HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-3-11, Page 5ITA•acit 11.0 180 THE 111Ms momr!""". THE STAR GROOEVW, EX S ECIAciY EAS 4 S 4.! Haying bought out the interost of nay late pirtner, Mr. L, Thorne, and having added largely to the former stook, and having prrr- t'Y (1.ased in the cheapcst mallet, I am enb..1.4d.-to offor goods that can not fail to give satisfaction as regards hath price and quality, Idiquar Wholesale had. ILetail.A.LL KINDS OF GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. I .1. eirtA. Mai= Straet. (FLOUR AND FEED.) JozzINT 7041tmann, Zzeter :ff..!..,......1,1fr.....r..1..WpoipsownortairmwasitIgsrusgimer.r.mumpowscsnmi,Profte-4,,...0,i;meamiam1Mg...0..1..../,16.ammramotilmetrarm*x_rra.m, A! Esi TS rem., SYSIIIAIL heat 1 21 to]. 00 IM Tr:Ira in SLOtt ••• "' 1 *34' 1 .26 TIIE EXETER, TEVIT:E2 F3) El POT SIOSIRO VilITSAVT . k life • ,.. .,. ,.. ... 1 25 to 't 23 1\1.4\.T.:c f:i4r11. .. 0 41 to Out31 0 -----,- s * , oinverSce 1 ..... ...... .-........... . . ... ,... 2 110 tO 3 im „ .. 0 Cgi •,, 01 I TAIT.74 rhi..4 ntIPOrtnrit.113' of thititkino; illy numerous custom:we'll:sr past fav oro. and wish tt. Volds ... ••• - - (1 il: 1'2 notify them 4.01 the public gelugaily tit 141 Il•rtier ,.. .. .. .. 0 10 to I :LI 1 hll,Vi.1 P Lir 011.fl,SL'a Air. 1..). Johns' stock of A ispl..s, per bag 1lri0,1 A.m.lrl.: pr 13 .,_ ... ... 0 0.• to 0 35 YIng,,,dros. ad per 100 ... ,.. ,.. ',5 00 to 3 1i -of ., ..... 74 (f..2 tt•,,o, ,:t1.1 011,1, 11.1.11.,e,, rouh „. ,.. 7 ,0 to 7 50 TI it y 2Kil: too, ... ... ..., ..,, 3 'la) r,00.3.1 smo 8 hoop:a...I t adeas per basil ,.. ..„.. .... a 10 to I) 75 W.,i I.,lun• lb Cooking, .... I:: rior and other Stoves Prt 0 07 to (1 i.7 tioes.0 " ... ....... ... ................. , ....... 0 TIIE 11EST IN TEIE iviAREAT. - Duel:a. por pair ...... ... . ........ .. 0 10 to n 1.s, 51'. IliZiiS 1 25 on 1 9.7 Also ts le FA.' variety of Tinware, Lam ft, Lamp 011unneys, Coal 011 and. Cr•levv: Pall 'wheat, per Im.511,41. snrill,r 11,11,,,mb „,„. ..... _ ., „ ......... ... .. 1 22 to 1.25 RU110000'4 given for Rave.. ro a gill a g. Carriage Pitt -i rigs a tiVeeitLit,y. Doigotti Op00, it 1 . ill,rioy ,. ..... ... ......... . . . . „......... ...... 46 to • . will give yoi goad value for y or money. res's .. ......... ..... . ... . . ........... ......... - on tz 0 t14 t 01 0 7 . •• ................ .... . ... ....... ... • . SIa o 0 n 0 VtIgtq, Ti or Nortm ..... ... ...... .... . ...... . 0 !II to n 10 llutrer . • STOVES, TiNWARE, LAMPS, &c. and have moved my own stook into build; tie lately occupied by MY. .Tolins, in the Post Oiftea Bui, where I.. nowlmve one of she Largest and best assorted stoke in the County, 20 to 0 2;1 t.,) PC ail 1tnW1 ....... . . .... .. pp,. .. ........ 4 73 to 5 25 Thaats.ia oor Ilag ....... ............ ,. „..„ .-0 1., 3 15 fe,t,‘‘,...1 3,;(0.1 .. „ ...„.. „. 0 75 8 2 W))131. iwr eora ................. ...... - ... 2 04 to 3 00 US.Ot01', Janual y 20, 1880. go........................w.r..** .......e.m....... ,.... „- . .— — . . ......„...- .-...... The very hi.eost priceiu Cash paid for Tiiiies and SnoPp skius st3- Remember the place ---the tutu Tin arE Stove Depot, Post Office Bloat:, Mai Street. Exeter. 1I. SPACEMAN. . 188j) MAN7TO. A BA* ( A, 1 MN, We Kr SO 4:311:17, EN lilyr_A_17",S. :First special'passanger Ir lin for tibia year, will sLart iron CENT ..!'"f. ALIA on. v.,:.1. ,177-, 9 • 7 kr. TV dti„ m...§, ILI, ,,ig tia' aLZ.I. TueOday, Mara) Mb; . . tre be figlowt.i.1 by .dIhurs ou 2\.12 . Tnetelay.,. April Ott Aansmainpmeanowommeumrenn. onn alley xaite'iaen NOWHERE. Tura:!ay. ,t p, fl 20th, Tuesday, May dth. • tlec,vet the dtv prevvras to all the above Ilitirts. Due node i',I he lyou 0: all fu- ture perties. .Ttatct alWayethe Iewv.st el,•1 the grontest pains taken to hare a...range-me ...to mast sont- plots :MI satisfactory. llorsons joining the‘a Parti' are rolon.sed'frotn all cave iv. bonding baglago, -freight, live stink, .1714. LE AT OR N & o °UBE) 'S GREAT .1.1aTIT as to who will SECURE the WONDERFUL E3ARGAINS now going. 750 lbs Baggage /./1t90 -JO Come on, you my as well have a bargain .5.fr. Green -way go.s tor:nigh with each Pa"ty. Vor particulars apply to SNO.N.ItOX. ,.d.geot, Centralist • RSTOMM.111.1.1.......11,..1.410.11a A MANUAL —rit T113— Married and Unmarried IT TEACHER Y017 VIE Secrets of Life, (1,4 1101V to Eloy them. Sol t /ostpeld OP receipt of 50 Cont. N.Y. d: ONTRIDAL FUR . CO , 188 SI „ Jtioad Slontreal. Please state in vrlint paper ytu saw this. as anybody else. Don't forvet the. place --North, Store, Fanson's Blnclt, Exeter. LEATHORN & McCOUBREY. BISSIITT EROS., EXETER, ONT. • E, 1-11B1T10NI r•-‘ 0 LISS ET '9 c/3 v.; 1=-4 t„1 Funsu AREITTALS OF Canad/an PaeffloRaliw'y Tenders for Sloe*. 'r lEN.D.11;11.8 aro itivitati for furnislring J. the Stock required 10, be delivered onthe enundbm Pnei Bailwn,y,within the next four years, comprising tea deliqecy in melt your of About 100 follow:us, viz :-- 20 I ,ocoine Live Enavers 1n yirst.ciaes earn et proportion being sllopers) Seeeurl-elASS Oars, tle4, 3 11...nress curl, haggale care 3 Postal Itud smohing, cars. 240 Bo,c Vreight eta% 10a Plat CENti • 3 Wing tdongba 2 Snow Boughs' • 2 Visa gets 40 liana cars . Thin 'SMOLT'S 'DO ATI moliss0.4 ortlitr.O ?) VS% POSSfit3)00 ()V (3 4.D3 awl delivered on thn Calla Itau Pli(nde g ilWaio at Port William, or Int)te Vrovinco of M,nitnhti Drommgs,spveftice.tions 0405 other information may be heti on 1.,polication at the office ce4 the ;Englueerdt,.obied, at Ottewa,.,011 and afterthe itltn day of iNtitit.(.11t next. 'inouiteril will bi received 'by the] undersign eCtrip to mien of T 11 Uli,SI)A.Y, the let clay of J 'next, . E. DRATIK,, liecretary. ' 0311141r,w4x AND 04.174.r.,s, t ad-etra 701 Yoh., 1070. I Z.s 1 STOVES ETC., ETO., ETC, a7d7.411:7 C =MAZE'. While some nredic.ted that the National Polley would iiterease the price of eve”/ artiele, still we 01)3 enablz.1 to announce that we can sell all kind, of stoves 10 per cent.cheaper than has ever been offered heretofore. Wo have sold out our hubine3s in Ilennall, ,i,id adciNtt,rItil the a iockin ItIxoter, 'which is ono of tha largest ha the place Agents for Verity's Cele- bra!ed Plow. t'zd 1-3 1.3168E.UT BROS., EXETILR, ONT. CAUTI xcin r.r.itiG Tnr, rt1o:Navy Th v.rennbmedietueturosaverreaforhaa. 0 ZNOE, and n11 nervous 00/1)Pilifil if) at. e ting in 1.1000 Of lltothery, serious imestiiitreats.to , tuarriage, greet depression, eta.. 75e pot:bolt; 4, ri.nnolost /IRTTERS. tor $2. ' Sold,by ctruggiste OVerywhere Whole. 244004usloonna Ageism BoaaaliP 0., Tektotika. -:TOIT1: OTP'Ett,CISITITISS, etilei-treteN Bit( 8. do 00., Toronto., Rout by mail, oecurely sealed. en receiptof price. Aildreeti . 4 6,1 ' r 0., 18 MT1?4D 1101•1111111•10•1110=47.1. ONE OF THE OLDEST Atirt- MOST RELIABLE XEMEDIES IN TliE WORLD FOR THE COME OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore. Throat, Bronchitis., influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough,: Asthma, and. every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest', including CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN *WRITES "If does not dry up a cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but loosens. it, creanses the lungs and allays irri- tation, thus removing the cause of complaint." Do NOT BB DECEIVED by articles bearing a similar name. Be sure you get DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM 01? WILD CRRY, with the signature of "L BUTTS' on, the wrapper. 50 Cents and $L00 a Bottle. Pre- pared by BEM W. Fovms & Sox's; Boston, Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. A Protected Solution of the Protozide.of Is as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. When the blood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the deficiency can be supplied by the use of the-. PERU Y.L4N SYRUP. It cures a " thousand: ills" simply by TONING. tTp, OnATINe, and, VITALIZING' the system. The enriched and vitalized blood permeates every part of the, body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secretions ithing for - disease to feed upou. Anis Is the secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boils,. Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhma, Nervous Affections, Female Complaints, • And all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or accompanied by debility, or a low state of the system. CA.IITION.—Be sure you get the "PE-. .aU VIAN R YRUP." Sold by druggists gener- ally. Pamphlets sent free to any address by SEM W. FOWLS & SONS, Proprietors, 86 liar, rison Avenue, Boston, Mass. ormeom.....rmsommemrseme 0-1.,.......Mairesermtvenromman.w.*-nr, ir„D "fla tr'a • i }! ' !. a ':.• l''t**,f-', 'T5'w1."; . .,VSfil.pdip0,21.t.a: 'Ala: ' Mit 1 This g,ost 10usc3)1,313 5Tedicine resale amongst the lowling necessaries of lir., Tr.,,,,.. fumut, ?ills purify the Ii.r..otro, caul 11,0t moot power) nii:, yet soot.iingt yi 03 tileLiver, Sto.oac11, Liallito ye, And Bowels, giving tone, energy, stn.4 vigor to these groat 111 q 811 tivrtiti; 7 Of 118w. i'lloy are colt. 1111011117 reeommondod As A never bulling remedy in 1,11 03.000 where tile ecinAtittittow,Itoui v411413131 (311130, 1,110 1)000t1t0 impaired or ,e0,110.410ei. They are woustorfall)' otlenciots in all, atonents inch 110111(1110 fonmles of all age; An& as a genw. al 'Family medicine are unsurnassca. r 7e tts seared/1g and 1113111143 properties are hiloWli Wren pthent the world.. Ts'or the e•tre of bqdlegs.Tin 1llreFt4N, oM want) tit: 5(1'08 ea d'Ulcor,,, 13 30 811, i 8811111)3 1031100y,08 stroctnany robbed on (lo neck and chest, no salt into meat, it cc re thvnitt, nronchnis,coughe 1.01,18, and (('(1)1 5,3111313011, rtly (3111 ))0'81'14.1 5w ,311�.'1111(11 Pl1.io loi.tiAas. aontliduhunatisoi imit every kind at skin niacase., it 11118 uov08 hem known tr., tail The Pills ancl ointmesit avems,n. ufacturee 01117 at 5833 OXFORD 3T1I8fiT. And arc 3(01(13)3' all Venders"?' ItIVItnittos tbrInch- 111 the civilized world; with slii•entions in almost every Inugnage. Tho 7,1.0 etc Ikrado ir OvroOferlfeines are rceit. tend to Ottawa. ir,110,, (LP 01111 ill tilh British Pogenssiong,w)10 111,1,v Icera, t1, Ntiterieto .1.0103te 41)1,3(1(13, '04)1 be Irroecouted, izeeTureliesers should h'inic the, f,a 1,01 en 11111 Mist n.nd /loxes, '14 too cattectts 10 net5.3:3,0314,111 ( greist.Lellclon, th ey e Mint ...ions ('1 AT ARR EI 1 CA1A;111111. 1 I USB Tbegrort )'f?'ra1 Nevadg shroing Ornpound, 1l,3 o ely positive wire for catarrh ye discovered, 1310184533 130, LUTV.8 (IENTR VD, ORA STORE: LSVITFI, General Agent, k-fronc, 0111. 6)1"/ month,and e `MOTIA0 Militant() agatl Fa (a)tit( free. SUAlir:44 co,,Angasint, game, B1 aik Week Biaak Black Black 131aok Black Iinstregt f6r- Tots. Lostres for 20 Lustreei for 25 Liistres far ;39. Lustros far a5, L11861'08 for 3 Leastres for 45 TEERS C.10 0 D Blv.!t, Cashmeres for .a.T; ets; etwkapores for 45 • Car..latneres for 6.3 Biagi( Ca-;htberes ±0]] 6S iac1k Casiut1tor<s for 7.5 Onsbmeres for 00 1.31.dek.Cashmer6s for $1,13 Black Lustres for 50 1314ok OrRpa Cloth:for 415 ch. 53160.k. Lastives-foi 65, Black Crape cleat- for 75 ots. For anything in Black or any other goods., t±ry RANTON BROTHElicl Edicrett's Block,. Exeten • , A.V.c.amna•fz.*)rpayonsiwleaxierrccdoe..irmewttn.ram.mIamepoc•o..snrkrgmm*ren.nm.mr.bnemw 31.1onte t e.Ciatrai Iiote JOHN DREW ,Lp ))31n hos retnovna (44)0810 Mai 1101118181110to, tzetor,bas. aeons,' out a l'Taw Stoo:14: of. IrtunIzVeuvo 3.1181 Undertaking (4.1000 thronsheat • SHMUDS, OLOVTS and ail SOCIETY EZ bleint.taratthed 'blow wicett., t rtiNtIllA ATTENDPID BY wrsntao,., $48:114?M:ITION (3-ITARAN'PEED.. f 111%. k 18311'.111111.0.1.r.118 impstaluevc.,,tore their favoreiu the mutt end hope to Merit a centinucuoto of their eatrtm gaits my ,31 A 34