HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-2-19, Page 56
Johnny O'Connor now mounted the
Witness stand aniid it good deal of ex-
bitenlebt atatotor tt1bse itt Court.
Corohor'.. "How old are you, John-
Witness -"f ain eleven years of
age." •
Coroner -"Have you ever been swore.
Coroner—"What will be the conse-
quences if you don't tell the truth?"
Witness -"11y soul will be doom-
ed." a
Oorsiner--"New, aulitlnv, just go on
and tell tis leo* this thing commenced;:.
Low you chaise there, and all about it.':
Witness—Thomas Donnelly came
dowel far our gutter to go to Granton
on Wednesday ; this was on Tuesday
slight about balf.past three or four
o'alodk; the old mall came down to get
boille things he left at our house and
Naked my mother to let lire go down to
feed the pigs while they were at Gran-
ton. Theu•my sister come over to Mr.
Flutchins' where I, was working, and
said"my father wanted me to go. My
mother told me to put en my over-
coat and go down with Mr. Donuelle
and to feed the pigs while they would
be in Granton; then I went down to
Donnelly's; Tom Donelly and Johnny
pee the the horses and 14 Ir. Donnelly
and I went into the house and get
warm; then Toni and Johnny came i
and sat down for a while, and Ton
tell the girl to get us some apples."
Coroner --"Who do you mean by tb
Witness—"Bridget Donnelly; then
we ate the apples acd had' rnr supe. er
then :Johnny went out and sat •tb
pony, and went down to TSrili'd afte
the cutter; then me and Tom got some
feed to feed e pigs, and lie told me' to
get the blanket to pat on his horse'
then he gave ine the whip to' keep th
pigs back while he gave there then
feed; then he went tfp:and'threw dlow
straw off the stack smith fed'tiie horses
when that Whams done ho went ruto the
hnu'se we sat there for' awhire,.aud' he
frlld Bridget to get a few apples for
me ; when we got the apples elft, the
old man' said his prayers and told me
to take offing r boots and get ready to
go to bed with him': 'Toms tour me I
was to go to beds with him, but the
old man tirade me go with bion. I then
went to bed with hint, and when I was
in bed 1 heard someone tel king in the
kitchen to Toni and; the old woman
and Bridget, aid rthought the taiker
yeas James I''eely; then I went to sleep.
and between T2'' and 2 c,oleck a man
came in the house to arrest the old
luau nod Jack.
Coroner- •"Thew do you kuow that;
did he. say that?'
Witness -'Yes, sir; they asked
where Jack /vas, and the old man said
ho was not in then; he asked him
again, and the old man said, 'Didn't I
ell you be wasn't in then the old man
.lid, 'Hold the light while I dress my.
\ir. Iiutehinson—' Wlia lit the eon.
Witness --'I don't know whether it
was hr by the old man or 'lvbrlt. Tee
1d man told; me to dtess.myself,'••
141r Iiutcainsereeeet,was 'I1 ul U. at
this .tiine?'
Witness-- Tr s,. sir, he was in titin
kitchen... Theu tire • old' man dressed'
liimaett'aild';'was looking and saw the
pry yooat., ` '
Coroner—shell yon know• this man?'
Witness, --.!Yes sir, it was James Car -
rt JI, ,the constable.'
This eilncltnea'metlt'caused; a• great
Cli'ron<:r---'Where were yen, 'when
.hares Carroll oetease•ttlst+rrest old; ratan
Wftuess--'I was in lied.'
Coroner--'I:I4d.iiittrrol`1 a lighit w•t;eu
]>,e carne iu?'
Watteae- eiYAs... ester'
Coroner--'Wbet light liadaise
Wltiledrl—'A•,earrde.'' •
1'1r. ltleoinah n--'T.'heite,1s one al
the parties in jail iulplietlted' by. title
e:t'idene(' of ,be witness atdd it ttieeht be
neoe, nary before the ease ie proceeded
* Unit illi d 1it3;tl.bV hairs -rff tilts M.
might to oross•examine him on this evid
once and elicit all the Nets before the
jury bring in their verdict.'
:1 Ir. Hutohinsou--'Iquite admit that
befot a Who evidenco eau bie closed that
if Carroll is implicated' lie must be here.
There any be other' patties also, but I
subtuit,that the :evidence can be taken
on the whole; and it can bo gone overies
again in the presence of the part, so
that they oan have a full . opportunity
of cress examivatioh.'
blr. Macmatiou=-'\'Yell, of course, I
can consent to notiliug, and he would
not be bound to consent.'
,1r, Iluteliinson—'No, but 1 do 'not
suppose there is any vroog intended to
anybody, as every opportunity will be
given the implicated parties of orossex•
11Tr, Macmallon--'Well the statue is
imperative that the Coroner shall have
before hien ally party against whom
evidence is being submitted during the:
examination of the wituesses, and now
is the time this witness id being exam-
Mr.Iintohinsun--'Well, it is only
now that the fact of any party being
implicated is brought out, and I think
it would not be wrong to go on with it
and give the parties time to cross -ex
amine before the case is closed.'
I1Ir. Maomalaon--'I do not think,
Mr. Coroner, that you oan go on,'
iiIr. Ilutchinson—'1 think we can
Carroll is not arrested by any warrant
of the Coroner, maniere is no possible
iujuatiee to be done to him, as the evi-
n denoe can be read over to him and any
I question put to the witness Its well as
though he were•no'w here. There may
e be other parties implicated, as I said,
before we get th ongh, and then every
opportunity will be given hits of arose-
eeamining'the witness, even if the whole
evidence requires to be gone over. If
we adrout+n' now, the very next time
someoody else may be ituphcated, and
we would' require to stop agaiu.'
Ur. AL euvahon—'i alit stopping
nothing;.I cm merely asking the Cole
over to carry 'out the requirements of
the'statutes, to the effect that he must
have' the prisoners before the jure.
.Thrid 1s the time, and if the Coronet has
a statute here he wilt read that it is
imperative on him to follow this line of
action. The'Crown represented here
by the County-Attorneykuows full well.
who aro the parties who will be' impii
oated by this examination. They oonl t
have had them here to -day.
Mr. Hutchinson—'I beg your par-
don ; we could not have them. here only
on the warrant of the Coroner, and be
has not yet had any evidence before
Mr. Maomahon here read the•stat&e
ou the point at issue; 'I see not pria-
oners here iu the presenceof tire- wit.
-.1,.IC7, J.... ME S
asmuoh as a verdict against Carroll will
debar hire from his right under We
The witness finally proceeded,
'Mr, llutchilison-'-'T want to know
whether Carroll brought' the light in
with him ?"
ZYitneds—`I3e had the light when ;I
saw him, and got it in the house, 'I
Mr. Macmahon explained that this
was the crucial teat iu the case, and
asked that the exact • words be taken
• down. t: '
'Coroner--•Didyou see the candle
lighted ?:'
Witnaes—'No, sir; he held it for the
old elan to find his coat, which WAS
under my bead; I said, 'Here it is.'
Corotier--'Where was the old mon
when he asked for his coat ?'
Wituese—'Ise wits in the room where
I was bleeping.'
Coroner—'Did this man Carroll,00me
iuto the bedroom where you were.sleep-
Witness—'No, six,, he stood at the
Coroner—'What door ?'
Witmtess—'The bedroom door; the
old man got his coat, and weut'out into
the hitcher; the• Mau asked Tom if he
was baud cuffed.'
Coronet --'Lia you see Tout ?'
Wituees—'No, sir.'
Mr. liuttihinson—'How did you
know be abked Tum if he was Laud-'
cuffed ?'
Witness—'I heard him. Tom ther
said, 'Ile thinks he's smart, dlu't be'?'
and asked for the warrsut to be read.
Carroll said there was lots of time for
that. Then, iu a few minutes, a writhe
crowd jumped in and commenced bam-
OA H 1 CATAItI1U 1 ! U:`I}ie
v The ;real •
Sierf'a Nevada SmoktOg Compound.
The only positive curefor Catarrh yet discovered.
Fan SALli Or
('. LUT7.'S CU NTR.tL Dill (ir STORE.
W. LS.IIITH, General' L„eut, Arkoua, Ont.
lapwing received'a lot of new machinery, I
i would inform the farmers of the sur-
rounding couutt;vtilat I am prepared to mann-
fa.:tnre all kinds' of Horse Rakes, Barley !
Forks, Grain Ci°eadles, Snaiths, eto, and having/
secured the serttses of a first-class Turner, I•
hill prepared to «oh'
on+thershortest notice, acrd for style and price
I defy competition. Always on hand a'fiist-
class stook of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill
half a wile soutIS f Exeter.
Straw -berry
nese,' be said, 'and i propose we stall
Barry out the intention of tha• statute,
because the object ii to give rue no•
cused parties the utmost opportunity
ofcross examiniug.tlle several witness-
Mr. Wutchinbon--'It will be take),
in the preeonee of the parties at the
net sitting, cud: they eau have the
whole thing over again, ant, as I say,
it will have the effect of delttyiug the
inquest from time to tinme.'
bl : itlaenntuhon'—'0u to :namcll less
serious matter than this the inquest
was quail edtun,Ier similvgr•e'ircumstair.
ces. 1Y ata going to ask the -Coroner to.
follow the stat» te.'r„
111r. Hueehinson--'So do It, but I can
not atiree to stopping the enquiry at
this stage.. le would bo unnecessary
143 r. 111acinehnn----'It can't be help.
?eh Hutehinaorli-. On the Dart of
the *own Vasil it to go on.'
The Gbroner.—'1I would appear to
Me jyti x`48 jti*..Iil'ntcbiuson Athol), that
in Dense others would be iwplicaterle.we
would lest be met with the saute ergu-
wtruteanti be o101iged to atop. I db not
pre:etadrtO piTt any interpretation on
the Dew, but as h id the Crown Attar-
`n«y's duty to advise me in inetteree ofd
this kind; I drink the only course roan
pursue iR to follow his advide; and if
the Intjaeet ie tluitshecl, it will not be
through any iriegulerity of judtio.t•'un•
advised by the. Crtxarti,'
At the reJnesw of ii1r. Maerinehtin the
ti'biantiutl Wile Iltlted ,itJ tut, aVitl a.tc iLl,
A Specific. Remedy for all Summer
Complaints such as Diarrhoea, Dy -
sentry, Canada aholela, Cholera
Morbus, Cholerae Ihfantion) Sour
Stomach, Griping Pains, and all
derangements of the b.iwels, caus-
ed by using iznproper _ food, such as
raw' yegetebtes, unripe or sour
trait, bad milk, impure water or
change of water, changes of.' the
aettsoua, exposure. No platter Edam
what cause or he what form you are
subject to any of the above cera-
plaints, IJa. Eolfta a's EXTRACT OF
WILD SVRANT nxaIVO will relieve -you,
and it speedy cute will be editoted
without injury to the system.. It is
Manufactured from the Wild
Strawberry Plant; and free fi'ozn
opium' and other injurious drugs.
leer sale by all dealers, at is. lipid.
xo or 01.00
PREPA1L181h itY •
TORO.** O.
L 7 I 0 For E,. rT FO it .cI,L L.
&cockier 'circulars oxplaininygour
Nev' System of canvassing.
Agents have wonderful success. 100 sensratu-
t:ns TO 1000tTNITAnZ'rAYTs, Our pablioatious are
standard... Address,,
The 11cttr'gsiull Yue Co.,
41 eland 46 Shetuoket at, Norwich, Conn.
A No. Gtliho Wdahington hand press. In good,
order, Apply at this office.
DIG ]0STRAY`Cetne on Lot 17,
cool 8, Cleburne, November 27, a large sow
Toe owner en y have her by proving propperty
ancit.puyingexpenses. 't',C, (I1,Ali1C.
Itnt 188_
W 11,0•ttlgllal t.rt fir I Applisltt .,and tutiatiteco. eilaie.NI
aret.etnif 1. •, ht rantsln bar.otsnd'pray,-E00 n enil)10,
slant! ,iliid(.1 d..etl•6t811,,prle ,tnddkNuditrmr
11titCnyL,1**IOW ' .f..ta i• 8 srl al NaY,u` 'rlMt+r •
owe v
Dorniiion Organs and Mil.
The Largest and Most Complete Factory in e Dominion,.
.140x100 feet.
highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker fn the World,
no'' do
SYDNEY, AirsTnAT,IA, 1877
We are • now manufacturing Square and Upright Pianos.
Best in the markt.' Correspondence solicited. Send for II-
lustrated. Catalogue. Mailed free. ' Address
7.30VIVNIOZTC ti . , , 3' CQ PATTY,
BowmAI MLLE, Us1TAst1O.
resnrr , ,.... .tea ... ...ma.... ,. '
Piano an.d.
OF Tf1i
Se i
1 Silverware, China .and Dell ever seen in -
the 'West, at • •
,. IMMW'S' ETO ff°..
mr.Drowhas just received an excellent stock o
Silver Tea aetts,nutter Coofers,I oublean d Single •
Pickle Croots, Cn ke i3askots, C area ate co ivers, C 0111--
rnmnuion Set ts,etc.,of the Best Qttadrupl:cand 1r iple-
Plate, and is offering the same et prices that rldt'c
He has j us t opened ant a new um: l' complete as-
sortment of .Chine., Glass and Sxe'newares. A.
large stock ofLam t,ajustnrriied. Callsndsatisfy'
e yourself as• to quality and ohoapnass. Come and -
try our instruments: Ainsic . Teacher st, 1 o's:
' band. Servioos atloweet figures.
Special attention called to the 'Raymond Searing
Jlaohine. Organs and Pianos uuslrVasseit fi
beauty of design, and quality of tone,
E... DREW.
01.4l ..RELIA.B1,11 HOUSE
At alltimes ,sndpartieularlyat a period when Trade is universally depressed and money
scarce, it is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where hewn get the article las wants
at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to lily present stock, 1 do so with cve''y con till
once; it being more carefully asserted and selected than that of any previousseasen.
Lir the Dry Goods
Eveiy,•department is replete•wi!h the roost seasonable and fashionable fabrics,. marked t t
prices 'ichshtenid command the attention of the very closest buyers. THE ORD.Eh1I)
curia:mu u still has M11. W, IVES at it. head
In Millinery
Underthrme..agelnentof 3liss• it'eGloghton.we can snit the most fastidious. nor stock c.f
Cfroae.les,.B ots,and1 Shoes, Canadian, English' and American
Shelf', and Heavy Hardware
one ofidnelargestand best a+sorted in the County. Intending purcliasarswil1
bostintereste by examining mystook before going elsewhere
consul'. their,
C. tk S. GIDI4Ev
UndortA ltor-: mud `F &rnitur ;'
those 'who intend
unrchas itg to do 80 from
the manufacturer. The
dealer) who buys to sell
again must ' necessarily
have a+ profit. We claim
to Ovate nurobasers the
benefit; ,vltich cannot fail
to meet':the views of the
Grangers. Our ex minas
are loss than tbose of city
menu taaiurers Goose/pent-
oosegnent-we earn selleheapor.
Max1'l'.i .c3t1'iXjers-
' EW O'LlJ_ LI)*
ear fipeeinlattentlra:s
bo our unitiortakir,g dept.rt
ment.whiuh,is more con,•
vitt e•JAanrever, as re•havarr,
,idticdseveral newdesignels-
+yi of limb• The best tonne,
unskt•ts shrousls,and eveiy •
nzte'•rst rotlpisite at the
loaest prices. Our now
Aber%e is pronounce(' Ity3•-
competent Judges to be
second to no: e in three:
Emblems • of all the Different S.oe t es.
A.tteiada sloe on Sued from, .30 to 444,m. fov the sate oi,
m dioine%t.ouly.