HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-2-19, Page 4'rq', 18SO ring them with stinks,' ( rrow r• it log else 2' e*ee—'ree, I to►w a spade ; then Witness --.041 III. Whalen wilted me Torn rot out into the front room t►ut1 if 1 ►:ver got up at nights; I don't know, got ontsi 1e, what he mexut by the question ; we saw (toren t• --'What then?' 1;!r0 light thrOltgll t cin low, and the clad woman said 'it i,'ttu fire then we \'it.nes,1—'13rideet inn up statireeend Went dotvu to jack Wialen's, an 1 c�lli•- I gent to r to after her, but she shut iugr batik asaiu went over to the bre, the door a id I rile bods find got in the Airs. Whalen gave me Bowe` boots end, r'oom.lnu er the bed and behind the etneltings,,ani9Joe Whalen Dud I went el tit s h. Gleet; rind tr•ev ✓;torted' Lame aver ; the hnlltve was in a blazeD[r.. Whalen fblin Wht►len were there tnerillg' tem nnt:side. lir, \Vhnlon said he thouihb he saw Oornn -,teeth what y -n have midi someone in the kitchen; thea we went =on wet under the bed; now, how high to tete frfeet door aed saw a whole lot wao'that ed' froth the ti ,or Of blood ot,;'teide. We could not get up nee', -'It waN 0)00 that highto the front door for treat and smoke.' --r-p fail, a to fi mark in the tyle a tell orouer- 4:F, o you know Jotiu leas. This as m:t:hsllreil and found to \VitueMF-'lee, sir.' be two feet an one inch. Coroner—'What other Pnrtell (to Coronet' --'W you know?' \Vituess-'Tom Purtell, his broth - around it ? Witne-s—'Nn. Then they carried, Coroner—'How were they tb'eseed?' Tem into the house .again.' , \Vitae, -'Parted had on Week clothing, Ryder a peaked cap and Car- GL,roiter-'Did you see them carts roll bait grey pants on.' A jIlrylnan-Were any of them binPkene•'1?' Witness -'One had his faee o dored, and tiau a big, long coat ou ; I don't know who he was; he was a middle- sized mau.' A juryrnen—'Do you think any of thea" siren saw you?' bit him three cr four whacks tt ith the WLtness—'flerroll saw me in bed ; lie spade,looked richt. at ins for a while, but did left'. Ililtcl;irtann-• 'You hooter them_' not shank to m j. Another juryman—'Did yon see any \\•itnese—'Yee; I dill not hear Tom of tlic+dt: turee nem strike the :ll.luoel• ' ere•'k, but eimnly say Oh I Oli !' lye?' Coroner—,Where was he then ?' \Vltnese—'No, sir, but I heard the \Vi nesa—'Olttside. Then some of sound of blows. There were sone theta told him to fetch that light others there �+1inse faces wore trot blackened, but I didn't know them. I About the holvse, and I thouelit Tom awl the oltt woman were &illea•t,' (fort ner—'\Vhat after Qlia>,t?' re there curtains llimin?' \\ ituess—•No. I heard then throw him sewn on the fl'or nnL1 the hand- cuffs rattle, or whatever were on hie hands Then smile one said .hit that 1, Ilow on the head witli a slievel and Lrc'nk hie skull open;' then the fellow 'THE TIM -RI here.' couldn't say how many there were— Cnrnner—'\\'ho did they mean by perhaps only two or three.' 'hint ?' Coronet—'1)o you think there were Witness --'The fellow who Lad the other men there than those you. saw?' ligrht.' Witness --'Yes, sir.' ( nronPr—'Pliny it whore ?' coroner--'liow was it that yon saw Ryder and Purtell when your were under Witness—'Tn ,here Torn was. He the bed?' brouebt the lir•;lit and They were doing Witness --'I was peeping cent when I eotitetl,ing to him.' saw them.' Coroner-� •1Tnw did you know �' Coroner --'Did yore over see the men \\'i nefs--'The war e all standing faces were not bitteitened before?' 1 yg witness—,I d'ot know,. ilronnd him.' This concluded the Pvidbnee of the Cerrner—'Ilow dal you know that ?' now fam'ons Johnny O'Connor, which Fitness—'I open thein ; I saw Tom was characterized throeig hou't by clear- ?MS and Juhu Purtell standing tress nail int'lligencee 'File evidence was not signed, owing -to the objection there.' raised bylt1r,Maomahon and tine Crown Ceeoner—'Standing where ?' Attorney's. instructions. A juryman Witnepa—'Near the window where asked why the cane could not RO on te- eny bed was ; then some of them asked morrouerbut the Coroner explaui'ned that r here wits the girl ? and another ane- such 'welling would be impoasi�llle, and, after consntttng the retpeetivo counsel, wen, el 'Lank np stait:e:' adjnnrned• the inquest until Wedneeday, Ilntchinson—'IIow many ?' the 1SYh inst. At the beginning the re• witness—'1 dnn't know.' porters were comfortably se'hted'i'n front Coroner --'Did von see any of of the table below the witness stand, them ?' Wi•nese—'Yes, but Iidid not. know any of thein.' Groner—'Did you hear anything goire on up stairs !' Witness --'Nn; then•tbeycame down and poured coal oiliort•the bed, and set it or, fire' Cnrnnsr—'What bed was that?' Witne e -'Tire bed' I' was tinder then Ibeei'd someone tiny,. "Dile coal oil will burn off the blanket- and not cateh at all:''' Then They Ili' ran out, when they net fire to itpaand 15 got o11t from tinder the bed anal put on my pants ; I tried to quench the fire ; I heard Tnm leeathiug Before I' left the bed-roorn, and on going into the front lronrn I saw Tom dead on the floor; then 1 roan out to •the kitchen and tramped on the: nld.wi man. Coroner—'Efow could you see Tom lyirig.on the floor?' Witness—'A light came from the fire at the bed and from the -oom where Tomhad been sleeping.' The Coroner at this stave produced• a diagram of the house, which tho boy explained to his satisfaction, Coroner --'Where was the old woman lying? Witn.e•e—•Between the door from the front room into the kitchen and the kitchen door going outside.' Coroner—' e•" hat else?' Witneee--'Then I ran out ' and over to Wh"ten's, rapped at the door, and Mrs. Whalen milted who was there ; I gushed in the floor, which was unlock ed ; ofd Mrs. Whalen got op, and 1 told her that 1)onnerty'e houeawwas on Are ; then old Whalen get np•atrrd said 1 was l teaming ; he pet nn afire and told the to waren my feet ; I toldttltitn to call the boys up and: we weark14 go over and (renoh the fire ; firer enact no, the' here- afraid they wonhl getwkrllee Oor+►ne,r--.Did yomeay anything to the Whltlens about aka Donrtell:it be. inti krlfnrl7a Wi •,h'al'f..' %er,.,,pit+, 1 raid!" whole and tr enorfli1s11.4111141 ♦nnuttity ,114 404k d ,Lips °tivaitono bio oe stMaiie of WOW but as the crowd closed aronnel, and the tvordls•oI the witness were being in- distinctly heard, they stood up iu their chairs, and finally wound up by leaning over the witness and jurors" stand, and'writing lender the very nose of the Coroner. This will convey some idea of the, -crush and interest of those in the courtroom. he a time when names were e:ctpected to be used every sound was Meshed, hut as soon as the words fell from the I ny's lips there was a huin of comment through the room' and an annoying shuffling about, Following' the adjournment of the inquest, a' reporter overheard the con- versation' of a quartette, c.;mposed of three farmers and a townsman.• 'Wh't del you think of that for a straight string?' asked the latter. EXETE IEIP TIMES A11 kinds or printing done. neatly chetily and with dispatch. r yroz lwork Where you can get it done the cheapest.. Orae MoredWorka Specialty f 'Well' said one of theta, 'its party The. TIMES OFFICE tough agin Jim Carroll, and Jack Pur - tell.' 'And' Tom Ryder,. tool' ioterrnpted another. 'But' continued the filret speaker, 'he only events for one, and you haven't heard' the other side yit.' 'Well, bot isn't it straight.' asked the townsman again',- 'the arrest by Jim Carrott with hisgrey pants,- and tnat about Purtell and *der?' 'Yes, you're right there:it look's koiud o'rough agin them,. but sure this is only the begiuning :' The inquest liva'e• of cnnrse been the one topic of'dfacussion• to -day, and has occupied tYrefull`attentir'fl of the police. II was asetertained •this afternoon that a valuable link haat blen arfd"ed to the chain of evidence .li'ts'•t of its•' character 'nothing can be sai'ht. The co'trntry con- atones to be ceretrifiye ecouredllfor infor- mation, nod -no oner,ci►n telk"what re• wards aitendt the.hard work. of the de- Cectivee Iiagynrti'r ellrtw Oil ebmbined in suet an enhittent'degreeaWl)the healing, curative and extracting gnalitiee known to medical sciener, that it is tr131y a cam* medicine -that ctiVh'rlot be (tienon a4 with, Wihkn appli?edPi o any swelling sore, burn, chilblain,.. frostbites, skin eruption, Mc,,.itr mere are Magical. 1& is highly erteemedi' wherever ktiortro, has ex 't' lent fac itiies' fo1s.,,1iurnizig,ou{i' O IDS";,, IN* Bien rA.D S;•':„ PO91E119 6 14.4xetej N ortht FLOUR and GRIST MILL, Being in good worliaaug_o •der gives every ocean- l;ttiou possihle in glasticlg and flouring. lelorr end Mill feed delivered to parties their ,rders before ono o'clock ab J. WILL'S teal cry, or O'i311iN E tt. CO'S,. el• at mill $ante day TE`.r�z. V7 r :£:,l NW Vl/ i Vic/ EXETER IP 0. 1.11Y'S; LIMEWORKS. o►aarlaaw.sWin sbeinguow infull operation:and t'.urningout daily a large quautitl of thaeforali purposes carnuat be surpassed in the Domin- ion. Partiesfrom iplied e tharattlekilnsor ilei yerdbyteams atlnw est remunerative rates•..' O'itlter's@toms distance promptly attended tri, WHIT&'ON SUE ATEjt CARD 0,F THANKS. We take pleasure in stating that the Confeder• ration Life Association, of Toronto, through Mr. i.11LLnnillg their agent, hasmade a most prompt anti stLtisfoeto.y settlement of all claims under Policy No 1,421, on the life of the late Wharton fIodgson,.payingthe fulh amount orclaim, with- out au•r dodlietinu whatever, or causing the slightest costs - JANE HODGSON, Executrix. J t9I15S oxn, Execut..i, It Exeter, January 10, isso. STRAYED .from Lot 1r, S. 13. Ste- phew on or about the 8911 August last, one white Ittoer with rock ring on the nose anti red ears 2.years 0111;. oue greyish steer 2 Scare old one greyish heifer 2.yeai•sold ono yo ir1 u:; st, r, redatvrdswhrte, otte mooley heifer, light rod, t+ith white, .Any. Information leadit., to their recov- ery will.be handsomely rewarded. JOHN .DOLEHAY, Offa, LEGAL Id. CADDY, BARRISTER t, ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, &c. OAlee, Fanson's Block Exeter. \\ 1iIoDIABMID, tte:{1USTER,NOTAiy, CONVEYANCER LUCAN ONI'. I EDrCAT1, DR. HISTCHIINSON, Member of ttre College ofPbysicinass and Surgeonsof Ontario, -&e., &c.; Office next door t,o I. Carling,, Main Street Exeter lla.HYNDMAN.—CORON.EE FOR tlieCounty ofHuron. Office ,nextdoor to 11r.I. Carling's store „Exeter . JW. 1st OW t EKG M.. D.,. C. M. • 1":' S Gradtlato•VictoriaUniversity' Office and residence. I)ott.nion Lahorat'gl v. Exeter. 14 C. MOORE, M.D. c:..1111. _mu. Graduate ofrAleGfllUniversity,,Montreal OSlooaudresidence,Fzeteiroant',.Oiflce 1 ours - 8 to 10 a. ffi a.nd•'Ft, len:-Yn 'LIR. J. A. ROLLr s. M: C','.. P. S. O., Victori, S'. Orrditou, Ont, Office hours rem 94)10a,m.; 2toop.in. el LU'1T, • Office at hie residonet;•Exetor. I\R. IRVING, GRADUATE: UNI- VnRS%TY Trinity College Meml.erCol.lbge Physicians and surgeons' 0/It., officeEirkton E:•OTEt5.,; riENTRAL i0'TE , CRED.ITON J -Wm. Baker proprietor.-. I11ii. ifotel . hoe n benewly tarnished and lifted up in first-c16es style. Large and'eonvenient Show 'Rooms for Coi>:mercial•Travellers ; best ofl'iquorl and cigars at the Bar.: Attentive Hoetlers always on hand ItI 21-3m;- WILL.IAM BAKER. PRICE 01? WALES. HOTEL. CLfrN VON. O. WARTS having: purchased the above hotel, andaitted it throughout, now of- 'fors;lYxt-ciass accoirsinodation to travelers, Good liquor and cigars at the bar:. Good stabling and ;attentive hostler on hand. Every attention paid to guests.., 0-1 ' 1�. 1-1 0. a,` _ a �•� .,..•. (t^l1�`1s Via: � a o p Wr. ~ P•.7 .r isig,, i4 :::11.1:::.':...."' agw.maCCa . as . Ili $>sO'a . ge'r' miia:Rr_41-114::::.:41!'"'I =14141::,'•:°21": t, "V - ►gel L.b' OCreel H at�r . p m P ,li a d. I. ,.;'._ ;4:;':4:01'.*: ocA. ;aimtllZ.y:e�- ., rmwM.moia(�i rn, ice„ m tAP Mixt m ; r' ° a 2 T:1&: 4x,' 4[I-•ff: le W ''kr AW ., °I etz