HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-3-11, Page 1sr tot aftwo,w,t+,,'arste trra mirmonfvoottr svacrtattcw24vMma M
Vol. Vi la
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"i/Nile SALE.
A No.5 t•Tnti \Vaahiatat,•u hand inose, Xu good.
or ler. Apply .4 te.ls (Mee,
••\L (J L LII FOOt 01.t 10 °tie ,Y'Jt
E7MI g _ �,rllr ,.13,L 1 ('LtlN HOTEL," Oen Itrauu,
Or 1,40 or to relit 1'essoa,.t0u given first of 11uy
Creat )'o,' particulars apply 10 7011\ a1lLTUIi-
EC,1 131 ekuutkor,t:'reditoir,Wet,.
luurnery 1'. W)3). tf,
1,1OR f17;.E OR TO RENT --A Scare
in Ueatr.al1n, on corner of Station nod Main
Streets, Well fitted up, aid sulto.ble for Dry
touts, tirciilwry or lleneral Store, Dor ftu't11er
particulars a1*ply to J. t?, 1diNUM.1N,RX.itor, or
1\31,1t 41.1.k'Y,.Uo•.ttra1ia.
.1 j1Otl SAL1+ ---A,N I'XC�I+ILLS �I'11
I'-11111 of 0•:n hundred aeras on the London
as ad, Stet; eo.acemton of iSteldie/I, near the vi141,4e
afLx,a er• Aii jly to SL1L.13,V. 41i..UF1J.`, soLcl-
to1, Exeter. August l8 1 o7f1.
91() RENT FOR A '1:E1.11i OF
THREE YEARS, --Two improveditfn,s of
Min hundred aeras each, a large hall k barn and
otuur buhi•thns on each pl too. W., rent null, po
paid ut advent 0 or satisfactory security givei..
For further ;,trtio•t1!.rs, apply on the prelu'sot to
W, or Li, IaUL 1'1' N, lot 1, con, 5, Exeter P. 0.,
'WALON Sl3CP AND DWELLINGliuuso f.,r sale 111 ! 14118
tshtv.aod, ttith ono-
futh eh nut a Ire of 1111& eitatt�' d m1•; r Crth's hotel,
.,laic itroot, .tJ. in the hest arts: •as+ Scut of the
village. Entl.ii.lgi nett •1v now. Q.rt'ttity of fr'ait
t1•Jet .i11 T ,a., oi<on to
suit 110 purchaser, Apply t41 FETED. WIN 11,
ti, uttics,u. Dn.
VAli,3f FOR SALE.—Lor 6. bauble
kine. Stephen, 50 erres, 8O acres cleave ., i
shopped, good brick iumen, gond stable, •• re
ouce.l- La.ui excellent, lin lake shore, 1of o
mile ftom.Port Blake, where boats run three
ti.:nos a week, and t ofa mile front Grand
Convonimiterse.mel ;.act chareltes, ennead r •,tu
:31,5+10, t:l-uis easy; SEDIIIIC 1)idsJ:1.l4
DLN tI, llrew"ter p o
itAlial FOI:ttiA.t.,li.—Lot 14, CON-
,ceasion 10 Stpl,on, contafuino 100 'floret. 70
acres cleared. Good 1 g houso and fro no barn,
x00. tioocl young probe d, {rafted fruit, The
EMU. ita fonced and a good et.tto of °tilai-
'ration. There ie1i, largo quantity of black ash,
also a naeor failing well. For terms apply to
'Ei NltYPHILLIPP :: Crediton. Janes
;[UNIi;Y LOANI+3U IN 1►AL$tsi Ott
small Runts 0 1 :irst•rate eeeurrty seta Ino
*auto rate of interest. .Apuly to
13. V, ELLIOT,
Solicitor, Exeter,
26th\ovearibor,1870. tf
e neer. Sales p •otreptly attended to. Days of
sates arranged at this othce,
7C.J, CLARK, Ageatt for the Us.
.a d • berua aid ; Cib bort Antra' Fire Iueuraucu
Company, Residence --- Par, a;anar, Orders by
mail promptly attended to.
�. Laud Surveyor, dec.'
will le -at rue
3i y.tl hotel, rIxotcr,on the SretTuesdnv innneh
month. Orders for work left i••itli lr, Jelin
e,ratckalan wilareoeive prompt tttontinn
OJ'IN H. liYNDJ•1,tN,
' money to loan on mortgages, notes and ,cher
steuttr tlecc. Bents and aceounes collected. on rea-
sonable turan.i. Insurance c freot;d kn. first -elms
Comps. las at reasonable rates. 0.,ree-•-at. Dr.
fi vaduiall's, dtaiu S. rest Nares:
Lehi+c, ILU JTIONEEi-t F(!B,
c v Tl1l. 3OVNTY 0r HURON.
,c jest received ter Investment onmortgages
pa.t filler cent.
} ff1t`DS,WflaLfs, ETC., -DRAWN
,lit reasonable terms.
. R. l3BOTTEEA. D.S.,111..R.C.f).S
fi'ic1 atsofRoyalCollegeof
1)ffi^.e noes O'Neil bank, and opposite Sa.i swell
Half Price,
Dar Iron, Carriage and Buildw
/ `ae
ere ` H, i\Y a r' d war e,
2✓�.. . 17 , ^ N.
Ontario, Thursday, March 11, 1880.
N o 29.
Parnell and Dillou wont to aloutreal
on alowt!ty.
Chief Justice Moss is reported out of
Prince Edwaad I:laud legislature op•
eeed Thursday.
The 1043 duxt(Li ued by tete riots at
Q•tebec las suultuer is about $7,000.
Chief Justice Kiss is very ill from
au utlttisk of heutorihage of the stom-
J. W. Sifton, Winnipeg, isPresitlertt
of the afetaituba Branch of the Domin-
it,tl T. tnperanoe Alliance.
The reaidrtce of Nermen McLeod,
Soottotntvit, Qilebee, was burned on
Sdtltrday. '1'wu childreu perished in
the fi tubes.
The Windsor by-law, granting $30,
000 to the Windsor at Essex Central
lt,eih cad, :hes beau di °tared iuvalid.
Aoutuer nue is to be subluitted.
The gold naives of llalifaax are yield
.lug very largo quantities of the precinus
Imetal, aud a large number of new
iuioes are'exprcteil to be put in opera.
tion in the spring.
D apt"ciel dispatch from Fort McLeod
says that one of the tnurderers of
Muuuted P.dieaa Gruybnru has been ate
rested in 1I:Ioutana 'Territory, a.td
ooufiaed at Fort Benton.
On alont sty morning Alex. Doan,
.contractor fur delivering stoue per
tramway Froin. \Veltaud I%ailway station
to the canal badge, for the use of
I1lnter, llfarr•ty & Co., on the new
aqueduct, was instantly liked by being
crushed while oont,liug oars.
On Thursday last a son of Jades
Patrks, township of Duun/ner, who was
felting a tree in the wooers, had his leg
badly o: ushed. It seems the tree lodg-
ed in another and the batt swung off
the allele jamming Lim itgttiuet ,t log,
one af.his feet had to be amputated.
The Great WeIrtern li,rilway Beard
,f Dtrecters aunouuced that the ac
comas of the Lalfyear justelated suns?
t balauce eufliaiatit to write off the de-
bit at revenue aeconut, the arrears of
di•idebd on the prtferencestoelt of the •
previ ,ue half year„ seal nue mad at half
per cent. per auction on ordinary ehar-
The Newfoundland mail brings an
item of news which is of Domivion it.-
terest. Francis 'V6rinton, editor of St.
John's Chronicle,. hits been appointed
Fruaucial Secretary of the colony. IIlr.
Wiutoth has been 0310 of tae foremost•
chant pious of the anti•Cunfederate par-
ty in 'Aewfunudla,ud, and stili holds
Strong opinions on' that gneston. His
entrance into the Government should
set at rest all talk about Newfoundland
eutering the .Union.
A Hallam telegram states that the
exodus to the Uuited States enntinnes.
Reports from all parts of the Province
spell& of getive young men leaving or
llrelh1.! lug to leave. One papers site's
.hat $1,100 in cash were received at
the Amherst Station of the Iutereofoii-
iatl Railway on one day for tickets to
the Western States.
A largo number of Nova Sentient:
continue to leave for the Western
States. The distress itiGuvsbaro cunn-
ty, as well as fa the city of Halietx, is
severely felt, and the calla upon the
charitable societies are heavier than
can be met. Au. appeal issue d by ono
of' these societies says that unless it is
tarnished with means at once it must
suspend work.
It is ttntlerstooci'that a strong effort
is now being made to axsooiate all the
church chairs in Toronto and vicinity,
the object being the improvement .of
heal choirs in rendering the service of
praise, for which purpose it is intended
to Neve eel iodictil rehearsals and an an.
nmol festival in some large ehurch in
'.l'urent0, and on the basis as far as
practicable, of that adopted in Eng-
The Queen has, it is understood,
entnmiseiouetl Mr.. O'Brien, of,the
D •tnininn Academy of Arts, throtigh
Lxcelleucy. the Governor- General,
to paint tt view of the oity cf Qnebeo.
His Excr!iletloy ll,ts'pnrohased the fol•
lowing t"ietu, es from the Academy' for
which he lotreled over a clhhlfltfcsr.$000;
'Piuuner 14fiI1,' by H. R. Wotan, Of
Ayr, $800; 'White M• net:ltins,' by A,
Godson, aforitaethl; 'L'llatbitarat,' by
Replied. nt Montreal; ,The Last 'Bee
in the White Alunnt►ius,' t)•y J. A.
Fraser, of `'crusts; ,L tW Title in 111t'
Belo il., C111a,1a-u•a,' by Le R. O'B inn,
ttt '1' :*onto, anti two water colors by
the sane artist.
Sunday Fvuning Geo. Lawrence, ROW A CLINTON ALAN GOT CAUOELT.
while crossing the Bay et Belleville,
was drowned.,
The barque Elelana, of St. John,
N, B , has been lost at sea with her
oaptaiu and several of ber crew.
A by-la,v to raise $4,590 for the put -
these of a steam fire eugine was car-
ried in St. 11:tary's on. Monday by a
majority Of three. .
Two of the actors of the Hamilton
Dime bliowu o11 Sunday night assault-
ed a reporter who criticised them ra-
ther severely. They paid a fine of,$15
for the sport.
A lire at' Collins wood on Saturday
destroyed two builliogs, The fire is
supposed to have been the work of an
iuceudlary, as several other atteuips
were made tlh4 same night.
Bishop Bin ney,of the English0hnroh,
Nova Scotia, is leading up an akitatiun.
agaiihst Girttuard'e deceased vtife's sis-
ter Bill. He denonnoed it froth the
pulpit twice ou Sunday, and called, on
all churchmen to sign petitions and use
all their efforts agaiust the Bili.
St. -Louis has a population of over
half a milker. •
New York Herald relief funds now
amouute to $278,000.
By the explosion o f gas in number
two shaft, Nanticok, Ftid ,y, four men
were killed.
De Lesseps has had an interview
with President Bayes which it is stated,
proved very satisfactory to both Parti -
At Wheeling, V'., on Saturday even-
ing, prisoners in the workhouse attack-
ed the guard stud e caped.• During doe
attack 1i1oSherry, one of the guards,
fired a pistol, killing` Patrick ,Daly au'
uuoffeUlive pra-ouer.
Ness Tolls, of Eminence, Ky. (corer -
ed). who killed a man for being tuo in -t
tituete with Toll's wife, and who was)
cleared on ttia!, returned to Stnithfield
yesterday Kid cut his wifa.'a throat, kill -
lug her instantly.
The Greenback National Coarentiou
have nominated S. B Dillaye, of New
Haiilp�hire, ae their oanaidate for tilt+
Presidency, and B. J. Chamber, of Tex-
as, for the Vice-Prestidency.
The Atuetican Chess Anseoiation has
expelled James Grundy fur dialt.'„ee;t
practice at the last national ttlrnemeret, 1
whieh he tvou the tract prize. P. l
Were, of 13 tstnn, another Contestant.
has beeu suspended for a year fur ex-
cept•iug a bribe of Grundy's.
Mrs. Honore, Dagen, cf New . York, I
rendered insane by tine death of three
"f her children, with a belle in her arms !
and a little son, wandering about the
streets and was event to Blackwell's Is.
land as a vagrant. Her husband, after
ti white, learned that hie wife was ill
the Lunatic Asylum, the babe dead
and their R011 missing. Before he could
reclaim his wife lie fell from a fourth
story window and was killed. Rulx.tiv-
es are now searching for the lost boy.
FOLLY OFA rr1sTIVE YOUTE or 50 star-
sizes—Ann SQUANDERING $500 ne
One weep ago Saturday a farmer
from Clinton came to London on his
Whyte Sodnay where. he had purchased
a farm and was going to make his first
payment thereon. He had $1,500 iu
hie possession, and being a' man of 49
witli a wife and fancily at home, it
Would be taken for granted that be
knew how to take care of the money
he had no doubt worked hard to an
oumnlate. The change from 'rural
gnietnese to the bustle of the city, robb•
ed the old man of his better jutlgetnent.
and with almost unaeoountnl:le im-
pulsiveness he took a Cab and drove to
a well known house of ill -fume in Lon-
don East. Then began aseason of al-
most incredible debauchery,' which
lasted until Saturday, when he was ar-
rested. It seems th tt on leaving home
he made the proverbial promise "write
soon," but when two, three, four and
five days had passed by without the
arrival of the expected epistle, the
anxiety of the wife at Clinton renchcd
a pitch whish brings about some result.
She took the train and came to London,
and on meeting Constable Logan, of
the G. W. E., she told him of her rene-
trade husband and her suspicions as to
his whereabouts. That officer then
set to work and snoceeded ;in finding
out the quarters of the debauch°, but
eould not induce him to quit hie mad
course. A warrant was accordingly
procured, tad Satnttay afternoon
Connty (Jonsstables Pone and Hodge
arrested -him in London East on a
charge of drnukenness and disorderly
conduct. The sorrowing 'wife thele
learned that her husbatd had spent
$500 during his sojourn at the afone-
mentioned horse of ill -fame, having
"purchased wholesale quantities of liqu-
or and paid;fabulous prices for all his
luxuries (2). It is more than probable
;that his expenses w,onld have swallow-
ed up the entire $1.500 had it not been
for the fact that on his arrival in Lon-
don. Mr. S. Grigg noticed los hilariious
state of mind, a.cd quietly took posses-
sion of $1,030. When the old man
uncovered that his wite was lu possess-
ion of the latter amnnut, be swore that
he would cut her throat if he had to
walk home for it. She says that this
is not the first time he has acted so in-
finitely. A lawyer was consulted in
the afteruoou, aucl warrants were plan
ea in the hands cf Qaustables Pope and
Hodge for the armlet of Mary tun
Comber, the inmates of her house, Etna
several frequenters, who, it- is alleged,
assisted the old man in a very material
pimplier to speed his $a00. Fur the
Satlta of his fahnilyethe name of the fool-
ish old sinner ie ttjthheld,
At fot►r o'elook 1lLiiry Ann Comber,
Susie .flail, 1 -mate Struthers, and Ent -
ma Wildcat, Were brought before Squire
Peters, the former being charged with
keeling a house of ill•fewe, and the
latter with being inmates, They plead-
ed guilty, mutt Cotnher was assessed
$24.10, and the others $14.10 each.
Au aditionttl charge of selliig liquor
without a Ticeuse was laid over until
Latest from Toronto,
Toronto, March 7. -The Military
School closed on Saturday, fifteen stud-
ents passing the closing examine,*G1Un. •
About 2 o'olook this morning Adolph
Heinrich, a night hand in Strauss' wool
factory at 1)ommouut, icnots:tea over a
coal oil lamp and set fire to his clothes.
He wesalone in the factory at the time,
and when his cries sumtnoned assis-
tance he was so bt.dly burned that re-
covery is impossible. At present he
is lingering in great agony at the hos-
rani. Ho is a recent aeries), and has
a wife and family of young elllldrer de.
pendent npon him.
Parnell and Dillon received a snub
from all the leading people of the city.
No one of any importance appeared at
the ressptiuu or ou the platform at the
Opera House, About 500' people were
,in atteudaneo. The usual speeches,
applause and 3 e:lolutiolh4 web° gone
through with, tool $500 '..subscribed..
There was 110 disturbance --every one,
xuept the members of the suc1011oa who
invited them, 0eeLninR determined to
Ike no notice of the itgitators. The
people who broit5bt them hero are'
greatly cti.gurtcld et the slim reenim,a,
Ind Isis public ere pleased wt the flat•
•:0330 of the a flair, 11'1ea'tre. Pal']hell,
Dillon *diel I -wore go to Malntteel by
thb first trail vu Mond sy ulorrithg.
'Warrants were issued for the arrest
of I erman Depper and C. J. D. Lilley,
on a charge of being frequeutets of the
house, but before they were executed
the parties gave themselves uj, and were
balcid'to appear on aiouday. lu the
Meantime the old man has been remand•
ed to jail for eight days, until he shall
have sobered up.
Wiudsor, March 8. --William Beatty,
a Wilite wan aged S:r years, and Peter
Alines, tt colui ed youth of 17, - is ere are
rested iu Windsor at uoou.on Sunday,
on complalut of Mrs. Margaret Muit•
ton, charging them with rape. At the
Puttee ourt'this morning Mrs. Muir.
tun, who ie a woman Lit about sixty-five
)'ears, and wlho,l tis been the mother of
010'611 OWL/ell, torstilAStl to the fullers, -
'mg etl'a.ut:—Site was asleep Iu bed Eli
her tllenty au the Janet lattll, iu th.
!amber yard at the West encsut W1!adsor,
tsheo, act about `B u'el,.ck StluL)&I' morn,
,1•.,e, elle a ad lti4uveeett oy a e.UUOu a.
the door, Before she could reply the
door was broken down, and a colored
man entered, From .the light of a
match which he struck she recognized
hint as the prisoner Peter Hines. He
immediately seized her, threw her t p-
on the bed and committed an iufan ons
outrage upon her. He was followed by
the other prisoner, Wm, Beatty, who
also outraged her person, and whorl
she ideetifiecl by bis voice and the use
of his name by Hines, Tiley finally
left her in an almost unconscious con-
dition, but she subsequently recovered
snlliciently to notify,. neighbors, who
aided her to roach the police authori-
' After Mrs. Mttirtou had given her
testimony Polioe Magistrate Bartlet
asked the prisoners if they had any-
thing to say, Both replied that they
had •not, and signed the commitment
papers to that effect. The P. Al. in re-
manding the prisoners for trial at the
Saudwioll Assizes, which open to -mor-
row, said t +e evidence was very strong
against 'them, and advised them to
endeavor to Beware counsel to °abduct
their Case. The penalty for their of
fence, since. the new atatntes took ef-
fect, is imprisonment for life, or;for any
term of years not less than seven. :The
P. IL expressed his regret that „a man
(Beatty), the son of) one of Windsor's
old citizens, and who had a wife and
fatuity of his own, should be guilty of
suet' a heinous crime as; according to
the evidence, he must believe him to
be. Hines, the negro, is a harmless -
looping youngfellow, who appears full
of school -boy misehiuf, while Beatty
shows signs of continued dissipation,
and tretubled like a leaf as he signed
the commitment. .
A Nlost Brutal Outrage.
NEAR TOness' 0.
Toronto, ilfaroli 6.—Mary Morse, a
servant employed at the house of Mr.
-Tolled, Lake Shore Road, Was return-
ing trona this city to her home on Wed-
nesday lean, when aha was overtaken
by: five meta who iuduoed her to par-
take of sums littutir• which is supposed
to have twee drugged. They then
forcibly carried Ler to an adjolniog
wood, where they all brutally.outraged
her. She was loud in an unconscious
state, and taken to the General Hospi-
tal, where she at present lies iu a criti-
cal ouudisiou. A young mein named
Maroney, living in the neighbothood,
has beau arrested an suspicion. At the
Pulioe 0ourt to -day he was remand-
A Shoemaa er's Last.
Guelph, Out., March 6. --John A.
14IcMiliau, wire for many years has kept
a bout and shoe store here, athnmitted
suicide some time last night by hang-
ing. He hung himself by means of a
strap fastened Co the top of a door.
When found he was dead Atone time
he was major iu the Guelph Rifles, He
had all his effects addressed to thous
he wished ,Bent given, and, in a will.
left his body : to the students of a
medical coileie in T ,Tonto. It is sup=
posed he was Lida in right mind. An
inquest to be be,d to•uiglht.
Serieut Ital. way Accident.
Bowmanville, Out., March 8.—A
seriolta accident occucred at the G. T.
R. station here to -day. 1Vheu the
down mixed was about a mile west of
the statiou a brakeman was thrown off
!ha ear by the braking of a brake
chain. The trniu beiugon a down grade,
and nearing the station, the eugineer
was unable to stop 1n time to prevent a
collision with n f:eight train which was
shaming, The rugines cause together
with a crash. and taeveral Dare tele-
scoped. Two were thrown completely
off the track, and rolled down a em.
baultment some twenty feet. rhe
engineers And firemen jumped off the
elrgities, but its doing s0 sustained
more or less itljury. The pas•eugers
in the roar ear received a shook suffi.
010ut to throw them frutit their beats,
but'alt ebeeped eithuut scut' serious in•.
The aennel tutietieg of the Manitoba
bratioli of the J) ,wininta Temperatlee
uiat, tlaa° elected .iii, J. W. Sifton heti-
due t.