HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-4-1, Page 2Ofi.A.BITY TfIAT WIN HEAVEN AT.LA.ST. A yenr Ago there WW1 a quiet funeral on \Vilnius So Qe,t. boil when it wit,. or- er att old mite willed Unele was 11i' 11.11101.11, 1101n0 or frieteds, 3%1111 with 110 111014113 Nt 1111te.Vel. 1» help himself, fin:augers Pahl' he ‘vould have to go to the !pm: !muse, hot when tlio treniblitig i d li lt btud Id man wiped 'h.arts from 1/is eyes a r s,tid ei ill telae hint into 10) lion e and it e Cor hurt for it toot1i ttlyhow.' 'And then 1 will take him add, d an• (itlier. `And then Ins iourshali Abel teT hint, retie ik 111.1.1•11. So 1110 01.1.1 niAn fottud friends. One tcolc him and t hill nimtller. and he was used well. They Were front far being licit. 'Thrit, tables were li tut soil 1 heir bedi3 rb cold, end sometitnee the little the Uncle Willietn ate was miesed, by the ho itgry cluldree. but tin one ever spoke unkindly to him nor hinted that he ens it burden. Out nigh 1 ,.it 11 er the 0111 ro had sought his bell anti the children were ,ales', a husband and wife get (.10-WI1 t) 1 say to each o tit et Chet; work was eeeree, the rent betiiiitl, the fuel met rly done, and here they twitted each other i// a shy tvit•y,, its if ashamed of tilt it , thoughts. 'The cold whistled erounil: .tlkie cot tare as if hungetz_itig to nit) Jig to toes, anti the wife 411iVered wtt1 sad lJe iA' too old ;tint feelde-elet u W11.11 fele days hewer,' 1 Itaree't 11 cir,llar lett,' tititseil the, old watt, iet lie glanced tit the caption; (I. 'Bat he eats ouiv Vehy little,' pi uteeicel the wife. A tt blot, elf neer old man battling e itit the fie CH %% inter gide 011,1110 to either anil Slt1t3t1 bete:, en them with timid, ecosst d 111 pplicet ion. F1. sintll stay; they e together, a thi y tust up tied init,le veldt fer the the:tulle be, gei et the do. vs tte if cheat- ed (AIL of ite prey. lieu ning mane eith it meager brenlefast. Thei e wail 001 t'11011141, r1 hinr lint it 10 041 do for seven, nat.', 1 he father f' eeti. leintl tt his face am he (pool the old wan' door and 'Clerne.IThele There wits no reepense, e.t.a when the beet over the old men they found that 11.11 wonld ever, a.ettie field him a imrdee. 'See,' said the wife. 'fie 11 ft.t lint 0 heard on r whispers, 1 hetet is it t 011 his clie,ek.' But he Ittiew lte re olive of env hearts, for he died with it mile on Ids lace,' added t he hn,bai d central Drug Store. OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, EXETEB,. Constantly on baud Pure Drugs et, Chemicals, leelliFtMERT, alt kinds, Bait Brushes, dolit Brushes, Nail Brushes, Tooth liruslics‘ In COMBS our stork is complete. TOILET SOAPS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. Just arrived the largest stook, iter express, direct from unottufanturers. of TRCSSES, LA.DIES' AND GENTS' SHOUT,. °Bit BRACE'S, CREST PROTECTORS. Ilarse and Cattle .1Iedicines 0 Speciality. Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Racipes girstelly compounded Itt Ooniral Drug Store a d FiLuey,Lkoods porium. opposite central Hotel, lixoter ) ItAll/TOBA., 0880 0-1-t First special pass.Inger train for this 3 ear, u111 start from • C EN rR A.LIA 0111 • Tuesday, march lath, • To be Sodom ed by waters on Tuesday, April 61.h • Tial April 20111, • . •Tuesday, May 4111. ht 1 •itaeS S'Ic A tv previ 0 to all the alnree tis.tes. Due 22,00.0 will be Alyea 0:alt f ti. • tune nil!' leg. litttnq elways the low nit and the greatest pain. balts..1 to ha o miiren Ie1401tg 1110t 00111. • DIate 1 Al satbeaetery. 1 4040 tailing those palling are I. -leased from etaxe i22 iten.11.2g 1214122a, l 11,lit IIV, stotk, etti, 150 Ibs Baggage 17ree. 1t lrootway goes tirrough with each Pit..ty. 8 apply 10 al•ro,:xxox, Gw Apeut, ContralLt C.k:(31,1('N, —A L PSIISO„N All E • barony foremei0 10 (41Vol ered11eft my ILO. count 101 my wfIcioiln stint Wastoott, or any ()tiler nes,:en. 0)1 my 1c1or Ithi /LA 1 Will 808 be rospoust• - Mu Or :141'Y surh debt W WESTUOT'it. lrxeter, tfareo 1112. 110. • 31. Ortry a mon th Arid 001,01 g +pi ri lieed te sob • li) 1 el -Trail (40Mikl.ItIu, L Obit. • -.is' • THE TIMES lk. , 4 1: k. .1, Ely ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, of the aandevery affection Throat, Lungs, and Chest, • including CONSUMPTION. A 'WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: "It does not dry up a cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allays irri- tation, thus removing the cause of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles bearing a similar ntune. Be sure you get DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, with the signature of "L BUTTS " on the wrapper. 50 Cents and 01.00 a Bottle. Pre- pared by Sum W. FOWLS & Sous, Boston, Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. 1. A Protected Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, Is as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. When the blood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the deficiency can be supplied by the use of the PERUVIAN SYRUP. It cures a "thousand ills" simply by TONING UT, INVIGORATING, and VITALIZING the system. The enriched and vitalized blood permeates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secretion ;thing for disease to feed upon. ems is me secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boils, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrho3a, Nervous Affections, Female Complaints, And all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or accompanied by debility, or a low state of the system. CAUTION.—Be sure you get the "PE- RUVIAN YRUP." Sold by druggists gener- ally. Pamphlets sent free to any address by SETE W. Pownn & SONS, Proprietors, 86 Har- rison Avenue, Boston, Mass; .N.-,xeter N ort'iL FLOUR and GRIST. MILL, Tieing in cond working.order gives every tenpin dation possible in crIstIdg and. flouring. Flour and mill feed nelivered to parties leavine their • orders before one oieloolc at J. BELL'S lis.kery, or O'BYRNE d;CO'Et, or at mill same day -••0 TERMS (ia.SEI. 1271s/r. E 141-77 I 0 N, 1" 0. •SOUTH BUIZOril Agricultural Society I TO 0 WNEILS OFSTALLION S. A Putt1, 1F80 • THE DIATIONA POLICY 1122 vleg L tl' o ISAAC G s prepared to giro Itizi oristowerft 110irwellte t'113,t will 't1100 Iron) its tvlop blufl 11121 bee o littu,1 a large stoeb of Dry Goods, G-rooeries, Wines ano Lititiors,Crockery Etc At Fain StOr0, St refill: Llixeter, which will be sold which will be sold at priees unneard of muter rree Trude, The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vantage to Sell their produce without pnying market fees, ou the :Faker market,whieh is second to nono in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and ecu,re: Inirrifonse Bargains here to be had in Overooaiiro-, Full -cloths, 13 road -cloth Doe skins, Silks, Winceys,c'Dolaines, Intl everything neededin, the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department very Complete. An inspection in-vited :Nr, trouble to show goods •£SAAC OARLThTG ammasswoonommems......banonammennamtaamsoemraxatem"....mmenmel GO TO JAMES PICKARD'S The UNIVERSAL SUSPENDER. SUINIE REASONS why these Suspenders are better than others lst.—No Elastic required. 2nd.—Is Slack when stooping. never slips off the Shoulders, 4th.—Sold at prices of common suspenders. Try a Pair and Secure Comfort, Manufactured by C. E. RAMAGE, 282 Adelaide S*West, Toronto. • Mut don't IRISH the chance.. Just Received- 8rd Let of those Cheap 'Mini: Setts, erd Lot ,,f Robes, 'Fludeou Bay prime ' Dress Goods and 'Wheels -dirt obeaP, Blankets 121121 EtoffeR at job priees, Grey, Scarlet acrd Emmy Flamm) s ---null prices, For variety in t Latest Stylus, don't fail to see 'tn. MILLINERY. Cloths and Tweeds, neve- better selected, end he best cutter in the. county. OVERCOATS rAir assortment and pi ice unequalled. BOOTS AND SHOES Bought before the bigladvance, Red our customers get the adventege not only of selecting from that largest Stock le towu, bat AT OLD l'RICES. Our object is to buy and. sell at Bottom Prices, mut by rile way people are flocking around We think we are doing it. COME AND SEE, Pier1.),132_. RANTON B ROTHEIIS IrOa BILACIE Coo. 1 • Black Lustres for 12 cta. Black Lustros fo; 20 Black Lustres for 25 Black Lustres for 30 • Black Lit:itrHs- for 35 PARA:MRS, FF, THE LAID 1ackLimit icr wit I feed Too. 7.2 y Superphosphate, Black Lu 't for 45 rarn., ntst for von, lend. A spiey prr given away full of information with t,estbno• Black Lrolties for 60 Arrh-.. G XLMP, Agent, Exeter. Sul• • Black Lustros for 65 DO NOT REA13 THIS Ijavingreceived a lot of new machinery,1 would inform the fartners of the sup rounding comities that I am prepared to mane. facture all kinds of Horse Bakes, Barley Forks, Grain Ortulies. Snaiths, etc, and having sevred the ervices of a first-class Turner, I sill prepared 10 do OF TURNING 111 the shortest no: ice, mild for style and price Tr': I defy competition. Alweys on hand a first- dess stoci: of Fork and Shovel bandies. Mill tali a mile 400111 of Exeter. • A. C011; ELI,. • Bla* Cashmeres for 30 cts. 13lack Cashmeres for 45 • Black Cashmeres for -65 Black Chnieres for 65 Black Cashmeres for 75 Black Cashmeres for 90 Black Cashmeres for $1,13 • Back Crape Cloth for 45 eta, Black Crape Cloth for 75 cts. For anything in Black or any other Goods, try RANTON BROTHERS, Block, Exeter. • Altd. THE EXETER, AMID STOVE DEP A1 AIN ST. 0 Owners nf stallions intending to exhibit at the ;Guth Huroti apeinst Skate, to be hem lireee• • •liTAKE thin epportunnumerous ity of thanking ray customers for past favors. and wiehto chat by a pawn:di! .1 Dile qnowly they:14r0 re Taired Ntional Pocy ;tat, ou Truisibty, ,lat are hereby notified anotify theta awl the public generally that 10 mule their entlie.4 with the etretary, on before lIfogney Pam 12 115 110 011 trieg for h,ren will Be taken after that d.,te. Itetries tor 13 21112. will be taken until 11 o'cloel: in rho clay of the show., • G. ND wrN. ()1)LF'S WELL, t410, Bgrnordvillo 10. 211: T Nil snin viClfts.ttSii, 4 tritium, Aecordenns, alt 'umbrellas tereired. .gout; r the Widmer series sow. ing ;Machines, Seennil. hand Sawing listeldues for • sale cheep, • All kinds. of hoedies and 01,00 as far •w111Od.i chi n F kept on halm Shop.-Urtio Street, shw ova. JOHN O. S.triDON, Proprietor. • IA ay 15 1-y. • NTOTfOE L -The (lheeue omfaeturing Cientpetty scree to hire in hogs to fen21 n11 Whey ae follnwei*W1103,11.11t1 it 1. oto.i.,or month. Titey eroi reeeive 20 from the lot tnfibe itOth f ltfny 50 from the 20filt 1.2 the 1/101 of May ;i0 front 1st to 10th .12111c. Pa r- tir,tr wishing to send us hi igs will address the no• flordiflied on Or beforn it May, Sbraing 1110W 10.11,0y they witRend tittl nt valinA. time. JAMBS L14(1 Mentor Bolger ve ie P. O. •31 I have Purchased Mr, 1). Johns' stock of PLOWS, and scurca DIAMOND !STOVES, TINWARE, LAMPS, &c. &c • HARROWS eonstantly on hand and made to order and have moved my own stock into the building ham), ocee-pied by Mr. Jolliet, lo the Pest Office Bloek where I now have one of the largest and best Assorted stocks in the comity. • Me MILL AN & AlcBRIDE ,avivig now c• ester fseilities then ever, aro pre eared to supply feriners with Iron Beatn Plows Sterol l'enrd, made by caueeives; Chin Plows, Knaoper night ; Seetch Diamoed Harrows Cultivators, aline Ito ws, • flarrirtkies s 01 brifigies on hand, and made to or- ( or 'orst _i shoeing aitli ,ded .te on the shortest 'notice. llorses *oil to prevent interferieg. ItellILLAN11 Afelidile, King Sii.,TIonsall 1.3 E M OVED —H. KINSMAN, DEN. ,partytr Las rem ,votil tt Venson's throe doorg nor:, f 1 Air i{ 0 s 4 • etrtro. i)13ee Allan Line • LONDOND11,1ZRY, C4 LASUO •SHC)3TEST, S*2 A. PASSAGI;.1, INTIedudEDIATE AND STEEMOS lets. 22150 11 • , Persons whiling to sondem. their frIonals din ittitin ptssive (201 1(11611101 11 Inwost, rues trine notateso. ire itind •ti I switlaini to any el by t,rn:11- 21aytolti it. Cans dn. Pull partienlais by apply. nig to CAPT.. G KEMP. Exeter. SPRING MILLINEIIY 1.•1 AT MISS •GARLICK'S \ ow Blaelt Strit.TV 11i Nevi -Sating and Silligo" NOW Itibh,-113,Postlierii, blowers. 11.2221,• Ornaments, ' 0106110'v then ever before. . 1.41 a tl (.1 (lrOOdS,, IThitItit rout Poi eh Snide, Berlin Wools, tree 00e, Neve 13)iti,ti1g Pri,1,1itir IS -.4 11111 11110 111of all. '.2 se ci-nneln, SOO 1420102 WN STBRIET, - IntrAn. ,:•1/ • L11, Cooking, •Parlor and other Stoves THE BEST IN THE MABliBT. • Also a liege variety of Tinware. Unmet. Lamp Clinuneye, Coal Oil and Ontlery. Eastimates given for Eavetroughing. Carriage Plating a Speeiadity. Depend upon it will give you good value for your motley. *• The very highest price in Cash ppid for Hides and Sheep skins. Remember the place—the Exeter Tin at d Stove Depot, Post. Office Block, Main Street, Exeter. E H. SPACEMAN.' Exeter, January 20, MO. T.ELISIs N .3 OMBT Truth Concerns. 'You !lore Than Cumterfeit, Tharstore,read, purchase, and enjoy its burgs ins. When i 8171 nutatufariteivarauy own furniture 11 cm prepared with my proof -sheet that Om people eau inspect at any tiro° by ebillititg. we my Ware+ rooms wbore they will soot superb ilis ides' of Furniture in All Its Branches itt'1.1,T11,1111.rod,hy ,impoill1 1111 iw rominiteit e•rtPitin n111, wilt good vtrltthvnahip 1 del lam not tisitcleYhig the PeoPle With a o41,113 oir stnenitaro that aq,anot b e totaled for totality or price du Exutoto 11 blowing to the con Itvryi notwithstanding. • Mali YOU WANT ANY FURNITURE GIVE J. BRAWN A CAIL Neariyorposite Eemp's Tobacco Store.liain Street, :.T4yeter.