The Exeter Times, 1880-1-29, Page 66 THE TIMES A SHOWMAN PREACHER. WATTY MORRISON. wee QozvalRsxort or DAN RIOS. A Scotoh olergymau by the name of The SL Louis Republican gives an interesting a000unt of the conversion of Dan Ripe, the fatuous showman, who annonuoee that he proposes to preach the Gospel as a lay minister, The re- porter foaled him when the following conversation ensued 'Tete eingiug of Sltukey's, it laid me completely otit, hit me right square in the soft spot, you know, and did the business right theu and there.' 4I'.igh4 when and • where ?' 41V1iy, in Dr. Sohuyler's Church the other night. I went up there ,to eee, and I walked right in. 1 was little full, you know, and— 'Full of religion ?' interrupted tile re rR porter. 'No, no. Full, you know—full. Only a (nils full, 'though, I went in, and the chtiroh folks began looking round. Presently I heart( some one say, < 'here's. old Dan Rice,' bull didn't mind that. I was standing in the rigllt;aislo looking for a seat when 11Ir.. Moody, who was standing upon the platform, saw me and came right down and up ;to me 'Dail Rice, I believe says he. 'You're right,' says I. 'Come 'this was' says he, ' and he made me. come right up to the front and face the mueio. Then Air. Moody got on the platform and. began talking. I grew interested. bloody ain't a scholar, but he can talk as smooth as any man in the businese. When he talked he looked right square at me, and I tell you it sobered me up. Pretty soon he got through talking and Sankey began to sing. Oh that song bow hard it did strike me 1 Why,: it kuooked me.' 'Whet was `the song' asked the re- porter, looking at Dan trying hard to relight his cigar frons another. 'It was a song my mother sang to me a long while ago. .It goes—'Came, ye sinners, poor and needy.' I forgot fust nave how the nest line clues so, but it hit me liars(. 'There I was, listening to that ola song saying, 'Come ye 'needy.' I. was needy and poor, ton; I had to g••; I was forced to it. I just caved right in.,' llco:ly axe Sankey both espied the old yuanand went for him in the li' e- liest kind of a way. 'I'hey were per- suading him to get converted. Just then an old gentleman chimed in and said : 'Raining a circus is 'a disreputable business; give it upend be saved.' Then I'grew red in the face and, I rose up and aeid to that old gen- ial -nen, says I, 'Sir I am at a loss to .knowwhat there is so disreputable about a circus performance.' Said that old gentleman: 'I !have seen obscene csir- ries pictures upon wade.' Then Igrew a little hot. 'Ole gentleman,' says I, 'those pictures that you saw on the wall :were put un there by another inau's ad 'ewes guard, not mine.' 'Then Mr. Sankey he chipped in, '1Ir. Rice,' says he, 'I saw yon when I was a little boy at New Castle,Penuby lvauaa.' 'Did you, indeed,' says 1; 'I Lope you didn't steal under the canvas like the other bad little boys, but• perhaps yon did.' 'I plead gnilty to the charge,' said 1!fr. S tnkey, 'I :went tinder the` centers, but I have long since ,made. amends for such folly.' The next night Moody preached a sermon. especially for hien, on the 'goat sheen,' anti• tlhie wag the : sermon that brought him in..' When the reporter questioned, himabolht going on the road as an evangelist, and wondered, if he' bed. the gift audgraces requisite, Rice sable 'I know I'm adapted for IL You see Deahly all ministers write ,their own sermons. I can do that, I kno.w 1 cern.' „How do you know'yoo can P' 'Well, I'll tell you ;;1 was locked up in the R,peheeter jail, once for Weeder, nod while thou : S. wrote a plebe, of pee. try that wait printed! and gold, all over the country..'.khat was my play at- tempt,. t-tompt,, baht 1 know os;t 1i can de, it age'le 'Where do ,yeti: propeeie atertitlg out ?r• 'D m't knnw for Certain', just wbsn,. batt r ]etCVe ipretty coon.' 'Whittle Wily trill you Ito, i► • 430tltixef 'Wetty Morrison was a man of most irrepressible humor. ` Ou one occasion I a young officer scoffed at the idea that le required so cinch time and study to write o. sermon as ministers pretend, and offered a bet that be would preach. an hour on any passage in the Old Testanreut 'without the slightest pre- paration. Mr. Morrison took the bet, and gave for a text, 'And the ass opeu- ecl hie mouth and he spike.' Theeparsen won the wager, the officer being rather disinclined to employ his eloquence_ upon the text. On another occasion Mr. Morrison entreated an officer to pardon a poor soldier for some offense he bad com- mitted. The officer agreed to do so if he would in turn grant him the first favor hewould ask. Mr. Morrison. agreed to this. In a day or two the offhaer demanded that the ceremony of baptism should be performed on a puppy. The clergyman agreed to it; and a party of many gent- leman assembied to witness the novel baptism. Mr. Morrison desired the officer to hold up the peppy, as was customary in the baptism of children, and said : 'As I ain a minister of the Church of Scotland, I must proceed according Ito the ceremonies of the Church.' 'Certainly,' said the Major; '1 expect all the ceremony.' 'Well, then' Major, I begin by the usual question. Yon aekuowtedge yourself the father of this puppy ?' A roar•of laughter burst from the crowd; the officer threw the candidate for the baptism away and thus the witty minister turned the laugh against the infidel, who inteuded to deride the snored ordinance. TO UN 1x IE . Dominion Organs We have recently published a new edition of 1)R, COINED WDLL'S C1;t.E13RATa:D 148SAT on the rs.dioal mud pgermaltent pure (without mc- diclue) of Nervous Debility, Mental and physical Incapacity: impediments to Marriage, etc., re.. milting from oxcema. ► Price in a sealed enveloj'o only 6 cents or two postage stampe. The celebrated author of thin ',admirable essay, olearly demonstrates, from thirty years' success- ful practise. that alarming cotlsequeuoos'may be radically oared without the dangerous use et in- ternal medioines or the use ' of the knife ; Point - clot anions of cure at 01100 simple 001 tarn and ef- (eau a 1 , by Sueans of whioh every sulforer, no m•tt- ter what his candition may be, may euro himself' cheaply, privately andradically, This Leoturo should be in the hande of every youth and evory roan lu'the laud. Address, TIE CULVLRWELL MEDICAL (Jo., 11 Aun Street, New x rk. Post Office liox 4685 HE NSALL. PATRONIZE HUME INDUSTRIES, Why go abroad for your Furniture schen you pan get as Good Value for your money in Hensel/. as ra any other Town in Canada? Has now an hand a splendid st, ob of I{�17•RNITUItE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Which He Will Sell at Prices to Suit the, Times. UNDERTAKING In all Its branches promptly attended to, Also a FIRST CLASS HEARSE, Which he will furnish for FPNhRAGS on reas- onable terms. Contracts for Building Of every descr ption taken on moat reasonablb terms. bdaterial fnrnirhod if desired. Bernumber the 13oneall Fliruitttro and Under- taisin g Estabil stun eat. S FAIRBAIRN. CQTA1 B1a ! CAT'A1 RH ! ! USL 9 J Tho great Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound.' THIRTY CENTS WORTH OF REAL The onlypositive curator Oatarrhyetdiscovered. STYLE. FOR SAL74 AY A couple of young ladies who went C. LUTZ'S CENTRAL Dna STORE. W. LSMIT.U, General Agent, Arkona, Ont. to Dubuque to spend the holidays con - eluded to couple style with economy, and did so effectually. They left Chi- cago in a common conch on the Illinois Central Railroad, sitting with their eyes toward a luxurious palace ear trund- ling along at the rear, envyiug the half-dozen ladies who had it all to themselves. When the train atrived at Freeport the two stylish young lad- ies concluded to engage a seat in the palace car, and entered it for, that pure pose. 'The seats in the car are extra, ladies,' politely remarked the conduc- tor. 'We are aware of that sir; What do you charge to Dubuque ?' 'One dollar.' 'One dollar 1 Why, that's too much.' 'The, price diminishes, ladies, as we approach. Dubuque.' 'What is the price from Galena?' 'Thirty gents.' 'Well, we will oeonpy two seats from Galena ?' • 'All right. The young ladies left the Pnilmae. tnd as they.mede their exit they were heard to remark. -- 'Jane, it would he horrible to enter Dubuque ilia common coach. Style is everything, and as it won't wet but 80 cents each we'll go into the city in style; they won't know but that we name all the way from Chicago in the Pullman.' And euro enengh upon the arrival of the train •their friend's who were at the depot to meet them found them iu thr palace oar. Hitgyard's Pectoral Balsam. It is formed from thebeet•known and most reliable Balsam, .Gums and Ve. getableTonics, in chemical union With the extract of Wild .Cherry B trk and L' igeorice il•; their free h and unadulter ated forme, and is the most pleawane and effective b'.mbinstion that sen b' seeured;wit•h a view to relief or 'perms-' hent cure^of Hosrsenene, Cnngles, Colds, Influenza. Whooping Clough, Osrarirll, Asthma, Brotiehitin, Spitting Bleind', and all' diseases of the Lungs, For sole by all de4lers a1 25 cents per bottle. DO NOT READ THIS tt daving received a lot of new machinery, I wo111d inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country that I am prepared to manu- facture all kinds of Horse. Rakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, etc, and having secured the services of a; first-class Turner, t am prepared to do 1879) and Pianos. The Largest and Most Complete Factory in the Dominion, 140x100 feet, Bighest Honors ever awarded to any Maker in the World. MEDAL AND DIPLOMA AT CENTENNIAL, 18711. Do do • SYDNEY, AUSTP,AL.,IA, 187117 GOLD MEDAL AT PROVINCIAT, EXHIBITION, TORON'ro, 1870. HIGHEST AWARD AT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO, 1879. We are now manufactnring Sqnare and Upright Piaung. Best in the market, Correpondence solicited. Send for il- lustrated Catalogue. Mailed free. Address CDUIZT/017 BOWMANV1LLE, ONTAi.Io. Piano an OF Tal: Sewing Machine IIP' LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF Silverware, China aid Deli ever seen in the West, at ++��t�r�! g �.t �.et E. D1 YY 'E i OB.dl'. Air.Drewhas just received an excellent stock o Silver Teo Setts,Butter Coolers,DoubleandSingle Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, Card Receivers, C om- munion Setts,ete.,of the Pi est Quadrupie and Triple Plate, and is offering the same atprices that c•Idu ASTONISH YOU FOlt CelEAP\ESS! Au hast est opened out a new and complete as.: sort,nent of China, Glass and Stonewares. A largo stook of Lamps just arrived. Call ens satisfy yourself as to quatity and e.heapness. Come' an 0 my our iustrumcnts. Music Teacher still on Special attention called to tpe Raymond Sewing Machine. Organs and Pianos unsurpassed for oeauty of design, and quality of tone. eland. Services at lowest figures. E. DREW. ALL KIND8I `OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and price I'defy competition. Always on hand a first- e)ass stool:.of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill half a mile south of Exeter. A. COT TELL. it. F OWLER'S EXT. • \iD Strawberry A Specific Remedy for all Summer • Complaints such as Diarrhoea, Dy- sentry, Canada Cholet a, Cholera Morbus; Cholera-Infantum, Sour, Stomach, Griping. Pains. and all derangements of the bawels, cans ed by using ilnproper food, such as raw veptetelrles, unripe or . sour fruit, had milk, impure water ,or change of. water, changes of the 5ea8011S, exposure. No matter from what cause or in what form you are subject to any of the above 'com- plaints, LR. Eowr.xit's Exa?upoT ox Wrno S'raawnshtnx will relieve you, and 'a speedy mire will be effected without injury to the system. It is ulanufacb're,l from the wad Strawberry. Plant, and . free from opium and other injurious drugs. For sale by all dealers, at is. 100. ao er $1.00 PREPARED BY MILBURN. BENTLEY & PEARSON TO 11.0,X TO. L'.MP>UOF..rr10.MT POR .1 LL. Send for circulars'explaining our New System of canvassing Agents have wonderful success. 100 marina - /MR TO 1400 TNRANITANTs, Our public atione are et,. ndard. Address, • The henry Bill Pub. Co., 41 43 and 45 Shetuckot et, Norwich , Donn. :1108 SALE. A No. 5 Floe Washington hand press. In good. order. Apply at this ofllce. DIG ESTRAY—Came on trot 17, con 8, Osborne, November 27, a .large sow 'i'ne owner in . y have her by proving property and paying expenses. •T.C. OL¢It1L, DISSOLUTION OF ' PARTNER- SHIP—The SHHIP—The partnerehir. heretofore orbit- ing between the undersigned as marble workers in tae Village of liixeter, ions- been this day dis- solved by mutual oonseut. Thebu.laeee will in future be conducted by ?gr. ar Itkriden; All ac• counts nue the late Arm mutt be settled before the 6th 'wintry. .lAMItait W •'• GEOBGS BAWD>II(; December 5,1679. 4ti WEEP ESTRAY. lams' n Vat l6, ao 4, IIsborne, shoal the mid. Atte of It wear, at a, The ov►na. t. nnnrrlati (���n a.rtash•tn Maar otml t run. -'1' s art post. ret 'CVP t t':L.* tri ut r lttl;nit+ rttrii't'. al. rii p i i.lu'br, i, pal •cat f e Yrs l'+i�+iNs111i�;11KiFiUa. ,e riYlplt ,RVj>ll. •1 FALL --0 (1879 THE OLD RELIABLE HOL''SE At alltimes,sndparticularly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money scarce, it is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can getthe article he wants at the lowest rate. keening your attention to my present stock, I do so with every could once; it being moreearefully assorted and selected than that of any previousseason. o - In the Dry Goods Every department is replete will] the most seasonable and "fashionable fabries, marked it prices which should command the attention of the very (detest buyers. THEORDERED. CLOTEINii still has MR. w. IVES at it. head In Millinery Underthemauagementof Miss McGloghlon.we pan slit the most fastidious. Our stock of . Grocelles, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware dware one of tnelargeatand best assorted in the County. .Intending purchasers will ednsni'their bestinterests by examining inystook before going elsewhere. It Will pay you to call at M' C r ELLKN D BROS' v Y ZiREW'B ELOC1, For your Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc, Everything reduced to suit the, h trd times. COTTONS OF ALL CLASS'S AT PRESENT NVI-101,ESALS .IC +r- S. Besure and call before :buying eV Suits to ozder at otartlixtg, figures.. _'. . M.raCLE +T» BIOS,.