HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-3-11, Page 411TA.PcIr 11, 1E80 RID4t1a Pii'R TRAGEDY. [coNrt u:JD >,it(,,, sixv/ rAGL,3 L"oi"rltlitt'a; it might he his and me not ree..gni,ze it, h1cLonahll11 and I went to school tctgetllor for abort one winter; can't say bow long ago; I knew young. purity of 1ny intention.' .rhes , spreading the cards before ,,theMayor, h.t" Logan with each : 'Whet) I see' the ace it reminds.. me of the flutter end in, When I see tete trey it remin is me of tho Father, San and Holy Ghost.'. When I see the JamesIt}'dNr when meet hint; .was in tout it retuiuds ole of the four ivimge• i. the habit of nleefin him oeu q Uilalt lists that preached—Mathew, !Muir', gy' _woke and omit. 1Vnen I see the• five I ilia plot recti ni10 tile voice I bead Me it lelliil,dh me, of the five «iso virgins being hie; 1 did not have my coat on .that trimmed their lamps. 'There were when under the b(d; 3. told„ hint to keep ten; but Live were wise, and live sere f0Uh-h and semi shut o11L When I sets the Nix, it reminds ole that in six days the Lord ivade Heaven and earth. \Vlheli I bee the seven it .rerlliuds me that on the seventh (lily God Tested from tLe. Creat work lie had mad(, and hallowed it. When l see the eight it reminds n,e of the (•ight righteous per. ,oils tlutt. were Waved when Gocl des. the Society'. doing=s; John Dannelly troy0(1 the vrorld, Viz..: Noah and his slept on the outside of the had; there wile, his three eons and their wives, • Was :1 light 1n W'ill's loom, hitt 1 dill When I see the kine it reminds me of not see wit/ , a, 1111 0f!or elra0110 itl the nine lepers that were cleansed by ("nr.SRIionr. 'There were 1Line 001 of J"tlitt'b hotly; I drew it in with Ills held leu 1.40.1 never returned thanks, When oicoie el) to tile f°06 of the 0,1(1, newer 1 ',e the tee it reminds me (tf the ten commandments 1.bleb God handed clown t., Moses on the tables of stone. \VI,en 1 lee the kii,g it reminds 01e of the great king of Heaven, which is God Amight. When I seethe queen it re - the, wasall minas ti l ( he Queen b door and h",.11,�a1 igr, fire; that1 cl n e f t � t , quiet; whenever Oontiolly started to tell me anything 1 told him to keep gniet, as I did not want to hear any- ' thin ; to the best of my rec0tlectien William never asked me i!' I knew not. thing about the iliatte"; all the infor- mation 11e gave ale was that this was lo',1;e,1 in the direction of Will's bed at all;, did not see Will itt all uutil it was coining up near to daylight; heard 110 voices, only one salting Will to open wc�lnnu as 4,e wits a intim. bile brought withher fifty boys end fifty girls, all quiet 1' went outside the door wjtere dressed iu b w's arparel, for Kiev Solo. John was shot; I went part ofaihe we)" loon to tell Which Were boys and which to the window or glass utter at �V. l- were girls. The king sent for water lir('31' bed, could not sae any tracks at for tf.etn 10 wash. 1lie girls Was11Pt1 to the elbows, anti the boys to the wt i.sts; so !Ling Solomon told by that.' 'Well,' said the 'Mayor, 'you ha y6 aesot ibed every Cara in the pack ex • To 11Ir. Hutchinson—'Open the door,. cepa one. the voice I heard; when Will spoke 'visited Solomon, Sutc"moil, .t'ot' 1(1(0 wits a a1i-0 about the Society I told hint to keep the window from where I wag; I dill not spay to him that I would keep what I knew and for him to do the same. Will t Fire ! fire 1' was said before John was shot; I stated that before; did not !hear John say anything to the parties outside; dill not hear him saw ,who's tteera ? he might have said so, but I did not hear him; Jolin said who was that holloaing 'ire,' as ho passed through 'Will's room; 1 should infer from what John said that there were other parties calling out 'fire'; I was not thoroughly 'When Icount !tow many spots there aw..ke at the time; 1 meant by telling aro in a pact: of bards I find 305, s Wm. Donnelly to keep quiet that 1 Tay days as there are in n Veer. When aunt the number of- cards in a pack 'What is that ?' 'The knave•,'sa.id the Mayor.' 'I will give Your Honor it description of that, too, if yon will not he angry. 'I will not,' said the Mayor, 'if you do not term me to be'lile knave.' 'The greatest knave I know of is the constable" that brought the There:' 'I du not know,' said the Mayor, 'if ho is thegreatest knave, but 1 know ne is the greatest fool.' meati to do so myself, as to anything I did know; from the very first I gave Win. Donnelly to understand that I ilid not want to hear anything from Inm; I noticed tracks on the porch; there was one track; I did not takeit to bo a boot track; no snow blew in that I know"ef; could see the tracks all right; did not notice that one of the tracks slipped. This closed all the evidence to be of- •fereii before the ooroner's jury. Toe coroner then asked the accused if they had any statement in reference to the evidence to make to the Court. They one and all refused to make any 1tatement whatever, by advice of their counsel. The coroner then charged the jury, and they retired to come to it yerdiot at 8 30 p. m. The Town Hall was crowd- ed with friends and relations of the ac• cased, but everything was quiet and orderly. IIELIGION IN A PACK OF CARDS. A. privattt soldier by the name of Richard Lee was taken before the me- glstrates' of Glasgow, Scotland, for ylaying cards during tho divine service at the Church; those who had Bibles. took them out; but this soldier had f- neither Bible nor common prayer- ' book. and, pulling.ont a pack of cards. he spread them before him. He first looked at one card then at another. The sergeant of the company saw him and said 'Richard, put up the cards; this is no place for them,' 'Never mind that.' said Richard. When tpe services were over the I astable took Richard a prisoner and brought him before the Mayor, 'Well,' said the Mayor, 'what' have you brought the soldier here for ?` 'b'or playing cards in - the church ?' %Veil, soldier what have you to say for yourself ?' 'Mt1e11, sir, I ]lope.' ''V,ery good ; if not, I will punish you Severely..' ';I. have buten,', said the soldier, 'about ws weekcLi'ts'ri the 'unwell, I have lei. Ili©r 13tble 'netrcontnion prar,,te' book. I have nOtn ict built t► paAk, o> rfi* ts, ind. 140 ii'MAtirityyour wot 7rlth I find 52i, the number of weeks in a year. I find there are twelve picture cards in a pack, representing the nehn- ber of months in a year; and, on count- ing the tricks 1 find thirteen, the num- ber of wselcs in a quarter. So, you see, a pack of alt' ds serves for a Bible, an almanac and- a common prayer. book.' ]MLI{ ¥Rohl DISEASED :COWS.—A. thee ory which has had numerous advocates among medical then of prominence in England and the United States, that she milk from diseased oows is freq'rent- ly the Dense of tuberculosis in the con- sumers, has recently been endorsed by Prof. Otto Bollinger, of Munich, one Of the highest German authorities. IIe states that numerous experiments prove that the milk of tuberculous cows brie a decidedly contagious influence, re- producing the disease in various ami- mals. Tubercul'els. in mankind is silnilar t, that in aninl,tl3, and the quality of the milk used is enjoined for the avoidance of contagion. In the dairy recently established at Munich, the strictest medical supervision is ex- ercised, and diseased cattle at once re- moved. it is estimated that about 10 per cant. of the cows kept in towns and oitiee are nostrum', which doubt- less accounts for a great deal of tub- ercular disease. Some tobaccos spurt up in the pipe. while smoking, with little crackling ex- plosions. This is cansect by the addl. tion of foreign matter to assist the com- bustion. When the purity of the tob- bac,3o is not tampered with and it has been properly taken Dare of, this com• bustible foreign natter is wholly un- necessary. For in that case it burns at a lower temperature than almost anything else. Nothing of this kind is seen in smoking the'itayrtle Navy.' It burns with steady combustion through- out. GERMAN SYRUP," No otter rnedioine in the ,fond was Byer given such a tot of its curative qualities as Iio$CHIns"s GCnMAr( Symms Iu three years two. ,pillions four htludred th•,usand small bottles of this niedieino were distributed free d/"charge by druggists in this country to those afHctod with Consumption, A:9tltina, Croup, severe (loughs, Pnenumouitt, and other diseases of the throat and lungs, giving the' American people undeniable proof that Gsa1fie Smtis will eurethem. The result . has been that (4'00110 bur every town and village in the ()a: nadas an4,tinited States are recommending it, to theirdtsstomern. Go to your druggist and atik Whattheytkaow about it. i f<mpl�o bottles.. I,11: fitf as ltany eggnlsr ',hie, 4'S CoWitit. Thus do s: fi*I THETT ES �'.T'IIL•—�-- EX TL TIMES; 111111111 All kinds or printing done neatly cheaply and with dispatch, Order you work where you can get it done the cheapest. Colored Work a Specialty i The TIMES OFFICiE has excellent &cilities for turning out CARDS, BILL HEAD, POSTERS CIRCULARS' nAY PUMP WOii 8, 0 .BOLTON - PROPRIETOR. • having added to my pump maohinsrv, and pro • curet a lenge quantity of first-class punll, logs, I am prepared to oiler an artiole Superior to any Factory in the County, and at prices that defy competition, Wells and ()Morns dug on the shortest notice, diefore purchasing gall a t the Ilay Primp Works, ,Shop -.Ono -quarto mile nort of. Exeter, London !toad. Hay 1 , 1pIG ESTRAY—Came on Lot 77, moon 6, tleborno, November 27, 'a large sox The owner lacy luaus her by proving propertyutid paying ozyeilses. T, C. CLARK THE ONTARIO Login & Debenture Uom'y LONDON. —o— Woreetng CuPdfat, - $2,700,000. —0 -- This 0 -- This Compsey nevi, has the largest Wer. Icing ('spits! of any Loan ("olnpaliy in West. erii Ontario, and are receiving monthly remittances of British eripital obtained at a low rate of Interest for investment in Mortgages on Itoat Estate rip to hall'the. Cash also. Straight Loans at 8 per met. r' or further partieulars apply to any of the Company's Appraisers throughout 'Ontario, or to 60:1t. P. IGal'TLLE.Ir, Menai'er, London, Janu ary 12, 1694. ° 3m. ST. M U,RY"S LIMEWOItKS. ourdraws s beingnow in full operation'ana turuinLoutdailyalarge quantity of thatforall purposes cannot bo surpastied in the Domin- ion. Partiesfrom a distance canalwaysbplied either at the kilns ordeliyer('byteams atlnw est re,nunerative aces. Ordersfrom a distance promptly attoude d to . WHITSON & SCLATER LEG -AL R H. CADDY, BARRISTER & ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, its. Office, Fanson's Block Exeter. x�r McDIARMID,B.A., 81 til WOMB, NOTARY, CONVEYANCER &C., LUCAN ONT. MEDICAL: DR. HUTCHINSON, Member of tho+Colloge of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, ere, coo., Office nett door to 1. Carlings, Main Street Exeter H YNDMAN .—CORONER FOR the County of Huron. Uf leenextdoor to ALr.I. C arling's store, Exeter P�W. BEOWNING M. D., C. M. • P. S, Graduate ViotoriaUniversity Office and residence, Don_.nionLaboratorv, Exeter. 14 C. MOORE, M.D. C. M. • Graduate of ateGillUnlversity, Montreal ' Officio and vett ictence,Exeter,Ont, Office t ours -- ate ao a. m and 7tol0n.m "FIR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. 1'. S. 0., Victories St: Crediton, Ont, Office hours roux 9tol0a.m.; 2to5p.m. LUTZ, M. D., office at Ms residence, Exeter, -1.)R. , GUAU- VivIIS1TYIRVINGTrinttyOo11ege(0eRADt»TEberCollegNIe Puvsioians and surgoonr Ont., ofnoe$irkton. HOTELS.. • I IENTRAL HOTEL, . CREI)ITON J W—Wm, Baker proprietor. This Rotel has been newly furnished and fitted up in first-class style.: Large and convenient Show Rooms for Co rmereitil Travellers tbest of liquors held cigars et the Sar. AttentiveRestlers always on hand M 21-3m.' WILLIAM BAKER. DRINCE OF WALES HOTEL. C7.IN VON. G., &WARTS having purchased • the above hotel, and fitted it throughout, now of•s fore first-e.ass accommodation to travelers, Good liquor and cigars at the bar. Good stablingand attentive hostler all hand, Every attention paid to guests. GRAY'S SPECII.� C MEDICINE. TRADE NIARK,TheGi3atEngliehTRADE MARK; Itomedy,an Miff& ing cure for Semi- nal Weak nos', Spermator rho a, Impotency,and'ali ' Diseases that fol- low ,us a sequence of Self. Abuse, as loss of Memory, Before Takin Univer sal Lassi- After Takia gtncle,F'ain in the f:,+ Itaek,Ddmness of vision, Premature old age, and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and o Premature grave.. i Full partienlars in our pamphlet, which wo ,dolire to send frau by mail to every ono. 1 -..:The Speoiflo Medicine is soidby all druggistsat etper paekago or six ppaokaltos tor es, or wll be sent by Mail on receipt of the moneyby addressing TGGBAYM.E11ICTNI1 CO, TOnON,ro, ON'r,,.(1(, IDA r ta•So1d in .Txoterby all drugggi{stsg, and every. wherein Canada anti the 'United states by whole. gale and retail druWitte. N, I3- The demand of our businote have meet, *tinted out removing to Tononto,to which plate pleapo ad dre*q 411 future cooattntitltcatons..