HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-3-11, Page 8'et • 414 • TO DEAL -1311S "wad the people ofEaeter Will Atta tit. to the lt,. terest it even there licaetely titan In ir the paf3V. STOOk Crikelereem.--,Ternes leillbrielt, of Stephen, ClolyzmaLvezts oforeetrro!= was sent kip to Geieteileh in dilly last an a 14"'""'" eharge egaiust 1u by the (AMUCone- ----lel-- patty's agent abe at 18 months ego for etetiliug hark off the Canada Co' d laud, and eras lined (yr Boo s $20 damages e2 for treepass 'end costs, k VIA which he wits to pay in four days, 'Instead of elating it, Lie left for parts unknown, and re- , Mandued away until a few months ego. After NOTE 1? AVER, giving the constables oonsiclerab!e trouble , Iie ENVKLOPES, kze-OLSC APS, INKS, &a., &o. Pica Lists ef which wilt be lurnisbed en ap lt t.1113,IG nooksellateletain Street, F.xoter, Ont. !'1h Ir TIIUPstiD;117, ,141.1i01,1. 11, 1880. LOCALIT E Walited. elierman ei mexehelt, Mich., AVittit aflegent In tate emettr at eta, at a salary or. elm per unit au d expeueee paid, leer full Teridemere aatiress es above. Mr, P. G. Simpson leaves for his new home in Ligereolleemetime this week. Sr. --We see by the Expositor that Me. E. Christie has became a resident of Sea - forth, and is there engaged in the livery busi- ness. Exzenn Aese,m.--At a recent skating carni- val hula in Blyth, eeeys the Record., Mrs. L. Thorne, daughter of Mr. Wiu. Drew, ef this tewn, was awardedefirst prize for wearing the best lady's eustunm. Tete spring fair will be held in Exeter ou the lCth of April. For further 1:articulars see handsome illuminated posters, printed at the Times office, which are now circulated, Holm Aceers.—The Local Legislatare having been paoroguedMr. Bishop has returned home after his ,laborious duties in Toronto. Mr. Bishop looks hearty notwithstancliug the bad gases in that Parliament building. A.TTExTrce G. M.—Mr. Homy' Eilber,the now Grand Master of the Orange Young Brit- ons, appears to be very attentive to the duties of the office. He has been visiting the various lodges in Louden, and the papers of that city speak ofliim as 9 clever speaker. He deft no- thing by naives. BATHER AITUSING.—The Editor of the Park- hill Gazette, who is well up iu the poets, cre- dits the line -- "Many a flower is born to blush unseen," to Moore. Bead up, man, read up, or if you don't know the author's name, don't give your- self away in front of the school children. It. looks bad to have them laughing at your pre- tentious. Tem ExeniNATION.—The evidence in the Donnelly affair was continued before Squire Peters, in London, nn. Tuesday last. Mrs. Donnelly. Squires Casey and ;Grant were ex- amitied, but nothing new was brought out M:s. Domilley heard no voice which she recognized, and ;her heehaw.' did not tell her that he had recoguized any. The examina- tion will be continued on Friday. Martin Ho - gen has disappeared. was retakenem Thursday last and, committed to Goclerich jail on Friday last.; for two months hard labor. , It is understood that the 'friends of the prisoner iatena to pay the money and gel 'bis release. The Canada Co. is determin- ed to'carry out the law' against any person who may be guilty of taking their property', and this ease amnia be a lesson to others, S Rev. Mn. Heetneoue.---This gentioneten so 'favorably known throughout the Dominion as es a leetuier and preacher, delivered two leo. tures in the Bible Chriatien °Liman Exeter, tits week, and well snetained therepatationlhe has gained as an oratorical star of the first or- der. The first lecture, delivered on Monday night, was on the "Vittoritin Age," and was as the leoturer said, a gloeifylug of Greet Britain. The gr at reforms that have taken place aur - his the reign of the Qaeou fermea the princi- pal themes of his deseunrse, The penny poet wee referred to in a way that: excited the risi- bilities of the audience. The repeal of the "Lora Laws" was desaribed, the introduction of the telegraph, the railway, and other use al inventions were spoken of. Altogether the lecture wads worth listening to, and 1103 rev. gentleman was repeatethy cheered. His per- oration was n, magnificent effort, teed held the 'audience spell -bound. He spoke for two hours and the attention of the li Corm Wee:tame- The temperature during the week reefer gone has been more like that of winter than at any timeewith dae or two 'eteeptione, since eTow Years. The roads are frozen hard, and instead of people going, about iu their shirt sleeves, as they could do all win. ter, they make the best use of overcoats and wraps, and mitts. The roads, which were very rough when first frozen, are gradually being beaten level with constant travel. Tun Masrrone PARTZ.—Greenwny's first peaty for Manitoba luxes Centralia on Tubs- • dey next, so that all who intend aceompanyiny him to the future empire of the west have not much time to 'make preparations. Among twee who are, going from Exeter are W. H, Trott, and James Dew. Mr. Trott thinks be Onn "boot" all the people of Book Lake Dis- trict, and Kr. Dew thinks a moinummt artist will be needed after some time. To THD Penexce—Having been arreete(1 on charge of steelier; a Bet of IlarDeSS, I desire to state to my friends and customers that the case Wag dismissed with coots, the principal witness for the proseeutor swearing that he never sold harness to hint (the proseeutor.) "1 ani therefore at liberty to attend as trend to the wants of my customers, - who will find me opposite the Central Hotel, where a new }dock of furniture has just arrived. Undertaking at moderate prices —bag Das w. Peeve:melte—We understand thet e co11. template(' eat erteinment in aid of the ittecieno ler Inetitute, has beau postponed indefinitely. When it conies off the people rosy eipect rick treat. Pall particulars wilt bo duly given, The atienserel pe..tiou of the laet progr 'am% was so well received, that something of the same kind, wile be petivided (main the next en- teleahnicient. 'he Institute has np.hill work, s • : ,tents never scene - ed to flag for a moment. On Tuesday even- ing the subject of hi lecture was "Martin Lu - tiler." He again spoke about two hems, dur- ing which time he touehea in a masterly way upon the Bailout pellets of the g.teat Reformer, his birth, his edrication, his discovery of the bibleetis indigo titian at the sale of indulgences, his dieussion• at the Diet at Worms, his exam- teuicatiou, etc. The most laughable portion of the lecture was the descriptiou of his marriage to the nun he had assisted to escape from the nunnery in a herring barrel. At the close of both lectures votes of thanks were moved and secondecl,and healthy carried by the audience. Rev. Mr. Webber fahret the ohair in his usual manner. The church was well tilled an both occasions. The Y. P. O. A. of tue B. C. Church' deserve the thanks of the community for ob- taining the services of so excellent a lecturer and putting the price so low, 10 cents. The last lecture by Mr. Handeoril, we believe, eon, eluded the course of lectures for the seasou un- der the auspices of the Y, P. C. A, 'THU alms gave% 'very varied and'illuetrative ad. argils produeed much inerrintetat. The choir than Wang "City of beton. Wailes' which WAS followed by lden. did recitation by Mr. P. Hesodersootont titled 4The Self ilighteoue Man." A duet, "The Poor Old Slave," was sung by, the juveniles, Misses Tina ray and Carrie Chapman. anal was well re ceived and applauded. Rev. Mr. Hert• ley then tendered a ry useful anti in- tellhrent address to the youth, followed by "1?he Prodigal Sera" by the Choir, after whioh Mr El. Marshall deliveled "Curfew Shall Not Ring To -night'' in good style. A number of totes of thanks were then tendered, and the choir sang "Ten Thousand times Teti • Thonsand," when the benediction W85 pronounced and the crowd Illepersed, after having spent a very enjoyable ev- ening. The proceeds amounted to I $18. A social • sits held in the Setmith Church to dispose of the provisiunri consumed at the teetoneeting, After tea a good prograntine executed, and a very pleasant evening spent. • Crediton: SAD ACOIDEbTT.--00 Monday in: rning a young 01811 about deveuteen years of age, sou of Mr. Haury Hudgins, living about two miles west of Crediton, met with an accident whieh reeelted in breaking both his legs near the ankle, lie was iu the wood chopping, in corn.. party with a son of Mr. Richard and had chopped through a tree which measured about two feet iu dinoneter; the tree arae about falling on a mall lying at the rooteanct vourig Hotigins went to pick • it up. The falliug tree caught in another in its desceut, which caused it to fall or euch a meaner that, it struck 'Hoagitis roi the back while lie was trying to make his escape, and knockitig him to the ground. rolled on histlegs, both of %%loch were brokenas anove stated.' $ Ine of 'his ribs were alto brokou. Dr. Rolline attended • roe -ea. Hiobert. . 'Osborne. We have betted many instances re carded lately of the early arrival of stun - mer bit ds in this section of the country, but the strangest thing we have heard •in . this connection is veuclied for by qr. Sohn Dulbridge, o trshorne. lie says lie was walking, through Ins pas, tare field en the fifth or March, and. was sterprieed to see common prey bird fly up before him in an excited way. Ou looking near his feet he dis- covered a nest in the old grass oontnin. ing five eggs upon which the grey bird had been sitting. He wants to know what other farmer awn breed grey bledS as early in the epring aq Conercro:—The Commit met the 8th inst., in the Town "fell, pur- euant to adjournment. • Al] the *mem bers present. "Minutes of previous ineetine !Tied and confirmed, Moved by 3. 11,01s, seconded hy H. Horney, :hat the account of. S. Pickard for Inm- ber and mile. amennting to $7.83 be raid. Itroved by J. Hackney; seconded I I-1. Homey, that the acoount of White & Sons for printing, amounting t in $11.50 be pa.—Carried. Moved hv J. Shier, seconded by J. Mlle, that Thos. 0 ;ales, 'treasurer, receive $5 for pottage and etatimery for ,1S78 and 1870.—Carried. Moved by J. Hells, seconded by H. Heeney, that the tend er of J. White & Sens for mmiieiptif printiug for 1880 bp • accepted, it being the lowest.- Carried. • Moved by J. Rider. seconded 'by' J. Hackney,. that D. Kirk, S. Frannie and A.InTrew Moir, be feoce-viewers for the current year. —Carlied. Moved 3. Hackney, sec onion by J. That J. Hunter, J. Dempsey, sr., M. Routley, J. Hauls. wood. Alex. Moir, T. Polterd, A. •Cele and W. Gilfillan be poond keepers for the enrrent year.—Carried. Mover! by J. Shier, seconded by J. Haoltneyolott the Treaenrer's report of acteriunts to, received and alTepted, as they have been rtorlil'ed and found correct, sod that 150 onpies bo. pritited.—(tarried. moved j,fliJs,Regotideci by H. H ney, that the auditors ho paid $7 escli for fthaiting acosonts.-0'arried. Mev - ed by J. Shier, seconded by J. Hack. ney, that Thomas Coates. treasnrer, bo instructod to purchase froin 3. Hamilton, two of the TownThip of Osborne debentures issued in far if the. London, Huron & Brnoe B. R., with the funds belonging to the einking fund *cermet; thin council agreeing to the terms ,tf pnrchaee, viz., stook at par, cornmvi, per .oent. int. paid ;o;orn to (fate of pneolinse.—Oarried. Moved J. Halls, seconded H. Homey,that Joseph 'Hewitt revive $5 for re'fieft—. Cerrted. 'Nfeved, by II. Horney, sec- onded by J. Hallq, that W. Miliaria be paid the' Mil of $14 For seven weeks board of W. Rook, up to the 8th —Carried. On motion of J. Hackney, seconder/ by T. Shier, tbe council a11. jemmied bit! first Saturday iu April at 11 o'clock.: N. J. Coteetx, Clerk. • Mr. Tlintnas Oolgsboon has sold his Clydesdale stallion “G'leuctiirn,"'for the sum of $2,000. He purposes inttiort iug one to take its place', Ajob Was let for the erection of as belfry 011 the echo ‘1 bone, A. 5, No.7. Hibbert, to 'W. Pinniti. Tho will be put rip in 8 few week. A farewell party was given to ltles4re. D. & W. \Vhyte by the people of "One section liefore their leaving for the wilds of Tnrtle Mountains,in the North. west, where they inteed tithing no land. There absence will,he inuelt felt, in thie neighborhood, as they were influential member. societg. As Mr. NI' Lean, jr., was returning frotn Hem:loll on hosebaclothe horse be. came rinmanitgeableoeml threw hie rider' Ove) ite head, slightly injuring him. nay'. A. very eneeeseful t08-mepting wry held it the 0. M. Ohnruh, Soxmith, 01, Fiiday last. Ie spite of the bad rods, good crowd of young people gathered .alld all enjoyed Abe splendid repast served ta theta, APer tea a good mu. Nicol literary programme was ren- dered. A good choir Waal pest and did good eervice 'doling the evening ;sir. Simon Daw was elected chairman, mud after a fetv cooeise lemaks, celled upon the choir, who sang "Sing it out with a shout" Aar. N. Smith then r• ' le• ree .„ itYi we ehoold soon live t More law abiding nontttry. Mr. :sines flAgins, one of the Bid &tip!) Pioneers) died at his resithome, treat. "Amen last Week, Doteet'vee Ileautur and Shutilioe, arreated two coulitieuee men on the Dem. Sarnia itttely Geo of them got all with hand eras in his right hand, , Thu oilier is in the lock - Some &alto etitte n towI1(tI1ki( It's 7000 or '70,000 potil,ds which comes to Dr, Panehon'e sheer) of the legacy left by his late onele; Lie W. Morley. Anderson. Lanot OWL. ---Mr, George Loodstsn, , eine , of the tuwoline, shot, OD Sat 01(10)' last, 'tutorrebruary (9,18as, a large white owl ott the farm of Pater Gowanfol, seven itartteeteseentr.,.pzeirezBy.treitstemeveemoteseelteraw.A.600.,, ) , ; meaeu ring foal.till, es f, out tip to tip. The ehot s a8 made with a rifle. A Cuix.D'a ilogg TAXEDt near. -....._ FilmiMet Or.leeMeS. -s—b ti Sat urd ay, VAR /1 11, 1.SPO OOTS,SHOES Al\TD :EXAMITZ3S. et, ettio fT (wing puree sed ;010 Pont and no's 11.100' of W, }L Trott, we eau now eller to ttke reline une of tele nest an -1 Cheazast StcokS of ready nmete were over offered Et.'ter, We' would LLINs, vanitet those in went or tirst-oltos home.rmule Do15 and Shoes, eelveet stud I Pgrea; that we eau supply them witn what will give sat- tatection. Repairing acme at lowest retort and satisfaotion criers toed ;tau .01,1 eon f marsolves, forget the place Bacrettee C. RAORETT. I R. AI3RAII.M. the 28th ult„ Messrs. Richord Wiles New York, • March 5.—Twe Mue. oue of them Fiera Glicg f- ur wood the short god Robert, Birch cot one cord uf it 13'11.'1:31;s' old, were plitying yesterday neon time of eleven and half minutes, etoPoitra to tithe a short ou the stairway of a terreinent house rest bot one° doting the titno. Te)at No. 19. Chryetie street, 0101) a taroe dine was kept by Itlesers. D. Wiles and ,lug Mend baboon 4310110 down the stair - W. Doted& aud the performance wit- WO)' 11911 noper Rimy, seized Flora ley flossed by John Dickhison, James M nr- tbe ehouldere and chattered su hbr isee, ray and others. The tree was felled frightening both chillren into lsud nut - for them, and they started at the Nett and cut off twelve tengthei before rest- ing. It was beeell, green, aud melte ored nineteen inches through. The work was performed on the farm of Mr. John Wiles, on the t,owutine betweeu Futiarton and 1311snehard. Beat it who eau. ...••••••••111 ' North 'Middlesex. The Ailsa Craig wily°, made by. thr old Irish ]adv there, is said to be worth any thing, for tbacore of. Kings BTU, ()Oneer, all • other running or open gores. Write to Rev. '1'. Atkinson of that piece, ns he kuo ws all about ib. 1111 to be loped that the class' of mon wins servedon the jhry at the Coroners In q n est, Isn!min, truly. not have imitators in the twelve men, who may he called upon to try the oases before the Jnrige of A.ssize, Threatening Outiet:0 are 1) ,e0Ming too prevalent of the late. ItIr. Vigi Iriee,e has got over the boundey hues of Bidrinlph, and now threatens death surd (100)0011.ot in several other ports of the oontitry. M GoAllen and W, Thompeon of Area, are among' the 1entne0 onea now, if 'Lenity to the (hello cruelty to the country woe more MANITOBA. Winnipeg, March 6. --The Dominion cues, The bob ,on changed its bold, , seized.the girl by the elivells and Xt. o±1 her noise. Tile child fell down in. sensible with, the flight and pair, and the baboon escaped t ,the roof. Flora's 'mother raised au °tritely and alarmed the treighleots, who, tothjeeterfeoe that le Olete lied bitten the girl bi.gan . to ern - sad° on the neighborhoad curs, Fin- ally the girl who tool berm playing with Flora besame s!,fliciently a:impeder:It tra 'tell what, she had seen, and the atreette aLoontO the teens.° were soon lilted with. Government calls for tenders for the operativeie from the neighboriug factor - construction of a temporary pile trestlee Lula others who heti heera that an. bridge at Wionipeg, prolaisbly for th LI raug-ontabg 1384 et -expect from a Bow- crossing of the Canada Pacifie tail. ety heosenne and hod bees killing a way. number of people. Meu armed with A number of men have arrived from otwit alto ohot.gees Faro aneeonane. tied the bou.e. A outs werape,m3 Surro411) squad uf police under 11 inalsinan Ma- • guire also turned out and a sear ell was made for the bah° ti. Two or throe thousand people emptied themselves in-, to the street from the adja.c.nt bnild- logs, but when one cried, illot;te he ire' there was an immediate . ,ttattering , esiong Rai croet as to places where he wealdutt lee ' likely to be. The police ef and a number of volauteers went tio the ftk roof of the tenement. R , • nifsman Magni: e caught a glimpse ofth bA,,ou perched on the top of a ellientiay. A !timber of shots were fired without ef- fect, atet1 the chase eliti down a water- eieunt to the yarit. T, e policemen hur- ried down al other way, and found the baboon chattering near a corner of the fence. He was iteteiu made a target for whic,11 the policemen's pistols, and one of the shots struck him in the thigh. , He tried to limp away, 'but a mechallic froen one of the factories struck him on i'llet, Saskatchewan mail has arrived, :ate head with an iron bar anti killed Leine; too weeke tete. lane. Tile Ifealaion meat) tired ever three The temp nary railw ty bridge across feet, atia is supposed to have been part the RA p, ,7,1. at Winnipeg is to be Male assets of 901110 I3owery 1)) 056)310. eadfx use bg.i. on 15th. The pereons in charge 01 a (00901311)(00901311),.s, oy in the rear of the tenement -bet -lees de - contract fifteen of the C. P. IL to sne Contretetor Whitehead fur wages due them. , Another stilts is reported ins ininent, • The Sasltateliewan mail has arrived, being two weeks late. The Grand Jury report favorably on the oondition of the hospital. of the imports of Oanadiaiti eceals for Febrnary were $19.501. in excass of the February previous. Battleford repo. Is state that meet- ings have beets held in the vatus set - 1,1 41ments' protesting agains1. the mettl- e . or d intended abolition of the Lieut.. Guve. norehip. Messrs. Paterson, Taylor, rand Prit de's excursion parties were all dett Med at the boundaty by e severe bilizerd was then ragieg. Superintend env kytarkey snit oh the oars at Int disposal to meet these emigrants, and 113y arrivcl safely. • nied Owilel ship af him, and the corpse awaits a claimant. The injuries of Flora Gist z, thonsili serious, are not 515ee8Sarily fe,131. Elio is disfigured for life. Tot.B BONITELLY CAS...117 ETED DI::PADTULIe. JAMES A ('(Html 19 ihroncl that James Keefe, Wit0 Was ilepoisiod ..o as a, witness for dee premeaa jell in the Donnelly oaee, his left the collate y. The report ;pleb that he purchased a ticket for Nebraska. A. correspondent says Ile bonglitt bus ticket at the Grand Trutik Station at Toucan on.Thorsdity eyenilig, last and started the following morning, ticeom- paded by Patrick h.efe. • He Woe a warm friend of the muideret1 and ie the man whom Bill Donnelly stated ti a, he told all tie saw trod beard at the murder four or five hours after it happened. The prosect don, therefore, expecte:t from Inni 11 • repetition of that part of Donnelly's evidence 80 118 to wake it stronger. The reason of his hasty &Torture is is,)t known, and it appears to have been kept very quiet. Some say that lie left to era but ef barm's way• tbat the 'Vigil, once Cointnittee or otlier blonde of the prisoners intended toput hint whole he could not give evidence against them. Those who disbelieve 13111 Donnellt 's story, and hold that it was made' np, hint that Keefe did not like the idea oT being the c irroburator of another's per- jary, stud left the couutry to esaape the witness box, but whichever of these two surmises may 1)0 01)310131 13i absence will certainly hurt the caee for the p,roeecu. tion, People will hay there Wits 110 need (111)01) going ft a ay ou nccoant of fear, and that ' the antholitree could easily have nittrded hint protectioo, while they will argue 00 the other hood that his departure is a ettoug proof of the untruthfulnese of Bill Don nelly's 8torY; that when it a ns bearitio the seratchin r point Keefe weakened, 8o as not to place himself in aepoeitiou that might after -wards beget trot J strictly carried eat by, mon in author; bie., , . ree roreteree,ererater...,,eerto "re',"t; ea" rut In Chatham. Chatham, Out, March 7. ---About 5. Iv) tits morning a fire broke out in .the letrire of Mr. J. Watts grocer, Xing street west. Thelli e lirt1 ebtained con- eiderable Irendtvay before beingdieboy. ered, and before the engines ''got 81 work the storee of Mr. K. Uvonhart,„, grocer, arid T 11. Smith, dry goods, were enveloped in 'flames. The storee', of. Mr. A. J. Wilson, dry goods, and': Mr. R. 111. N ortliwood, HOOD. follitwede The lire was checked; by igessrs. Mc-. Koogli's Inick block on the tgma, Ana it, ' Mr. Goodyear's on the Wet. TIlo losses are. as near 35 oan be: ateortain- ed, as, follew,o—T. H. Seneth, ate ck, valued at, $10.000, tot 1 lase; building; owned by J. & W. McKeegh's, 1058, $1,500. J. Watts, steak, valued 01 $1,200, total 10.:18; therlre(1 Air PO(); brolding, owned by the ItfeIteen estate, ' $1,000, 1, tal ioss. 1 '0'ionhart, oct. eroot"nt and owner of building ne.d stook, $4,000; nart of stock saved; loss., P10- b bly $2,000 eo stock and $1,500 ATI briilding. A. J. Wilson's stock, $9 030, the bull( of which wee; removed; hose probably about $1,000; folly insured, rhe building was owned by Ilictuird Miller, and valued et $5,000, total los ., R. M, Nortbwood'a stook, valued at about $10,000, t u Intik of which was removed bot sreatly damagsd; inenrod in So,dish Cottunst 04311 fur $1,725, 130)11 and the 11 lyal Oapailian for ;$1,000. The ouilaing wit; os lied by the Green estate. The trout port, built of went is total loso the brick; bahOtOgiu the t''tr woe, sieved, bat detneged; less abotit $3.000. is not known how .110 hie originated., r 4.3