HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-3-11, Page 34 The 'Molsons Bank $1(COXEPOaATEp Or AO'r Or xAttraA313,1YT, 1856, Ce pttai, $2,000,000. HEAD OFFICE MONTRFA O.innat4s 1Yottiossx, 11isq. .'Cros+tdarrtt, d,R, i . 111;oL9ox, I+'OQ., - * , Vioo-.Fres., I)1Rdel:ORS, ilouI) T.,Rfnophorson, 1113' Shepherd, HA Nelson, M P 1L, B LI lawfng, Milos 4V11iiam9, P. 1iY0l:,rl'nter TETOiNC ls,138Q.,. Go,t 1'.'aianae i . JAS. 41.r., or l4pQ„ Manager .84•opatrsal Branch, 110, HEAtox, E,sQ., - e • - • • I1181)e06or. �{ xetei 'B..1..arle311, 331-ni ZY C. 131tI,WPTt - , MANAGER, LOANS TO 'FARMERS. bconey advnnced.to farmers on easy terms, on their owe. promissory notes with one or nacre edocl en- dorsers. No mortgage required as security. SAVINGS i3ANKDwPARTMENT 6 mer oettt Tutel•ost'ecttowecb on r2eoosits, Drafts on United States bought ttndsold. iter Llxcllaugobougbt mid sold, Collections na.role in all parts of the Dominion and returns promptly remitted at lowest rates of ex.e1tauge, Exeter nrgust16th. 1878. Onto I MOSS= Ette THURSDAY;111880. DOMINION ES 1'IN..ATES' THE EXPENDITURE DECIREASING.-A SAVING TO BE MADI1 01' NEAl1Ltr'PrvP, NIL• LION DOLLARS. t'ef 171 is1 4 a. Ottawa, March 8. -The estimates were presented to -clay. They show a totel of $39,230.,570, as compared with $42,392,510 last year. `The principal items in the estimates are- 1870 80 1880 81 Public Debt ......$8,181,155 $0,382,347 Chargee of Mauage- meut,............ 230,507 204.639 Civil Government .. 874,881 917,451 Administration of fustics598,855 607,805 Police . 12,000 13,000 Penitentiaries .... , . 283,908 313,711 Legislation ........ 628,184 634,131 Arf,;,Agricniture and Statistics , ....... 25,200 217,200 Iinnligration aud Quarantine 178,616 Pensions .. 231,881 hiiliti't 706,800 1&tiitpnys and Canals chatg'bletoiucoine ., .... Public Works and Building,' do,.., 982,780 Ocean and River Service ..... 443,573 Lighthouse and Coast Service . 467;443 Fisheries'...... 82,700 So! mtiflo Institu- tions 46,100 46,400 Marine Hospitals anti sick rind tres',ed Seamen 69,000 04,000 Steel -about Inspec- tion.... 13,600 Inspection of In - Americo Compan- ies .... 10,000 10,000 Subsidies.......... 3,421,585 8,423,605 Geological Survey.. 50,000 55,000 Indians ... 484,523 ,, 649,786 North-west Police.. 308,900 290,000 llficoellaneous 106,800 98,500 Collection of Reven- ues Customs 717,069 724.506 Excise 221,740 235.250 Culling Timber 67,600 63,000 Weights and Moas- ures 72,300 Inspection of Staples 3,000 3.000 Adulteration of Food 10,000010,000 Railways aud Canals , 2,150,440 Public Works2,410,165 122,945. Post .Office 1,761,600 1,852.000 Dominion Lands117,500 67,245 Minor Revenues., 10,000 . 10,000 103,010 247,752 636,600 48,500 1,004,957 418;583 487,271 83,800 15,000 72.800 41. Total consolidated fund $23,839,266 $25,007,203 Redemption of debt 6,008,257 1,311,566 Public works and buildings, rail- ways and ceIIaIS chargeable to capital.......... „ 12,965,000 11,611.800 Boaniuiou lattcls' ., 300,000 Total capital.:....... $19,063,257 5,113,223,866 Total .$42,982,510 $38,230,670 The supplementary estimates few 1870 80 oontain ;12,000 to cover the cost of i.tarnage by fire to the Paella- clout bailaiuge,, and $4,200. for im- proving the ventilrttiou The total 3l>1ouilt asked forth the supplemerlt,ry estimate is $1,51I,792. Tat Mail of labt week stated editori- ally th. t the peoplt;wl o killed the Don- nellye were as bad as the Deunellys themselves. We suppose the Mail judges by the tragedy alone. A. great many people at a distance who never Heard of the Vonnollys before the recttnt oceurreuoe say the dame thing. THE budget speech WPS delivered by Sir L. Tiliey on Tuesday night. Tee deficit is $8,00.0,000. Tho v0'11110 or hl'ade:with Great Britain 'has been tn., creased very largely. Several cli'guut;ee have beeu made in the , ryhit,h we taxi'ff, we shallnex ublieh week. p t v i Sir Leonard r a�nto uue(d that the issue of Dominion notes would be itioreaeed8,090 000. Sir VI' f Sor Leonard delivered one of the tnt,si, rnitsterly epeecheti (aver' beard in the I'e►rlittneent of the Dominion,and pr' vett ooliclaelvely fiat the N1t'itnel • lc hadgreatly,ale 1 tit t 1 an e to yt" i f tr r. Wei*, the iConservative party were asking the oonfidenoa of the people at the election in 1878, they anncl heed that their policy would bo ' characterize ed by economy in every ;Department of the Government. la oonformi jt With this . promise, the estimates for last year were about one and a half. million dol'a s below talose of the pre- ceding ceding year --the last of the Maolcanzie Adm'niatration--but'their economy wi 1 ev u be more marked eluting the pre a It year, the estimates showing a still far- ther reduction of nearly five millions. That is the way the Conservative party keeps its promises to the people. TROUBLE IN TEE E,?1.S] . WARLIKE PREPARATIONS BEING IIADII.-- RUSSIA TO flONQUER THE BOSPIHORUS AT BERnIN.-TURiCL'Y AND I4nNl'ENEGltn J llNTL1 TO OPPOSE AGGRESSIVi+: AUSTRIA, -WELL FOUNDED SPECULATION R> GARBING THE GILE4T NA'rIUNAL QUI4S TIONS. • Loudon, 11Laroh 8.-A, Berlin oorres- pendent says -As eprintz approaches matters are again drawing Dear to a crisis in the East. Having esti blisbo(1 herself in Northern. Bosnia, Austria, in conformity with the Berlin aipulatiO116, prepares' to advance to Novi Bazar. The first symptoms of sinilitary measures for the purpose has had the effect of causing -Prince Nieitn to accept the ect•hange.of territory 4.1 - fared b the Porte. Prince Nikita,be- ing subsiflieed by the Qzar,his action ill this, as in every other important mat- ter, is an indication of the views enter- tained at St. Petersburg. As Austria strives to obtain a footing in the east, Turkey and Montenegro are to make up their diminutive elnarrel and con- jointly oppose the progress of the pow- er they ottyerthey regard a'a their common adver- eery. That the Romanian ld destined to take Mand in thirl anti A.nsl:rian corn- einntion has been already stated, while at Puilipopolis as well as Sophia there is Mope that a re -union t1ug1 t be awarder; as recompense for services• rendered in keeping the Hepshurgs at bay. Last. but not least, • there is the irredenta active and influential enough to have compelled the reiilforcemelit of 'i;yrolese garrisons. Should the ge- thering of this Hostile• array be power- less to deter Austria from ctossiug the line, there is every prifbabilty of Tur- key reverting to the last year's prac-ice, and semi officially offering resistance by Albanians. To what extent the Al. bauiens will be supported by (start r coin: bivatione will he decided at St. Peters burg when the necessity f'ir such a cle cisinn arrieere An'tria being banked by Germany. Russia cannot wish to bring on a general wttr, unless, indeed, She ;las reason to count upon seconding her, bootless France, nri deobt, is more friendly toward 1itissie than she has been, but there is . a fereuee botweeu. en-operatten and al Bence, which the. Russian Government in their present critical situation tore sure not to,everlook. Only if the per- sonages recommending a mixture of reform and war as. the carts of the na- tional, r(v lti'ionary di -en 6 should at- taitl power iu Russia, will the Ozer be led away into fres! adventures ? Melt- ing allowance for accidents, it is likely the storm will, be confided' to the de- files of Novi Bazar. The interest ex- cited by premonitory syrnptcniy at Ber- lin iei iutense. As Raeslan leading ,tignitaries hold this (solitary respttIi i ole for the failnre of the San Stefano. prolinainaariess it is only natural that Austria and CxPrrnauy aril the polities of the Roman, ffa sllould be regarded e ineparably mixed together. Only a few days ago Von Marderoff, a rnlnist. oriel member of the German parliarnettt and intimate personal adbereut of Bis- marck, observed in tho bo;lse that Russians, who formerly fancied Com- :+tantiuople wif•Ilt be taken nt Vienna, had preceived their error,n.nd now wont(' crngrler the Be.tsphorna nt Berlin. The nifferenc0' was that the government; plasty wished to subvert everyt.hir'g abroad, whits the party opposed to the, government are anxious to apply the process, for the present, at !beet to domestic. In principal the two sec- tions of Rdssiar; sr ciety were too mind/ ' alike, and ut'l'iss restrained by Germany an ter5Iiy would be sure to flood this oeinitl;y before brig. As Von Marder- off .offered this sentitnent a few g#rtes after the `Winter Palace attempt, tt• 1 ml the feelings ,a f Russian Statesmen on find. ing :thenlse.lvesen the same pol'etted level with those they profess to re Terra with horror and dismay wan bo 'easily itelagined, TimUS SOUTH HURON 4r/cultural Society l 10 OWNERS U1? sTALttIQNB. Ctv etis of stallions intending to exhibit at the 8(ltit13 tiuron Siring Show) to be ltol;l at Bruw,e- ±141, 011 11'ueOI L7'1 Anl'II 18, IPS hereby 1101) 0(1 fault by a nary rill a of Aha filidioty,'hey"aro re9uired to z'tutke their entries with fila se:Ataxy, on or before Komar, Arms, i9, as no entries for hrr es will be tanto after. that, (lute. Entries for 1311lls will be taken ,until 11 0'i>1001c` on the day of the sllow,' 0, EDWIN CUB SSMILL , sec, 3t P3gtneed+•ill° P. O. AUCTION SALE X11 ViileLauds 1)URSUANT TO AN ORDER OF Bale dated :the rtveuty•eigtltli clay of Feb- ruary, 1830, made by Wilmot Rtohard Squire, Es- quire, Judge of the Comity Co'lrb of tb.. Oouuty of Huron, Is a certain matter of partition in the said Uounty Court, of MaFARL i 13 t{1 VS. 11IoFARLANE, 'twill offer for sale by By Archi"al lBishop, Auetioueer, en tho,preutises. Lot 26, in the 8th Oen, Usbohne, 'etehesiclay, March.31, 1850; at One o'aluol- in the a;tornoo; Mo following Lands, vis : , The East Halt of tot Number Twenty -ole( iu the t.iglhth Con.ssi'tou of the Township of Us - borne, it: the County of Huron, Title partoot and tree front iuonmbrultcess. TERMS OF SALE. -Ton per Dent, Sown and the balance to be paid into court within ..uo month from day of talo without'Itnto:Tat, when the purchaser wi,l be entitled to a' oouveyanco eon, to be let into possessiou, The other conditions nt sale o -i]1 bo similar to the standing conditions of the Court of Cheuleery. For fertile' particulars a»ply to the Auction- eer, J. T. OAattOW, 13utli..trr, tloderioh, or to the Von lot's' iuiieit i'o, Seaforth, Dated at Godoriob this ebb day of March, 3880. W.1:. 8Qt-If?R, Ilotilteplosontatiye. MOCAUGHEY tC HOLMTSTJi:I), Vendor. Solicitors. 31 1,T n• Just t Arrive d AT THE CHOICE FAMILY GRO- CERY, A B a'td New. Stock of Garden and. Field Son% 0-Y sTE3rts, GRANGES AND 'D LE MMONS Gin. A. n d �.'.' �' �rl,alil PAN. ON•S BLO(;Ii, EXILTER. SAL'?aQN ANGLING. farswr.}rxwr er'MA INTS eS'LFISHERIES, 1'1s11hulns 1 1t.& 4c r, OT UNA., 34.st. Dec., 187g. 4- +_.o VTR1TDtFN OFIFRS n -ill berecr,ivelto 1.4 April next, for the A.Nt1LINtx P1:i_VI- LEGES of the following rivers: River Kegashka (North Shore). �\ archer:shoo do Zlrr•slt' coutai do Iioulaiue do Musquarvo cw " Pashashe.aboo do " Corneille do •I Agwanus do :Magpie do Trait do 9.:1largnerite do " Pentecost • do Mistao-siui do lieescle l Little Cascapeditto (€Saio•des G],o.lours). Nouvelle de EC0llllenne- do Mtalbaia (nom Pence). Magdalen (South Shore). :iuutloUis do Tobitluo (New Brunswick).. NtttIt v alt to " Jacquet. do • " Mario do " Jupiter (Anticosti I),1nnd)r " Salmon do Rent per annum tobo stated : paytrblia'ixt all- vitnoe. Looms, torun for frnln.oneto five years. Lessees to empioy gntbrllians aL pritate cost. By1)1,7tjt, :...WRF'CfTER, Commissioner of Fisheries, l• 11ATIAIl?.RS, "1'H1 LAND AND: IT wet f.etl eve*. rt` , r,•, n + , t tlrll 9 4 tl � rhtt f 1" 0 1 Limo and Bone tlnss foe O'er Ittnd, h spiny, pa per pivot. away fellofattenuation with toetinio• Lie Is, A1134 to Q3. X.I.MP. +guest, t.soter, 2m it rt Yt " tt ., 41 41 ,tit, t. ,, 14 �r OOPS GO0 constantly arriving at W. D. ;1ieGloglrlou's RTanuuutb Jewellery store, 131), r)Uttttlas street Inlx Urias, Out'rio, ttholt lVor you vilOt bbs f. or- oiuCOtr ton'tfltil•tevli4tthisfittnostil,li•ilntnnt, bbs coin (list•c11t s'et ors cf Ole !duo 041 the Pity, and best arrti1:ttei1 Jowellosy sL i'e iu P01111.bbP01111.nion. 1`Gte }�, 11. \re(ilntihlln Watch stit ids tot• rivalle,l:•: Al' win+i'e' theta rec,rr1 tuicnal thele to their-fr.elntlS ^J1 kinds of ,Vetches,o n stock Clocks ctt)ovury ilrsurt11tl1n,.I1lr:lt JUWAi Sty f cry ttylo,.Tlht)llour1a (iud t':(it:101Tt Stones 111101' (10045, _33etttacl1S, and all tloil:ti n Wogs, Watcho40 llvcita, and Jewellery repaired an.31 �i0'VEl)---1i 1 1N811A1J, ,1)J1;N• ldlwTYl(tiv htias`a,i'(rl! 1, 'tel 'atl t+ells doors nen, cf t ,:tris ll . 1 r1'ie. xti• rt U e tilixtatafir, c 4 *cszr' lei^da7 urz ttlxo R,eStiutau. n nrpleisgirth •- IF8;!rau, Ad4.il'ess, I co,. 4'Oi'tialld ,a,liliht► ,tiini, ,,fl }Yt,/l'y/;e' a i[a.J.. -OF- V �tl Lott, 66o., IN CINrRALIA' AND Ten Acre.f` of Land iN T1IE' TOWNSHiP OF STEPHEN. FT . DT' IR A IN D B VIRTUE 0l+ A ..J .Power'of Sale.00ntaine5 in a oTetaia lne.t- gago which will he p1" n ;hell at the bole of Sin (default haring Dion ma,1 ' intim ....,vo,ont of 0 e money secured there1.31, will be ba Pula .A,-tietion, BY M11, JAMES' OICE, Al cT1o1;11::11: :.ltc1ff'altt's Flutelt-tae the l'illaye a}` Cent• t, tilirt, 1 On Weclnesaay, March 17 1,890, AT 0 O'CLOCK 1N TIM A]TIi:RN UN Snbjeot 3 sachunnditlous as ob :11 tam be pro- duced, ro-du ed, All Slid sitiglllrtl•,,111+'e e.l t.lili 1:1X:41+• urtri et. 011,an awl • elo ('5 111.01,, t.1, ly11,14. 0111 ;.sicl lu 111;, Villut;e 11-uatl IL1taL, In the L'0,t it of liurau Slid 1'l»t•i :cit of a etart• • o.,.1..101111 Ir, .01n1A:c,aur\utetit 0310 1130t l as1 thio i pt ;caws 0. ,and. 110 bele w,,Iu(` iuo,'e ur leas, being collo Posi.4 of 1..t) t11:ee (3) au I fourteen (141 to t,; suit' vitt- ago, ax n steered anti lama dod•u 1, ' toe• plan of ,,t11.tIViSiu1i into villugtp lets of 1 portion of the north 011)1 of oiigibal '0t number four, iu ail• flt:,t ccuc,.,,Siou of 1.t(, Tutvlsrup of t1 11'•11, ,ft:tde' L1LL .sig.11e1i by b enry. threw Lie ell OIL l e..viutial. I SA UL lito•veyur. u.,ted November 0111),18::8, (1101 rcg).terudbit the 10,11511y(iMoe of tile C.uuitty - .r Nit(O11 Yh,•ro L• IL r,:elling bowie onlet three,: twit,; (tell and ethos cunvatziencoa. At tun teeth- Nutri putt piano, melee and by virbee of another power of suds cot:tzined in a certain tuor1g ge tvbnl trill 00 iTo,ta,•ett 111 the tittle of sal.: alt f ,utt airing been mole in 10 Nayulent of t,:e 010 0 secitr0e tnoraurl tl t•vtt. (0111 (1 Hared C.• 0,,ot, r lt.nd znii takn.IM: Flt date, lying Mkt 001114 111 lee luwtlsltiu u! St.,l h vi in the Oulu, 33 of lieruri aud.Pra. ince of U._t, re,, .•Ontait,ing by , (1111cu:ourtnleet tell acre; el land, be the 9awo nu le or less, being c. un„seii of a ;;art of lot -number sir., in the Fourth. L0uce ssiou of too township .,1 Steph+nl,aforesaiit, cumin -m- ingat .1. to Ice oltutted at tee south -shut ankle of said lot, Meuse n.)t•LRueross the while 1) ealt:t ,.f e,tidlot enmity ruffs 1n'or '0 l+, ; t,.ene, west twenty rods, tue000 meta eighty rode in Ire or !Oils t l the sow line, end thence east twenty rods to lite 411tu0 of eutlt'luoucement. Poe furth.r particulars, apply to tic,. B. 1' VILLTOT, Vendor's Soli hos,, .Lxeter,March 1st, 3880, rpt JI, CAI LIN(' ia+ .1,1 W. Mbyte 1.,0001/es 11Ill.fas Meted ;with satista:Atom cud 02 liberal )L-tznp, Al. ird.ei'e loft at the I)101uaion t'gase, 3xster,'wili loeefetrgllum1ptatteet.tn, �Q ,T ATC11Te , eLf('F ,. ' Sowing Mo 0111a 1 '171Itu5, Aecordenn s, n e cat. i7iubr01ia5 ruP++irretl At'cst for the Washer sersee sew ey}I•i (''! 1 A,.j ' • ing Mao.. inoS, $eoopd he "10S:11 ; ,g11/4tieieSfo)- 51111' oboe)) Ali kinds 0f• `teed os and 511114;11.i:6 re • Sow to.: ditnhiz,OF lc»pt, n hand Shop -:\:Stn ftroet, 1'tasliwoe(1. 3([11 G.. 3' )1,DON, E0"n rit-toy, Ria`• 15 1-y. • Aligan Line. LIVERN )11, 1_,ON DOND1 I.tli , GLASGOW sr sIIOR'rES'r. S A PASSAGE. INTIIR:t13'DIAa'I' AND )T -C 41tASE 71/31:;- Errs. E r'on r c E l:og t , Rood for tbl it fl to r ter r•b LI pa 0, 1,45 er ilaTtr1,, 1.t In`i 0-1 T to<, fl •n: ISO:Anr), rl Oh 1111 1 rt r1:Lt:,11 (tt:) city it •--n1'towl.in rnitr,; 1''la l.ufti+.ul:irebyop; ly-• e.us to C.'AP'1'. Cr 1%l fi... Exeter. I A rt D WLRE ll.�}CN TO - Fn +l ,ggatD to,\111`.. r N. .1 -TOWARD 11, ,:+c 1^rl nottn continue i1,:rico harefwar busy-• nit s, u t l t'l, , lyra c:, tt Ir be .1m. of by! L1' .word .. 1tcc;lt ;nr, atP ys 11111 0.0 1 I:lule heard' of... 1'11 Allow 'Eat Iva tsl r!.e .- Flott e o se•w t .. g;i:•3 ins sa oi" t fcty Ili ticks, aud t r thing elite wile be sold at 1i,e seine pl r per•:1u n . Crosscut Saws vr3aaced from 5 0(3 to 34 25' Flan do. " 1 l±i'" " 1 137, 1)o do. '1- iz 60 "I 75. Ares, ca• 1: 00 75 & 818' Shovels: ct. 1' 25 1 75- 1)0 .a, 11110 (11)' Its Lim eFi)rlis, c` 3 -prong s orks 9 -prong (lo \r0T10111 TO CREDITORS:. 'rue creditors of SS tiil.cln Sanders,lots et the Village of usurer in the Coul tv .•f Iiur.,n, I ost- 11l.t1tel Wad diad. nit tins UM day of r ebruct: , .1877, are on u. betnr.l the l alt d:, y of Slid sh , ibto, . r, SE OLE bv'post ',repaid to iieu,0e 01 ?.u- t}r, ,)3,tieln„tl the executor of d, lea .(', their ch istltri and +U(llanref, 11,11100,S al dtt e 11,111.11, t:le ±: 11 purl icul,u-' a.1 th. a tuiu,5 u, LatsLuc.+tt,. ui t ,1,11 La.:CC1111tt au() ill, ill t.ne 01 toe (It ant) dela by t ton, 1111,) seal +•mill., ra are iur•- t1-c emu; red to tam t..itico that on. said 2.110 MMCLtrell, 101)11- said execot•.r q ill dibtttbattt the es - 0115 i accordance with 'will: 01 ttetat 1tan1,1[g,et- 1: 10 050, 05, 0 gt)'• 1'111 Knives and Feats " i' 15)' 1 La - Re Z01,13 i;- 1: 00. 75, Do Ct. 715 5„ 1 L 5 11,sI'wilsr ter ) 1, 1' F. do. w 6') 85,, S: at 10 y;' Et wing Macli)nes '1 eS' 6:1 5 110•' Dbl. barrel guns. Lt. 2) 110 10 01') Ito .F 1.4 Ilya 1. n0, Do. " 16 00 15 001 471)iiled tail .e 95 8-) .1 1)0 , 75: iAgnieNo..1 wrinttylead, 02.20 per keg. ieotell white lead, ?P Stars keg.. Slates at about hall. mise. �. the paatles 311,1311,11 tt,01et ,,11111W111 not ue l,Lilie ?law 01). It 101' (110 flg5et5 pJ 1 :VibuLCU to any I:er cal of whose claim said exouet•0 Shall not uo.ve had nu tine at (1:110 111 11L•• t t?,stl lblltusll. G •:U1cuit SA13Y1! Ito • taxocatnr. I4s:tter, I ei1. S 6th, 31380. Utz Aly Itinstratod Oats.lotlite for 18(10 is now printed and will u n,izitc t frco to all n1100,1014 ourchns- era wllo send their name and fust oitioe ad ager. Ftirlrlern who wish a reliable change 01' 4esa,.0miti„cyte., }ti11 please septa tuairorders early. Price aud ean1,11.;s 011 application WILLIAM 1i ti�fF, Seedsmaut, Toronto, Caoai,a !!The Best FielcI Voll SIG RANTS. t» 1N Ili,14117NSP, A13T•1 A Os' 11AIr,1,i1C'5D AND Gi)t C1 \}l, NT i AN])S, OF !,41:1,:,/, 'I' - 0,11111,- 3eY\VieLIN.L 1fi 11i•:1Clt t,l• PE :MA...ENT :.LA1110.1, AT EXCl.ltitf••1,Y l,OtV PJI0118, Is now offered tor sale in i4 AS'iJSILN 01 1L(i(JN and F.AS'Pi AN WA8111)GT0N PI:1tItI1014Y. These T,auds for.0 part of tho ,great' GRAIN h]'b,T of she Puerto Slope, and ale within an average distance, of 1,10 to ;4:11 milesfr,nr. Portland wbere;ste,l:ships anti s.(lling vesa013 are directly leaded P0114 ALL PART'S ,1F ';'HCI WOJIL.1). G-71)IN J±11' PORTLAND COMMANDS A 1 PIZICJ'1 EC/UAL. TO THAT 013'rr1INE1) IN Gi) T() GO. • The Northern Pacific, Railway and Orogen 14:i1, way and Navigation Uo,xtp to Y aro 110W building 500 3ttlles of rallivtty, travtr s;ng 3,10 region in all directions. •filo settler is tbu.; assuro.S.easy and cheap trunspOrtetioh to ti ie-}ciutur on the Colun,- hin•river,an,b 0., rapid it crease in the value of those leads, wilielt aro natv,uileat' 110 pureL•aee and pre•aluption., LANDS SHOW' an. ifIrERAGI:1 Y5 LD OF 40 BLTt'1.1111.11- 01? i'G'•ai 1sAT PEI; ACBE. No Vatlnre of (frolla over known. IIAIT)ROtk1) LAavDS,oiforecl at the uhiforzn rate of $2.501111 Acre. OLI119A7E MLD' AND HEALTHY. Fot• an rn plilet-tu 1 maps, descriptive el 001111 - try, its resources, oliutlate, route of traveli rates and full information, addleeas • T. it, TANNATT,, Gehl Eastern Pass t Agteutlit. 0 1113rcldway, New York Civ•,. 1p nlegulzt New Stylo Cbrouao Cards, with name 100,pust-paid. cion, I. Reed evc Co, Nassaa;N,Y, AGENTS• WANTED FOR Tl1ty ®P'i'll '.OnL11 It centai,r, led viol;a,aau 1.60 large d.l tl, (0 o0luniu 1111011, audit the Most cowl• There 114t.tory 1,1 tale-Woolcl over published. 11 sella :Ld p( +i, L.. Sauna for specimen pages and extra. terin).5o Agents, tepid see 'ivkt it sells faster tLau any other boost: Address O]luiIIiIOL rZi'ilt 4:00.,1)orlin, Ontario L1.t1111]±1:IN (.4 permanently cured. 1i01' ,arcus ✓ 1(119 and teatitU011i,L.i5 front hundreds Mired, adda'oe9 ,vi 11 .stamp, • '"ytu1nA1crioog Institute''' London, Out, tr�yy Styles Now (1 u,;rn010ards, 30ots, )lost over 4,ild Fold, Stamps taken, 5. D. masted rico„ (5.145(111 N. Y ' At 1'1 1.YEA 11 and, oi )un115 tit agents 011331 • °•'' I irge,.:l', i, tilJ1..1tY, Atreg0ta,,afaitie. 'ata s. Creep 1,i still Very Cortz*,'.te, ?',member the l lacy -n 'bt stere to Saillwcil Pielcar.i, ;lain Street, Easter., 1:xt:tor,Fobruary 12 1Kik C A N IL) .I N PACIFIC RA$LWAY4 TOnd,+w fnr.,a Second 100 titins section S\ s.sT or` 1141111111:11 t1 ill be rorcl ,tt by the ul;d(rsitrl:(13, Botta -nun uu:auudo,y,111. 111th of ',farts:, next. ..1!.b.0 auction Will (41510,;11 li .tn the .3,11 of the 48(11 C ontraot-near t-.0 -astern buuudal•y of Manitoba -Cu ;t polt,t on tlte.web1 bide of thevul- ley of Bird-tt'Lil cret it. • Pundits mutt be ou the printed fOtitit,which, wait tall other it lormatiau, l.le y be Mid a.t tt,w lbteilte Railway r.uglitrul't Uf1;c .s, +n ()ttatwa. aud Wiuuit,eg,.on 1111d tLiLar the le t day ofM,ireu neat. L y order, F-PRAI:N DEl . o>r Iiasltwslfs a31' CAWAL9, 1 Ct. Ottawa, tttu 1'ebruary, toSit J 1f-1ZrCIIT(11;5 r0 l urtuent to Ch p,Lor 107.- Revised Statutes of Ontario, node() Ls hare./.14ir011 that Alt persons having aim cels ttg,tillst the estate of lt(`13E13.''2 G0:tDUAt' 35 SSi T:1,.111„11 co the TOttn- nuip o1Hwy,.ii1 the ()euutf 01-iPutwn, •Yooulan, de- s!tni.ed,ipre tegllirocl, on or betele rue leaf day of ytA11U11,A,1).1t180,to semi utirth:ma is inwritii.g of snail ' claims, duly proved; to 1r. 11 UAL) 1,5r, Esq., Solicitor, 1,410111,. Out, p after which clay the 1:x0.(attrtx will,lto attlilerty to (1:4- 111(011103 the a5aets of Lite le.stittO, baviug' regard only to the clauua of :whish bee shall have laud Notice, and She wtl1.:11014 otter, boat data Ile I14.b,a f,,r Euo,tsseta so itlstribnted to, uy 111'0100 Or' 11'1cr. suns of whose 0)01114 she 'shun not tiles havelXiad notice, -"Aim alilter<o„'e. inctobi;rt.to tile bsL I;;- tato are requested to flay the aiu twit of uhuie ascent, u; to rho uttder+l uSd t(w•iln:itll. ,,,Stud tuts lotu day of 1fehrlta v, A.13. 1880. J.•T .1,, 131.8:14:-.1. 1, .;Suncor; , - '. Tac; Cir-1'ea. t (,) 1 1,x:•;c of HlJ.MA'.d N. 1v1.. S iRY 1Ve have 1151 01111)' Mil:Talied, anew edition. of 1)lt (TJ1,V1lltr,14TL'S 1121. 1�;1S1.IATi..11 )„s1+AY o11 1110 1 e, dicta 'tu 3,.porlualte fit 0are (wibbirut me- dicine) of .1o1vo,iaJ7obitity, 0eutal and puyeicwl 1110apaut ty impediments to 1kar')Lige, etc., 1'0 5ulti1tufr010 "auaug. t- .. l'rieo (u 11.,eltlsd euvo)olie, .03115' 8 cents or .11c.'3."° pO*tiLgcsttlitpaus. The ctlabratod slsav Of 111111 admirable essay, 010111.13' demonstrates, Bann thirty years' till ace, '- ful.pre aka, tbatt.alar'ringg cons..luonces rnir La radleallt aired without the tlangeruuw 119e Sal' lay t0y111t1 tiledicinoel,e3'the use of toe knife t Pearn- i,•r1, 011110 .a Ot cum at once. vi1 pin. :era nia, 1101 (retina I , by nit eons ott with h every llutl'pror, nom )ri- ter what lits (,oudtt44xa rutty be, may euro Liraseat 011 OIL 11y,' tari r:14 ly lead raiilcatiy • Tots Loeri;l its should be in rho ]rands of every youth and every. num in the istntl., Address, '1'1;1D 0t L,V1,RLQ"ELL,Mi1iPICAT.tU'.. 411bun Strsst,:1Sow 1' rk,.. ox 1110 Moe o It ,'1 3PiON.-A.LE! ITRSONf$ ARID' borebyfnrbf Iden ,t0' gz(ve ored(1 alp rn ` 110- 7 , <» til 1 a e l0 111} tt51t altlut v1Vetr tt an) t w 0 u e o r ,(i r 'person. on 11(5'0 ccOwnt, els I will riot ber„sl nnai-• bio or any such aebte, WALT"tSli WI1,eT1 O:Pj., Ytketertgxa'oll 101, 1850.. 31.;, •