HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-3-11, Page 7'1 1 n• Itee MABLCIR 11, 138 THE TIN 5 13OR4ION [TLa1S, The iineu trade is very brisk in Bol fi>,Kt. I+treitl aoe'ltiuts of greatly iucreascid ' dietl'eee c nue front Ir•elatel. Ilnb•iU 1,11, tea Leek et death rule of 23 uitiee itf Geeat Iltit.tliu: An .NI•itlt'tui, among sheep in the West of Englitad i3 itt'ut•ilio stow des. inlet ivo. The wore or piercing'Jlount St.Cr u - hard was u.,ul,,leteri ou S tiurtlay U Jot• log. .A. private telegram from ,Ttpatu stalrts Hilal there was tilt oartl'ti•Ittke at. •Ye(ltlo on the 25 ult. ',`.'lie 01 chuff exipenees of Lortt. Perm- eoy at Liverpool tt•t�re $95,1100• -with htlthiig Whet(V(l• to 'show for firma. The ilial birtlui:tyof VVattnr Magi, WAS celebrated at the I' pot's reuidenet', ou tile 20.1i alt, iu a Most epteudul Six small Steamers cnnstrneted fol the trig or 13LLll;ians still be shipped next mouth from Liverpa,ol to fur Stau• ey's nee ori the Congo.. Quion '\Tiotori••t's iimoine is $0,300 it clary. The Czar has more thou tate other European snverign—$ .,OOO a day. But therewith `;juts no•t_ treacle aud comfort,' Tao (ttwo'pveeer of the pot sea; of In k- i:.g artificial diatnoiitts attva 16 ii too 13.)314 to become R-)vthing inure thou a mese laboratory ex!potilrlunt. Several moulders wit.) serge employ - Sed by the len tr•,aotors of tile' sty brick o testified tha the quality of the iron us- •tu1 fur the (shadings was vc•'ry i'il,orior. 'The column.; were Freincntly clot' ctiYe. of unegintl thiclnless,erttc:(e(i and sc•tb- boti. The crack, tiled holes wtar•3 filled with putty or c;meat and paiuitetl Qv- er. Sir Jame? Fargnson., formerly Uu- •der Seert:t.try fol iutlim, anti at one time 3 bvernor of New Z Taint, 'ha- been aptpoiated Governer of B.,lubay vice Sir Kinnard Temple, vrl►usa terni of office bate expired. • It is stated lhat irl one of the drought. stricken pr(.vinoee of Brazil 200000 pers pay leave tli.ed fro'n starvation. and 1300,000 from pestilence, and that a quarter of a rnilliou are being fed by Abe Government. Genera . A Boston manilas invented a process of making paper boxes directly from the e;tsla. It is snits that by the use of one sot of his machines thirty thou wand boxes eau be produced in a day, at less that ono -third of the lowest marl't price of hood -made goods. Dr. B. Joy Jeffries argues before the Naval Committee et Washington id he - half of a petition for a test of colo blindness aucl visual defeats in tiro navy and merchant marine, and for an inter- national oonlmiseinu to establish nn- iforni standards of regni'ements and tests. The Penitentiary of dliseissippi is at Jackson, and keepers have trained bleod•hnuuds with which to hunt es- caped prissdnters. Recently the hounds got after the wrong 1 e -son, and ran a hunter up a tree, where be remained for more than au !tour with the howl ing dugs just comfortably out of vac!). Two of the daughters of Longfellow the p, a art 'prirsn'tie ithe Harvard course of study for women, and one or the eleven speaking at the junior exhi• bition of Wed,leyan University, Middle- tbwn, Conn., which wilt take place on the 80th of March, is a daughter of Professon Von Vleek, of that bestitu• lotion. :lir. Celment Herschel, a civil engi- neer of Boston, itas submitted a peau for slatting a ship canal across flaps Clod, at- a cost very much less than itas been estimated on before, and its a manner not contemplated by any en- gineors who have hitherto examined into lie feasibility of the work. He thitllce that the work can be done for a little less than $2.000,000. Two boy, of Davenport; Ia., were ctstiug tlieir,fish lines in the 1.fi.eiriysippi recently when one of the hooks canght on an object neat' tite eh ire which proved to be the handle of an iron ado. With` pulley and tackle they landed the prize, Rod' sold it, unopened, to a junk dealer, for $2,50. The safe proved to have belonged to the ., steamship Effie Afton, whichwas burned and souk twenty five ,years ago, allel is supposed to contain several hundred dollars. Search is making for the clerk of the steamer, and its the meantime the j.ultk dealer has been enjoined from opeuiug the sate. • A. big pig was killed at drum's Maw, 1OW York, last Waaucaday. The ahi- mal measured five feet two ane one- half Niches runtid his chops, and boveu feet nu(l one Web in girth, was seveu feet feint; slid weighed 1;101 pounds, the operation of fattening it began Ilial Srltteniber, and it was allowed twenty- four of'neiat and two of sugar. It was lost itt l) a. in: and 9 p. m., and also bo• 1weun areal:, ae it were its 3 p. m, Dar- ing the last two weeks ks it had to be feed with a ladle, as it was unable to feed it-" tielf. It was to i fat to wallsBOLT too fart to 'Fat'. It waas Of the Chester white twee, and wat,l three yetis i and nine months old. IOW Illl'D DO IT. Central Drug Store. OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, EXETER. Several luau were gathered at the cher of a blacksmith shop ou Case avenue the outer morning, when 11 schtwahey not over nine years of a7,0 onto: along with tears in his eyes. One of the group asked : 'What's the tubtter boy—fall down?' 'N•ntt, but I've got a hard Wit—natio losson ati(1 1 expect to get nuked!' was the answer. .Let me see, I used to be a king -bee on frectinn,t.' 'Ryan 1 Find tate least onrnrnon mul- tiple of the denominators of the frac- tions for the least ootnnt•'u denominator by each rlenotulmttor and multiply faith terms of the fractious by the quotient obtained by each denominator.' IIe read the rule aloud and asked if anyone e dull nudorstaud it. All shook their heads, and be the', continued: 'Well, now, X think I shonttl go to work and discover the least U000rnolon tgitater, I would then evoi ire a parall- ad according the intrinvic deviator and Liam:Mate tete thermometer.' 'a•l wonul 1!' answered every plan in shortie, mid one of theta added: I've worked 'Rin out that way a tllousauil times!' ot one of the men, all of whom ;were in business and had made money, could even understand the work - big the rule, much less work exampled by it, and yet it was expected that a eine year old b ty should go to the bl.ockhoard and do every sutra off eland —Detroit Free t'ress. 44.4114•4 DON'T GINE UP. \Vhat if you have tried different "nut tip” medicines in vain. Have you not been equally ditapninted iu some phy 8ieiaii0 Do flet consider your 0 se nu• til yon have tnttde a through trlsl of Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines. Ti,oy are chemically pure, of uniform strength, and have come into general use by reason of superior merit. In ease of general and nervous debility, eun-nalpli 'n, bronchitis, dyspepsia, "liver complaint," sorufuluns bunches, ulcera, and eruptious. the Gntdeu Med. ical Disc very is a speedy aid positive ure; while th•,nsnn is of wotne ,, who had For years bean bed•riddrn, have, by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre. scrintiou,been restored to perfect health. The introduction of these t. u remedies has revolutionized the treatment of chronic diseases. Patients are pro long- er depleted and salivas as the tonic and alterative properties of the Discovery tong since demonstrated a better way. Ladies need no longer submit to the use of the °emetic and knife, as the 1+'avorite Prescription is gnrra meed to cure the diseases s,to weaknesses pecu- liar to woman. Airs. Samuel M. Keen• per, of Gallendet, Ind., writes, "Yonr Favorite Prescription and P1eaeant Pur- gative Pellets have saved my life.' The hungry dream of feasts, the titrsty of water, the drol Gicnl of drown. lag the sick of health. To enjoy health, beware of every ailment, and if suffering from di -eases of the kidtleys, etc., nee Victoria Muslin and Ura Ursi. If taken in time, this great medicine will prevent Bright's diseases of the kidueys, diabetes, etc., and posi- iive:ept;citic iu all diseases of the uliq- tu'y systetll. Fur seic by all dealers. PO,ITIVE FAcT.—Nervonennes is toe souse of "feebleness, or the lack of stability of the nervous system, as dis• tioguisbetl froln•the rc'p't- of the body. is pre-eminently a disease, and more ' widelY Spread through the Iiorthert, and Eastern part of the United States and the Dominion of Clarinda than in any ether port of the world. We will not stop to,say why this is the rase, hut, WO do emphatically say the Vic- tni'itt Compound Syrup of kTypophnr-i plates .will be found an id'valtlablo tau- dicilie for all parties afflicted with Ner• vonenes5, Dyspepsia. Couhulnption, Defective Nutrition,' General D,.•bilit.y, or weakness of the whine system. One of the first effects is lilt increase of the nervous or vital energy, followed by a feeliug of uuusulal a otifortand stlems( u, Fur sale by all dealers. Const.lutly on haul fuse Drugs & Ch$mrioa1s, PERFUMERY, all kinds, Hair Brushes, Cleth• Brushes, Brushes, Tooth Brushes. Iu COMBS out• stock is complete. TOILET SOAPS iN ENDLESS VARIETY. Just arrived the largest stock, per express, direct from manufacturers, of TRUSSES, LADIES' AND GENTS' SHOUL- DER BRACES, CHEST PROTECTORS. Horse and Cattle Medicines a Speciality. Physicians' Proscriptions and Family Rceipea carefully compounded at Control Drug Store and 1?auoy Goods EmjorLtun. opposate Central Hotel, Exeter' UP WITH. TIMES -0- P.\RTIES INTENDING TO PURCHASE ORGANS S•IIOULD CALL AT and Examine his Stock. the Best that are Made. DOMINION ORGAN CO.'S. THE EXETER Planing Mill, Sash, DOOR AND HIRD PENR71 ALL KINDS OF TURNING Done to order. aotnombetthe place nIT6x it:award Mros. HE TSALT. PATRONIZE HOME INDUTSTRIES. Why go abroad for your Furniture when you can get as Good Valne for your money i,i Hensall as in auy other Town in (Janada? .7' I . 3 .I .isT Has now on hand a splendid stack of krTTItN.ITTT E OF EVERY DESORIPTXON, Which Ile Will Sell at Prices to Suit the, Times. UNDERTAKING In all Its branches promptly attended to. Arno a F IRST i,LASS HEARSE, Which he will furnish for FUNp1RALS on rocs- amble tortus. I Contracts for Building 01 every descr'ption taken on most reasonable tonna. lf:atorit.l furnished if desired, Remember iho Honsall S'urniture and Under taking Establishment. S FAIRBAIRN. REMOVE )L.. RAO would remind his nUlnetone Customers that holies removed to the shop forworlyoccupied by ter. Road, where cis. Will be round evorre tdv to atte.,c1 to all business in the SCOT,. 11.4 SHOE Sine. 0. IIAU, Uretiitou, . .axeteli' N oral 'LOUR and GRIST MILL, Being in good working order gives every aecuua- datiunpossible in gristidg and flouring, I` loor And mill fend delivered to parties leaving their orders before one o'olook atJ.131.1:L14'S Isakory, or O'i31101 V CO'S, or at mill saute day TERMS c ASI . W . ITWIQTCP EXIE,TE,pt 11 D. Illustratd Floral Gale. A beautiful work of 100 Pages„One ColoredFlow er Plate, and 500 Illustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and Vegetables,' .with price of , woods, and how t'. grow them. All;tor a Avo cent stamp In English or German. . VIGH'S SE&'Dir are the best in the world. Five Cents for postage will buy the Floral Guide, tel- ling how to got them. The Plower and Vegetable Garden, 170 pages, Six Colored Plates, am' many hundred engrav- ings. For 50 cents in. paper covers; $1 in elegant oloth. In German or English. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine -82 pages, a coloredplato iu ovary number and many fine Engravings, Price $a1. 5 a year; five copies to ,5. Specimen numbers sent for 10 cents. 8 tJal CO los for 25 cents. Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, N Y Iv.EW .t3UllCHERi SHOP r'ylhe undersigned wonldinfortn the inhabi. tants of Exeter and. vicinitythat he has OPENED A. NEW BUTCHER SiiOP one Loor south of hisBlacssinithshnp andhopes thoaame liberal patronage that has boon at: corded to him intim ELAOICSAIITU .tNa waesN MARING linowillboextendodtohim [Hills umbrella o btxdness, His meat wagon willeal] at the root - dents of the villagethreettmeseacl weekand FRESH MEAT all kinds kept oonstaut13ln hand at hie Liu tohershop,. Blackmithing and wagon makingcarried on as usual in all its brancbet R. DAVIS. DOMINION LABORATORY, HU\IPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS. These preparations are arranged to cure every diseased condition which it is proper for amateur: or family to treat. Hundreds of phials sued monthly. Call for List and Manual. PEERY'S COMMON SENSE TRY G. A. Hyndman FOR Fresh Groceries, OYSTERS, ORANGES AND LEMONS FANSQN'S BLOCK, EXETER. Nr; w OODS,NEW CrOODS Horse &Cattle Medicines �e'ethel,th constantly arriving at W. D. McGloghlon's Mammotht rsusttorLnd ntrio. Whenever he Por- es.: City don't fail to visit this fine establishment, the only Srst•ula-s store of the kind in the City, and best arranged Jewellery store in the Dont' nion, The W. D. McOloghlon Watch stands un- rivalled. Ali who ,se thorn recommend them to Choir fronds, All kinds of Watches in stock, Clocks of every descitption,-Rich Jewellery of ev- ery style, Diamonds and i'recions Stones, Fancy Goods, Spectacles, and all V adding Binge, Watches, Chicks, and Jewellery repaired and warranted W U. Ittc&LUGHLON. Canadian Pacific Railway TENDERS FOR ROLLING STOCK.' BENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to noon of MONDAY . 23rd F1:BRUAIty inasant,for the immediate supply of the following rolling stock: 4 First class tsars 2 Postal and Baggage Cars Drawings and specifications may be seen; and other information obtained on applieation at the office of the Engineer -in -Chef, Pacific Railway, Ottawa. and at the Engineer's Office, Intereolonial Railway, Moncton, N.13. Tlie Rolling. Stock to be de,'vored on the Pem- bina Branch, Canadian Pacific Railway, on or ho- of MAY next. The only scientific preparation in the malkot. ROCK CRYSTTAL SPECTACLES. The best and cheapest in the market—scien- tifically fitted. WELLS et RICHARDSON'S PERFECTED utter Color id colas worth warranted to give arieh dan- drlion color tri 50 lbs. butter. 25e. worth is sufficient for 300 lbs. bign of the Golden Mortar, Exeter. 141. ENGINES AND BOILERS. From r to 13 Horse Power, for Farm- ers, Dairymen, Butter and Cheese Factories, Printers and all parties using hand or horse power. Lest and cheapest in the market. Send for circular and price list. .John Doty. Esplanade Street. , TORONTO. . • -ti.E N,SA.L �t PORK PACKING HOUSE By Order, ,F. BRAUN, Dept. of Railways and Canals, t Secretary. Uttax•a, 7th February, 1880. f Tho time for receiving the above renders is MARaenaand the time for deliverMONDAY, f a portion of Rolling Stock is extended to theist„ JUNlu. By order, 19th 1Tebrnary,180o F.BRAUN. MAIL CONTRACTS • � ENDI±,RS, ADDRESSED To THE Postmaster -General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, ou FRIDAY, 25th MARCH, i tn, fortbe conveyance of Her Majesty's Mails. nu proposed contracts for lour years, as ander y on and from she 1st July next: BETWEEN Arpin and Mayfair three times a week each way and Glenwilinw, twice Ansa Craig J lluntiold, six tithes " liirr and Uoyizos. twice Brewster &Pard -hill, threetimes • •' '• Parkhill and Salvino," •' " " Printed notices containing further information as to conditions ot proposed contracts nay be seen, and blank forms of tender may bo obtained, at the Post Uluoes above named, awl at my of. flee. GILBETRT GRIFFIN, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office, Louden, Feb. 13, 1880. st,. se Having commenced businessfor the Fail andWinterTrade We are prepared to purchase any quantity of Pork, subject to the following regulations: We will take off two pounds per hundred if dry, and three pound :f soft. Shoulder stuck, twenty-five cents. If any of the hung gut is left in, 25 cents extra will be deducted. No pot' will to bought at an price If warm. SA.'LT S ACLS —AND-- — Pork Cuttings • en hanl reasonable e t atrat s. We want all Hoge Cutting aright through breast to hoed, and .[latus opened ontto tall. G & J. PETTY. EALLOO, MIKE Where did you buy thein brick ? Woll, Jiinmy,1 'bought them:' from Mitchell, ,,of course. Plus hu many of titenn loft? Why, , yea, thousands of ill, and first-classtoo. lfoty dorm he sell tIn ni, 11:::t•.? Well, ITtummy,he si=lls -them SO cheap that I its not to toll, but If you want any juttt gt. right tecr+, f,,r he soya he't+.bound to Sell as snoop 00 ani in the county. Remember, he lives mouth pee crc• liton gravel road, 301tN 311TCI[ELTp. mouton. Pob. 21,183 Inn En 11 r-1 a PRAYED from Lot 11, S. B. Ste• phew, on o' about the GM' August lest, one white etecr with red ring on the nose awl rel oars,1 years old ; one greyish steer 2 Sy ears old One gieyish heifer 2 years old ;. one year .ng pttoor, rod and white; one n oolcy heifer, light rod, with white. Any information leading to their recov- ery will be lutudtuupule rewarded. J0.1IN DOLtdIAY,Otfa,