HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-3-11, Page 60
]gr. Blackwell,. of W alen's Corner
in liiddulph, being sworn said to Mr,
Macmahon— 1 live at Whalen's Corn-
ers, iu BiddulV}h; I ani Wm. D'innelly'i
neighbor.' so nth of his house; I reool•
lent the night debn Donnelly was killed;
l heard shots during the night; I heard
one first so loud it seemed to be out o
a gun; I heard five or six afterwards
veered to mo to be j uet the same report
would not swear positively there wa
one gun or two, so near I could not tel
the difference; right after the first silo
I heard the other ones to the numbe
of five or six; they appeared to be from
a revolver; after 1 heard thein I got u
and went to the window, and saw th
reflection of a fire in the direotien o
the old Donnelly place; did not look to
wards Wm. Deune]ly's house; it was
behind my window; did not look to see
if there wets any parties about: my wif
and myself and sister in-law all looked
out and saw the fire; the shots I heard
seamed to he in the space between my
Louie and Daunelly's;;first heard of the
murder in. the morning; when Win
Dannelly came to my house be said
"Ain't this vice work? they have killed
my brother Jaclk;" I says, "Who clone
it?" he said, 't'lhey done it," and asked
me if I heard the shots; told him I dill;
we then went in and looked at John; he
was lying dead in William's bedroom;
lie was shot iu the breast; looked where
the ball weut into the wall, on the north
side of the building, nearly opposite the.
kitchen door; I did not see the bullet
till afterwards; we went to the stable
after daylight; seen a good few tracks
it] oitt the honee; seen tracks up to
William's bedroom window; not agreat
entiny to 'William's window; observed
tracks to all the windows; the Show WAS
tracked quite a bit back of the workshop
and el tewhere; the tracks were tach as
fifteen or twenty men might make about,
the house; I did not like to get up or
mix in it; I thought it was some rum-
pus amongst them; I was also afraid of
them shooting through my house; I
thought constables were making arresttt,
and that the shooting was going on on.
that- account; I did not want to be crat-
ed as a witness; when Donnelly filet
r sift to my house it tvas not dityli•,ht;
ire wanted to go and see if his stallion
was L-iiled I said, "Don't go un,il day
light." When 1 told William 1 Raw a
fire in the direction of hie father's ph ee
ke said they wt r) all burned up; saw
Donnelly start off ou his pony in the
direction' of Keefe's; think he called on
Walker, but can't say whether it was
going to Koefe'e; he went into Walker's
gaming back. the tracks were partially
obliterated by snow fal!irig; the whitlow.
was • frosted where I was looking
through; could not tell whether it was
snowing or not; I saw a mark of an
overshoe where it crossed over the
fat c, ; I carne to tho conclusion who
ever made that impression was wearing
an overshoe; there was a work -shop
etas& to the concession line; there were
tracks behind it and all aronutl there;
1 thiole I pointed out these trucks to
Donnelly; I spoke of theist. anyway, to
warn; do not remember whether D•.�n-
nelly was with me or not; saw no other
ltnpresslans of an overshoe anywhere
else; sate no tracks across the platform
of the well; saw tracks around my own
tonse; it was trae'lced all armird the
snide side of the woodshed; did not go
out nn the rand; .saw tracks inside the
ma]I' path; I noticed tracks leading'
1trhm both gates to the house;; noticed.
racks up to the glass door of \Vitliam'e
bedroom; the bed was up against that
glass doer.
Te Mr. Maernahnn—I had me clock.
at the time referred teemy home is a
tory and a halt frame building; my
iedrontn.is intim northwest center of
my houses, npstarrse it was - formerly
steed as a store by A: e. McBride; sonhe-
-itnes need d'ownetaire; the size of. the
teem is 18'by 20t, heated by a stove;
+e•iive in the room; went to bet] be.
teen 0 and 10, til. t night; stove good
site; don's remember what kind of fire;
when 1 !twit's' the stints the fire had
gnee down; aid not go to the stove and:
tit in env woad when I got ftp, sod
recta atnolte; I was pretty cold in the
,onm;. when I drew bock the curtain
tie li 'iht of the fire &hewed ends bright
nth the window; the first thing waked
rite was the shots; William said Jeelc
wits shot; when ho cat'lle to my piece
he.saiid thov done it;; au nit epic Don.
nelly wtto they were that shpt;, .Donnel-
ly said there was a fellow come and
knocked at thesdnore J thn Belted; who
woe there; he snits;,Wti1, open the,donr,,
and when the door; was opertf'd! Jtick
ik1� shot; was always friendly with.
lAcot elty, sato the rtaism where Win.
ifra Cid 1f101wt; dill. rt t Plotting the
;lid u*It y tett
,t t Wa .t all men should l ltoW,
Tc aer,IEv1. A 4 OUG1L–The trouldelonie
eon r;, caused by au nccuniuiatio of
phlegte.in the throat, especially
the morning, 'experienced mostly by
persons affected with Clri•ollic Catarrh,
can be relieved almost instantly by tak-
ing a teaspoonful of Tlagy'ard's Peotor-
pk 'BIbittm, which hau the advantage
of being harmless to the atotnaoii, and
at tlho eame time improving the ap-
purpose he was going over to Iieefe'e;
cannot remember wilotlter it wag snow-
ing or not; there was snow fell oil' the
bottom of the overshoe, and *as be-
tween the fence rails; the stoye in my
bedroom stood in the farthest part of
the room froth my bed cannot say how
many tracks were, around Donnelly's
house; could see where the traoke went
up to William's beprootn at the glass
door; might be nee or two; entail not
say positively did not take notice en-
ough myself; Welker and Donnelly ex-
amined the tracks before be went to
f .I eefe's; Donnelly never said he knew
whose tracks they were. rr did not
speak of any one to mo; we just went
'' around without either one asking the
other to do so; don't remember that
anything was said' by Donnelly about
who made them or whose they were•
the reflection of the old Donnelly fire
was sufficient to add to the light about
nay house end William Donnelly it
esemed otherwise quite a light, of `a
hind of pinlconlnr, through my window;
f my window and Dounelly's glass door
window both front weal; the stove in
Wm. Donnelly's bedroom was abort
eight feet from the window or glass
door, •
Martin :Slogan, of I3iddttlph, being
sworn, said as folio -we in answer to the
Coroner:—I recollect the flight on
which John Donnelly was killed; I was
at Win. Donnelly's thab night; there
were William sad 1Trs. Donnelly, my.
self and John Donnelly; \Vm. Donnel-
ly .went in and showed Inc and John the
roam we were to sleep in; Airs. Donnel-
ly INA gone to bed some time before I
dill; I went 'to bed about half -past
twelve o'clock with John Donnelly;
and chatted a while after we welt to
bed; we slept till about 2 or 2.80 o'clock
about 2 1 guess; after John being deal
I heard what time it was; John awoke
ins by getting out of the bed; tiro next
thing he went through Will's room, and
he said 'Who's that hallooing fire ?' ar
he went out; no answer waa meats tha
I hoard; as he went through I heard cn
outside bolloa to Will to open the door
John then opened the door, and two
reports of a gun went off as close ss
possible together ; next John says,
'Will, I ani phot,"'1'he Tetrd have
mercy on my soul;' a little after the
two shots cat of the gun I beard a re-
port of revolvers; I would say four or
five shots, maybe more, maybe lose.
passing around the window whore I
was sleeping towards the. gate; Will
then called to me easy to get np, that
John was shot; I :.nswered him back
and told him to keep quiet tis tow as
possible, so pis to bo heard by hhtn; the
reason I spoke so low was because 1
was afraid Wiry would carne back if
they found out he was not killed; got
up. about the time John was shot; I
think I had my feet on the floor when
the guns wont off; just sat on , the side
of the bed; I sat there about two or
three initiates, and when 1 gait ei-p I
went from there through William's
room to bring iu John; when -
nailed me he said John was sl'iot; I told
him in reply to keep genet; did not see
William as 1 passed title-It/eh his »room
into the kitchen; where I found John
dead, and brought him iuto William's
room; Mrs. Donnelly was up, and luta
the light lit before I went in; after be
was bronglrt in Will told Mrs. Donnel-
ly to gut a piece of blessed canal/ ; she
got it and pat it in his hand, and 1 held
it there until he died; 1 remained part-
ly ander the foot of William's bed; I
iltttyets there, becsuse I was afraid; I
retnainod there until . morning; after
John died William asked Mrs. Dothnel-
ly to look at the clock; she looked, and
answered back it was b.t'.f.past two;
Wile') we got tip William went to look
at the traelce; he said thab was the
Society's doings; ,1 told him to keel)
quiet and anything he had to say to
keep it to himself; 1 said so because I
did not true to lcnow athytbing shoat
To Mr. Aiaotnnhon—t looked to
wards the wtndoty of the room -'that I
slept in; cout,.i n;ot say if there.was `a
curtain; it Was just n little - 4404;
heard one voice calling Ou Williaen' 10
open the door;:I heard him speatk lig
to Wartime, l woo.. awake then;; I did
not recognise the voice; I Beard walling
to open, the door;, the. bed 1, slept jn
wits.. to. the *spat, immediately on. the
,ri ii1.11tJtnd: ald{i;, ttte, vuioe Wase 11)10
eno+t yt(o11.tgo to, hear good;• ]i, llttv,e
knotvn,llfartitl Me ,•t ghliu for 20. eters;;
f dtd'not recognize the voice as Me
.dfill t311ttoff '1 a1'1,pt't ,),
An old uhysieiau, retired from practice, hay.
ng bad placed in his ]hands by an East In.
dia missionary the formula of a simple vege-
tabie Imo for t]he vpeecly and permauen-
euro for Consumption, Bronchitis, Cattarh, ,est
tlinta, and all Throat and Lung Affections, ulsu
a positive and radical cure, for Nervous De-
bility and WI Nervous Complaints, after hav-
ing tested its wonderful curative powers iu
thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to make
it known to his suffering fellows, Actuated by
this motive and a desire to relieve human suf-
fering, I will rend free of charge to all who de-
sire it, this recipe, in tlermau,.l"renclr, or Eng-
lish,with full directions for preparing and ns-
ing. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp,
ntuning this paper, W. W. Suenan, la Powers
Block.Itoehestor, N. Y..
flagyard's Yellow Otl is one of the
surest remedies in the world for the
cure of :Rheumatism, Nenalpia, Lain•
bago, Spinal and Bronchial Complaints,
Deafness, Ear-uche, Cramps, Sprains,
Bruises Gang, Stiff Joints. Swelled
hands, Sore nipples, Stiff neck, Chii
blainr;, Tetter, Frost bites, Chapped
halide, Wounds, Cuts, Sore throat,
Stings of Instets, Shortness of breath,
or any Disea•testihat ate painful or sore.
e have no hesitation in recommend-
ing it for ttny of the above complaints,
and believe it is the 0nickert and most
perfect combination known to remove
pain from almost any cause, anti be
used either internally or externally.
I+'orpas ticnlars see wrapper Acompany -
ing each bottle. For sale by alt dealers,
prigs 25 cents.
qryqn _itving reeeive,l a lot of new In:tclt:nems, I
a.JL would inform the fartiress of the sur-
rounding country that I am prepared to msrun-
facturo all kinds of Horse. slakes, Barley
Burks. Crain Cradles,.Smdths, etc, and having
stented the services of a first-class Turner, I
ttmprepered to du
.on the shortest notice, and for style and price
I defy competition. Always on hand n first-
class stock of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill
half a.male youth of Exeter.
WILD Strawberry
A Specific Remedy for all dimmer
Complaints such as Diarrhoea, Py -
sentry, Canada Choke a, Cholera
Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Sour
Stomach, Griping Pains, and all
derangements of the bevels, caus-
ed by using improper food, such as
raw vezetebles, unripe or Sony
fruit, bad milk, impure water or
change of water, changes of the
seasons, exposure. No matter from
what cause or iu what form you are
subject to any of the above coni-
plaints, Dn. Eowtr it's Erriu.cT OF
WILD 8 rnAwnrfIY will reiieve you,
and ,t speedy mire will be effected
without injury to the system. It is
manufactrred from the Wild
neci Strawberry Plant, and free from
opium opium anti other injurious drugs.
�1 For sale by all dealers, at Is. 1Uid.
xo or 01.00
TO 1RO.A"'7 O.
EMI Phel? r,.rl T re, n .4LG.
Send for circulars explainingour
Yew yswesn of canvassing'
Agents hnvo wonderful success, 100 sou r ast;•
RR* TO 1,000INIrADITANTs, Our publications are,
standard. Address,
The henry BBL Pub. Ce.,
41 43 and 45 Shetucket at, Norwich , Conn.
having purchased the steak of Messrs. Ii; ,b N..
Spicer, has removed:to the atm latoly ou-
eupied hp them,
North of Post Office.
All kinds
Flour and food Always on Hand.
in groat variety.
Vow 131 cit'lbrrm,liats. New Satins and Silks, .
Ntlw 1it�ynma,. ,,'tl�t,tel'>g, p'IQWOrs. and Ur!{wtglr)gib,
. Ire chs@apQ,rtbau elttrafore: Atitendanoe• on, Sunday froin12 30 to 4 p. in. foot the.sale Of,
at' tx,l-l; o-3' (3 o O Ci s me, sit(S' jdell+,
Ro,ttttoa ansl,i Point Ortpidr„ Rerun Woo111,, MO.
toes, Now nraidllt Pattottrs-s ftrll line iu is4slt,
Sheila t#ood., Callend ser: t i la4
M+li, . s':1�'Iir3tE't,. ■. .. E 7 AY4,, •
ltTAII 1r 11,1' $`)
Dominion Orrtns a n Cd Pianos,.
The Largest and
140x100 feet.
.highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker in tIle World'.
GOLD MEDAL AT P1101`IYCTAL Pt\Iilltl''lON. TonoNTt), 1070,
We are now manufacturing Square and Upright Piant,o..
Best in the ruarlcet. Correspondence solicited. Seed for Il–
lustrated Catalogue. Mailed free. Address
7o; vyIITIOxi ow, 2co ,Ca:'' ` :a',
Most Complete
Factory in the Dominion,,
•1•01.11p10.11 .141101•1,01.12.M111...4rVillte4M-
OF Tull;
and Sewing Machine
4 1U El 7
r ATr:Aren has ;,last received an excellent stock o•
tutus ?:
Silver Tea aetts,)nuttorCoolers ,Douhlcan r1 iuglcr
meq® � :AtM* r i,` ,I II
Pickle Cruets, Ca'keliaskets,Cal'dItececveis,Ccon-•
t fth B t 1 1• d1' '}
Silverware, Chios and Doll ever soon in,
the Wes t,.a ry /q
E. ._A„).5e^4. W'rS
,�4... .s-t-.`�""N:y is ji t 11311111011$01t s,e c.,c a ea �tttot itt.p t an isy o
kl it Plate, and is offering the sante aii>ricestiiat rl(lm
`) 1 IIs has just opened out a new and complete its.. -
i �. iIi sort,uent of China, Glass and Stone -wares. A
1'i 1IP" 1 large stock of Lamps just arrived. (hall artdsatisfy
'I t' yourself as to quality and (•]reapness. Come and
N i' ry our instruments. Music Teacher still oz,
t !` I P, mild. Services atlowestilgures.
'. '4+ b I cuuus , Special attention called to the Raymond Sewing
.Lachine. Organs and Manua nnsurpasbea Zr.t
boautr of design, and quality of tone.
At aIltitues,and tartioalarly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and moray
soo,rce, it is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the article he wants
at the lowest rate. In cal]'ng your attention to my present stook, Ido so with eve••y coelia,
once; it lining more carefully assorted and selected than that of any pretiout>:reaeon.
In the Dry Goods
Eve/ ydepmt' anent ie replete wi'h the most seasonable and fasbionalile ft brics, marked Pt
priceswhitfrsheald comlrreiuilthe attention oftkte very closest bnyehn. THE01(DE1tnD
CLOT'kiINGsti1l has MR'.,cv,IVES at it -heats
In Millinery
Undorthe•na..agmnontof Miss 1Ic9loghlon,we can snit the nvoiit fastidious. Onr stock of
&roce.Ies, /loots and Shoes, Canadian,, - `''nglish and American..
Shell' and Heavy Haat ware
ono of the largest and best a4sorted in the County. Intending purchasers will consul? their,
bostiuterosts by exatnining hltystock before going elsewhere.
T„ Trifler tri ker -i
triose who intend
prtrahttisi-ng to do so from
the manufacturer. The
stealer who buys to sell'
again must nooeiaal•iIy
have a profit. \Ve ':l.ti>n
to give tlte purchasers tl)o
benefit, which e•tnuottail
to meet the views of the
Grangers. Our expenses.
are lass than those of airy
mann 'aetprc rscon sovent-
we can selletioaper. •
C. a S. GIDr4I♦ Y,
and LI'nitur€:
Man-af ,et114rs
TE : W0'CILt)',
eau speciolattentica,
to our undertaking depart
mentwhichis more cont•
itlate the n e car, its we have
added several new designs •
5 of Tato The best coiling.
caskets shronds,and gray
nnural requisite at the
logestprices. Our new
Hearne is pronounced by
competent judge:, to he
second to nor e in the
Emblems of all the Deferent Societies.
"' `'•;,, ropy,