HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-1-29, Page 8- , ---- :: Al ,1`YrT"1'1'RW,r R11111 , 11 I �­ ��T-171-lrw­lr ��, "'', , : 7._ I . . . . . ; ., �., . 7, "VITMflir"l., 1, .. ­�p', 177;1, , liz��­,�,,�1'11 "W; _ I I , rl— , , "M 71177% , '141" , , " N , I -I;, ,J ". �, �71.:��z .'r.. �' 11�­ , " .. 11, 11 . , " '. �. . . . , " ,� I - ­-, I ­ I � !rT77p7l i 1� � . 7, � ;. � . I 11 , � I I . .1 " �� , :�,,.: " I,_ I : ­ �.�?,� I ­,­ � . . .. vl� ,1 4 ... I .. " ", 11_�� �,�, �'11 ... I ,,,, ... "I . I 11 I : ,,,,,, I - " I . . I "I �:.�', �l, 1, , ,,� �,' I � � � . y; �,v I . , . %%% .. "I'll. � 71� 1i �� "-'r' I I I I I I � 1. I I . I . . . I I . � I I 1. I I I � , . g . .. . . , I I I :, , , . I - I , . I . � . :. � I I . I . I'll. I . . I I . I I � .� I . . , I - 1. I , � I I . .1 i I . . I ,. I I I ,� I I . 1) I :,", x �N4. I I . I . � . I . I � .. . . I � I v.- . � . . !� . I � , ,,,,, � I I . � I � �,;, ,,.. 1, ,, � I I . . I . , , � ........... .......... ; �� "f, ,j, � . I I . i � . i . . I I I . I � . Al, , I ,� � , �, I I I � � .1 I ! , .1 I . . � I � I I I I . � . ,, , �;� I . I I . 1,11 o,:, ,:�,�,,�t ,�� . I . I . . . I I . � �, 1'1� 11 � ,` I � �,, i; - I I I I . . � I I . . l, �, I I I I � . I � . I I:... 1z , I I I . . I I - V TTN ITAN_UA_nY 2, "I 11 I I A 00 , : _'_ I T11 - .1 �,IVS .... ... � . - 45, '. ."',:r .I _ _�� - I . '__.___ . 101" _.."TM I - _ --==­=-' � . tll�, � , �! -_-_1.__.___,_-__-. _. _.-.__1-___-- 1_-__._-. .1 I ­ - I �Ir , to1"*"""____! _: t 0. R "M NT�,!o � "W9 0*11400.10 ill!, � i "__._W �___n�_C_�_ -T.- - __ "' . .­. , , , . Fr , I'll, . � = .1��,,� � , *, % R I, �, t �,. � e� I of P41�01!,Orediton or Honsiall is riot osalmidated oTho Glover -A and tile Priiiees.;; L -u- liable, Thiq! incren,ge w4f; a aeriou,i " " , melk vlk"w . I I � , M5 INN � _ . , , . � , ,; - . I I " 4', to eftot oi�q material alteration in o0k, resoilu� jae", coupleA ivith tile I)JIMes Of W 111. (111P.4hoin for ti)(A peqplo Iviin hud to pay 1 ��4 _ , I �Io� �, 'A I WU AJJwAL'XERS* � t1da4-14o ' ' " 0 even whou the luliefatigablo Soo- Jobusun -ionol (root Unce. for it', Dua should 4A Stopped. Toston't I 'Pill I r � 11'1� , �� I . I . � no, I it) Huron for flio --- !� , � �, I . rol"arY of the' 0.0dit Vildloy isadillp"oe ilk Wit; INJr, Johut�oo felt i roud at liping re� of six rkIpro,s0TP 'it i sit's . : I I , � I . . : , il Wa Nvould be I I I 1� I_ . I IN STOCK biwailiIss amusoluent through the. eoliniins of lited to ro.,Poud �o the tusat because twn hoiasto-, ho 01-ilght 1� I , I J, , I � � , ' :, . : 4 , I it' first pla,.-e .'?,':,� '' 00=7ZAIVITZ LIV= ,thepaper those 401titliefillouloUldS inlliuvau,� I ) the tile GovortiorlGel)erfil quite sntfieipnt� Timil, br,-iiles, tbi,ro i Tho cowiliq I has boiWit-ted by. Protection) Wk I I I ��,�. ll fi, hool-ollinflal and a. oomArvinan.of warp 47 ,aewbors of tho Oorltltv (Joull. , I I . Does our correspondent ssslppo�Aoi that. ,some vr 11 . . I I . . I ti, 1. . —IX— plaose betweell Exeter and Gnintoll wilifl(i not 111K Owls, Wid in tile 8000tid Owe Ile- oil. Tlittt wmi 1111-9Ptlier not of . - Y , �. 11 I be built into as . . He (Din't bolievo tile 0,111tivil W III T IR 0 T T . , c I � , , protariViesui a village as xirl�. CoA140 lie Nvas so iotillit0ely eolillooted r,laca , I .1 ton if we obtained an ars-A froin the GvaiW wit!., the royal fainfly. T se spealter ohonhl be abolislwd, lint 110, thoil,411t � . I . I I I � , I . , � �,� - � 1-9 1[_� Ttlink? 011 Nar I d 11 vrighes to pro � , se it Would, ao that otir lltkvilol, ond IIIAA 01AV of �'. I _rT00L "OOKS Icirk, said annot 0, fie ad it') (Inabli W0111d be tile busilless tyllt, 11ol. so iml'ol­ stilt 11'4 t,o �-pb 011, limAtIl awl tets 0 tlxo I ,,",� SCJLL JJ I I . constittitionally. ' Sentolilliail rnoluire thitt, largo bljd�, to attel)(11 to it. isho.111 . � , I flon frionds will soo that it is not the build. U OvOkIlkId 11 1.1 � t p . I I 'kst ani Chcavmst Stocks .� I . �i lilt; up of rival'villages that concerur, 17,,xetor; hivorod t.111it kilill of, government, anol I'lle Ilvar, is) Nvor (if ,i sliove, litilit0d re- ­ !,� 1 .4 .1 . I 1.1, I SOTE PADMI, . *1 I I I llerlever fornif-d t1jey were strong lid oresentilLtioll, , It vn,e �b (liffioult qtlos- I . I . I I I � �11 � . � , but the question that agitabes , our � in"Ild is . W EYI�111 0171111WIPIX =LTZ11t, , '11� I . . onst.1lutional Authorl . ,* R, N VE I � 0 FE S. -vily will add, the , , tv. The iion v graplilo whh. , Bot the i,q)t- I I .N17hat xMIN most to our own. Vo6ate ore . I .A., IT ULSCAM � J.jiglj position whilsiss Soatchtnen hold I selitittion wac a9solning Snell giltrallfic I . . . .� . prooiperl�� I? :Upoa the answer to thia il euds � :� 1 4 , � I N K 8 It' 0. I &C. , I Op ill all couintriEs where they 11113 ell1i priqlrtions Nit to become alarlilitiptild "Ind N onab)ptl to qr1l 'it pli-lan fbat ,lety (16111118 I . � , I . � bile mwces� of any Polinme, so fai- Lia Expter ie . titioll. 11,­�")1111 ti,1,11) )-f-la 11,11bose i'L. 3�all��ox I I 11 I l I I I . I grale(l. to4tifiool to thoir )Lhility'aud in. caiisp 11.00 tllibk:, of tbf� fist aro. YIUST-Cl,.�03',' 11I,).H1-'­1AADVV\ , "'. ' ,I . I coocortied. NAlo wosill reconnixioluCt to the raLl. � � � : 1�� . 11 � locl,r,istsof which will be farnisbed .on ilpill, ' tagtify. That bite Qtipell pertnitted her 11 Tilt, Owinty Coutioll" vuls'reqplmlied to by I . . ", � czktiou, I way colmnittell of the towu the advisability of daugilter to mar�Y 11, 8(30t-04111110 Should , Ditvlcl �1111ar' wlwl� llioilght the Comity Colin- , 3 0 ots an -.1 5hoes . _� tiations they ,hoil, There . w:i-1 nOt I . pushing Oil vigorously tile nego 06, oslls� sholild bol� a -b Ii., 11 . I 0 inikke all natives of th)tt 'Ontintry f I aoll forthaln to (10. L '11ols-'auly dlitwe wilro � I ,. 1. I I - , I have so well com wetleed, and Are have u6 foar a . I I I . ?11 � 7 1. , IT, G31311U.-CrIll Wit that B."ter will Were long have jilst tile prow , 1, &,; it, paid a himll, 0011101`110ht to to aftend to the jall and 010.18"90 111-411104, but that lio is on-ibletl fr� in Im I w experientIo tr, sup- I . . ational 01111ract-evislicst. ILA Coll there cotlia-be found Soole 011eapill, luotliod of X, v al -all %dkll w110 w.11 givo lstIMAJae ion, 116 he �,��, . I rallway that is wantod. tile I), lo9v , to thoil attending to those affairs 1-1a pikill, a Ili,,,h slivs no,,tili.g bilt, ttio bolit LOJ I `A001cpsIller, Main ptr-oot, R-,etpr Ont- . atoslk.olaiti,( 'I'loyll " I � I u %Ill, but t(to b0s,t0f worknion, r" 1� � I 1��: . .__.,:�__ ­­ ­­__ ---,--- olukling fie Pail, a 11i.Q11 oil - , �� � . I dva ftbiii�y wl;iolh Mr. Hanter at) al plifn alit to Mr. flilutor *its Boeve, and found .vol lio ouliyiLtuea ut those fatsts, otal. ana,soo. , :� � . - I execat 11161 alway's ftlithfu I to hii auLles both, in tile . . ­If,h I . Railway blatters in Kirk -ton. had sbown while -in tile Tuwijahip and 'rowti.4hip lmd clounty Councils. . . . � W. H. TROTT. , ��111 0 ei--refer Z' . I , , ,4111d. I . . ;t�__ N , � I . IV. 5,1. J�,s,,V, I A,-, Ilmitir . I I � CUllsisty (),rIlJJ)C)I, . teove, tvftal, pitying '. . d��, I . . R . . I 1 .4. -timodoomplimout, sttl,iltig 010,110111IJ I I �� . . __ .1 " - ___ ­ - ­___ --1-1- ­­ .—: )13l. W)ITOIN,The people of our beistling 11 Mr. Alace 6aid he had coine to the a Well 11 11 I x,i to Y, Clatobn 2% 1 B" , 9, I t1f . R�� - - I � THURSDAY1 JANL)ARY2011i, 1S,130, all( I . . � Intl ­Mall ill Ili$ own,quiot Way laoro baluolies twill aklY . I �­ , . � . "I'll I thrivill", village are in a etstato of great Supper to do honor to a �9E other man Ili the'Ooluloll, toolt ocoltsionto __:::= - I _=_______ ­_­_­­��_;:_�_�_.Z_� . I _�'. ..­­_.� . . . . . . ­ 11 ... " , �, . 1 I . ....- - - mental excitement. our quiciesi; olitizoils are � Who they R11 held in tlic, highe8b o. iuswnt. from Mr. '11illar ill 111,; OPillioll Ill tho . I I I i . I � I 1 'llie'r, . �111 I I I LOCAL NEWS.' ' I i � I I stepping round oil tiptoe, aA it were, with their I Will. lie had known Mr. Hput-er for County Coulloills. Thore, wa§ out- vovY 111pol - S , ... "I , � I . � - " poor ',,dol' by 1, I'loworluall. I , ___ . I . . - I � I ---. . Wit l)t(1'A1,',_,____­_ - . I al Yew 8, alld lind .never lienr(I OI alit (111ty davolvi"Ig uptin th-3 0"ImLy (Joillitlit i So t I P, �. � t heads in the clotids, and �roolaiminq like noted 'ever ! Nfr, Aliklw hful. forgottent, au'l 11 Tho luodical profes�qlon." . 1� q1to-1-41 WT It Col., III Mr,1141 1, Ul a h -, wa tit a n agen . : I ra 4ingrlo in,t-unce ill which lie had not, `�Iilh hisfrian'l . I :, that was the m1n;tlivt0lou of tile asoemsia"Llt. Dv. Lillz ; I fe . in thbi oou,,tv lia unt"e, kLt tt, saltury ot tlmo per . I ill a per f ,ol Ii4 folloYbig tho 1 I =,jiitiit4iitioxtioitsor,piLict. For full VilrLicalars persounges.of old, that they are inhabitants of ecl 11, a N,., -Ly illoor,si,4ent lvi . Ili case tile 0oluity Conaolils wera abolisliull, footwtelw of Your I'llo, Ileove into re- . II . I Uddrt$b it$ tvbuvu. I I I 11 no metia city., I Of course it, ir railway; but foot gendeinfm. ffe;bolinvod )XI '. 'Hill'- oominissionars wouta be appkyhitod to this livitni-sit, im , Ilowevor like hini, cover- I � . I i I r t I I � I I nloqt. There was u . . I tar lind filled all liffices fie ever'lield to purpose by the Govern . � � Our cup, like. evr,ry otheil that. sti=ilates, has (tan -or tllj�t byr this mot.liod the ,-arlwar, maid- L'd NvIth lilo"'Orallol "10rit, ')tit fl'�ll'kl wit" . I MR. J. N. Howard has bought the hardwnre . . ', . 11 more ingredients tlista one. A rannor-to bile Kreneral antisftictinn of those inter , 11 (li-in lilt(! L,ollfll,�ioll. I wn nol post - I . '� steel- of Nrr, D. Johns and is prepared to give doubt alistird, and unfoaudad-lia s reached. us estecl, And the large number of tile lelid. cipatiLies would no6 rewive that fair play Nv hip, ,4y �l, I I � good buTgains. I � . . . is ensured by repre.;entWiveq- of tilt) diff'r(illt le(I ill ymiK mwticillal rqatters,. tiorvot . . ; . I . . ell from all parts of tile township (so ill digsluAsilw Hiloh lia . . . ' � aomehow or other that Exeter ia joialona of incy m rporations �lledtlng Ap . — 0 , � lits,vo L tile hoonr uf btlim- liel'smially I I I � . l0ritton I A and to prevent the pxosnpri . . icle,ofj pollitice, who were pro. important Affair, 'his inpa of govei'llilig tho "� -a, In Exetax . Ity alul ,,f both s , italluttinted ,�iih y,lur, re�iri,�g R.,Ievo, � A Cmk-_N(,,F­Thc Lorne Brat ouldre Province frotu Torouto i� 'lot �-.uti.4fabb- n . I I I I Inarea,se of our villtigge which a raftay here StOrt, Was a further evidence to him I . NN orth, has ol augold hands. ' Mr. Abel Widper I l.formed ovy. .If ,we comiiare the prpqo�lt sy.q,ella of 1) 11 V roos I a it re t I I a t; 0 I (I Tilnoy 0161.0"44ions . , I I hat Mr. Hunter lind alWa,Y8 110 granting liquor liconses with flitit fOrlberly ill ,if e,tpeol ILI . I has again assumed contlol, . would lialise, the 73,xolfer people are coquetting t , , snd appreciation fi-111 a 'i - . . . .11 with tile Grand Trsiuk for rt braitch from Ilis ditty in a innillier to. will tFe estc'Orn voguo,aml by which tile Towl'shill 0olit"l, prespilt, 11-111st he 7el.vrrl-,qif`�bl,z to hilli. - . Tim odibor of the St. 11ary's Xoit�nal is , Grantor, to tillo, capittil I of, Sonth Hnr . on, thereby of the riltepa7ers (if tile townehili. A4 woro permitted, to is,,no hoells6s, ha L.,Iiaved . 1' I . , ;tom tho fall-- 'k1mil. f I . AgIL- � for tile Go;ernnr-(3eviera1,, lie knew, till' People would fill" the Old sy� &in th,�t, liowaycir, I Can cNim 1. , leaving out in the cold the ambitious mud- eto,. Then he,wa- oppised to f,ha ell a izil. �t hikil,11.7fe.,ling towards MI: 111111tor, I tating for a 11611�e of refa,,t for the Cortnty of . it hivil, lint tie rimpo,led a. tr I I o()(111ant A.11ci ICIrktoll.aud.that v,ry little ab -i ti,in of power. Tile Govoruillelit8linve, tell 1)(icaose I con,ddor lihil as; one of' the . I ,Perth beggars. kich SeAlmoss onthe,part w0101"Ors Of W , rriend ,Nlr. Jol' I � . for all. title. to come, Call yoii wonder, the,, Ile WaF; at" tli-4 1118011 much power now. Thay could wieid all almost r,Gulty-a t611LI of retirt,A mutliiatpal . ofajournalist is deploiable! ' . . � � . that we feel a, little elovabo(l that wich is the ell,limo-d hilit to lle� . itsevediblo influence if t),(,.y Ila& tile power of doctilr. Wns there it dielfiell,ted or a I . ___ . AGA 0 a nua. he was Op- . � -ailway "Thp CrusRt of tbB evoaing,Mr. Leon. Willalizing the W4 ,"m ui , I A 1)jidge or Culvert was he nnt . I . ­ . , Bn CAurrr,L Boys. -When a. Foling moot undeniable fitneqs of onr locality for i ard Hunfer." ito.,tedtilsach innowition uponthorightsit,sid frfichire i Iiia splijife, to re- goei to �§ee a yoml,, lady Oil Sunday fovoljij,�,,, facilities that, Ive have stirred wIth jealousy the tile liberties Of tile- people. He contend-,cl always on listva witl . ., ilainds of yonr fellow villagers, But another Mr. 11witer said lie Folf. in R rieculi,ir that -,vo ,wouttl be, saci-iflolag nur 1-ight of self- pair the itjnly. If the nausliolipality I I . ard sits in the upstairp parlor,; he shosild bv - I �, � caXtefull not to throw the willolow shutters dolvil Onlise of our exhilaration is the will-foursdooli rositinn, %na couia hardly fl,114 wolAs govoriltuout if we tillolished 001'sity Councils. Weria SPIZI-1,C1 Will) %n inWAYd 0011VIII'liOn. , � I . I I to expre4s hIR re . mti�g dosoiriptiou, . ., on people that are passing by. . � conviction that till:, niole little gtinio, if it is . � elill-q l'ow-,ri .the, D. Kirk gave it very inten .0 Oolldtlobod� in was Ile I)ot, aixvilys on hana .with hi8 1� I . frjends l -rho had ktssA�bled to do him of how ses'llulti'llal' affairs was ortill to ease fl -lid qiii-b, I . , really entered upoia, will Ile e,ffeoltlually baulked, Oklen tillnes, and thougli.0,the (tllallgos that had nisilliciold ChIfirof all Lq I . ' air I honor. He felt proud of such a vriltin becrimade, were (Jecilled inisprovenients, He t,l,,a yodienL ? lf fevori vmptoms For fir-t-claus rpweil work call on Robort; and Xirkton ,anti Wooflham will have th , I Afirtifiam,who call suit you with the articlayou I tary exprespisin Of oqtApm ft.; this IV- contrasted tile proliellt state of tile township arose, be Jns alwiso"B on hailil NN.i* I .1fation Oil a through line from St. Marys to , , -, �,h .%* , I I L with what it wits whou fie came into it, and , I L. " . - s9n,bI9,,7P indica'ellbs was firld in. He iper coolifig Intiolls. I do lint ki nw . I want, at (jllaS Efl(lf'ett'S. L *Lake Huron in spite of any, opposition, from spoke parties,141.1y. Of tilt, ilull. eve . I . .11.1olut ill tile prt . I I L I ­ I I .1 I - I ilid not know that be Apservp(l.thp lion -it his career lie h id ever. to .1 I voi-sr interests. What grand full, isn't iiiit? roads. M3 bad 1, Own t lie Hunter btridly for whetber in I . I � I or. He had, of conr�p, strivpn tn do years Ruct had nothing to gay a! them but what contend with innoicipt4l gout, rl)r.nm- , , A Ca-J,Ar Oramx.-Is thi,re ary per,lon who You. know -for wha' . is it that editors don't I � . . ... I his Aiity as every mq,n i4brin1d. in evpry was good. otisin or hydrnphL 11. If 9 . I . 'wishes to Darchase a first-.sslass new cabinet know. save the Scriptureg-that a deputation obi . OIL elt)d if . I o . rgalt, fresh from the factory, at half price- 11 has been appointed from the Township of po;itionhe TV114 Called on t-) fill He 11 The 11,borne Council:' was responded to he Could atirs th4ro"allil apply blie reme- - �­ . . had 4nnA Ili$ Jt1ty As -ell fla IliF;'.I- 11y, . Horn". who,- bsing a Yollug 11 ' L . . . so, communicate with the Tnt ,a office. AnY Blansbard to walt upon 'Nfr. XoNv:tt's Govern. ' I ility L ff anti at di6s succasAftilly to indbqiduaj ases lie , � , 'n. He Aid not 11 , Ir lie nku iciplil ,;ffairs, had not much to say about a greater bn3u-o i mail- L '. ,; , I T)qrMittk-1l llit I 11 11 would confer I li � .1 . r,ritan on the list way be s-locted. Jnsi one merit to r0commend to his fvroruble considers. . � . L organ rill be sold on such terms. . I . I was perfleob-fnir from it. Butt Ill, I,sd their working, but at some future time, Nvbett lihid than ever did tile inlinortfil ,Tali. 11. *.1 I ..,. e,,, I tion. the line fro Sk. 31arys to the lake. I I I . . I . L . . I Ill the satisfaction fifIrrinwinor that. lie bad he had more experience, lie 'inight have more tier. All (lepartme sits of sciel)ce are � L I. � --- - BlAnshard, then, you see, is committed to the to say about them. With regard to the retir- ill L I ft . . I I L 'le lip had ))Pon a rrwni. jug 110 ve, . . ­A�.� A17F.Nn.-In the hurry of prapnring the retilway, and will gi . dnne Iiiq bpRt will P, heLbad.nothiug to saybut-what rap,idlyprogress ginthis presen ge . I , lve a vigorous support to the b ­r of tile Colirle'll. be had fri'llid. hiq was good of him l and he was. re,dly sorry when ,ji1jiJigna with histeloctricli,ght, tialltillf�? I I . report of the fireman's slid band conco.it foi- mosheme. for with a station in the rienti-e of the , , l the press last week, we forgot to mention that township somewhere, on or - I near the Base onlienglips; at all timp,4 disfingpd TO.act . he lefti-nee that lie intended to retire. L up the wh'Ae Vol -11-019 ti�ei)llnllo , . � , . L harmnniol-i,l�, li-rd lip wnR f,rlqd to lint'llm 'Tainas Hackney ma,lela lengthy spsiaLh. He will in filn� Yev(1111- ' a 1. Mias Eatirott, daughter of Mr. Goo. 1�'Iflcrett' Line, find a station also near mitt between felt solnewhs.t i adisposed, and halt it been all), 'hich by the wAY . I that. thA geriflarripli wlin flow colliltlPfAd *r occasion thall to do hOuO tO Vr, Hilt, tionize to ft cortain extent tho praoltice'of doe- i ." , .. played tha nosfsompanimoi�ts for all the singers ) Kirkton and Woodbans, the people, vrill be. I 0 othe r k o t to . I Is we no doubt that before long Von ,� . . Rft),dell. ,Af,SS But tile line extending tho hu"inWIS Of Of` Vwn-hiti w Uld InOk ter he would not have come. Ere spo 0 f he rs a -y i4ilgo L� lint.Aliss McDonell and,31r. . greatly benefittea. 0 lles,a a. talf,pliono from evoli Efterott is a sit. well Oter flip interl�qtq Of Oil, rokfopq.- flivisioll. of tile towushiP into WlVds, and will hav I �� Will inn--iciall, mud well desery- thus far wilt undoubtedly.be prolonged to the I ,-1 one connected with riky f viand Dr. Im-ings dwelling- L ' 1_ ' � I . ed we . i3tion. Better litte than never. lake, silad Exeter being already scosonemolciated 1'r,q. In tlip f1jorintr Onuncil," iq frionl,q th011ght it Raved ft good deal Of �l Y' L childi's qaj7aci with colf-I by ilight y0a I , I . � iller and Ray hall. rendered'the town. James flails had been in the 0outicil, for a Wher a or., .fte will answer. I , I . . d tile b''O L with adili�ional railway transport, rtua aesi ring IV[ . I number of yoars with III. Hwiter, and could %will ring lip the doct Ile I . acrett having Itirchaw. Ot I I I . %bin valuable servica. say that lie liad always, done his duty. 113ring the boby up�-to the cough., I , . "I 'H­'-:,�' 1. Trott, is now pre- to have nothing tq do with the line that prb- S,,rg bv Nir. Gilroin-p. I Tile Township Alcials." . I � TJ.e -,'?Ill say , t.1111111111pphollpellito its feet � ., sh.. Wass of W. I I . tl;ii filaild"hAs .. , /'.., . ag around its tlirolit, i 4i� pared to Offer b ur neighborhoodi t,wntLr, put r 7,9,� Oats, shoes and harlies.4 at rea- I mot I were the qualificiAiour kiecessary for all the give goose . '- X V . I-ThA 17)oonini-n Nrlinynonf." N. J. Clark, township clark, explained what, into ho , 9, sonable, rates. poot, Crediton will then be obliged to take it;, g -ease frosolb, and I'll be arolund in , . 11 I � I allA we almost think ails will gladly. What . Mr. Win. ,T%Iltlqn" fn0d that irrA. to-,vuship offv,ials. . They were 5to be of differ- the moriting. Good. night.' within the lase . . I . 11 LilicTilltv,�—Ou. Thursday evening last, the 411"CletivA Of Itinlitiosq. r,artailiAinq sl:lnllta ent temperaments. Judging by the he Ithy c,infury the sciAnc-a of nielicine bris made vaSt, I . I I . A, , I grand fan it will be for tholExelberfolks to hear � cars, he ZL and raj)iii stricleg. Peo.viouq to fhat time tbont . Rev. k1r. Webber delivered it lecture oil 11 Wil- �. lip pilrind of the ilti,itirin the Dominion appearance of some of the ofti Ought m'XetT I , liam of OraT.go'l in the lbagament of Plie Bi tile eligille scromming and rushing froi,ut.Credi. PnilliamAnt 1194 attail-4 nrylonq HIp there must be some fat offices, 'while Others; woll4rinish th(tt was crudeanaeoripirissal, ) . � � � hie , t,m, to Elis�ville, thance * ' th' rr,o'7:ce (If Tne(li0i'00- I'will liarrate it. I I I to Kirkton And, away are 6an. He made a.very humor6us speech. ,with e I . I legillative nnRembiies of tb;k wni . R little ina 1, I Christian Otiarch, which was well filled. The I to the east, olarrying -with it freight and com- �"" WI' Mr. 0oatess osotlti4idered that his 011ie was ,iaant to ilinxtrate this. About the be- �_ lecture 0 , ofeupied about ti,vo hours in , a . elivery, ))All flin rldvarstm,e oiv�r bnt a fat one.7-thowe ,was. some- girkill"of in-tt osentfirs, a French Stnd-n� went . t . morose that never bothered them. And when. Pa S� Ill the Unit- ,,,),onsible if not , to pliTsele his . inc(lioal studies � ilk . ?I ­ , and was listened to with the closogt attention . I 'falps nni Eng,llinrl in mir ov0prott- iimqs a good deal of money in his hand,;, but. ti� London I _ I I the dky Of openbn�g this now roate has arrived, 'I a found very often that he had to payout tile linu,,8 at. whicli lie boarded a mon too], sialt I % , t�, throupholit. It was all exsselle�it effort, slid f anvertistrA0. ns vroi had onripA Fill 11 n1lysician prespribod � I Mr. Editor,`wL,will be trure to send you all in. nrla money Of his Own 'WholA filuelS Wel a short with fey". The isittonding . . . %� that w,,s iqond from both conufripu jointly -e�uqsted warn) driuls;q to '.1 showed Mr. Webber to be well informed on . I I 1 I , vitaidon, &not others also inyour 6orpoVation, G . Mr. Duncan also responded britifly mad in a, large Arafreop i � . -y. . 1. I I . rAJArt-A the hqA. Wo hnA a wrent tarri. happy manner'to the toast. the intenqe lltsglogt of the lilali'allit. Gonoled ab * . I , i " histo) . . � . foryou: khem it will be imnatiusely jolly for t n'� V to b- g -ver -fid, and Rrpnt r0arn". 1, The Mousers of Usborne," proposed by the I,Lgt to tiTsnair, the po(*rl* retail crierl oil+,. ,Grivo , l . tv II I I I � . ­ ." 'P&. -e. r 4 . I A�r ElrCNA_XGr.—NV0 1111dersband. that I you all to be that ItMis"e' I Rillilif,V ?eVoIVnA 11POn 0111' ,ts'al-Parrient., vice -chair. . Ton a Ralt ' bev+'�t tO (%'it nn(l then I will (Trink 11 ' Tolin Hawkshnw has exchanged the Commer- I . I I - � . I— I . 'R , John Hunter inside a few remarks, causing . all vnniNjsb.!' The unTse, (TiS01504i'lut tO GrolOrs",, � . . . i:tl;nry PhnwPd liq illat fhA rl',irfbern much mairiment by his description of tht' en,�plip 1-n(Iffiat(Ty' I i � . .ci, lkild ,;tr&m,w to mY:lie, il-L I . . osial Hotel, of this place, for Mr. Win, HRNN,k. ) COMPLIMP31ITtARY SIMPEi. vIntinns of th., wol-11 InAlicleclF.tea The Moat roate that the pinrs�ers batt to travel to, reach bealintoro'covf1r., The, V�ellchstlldelltvllvle� I . shawls hotel, in Bl- The chaiwe of In . n Illia . %_-1A Afth I-eerribg will ellr(r I Ytli, I . - . I . � vitslli;�. W On PICAnIlPrif (illroll- the Baso Line of Blarlsbard, . noft, of �t ns; fhllb- r,' ShorRy afterwilrolAt . � � . ­'- I IN lTONOR OF T.RONARD HUNTER, ESQ., OF ofte For Ple anvr-Inninq of flie, nim-fil Richard Hulite'r gave a very slannAllIg fie- 'flo IT,gliolil-Alin with fPV'C I lorils takes place on Monday. While the r.,,.- I . , , I so I Ifs p-te'res'sfAir. .. I . � . I . . count of the -way (,onneillors, werL- elected in tie r0tuTrel, t, V P.1100 till, lirnostios 7 ple of Exeter will be sorry �o lose one brother, . USBORNE. , , intollf�,111191 and 1)Tjvcirse0,rnnn, nrld lip � ng anti I "I # . Oldem time, and deswillea 'the aimculti,Ef that T.To immoldieply pre4cribed it Atilt, herri .I, t - � I who is highly "team(-,& by all who ha,ve the I I __ . I . wmilld rot ha Q1lrrTiS0d if (1,%1`1144% OVAnt-. the jAdueer had to overcome tryget th6l. ILOR(ls. 1'rig rat'jant . I I ,�, I . � , ftl,unst irampolimtely diel. Where- I f, . I . pleasure of his acquaintance, th�y will be glad On ThnrR'drty evening lastthn frionas 11,il1v n,h,qr)rl)ed the entire Aynerioart " John Glosin de.4cribed the tevrnlibil) 11% It was hn'hrr:mU110 ausither note its follows:-,"Ttemoun- � .. . I � I I to relagmaback the other beo Onsifi, 6 4. I 11 . . I . . �-` I whom.befirst came to it �Ila bad livild, t(),svo bor fl6n-t ftl0loTILIll a Salt ll.m. 'r,tq nill cure art I I of Mr. na�d Hunter, of U4)orne, I . . - ,ri I I I , � I , - foray, it will kill f, FroInell- . . , gave a till liper in his hoijor at 1131inivil. 'Qh- Lneml TiPoiAn-fill"P." . ' , w)lmt was ('uoe a wilderness ilo)wl&ssomkin�g r�,liall.q*nrn,us with ; X%tria-svllicli � 1. I 4� I 0. Racretts, n ow- stollk of Bonts and S13 . like �the rose. The township bro llov tile best mAnF-7,Tnt'VitlJs�anAillT the fhAli �l I I I . ll" I le, Mr. 11tinter has been a, menkbt�r of Mr. 1:19-fOrTsAV .hli n'pvor. .mqtla 'PrIll- -(I To S � have just nrrived, and is one of the best selva. ' . . ropils in the conutrv. lusterld of "Aing Innir. nipili'l,41 Folifinpe is making it is still an 11 t ,� -il for many yeArs. ocq n s rslti�in, An to 8PAft'k ; . the Unborne Cotill(i naciftl Flfnill.'.. Ist,rd Wng h -MV I bar wagons and oxen for 6"ry plirpoae, the gi,es,ftva re , ill its illfarsm'. � � tiolis of ]allies wear we have yet seen. Publie . , 'O into 0011 I -, peoplic �� � I . � . W14 has sei ve * 4Y r r a now i thoir dashis�sqcarriagoanu& -wis, . %id,rafinll the multituda, � would do well to call find see him before pur. dRs wellin 010,!14040 ,nqre,l to rpoirlol`14 �n ft fn4pt, of �ha,t � have . on we tilk � . . , , sliftin iva,tA ill ol - . I . a. ,if 110eve, and bis retirement from 13111ol. 11 I p Gnest, of at ;. , The oioorio�ii as (ItIlePio- of inantstl, nervoll't ftnd P'llysic-al Aiso6les, illp't � . chasing elsewher �. _ i I irl4i.l UA forinlrA Mil,71TV of fl, , near were klo�t rill pleamilijit. They,, harl bard- 11111i2an flesh is bolir to-, t1ittQe diise;Lsps oblinging, I A . I cipal affairs tv" the.necasion of Also, tbp- T'I've-,ille!� arill Imid ho bal alwavq. h. is 'O esidure which the risiuk--',4plidrittiou in tvpe - new (1i"Onqns, "'lishia .. tlipqq di,�Pfssvq I ; , I I 11-AILWAY N1,kTTr,1o8­Wo direct attention to � � fivillrol tri 4pn I N '4, .- � 1, ., I -I-ing,,ir,i1IlPnP­S Wl i0t wn - � The tablps were Apread in the irl bit; nrininn, enl' - �l knew nothing alson . � I i'#,�, 1, ,, 1411loject to mariv . . .,� . . I a letter in anothar.coltimil. from a correspond- supper. .ill 4. " ' t ( I I aIr a . X . lsv),lif er which we limye liev I . . � Townt,bib Hall, And the a,u0per, which IV With FtJJ,np?-r,q of flio Tnvvnw'hin, fillill. R)bart Creery relate 1� "o, im' *1 ',I)e4altift. (in ;lot rinderstruat'l. and O -v oingideration. hwy- I I I . ent at Itirkbou anent the railway qliesbioM . �� �18 It i t Xhat �ad been Illet tiontrr0­00n, we talon, !Tito (" , . . wrtAprolpared by Tiline host of tile Ellin P. ,m,tq r.Y,lnrTJ,n'l)- able io testify witli slao 0 of the 013POS , 7 I I I ' , t I 1 4 . ill building bhe gravel ro 4;ililrou�h the centre fearfuli-v, anrl won;tArfully lists.u. iii mittle, the -�nh � I . !, I � There seem Fi to be in opinion at Kirkton tbat [e, WMA J:iti,r. In "A 4-6 hi!3'wor I a I Ailed t,'Ila,w,-ntl,myst43ri?)TL."Tni)la.c,)�ii)�otqc �will An'll, �1' . � . � Ville Rotell"in exoplignt Rtyl - tile, f the town.,A_bat the people. nOIN' callos I 1. , . I th n 71 - I I . B xeter is jealous of its atilbitioas little sister. , : brat 4 . broken of by about fifh -five, Mr. T. M. . �fr, I)illielar wns 1)4A]v rirtir-TrAll fn 't)hrkt ths' row N , e betit place t1lat could prosMing over the Ill, i , Abo � I . We will ease our neighbors' minds by infoTm. .. . .ygs in , I I nnilactsi with Ail -11 , 11, , 11 I been seleflig, ' Tile liPOPIO 114d reELSOU to yonq sivatem intinintolly jol 1 . I . ing tb�ln that we have beara 'no St,tntinlentli Of Kav, Reeves of the Town -hip, occotliea rn ft ire ft jay,ppeli nrinn Vin, nnb�jAnt of the hav� J'anil of thOIT tOWIlAllip. . .1 � prasitling over all tbOSI, Il lbtile fsll.�Jtiflal V,tfll . I � , ": . I I . the Chair, atirla wits, hulliorted Oil Ali,; to-l"t. TIP venn.ldl,how0vor', 4 -f -V thP feel P , -I I . I I or 1 (400. Harrah did not 'look Upoll 111to9alf 11S�a proilpsampf tbe intricate Tilfb(lbiloallY Of "ll � � . jealotisy expressed by any One in Roret riglit by Mr. Ali,x. Dritlean, ne-.cl, to st,ft-alif-in-11 of thoso liraqc�nt to f7,q fnet. . r. The to nship was well cleared and, 1, [ 51'stem, �, Fill, gTi-Al-athizinTwitli, acting, � : plonee W livuirsn' I ! 'It We want is to a.l. wbotil wall tile gilsAt of tile' eve --gnvernpil, I-Ifi Coil - had good roads wholl he came jilto it, � Aftetil-ig, 0 I � I towards Kirktou. � Will Ding, 'li,lf n+o worm nvp) A 0 and r , ell each 1-.bf,- throllWillout tho . , , I ; , , vanes t, -'eter's ill tr!re4ts as wall as th ose of the Mr. 11noter, Oil Ilig lert. sat Afr. Jobs', ;sNeri'll f1lot filintit M1041iisild of fhA ,6a)uO,t6-nighb to (10 1101tOr to, Mr. 1111111M. 1-10 wlif)18 011111111 ', Ao t,bat,.vlinn Trorn,s"Y eansto ft, 11�. I �.. I I I ." I , 001111114 agree with all M � Johns * i nP.01r.,9111 wn�-pftrt no oun I I STllTO%1nr1jng country,:without referenct, to only G letill, Rr. Jonallifin 8hior noted At4 ,11�n1borq of f,hoi Lnnmt T-Tnvlqe- wmilil 'he r. on hArl said giml,lo (lorlingalliell 1. - � ; ' to Stsobellmon. They nere big onol tnil -xhon Whow it insY ('1111. wf� willfint . rman. Ainting thfi-e prolgAnt qu T spo ft tllorf:ll . , Josiplit fo� fliq rortilirAl-norstat of fhe hOla theme. It villis Sootchinell list's find hill to , tli t L ; I other Inisaliby, If any'rit ther village is bonoRt. visit) Chat in roference, !.- miir,,ii-n(,rL,i.-�iq,tligtF)ln6cli- I I tell Fit tile pa,me tilile, ,we ve rot , going to ob- we noticed. Messrs. Jamps Halls, Don. wliyr�rv. , I � I Wil n tbA --mm,lidFitfis rif both w A wIliell 'inrqt olver rom-.Oi to tl,ri I r . Solotollimen, there. He was prond becitmo 'the oilil ot, iprsi,� i ' ' ' . I . . I r ject. Vit if ti, Pertain railway does not fill our alcl McInnes, JannoIS TIACkLey, 3 .N. nolillonj parfiAq FOP actoldriol, #hp Purl� Governor-General Nvas a Stsettiliman, and he litinta minrl a lip(,)) :rvid JlUdon -myst.tery. "I I I ,�, � foquirotments, delta our,' ,corresponaent; or do the () ark, Ffonry HOrnfly. Thrinias Coats, inn�f of Illa Ploafril-q, they rribliqh f liptil. was proud because ]To waq mairkid to thil '�Teigilhoi�iiiXTn-%viir�l)*trr,." � � . , " .1 " . . . PL% Harrah- wouldn't I 1� 1, good people Of Kirkton think we will take thko Dit,vid Kirk. llichiird , Hunter, John ,4r,l-,, q ,, +I ervarstR of the People, 'queen's daughter. But . ItolAriontInd to by OV11f,ft4vt -'I'll S11wYe'r- , 1, . , 0 sis le f: I . � � . I 4. give'a buttelt for that. XProm, all r appearwifie- A irnbirs-Pr t0ast, " J01111 P,1111;"' . I ` . . � railway and y1tv .411 extravagant silva to got it NfoOnrly, Jt)l)t) fl-linter,-Rilasell, brit wlion fbpY ftrA safe In The occlinn- not much of the royal blood will Ila teansmit- Ttp VV., Brnelc, D, Me- I " . . q . .1 I , roll�j(,l t6 by Ivressrs. I "" I . merely to Till, 011ANO the silence of thoge Who, Jobn D�Ibridaop, lVill. Miners, jr,, L, #io,l vforgpt IllAir Inn. tool to tile house of Campbell. Mr. Joliuson Iris i q ,11,1 3) I 'Mill. I ,,, of Ov, of -04, tbn- I I . : - 4 � - r1c I '11, I Say wp are Jesslon,41" If Wrliton wisheli 11 rAll- Bennett, G. Harrilli,-Gilmore, Jobti i bad taken great pains to tell na what Scotch- ,4 11111A. T1qr1ies,,, prrsposo(l by 1h. X-T. Cla . A I rinoct. n'tid li,if'snol(l 00 f1c)"11110's fA,AIr- � pi, � ' inats, have done for tile sionntry. Thol Govet- Jv,i;l)6n,1nd to by 'Ur. Wml ll'ohlison, ._,t�, 4 ' way let her have it, It's � none of our f uneral, Wt [lift, Thomas Allin, Robert CrOel.'Y, lnosq�.o"q. 11.e, ly�liovofl Oipt 01,4 11AMIAS o I 11 '?, I ' 11 proll 44 . I r-Goineral could t10 nothln� With -11 016 Rd- I,, Tho pra-s,yl ' 6r-wl Illy .T,'Shior. I I ., . I I But if ive (1oll't w"t the sativ, wail,'if vto Tborrova Haywood and Others, And mlinfel ))A qrsit-PrAn A*1,1 4�nf frArn vice Of his mill4stors, allol eflu)(In't help govarn- Roq1)(111(lod to bly Btr. 1. ��Illfo, of the Timm. I I ,d. i,V . '. fbillic it would not confer ally istilvalltal"'.to Over froln a dif4tallose V, Irving, David f,llp "IV I , " i�l,. t, i, . I I .111 . I e , Onvortirriortf; ghorild florivn Ir ifig'(30ML9101011ally. 110 WAq pr011d, ti) -night 11 T-T,sf, illftel Ilrlsfess�'l I 1". _�, t19113011 hall, It w,lon,li pil to bv Mr. N. N71i i f.n. � ,,� I I �:11 .1 .1 11 ­ the railwn,y facilities, Nire alrwidy possess, r -o Cathcart, Win. Johnson, A. Sfilwyetr, ifinwesr."ITFifir it rirf.of nart,flia mA1,61,44a of because no many ilifillontial gen � t, � I", :t,;, . ,igetlier to' do honor to WIr. Ilsilitelt, a Xftf,r Aill000l.14 Ft few scill1q, 111n, ol(SrOINAtiv (IiFy- . � ,e ,t to (lo with the rria,l; ancl alit Win. St, John, Geo. Alace" James Otte, �lq,yliarrsftrf, Wflirst, rlow� As, PrIlitip,rd rin'. . "'lob t 11 . will have rskoithjn� � � I . ,... 11.Y I � i . . , r I y6lkshirprolan. He Yunfitiotted ik numbor of lier0fl, havill- spent it plefismit An(l profitablo I .. r, .1 i�.4� , I . 'to] len& may rlill it . � phin-4-1irlf, �n "lip)) to) p- r offidelithlit'are bol(l by Jr,11glisbinontriprove. evening. 0 1 ''I, I P&A .11 'fr' to tbol-well, Ilse Dr, Lxtt,z, lo (304 9)IN li 'a":'n I I . . I 3 , I I.: I I I G,zaud Bond, for all we flare. Whon the 711, Aftev tile metill wall dIAMIA86df t1le orit'inliq of 01A ppmIlol net to wirlin),is tilat,Scotelimen wore iiot the only mail Who . . I., , ��.:,�l. '. �, - 1qA(Jprq viro. cout(l goveril. ,During the r1ollivory of -Ft, Very I __ 4,6��d . - — � ,4j_� 11 ,j ,� I ,j ,� I 1. . ­ 1� . Inge of mxoter burdens itself to assist in build. aPeoehes begim. Th6 cliairman peo- wlintpvm- snon,mrnq thpil " , ; ;� , , . - . , ' ' 1�1 I . � . hnsuneous speonli of e. Hart fill ,was loudly av- I- , 1,2.�- : 11, %0.11nfrifln J)10,t )1.1r. ,rJJiJ)!r"lJAf11PwIq 'f��"!i If,. lt�,'. " , , . I � i Ig a solsolarl Thilwky, the riltepayers votilt ro. pose ,nnqps, TTP Ovnr�t,itl tn thn frtof; . t1l I ott phl.11,104 and, frequently 11 brought down the �� I � A ­ ;,t �: 1,�., . . I I . I I old hornogf arl �io st boll t hoir. g, �old. IYY A � , 111,01" . I . . (lo Ire to be assarctl that the corporation bole at "Thol4leen alld nolysi,l, filluily, ron. 11", ostinj�ncl of (1,n,-n,1,1a, "M1114 A'anin iq , � I . I I . .- I .. hoase� ' . , , ,,, lr'�i �"'!, ,�41 pon,led to Mr. MoUinghlin ;inging OloefIv �.nlron. am"Iftriol'holo Ins"l-15A."o in anufaOtilring all(I n1prearil .6sboc", I I �, �4. I -n On. 14Y. Untlld,w, w as. 0110 � . � , � "I �: � I I : . . . IvA4, a Riigllt chalice of ("etting asmall ratal . I, m Ila intol mortanoo sl 't'� L. I of our first sottlers, . I . I � . A a W t rdy and . I . . �i . I . . -, And holdino up tile buSbear 'Red, whito ana Blue-' the Provineial reprw;entatifln Wills pro. r0slit)udca to by MOBSts, I 110 1, MOC I , I I I 1� ...'�,� , I' � 1. I I I kor their Outlay . I I I � I , 1", I � I I �rl I I � � , , � , - : I I 'il, "'.. . . I . I I I . � I : "I, 1. " �', -, I � � I ; I ' ! : 1. I L I . I . 1 I . � I . I I � . � 1. � I �'-�'.�., L I I . I 0- 1, � ,": " :"' r � : . . . I � , . � I I .... r, � . I I . .:. I � I �,,,,, I . . I 11 I . � . I I . � � :1 r� , I . I . . . I � . � . I I � I I I . I 1, , � `," 1: " �,� I 11 . . � ­ � . I r I � �� '. I "' ." . L I I 11 � . � . "" -, '. , ­ � I 1. I I I I I , . �. I I . I 1 . � � I " �, A"�!, " I . . I . I I 1. I I ., I I i ; I I � i , , I I , I I I . 11 I ,,,, * . . . I ) I ' , I L I ,, I I : , 11 I I I I I , . �, , ) I ; . I I � ,. I'll 1 I 11 # I I . I . L ' i � I . . I . I I . . I L . L I .; �� ��� , , . I . . I I L , , : I I . I I . . � , ,. , I r I I . �, I I I � . � r r . I I I . 1. %,Y � � , M 1', .." �,,, '' 11 � I r I I I I ­ . I I I , ,,,, I I , ( . .1, . . .1 I �� 0, I ;,�. �, �'. ,". I , I'll. , I . 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