HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-2-19, Page 7DAi1Y 19, 1 a$O } ALESS 1101IES. tirepiece . i, n booklnr:R • home, 1 illy ; 1 f; friends ; sue tlAiat ria( tonbelinry 9t lwros lf 'r y0nrst 's,4 Orl do not for- get the tn)l,•altnhd library. ` Via rejoice ill pretty l.i•ut we wi', a1`i1011(4 bat 4tud t)eawi;pap ll)g`woot>(1 eo 41et''clf the eLti We novor'metwl Atone an datngt)! Liutidiuotas. hi bout 1 f,iutir ',id dieli nary/ ,cl'imitsal utt'en leg of wisdom modern Neill utile::cc; Scull thornc* stud I' FhuttI(1`huuw bast tliiit'C1S to-( social life„ of pi) lVe there known bon financiers, t less in a es,,,brit nodi or tender Routed. S bc?r thi`:, glance civet. , a1' there 1')e not some tecancy h) ilii u'1 with the volatile which will ant„ to the ttleer cf the windy (viot('y nights, fret r 'oti irii•g an I'll work the pedal,' shill a ettureh sirs et father, Sunday evening ns, he lifted a high colored young elan from the. front i ore1i. Mind (1110 01+1.11.011001. t 11101.1/01, i•1 . b.,sa; ieia' b(>llvr titan to tv0rl.< ft)r '1 J fnrl>itlire attlal 14'01 tie.11'iWn1'a�; lh.ltl yialir'1a, 111' 1)t,so ain't always t 'so knee i4 naw... is tx'li stand• 'rotted slap it,t. ('ii g with his el3tl.e'Vet'y tew.1 plireialiLhiC',, 'a and tnngIlZillen(l iclsly that the we,'y'or. 1f genie noof the nnenn<tifeal 'slitters ounl,is inipE'ti,le'e; in the dn,'N of Is), )))11 1/i+(( (aa)('d itis b tat wuutd it II"' pint SIL rad to the ttlCtliill{;�:rgRtt iaitYlllgL'itR ' > hrs grow ince ? Certainly it wuuid—to these not of stela go t(t hnustkc'ri,ing intim ll 1 ac0, de Run dis morning ? (telt �i;l,i.e laeaa,wtOt ttntttauit,i;• 3114.1,t&o txe olicta<l R,' the Rev. lir. (Tiers;. ''il hv, c11i:t Fid Elle i4.es til(i b:'gie. n' mylt''n';r. Wher'is•it now, ?'—SVhy (tis side u1) ULy hnnyn, l)ert'n'1- <1e son `I'+luelt 1ia> tvi)ttl(t nald .y to Ftacietrt, l netts' t0 n)08t 1/a got rutl)r' it, ail' it 00tilaili't de Th4Lcketw,Dicl(eus, Ilaw• dost. 8ti4udtl(' &;till. \Vhereful de eon t mrv0, r',th.' Pointon to theology.\tra fe npltriQ(,n int 7111 do The Toronto ourert t11n1<els aro on a ay nt)''0 all qttestiotleCl'(.f strike ; 1lrcir employers Have pulled the oseliity, nt aeriotittors'• strings tee tight for them, and the CU'Hta' hI1S1Ue3P ill(1), L((1('1 won't tie 80I0.C11t1, blit ltuve inetltn• 1 r(,N alit (tf ia;tU1S- r'he grea.t.lh?,Lrted toll t, iit.l;Y of jttuceediegi1, {locht'ing s• pal'(tnte, rennet). (1113' ti':nn't 1'1(' t their tints, ; Hna of ,• itr library to see corsets, too moult to -expect that they - ►+o++' twill hone down to wart( without pro. CONSUI1PT}O T CU33Ei1. per pat'. hill 1 hip 1 liurt'nll 1 for the. An oldphysician, retired from praetioe,hav lig had placed in his hands by an (East In. f sr tine boy it book rlf history 0e t''avu1,: girt:+• ilia missionary the formula of a simple vege- for ill, -1 gird it entry of Tennyson, of A eilemist at Deng it ha.) bsen ex- tattle unlody f(tr the speitcly and permaueu- VUre for (ionsellaptiotl, Brotlelutis, C'attarl), Ast Longfull'ln•,or lr ll.v;rung-8nta1ci sweet la.uinit>_� the water of that city, and thine, and all 'Throatand LungAil'ectious,also Moet who silage alongthe quietYale; nr fitict3 lu it '1, (11)111tt HP' cies of diatoms; [a positive and ii dical caro for ilervoua e life tit 03138 we (18.11 unclei'r:t)1141. Win aria \eutve a1av- sn(1'tl ler the ;'otz'(ehla earral1L1, Cytna• ingbility testedail its (avows tvouderfuioiuplaicurative ptterowers1fn tlousatllds of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his differing fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering. I will tend free of charge to all who de- sire it, tills recipe, in German, French, or Eng- OBASSAlii SYRUP." Aro other medioino in the world was ever given snob a test of its otlrativo qualities es 13ose.xnt'4.'s elmoreer SYRUP. in three -years two 1(1111ions hair hundred tit mLuIl slush bottles t>'f this medicine were distributed free gfr'hrtr;>r 110V 10V druggist* iii this e,til11t1'y to tl>ose ntltcted with Couss.nlption, Aasthunt. Croup, severe Coughs, Peenutunniaa, and other di -eases of the throat .and lungs, giving the A)aerieaia people undeniable proof that Ginorert Sxlnut' will euro theta, The result has been that slvllguists in every town and .village in the Ca. nodes (8d United States are recommending it to their enfltaalels. Go to your druggist aicl ask what they know about it. Semple bottles. 10 cents, lingular size, 75 cents. 1'hroi doses will ,relieve any case. Iiagyard's Pectoral Balsam. -- It; is formed from thebist•known n.nd most roliiO>le Balsams, Gums and Ve- getabls•'1'onics, iu cheuiioal union with the extrnot of \Vi!(1 Cherry Berk and Ligrorioe ir, their fresh and uroadulter- atPcl forine,•e,nd is the most pleayaLn and effective combination that can be. Pecuret1 with a view to relief or permat- nent cure ofJ IOfldsetles5, Coughs, Colds, influenza, Whooping Cough, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, and all diseases of the Lungs. For stale by all dealers at 25 cents ,per bottle. them to rent( (drilal around the eveuiU(( lamp, androost unconsciouslytheir tooleli'•(1 solea; Cyintttupleara elliptic, :v01114 801113 w111 1)0 drawn out to fullt'e Stn.arM1e13. punctata, Plenrosil;ma after tilne0 nt),' sail. to foll'tw,ttnd Bing, ; pera:erll, era ithizt,i.ole ni:a Eriensin'' nnd'Le ORA—Lir great k3 the rower of 'r113 inhttbitanit3 may exclaim with 11.h,uitb fill directions for preparing and ns- influeuce`Mond. 'L:Lve Ill it., clrinit of it ('116[1 if jag. Sent by mail by addressing with. stomp, naming this paper, W. W. Saunas, lift Powers yon con.' J3lock,Rochester, 1SINGULAR bast, OF LIGHTNING A Yonne lady sends in a cnmmtlni- a (. n ST I'OT'SO cat.r'n 011 some presumably 1nte'restirlg A "saner was reed at as late meeting of topic, eitll the request to 'Please print the Clio.eal 5 'ciety, Loudon, by Dr. Cr. Wilke., a Ashford, on a remarkable +ease of lightning stroke. which occurr- ed on (l one, 8, 1878. A. farm laborer was struck by lightning while standing Linder it willow ttae8, close to a window in a shed in which his nose fellow workman) hail just taker, shelter from a 'vio'lent storm of rain. Hie companions found the tree partly denuded of its g . deli' tit but ellen site 'give); it to the intrly sled the patient's boots standing, sit its fret, The patient himself was now it doom% delight ale in the least.' lying en lits buck two yards off, 1.01 ,,,'D.'are't, the stars 1 like bright though he was fully clouted previously, tae was now naked, with absolritely uo- thin on except part of the left arm of bis 1auuel vest. Ho was conscious, but lunct, burnt. mud his leg was :as badly broken. The fitet(1 atraund was straw)) with . fragments of the clothing : the clothes were FOIL or torn from top to bottom, the edges of the fragments he lug Often torn into shreds of fringes ; they only slinwed evideuee elf fire 11 here they carne ir: C0uta0 with metal, such fes his wntell and the buckle of his waist dtelt. Thero were uo laces in the boots. Tho left bout was torn and teisterl into falitastic shapes, but the sole was un- i:ajnred, and there were no si•rns of Etre. >tipon it ; the li ht bo„t had the leather touch t rn 'sled the wile rent and'burnt, if not too full.' It is hardly necessary to any that we hurl back the bnue insi- nnntinll with sc'rt, also the cotYtaluiti- catiotl. 'How are yon getting. along since your Marriage ?' 11.1{33 one friend of anttiither, '\Viten Fhe gave me her hand a little over a year ego it filled (ns, with lamps of love, do they not ?' murmur- ed just one year ago, as they sat ou her feather's front porch. Now as he pioke himsell out of the twat box cohere the eccentric evolutions of tits frying pan finally deposit him, be generally retnurks something about the stars be - leg prophetic glimpses of la warm fu- ture. u•tore. 1'ILGRI Id.GES TO IZUstT$LO. I. Y., are made by thnusandw of invalids an- nually to consult .with the medical and surgical staff of thv \Voilal's Dispens- ary and Iuvlalide' hotel, tl'e largest private Faltltnri111n 11) the world. All chronic di(ieases are treated by echos ti - The watch had a Mule burnt tt1t0U lr fie methods. The pi a(Oti<•e is divided Oise c .are, nod the chain was almost en' among tiles inept specialists. Among tirely desttoy d. The stt'ckings were the 'poet popnlar du'neetic medicines un�Ijrtred. The patient stated that lt,; in the land are tbo,.e manufactured by This Assnointion, nm"lig which are Dr. split dl.wtl the inner vide; the hat wits 'was struck violent cm the chest and sllould('re, b• cause enveloped in a blind- ing lieht, and was hurled into th' sir, coming 'town on his back, :•1111 of a crash," and never losing conscioneneeR. The hair of Isis facie way burnt, and the body was covered with burns. Down each thigh and leg Was a broad crim- son indurated bend of burning, passing throughthe inner side of the knee, and .ending below the lett inner ankle and right heel ; a 1,L.ceratea wound, with a comminuted fracture cf the os calcis, The bones of the right leg werefractnr- el and the tibial protr 13w(1 through the skin i11 the course of the burn. He was dischareed healed twenty weeks after the occarr(ince. Dr, \Vitaa re. to trlced on the most complete exemp- ti ii of .the nervons'systein awl on the probability ,Wet the olrithes b''titg wet noted as. good contlnetnra, diverted the electric current from the irreat nervous tragi<l:, [111(8 saving the man's life,---. Sot eat if c.•f nlertcal E. ' URIC -A BItA.C. Don't pay any attention to a sign of 'ebut the door.' It is the trick of a' lazy min to get others to do iris work f. r him, I bold that a Mat) 1/118 :Oat as meel1 rite to shell a word as it is peon minced, .118 tell' prououucai it the wilyit taln't *spelt. I kent think of envy tallest that iZ so apt to ole-c'litcl from hither tee ton, untarnished as the gift of cxxaggert. tietb Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the greatest of alteratives 0rbinnd-ol' angers and Dr. tittle pill.-) that have largely superseded the old fashion- ed coarse pill:(. O'mpounl Extract of Smart -Weed is deservedly popular a4 a remedy for.dierrhwo:L, dysentery, Jinx, and kindred clistaees ; also all (► pain- killer tit remedy for colds. Dr. Pierce'y. Favorite Prescription is the great re- medy for female weakness and aesoei- ated derangements. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is, the 'Old Reliable.' Invalids' GOidl'•i3 sok--10 iter. is post- paid. Address 1Vorld'e Dtspensnry Medical A-snciatien. Buffalo; N. Y., or Loudon, England. Wuner Kiog joules tlse first wrote his. "coniterblast 10 .tot>necn," the royal pendant Knew nothing of the "Myrtle Navy." If he had, instead of wasting hie brains over hits curies.); prnd,iiotion, he would have filled his nye] pipe with it,an,1 would have taken n,royalbninke, he world have been prepared to admit. that with regard to the i'ajuri nus effects of tobacco, it all depended ou what to- 'bacco you emuked. Victnrila Hvpopllosphites exten(lra its in1ue"co into every part of the hntn'ln etrgnrtistn,C(O11meneiilig f1':tin thefoundtt ti,rn. C ilii &111g disease(1 notion, and re - Storing vittal, powers, cresting i. healthy forms in' a1111 purification of the bland. llril'ing 4.111 disease, nett leaving 'mime? to pe farul 1(11 t111'rtt.rd part. It i•+ the finest nert'11(1i remedy krtoa'lt. and the gren#est herd» herdand blond f.,od in Aho wor•Id.. For atlrle by all dealer:(, $1 per bottle, HENS AL8L. PATRONIZE HOME INDUST.RI.ES' 11113 go abr,a3 fol' your Furniture ellen yon onn lot as Good Value for your money iu •tlensall as r:k stay other Town iu gonads? Fins now on baud a splendid stack of t��TJRNITUiE Of 1Y.ERY DESCRIPTION, Il7tirle Ile trill Sell at niece to Suit iho T'inras. UNDERTAKING JUST RECEIVED AT TEE EXETER GROCERY In all its branches promptly attended to. Also u FIRST CLASS HEARSE, Which he will furnish for FUNERALS on reas- I enable torula. Contracts for Building 01 every descr ption taken on most reasonable terms. :Material turui•ltr(1 if dewirod. P.s-nember lint .1 eesall Furd:taro and Under- taking Establishment. t. S FAIRBAII1N. NE t+v GOODS.NEW GOODS 4145 . constantly arriving et W. 'D. MCGIt gI)1on's Mammoth Jewellery Stene, 183, Dander street London, Out An, Wbenever you visit the 1''cr- o4., City don't fail to visit this arse establishment, the only first-cla'a store of the kind in the City, ancl best arranged Jewellery store in the Pond. nion. The W. D. Mh aCloghlon Watch sads au. rtvaneal. A1' tvl+o use them recommend thorn to tiltirfr.oncls. til,cinds of Watches in stock Clacks of every desorption, Blob jewellery of er- ery style, Diamonds and Precious Stnues.Fenny (*naris, Spoetacles, and all padding Rings Watcher:, Clocks, and Jewellery repaired and warranted .W U. M0+1,0C3$L(1N. 'MILLINER/ AT. MISS GARLICK'S A full line dnwin, .of FALL and 'WIN'CE11 kints, and n11 the latest 917108. New Flowers feathers,and Oi'n Trimmings in groat variety. GIRL'S I3AT. NICELY TBI11>1IEl) from 61.00 up. Everything wi11bosold ascheap es possible. Fancy Goode, Merlin Wool, t,lottoes, ('t0,,9101 tock always kept. 3aolcote ulnae or cut Bonnets, smsnts. MISS GARLIC '1 sop brain St.,11gator, The nnwtiro ah�&�Medicinoeures,ipernsatorl'lura 1311.60171T , and all nervous complaints 1'o- mating (31(081)9? memoryserious impediments to marriage,groat delrrcasion, ate. 7.c per box:.1 for $2. ead by druggists everywhere Wilelt'. gale LS"hIAN 1It.,S• & 00., Torn))to. Sett by nlait, eecu rely sealed, On receipt of price. nr1,1yeto imperial V'ttUa) 1e Agency, eti4eeep Q,%.0r0411.0 AND LIQUOR [STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG IIYSON' and ,LACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS,: PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, CANED FRUIT. t�ARDINE S, LUBST.urts, SALMON, BITTER SAUCE AND riaia,ES, 13R A•1VDIES, GIN'S, WINES AND SYRUPS, RST, HALT ,SCUTuli,IRISH AND CO"ir1ION WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGAI;.S, Wholesale and Retail. - A., MACE Main Street,Ex eter. THP.:,TI NAL P LIC ' Havlug trim anplaea at the polls, ISAAC C ARLIN 'U..6d is prepared to give nillas eustomors too bat 0)1(41 tivtt will accrue from its adoption, and besot; har11 &large stook of Dry' Goods, Groceries, Wines aria Liquors, Crockery, EIte,, At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold a Which will be sold at prices unheard of under Free Trade. The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- ' vattitage to sell their prochice without paying market fees, ou the Exeter niarket,which is second to none in the west, find then call at the store of the s ibscriber and Secure Immense Bear, gailms f here to be had in Overooaoing, Mill -cloths, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and everytni>..1g n3eded in the Dry Goods lino. The Grocery Department very Complete. An inspection invited No trouble to show goods ISAAC CA.B,LING GO TO JAMES JP.ICKARD' S and don't miss the chance. lust Received - 3rd Lct or those Cheap (link Setts, 3rd Lot of Robes, Hudson Bay prices, Dress Goods and Win,coys—dirt cheap, Blankets and Etoffes at job prices, Grey, Scarlet and. Fancy Flamm s—mail prices, For variety and Latest Styles, don't fail to see our MILLI.NEIIY. Cloths and Tweeds, neve,* hotter selected, neat' the best cutter in the county, OVERCOATS The UNIVERSAL SU8PENDER, For assortment and price unequalled, Q OME REASONS why these Suspenders W are better than others :- 1st.—No Elastic required. 2nd.—Ia Slack when stooping, 3rd.—It never slips off the Shoulders. , 4th.—Sold at prices of common suspenders: Try a Pair and Secure Comfort. Manufactured by C. E. ItAMAGE, 282 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, BOOTS AND SHOES: Bought before the big advance,, and our customers get the advantage not only of selecting from the largest Stuck ill town, but AT OLD PRICE'S.. Our object is to buy and sell at Bottom Prices, and by the way people are flocking around we thiule we ere doing it. CORIA ten EE.. JAMES PIC A R.D SPECIAL 0NOTICE! Are now offering at OLD PRICES a complete assortment of DRY 000CS, lneludiug Mantles, and. Mantle Cloths in Great 'Variety Dress Goods in . all shades, and colors. IVTNC. Y5 CHL'APEIir THAN EVEII BEFORE BLACK LUST1 ES; direct from the maudacturer, FLANNELS d- BLANKETS vert low. READY-MADE CLOTHING CHEAP. CLOTH & PUB CAPS ALLi STYLES. Ii:IT.tTitsEI11` IN LATEST STYLES. Ot(Ol,l1Ela CLOTHING A, pfilCIALTY. Also full lines of BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS t0 CAPS, iC FIIEw 1:I GEacE11IE2. %vo Have al4o a stp0ci(ll offering of LADIES' 1tll�li,` SETS & CANSc�Wil.try:,ic3trtll see -them A. lot of BUFFALO ROQI;3 at spools pricey. All the above goods 7;'iii be offered at the very lowest bi'icet;. $A'tUWLX,L : PICEA t' F!'ERED a