HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-1-29, Page 7VBY 29, 1880. It Middlesex, Thi t eynall ;ito TA 111011 was so lung ,imbedded iu the w to:Is ].stint + d- warrl, has at length bee tlten nil taud forwtardedl, to Cleveland. No exulot;ioai this time, 13nt attlie residence of M. R /k•artson, of 13 o lks, there watt an ex - Plosion, not causal by dyn+etnitta, but by the b'irhtit g of a varnish barna;, wliieti had been placed tco near the stove. A number were injtlrod. tun AT•Ft721iffILL. Young Grieves; burned to death. 11llauuiug'sttiruittlrestore olid fone''clther bnilding;a coi,autneu. • Cout nits'lif all but Plariuillc'e wV,lre'ell Veil. Total lots about ,$,000 ; Martially insured. Griov. os leaves n wife autl three children to mourn his los;. The R v. T. Atkinson of Ailsa Craig,' who fell and severely !curt his knee a few - weeks smuts, is still o'ttnpolted to yktAep'gnietly iu hod, not blunt; able las t to use that portion of his body. The Granton trnstotas engaged a Mr. titeuua,u to teach for thele, and now they want to hire nl;laio, When the iu• Specter carne around illi. Breur,eto iotas found !manus of the proper certificate. The uproar of the II tb Ibiy, Parkhill, on 11:[ontlay night, ended without, sori. wus injury to any of the paries con- cerned. The trri:arittz farm. East Williams, was bought l:y T. Campbell for x;6,000. The Ailsa Craig solve, prepared by. that, old Irish irady, Land about which the Rev. T. A.tkiusou may be con• suited, is said to be curing sores from 6 to 21 years standing, and which were long since- lucked neon as poi feel tv hopeless cases. It is also said that saucer and liiug'o Evil yie11 to its ex- traordinary virtues. A. cle gy'n,ttl recently gave not oe, that if it rained in ;the morning the funeral procession would not take pla.e< until the afternoon. And, that 'f rained in the afternoon. the proses 'would take place in the morning. There now, said a little girl, "who was rummaging adrawer in a bureau." Zvcn't grandpa be sorry; ho has gone to neaten without his spectacles. &out use of VictoriaBuchu and Uva. Ursi these affections may be cured. Bright's disease, diabetes, and all fe• futile eomplaiuts are euceessfully 'com- bated by this popular remedy, which is for sole by all dealers. Price, $1 per bottle. The Price of Ylb.e :t. The value of Wheat in the Canadian Market is controlled to a great extent by the foreign demand. If crops are r:hni't in Russia, France and India, Ent;lcani must buy more CanadianWheat, and the price consequently ad• stances, But the price of Wilson's Compound syrup of Wild Cherry never obemizes. A twenty five cent bottle will cure any ordinary Cough or 0:)1d and give mark- , ea relief in old standing cases of I3ron- ahitis.' In hundreds of cases 50 cent bottles have cured Coughs and Colds, which haVe been proof against all other remedies, and the proprietors positively cltiitn that a $1 bottle will insure a large family tagaitiet any danger from (;mull, Whooping Cough, 13rocbitis, Cattnrit, Loss of Voice, Cos-tubsanti onldet, find all kindred ,liseasees, for a whole season. This is Ito empty boast, but a fact when has already been proven by t ousaucly of Canadian fa riles to their entire satisfttutiou. Central Drug Store. Orrosl't•E CENTRAL HOTEL, iXE TER. n Constantly on hand bion Pure Drugs ONs Foam oP Itunswnss.—A flagrant 'breach of polit mess, and one which is :more annoying to refined and atnsitive people, is the very general practice of interrupting one's conversation. The imtunity with which this is done has de- gladed rational conversation, which ought to be the greatest charm of social i.ntelcourse, into a provoking farce. A :watt or woman: who has anything to say white is w rth saying, desires to say it In 'their own way ; and they who have brains to appreciate it wi:l be equally desirous of Bearing it without interrup- tion. Yut it is a common thing for a Irar,ur cuuvenation to partake more of the nature of a tower of babel than a •cuiaversatiou among rational beings, who are slippy _s•; i to know and appreciate ,wa hat each other says. One begins to re- late an incident, and before he has two 45,;uteuces finished, some parrot m title clothes chimes in w.th her senselttss gabble, breaking the thread of dis- course, and compelling the narrator to begin again; or abandon the attempt to instruct or entertain. This is the vrossest of impoliteness. Nevertheless+, it is VA COMMull an occurrence as cull- ersati)n itself. • It is not too much to saythat nine out of tern people who in- ituige this t ab.tare capable of :carry;• g .,u a r•at.onal couvareation uaany useful. t) ic, and indulge:' in these breaches of cti {vette by way of coverin their re- tro,t and hiding their ignorance. We suggest to young people, and old ones too, hm for 'st atter, that here is a pro. inietn . fi,i.1 fur social reform. Never in- terrupt a conversation by interjecting rutnartts, however appropriated or witty taey clay seem. Alt sensible people will respect you, and conclude that you have good souse and know how to use it to l,ue b..st adueeitage. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician. retired from practice, hay - ng bad placed in his hands by an East In. dia.tuisaionary the formula of a simple vege- table remedy for the speedy and permanen- cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Cattarlt, Ast theta, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous De- bility and ail Nervous Complaints, after hav- ing tested its wonderful curative powers in thous ds of cases, has felt it hie duty to make it lob nn to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering, I will tend free of charge to all who de- sire it, this recipe, in German, Frenoh, or Eng- lish,with full directions for preparing and us - 't ing. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. W. Sasnste,149 Powers { Block, Rochester, N. Y. Eagyard's Yell w Oil combined in such au eminent degree all the healing, curative and extracting gttalities known to medical science, that it is truly a tatnily medicine that cannot bo dispen. ed with. When applied to any swelling sore, burn, chilblain. frostbites, slain eruption, etc,, its effects are magical, It is highly esteemed wherever known, and its enormous sale annually is the best oertiflsate of its merits; Tie kidneys aro t•ubjeot to a variety bf dangerous and painful di�teiises, aria- 'dug ftuln variJtxtl c.ttisor. 13y the judi., & Chemicals, PERFUMERY, all kinds, Hair Brui.hes, );loth Brtmlies, Nail Brushes, Tooth Brushes. In COMBS our stock is complete. TOILET SOAPS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. just arrived the largest stook, per express, direct from mauufe,uturers, of TRUSSES, LADIES' AND GENTS' SHOUL• D1:lt 13PACES, CHEST PROTECTORS. I.(urse and 'Cattle Medicines a Speciality. Physicians' Prescriptions and Family necipes carefully compounded at Uontrul Drug Store at d Fancy floods Emporium.,,appoeite Central Hotel, Exeter :tiEN SALI_, PORK PACKING HOUSE Having commenced business for the Fall andWinterTrade We are prepared to purchase any quantity of Pork. subject to the following regulations: We will take off two pounds per hundred if dry, end three pound if loft. Shoulder stuck, twenty-five cents. If auy of the bung gut is left in, 25 cents extra will be deducted. No pork will to tought at an price it warm. SA.US AGES AND- - Pork Cuttings on hand at reasonable rates. We want all Hogs Cutting sright through breast to head, and Hams opened ontto tail. G & J. PETTY. r.r-E Y G. A. Hyndmad FOR Fresh Groceries, OYSTERS, 'ORANGES AND LEMONS x'ANSON'S BLoorc, EXETER. REMOVAL. 1 OMU would.retuinll hla nnmerons 4Jo Cu$tonlr,re that he has removed to the sloop formerly nacn;aied by Mr. !lend, where 14 will be found ever raadv in attest! to all business iu the l3OU')taLii1'AL Lino. C. RAU1 HAY PUMP WORKS, S, O. BOLTON • ` PROPRIETOR. 7, awing added to my ?Imp umehinerv,and pro eared to large quantity of tt.st•class pinny lugs,1 aw rirea,tared to offer au article Superior to any Factory in the County, and et prices that defy competition. Wells and Cisterns dug en the shortest notice, Before purchasing gall at the Hay Pump Works, t,-4.Sl1''-.One.civarto mile nort of Exeter, Louden 1 oat Hav 1 . 1111E FA.LLANDT.t.+;IITRADE C. movt.thoott Cr4 rZon TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, Take plea sure toirform theinnahitantcofl xetei add surrounding country, that they have just eve clout an es.collentassorimontof Tleeeds, Coatings, Vestingsetc., in the ttest stales andpatterns,andfeel assured that.futne inatterofclot'hing, they can suit the inostfastidioustastos. BANZIVITT. STOCK RAWARE zzsmrmitt. ti, N. HOWARD Having bought the 13aul.rupt Stock of • O13Y1111E & COMPANY, Has Opened Out in the Old Stand, Satnwell's Block. Tho Stock is crop assorted, and was Bought foci ore She Bc8Ye in Prtccs givingme a double advantage oyer other men in the trade, and as I 'wish to establish a bus'uess will give my customers the advautagoaof cheap buying. t If you want an Axe, Crosscut SIIW, Locks, Butts, Nails Barn Dooryrliuges, ,til, Lead, Table and Pocket Cutlery. Shovl, Tpa,te, Mature Fork Horse Shoes, Horse Nails. or anything else in my line do not fail to call ani get prices. Purchasers cal} depend that I mean business. a . PLAsTtin PAffis ALWAYS ON man. 3'. T.1-10WARD• THE ONTARIO Loan & Debenture Uiom'y LONDON . —o— Workfasir Ceipittat, - $2,700,000. — o— This Company now has the largest Wor- king Capital of any Leen (Company in West- ern Ontario, and aro receiving monthly remittances of British capital obtained at a low rate of Interest ter investment in Mortgages on Real Estate up to half the Cash Value. Straight Loans at 3 per cent. for further particulars apply to any of the Company's Appraisers throughout Ontario, or to i '.ltd. P. II ULLE.l1", Manarer. London, January 15, 1878, 2m. 110R SALE OR TO RENT—A Stare in Centralia, on corner of Station and Mani Streets, Well fitted up, and suitable for Dry floods, Grocery or General Store. Tor further ppa�rticulars apply to J.13, HYNDMAN,Iixeter, or WM.flhIL1•'Y, ,Centralia. ATCHsa, CLOCKS, Sewing Machines. Vrgana, Acoordeons, and Umbrellas repwirod. Agent for the Wanzer series sew- ing Machines. Second- hand Sewing Machines for sale cheap. All kinds of Needles and shuttles for Sewing Machines kept on Sand Shop—Main Street, Dashwood. JOHN G. x, OLDON, Proprietor. May 15 )-y c4A + r W • c.o.. y Qa 1,4 :41.:::. aw v a r. z hid e g W �• a Cm H ra'e a' 1 'A. O Ena::.... ...4 En g la`s= e1 EA W21 pa. a g tl 6 d W �e • oe W Fi^j,ciL; elo Iroo a°mQrpMi .)H'�,�Ercea tr.;v,,P73;106.2 C '1: emRro iv z EA !`R m JUST RECEIVED AT TUE EXETER G OC AND LIQUOR [STORE, A liAiGE STOCK; 0>i' GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON and 33LACK TEAS,. RAISINS, CURRANT'S,' PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, CANED FRUIT, SARDINE'S, LOBSTERS, SALMON, BITTER' SAUCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS, RYE SCOTCH, IRISH AND COMMON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. G1-. .A, MACE Main MLT Street,Exeter. TEE 'ATI NA OLICY Having triumphed at the polls, ISAAC CA LING is prepared to give all his customers too benefits Ithat will acoruo from its adoption, and has on hand a large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines anQ Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold a tVhichwiilbe sold at prices unheard of under Free Trade. The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, on the Exeter market,Whicll is second to none in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and Secure Imes Bargains here to be had in Overcoating, Full -cloths, Broad -cloth. Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and everytniug noededin the Dry G-oods line. The Grocery - Department very Cotnplete. An inspection invited No trouble to how Roods ISAAC CARLIPTG GO TO JAMES PICKARD'S The UNIVERSAL SUSPENDER. IJSOME REASONS why these Suspenders are better than others :— lit.—No Elastic required. 2nd.—Is Slack when stooping. Srd.-It never slips off the Shoulders. 4th. -Sold at prices of common snspenderar•. Try a Pair and Secure Comfort. Manufactured by C. E. RAMAGE, 282 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. and don't miss the chance. Just Received - 3rd Let of those Cheap Mink Setts, 3rd Lot of Robes, }Liaison Bay prices, Dress Goods and Wineeys—dirt cheap, Blankets and Etoffes at job prices, Grey, Scarlet and Fancy Flanne;s—mill prices, For variety and Latest Styles, don't fail to sea aur MILLINERY. Cloths and Tweeds, never better selected, and ,he best cutter inthe county. OVERCOATS For assortmeut and price unequalled. BOOTS AND SHOES Bought before the big advance, and our customers get the advantage not only cf selecting free' the largest Stock in town, but AT OLD PRICES. Our object is to buy and stall at Bottom Pri,a ,' and by the way people are flgckiug around we think we are doing it. COME AND SEE, JAMES PIC+A.RD SPECIAL NOTICE! SA1V/ ELL & PICKARD Are now offering at OLD PRICES a complete assortment of DRY G00CS, including Mantles, .; nd;,Nan.tle Cloths in Great Variety Dress Goods in all shades and colors, w-TNCEYS CHEAPER THAN EVER BLACK LUSTRES direct from themawaaoturer. FLANNELS Ja BLANKETS very low, READY-MADE CLOTHING CHEAP. CLOTH & FEB CAPS ALL STYLES. MILLINERY IN LATEST STYLES. ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Also full lines of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS Sc CAPS. & FRESH GROCERIES._ We have also a special offering of LADIES' MINK SETS & °Ara Be sure to call 'and see them. A lot of BUT`PALO 1t0 LIES at speoia prices, oro All the above goods, will be tlffeved cit the very lowest /,rest SA rivnLL S; PICEA BEFORE OFFLE,ED