee, We might ;add, and with pleasure t :0, that the e gent. lem)u are well tuna favorable kuowuto many of our business mien throughout idle D.tminion. A.r, for two winter. past, !heyClave kept thei • entire stock within our bard:,.s and expended mart's thousands of 'dollars in refitting and Wan ifyi.iig their poptil'r exhibition partpherna'ia, we feel ;nor., free to (•x• the tend to thein the right -h red of fellow shin than we should to eoim foreign enterpiriae; who merely dr'o.) i r an t„l.eeitfltxt money they Can •aytltr r ii DOMINrON ORGAN de TETE; TIMES API1zx4. isx, 1880 then, during the winter, hunt their homes eoross the river, to expend their surplus there. Dominion. A rumor is in circulation at. Parry Sound that au Indian, having cut, a hole in the ice to fish in, in thesuppos• ed vicinity of the wreck of the Wanbu- no, distinctly saw' the engiuee and nit- er and part of the hull of a large boat. +'ngniti.es aro being ascertain if this report is true. Indians who have been spoken to are inclined to believe there - port, but intimate that a reward is ex- pected before the boat will he pointed out. Thos. Long, President of the Georgian Bay Transportation Co,, has been informed, and is expected to take steps in the matter. Anent the coming military celebra- tion of her Majesty's birthday at Que- bec, an interesting item, will probably be the attack and storming of one or more of the Levis forts. It is also ex= !meted that the frigates forming the North America squadron will arrise in port for the grand review, and will re• main there untilafter the Frenoh- Can- adian celebration of the 24th of June. Great. preparations are to be made in the pity for the accommodation of about 5,000 troops. Time never sets so heavily on the ag- ed a3 when they are i11 and depressed. A heavy per oeetage of old people suffer from kidney complaints, eta., brought on by derangements of the secretory or - gaps, alio will hail with joy the great remedy prepared expressly to meet their cases—Viotoria Buohu and Uva Orsi.. It can be recommended with confidence. For sale by all dealers. Illustratd Floral Guide. A beautiful work of 100Pagee4One Colored Flower Plate, and 500 Ilhtetratlons, with descriptions of the best Flowers and Vegetables, with price of seeds, and how to grow them. Allier a five cent stamp. In English or German. VICE'S SE I: 8 are the best to the world. Five Cents for postage will buy the Floral Guide, tel- ling how to get thein. The Flower and Vegetable Garden,. 175 pages, Six Colored Plates, ane twiny hun.h•od engrav- ings. For 50 cents in paper co,•ers ; 81 fu elegant clot h• Iri German or Isegglish, Vicks Illustrated Monthly Magazine -32 pages, a colored plate in every number and many Sue Engravings, Price 81.25 a year; five copies fou 885. Speoirnen numbers sent for 10 cents. 3 t.ia1 copies for 25 cents. Address JAMES VIt'.Ii, Rochester, N Y /THE FALL AND W.LN thIt TRADE C. Bouthoott sgs Son TAILORS And CLOT1{IEll, Take pleasure to irform the innabitnnt: ofi1 ete add surrouuditg counm•y, that they have jus upe,redout at,eacellcutassortmentol Tyeerls, Cuatie,1sa Veatinysatc., to theta test Styles andpatternc,ancl feel •ussnrea that lutuomatter ofctot:ing, they can suit the ,neafastidioustaste a. THE EXETER Planing Mill, Sash DOOR AND BEING PAM!! ALL KINDS OF TURNING , Done to order. aeweILeu theplace Ever it I3o card Eros. UP WIT THE TIMES P \ RTIES INTL,NDING TO PURCHASE ORGANS S'LIOULD CALL AT pIT'ro 's and, Examine his Stock, Best that. are Made. 1)IG ESTRAY—Came on Lot 17,'1) n 8, ifabor 10, Nuvetuber Oka large sow o • * mlmoi1 urtra �s and The owner to • Y !rave 11er: by previus propel r eo,+ 1 1d Pi iia nos and paying expenses. T. C., VLA IE Ganadan Pacific Rail w' y Tenders. for Roiling Stook, rpENDLc'BS are invited for furnishing the Rolling Stock required to be delivered our the Canadian Nellie Railway, within the next four years, comprising the delivery in eaoh your of about the following, viz :- 20 Locomotive Engines 11 First-class Cars (a.proportton being sl,epers) 20 Second-class Cars, clo. 3 E.:nroas aucl baggage oars 8 Postal and smoking cars 24e Box Freight cors 100 Flatcars 2 Wing Ploughs 2 Snow Ploughs 2 Flar gars 40 Hand cora THE WHOLE TO BD MANUFACTURED IN THE DOMINION or CANADA. and deliverod.ou the Cana- dian Pacific, itailwn.y, at Fort William, or in the Province of 14tanitoba. .Drawings specifications and, other information may be had on applloatien at the ottioe of the Engineer-in-ohief, at Ottawa, ion and after the 15th clay of MARCH next, , Tenders will be received by the undersigned u to noon of THURSDAY, the let day eta 'LILY next. By order, • F. BRITT N, Sooretary. DEPANTM•ENT OF RAILWAY AND CANALS, ) u tttawa 7511 Feb„1870. f A. MANUAL --FOR THE— Married and Unmarried IT TEACHES YOV THE Secrets of Life, ar.d bow to lr.rjoy them. Sent iostpaid on receipt of 50 Cents, N.Y. it MONTREAL PUB .00 , 181 St. James St., Montreal. Please state in what paper ycu saw this. HAT PUMP WORKS. �6 MIXO I - PR©?R1ETOR. having added to my pump macnlnerv, and pro eurod a large quantity of Sret-class pump' logs, I am ?rewired. to offer an article Superior to any Factory in the CouNty, and at prides that defy competition. Wells and Cisterns dug on the shortest notice. Before purchasing calla :.ilio Hay.Purup 'Works, t...,Slron--One-quarte mile nort of Exeter, 1 .ozulonRe :d. Hay I . R. rowan's EXT. W P Strawberry A Specific Remedy for all Summer t1_, Clianulaiuts gush as Di:u•rluna. Dy- �'� sentry, Canada Cholera, Cholera Morbus. Cholora Infanhim, Sur Stomach, Griping Pains, and all deraigements of the btwole,caus- ed by using improper fond, snakes rT raw vel;eteb1t s, unripe or sour fruit, had milk,. impure water or cpchange of water, changes of the seasons, exposure. No matter from .. what eau+e or in what forum you are subject 1 t t n any of the above corn - h°.” plaints, 1,n. EowLER's EXT4ACT OF WILD SvRAwnERRY will relieve you, y and a speedy cure will be effected without injury to the system. It is manufacture.( from the Wild Emmi • Strawberry Plant, and free from � opium and other irtjurions drugs. -/1 For saie by all dealers, at is. 10d. .to or $1.00 :IIL13URN, BENTLEY & PEARSON • TOROJr70; i'..i,PLOrarI.n'T FOR 4ALL. Send for circulars explaining our New System of canvassing' Agents have wonderful eueaese. 100 summon - ERS, TO 1,000 TNrtAIRTANTS, Our publications are standard. Address, The Beery Bill Pub. Co., 41 43 and 45 Shetuckot et, Norwich, Conn JOHN BAC hewing prirehns»rl the stock of 'Messrs R, A E. Spicer, has removed to the ntore lately oc- ounied by them, North of' Pr t' Office. All kinds Flour and Feed Always on Hand, FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS In groat variety, JOHN BACK:. REMOVAL CRAWw'in1d remind his numerous . Customers tient he has removed to the Shop fortnorty occupied by Mr. Road, where ho will -be found ever re cdy to atte•,d to all businoss in the 1300'T •• nd SHOE Limo. C. RAO, rediton, The Iaargest and Most Comrlete Factory in the Dom'ui n, 140x100 feet. Highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker in the World. MEDALAND DIPLOMA AT CENTENNIAL. 187)). Do do SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 1877 GOLD MEDAL AT PROVINCIAL EXHIIBITION, TORONTO, 1w76. HIGHEST AWARD AT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO, 1879. We are now manufacturing Square and Upright Pianos. Best in the market. Correspondence solicited. Send for I1- lustrated Catalogue. Mailed free. Address DOMEL•TIOINT Op.C.A,1' COMPAITT, BOWItIANVILLE, ONTARIO. Piano and nt r tb.s 51grs. OF THE Sewing fit thine t'FHE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF 1 Silverware, China and Dell ever seen in the West, at E. DEW'S s'ro.. '-. Mr.Drew has just received an excellent stock o Silver Tea aotts,llutter Coulerp,Doubloand Single Pickle Cruets, Cake B askets, C and Race Evers, C on- no union Setts,etc„of the Best QuadrupluandTriple Plate, and is offering the Sallie atpricesthat elfin ASTONISH YOU FOR CHEAPNESS! He hasj list opened out o now and complete as-. sortuient of China, Glass and Stonewares. A largo stock of Lam psjust arrived. (3 01 andsatisfy yourself as to quality and cheapness. Coyne .54 a j try our instruments. Music Teacher still on, ;rand, Services at lowest Sgnres. Special attention called to the Raymond Sewing .iachiue. Organs and Pianos unsurpassed fvr beauty of design, and quality of tone. E. DREW. 1879) FALL –c (1879 THE OLD RELIAPLlj. HOITSE At alltirnes,and )articalarly at a period when Trad.. is universally depressed •and money +carce, it is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the at tick he wants. at the lowest rate. In ca1]ing your attention to my present stock, I do su with eve'.y confid ence; it Wing moreoarefully assortoa sued selected than that of any previousaeason. 0 In the Dry G-oods Ever y department is replete wi ,h the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked tit prices which should command the attention of the very closest buyers. THE CRDERAD CLOTIiIN:r still has MR. lv.IVE S at it. head In .Millinery Undol•the ne..ageinentof. Bliss MoGloghlou,we can slit the most fastidious. Hear stock of erroce.Ies, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one oftele largestandbest aesortedittthe County. Intending pueehasarswill consul ttheir • best interests by examining tny stock before going eleewnere. C. &I- S. GIDLEYI •CTnflertAkor-t and Furniture TOULD••SAY TO VV biose who intend purchaeing to do so from the manufacturer. The dealer who buys to sell again must necessarily have a profit. We maim to give the purchasers the benefit, which cannot fail to meet the views of the Grangers. Our es nonans aro less than those of ciao mann 'aetnrersconeminent we can selloheapor. .M ers • WE WOULD call speoielattentipn to our undertaking dept; t nrent,wlllch is morecol - plate then ever',es we bale ,added several new design* of late The best calms. caskets ahrouds,and every: unernl requisiic at the lowest prices, One new Hearse, is pronounced by competent 3uclges to be second to core in the provinces Emblems of all the Different . Societies. The GO TO Lcdica1 Za11! MAIN STREET, EXETER, FOR YOUR PATENT MEDI•GINL S Attendance on Sunday from 2.30 to 4 p. m, for the sale of medicines only. ' . B. SELLE:Y, Prop. f'tiall)