HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-1-29, Page 34
The ISIoisons Bank.
XNOoltr'011A'rlVA Til' APT OJf 1,4ULr4.8X3411T,. 3655,
a,pitali $2,000,000.
WontetrAN, Bach - Ressddettt.
..IL, Xi. I,Ior sax], 71141,,. • •• '
. 'oe•Pt o ,
AMID )Cl 111:aol,lae);son, 1t W Shepherd,
HANelson, MI P, S Eviug,
,utiles Williams,
F, 4voh7rnnsxhx Tac;0 A3,!84., Gaul' Manager,
' ,lAsyJ�.! li;Ltom,Illsq., Manager Montreal Branch,
KM.L.17:ATo.r, Ii)sQ•, - .. - .Ingpcotor.
'.Exeter Branc,11,
BENliT ea BREWER - - ItiX1.NAGE'll,
117'onoy advanced to fnrlltt#rs on ot1ay terms, on their
ower promissory notes with ono or more good en-
dorsers. No mortgage required as seourity.
SAVINGS Ilea Nle DT'I'•ti.11.TMT.aN'T
5 ver cant Interavt ailotaecl on c'avosits,
Drafts on United Sts tea bought and sold. Steal
nglIzabangebought and sold,
Collections male in all parts of the Dominion
and returns promptly remitted at, lowest rates of
Excitor, Argust 15th 137&. 0-m
im toulaJ1 t
Cite Ifetoly
The Government leas resolved to
make the erection of Pv:rlianreutary
buildings a Darty questi)P. What is the
object of that ? The only influence
that can be
drawn is that the intle-
pendent, .dent linbiaased opinion of the Ma-
jorit *:of the members of :the House
is against the expenditure of a million
dollars on unnecessary -buildings. it
is a bad state of affairs,.ant1'is a strong
argument again et the con tin uanci1 o)'
party in the country, where a govern-
ment can pass an iniquitous solierne by
making it a Darty question.
kind. The support extended to Mr,
Mow in tbie extravagance by the
11114, it is clearly to be seen, is given
solely and entirely beeause tho city of
Toront() is to receive the benefit, We
looked for eouletliiug higher and bet•
ter from an organ of the Mall's }ability
and position, and it }las in tt great
measure lessened its indttenoe in shap-
ug public opiniou.
A very serious charge has just been,
brought against Air. Gladstone respect-
ing the late Tnrltieh war and the affairs
arising out of it. The charge is, in
effeot, that Ma. Celadetone was in eecrot
communication with Russia during the
whole time, had a oonfidentat agent at
St. Petersburg, and he dire all that in
him lay to thwart the British policy,
Speaking of it the Pall.Iatl Gazette
p g�
says: -"It is certain that111r, Gladstone
sanctioneu'the appearance of pamphlet
in :Russia at a period when it was cal-
culated to embarrass the action of our
Government on the questione then
pentling• between the Russian and
Turkish Governments ; anti dint it
fanned the flame of popular passion i5(
Russia, until it, as a eoutributory influ-
ence,ttt any rate, raised ib SoIugh as to
be, as it llaa been repeatedly.repcesent.
ed, beyond the control of the Ru'' eiau
Government. And, bfarther, it is a
matter which' has. never been disputed,
It ucl iti. Gladstone's ,utterances.' were.
Iwo; peed by all parties in'Bussia as ex
preening, tile general publiu feeling of
this country; and neither I ),Gladstone
nor Mr. Alexander has denied that the
TreieRE is altogether too much non 'latter was received in Russia as the 1,e-
sense in connection with legislation in credited representative of the former.
He was s') described in tonins by the
Russian newspapers, and in the absence
of any correction of tbo description,,
there wait no reason to suppose that it.
was inaccurate ; :virile it is certain that.
it was believed to be acenrate in Russia,
they would to their owrl,, the work that with. what disastrous results evert -
now occtl ies two ° or three months, body knows." This's a serious charge,
conal be done e q nillyas well io the aitd•it is sprung npcn Mr. Gladstone
same number of weeks. In these at a very awksrark moment. We May
prrctical days, we wonaier a quite effort expect that his massive mind will be
'this cnuittry. ''fiat real necessity is
there for the Legislative assembly re-
maining in session for over two months
every year, entailing soot) expense on
the country ? ; If the legislators really
attended to the . country, business as
is not made toexp'edite business. Then for sortie time ellnlaed in seekinc Ft.
there is another gnestion. Whet object plausible explanation, and that. Lord
does. the Legislature get by holding Beaconsfield's shortcomings will for
night sessions? It is certain the health the present at lest eboape hostile eritio-
of the members ie not benefitted. The isn1
great majority of the members go from
a distance, and could sit in the day
time just as well as at night, and, it
The new.Oouneit met en._i\Ionclay,
could not fail to be more agreeable. If 'the 191., inst., pursuant to stat,rte.
the Legislature was corm osed of :lien
who went to attend to bnllinessa. and
not tomfoolery, they could bit from
nine in the morning till six in the even-
ing and acoomplieh more work then
in the present way. There might not
be as many listeners in the day as at
night, but we do not think that would
be any lose to the conntry,as the Fret.
once of a good many strangers in the
gallery often induces 'members to make
long-wluded speeches that retard actual
ov' y Hills, se-
conded by H. llorney,that Jonathan
Shit r be ' De 5('y Reeve. for 1880. ---
Carried. Moved by J. Shier, seconded
by J Hackney, that N. J. Clark be
municipal ,.Clerk for 1880 .at a' salary
of $180.—Oarrie 1. Moved by J. FLtok.
nes, seconded by II. . Mornay, that
Weflava Leen very much surlrrised TliOnlas I-leywoad be assessor for 1880
5(t a salary of $'65,—Caarlied. A1oved
at the stand the Mail has taken on the. by 3. shiers, seconded by J.• Halls,
'question of erecting Parliament build- that Thotnas Coates be Treasurer for
Ings in Toronto, It :supports the
scheme' as determinedly as the Globe.
We would not be surprised if the Mail
were regarcThd as a japer pubiisheed in
the interests of Toronto, as local pa-
p published in the interests of
the place which eustrin them; but
the Mail was established as the organ
of Conservative opiniou of the Province
of Ontario, not as an advocate of To-
ronto interests in particular. It is a
Provincial paper, published in Toronto
merely because that oily offer, the
best faoilrties for obtaining and dig-,
seniivatit)g news. The Conservative
party, and we believe two :thirds of the
Reform party, are against the erection
of those buildings beeause they are not
needed, and how the kali ran hole to
the Current year at a salary of $70.•-
carried. 141 owed tby H. Homey, sec•
()tided by J. l:laesney, that Moe. A.I.
lin be one of the auditors of accounts
of 1879. --Carried. T•ae Reeve appoint.
ed Jsniee:Beer its the other auditor.
Moved by J. Ilacltnny, secIiuded by. 1;I.
Homey, t11at the T'reltw-urer be %ettror-
ized by by -lay to purchase two of the
township of Uaborne Debentures, with
the funds belonging to ; the "E'eiI'vtty
sheeting fund uccodnt providing the.
terms of pnrohese meet the views of
tbe'Couneal.-Carried. ib&oved by 3.
Shier, seconded ,by J. Hackney, that
the expenses of the late munieipai eteo making a culvert on ceutre .Ltoad, on
tion, amounting to $24 be paid.- applicetir)n o' W. Buofhanau,•--Carried.
Carried: Moved by J. Haeict.ey, sec Moved anti' carried that the following
()tide•d. by J. Sbier, that the ao'Hector sums be refunded 'viz.. A. "whine'. ,
receive credit for the following amounts error in dog tax, $1; J. Sutherland,
on the Collector's Roll. Win. Rodd error in statute labor,' $8.'Orders
error in dog tax $;1 --Carried. Moved were grarited as follows.—McLean
by 11. Henley, seconded by J. Hoek. Bros., printing antradvertiaiug, $11,70;
be the organ of Conservative opinion ney, that Thomas Cornish be remitted
1; $1; being an error in taxes.—Carried. a endorsing that expe'nditttre is Moved by' J. Shier, seconded by TI.
more dean We can tluderstaud. NW. 1-lorney,that Ertl. (1 'race. Glitfith, .by
do not wish to be underetoodas infirnat )inti $30• for twelve weeks bone d" of
that, because it 1150•• 0x. Stntli(, up to 23 Jana 1880. --1111th day of Veberatry, oex1. When
feet of cedar, and 4000 feet Hetnlook,.
for the use of the mnnieipality.--Car•.
riect. Moved by J. 81liert seconded by
J. Hackney, thitt the collector be :hie
strticted to have all the, taxl'a eoilected`
by the 151,h J'csbtnary.-.Carried, On
Motion, Connell t,adjourned till Sat.
urday, 7th March at 11 o'clock.
N. J. C1.A1u
lazlno 1 NG t11e.aon,.-A pigeon shooting
match was helot at Ileusall yesterday,
between I11r. F. G. Simpsonotf Exeter,
and kir, John Event!. of Winghnm.
30 birds each, . The following is the
Simpson -0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 01 1 0
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1--21
Evans -0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 11 1.1
1 1 0 0 11 1 11:1 0 1 1 1 1-24
Four of Mr. Simpson's birds tell dead
out of bounds. •
Subsequently a glass hall emiteh wee
prooe.eded with, the followlub is the
50Ore :-
IB.' Drake, Loudon -1 0 01.1 1 1 1
1 1.--8
J. Evans, Wingllan-1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 1-9.'
F. G. Simpson, Exeter -0 01 1 1 1
0. Revell,: 'Windsor -1 1 111 1 1 1 1
1 1-1.0.
o' nt of pork bol g let at the
The and 11g
Hensall peaking house is greatly ire ex•
cess of any previous year. The aver.
age price paid fir dead weight ivas t"$ 5.-
2ir,pas against $8.nt6 hat stetson. This
good price is owing bo the duty. Ow.
her to the bad road,e, business has been
very slow.
The new schoe.l is in running order.
There is a large nuumber of pupils in at-
Election of offioers for 1880 of L, 0.
L. N1,. aa10.—W. M. Bro, F. t)ovis,
1.1, 11. Stev. klch`ltlls;, Chap. George
i3ssery;.Tres. 8. Hick,'; D. of C. Will.
Derem; end 1.. Levis, jni)r., Tames
Careen, Johnson Stnittl, \Vlt,1 Dapei,
J:ivas Abbot',. Committeemen. .
District oliicers fur Biddlilph Dis-
trict, which met at Granton on the
13111- inst., are as flillowe —SV. 141.
l3ro. John Daggs D. M, llro. Joseph
Audrey; Chat). Bro. Rev. W. [Va11th;
Sec. .153rd. ltnfns Wilstn1; Tres. Tire),
Alex. Garrett; D. of 0. Bre. O.alit. John
Nib:siei;; Sept, 13. F. Holn..ese. V. S.
The bretberct were liigbty entertained
oy a slipper elven by the members of
L. 0. L. No 800 and 1117.
0. Y. L.
-The s)istrigt , of 0. Y. B., met at
Parkhill on Wednesday', Januitry 141h.
NV. 1 M., Bro. Henry Eilber inl.he their.
The ueeetingin sttea,eral was well attend-
ed; and tl'e next anitnal meetiug will
bo belie in the village of Tie)lf•lrt'.
The folloa'iug is the list of t ff our,
elected: -W. 111., Bra. Henry Eilber;
'i D. ll., Bite J. W. 13,,Ttons Sec. Ban. J.
P. Cjwei1 : Tres. Bre. T:1 th1ock;Ogee'
13o. NV. R. 8tanley; D. of O. B•ru. \V.
.N ibluck. •
188 ) litAliLrOBA (1880
for the roar will start from r`eutr:tlta ion TT.'
D 1'7', St;OOl$1) 551 Iltc ti, Preigt,i•t the day I's evi-
ltv and luring tier scne0n d,+
afterwar, nit the
Arai 91Lallriny and 'rues; lay of every mouth.
Butes ,Uwaya the Lary lowest, Bud the , roatt,7it
p 1i1.n akol, to 1111,ve t1 10:1lItligvinu,tati MOSS 5o14,1eta
toots '•tis tetnr,.
Persons joining Hunte part' ca are released 'trnut
all care 111 Innu1tllg. baggage, freight, live stook, &0,
150 pounds baggage fres
Mr. (xreouwny gees through with each party.
Fur I)artionlars np;:ly to
J iet1OX,
W, it. Agent, (.entr.ti•ia,
No. Frets, 9 P112433
1 Cures never, On11(a,tln 1 1at11a'aa�uatioa ;
2 " W n'ri; FON •1'urlu ,,lin i;
" C#11iu,Taotllingtf 4Vatefulle#ants ,1;
4 " 1liarthula i1nd eholern iufautulu • t.;
151 scute; y Or b4,)wlrilux, b lieu;' colic 53
Cliull•ra utorUus' Namata,Vomitiutk 23
coughs, ret') 11.)11.110(In'3114, 14, b1•tnieii(L1s di
Toothache, 1':111£: 4/ 1t< Ne-iral(ia '35
Ila , dlltlte, Side h0 404,1131. vo r(go e•,
Dyspepsia, deranged ]stomach 2:1
S3lpprus oil menses or pad 11a 25
White;, boating t1u4"n,,; r::lins,• 1111+1111 3)
Croup, 500„h, n.11151.15.1('ca i i t(:
Salt r,lt nl, Orn hti0 1., or. aip..a 1:0
.521105(15( at14, ,1 i11 ,11uat, back 01' 115(1511 :;
Fever 11141141, 11121115 i ;a1,
1'1111, 5111141 111 b ocr fug 50
otentealtni', •'eat or inil:lrn,al 05) 44 5311
On tar 13, aetit•,, dr, r1101 inx 11
\'hootiiug'cuo,11 ntr.ortedit-1 Lt 55(
Asthma 11 pressoti, Mare. 1114at)i 1118 .511
Ear 41(0bar),es,111)160 10 ale head at)
Sorotullt 0411561100 (,1(1111'5 to: uleci's 00
Genera Unb(lit, i,hyi,ie11 Wul.150ea all
Drn13 y. ilnitt e.cculuulal io:1s 310
Sea 6U11tn4i8, vertigo, v.;Sal tag ,l)
t)rloaiy diacaans,gravel, ,4'e” 5(l
Semlinil 4uliaslut,a, i112 ahnitary
discharges, nervous duLAity 3 00
2) ,t SUricnu, 1t1L 5,u1'ur 50
tl 'Urinary incontinence, wetting bed 5('
1'ait;;ul menias,pzuritia, sir
Diovaso of the heart 1 1),.
113 l4t,iln)ay & stlit$uls,ht.Vit6a'ltan6c 1 .n
14 I)iotitho1•la ,rid sere throat 1 Ul,
[• t11A.NC IY r SALT:,
01? :a
Tol-na of `s Berne.
I'nlsllsnt to the deo •05 unci ,111 11 4151515(15 1,4 nee
C,,ltrt of Ullatletry J17o#4M 111115`.'1',0111 0t.t5YU ex
1)L1 ' LN 1213.:1111t(L 1'i,
dated re4peetl: t•1y the 251041 tkltubur,11172, and the.
52511 December, 123,53, uteri. win klu;addby
Public ,.A.tt-tc,t.i.o,1'1,
with tlu-approbtationt of lt•,ury 'anima. Rs-
1;1111.0, a asaoru,tho :1,11,1 ;.aura at.,10,1a,'1 h,.
I1 AtlUE3If;A111) iII;,I1i)1', Ai:C'1'I01�•IaE1i;,
AT 155125
CENTRAL; TRAL HOTEiL, IN '1'i#1i "�rlJ;�—
I�A.U1: 01? Ex.ET 1t,
1.h 7'11191
AT Tlyt1 i)'t,1,17C1i I ' J I'ls Al 1'5:11100X, •
loo 111 pin col, tho following v.;lu;..t.le Ian I viz.:
7`1.,, untlt 1,711.1 5(,f i,5 hila 1,151 .1, i5( t.lv 15•-1
cot (t seam v1 tee lat,n 1t 1 l 3 i abialu', 1` 1110
i;nulLt!.' 41f 11 111 43 ,l,t 'tl ti sl\u. 5(i},111
About tit, ]+1•.11. a t 1,' : 41 11.•151, lin•: itl agurrtl.
Waal) i1. 4'1115),10.,,.. aril 1110. 5,31),10,0e.tor ie 2,611
Li 1113)„,60.1 ,vita 3111)5 :t• 5(1.41 1.0::00. Tito soil is w
cloy 1, 4 01,
i-11 11.11.1 111 1141 31 4 5 4111 11 1.11151 .£reap .CSetlir,
which ago tis g o l 3) 1 :116.:3 is lii)up, tail:
1,111 1111;11+ 1 , o t + : a 1, ,.2, r.
23)6132241151 1111 ..aywa 1151 lilted by tho said
yttt'3 r. 15( 02110 rt01 40 's t t 4 c 11 1}.)2111. bf 114tie
1 1,,1 3)t 51.0 SL 0tl 11.111 but 5(.4111 01 tau reale of
a 1x41. NC 1
h tett is VV,erf(ct..
1'1 1t 1.5 a121 laer ca,215 o. the purelaus0 money
to 1510 y,,: /1015 5(1 Ilia ',4 210tt;,6 5(u 1114 day n) side,
.;;Q. the b1;i.n1# o Imo culo;t 111 n1.0 uloutll thereat -
5, r, witiwut. I. wrest, 31' pit 1")) 1•t44211ses 511:.11 30
untitled to hi* t.uu,ty't.2465 cud to l,, let futupaa-
no, siuu,
1 o7 Anther 1 111 t1601a 15 an11' to the A13cti0n0ar
141121 t11e Male,1sig,,s5, t, 4'i,-elltilor's flulir1.06.
11:5,01 at Ciuuotiul.' Sala 1::111 Llay of „alruar1`.
A. 1 i 1 551,0,'.
1i. V 1,0.1.11„ 1', ,Il• 11.AC'I/A;II IOTT,
Vo4,.)i 1552(11lcitor. 'Ll.ef Lgt at Gutie1ic17,
• Chroui0 uunbu$tlu2.a, lleIuiaaho i,5(
Don't fail to get the Ilolueol•111hic Blilitnlll,
)15071.1plete ttreatiie on disease, its prevention
and 53268., 'Free. At tete :.ole a14c'),cy,
Sign of the Golden &Tt.rtar, Exeter.
$i l „ p�r, per du,y 5(t lleine. Sa'1'3'1111 e,
9J to 5 l.- 5froe. Mldross, Stiu:;o5((52:6011 t'r)
L'ortls.nd, 111111110,
Che annuet 1000'1 n 5(i t110r1111 3nc t Alttt)ert LO uO'-�7D1-j'- •14.1 1
u sit + ri. n: nmitcv (.011111/,01y „1 /4 is ; a
far ni1>,r (121 tI011).li ._lur5(f .1‘,2,-..t.; tr: , 5(E 11
'tl t I a, 1 I! l 3 11 t 1 (3.L .SG CV
5('.:l ,lk t4. 14,, Among 0ti1ar° ,u21i#13ts -,c 3. 51e ale^
004141)1 the ell2i„tabilit u# 11(41uilu, (121)111-t ate,"
dent by''stealn thie,h1ra.
N. J. CLAIM:, ace'ctaly,
strayed front Lot A., c,nce,esfou .i, •Cshornn,
,about the latter end 11Y 3211) 144.5. t yr uliug stec,r,
t 81),,••oit7liug 111,15,')', reel and w)651o, low,1' brat (15
5,111 wf,ltr cuuwilit•1 4111 #;',hear% Ativ peIId 1,i
giving information leading to their n t lary will
be suitablyrewarlod. W.Qp \`i'0N.
E110VED-1i. KTN811A.N, DEN.
9`IST, 4,
.13]45 615111 ir041 C... -
to 1'a11Br.n's
131lc15, three
1100rs north
of Oar11ng'sk,
store. 011:oo •
.Short seer pr1ssmto--- l:eu10nty- Cn fort—
�Stt) eta;;.
Q.3nnr, XTTTlrlt't r:DIAr1: AND )TOEltAG-E
lf.'tts jratx .Peat. 01st ISSO.
Parties wishing to b,iu!; oat 1.115115 friends from
the old coirc>:la•y will Saves money by baying their V
tickets at tlw office of tlu, agent at Bxeter. •
Every information concerning (0115(`,etc, ley,- a1,-
plyi lg to
CAPT. G KEMP, Exeter.
Illustrated rlor u de. G1.LA C-
beautiful work of 100Pagss;One Colnrod Plower r-+
514ta,ttu J 300 Illustrations, nidi. dee, rl)1tinus 05
11141 bent 110 -wets and Veg0tablca, with price of , 2 11
eeds, and how t" grow thele, A11,for a five cent
stamp. lu. n':1ist1 5(r Dorman. " —AT
VIt.1(S 8111P, 1).Y ars tho best in the wenlci.. Five 0)
Cents for postage will buy the Floral C1ui51", to1-
liuglaovs to net then. f
6110 17lower nod V ogntnhle Garden 175 pages, -^.
Six ColrlreriPlates, (WI(' ln•'ny hhnt,red Rnnrav- 1i
1117•s, For 50 coats In )11apn1' covers $1 ill elegant
cloth. In German or f:n511sh.
Belt's 111ustrated, Monthly Magaxrt,e-:i2 pukes,
at colored plate ill every number and many fine L4
I n;;rav Ings, Price 5)1:35 a yoar; five 00331 t5 5.)t
$5. fipeeiruon 31121145/110 50ttb fur 10 c'u1ts. -3 t.iiel.
001)i115for 25 c0uts. Address JAMES VIt115,
ltoclloster, N
COUNCIL i4IL'CTING.---T11011ely Council
The Ti.1
fleet pnl'suabt to statute Oil itilludray, I3etty, ' le
Jan. 195e. The following gentler) 50 .
were Jii'esert:-Ds'. 131151100123), Reeve ; 32011
.J. 0. Ka•ibfi.eieclt, Deputy Reeve ; end •�- ��-yy /� -;,� r 5)
J. T', Moritz, William Charters and EJ I1 t.�" RLQ ��1 T t .
1.1, iieylouk, 00015 :lore. After inxl
fug acid ettbs5ribil.lg the Usll;11 d)'clara-
thins of office . and "qualificatiou the
c)00051'transacted the 'following bu111'
nes 1-0.1 twain., the 'follow i, .,- oflieers
were appeiLtial:.b..u1ut11,.s1er, 'iall•rli ,
Michal Zeller, Titet iturer; J14:lliee Brni
t}iron , Assessor ; John S. bchnell, .Col.
lector;; J.beide' ick and 1) 8, Faust,.
Auditors. Moved by Mr. Heyrock see.
by blr. Ott:arbase that the following
salarieslehall the paid to inttnieititn office
ere: Cleric, 1110 Trea Ilrer, i 80;
Assessor, x+60; Oollector, $55; Audi-
tors each, $61-eari•ied. 3fuvetl by air.
I�alblieisoh see. by Mr. Cnaartors that
the Reeve be appointed te.attend t',
S. 1+'oster, Itegisteritn births, dentate
fled txttcrrisgelt, ,$20.70; Election ex;
1,etitas' t88. Move,' by Mr. I3evrock,
Seconded by 11115, lattlbfleiseb that this
emitted do now ]adjourn to 15110010n.,the
tinga newspaper l
olitical Car'rie'd. Moved by 'lobo .Halts, seo•;pwtlllnasters, pllund'kttepars and tc;tt,se
fess" to, be tele organ of any p oudttd by II. Hot iiey, that ,los Ilewittl viewers will be nppointutl for the oar-
patty' should endorse every thing its ',r ',receive
, `lt° for relief.—Oar led. D!c)v• rent ' ear.'-Cisrria tl.
i'� ,
party does or oppose every thing that'. ed by 3. Flails, seconded by la:Ror'u, y,1 S. Fosrcn,
r. , i far i Cit11•lr..
ell 15(11101 tvithathe oth(1 party.'1311010 , 1,111. '4'�ul. I olland bit paid , •22; ft r l I
. l �
are occasion when neWsttipere would { weeks board of Wm. Eo, it, bsibg bp{ .
t. f
t '. interests p
' e O lie 110111 11
. 111 tt t
Isto.19(1) Jan 1880.' --Carried. -)loved :?111FIP ESTI1:A.Y.
by •� (' 1 . Id)acl, 1,i • r
r that, Hal(,, . Pe 1141011 by j . , 1181110 on I of t,5 con I, Uabornc, about the mid -
t 7 if tl8 *ma 3LOS esostlre ,their - ate l f NOV011btir *16,70. Tleo owner ix rutli e2ta I
ty�•tl 5 L.,Y _ , �. � thus tti� o rip cif �7autitori�e .li. FTorney 1 ,
` t 1 J .Ii k if t)' rpt 0 O 5)rol71rty )1,y o "et x11 Ale"(
Li da ktufi'fttl�,is not a °�aaraf 'li#'e � .
1J n :a , ,W °♦ 1 • 1�4v1'". .,,, T.
.x140111.:{ it'DVS-W.
AN TIIMTNSr, AR'F,A Oo+ 511 ,1 20.10 AN'1:1
GOVT 1413311,'NT I.ANJ3$, 01 'r'1t1 I ]'FIt'CIC,-
ITT, 3VI'CIII1 N AtiY I311:LC}I n1i' f 21141E1.1 ST
1L.\laliT;x, rLr L!Clla1;117.,,y I, -)1"P rltroIBS, ib
now offered far salts In 1 I..S'I'PS4N 055)501)it and
ISASTILII:N W.11213INOTON TE11ttl'1.01i5T.
Those T,ands form part of the );rest SPAIN
TifILT of: the Paeifie•Staeno, and a e within en
a'vertigo distance of '230 to sntimiles 3 111: Pin timid
where stn unstops and Stalling vessels are directly
loaded P211 ALL r.uers t,l+ TEM '*11TH.].
The Northern Pacific Railway anci(Orogen hail-
wny'7.net Ntsyigatio2l Company are 1700' 1niliiiug
1100 utiles areaway, traversing this region 111 all
directions. The sottlar is thus assurect easy and
elint tT) transp0rtatinh to tiXo-Water5(11the3 Corntn-
1) n 63vur,an( a 11sin ince•"ase in the value 0f
thes0lt0ir4.,vhithare now open tollurohaseztnd
pre•einptioa. ..
40 T3USHEL,s OF W5-f',AT 1':1, t ACItE. i'io
Failure of Crone ever known.
1tAIL1l.CAD' LANDS offered at the uniform
rate of 03.60 an: Acre.
Vol. pamphlet and reaps, descriptive of Cotte-
tri), its resonra.Css,-climate, ronto of travel, rates
and full information, acielress
Goni l'a,1ter0 Paster Agent,
' 252 J3rendw1ty*, New ifork City,
0 t igntvoackao3mkWatrot
every Mouth', Boole sone
Iwo explaining everything address BAy Trill, ai;
I S E T ,' ,.,,i
. FIESrz AllrlVA.C,s
While someproliii+tad that the National'
Policy 36013111 iu4reaao tho prise of 13vorJ
trtlele, still we 3033 enafrratt 50 1u1l1lui1e5
that we eau sell, all, 1t.11da of stoves "
10 per cent -cheaper
Shan 124807015 be011 offercdileretofore,'P,'o
have sold out our hualuov in :50711111.11, G.
1'.11(1 adcla,d1nrge1v t,-tho at1014in Exeter, r..c
which is one of the largest in the place -
Aents for Verity's Cele-
bra'ed Plow.
TRAoeMM1mK.15eC2221tlihmIist1TRADE Mg1;l5.
aenlOdv.an union
ing 1:1711+01'Or 81 i0 We71ktness,
Spornaattl r r h e 5,
Ill p n:t1'ncy , a1t11'a1L
1)1,11831052 tluttfol-
low *1)4 a sequence
of Solf 81,33511, Las 511 ,,l«.:
less of ii101711J1 5, 'F r
,'fore Taliut'
i er will Lewd.-
6 o or 7 akin ,
13r1ok„Di,nnosa oIvision,Prompters, and ago, aunt
many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or
Consumption 83)51 a Dronlatu5e1 grave. t.- 7u11.
particulars in our pamphlet, which we 3855353 21 to
send free by man to 5ve4y3oic0, • ty'The Speeitto•
Medicine is se1Aby e11 460521 stsat "lpeilitekage
t1a'six p)51485es for fill. or will be sent by mail o5(
receipt of ale lnrlusy fry ttrtdressiti
T111t1 GM tiL h:l)15OINF/ 0530.,
'10132UN'J"0, 0x1,CANADA.
,t'=s'Soltl in l:xeterby all drngulllf•a, 30131 every-
where in riariaclla.aurl the UnitedS'tates')y',vholo-
CO., iianker., 4 Wall 85.,N'. t' bale anilretail druggists.
e rt lees attelew StvleChrome earde wit111ntut4
1 iJ 1013..post•1171id. C$uo. X. Deed 251 Co, k'a saatt,1(r,
N, Ii 1 lee demand of our business, hove na06s
alluded our removing to Tcitont0, t6 Which place...
release address all fntlu•b bowdlhlnioatn11a•.,•
➢ /51)'e`n0asgb1t00ltL111211n'STEER E6T1tY,
�Camo 011 I1tt A 41,14 xlo 6 U•kUvri
nt2tflttroo. saf ty & co, ,aggeres atente• .
1 iii A,1L' , iind lac 011 0 td :agriuta ,
( 33tat, Stoll. AddleAs 1'. 0'15. IY'Lolcety
Val • , '61 Oa.
1 1St 1, 'nO, nUntt the
ft,stof J1496251b0r a 0d 1141 wb to ]'1,.c, here
Owner its tell (0231511'1133 f rove bfOli'7'ty'41a# r.elrr52.
ode sad take tt,I5Way a ., t V 4%) 5 4T a la tr • ,, a s i t em
eve,* o1,
:' �'. '1. !7".�v 1 ) lees.,4 201! 'V ,* �y."®S',''S 1'@,1).41`