HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-2-19, Page 1ewe astee{telettri.t weteyet r; titreterce.ainne etsees t •: ,k $."..11,7sesere",A9ilc3fto's.loerett ^Y+ tTS t'orerlreetorAri/2SIS '1. IFee t tet $.4Se 44 1,"'• ail. VII. Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, Febuary,19 1880. ....r.�. No 26. 11, ) 1 P I3'Sw r isr. TAP, iG .LIQTIJS, BILL, tret nt t', Meredith asked how many per- _ . Y ) i 3 3 OlS.1.1',1?.--4 •C > a rid, er.i 3,.1,:.3 tor, .t L 1. Jf if nun knn 1:.•;t sere., on Clio r.cudt)A. undo L,tt of S1;2111014 WRY tliit t.tu, nn a1,,epllr to B, ir.'+ 614,1T, :301 ci• {r: mot: tot is I rig. - 10. Ifibl 'C O It td. TIt) liM ui It 3'1(': resits. -TW) nu()revneforms of one in . 1xul items ouch, n larh•• hank burn and (`bel iLil+ nu eaok 41400. Tll • r nit wit. pe tsxidl in sante0 er sattlureetory se'nrity or flirt tar teal+ ll•ird, may on the (1 t(J tsrd to or 1 i TtIN, lot 1, eon, .,, 1 xCter I. 0., Tt.1(. '(it SHOP AND D\V1',t.,T.1i tit") "t 1101 for Fine in nasItivoott. With ane Firth of nut tet: 11.1nu'l, x>7 u ttod inter t)rtlt d hotel; >taill 4trter't,11> i11 the bent shit 10e4 •Iitit, a tlli: ti illage. 11u),ih •s uolody new, gaunt 0. a•ttit roes ad the peel tires• Price 4.430 Com, eteee. to suit the p' reutus 1 1.1111. to L' L i .L( WIN 11, Credit, m, 1113 ,AIiM l�Ola St11,1+�.-1a It 6, iiatilde .t tfae, St(1u11nn,511 1.elos, 80 aorex !;lonn+tl„(.2 rlxopliod, go:++d briol; house, gond utalde, woi, fenced. Laud useellorlt, On lake shore: or a lade rtoh1L -Pelt Make, where hoots 1.1x1 t ltre0 times tt week,8.Orl ' (fIL mile from Omni' )lett:. 'r)41Valat'utt•)tn•.ttl) ,l ',u 1 ohtti shed, o,rai and raa'l :Primo, 03,:109. tenon uasy; SIh1,L1.LLi 1)1:SJ311 ;SIN N, arswstrr p o �1:Lllil FOR SAl.,L .-1,,t 14, CON • cae.sien neetepl.eu, c'uttaiuett.103) awes. 70 acres trleared GO id 1 g ionise. {tntl fra no barIl, x60. ti coil young oralttt d, grunted fruit, 7:110 abut eu 4V ell feuot,tt and 11 31 good stare of ct.lii- V.ttion. Them tett lar;;: quantity of ',deck ash, also a o 'Z r ftttlirg well, For terms apply to I•IE:Nlti' 1'iliLLll'1'+•`•- (.iorlitou. June 5 FOR SLE.-i•U- S•UB . ; ei• offers for' sale his farm, Lot 13, Co11.11, runnstlfllof Usb.)rne County of Huron 8O noted don., cal, the iwa.;tiutia gluon llw.h, whli fauces, ens in it ;good state of 0111t%Vtttl(nl; under, drains+), good °reload, a )Lantlid well of water. Crania tiara 38x00,318 stub1e:l4'r9(,1og house.. and ennveuie"t to school and three churches, rot arthcrpttrttelticrt, apply to tV ( 1311 ANS, Kirkl on, P.n.,or 1fit.13. V. i; LLIOT.Attoruev,l;seter P.O. 'UPOBTA\ T :V UTILES. 'T IX I•11I1, ,k' Tr FZ Lttttt•r 0•nv)13t14nit.-:1'1ST• LY QONvlvi. r.t'rilii1)1'[Slit W.1Y.•-OVFAy1• FUME, LItlt -'11, (•1"3.1110 '.ANI) relies:tines, ---1(•IwTUE earrvcsui: \VAS ,u7.Mu You A 1=it15'AT(. •'ri'ttl:it." In the Pttb'ic,.r etir.U1 is Cotlatnittee on Til tn'ililaty,tI)e tteeoe1)tSO'f the .Lieut- Gov,' leUt-G v,' inn's tele to :111tnitol))i 4a83 en a-- rter were 'll:vost1g.ao1L The entire tri!, lasted tion .untruth, .n.e0 the sum ,;td. down f r it to the publicfcc)ounts is no less than $5,571..22. • This esltn cher•+'e+l ill the aecouets iu the fol lu„ing hiantit.r:- S X1'?tiOF:S 1131 VISIT OF 11I0 HONOII TF12: 'LZSC:e''Cr0VE1ihi,12 TO TUI, NO11T1I WEST, S10. Col, Gtlhnore, to pity railway '; frltes,hntl•i bill,sunl+lies,&x.$0,021 22 Ton". illlrrks & Bros., sup plica,.. 1.5117 97 John Drateloualtt & 00., Hup- p.iea 108.22 J. I3erwick & CI)., suppies.. 428 12 •0715 07 02 James kilning, stipidioe [lushes Byes., suppllee Outnri,. Rifle A-sooiation, Frtpplle-+000:0.. H. A. Nelson & Soil, enp- lili,.s 78 90 t i) 'hes - 27 25 LT-lnnter.&,Cn., R td. l Zimmerman, DIcNttught & - Co., supplies-- . .. 80 00 Lnu,tiitl & Bttrnett,4upplies 15 0.p St'lllitt} & W1llittlneou, sup- plies . - 34 ('0 Plummer & Marks, snpp.ies W. IL C le. Ru pplies .. 1lontrPttl Telegraph Com- pn.ny, teleltmine D•eninion Telegraph Cow- pony, telegrams H;xprese Company, cl3lrges Northern Rdilwaj' Company, charges ... ' G. Verret, cab 1111 e... W. Eereyt.lt ()rant.; exl.ees- ' es of his bailor to Ottawa 8000 '/rONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES - tate. ter the Ifurni ,k Frio Loan ,C Saw. i'tw ( `Ynci ty. L w hates of Interest. .t.11p1V to S11.4:0IC3f ;1, Exeter': !�p ,CONEY LOAN LD IN L!\ItGE OR -Lta. smell sults out lir=t-rato security at a tuc-- clat to roto of interest. A tplt to B. I LLIOP, butioitor,1 xoter. 26111 November, 1879. - - tf t18 00 8 50 8 11 20 42 5 25 4 20 5 00 • 116 00 �.Ni:ES OKE1, COUNTY AUCTION- ;,15,5'31 2,2 �,ueor S.tles promptly attended to. Days of) - , 1.11:4s arr'tnred at this orllco, It appears that: ;G)l. - 'ixlln)or, the -1 14J J. CLARE', Agent for the Us. .L01 ',borne anti Hibbert )Int);gtl Pim Insurance Cnmptwly, Residence-earquttur. Oraers •b); snail promptly attended to. '11 M. CARLING & J. \Y'. e110f STlt')Nc:, Licensed Auctioneers for the C•uuutyaes of Huron, end Miedloeex. Sales con •ducted with sati>;f.otiou, and on liberal terms. A11 orders left at tlhristi'•'s Mansion House will receive prorni t attention. - Sop t. S. CAMI'BELib . PROVINCIAL .Lr. a Land Surveyor, &c., will le at the at 3. -al Lintel,isxoter,on the firstl'uesday ineaeb. month. Orders for work left lrittt NKr. John ry-)aeklnin willeeceiveprotnpt•uttentior. OLIN Ii. HYigi \IAN, ACCOUNTANT, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AND.INSU,?ANCE AGENT. motley to Loan on mortgages, notes and other secaritaas. Rents and accounts co111.eted on ron- souubio terms. •Iltscrnuce tilootocl in. trent-clans (*.Anita 10s at .roasounbie bated. 0.0e-i+.t 1)r. Iteidinures.Main S root Exeset A081014 JJ�� . 3tLAIC1 , AUCTIONEER FOR .,L HI. r1'Y Ol+' HURON. A LAItGE AMOUNT O1 W NF): .� _just received for 4uvestuientonmortgages lot taper cent. �r _ 1\PSIOS, `'6*ILLSr rTC.,. DRAW. , .1n •roasonable terms. R. 41.1.4 3UTTIs. D.S ,1tiL:tt:C.+D.S tGradtta'ta ofltoyalGol'lege of • Clerk Of the 'Renee, was tn1Lcl:e- y" the 'Governs teflt purveyor and t onsnrer t(e the party. .I -1e was, therefore, chiles: before the Committee yesterday to give: parttenlitrs df the trip and of the ex" penalture. Dir. Perris ;pl'e-i<ded,. and among those present we'c Messrs. Mer- ladith, Lander, Creighton, DieMasto>;, Merrick, Long, Hardy and Striker.. Col.•$ilmor was called. -stud exemia, - ed by Mr. Meredith. 'How tawny gentlemen;' asked Mr. I1ere'hthi "wet 31 there nn this trip ?" ''About twelve or• thirteen; the -Col. replied. 'Who were they ?' . 'a'ue Lieutenant=Governor end This ROD, -'Judge 3torrison, Mr. Archibald McNabh, of'Gleagarr. ,•11.1r. Wood, the ')rovincialTreasnrer. anti his eon, 1)r. Thornton, Dr. Herriman, nivel r, Mr. J•. W.Langrostir, the Inspector of Pri• eons, Mr. 14 'clean, supposed to be a reporter for the Globe,: a Fervint of the Governor., and Mr. D.,D. Hay,M. P. P. 'Row was the party formed ?''.:. only' know that I was'invited to go by bur. Wocel, at the request, of the r ientenaut-(•lovernnr, and that Mr. MacN,ttib and Mr.Morrison weie guests of the Lientenant•Governor.' 'Were the medical' men there proles- 'I nederstand ii•wae simply a party D 1�N''ALi STIRG-EON-S. ' : of trnniets.' ^nface nvo t O'Neil bank, and opposite Saniwell l'iekttrds. - - FMB Ini.0021 A I IN T'EE]1ECT ORDER. GOOD AS NEW. 'V�. Half .Pricer z .4Fi. MAC Bar Iron, Carriage . aa ers' I31t.rdwar CLTN'T'O 7, see that $577 is change in one of Marks & Bro's. bill, for liMians '; What wart that for ?' ' 'That was for tbe- Indians who were { hired to take ns tbrongb the.cnnntry ' The lintel bills were then examined. One of then), that of the Grand Pacific, Chicago, was as follows :- Board -- - - Board and washiug ....$72 20 Beer and ale .Wino. - '21.00 Ffttck . ... 7 Op Brandy 4 »h Theatre ;h -.. ? 50 Bar Another bill wbi', er"•e'!fr,'Wood's hotel expenses at ace o ilicledcd':- Ci ars $ 4 50 1�'`in+) ' 6 00 Washing 8 70 Bar 20Bar Bar - 80 lth'. Lon(rt'nnlioa bill at Clticnsn come to , 11.10. In etdititlnn to' tee billq pre. Eftil)'t Honied. there wore paid $10' int' Hog to Waiters aid $10 for sundries for Mr. Woad. Referring to the charge f,)r the thea - 'Six,'replied keColonel, :' 'Any ladies ?' 'No.' 'Ab," stud 11Ir, Merrick, 'you can see that by the whiskey bills.' tL#Ughter.) 'I see,' renamed Mr, Aieredith, 'that yon laid in a good stook ofsupplies be- fore yon started. You oust have been a thirsty crowd, for I notice that you bough 4 doz. of claret. 0 doz. of whiskey. - 1 ease of Louis Rododer'a cham- pagne. 6 doz. of Bass. 2 doz. of ale. 2 bottles of bitters. )'.,)neless sardines, Matches. (Laughter.) 4 doz. of soda -water: 'The'The -soda-water . was. used after the whiskey,' remarked a memeber,naimdst much laughter. 'Theu there was,'' added Air. 11Iore- dith, '2 doz. of seltzer. 5 1ba o±' cut toba^ca. 6 corkscrews. (Laughter.) 'Why,' interjected an hon. member, 'every other pian muit'haye carried a corkscrew.' (Loud laughter.) Continuing llie Perusal of the Mr. lle, edit h read ;- ` candles. 8 bottles of vinegar. 2 doz. Aunol'ineris water. 4.boxei cigars., $30. 2 boxes of Henry Clay, $15. 1 doz. bath towels. 6 bottles of port. 6 bottles of V. 0. brandy. 1 sardine opener.., ' I laerewdriver. 1 box of Heury Clay cigars. Out tolsac00, $1.25. Afew of tlre'bilassautl•'t.ihey are speci- men pecnlen acenuuts•ouly; Re a then read by Mr. Meredith, 0.te,otliat furnished by the 'Grand Pacifib Hotel;- Chicago, was as fellows :'- Board, 21 days:...,.......,.........$10 00 -.y. • 4,,;.•-• 2 80 Wine. ..r :.:. ' 1'7.5 do .. .rt.. G 70 do 000 0 . 1 50 do./ 75 do.�,. 000 do...': . 4 00 Dlr. itleredith�oontitlued reading the coconut Hack ..,....i.... $ 4.00 bills, du. 0.400........., S 00 Brandy,:r..... 4 'O0 T'lfeittre ....... ..............,7 50 1331r ..• t hotel account r' 80 +Tlrei1.P•x- which was that of 11 Ir. Wood, ma as follows 2+ days board for two per- . sues 20 00 Cigars.. 10000 dorr. 4do 4Wine......•..............v Washing •- 8 70 Bar 0'20 B 1r O ret} Bar 0 50 Another account said :- - $ 6 00 lflay 5 00 'ills bill of Ilio Cl3uridian Pacific Ho, tPl, Winulpeg, real! : - T I $ Maclean pica Says' board, nine per sena 51 00 'three days' board, two per - 11 00 4 00 10 00 8 50 5 00 le 00 2 50 27 50 7 50 4 00 2 50 2 00 5 11)8, cut tobacco, , 0 corkscrews 003 1 doz, pickles.- . 2 doz. Appolivatits }water.• 2 bottles of lime juice 4 boxes of cigars........... 2 boxes Henry Clay cigars 1 doz. bath towels 6 bottles of port 6 bottle of V. 0. brandy..., 1 box Henry Clay cigars MORE ARRESTS, ant for story -telling, When, the polies visited. the 1l'ahers at the t ,rte of young Carroll's arrest, he is said to have told 4 00 several cor?traaiotory,stoma regarding 0 80 the 'movements of Coustable' Jim Car. '80 00 ! roll. Subsequently he acted rather 15 00 5 00 G 00 8 5Q 450. Luean, Feb-, 15.-Theealm of Thurs- day was not permitted to be of long du- ratiou, for with the arrival of the Chief of Police and Detective Phair op Friday afternoon a flutter :of excitement was noticeable. This increased when the officers drove out in the direction of the Roman Line, and refused to cotnmuni- •tate to any person tfhe -object of their visit. At night- they returned, and from. reliable sources it was whispered, about that important clues had been ascertained from a. quartet that had hitherto thrown nought on the tragedy. Later on a gentleman arrived. with 'the blood-btatined' club, particulars of which 'have already been given. This import- ant substantiation of the boy O•Con- nor's evidence. as well es . the blood- .tained. pair of pants, has been preeery ed by the Lnndoli officers. As stated above, Chief Williams, Detectives Phair Arid Murphy,. and County Constable Pope re -visited the scene of the princi- pal murder in the afternoon and began ,a rigid search of the houses in the vi- cinity. Among other planes they visit - .ed the house of the Mahers, one mile and a quarter from the ruins • of the Donnelly homestead, - and took iuto custody Mrs. James 'Maher and an old hired man named -James Shea. Mrs. Maher is a tall, dark-skiuned, black -haired; woman, with prominent cheek bones, large teeth,' and other fea- tures whicb would suggest tletorsaina tion and defiance. When arrested she exhibited little emotion, nut acted with unusual. , coolness ani indifference. This was but a repetition of her con - duet upon the arrest, of William Car- roll, when,. with'the rest of her family, she was iiot only indifferent about the charges against her husband and son, but was actually "htniitine in her- re-, marks towted the police. 'Leol( around,'.. la 116 ;:ni.1. 'G.. through 'the lionse. You, wbi•eh often woo sous - Extra meati • Washing Cabman... Teeming to etatiou..... Teaming Uue single rig .for M't;dou- ,gld and Betifune Sundries far the party Bo.,of .civare 13gttle of wine... j;tggage from station Baggage from boat.........., , Another hill read was that Berwick, grocer, for supplies. included :- 4 doz. elaret............ 1•'Vlliskey.... 1 case champagne...;.. 6 dois. Bass 2 doz, al's...... Bottles 8 Albert3Durers 6 lbs. tea... strangely, and let 'slip sufi.oie.rt to cause his arrest. - The old man 'was considerably annoyed by the new turn of affairs, 'blit ori , along with that Willingness which chbrecterized ell .the persons • now lying in jail. He was tak- en toLondon by the Chief of Police la, a rig. Previous to, leaving he said to Detective Phaire "1 would Like to see the roan stand in frout cine and tell me that,I was interested in the murder of the Donnelly family." Regarding the wan Shea, it is plain from iufor• matior, to hand that 1,e is only held in order to make a witness - of hint, the at?thorities naturally coming to the conclusion that, in consepueu'ee of hire being a hired man about a house where- in three of the 'accused plrties resided, - there is •a, probability ell: him' having some knowledge of how, or in,i li t manner, the -blanket, pants and ir1aat became secreted in the place where they were found. Hitherto the arrests have been ton - filled to the members of the Vigilance Committee, with the new move a wo man i3 imported into the 'case. This gives a fresh impetus to speculations by the public, and opens lup a new act in the tragedy. . It would be as unkind as it 1s nntseeessary to discuss the pro- . bitble guilt of MIT. Matter, or the pos. Bible result, sof her trial ; it will be suf. fielent to say that by her arrest a house- 1. houitl is temporarily left without a head. • mother, father, 01 f son and two nephews being in I.' ' 'There' are a't u(tnue DOW a 11 ooiit twenty,a bo of thirteen, d several -smallechild- ren., hild ren, w•ko have the - affairs of a lalrge farm to control Still those at home do not seem' to trouble ,over the hatter, and even when the mother watt 'driven off to jail they maintained .that stoical air, which has characterized every -one except Mrs. McLoughlin since the be - 'ginning of the arrests. 'Could'the •sec- recy of., these homes be peered into, however, tearful eyes would surely be found.. ..."A woman in the'case" sounds sensational, bat '"a mother 1n the case" 11as s, tone . of sadness aboipt it • that inspires. anything but the feelings mpany the former won't field mtloh, fm thinking.' 'Under` term. ordinary eiret .n).tit"0P33 one would look Lueau, Feb• 11. -At an early hour -kr Annie display of fettling from a moth- this morning Chief Williams, who re. er w hn. saw tier irasband and ROD' being maiued in the village over night tele- 1311tP11 1(3 lirtynu on so 348313nR charge de graphed to Detectives Murphy anti u)tirnol vet at the time of their arrest Pope requiring their immediate presence 33110:. rat+ n11n1')V'1'1'31'; ''1' 1)31rlI)g the atuo tiere,. and from thelfa'ct of some develop- , vi it 0f 1134'011ief and hie staif manta during tale night, and contrary ' she was even more forward than at; to recent Ituuouucemeute, Borne more fire', et d it• i a'iPg(K1 endeavored to de- arrests are expected to take place der. 1 P 1iceti)n and con; c't1„ rh+ui ,v l,te a hd cee ant. of facts in. It ie charged still the day. fnrthPr tint .rte ref+riled to be question During the night the detectives made r(1 esROPI"line. the tragedy, unci in other a raid on the premises of one of aeons - way.,'+ molested a suspicion which •ctrl ed, and lotted thereon 'damaging evid- tnittatPd in 'her iarre++t. Whatthe na ence of t'tse conflict, An old blanket, ture or the 811(1eece against Iter may be, .which hard been out up and shaped idto is known to those only who sere the a kind of pair of rude pants or •Oaer- means of her incarceration, and the all;+, was unearthedfrom a manure pile, . most 9tlooessful iuterviewer wouitj� ex. as well as a mask. When the pouts hanst his vocal powers long before a were exsmined they were found to be single point in that particular had been saturated with blood in several pitmen. drawn from the London .• officers. A This has been taken in charge by Chief rumor watt set afloat 013 Saturday to Williams, and the inmates of the house • the effect that she was connected with wili,d)e placed under arrest this •'after - the hiding of several articles of clothing. noon. The ,Chief and Detective Pharr, on which blond spots were found •; but 'preceded by Patrick Donnelly, went otit • from the most reliable quarter it - is to the disturbed district to inquire fnr- learned that the sensational story of ther into some matters of which they the alleged discovery lacks the n•ecees• got information last evening. ary element of troth. "These blood- . The Chief left a note for the London stained tilutiltng sto,iee," said a pro- men instrneting them as to their rnove- minent gentleman to the writer, "must merits wben they arrived in the vil- be ncce<pted with a god deaf of cannon. liege. They are too gond at this late hour to ba." This no (loubt, however, bate'trgood ereasereons wore four.(1 before the Johnny O'Oounor's mother, it is said present step was'takrit, and it is to be will not allow the boy to be interview hoped that the endwtll justify the d b THE BOY O'CONNOII. notion.. The information wee laid by a e y arly•pereon, not even ,the Chief of member of the Donnelly family, and Poliee,or Crown Attorney, without the 147 50 alleges that she was Accessory after the interview Win place in leer presenc°. feet. In tlienfternoen she was bronchi She gives as a reason for this that she (if M,I'. here, end loft in the parlor of the will not allow the buy's mind to be led The hill Central Hotel in charge of Detective awl from the facts or impressions made n )art from the trite ones which • Murphy. After realizing her position 48 00 site was visibly effected, and once She 27 00 was beard to sob ; but in a few miuntep `L0 00 she recovered her solf•pnssessiinn and 16 50 .assumed the former air of indifference. 2 00 She Was taken to Donlon via Olande• 1 00 bnye on the L. II.. & 33. II., by Dam 2.77 ;live Murphy. 4 80 dames Shea is it poneinner, of shout 2 40_ fifty ears of age, who is ileo charged 0. 341 ctrl being, eceeescry after the foot, He 4 50. ie a•tall, thin, (Inlet 01a men, fond of 2 his "grog,"` aud having a great penes 1- ) .........$ 1 6 lits. coffee .... Matches. , .. 0 04 4 doz. of R )da water 2 sox. Seltzer.,.,..... be ea\c and beard for himself, That She wishes the.boy to tell the whole trntll without fear, favor or affection, and nothing more. • ARRIVAL IN LONDON. .. ;The news of Mrs. 11faber'a arre st . ' y R " was soon noised nbrond, and when tire+ .. ,• .., night train (,n the London I{ttron Ss, 400,.., 50 1 tJoNTINtsED 014 EIGHTH I!A4314- -