HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-4-1, Page 4r
e MDlson.s Bank
1ilAeotta.vs l UT ACT OP eATton..glinsiT, x95.1,
Carl: al, $2,000,COO.
Rig afFic;E M NTR' a .
7'ttosita ;1 'outtbe lx, I;atr - - X'rratrlontt,
d.Ii, it• Alrtl,sc N l;sci., - • » • • - 'I'Cue•FreS..
Iirt 1.) I. Macpherson. ft \V Shepherd,
11.', Nelsen, M 1' P, Sit Ewing,
es Williams,
1. tV'ii rar'n T.tx T}IouAS, 1,1SR•, Oe81.11tan0(Jar,
J.ts.I'aaSiur,E Q,,¥anewor.MantrettlI3rano)t,
I+l: Hunann, list2., - - • - Ii,sNectur.
• 'It'.t' L1,1.
FI> N11T O.• BREWER 11I9NAoEn.
' rs terms, ont1 heir
1lfaney+ulctwcedtui'ttttu tsuuetts) t
owe promissory notes with our or mom good, en
doi•scrs. No mortgage required as security,•
• G oar cent Interest atlouted on tlsoosit9:
Petals mi •United Ste tosbought and 14010...Stur
lletki3011anavbottght and sold,.
Conocttous made in all part* of star Dominion
Birt retort's promptly remitted at lotvosl•rates'of
Exeter Ar:gustl$th 1S78, Cath•
THISPAPE rnny'bo fflnncl nz
V4 '+i' fllu nt Uru. F.
Newsy tiler .A.dvettieitg Duman (10 Spruce
can rae tower• NEW YORK
tieing oontrgets luny
• Ito. IMdo tor, it. intr
men,, wnrlong at half time were employ.
ea previous to the introduction of the
tariff. Since the National Policy had
been inangnrati•d, • the unpaeity of 'the
works but been doubled, and they were
now working day anti, night. Il;' the
buildings and plant $25,000 were in-•
vested. The ry ages' paid per month
were $2,000, 2111d the nt1'tnI er of blends
was 40. A letter from the Lond of the
works; whits') the hon. gentleman read,
sttttedl that feoun tire 011ie the National
i;'olioy' 1)ad come in, thy: Capacity of the
Wot ks•hall been doubled, andr that the
price of the manufactured artibla in
Hanllrion was less than either in Buf-
falo or Qnebeo, rldbe apoke and hub
fitotory had been b'roug'ht fromloutside
of Hamilton into the city, for the pur-
pose of increasing its capacity, ie nr-
cler to keep pane with the delxnand. The
eapital•-invested in the buildings and
plant was $50,000, and the wages paid
(1111 aCnt1(lated to ,$1,2e0 1'nouthly. ThinInure) perehesed the Hardware Steak Of the
same factory paid the farmers, andi fate debit or O'Byrne Cin. from our, T. N Howard:
gentlemen opposite attic tool: Ruch :ti
tnftntUOil'N unguarded' ear the false
The stockconsisue of
TIM Piing1880
has published in his Loudon organ, we •
snatch the followiu.tl get[r t--•"\Ve hold
them (the Conservaiivee) up as having
violated their pronlises,itl %thole and iii
detail, to evety individual in the.eoun•
try, from the seamen. on the 'leek to the
sheeniest lumberman ill the diets nt
woods, from the humblest wife to the
nlauaion of the milliOneire," Surely
the Tories are dishedafter this,! The
party capable of d't•ot)ieleig "the seamen
un the deck might fare better thee
they desert=ed, because it miv'tlt
argued in their favor that they hied' nut
deceived the seamen' off the dt'ek ; even'
the cruelty, practised upon "the sins-
plel t lnmberinan'in the distant woods"
might' be condoned,. as the woods are
not Far from ()Unites, and the simplest
dtamberman is probably in the nsydtam ;
"the huts blest liottaewife" bars nn vote,
stub may thefore be deceived with fm
purity ; bat when it comes to &eceiv.
ing "the rllillionalreae mansion"we oon•
fess th t things begin to wear an ugly
look. The party that can deliberately
deoetee antaus►nu must be utterly
heierttless 1' llfausions' are proverbially
nnsophistiorlted and helpless, atini1 none
but a blase hotted Wocld pour into a
ARR1] D,
SPENCER et 1?novou.--At the Ete*fi�:sh• dhateth,.
otl the 17th inst., by the Bev. 3,i,It,Itobiu-
soei, Mamma Spencer, Earl, of Manitoba,
to Miss M. Keough, of London.
posT OFFICE ii00 t+;d' TO RENT
{ 3lttmbor of Boxes iu the It hater 1t4sii•Or 613,•
with, and without look and keV rtq, let oil reasolitt4
ole terms. Apply t01). JOHNS, t-rlutmestdr,
Iwould acquaint my oilstomet's that I have? l
moved my Straight Loans
IF'eed OI FoJ%
nres at 7t , r met. Interest
Working Capital, - $2,600,000.
Dullness to -"
`ta TI': itt's OTT'S OLD STAID,'
Three;:Doorssotltlh of iihe Foist Olaee, uud hits
opened out a choice stouk'of fresh
tom„• lour and 1 ed i italivere0 free of (barge.. '
4701-1'N'McT ,3r'.�'S
otl; l ► ening tale. i e is if eav�y Hardware
tiler should hots this,. no less tenet of going lrbont etefding the ati'etttiont+ Spades and Shovels, Draining Spades, Nails,
THURSDAY, APRIL 1,1880: $200,000 per anise's) for oak blocks, of mansions, with del�ttaive proitiises of GLASS, PUTTY, OILS; PAINTS,
the factory only employed 35emer, but`protoctithn, we rel'oit'1)oe them. Mr.
T iUE..1:ATIONAL POLICY. they intended to.employ mote, so soo
r j t tt a l flattening t l if t 15 that
11elf aYlt�
Che i`e/ez great i'uferest 111 the downtrodden far. Tory polltlbrtetls have Been I'n the habit•
fast the new nlaollineryl which was on •
TAI; debate on the budget 1s still in its way, was put up.. Another impor=
progress, members who ate 'mato dttl- sant info -try created by the new tariff
ing the rest of the session will generally 'was the Meriden Metal Wo' rho. Its
endeavor to air their e10 •ueuce on tine buildings and pleat were valued/eV $25, -
Budget, their via"'"- h:14Y 'be RenS8 0r c.000; monthly wages, $1,5044 a.ntillal
ltnusens9, but the-opportunityen saying chomptit $200,00(1 ;'hands em.ployed,,ti0;,
snt.•1Rtllitig Ott (1415 014 the most Super eiel the number w"old be inoreas•e te-)
taut subj.ects that comes befoi a the 400. Another glassy' factory was riot
flouseis tadlen advantage of by every entirely ehnt'dnwu when the new teritil'•
weather. Tire presetet• debate seems carpo into operation, but it Mitre not
to• be made use oft by tie thpositien making• money, and its proprietore•weret
fur the sole purpose of. t,howiuOE the 'lifetiongebefo.•mere, but they tett tahat
wet ld what a miserable state of t<hing. -
is br.,n, tit about by a conutry entlea-
v rL g to footer and encourage its Own
• i.,clostii>s. And how pleased -and joy.
Otis and with ab:tt relish anl,k'ng (mo-
titsntaa arplause the few Grits in, the
Ii rise hill t;,eit the speeell oft those
. woe .can tell the longest' yarn nb' ut been sit, flit it wits lirnteoted before
empty t.e11erliellte, broken down motor- 'the preset t to riff was i'o(lStitiltr'd, aro it
• fesor saffron;; wet—kitten. If they, are itv'ts now 1) irrioipaitng lo the genertal
t•iuctr•e (w'lucli we very ,much. dtnib:), eti of the eonettry,
row ,
Item rte lorable to teink thattilose who •
pe p The large
p-tabli-hinent of S } Iiillolt & Co.
aspire to statemansliip should. be Bo itlachlul tR, hall been obliged i•1 double
lu,t to. every,.8euse of p,tt.ria)tisln. 86 1tt
'its aaltadity. There were, moreover, n
look upon tine rule of the eon -writ; at/. 11.
wattor of coegl'.at'a'htti.,u• aud.rejpioing,
1ue1ety bt,cause•tliey do not oceut)y elle'
treasury b'eualtes••during the progress
of rl tna:ion.: Bot it is'l)letsaUt t:o 01)
Ross w'ottld`not •enters) to' debolvtl n Sates, Chains, Bent Stuff of All Rinds,
mansion, we are sure, tut we would
lentos to tr•uttt him with 811 outhouse.
ilre'comtnet:'cl the touredotittory'of the
luspeotor to- the attetrti i of toe email
hove' Who are stutlyhlg' English deal -
position in one schools. Sometimes 8
terrible. warning is more salutary than
even to gond, example •
; .
'korai uiiddiesex,
1"ung ]/edging. of 4IcGillivray, ie
fait ret; +veri'tg from . injuries received
by a falling tree, •
- West Middiesex show et Stratln•oy
on 27th of r1�/1:i1, , North 111iddiesex
Show at Ailsa Craig nn 28th of tepr11.
etre whicIl would be of benefit t'O thewei e burred dowo by some fire fiend
Plaster of Paris, Coal Oil, Lamps end
(ala Sawing Machines at Reduced Prices A l :rgo
addition willle made to the stock in a few +lays.
A esti is vespect.ulbr solicited. 'No tr mono to
dhtimowes. goods, and prces will bo found to suit the
31 R .cif ■. M A T V IX
Semwell's mock.
Just Arrived
OE 1.13,
A. L'rand.New Stock of
payable at tine end (f LIu Year.
Apply to
Lonlon,ltlarch 881, 1880, 3m.
Touders for a b(oond 100 miles section Wase, or'
Bait nlvtln will be received by the undersigned
until coon on slouchy, the 30th Of March, next.
The seetion will extend frt'm the outs of the
4Stti C'nntrnct—hent the western lm,uuinry of
Idanitoba—tit hL point on the 'frost side of th eval-
ley of Bird -tail crook.
Tenders most be on the printed form, thiol,
with all other inlornhation, nifty bo bail at Sao
Nettie 1tu11way 1'.u„hteer's Outset., to Ottawa and on and aatet the, letd ty ofMarch next,
lay order,
F:1°j3:41 N
DEPT. or 11A2LICATS d:. CANALS, 1' 6t.
Ottawa, lith February, 486u..ie
Tl'e reception of the,mht°yo Tend'otsti;•t ioct-.•
oiled. until noun c•r,131c C1'AY, lith April next.
Vy +tOrder,-
Sc eett.lry. .
Dept. of R:a ifrw a 's , t Ctaranlit, r
Ottawa, 4kia1L.arc-h, 1130 f
Guden and Field Seedy, Valuable Lamas
true reform was to in111111lt'ate t.' rileob ' Mr; 0..1 11'409, whose outbuildingsor
ec.u,ltry fret, and allow the patty t++ iu Bidtlnlph Inst week„ le perfectly sure OYSTE1..S, o dated the lwen y+ r tb day of 1et
nn I)o 41141'. man (1ic1 it,
ruory, met),mad-by ViiMlot• Hra•vu'1 �timirv,l - -
claire Judge of tho C.o.J,tY• Const of tit ('( iruty'.
•swim afterwards, ttud accardingly they . true pt p e 'of Point 2,11 r[ird sonnei.ORAN Eta AND LEMONS
or liiiruu, t •t a certain matter of ottrlitic3t ihi the.,•
came farwarci avt`t' advocated the tstn=, hilted 80 t10,0.111.1s10,0.111.1s'1R of o,it•ne dfor the poor. . said Comity eta rt,, T
tine -1 Policy. The tobaoco factory wasof L•elaud, and. the GrandTrnnlc Rent MCFA1tLA;�E V.S. McFAItLANE,.
a flourishing cnn0+'1.1).• 1t 1111(1 tl.1wt1r4
notubrr of ettoneive foundries which
were raflning up t.) their full capacity.
while tho average of wares had advent:
lel 10 per cent, the number of head,
.hatti114 increased flat leas than one
eNrve that the•glncu)y pictures, off''t!)r' 1},itnt re Afore buildings had been
Gl.) Jn1 iti'1n £Lt•e fragile ac)d' t'''''' i))t1lett, erected In the cit dut'ing lust year than
mere Rllltdows to frighten! t+he igtlor1'nt •y , 3'
arty prt�vions �•enr• and they were also
or tickle toe fancy oft. the otles'iti,:'d liar• of n bett'er drtotiption. At Drowns,
tizeu, and a4 soon, as, tete- relented
the Canada tool works, wLich nae 811
!speaker on the lilla,iSttlrlal side atltlret4R lint snufft•tl nut under the 01.1 tariff, had
ea the II uese, theedeleful Grit harangue'
b..corees as nought anti vanishes iii
tele air, au exelnlilifllation of fins waT
increased its capacity. Its hands nulls
bared eighty. The buildings and plant
were valnril n.t $80,000. The monthly
witnessed last week. The )nembor fey wages were $i 3,000. The Dnndes trod
lel trill Oxford had been revelling i't or .edge factory; which were closed be-
w_t leIde.-criptic.neof"ruin andel Gtly,
:ul; 1a.n eut8tiCna Uel the'great decrease
1,1. L,1te Vttltle of farm property and the
it fre' t , Liverpool. Very creditable
to b•,tn patties.
Mr. Wils't�,.:a fanner near Forest,
took off the of 1 papal' from some wails
111 his dwelling# in other-t.o titin on herr.
1'11e paper wati.'t'1eit nllt.jJito his yard;
t t r. cows ate.it"alfa• they' rr ere killed l y
p01 014 EMIGRANTS..
TTI -1 'p' ,.y Pan j� i �'t 1t1Ro.n4One o'close• in the t.t.teruo0 , ale following,: t.
e • t..i.Y�_IGRAN .3::'t.. .. %,trnds.sza: :
The East Isntlt of tot ;A timber Twenty-eix.iu:,
the l:i;tltth C ones�ion or the Township of ts-
Conticil,'bV virtue of 41 to law, SAN IIrerseeer. emsA O,•' RAILROAD ANn ohrne,huthe•Ctuntyof Moran,
A. Hyndm tin
I will ottot for: sale by
. 1 otte n,
FANSON'S D]'t:7'tJK, EXETEli. By Archi'intd'1t'shop,:,11eiiotteur,011the:premises...
Lott28, irl filo 8th Con, Ustorno,
The Best Field: on' e G
J° e day; , a, c, ,
iIi'. 14IcLend, of P:trlchill ►s .:pot sit {
n'i: ily naught.-Inippit,_'. °sten tie' '
would 'sweet tett Sill))i1's' lost four It insr• i•1'Y,51.1411'7 itis;Rgee.CH n �i t.JtlI1Jl'`Ii '1113'•,per°cot.trtl.[reefrom iuellnlbrttnces.
lief p1uce, lie managed to have It so J1.91311 T, AT E: TkldittirL,' Lew pute1:S, is TERMS. OR SAT,V.—Ten.p Pent. .lawn and
mortgaged , 1101 oli•»rtl forsalc ir. t,:th ikltt\ O[i-;.iuN and too L,it:i,, ,r. t be yat,)strtt,l eo'rrt 11tr,hn ,.ire
aged :hitt they d811e u(,t 4.1)1nk of ititS'1'1;1tN WAtiHINt4ToN '41 r4i:I101iV neoi)i O CX!'dav of sale ».tlln,;t itttcrest, when
> tits to 1,.ute tt0 n,lL,kricp,xt.
hhvi11g'it redeemed. those T,au4s fa•r•n pets of `Flo great
t'IL iI� tncrp areb�iser wi I be ea 'Wed Ln: a conveyance •
tlLLl 0f the Iuutlic S1ure, u'ui ate witLut alt
1111'. G. �`. 1)elUr'tV, who f'T two day4 average distauca ni 350 t„ 3+tel utiles f1nn:Portlag,ti ' 'i'h=.,.oth(r :,n»,litinnn of Salo wt l;
]1 e\rrimilar tc
lat•,4'week Tnldet•aeni. a hen, Unit eA• wlhare at.'. ansllip1 ttud Failing vt•ssels ,oro dh•ectpq the st,i;n,lilt" eundI(;ton t::'th,e ('on: -t of (1haucery. .
l0ad0•3 l•'Ob`.3LL PA11'1':S•t,le TH41 11,O1tLIi. • '
artilttntlrai) 1)r his creditors at tVlnd:;"r rn fm•t•Ih»• pa,•th;ntnre arll,ay to t11dsAUCti''n--
before i11r. 11IeOrae the official ttssit'' )e+',
GRAIN AT PORTLAND C,O1'[.IIANPS A i sot 1 S: e;,trxayv, Ilra:.t,n, ttotturIelt, or to the
f 'PRI(1P EQUAL TO THAT OB 1IhE11 I� 4,11)4,141' boli rtors, tiealortll,
YCHI(:AGO. It Ii. I I' lt,
The Northert,Pacific Itnhl,ra:-;aucll•,rogru•Iaail-1 . '•<:n 511 [p1FResoutatige.
way andNavi,t,ation Company tut now building NreefiC•:R3' 1 ,hI?OI,'1,4 " r'•:1),
600 man.; ofr.+tllay, traversing Y;;is r•-giun to all I Wailer,: SoliriLurs 2t„
directions. ho settler is thus ti$,urcil easy mud ,•
teartvel,e nil is rapui ht•crease..,Ju the value of TALI r11'3Ll'� I111't1UTdED:.
longed f ,r orere, prove 3 Clown ilia yard these fano., which aro, now oponn "o purchase 1 ' IT
tLs they. were through, Cuus•tai,Yh•
lmtbrn arrested hint, brtvn)g a war-
rent to 410 sit under a elear,re of fia,ud.
A Noting note from the e')nntt•y, who
bed beootue a• litho' ova -ti,gh t, batt' cheap tra»spol'tn.ttpit to tile -water on the •1100.
Dated at tioderich ihis'tth d ty of'farch,1890.
of oleo of 0114! capital 1)0te111:. 1'd',e Run pre•ompttou.
vrhistt be snppr'sed to be a beer barrel,
LANDS SHOW an 11?o'EI1AttI' ,T1IEL-D OF i
tend nearly fail:. HP svread himself on
40 13L'�lI'I Lb 0? \Vt1.;A1` PER 1YUli1;. Itis �r ' ' rrns
r Sale':
Failure ill Urops over known. • Ott
RAILROAD LtNDSiefferecl at t1,..',. iforin
m 1 h se unr 1
lx» P41ek,.8hcl with tvirle,• npi'n month. i
C I—I I{7, A. 5
fore the present tariff, bad been revived, fie t; 't his mouth !trill,. his. stomach tato of $3.541 ma acro.
t)Itatn'b under the tar,,, Inc+• let it run.
Thebuilding and plant was valued atfed', and f01Ier ate over. He Ii d.% ter. j CL/MATE Ii1.0.41N0 HEALTHY �ONEASY TERMS Ol�'IiEl'rlYtIi REPAYMENT
$10.000. Ii: now ernpleved ti'tteen i•iete time in effors to)c11sgorge the bad, . 1 —IN THE --
(h nal
watinrttlIv bad state of Affairs brought. liti,rtda, but the foremen WISP l)(1w In the
ab .Iia by the lricbetl Tories- Mr. 11.4b- States, entleaveui•Itrg t0 seeni'e t+ltltletl'
e t,ul, of 11tiniltou took 11Ir.0. in hand -at, err weal g to a friend. expresses
1lanilc, in nr / r to rncreaee the number' snmr F'nnginlls•- fast c> meat of termed,' `(
and price•d cuue1usit•edy that•the latter's to fifty. '7 a pandas e'itlon mi'Is had•' nr)tat'beq, &nine n► the frll.i.te of Ln1) ,, t Cxe''l Masten) pnss'r Agent,
r Y, Now York City,
For pamphlet and maps, descriptive of conn- aR
;. t 'try, its remorse:•, climate, route of travel, rates rCd?.,
coon -
Mr. . a,n )h, .late of Lo,,Act., now of Ii tit• iciest full information, adtn•ess l� ;1' g , ' it 0.
T. R. T� •tN NATl',
elatt:leletits were garbage culled ire In inereaged their (dl14a city very n)aterit4I1•and a Meter of NW, h Middlesex ' beef AL1 roaawt it
gri, journals, lir, R. went 011 to show ,incl 4114'0 nutnliir of 118:1118- employed'. and mutton. Ob, haw he,longa for the t
1i` .. i 1 1 g l i;lr trai Drug Store
tc•oat the N. P., had dull° fur' Ha -mil•, $400,000 WAS rinV"4tt'61: in 1iutldings at
good obit
r t 11114)s ort nave• ivtc'3 urn •
arnel tor 'tri't•n icp4Rt ever* - th-end . f•;r
4v11. plant; active c t},ireel' $1.00;000„ outt,nt.'.riit u r and coma mats!' for seep,er. I3e
'-rite Hamilton 'rolling tends, with per ',nuunl., $4iit;0130. Thep were nn ,despairs of ever, ergaltl gentian ftp the
$'LOU.UOU isacestecl in bufldiugs and ,able to €11 thei1r,nedere. nithrltt1h work .enrneeatien be had bef a•e'• he. tried
plant and $100,000 of active capital,iug..night asci day, Tee' mott.tl)ly wag:. can' an.•' +
'4titl out per tnuuth to the 200 also The old' Pie h lately who marsufact•
1 l t es were $8,000, the number of bands tires the'tiinit Olinda salve, eve . she
Ctuufoyed $9.((10 pet tnol,th, and had emplo'yedi 440, bales of nonan mann- thiol::i she'btts prepared the beat; and
au ''utt,ut „t $600,000 per lu)utltn• The lectured; per atllram 2£10,054. That rot crudity the beet, 4UpPly. •x1144' ever
yet made. 'Those persons afflicted
with cancer, kinttre evil„ori,aviy,oileu or
rnniiing'flnree (It ato once Ct%l44 abuse
hisser troubles of mankind celled, c,;r•
bu,ilctas, felnns end boils) shonhtrwrite
to .Eay.'1'. Atkinsrnt, Ailsa Craig, trend•
inn stamp:, for reply.tllr. (;, 71att; of
'[ngereold,'saya 1 "I -did not think• that
Devito suffered 'so 'long stud see mina
could be an well 111 'Re tlht)rt• [vK t1.Ine.
p (1K hit r1 t.1FI:;. ,t7,,H„ YY� }l1 Jas of'. Weld •yetev God bless you/ nnh+'epara htfi.. tidy,
were. two ,lii8 4 fitr,420ri,ajery one.Ltitd': drip- l . r be• 14. blessing to sui`ferlug<, ,fenot)u•
esex At
4"u uruptiurl'of .o,oal by these trills was was the avay:in whie,h the Humwan
25.000 tour per annuli. The works heard it* Halriltun.and neighbot`hood,
1.0 been put into operation under the and:, it undoubtedly indicated ; what
t.ew land. Another factory•wliioii night be Ionud inother parts ruf: the
ci.IP),etl its existence to the tariff was a vtoantey,';
trait factory. It 103a capital of $54,s.
0011, paid $5.00 a month in waged to
toe 500 fiends employed and iltnlea)
output, oft $200.4000 arir-rutll . Tlitere,
TfiR S)rattoril,s I-1 *adci gets tiff the
ellowit4Q ext ee11ingi'y' clever tia)(l;,ta,nas-
ti,ttttecitjli oltereti,tfY 12ttd elle otlier:,!1aw..i ` t "'• ay .
1744)341 Otosfid.,, 11) 111,741 Inti,:. ono t11toe4' ori "'G•' , RGSR44 Rif , f'Lr WWest And”' •
(414.0 cunt ltcli'a..11 , tci '1; '+I X ,;t tY c tJ a tR„c� .1q , 1e rpy a , r,
(4 r .tt , '( 11 A •fit,~ 1I4lttvlet tie•eetapot• eeneoeor t•ud w>A'1itWo Agofitge_okaeh 116,7164 ),04. u s':fortmn teas to fust rrfivoQ,tatoaygert.stock, per ;exp ess,
t 'etc X11 trrr ' the f , hI ''• Important to t en •u ii lived.
Oonsteutly on hand.
Fort . eggs, & + rnicala,
i.'J;R1?UM11R!, all hinds,
linir Brushes,
Uloth Brushes, •
Nail Brushes, ,
Tooth Brushes..
In COMBS ou r,stooli:is completes..
-- 13.Y T1iF ---
Onca io Loan & Debenture Co,
-•- e_
Lot lti.,1Z' Concession 4, inethe Township f.
of if ullett,
700 acres 'pore or less 80 noes, 441001041, 40 acres
tint:berets with llactsh, ll.y,la and Hoodoo k ; frame a.
barn 0., x 55. Throe goodsprings of water..
Also theiliortlt ilea of Lot lumbar 20 and tho.,,
Ni.rt,h [4ulrtaf Let cumber 19,•Ooneession4-100
acres, more or Ions, 111 141e Township of Iiulhett..
8O acres ctet,rod, 20 acres Beech, Maple, Black
Ash, end ) 1nh... L'ronduottse,youngorcuard,good
welt. boarctaurl rail fences. Soil, (pay and sand
loam. This propie.rte is in hn excellent t0oality...
luting only distant. trout tyle Tuwo of Clinton fum.
SEG®.+B” t3.I
The -.4?Orth Platf•,ot' the North Half of eLet.
No. 111, Concession 13, in thu'I'ewnshin
of Stxpilen, '
25 00rev, more or•le„ s, 5 acres cleared, 20 acres
wild. .1,eeuh, I41attle, Hemlock and \Mites Ash.
The Soil is a,•au,,ty loam, in °goodneiguberhoud
and cii,,taaut from the .Uaeha,ott 11 Miles and
the 'Village of Exeter 10
• .
,. a
(10,44itllO of rile 1at,e0GQvel:Dtaent t4! a r;, •'tfI111aitunil,s 13,43'ti titlt'e{l2k l '
tV 'n tett ttT>,ael .shift t� 1tI1al.y st ce',ls..ilda CXtr8nrdignr etettrlIoter of his• i(1.- ttftQr.,t�t(t• iVeu'ttp'to'ili� by tlror,.nbt.rele-
�r ty , heirs„ ?Kr 11ia101,1 411H+,t P.tli mtCide kuirNal the 1'' SF;;, LAD1E;tiilill ie;131140I t ;fHOULe
tlf�t�nta(.tory:wtts,worktrtg;� .The,eraty protlu�5tiqutr, ret thA, ltrtter wrpp"iw,>},•tpf�,atrmv#ro•�ttottolartfatl;tnie.ur� ease) nL�ii3},iA,L">i,f3,•:�l,Hl';S,C;E'11�b�11+;C"fOltS„
tstcrcu,3iffivita.,ofConsnrntatl"e'trcifi4ts,wersksiaireo, riire°E''4ioira tne01ntlaeturersrof
•be has ] 1)rr} t that 1 ,t+ ra those ntuttptetl lr ld„�febttti%1t6d'n 13tonchth,
o •ttpntt,y wo kit g it,, Unci,: $4.Q,00p:,11). city bat
a'1 net vet .tl tt a _.. :;
na, oil wet"o Acting- •i: f het c' r #) l t'nrtk. (ultts . tfol•'ir Ktpli'" a'itii y tiro At?! c- fidrse.,aad' tattle Medicines rr SlietaatitU.
llti,i t tlbastx ' N 'lrlrrn t 1, iris., P' liV LJ:#'i ✓l'' .
:V I '19 O t tl tt ti1I )lo. cad • re i#em1>t', Erne of oiniTge •. Mil ]►)laid -ere it, Plr�.loianal'ilx4IC41t4tiern. snot Vam11v lteclopf ..
1,GgAtn.. g 1 y d 1 y lsiN: nletr►ltli'1rR. I+' nm [► carefully: pre. nerdfnpliamul Wdtitld tt f tlntrtal llrug kt,orot a„r >u
if tl•It forward tl t D NJl 'L
v ied 'in'bUildlugs Nty(i plant. XL d titan he can d .No84 (oto petll"w thndauuz lh � n tut t,l')1g Rend
P t ,• ,
In the Village of Exeter, ti[lriek;,$tere:,
and llilarlling', 2I, x Ill,
Two storeys,•sitaste on Main Street, in the begt�
btsslne„1 locality iu :b:xoter,
1' yr terms nr.A.conditious apply to
Clinton,' ,
Exeter”, . '
atetiftotr, •„
ley so orwart font' address-.• o A I, •. t Qutario l,4An qtr 1)Qt),Irlt tphW t�ti
r( einage 4pf the,
, � '11f1tOj1'8�. Tocklxe1 ;1,t,,. pgtred.,.01Tecl�tty thy Hose hal tL6't+b.tlil•'tit..'�Sl llttertl. l4,.1•;1M:a!7eit'k dW..t .F1r`""'Elogd4 3"1/4114th"4441tiMtta',L`tlutiritIt'yttt1, ' t t+Cprv1i.e.
eatiteie*10lcl iah.l�`tiet, es. tam.