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The Exeter Times, 1880-4-1, Page 3
,APRIL 1St , 1880 TUI TIKES A LA,WYtil t'S PERORATION IN and health to every pat, c.trrios oily BEHA,14F OF A. FltniA.I.JE weahuess teed "'nmol rte. Blood is alio soutoe cf life, onlyy when it is pare. If .A lnwy''r in Clevt)1aod, Ohio, was de- it l has bee one ilkeayed, it most be fending a very liltodsotile young woman, aeoased of etc:alilig from a large itis• oocitpled dwelling in the night .time;; and tuts boepoko in conclusion "Gentle/nen of the jury, I have done. When I gtazi with enraptured eye on Iivu tonic, and cathartic rdlnodiea ,yet the rrtati lila3tis• beauty of this pt)ei less ili,c';vored. they are especially efficient, maiden, ou %SI1une rosplendeut charms)a.scrufuluii.siliseci;s,s. eu$Plei,n 'never dared to breathe-- n 114111) i1ioltl her riecLi act in, this .g tom ous bloom of luscious loveliness, which ti ugelic„sweotueds alight envy but c,,old cleansed by pr° our• . n)t.dication,else ovory pulsntiou of the human heart sonde to wave of disease thron;11 the system. To cleanse. the blood of ell impurities, il•e Dr. Piercie'a G'•+lelen 111ottieal Di,covery and Plt•,tasaut Pur- gative i'ollets, the most effectual alters; GERMAN SYRUP." No other medicine in the world was ever given sacl a to -t of its curative qualities as riot eclipse --before which the star ou Bo80irlu'l GF1'MAN Spurr•Induceroe years two titilliuna four hundred .th mend small bottles the brow of the night get) WS pale, atitl of this medicine were distributed free of charge t11en reflect upou the utter untdoess I by druggists iu title country to those afliatod with Consumption, Asthuta, Group, severe e, 41 folly of supposing 41st 80 much 001 glis, Pnonlunocia, and other diseases of betyuty and gentleriess would expose ib- thenth and limps, giving the American self to dill terrors of an empty building, People nndeuittble proof that Gr•.nua� Sxovr in the cold, damp,, and dead of night, `will Dore thein. The result has boon that 0 + druggists ill evtry town awl village in the Oa- whAu innocence like hers is hitliug it- undas nod Uititnd States +are recommending it self amid the snowy pillows• of repose to their onstoaners, (1u to 'your dttiggist and -gentlemen of the jury, my feelings ask what they lnlow l boot it: Sanlplo bottles, ars too OVOL uviol iu for ex )rosstnu, 1(iloeuts. 1 of alar size, 7u. cents, Vim/ closes p g i will relieve any Case,, and I throw. her into your arms 10; protection against this foul charge --- which the outrageous malice I.f some . CONSUMPTION CURED disappointed scoundrel has invented to blast the fair na'ne of this lovely maiden, whose smile shall •be the re ward of the verdict whioli I know. you will give ! routleuieu ! you may 'Mu;: the ocean on a grapevine to airy, lasso an avalanche ; pin a napkin to the tntruttl of a vukiuio ; skin the clunc`rs f. oto the sky with a teaspoon ; throw, salt on Lha tail of our noble Ainerican eagle, wh,se sleepless eye ever wdiches over the welfare of the natio::; paste "For Rent." ou the moon and stars -- hat never for a moment delude your- selves with the idea tilat anis charming IJloek.Roohester•, .N Y. girl is guilty of the erne) oharge preferr ed against her." Toe jtu•y acquitted her without leaving their seats. An old r,hysician, retired from practice, hav- iug had placed in his halals by au Last In. thin missionary the formula of a simple vege- table retucdy for the speedy nut permanen- cure for Cousaruption, Bronchitis, ()attar'', Ast Winn., and all Throat and LungAffeotiuns, also a pitsitive and radical euro for Nervous De- bility and a'1 Nervous Complaints, alter hav- ing rested its woudetful earative powers in tboustauds of casts, hits felt it his duty to snake it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by tuts motive and a desire to relieve human sof- feting, I will reed free of charge to all who de- sire it, this recipe, in German; P'renoh, er Eng - with full directions for preparing and us- ing. Bout by snail by addressing with stamp, nearing this paper, W. W.. SIZERAu, 149 Powers Stubborn Facts. S - — My 11lustrated C.atalognn fpr 1390 iq low printed That ill severe and chronic cites, aul1 wil1'.t. ma.11e,l free to all lutendhig ourchas- wbleb have all Mod all other r,•lne- ors who send their flame and Putt Deice uddrasa. dies,R'.ldons Uotuponnli Syrnp of 1Vild Seed, (}APir arin,e&cwh illty louish aerclitrl tIebr ogeee xf Cheriy gives immediate relief, and a early. Prleoand6amplosell aplliieatlon. speedy cure. That no ease has been reported in which it has failed to Live relief. Thiit every family who keeps it on Band can laugh laugh at Croup, Whoopin,; Cough, Colas, I3rotichitis, aild till kill- dred diseases. That in every district where Wilson's Wild Cherry Into been iutrocluce,a it Inas •jufnpt�d into favor iu ant incredibly Short lane. Teat beside being R 1•itdical cure for . the ab .ve mentioned diseases it is one of the beet Tellies ill rode. Twit if you have not already done so It is your duty to pnrchu.e'1b bottle al once. That you cal buy it ft•r1m any lead- ing druggistiu VSresteru Outariu• Nervous Debility. • Vital weakrtes or depression, a weak exh austl-d feeling, no energy or courage the result of Meatal overwork, indis- cretions or excesses, or some drain alt• on the system; is always cured by Vic toria Hypophospiti'tos. It tunes up and invigorates tits Fybteln, lii:pels the gloom' and despondency, imparts streugth and energy, stops the drain, and renovates the entire sydteiii,, puri- fying the blood, iuoreasiug the appe- tite, and•piviug the stomach a healthy tone for food: Sold by all dealers. Hagyard's Yellow Oil combines in encb an eminent degree all the healing, eurativ3 au extractiug qualities known to medical science, that it is truly a faintly medicine that caunot be dispens- ed with. Wbeu applied to any Swel- ling. Sore, Burn, Chtlblain, Frostbites, Slliu Eruption, etc.,its effects are mag ical. It is highly ;esteemed wherever known, end its enormous sale annually is the best certificate of its merits. ' What is Expectoration "Expectorants," as Df. Good says. "true Expectorants are those, medicines that piomote the separation of the vi. acid phlegm with which 'the branchial tubes are loaded," Hagyard's Factor- ial Balsam is manufactured with this obj' at in view, and when used accord- ing to directions will separate or break up the phlegm and remove it from the bronchial tubes,leaving free respiration. It is a'so a valuable lnedroine in all cas- Aq of Cna„ lis, Colds,' Influenza, Croup, Hunrseness and complaints loadiug to Consumption. 'WILLIAM 1tENNIE, Seedswlua, Toronto, Oanar:a The Best Field, EMIGRANTS. • .1 AN I1IIJENSE AREA 0u' RAILROAD AND Gt)S E1:NM NT LANDS, OF :311,EA 1' FERTIL- ITY,.«'I'1'IISY LASY 1 E:1CH OP )'Ei1MA'ENT .4L11(1U T, AT EXT1ti;1Ii.LY L'IW PttIOES, is now offered for sale in EASTERN OREGON and 1:AS'il 1RN WA.SHUNGT,)A ".•1;1tRI1OliY. Those T,ands for•it part of the great GReIN BELT of the Pacific Slope, and we within tin average distance of 250 to 1100 miles from Pot thud whore ste utsbips and sailing vessels aro directly loaded YOU ALL PALM'S t1P THE WORLD. GRAIN AT PORTLAND COMMANDS A PRICE EQUAL TO THAT OBTAINED IN CHICAGO. The Northern Pacific Railway and Oregon R411' way and Navigation Company are now building 400 utiles of r•+'llway, traversing this reale"' in all directions. The settler is thus assured -easy and cheap transportatitlh to tide -water on the Colum- bia.river ,anti a rapid increase in the value of these lantzs, which are Low open to puroha:e and pro•emptio.,. LANDS SHOW an AVERAGE YIELD OF 4013U1;k1ELfs OF W N,tAT PER ACRE. Nu Failure of Crone ever known. RAILROAD LANDS offered at the uniform rate of $2.5J an Acre. CLIMATE MILD AND HEALTHY. For pamphlet and maps, descriptive of cram - try, its resource:, climate, route of travel; rates aucl full information, address • T. R. TANNAT'I' Geu'i 1Sestern Pass'r Agent, 262 Broadway, New York City. AXLEGREASE. Best in the world. Lasts longer than any other. Always in good condition. Curds sores, cuts. , bruises and corns. Costs but little more ttiitn the (Imitations. Every package has the tratlemar k lI Cull for the genuine auu take no other. .......Stool,.......Stool,®RG, ANS 19 Stops 8 met it 2 Knee swells, .......Stool, Burnt, only d08., PIANOS, Stool, Cover atd stook +.•21.0 to 51,600. ;Illustrated catalogue free. address Daniel F. Beatty, Wash - i ington, N.J. The Physical Paradox. It has been said that "the blood is the source of life," It is as truly the source of de -ease and death. No life, that is to say, no healthy tissue can be generated from imnure'blooa&•, no organ • of the body awn norrllally perform its functions when supplied with impure blood. The fluid‘bit should carry lift ADVERTISIR, senator our Select ;int of Local ,Newspapers. Geo. P. Rowell & 0000 syruoe St., N 'Sr J. Elegant New StyleOhroinoCards with name SOo.post-plaid. Gloo. I. Reed & Co, tfassau,N:Y, tW 1 77 A. YEAtt andex9enioa to agents outfit free. r, 0. VIQJt SRY, Augusta, Maine. CAUTION. EACH PLUG OF THE yr.thiavy ! IS MARKED T. & B. IN BRONZE LETTERS. `NONE OTHER GENUINE. ^'""" THE— EXETER E EXETER TIDES IMP JOB MN UN • All kinds or printing don© neatly cheaply and with dispatch. Order you Work where you can get it done .the cheapest. f tG $2r� per clay at home. Sampler wort/, y. 0fr.o, Adiiarr,Sti$san & (kt. l ortland, Haw. Colored Work a Specialty ! • The TIME SOFFIC E has excellent facilities for turning out CARDS, BILL HEADS, POSTERS, CIRCULARS • !n SALMON ANGLING. I)siAr,TstEwr or MARINE & FISHERIES, • Freia:sass 13iaaxcir, OTTAWA, Slut Dec., 1879. WRITTEN OFFFIIS will he received to 1st April next, for the ANGGL1NG I'1tI`'I- LEGPts of the following rivers ; Kiser Eegaslika (North Shore). " Watsheeshoo do ' Wssheeooutai do " RPtnaiue do •' Musqual•ro do Pashasbeeboo do Cornetile do Agwaunsdo Magpie do Trout do S. Marguerite do " Penteonst do lt'Iiatassini - do " Beesole do " Little Casoapedia (Baia des Cllaletars), 0 Nouvelle do Escuuenao do '1 Malbaie (near Perot)). " Magdalen (South Shore), " Montlouis do Tobique (New Bruuswiok). " Nashwaak do " Jacquet do " Charlo do " Jupiter (Anticosti Island). " Salmon do Rent per annum to be stated ; payable in ad. vance. Leaser to run for.from one to five years. Lessees to employ guardians at private Dost. By Order W. F. WHITCHER, Commissioner of Fisheries. '1 ST. tLIMEWORES.' ourdrawnkilns beingnow in fulloperation;ana t untie ont daily a large guantit) of LIE thatforall purposes cannot be surpassed in the Domin• ion. Partiesfrom aCato/ice oiana!way/beer rplied either at the kilns or deliyerdby,teams at low est remuneretiverates. Orderstrom s distance promptly attonde dto. WHITSON & SCLATEB LEGAL pH. CADDY, • BARRISTER ez ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, &C. - Office, Fanson's Block Exeter. ,`r )4IcDIARMID, B.A., 414 a lilsTER, NOTARY, CONVEYANCER &C. - LUCAN O�NT. MEDICAL. DR. HUTCHINSON, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, &c., &c.. Office next door to 1. Carliugs, RLuin Street Exeter DLt. HYNDIAN.—CORONER FOR the County ofJiurjn. 't"iiice,noxtdoor bo tlr.I. Carling's store, Ea eter. JW. BtiOWNING M. D.,. C. M. • P. S, Graduate ViotoriaVniversity• Office Iand redideuce,' Don. pion ).aboratot v. Exeter. 1.) C. MOORE, IL.D. C. M. J.L.' Graduate of McGi11Univereity, Montreal 0 filen and i es Iden ce , Exeter, Ont. O,ilce 1. ours--' aro 10 a. to and Ito 10 n. m 0 TAR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. P. S. 0., Victoria St. Crediton, Ont: Office hours roax9to10a.m,; 2to5p.m. • CLV.rZ, M. D., • Office at his residenae, Exeter. flR. IRVING, GRADUATE UNI JJ VERSITY TrinityColloge emi.erCollege Puvsiciane and surtieonr On:., ofticeKirkton. HOTELS. `IENTRAL HOTEL, CREDITON ,J --Wm. Baker proprietor. This Hotel ha s been newly furnished and fitted up in first-class ' style., barge and convenient Show Rooms for Commercial Travellers; ; best of liquors sad cigars at the Bar. AttentiveHostler, always on hand M 21—Sm. WILLIAM BAKER, PRINCE OF WALES HOTEL. OLIN VON. G. SWARTS having purchased the above hotel, and fitted it throughout, now of. tern fir,t•ctaes accommodation to travelers, Good liquor and cigars at the bar. Goodstabling and attentivehostler on hand. Every attention paid t0 guests. • TIRADE MARK 1heGrltatEnglfsi1TRADE MARK GRAY'S SPECIJ?C MEDICINE. . r emoct yannnfa ing cure or Semi- nal Weakness, Spermatorrhea; Impotoncy,and'a11 Dtreases that fol- low as a sequence of Serf• Abuse, ar loss of Memory, Before Ta UdePsaaL',11,1,-;After Taking, Baok,Dimness ay/slop,Premature old ago, and many other Diseases tat lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature grave. farrull partionlare in our pamphlet, which we desire to isend free by mail to every one. r'The Specific Medicine is roldby all druggists at al per package or six packages for U. or will bo rent by mail on receipt of rho money by addreseing TIM GRAY MEDrCINIC 00., • 1! Johosto, ON'11,,OANLDA. Orsold In Ereterhy all drn ¢iets, and every- where in Canada and the United State, ')y whole•• rale' and retail drugsir;e. ld,B--The demand of our Multiage have neves- sbIated our removing to ToS1onto, to Whiab placa. please addzeir all fatrre aernwaanieatelit. •