HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-4-1, Page 1Pit0PCIi11.'i, LIST.
e.et tr tel 1 1PF111t71iJN HOTR,L, " llotltrttltm
*or su).o orte rout. Possession gluon first � /of May
next. /for particulars tepnl.y to :TWIN iLLITOkt-
Z:LL;11Breekuutk..r, trretiiten, Out.
Vebruary 1 . iea0, tf
it ,t+entralts, oneerner of Staaiiou olid. Sidi
Streets, I Well fitted up, and suitable for 1)r
Cootie, Gtv,uery or General atom, b'or further
uuttau me np}tlyto J..Ii:. HXNUItI•AN,ldxeter, el
\VilLitkliL)'Y, Ceutrelia,
T'c �•SALiE OR TO R1 NT—A St "re
h:'AICII of one hundred acres on bho Loudon
roar, first oolleest:on, of 3tephcit, near the village
oik;xe,er Apply to Ka, 0141410T, Solid.
tar Exeter, August' '1* .
THLLL'L '1'E:tllS,-O.'wo iii provedfarms o
one hundred acres each, a largo batik barn :int
utucr;mailings oucads place. The row. must 1,
paid ill 'attvatt(e OC satisfactory security (given
.t'or.further dartieulars, apply on tho premises t
\Y, 311• It. QUI VT hN, lot 1, no 4, ': +'• T• n
fifth or alt acre of land, situated near Orth's hotel
Plaivawrcet,and iitthe nest Justness t,ithtof to
sill ago. lin.ildii>:;s,uett''ly t+ew. Quanvity of frni
treason ti premises'1'rle i 8450. Trice given s
,suit the purchaser. ,Apply to YLTLlt WIN lR
Crediton. tn,.
'lVVaGON bliOP AN1).1)\A:E ,Lei\ls
ILOl1 (1 fur sing in Dashwooth, with one
TiA.RIL FOR SA.J.,,E,—L." 6, bauble
eau "pea goo,' brick house, good stable, wee,.
n (i !dice shore inert is troubles the became known as a
lieri0( told drunkard, and when under
the hill:nence of liquor was very n'i:'y.
Elie -whole 'life'1 vele lures been evident
xeter, Ontario, Thursday, April 1, 1880.
Toronto, biarali 20.—The medical
gentlemen who, is in atfendenee on
` ettator l3rawtt reports leis patient to
be in a very tlatiefaotory condition to
night,. "During the day he partook of
hearty in. tile, and chatted and eon=
versed with ineuibers of his reality mid
intimete friends. He looks vallfitleut-
ly furward to the tinge he will be able
to make his appearance in the office
George' Bennett, whose real name is
Nickson, is a native of ttubeuvg. He
left t)obonrg wheu cnmpartive1y-young,
tend agent a gond deal of !iii time in!
the Unit( el States, where 11'e 'acquired
hknowl(dge of engineering, :.((!bout
five year ago he (Amato Toronto and
secured Ptnploylnent,as et nicht. mtge-
neer in the GItrbe ,pre++,s room. Here'.`•
for n nemelier of years he gave etztiefae
tirni, proving thimeelf'to be nsober, in
reuse Stultherh,uU arras, JO acres clearer!, 1 telliigent yotung;01an.
m . - Along with do -
demes, Land ooeile t, l I.
!nilsftenl fort Wake, where: boater run of it
l three
times a week, suer y of.t lntle from Brand neuU'
Con veuieut31.,5, 0.)1aiulellttr5tie6, 011 good road
Prise, 1 ,ild,t ,roti etwy; SLL)Le4U J)i58J111t
3)LV $, Urow:.t. r p o
• ly one in which the man bed given way
ARM F1.111. SAIA.—Lot 14, CON to'ever , vicious asttion—druv)kennoes
ttain•u-100 acres. i0 ? y
ctiseii,n 10, iUa2.l.att.evt e e 1 fi)Hl Inst t'e'll '1119 ridr'm'nant Niece.
6ccres,cl ares tion k g house and fro un barn, p
el10 eutei rouug. °Puha:cl, gritted fruit, 'ibe4 Month 'by. Innnth he erety worse -in'
arui lsw-,11 n•ncot cwt u gJ t
t. 1 od state It eulti- Hese 1•espect'+ until big n-j;lect +'f iris
ration, There is, li 1:trg1'e uantity of black usL,, ,
also a ntv.rr failing well. Per toruis uii fly to,
I1.i2 I Y. Pilltti.Lt'kl' oreditou. Fano 5'
'rental sine o ; lrst-iztte security ata Ino•
skett.tte.:ato of interest. Apply to
.lie V.1:LLTOP,
Atolicitur, Lxctor.
26th Not+. inber,18v 0. tr
! fiats ) •otu tly attended to. Da •s of
_neon, a 1 t?, . 9
eulee deranged at tins 011100.
-t� CL .K, Agesit fair the The
beetle—era itibtlart Mutual Fire Insurance
flompan}', Residenc0-Farquhar, 'Orders b}
mall promptly attended to.
-L! • Land Snrveyer, &o.; will le at for
kt yal ILote),31:tater ,ott the fiat in pact,
mouth. Ordors for work lett with !ttr. John
N.t adieu!au will eooeive 'roiupt Wt toution
N1OTLCE—The Rodgervilln Ohr•eie
tion„faoturiug,Company egieo to hire in
hogs to feed on whey as followu:-Whey and at.
tandaooe, 50 att. per n nits. They can receive Ste
from tho 111 to the 10th ,•f May ; 611 from the 20th
to the last of May; ; SO frim 1st to 10tH Joie. Par -
U06,4'1410 01.5t,,
tlns•4riylri0)5to solidus It ai will address thane
('ershgned on of beforelst May, statim; how man)
tie), will scud and at what time. JAMES LA.'1(i,
:Manager ltodge ry ill a P.O. 3t
money to•loan on in(trttagen, notes and other
$9enrltie$,. Ilents M1' n.econI1ta coltectnrl • ,11 rea-
sonable tnrrus,. Insuran;ce rlt`actecl lu first -drat
Cl nt1pl.1 i.' at reasonable rates. tl,ltce-at Dr
iIvncllnrn's.Main 11 rant 35xew1
• !rum t10UNTY Ol' ]3IT.ILON..
just received for investment on mortgages
,Sit riper cent.
ern reasonable terms.
R. ABBOTT L. D.S.,u.I.E,C.D.,
A JL_. --II
0fl oouveaO'Neilbunk, and opposite Serowe!!
'41Taduato of RcyaiCabjege of
an PRO 0.7 -
• Half Price.
• ass tdi wtRt CE +7
113 it Iron, Carriage and I uild-
8i TardSVMTO,
Brown's leg, was round lying on the,I :DOMINIOn,
carpet in his rooni, several feet frolic
where the wound was given. Lisped- 1
or Stewart took charge (f it after the
surgeon bad !narked it for itlenlifioa-
tion, and it is now en safe keeping at
police headquarters along with the
duties Pul'((•d him `to be di (charged.
frac!l his employment In t)e (lobe. Oti
the evening previous to hi.: f1isehar ed
Bennett rte ht rff meld tette-hie :engi„e
unattended. Fortuntstely the .ni:,'h
foreman's ltttetttio ivite (value.' 'to ,the
matter, and he at once diepn.tt:thb 1 a
messenger for the day en•Iineer, who
came and mit matters delft• hilt noti)e-
fore the l:ni:dina and its contents, in-
elntiing the employes then et 'two l e
wire placed in the utmost peril.
New York, March 28.—The Tribunes
tLuntion sIredial says ••-'l'radesrnien ri-
val the ptiblicans tin political activity,
and are extracting declarations agtunit
on -operation front nnIndrous Canth
dates, including the Ilon, Wm. IL
Smith, at 1Vnstwiuster,
The total number of candidates now
reaclies'nearly 1.100, cotnpri..ing 400
Liberals, 80.i Tories, rand '`J7 Hotue
Rulers. Party managers say the can-.
test is unparalleri •ill this generation,
Betting at the Cerleton Club,, f"rinerly
3 to.l ou a Tory majority, is, now
The alarnn•ig reports of Mr. Glad
stone's Muftis are without finandrition,
except so far as bilious attacks and
over -fatigue.
It is expected more votes will be cast
than at any previous general election.
The course 1'rtirilell is pursuitlg is
deemed snmewhe1t detritneutiil to Libe-
ral interests ie Irelan3d.
London, Itlnrelh 28.—iter. Shaw,
(Horne Rut'r),adressing the Cork farts•
ers' (klub on Sattlydey, suggested that
if the Conaeevtetives Were again return
el to potter and the Irish party were
denied the justice they asked for Ire.'
land, the Irish members should leave,
1 iLrli.ttllaut (Lend cheers.) t
:1Ir, Parnell,in attempting to adires3
the election meeting tit 1f4mtniescorthy.
feat we k, was received with yetle,S5roails
.trait 1t dl'•charee of rt)tt431h eggs by per -
Rohe belthignrg to '4406.' kiteal rection.
Parnell gave up the .attempt to, speati.
as was hit on the face thy all nr.tng',.
caught around the %v)u t,', and. sternly
hailed from the pia€'irm.
London, 141;1>.rch, 20.--C/1. 'Stirtoes.:
the Conservittive%cs'3ndidaie, wits att.ac.k-
ed by a mob near Durham on Wednes-
day, who wrecked his carriage and
utkrleit stones at hint. Surtees received
several cuts ou his head.
Lendon,1Jarch 20. --The Parliament..
fur,. Cameatig n is progressingl wvi'th ex-
e&etlitie vigor and some bitterness. Tile
Liberals and house Rnlere are aggree-
:,ive and omititlet't, midi int m,tihy loculi -
ties are tdeveltipt'tg unexpected strength.
Sot—twee the bast pastert tneu alnticg
the klonr'erv'1t.ive workers 1Lre now lure•
diotiltg that their majority will be re-
(11103(11..:to stn, i(lefft'C.IVO point in the
new Perlhatneet, and that cuneequent•
ly the 111ittistry will rtlalgn, which re-
sult es looked for about the twiddle of
Tail Li13nrm,
L undo!, March Gni.--t ord Herting-
ton, tit Pedieate, hast nigra, pointed
mit iu what respect the policy the Op.
p0110100 would differ from the policy of
the present Government. Ise said they
would not stake the interest or horror
nf E n:land ou the EUhIi115PIUtIIOe of the
independence and integrity of the 0n•`
reformed Turkish Government. They
would net tteat the relations -of the
Turkish G,vcrnir,eltt with its Christian
t.utljt'uts as a m atter of interest only
to liut!sitt and 'fnrkfy. Tiley wouid
not try to di3turb the concert Of Europe
if it M18 United, as to what should be
clone; but, they ,;would d 1 all ill their
power to promote that concert.
..After the excitement 113131 subsided
annnPwlfat N•tr. Brawn gave 0') scennitt
if the nttanic merle ttpo) him, nf'which
the fallowing is an outline: Tho man
mase and knocked at the denr, He wad'
tntd In came in. He pntertl :atm pro.
0'P(13(1 10 glint • the deer bol)1(111 him.,
1►r. Brnwn ritopned, hint, and asked,
what he wanted. Trio man apemee,!
hesitating, bnt at la•+► rP•e'lted a paap•
orr. to elm, anal naked 1 ilii to sign it.
rie said it was a statein'n1 flint he h'a'l
hpnn employntl in the (Met)s office for
five tears. Mr. Brawn Rail t'iiat he
+110011 apply to the headof the (tenant
rent for the certifio'tte, tie he wad not'
'ware of the lnitvth of #its "ery 0 5
1t.nneit re -p ie(d that tit. 11?nr1 of 'the
tlnnnrhn.ent would not give It '1) ilio ,
\ir. Brown then told lifth lea sliotil,d a)i•
my to Mr Tlennlieg, t1'e, Treo6---2t r of
11,e Ontnnnny, 'vin 13;,,c1 the ho Is • n 1
00311(1 tell linty long he lied le ee Pm
•tleyel. Bennett preeeed il•e pap's
'toga Mr. !hewn, ttntl eelte1 him 3n.
to •iryn it. Pi'zn it.” Mr. 13»awn nnn.ti 11
nr1 In refuge, -Tr tPn ]3!3111ntt began
fl'vlc+'liing appal ently at ilia plafnl.1'o •-
lrat, wherennnn it pnaaPrl nitron^h Mr.
Rrna+n''+ mind. Rs hOlimselfPaid "that
the 'little wretch niialtt be mitt i rg to
limon ne." Ile got tl,n 0401 nil+, and
then Mr. I5rnwn t8r,tbbed him by the
"w•i'i.d. and turned 'hi hand (downward.
Rolled got the wertoon, cocked hpfnrn
(IA was oeized, and he at once 'nulled
the !.rigzer, 'batt the mnzal" turned
do rnwnrde. the ba!1 atrnclr Mr. Brawn
nn the niter side nf the left thitzh, talc-
ing 9 elatilingdirection, and n8Cani031
'theta four incites below aid tnwar(18
the beets. of the leg. Air. Brown there-
upon t1 'sled with his acseilent and they
rot()aside the door. still strtirglit)n.
Re pushed Bennett atninst the t2laaa
Partition of the waiting morn, nt fl'n
yams time (sidling for hells, 13v
time the alarm hid been given in the
'office, and a number of enitlnyeesarnsh-
iia Clown, the man woe Prized tend
quickly disarmed. W1111.1 Me4P3'a. A.
Thomann and John A. Ewen held him,
Mr. Brown wrenched the piste) teem
his grasp, end then walked into t}lis
room, carrying it along with him, I3n''•
IIIg the stl+ttd'gle 91 tlhe halltvfi;' Bennett
rnnnatedlq made other attempts to fire
off iltI rnvnlvnr. hut be was prevented
frntn enel(ino it b' 11'lr. Brrmro, who.
nntwitlhstand •nu the fact filet lie heti
eleeady retst'ive+l one 811(1, ileal on to
his wonl(1•he mttr1erer until n istance
cause and he was overpowered.
FINDI'aC: Tan ntTLLRr.
The bullet, which most halm dropped
to the floor after it passed through Mr. dealers. fern!,! 215 Ctsuts,
The d elleville. authorities have
fusel!to issue a license to Old fugersoll
to leeturo there.
The 13d1 to abolish the Legislative
001111011 of Prince Edward Island w is
defeated iet that body by the ctl,sting
vote of the President, '
His Lordship Bishop Lewis hits just
nompleted hie eighteenth' year of ser•
viae in his of ieirtl position as Bishop of
Amongst these who graduated at
tee Kingston J3.O•)llege of NM -
'clans and Surgeons were J Odluni, .of boys aged fourteen, went alone in 1514
Leckliuw, and T. Wilsou, of 'Glencoe. old scow at the Queens wharf bunday.
Robt. Houston, the man locked up The' wind was blowing fresh and a
on Satnrday morning at Port Dal- heavy Bela vas oil, and the scow drifted,
•h.nus a ,for arawit.g a knife on Constable rapidly l:tkewartl. A boat glut off iron).
the Garrison Paint t0 the rescue., but, get-
Rogclre, ercupecl from. the look -tip
earns evening., He wets assisted ort 'by ting half filled lslth, Slit -aut. WWI forced
his friends. to return. Wheu last seen .the •scow
The oil the Crellit. Darkness set in,
the Canada Central Railroad Coin- t wad tug a tl tt wits to late to send a LLM10 after
penny have notified their etnployes that there. There was. great excitement
on dui after the fat af'Alrty their a ni e+ along the dot*, and it is feared that the
Will be rnioed:to,the same rate as they lerhiere last. At daet Lccouuta the.boy3
were in.Jannerv, 1870, w116zt the re. were tumid both dead.
duction took plane. rJ„'11a N. P.' again.
f?ui I+'i'i(t,y aftet:noon, as some boys
No 32:.
lPresidents, and Mr, Hamilton Merritt, .
of St. Oethni'ines, Seey.-Treae., •urd it.
was decided that nc 1alethtlti+le vCon'1-
inittee should he otlueet'by •elistricts,
Purout°, Halniltou and Ottawa baying
two repreeelltatiyes each -
Just think of tit, eight 1an1'bs 'from
awe ewes ! 11 i 1. H. Baker, of tot 20,
coueese,iou 'b, Township of Delewat.'c,•
on the 21 Maros, 1886, had one ewe
give ,birth to three bulbs, and on the
eetn itlstaut weather ewe gave birth to
ova lambs, all of whish are alive anal
doing; well, Wlio,oun beat Shirt ?
E:dwarri Raynor and o'rOlen 1.3nrgess,
Eswknwl or COUNTesrl5r'rs ,tNn Elt1T4Tto:1'.
Phe high reputation gaiu'ld tyklsorAan's Plte-
rolelr. 13ALSAar for the Imre of Coughs, Cold
anti (111 (demises of the Throat and Lungs has
given rise .tospurious iirtitatultp, ' Thegunu-
ine. P15CTOILAL }3ALSAtt has the name. 0f F. 0.
R.agyarttblown in the bottle which. is of tine
large size and sells et 25 ens. We think it
propor• to warn the uusnspoetiug against li+a-
sA)tS bearing 011103 names, 0rremedies offered
as a substitute. L,ok carefully to thia"an('
take 110 Other titan lilerA,.n's PL••u'rOl(A7 BAL-
j.� aieFln1AN's 'MauPowraa't are perfecta,
harmless in their effect.. upon the system, and
31Otbere gltoltl,.. not fall to use them when
their i• the least sue iieinnof tdnrllls,auilsl,nnl'
wni•nlns not exist, the Wortu Potv(10rs will bee
found isormless to the moat delieate nottaitltticlu
runt one advantage at , least !ranted'—:a know.
lelgo tibia Ilia 1ivor,leie proceeds from some
ether femme than the presence of worms,
'thy aro esfe end relieblo, 1,or+Sale bar all
. A. man named Cdonnelly, from Toron were phryiug on the beach near Point
to, was killed 111 elexieo 014e day last Edward, one of there rotted buried ill
weeik ill tt Cglit between :theucl.tivea ,(die sand a mage wIndela .bee. contain.
ant millers. Two A.n.erm ,n8 frons ;ug the skeletou of a otiltr, evidently 131
Oneidli cotsllty, N. Y., were killed tit girl of eight o1 ten yeiers of :lbs. A
the sato tams. string of beetle and a quantity( of long;,
At a meeting' of the Ottawa Press ,feel- iinr was` found in tine,e01,, lig 00
trace of ally eiotbing. r No eyideeuce is
eta yst'f'rt.leainieg whereby the `remain is
.cau the identified.
Last Thursday evening n young mall
met 0oustable Lenglois, of Wiudwor,
un the 4treet and asked kiln if lie caul('
direct hila to the house of a man nam-
ed Bitidrrll, who makes his living by
selling mtittou pies. ell the street. The
apply for their money before a third of Policeman .conducted him to the Holum,
Pl)l time hits expired. 'lore a3seta are aid the 'young mete entered and ael•.
,, p tlre-tsed the oeenpant as father. At
Laatizing Aar better than anticipated. first he repn,•iiated r 11 right to this
Detect.Ive P.' O'Keefe, formerly of titie and professed entire. ignorance of
St, .C11tlll6i003, wile has been noting in his; visitor, bdtethe.I`:tte'r'80012 removed
•aotnaection with,the Pollee fo(ce of Ot; all doubts uoneee inghis identity by
time for eight months past, rendering
good service, hits resigned, and is going
to A•iltuitobt, to watch operations ou the
Canada Pacific Railway.
Gallery on Saturday, the plans,of the
tivtposetl ivaprevelneut of the reporters'
gallery were exhibited. The , present
one i; to be increased to 50 feet in
length, and will give a000In nudatiolt,
to 25 newspaper' men.
The Coreso;itllited Batik 11318 :ztot only
pent in fai its ordinary •oreilitors, but
several larger 01.10:'., who agreed to wait.
twelve months, have been notified to
M. S. Woodhull, watchmaker, of
Sells.irk, coiinty,ofHaiciime d, left there
nu l+iiidily eight for prate nukcewn,
leaving several unpaid bills, among
them :me for board of sixty dollars.
He also carried off Heroic 80 watches be•
tepeatitlg the family history up to the
Urine he left his home, many years ago.
whsle ho was still a child, and titen
there was a general embracing and.
pabbiug and laighing all around, and
03uch rejolciug over the wanderer's re-
The funeral of • the late ex -!Mayor ,
Jlecicalf, of Toronto; which to place
lou,vioq to parties in the neighborhoodStludtt3, was the largest ever` seen in
Mao -
which hal been left for repairs. the city, It was attended by the 14Iav-
On I''i'lay night the.barit:ran(1 sheds or and members of the City Council,
the officers and members of District
Orange' Lodges, members of the 13:a Gk.
Institut-16n "of Ireland, metnbe'•s rof the
eenoieiht Order of Forester*, and 4 large
body of citizens. The members of the
11lasonie lodge to wliieli deceased be-
longed did riot attend, as they wonld
have to take a secondary positio.
There were two bands of, mimic in • the
procession, which took three-quarters
of an hour to pass a given point. The,
remains were placed in the vault at St.
James' Cemetery.
of Charles Selhreiber, ' of Noruiatiley,
wore destroyed by fire. Three horses,
f •Urteutl bead of cattle :and fifteen
sheep perished in the flames. One
hundred bushels of fall when were des•
trued, net Men all the farming imple
menta. • Latta about $3.000. Itleured
in 111e Germania, of Noru enby. for
$600. The apnea of the fire is un-
A magnfiicent now steam fire engine
hits been bnilt by Messrs. Copp Brett.
A. l3ttrry at their eetablishmnnt, 11'amil=
ton, and shipped per•H. & N. W. Rail
way for the Georgian .Bias .bistrict, DAY after day 1 lie evidence
later that the "Myrtle Navy' is the
p •ople'e favorite tol,ncoo, The demand
keeps increasing„ Roti from ever;" pelt'
circle of ceneumet'l who have been in-
duced to try it the evieenee is emphatic
in its favor. Its genuine q+talities at-
wttys hol'is the tri. ride they have once
made. These quai1ties•will be kept nit
to their full stander(1 by the manure°,
of the 'dietres6are gro ttly exaggerated, tnrers of it.; ;itis to these qualities and
and that the men reoeiving relief are the rpa•lnnttbleneee of price that they
;10111411y in better CircUmstaimes, now'ettrih+ite their worked sncoees, '1'n the
than they ,heave been for veere He
j!totes one citeewhere a nntilher of man
employed on the relief, wm•ke at 174
6(1 a week, struck work for 2s G,i—half
where it will be used to a large saw null.,
The engine has a 17 inch cylinder, 22
inch s1rnkt', apnea of 100 revolutions
per minute and 15013. P indicated. and
the dietneter ul the fly -wheel is : 12
A. Toronto gentlemee hes received n
letter from a near relation in the north
of lrelend, who states that the report.•)
a craw ..extlln.
New Sestet Feceo5Y—Things are
'booming' in the We41. it ie prongs=
Pd to hernia the
ln'1nnf��ctnre of anzar
earl syrup in the village of '1'ilso )burg.
rte meteritsls to be mod are C le Q:cont•.
ham and enrnsta,lka, A capital of $a,•
000 will b,)' needed to, start with, The
following gentlamPn are iut+resti,lg
11eineelves in the forma' in.]. of a cnlrt-
nano:--J. SPoor1. J T, Moore, S Jov,
y I. Bilnjan)in. M,.Knlly, W. eloper, 3.
Stev('nu and W. MODauttld, all of Til -
1 son burg,
A� a c1nv('ntinn tlf Oriel(et)'ro, held
I the Bo+sit) ]`Horse, 111e Ontario (kick,
t.l ,inn woo duly flllituecl, It tt•"t. g d'eft
ed to ask the Cr )vertlnr•GenArnl to' be.
cone hrexidnnt. Ctll'nnel Onn11) !1131(1
aura Mr.$.vtuyeiraj yore chosen Vice-
quality+ they willadhere at sell cost, and
also to the price if that be possibl
AAsYALsY1's CATTLE SPres . TLis is a combttln-
tion of Vegetable Atterativns, Duurttes end
Tonne, So blends(' as to maks tlhiv Seine ill•.
best feeder in the worn! for 110(800. rattle, r+lrsop
or pigs. By Alteratire we mean a blood Puri.
fier : by a Du vatl° we finnan a medicine natio;
norm the bladder arunci.'lneys'; by a Tonle so
lineal souitetlhiug that will inereaseap5)etita atl'1
the peer to riigest; ante as %Inflate fond. At
this swoon of the year n. arse 1b. pac1itty is
worth a ton of eomnlon food. Pigs 25 cents.
t -•.•tsar
'.Tax „ ,otit" or rrre N, P. (National Pills). •
Wiith the dry of "N, P." Sir Jelin gainer, the ,
flay. a'vI the Grits nit to tont tit that trlril,t,
fray, V,terewait the reonit:.-b'it Hob.wliit
won will, there is nothing so certain 110 Narrow-
If sink headache, torpid live'•, fool steninee
et' h" a :'T1. Ireli'•oslfn0 or J.tlt .4100.. h'•.Ine 1.011
111 1111 'to deftly it Idol. ,•thoughtin1 'fr'en•le
ever 8 +4tk ih'lst 5,1118• r'11ner trn'1 ISnn't• sly
u.,;, Jet take National Pial. 'Pries 25 e.'uts..:'