HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-1-29, Page 1Vol. VII. liarortetweeseettuemensworestm Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, January 29, 1880 NOS` PROPERTY LIST. 1 b0Ct SALE •----AN EX0Et,L1?,NT FARM ,Jf one hand—ail sere.; on the London rood, first au.tols+ion oP Stephen, near the village Of I,xc,er• Ap,r1y U' 5 ib.13, Y. t l.r�t0'r, Aoi'oi. tor, l.rict«r, lefntst_13 1070. ;120 Ti l'�1\ 1? FOR A `t''EItMI • OF T11UNE YEARS. ---Two in}prevudfarms of `ono Intudraii acres viten, m large .•tuk burn and otter buil tines ou mush ,Alco •The runt must pe paid in advanen or sutisfu(dory saoin'ity given. L'0) further , art io:a re, apply on the prenraes to 1y, or R Q:JIPJT„ ti, 100 1, sou, 3. Exeter P. 0.,. T,i1k E FOR SALE.—Lor 6, Snl:blo L. vino, Stsp11rn,50 aures, 80 soros elearud,12 t'hoppod, , hoot' bl alt. hoose, good 9bublo, w el Peced. Laud exec llent, flu lake shore, { of et rnileftem Port Bioko, where boats rile three, times a week,and of a )file from (Ireful t)oud 11envouleutt')se in) l al) ;I churches, ongood road Pries )5'I0, terms easy; S133131140 DI']SJ4II . ins e, lirswstar p o •�.t'+A1tilI FOR Seal:M.—L .t 14, CON - (Keaton 10, Stnl,heu, aotrtaiuine 100 mores. 70 acres cleared. Coed 1 g bantse and frame burn, 40K00. Good young arena d, grafted fruit, Tito UMW i.. ,,`11Senced stud in a geed st ted)f culti- vation. There is iv large quantity of bbiok also a never fulling well. For tortes apply to H!iSNE Pl1SLLIePE. (;rcdltan. . Juno G ToARIi OR SALE.—TEE 8U13. scriber offers for sole his farm, Lot 18, Con.14.,Townsl'tipof Usborne County of Huron 80 sores o1oaro:t, the remtein,le good bush, well folioed, and in a good state of cultivation; under, drained, good orchard, si.londid well of water. frame barn :Aie80,togatetbla6Kee, log hou so. 0 n convetieet to nol,00l ,tate .three.churches.' Por urthorp trtieulu):^r apply to .'.'M' Ii1.1TANS, Etat on, P.O.,or MR B. V. EtLLIOTtornev.1 oterr (9. FIRM EOL SALE.—The aubscrib- er'oL'ers fol• silo the north half of lot 17, eon. 10, 'Osborne, oontttttiiug 50 acres; 41 acres Gloated, well iw.lerdrained, and in gond state of aeltivation. There.aro on the premises 0 acres .of gond bush 101) rods board fence, a good, com- fortable dwelling '30x30, frame barn 114x04, good log stable and shed 37x47.0ood orchard, geed well 0f water with pump. The property is situated six met a.hale miles from Exeter markov anal about $ of it mile from .B arquber, and convenient to 'aburohos and schools. For further particulars. .ay .ly on the .premises of to Farquhar post office 30HY FULTON. IMPORTANT 1 lOi P]Y LOANED IN LA1'tGE"OR .Z small stuns on first -sato eeeur!ty uta mo- derate roto of interest. Appplyy to B. V. ELLIOT, Solicitor, Exeter. 2Gth November, 1879. tf ''AMES E COUNTY �AUOTION noor 9.1.108 promptly attended to. Days of alae errnngedritt this office 'T J. CURE', Agent for the Us- borneand Hibbert Jfutual'Firc Insttraacc •Cotnparfy, Residenoe—G'erquuar, Orders by Mail promptly attended to. • rM. OAR,LINr, es J. W. ARM- S..• STRONG, 1.iceused Anetionoers for the Countytee of Huron, and Miedlesex Sales con aaeted with satisfaction, and on liberal terms. All orders left at Christi' -'s Mansion 'Rouse will receive prompt' attetalou. Ser4,1-y. 1 RII S' ;XTR lIrITY, J'+IIN BRIGIIT'S LAND SCHEME. Lmulr n, Jan. 26,—Jahn Br elft at En. Birmingham oft Saturday enggested thiat Pa,111eut appoi(t,'�. -ti oommiesLOl1 "-- to go to n..i;u with yd war to sell the A. most terrible accident occurred on A 1'do.eneholy Occurrence. A STEM! noILER BL0wtl TO ATOMS—ONE MAN BILLED A1th Twdu•'SERIOUSLY INJUR- ftN'1118 of the 1N,ildlnl'(le to tile, ,tenants the farini if Mr, Males)1m Cameron, 2nd. willing to huy,,.aud to advance three. concession of Stanley, on Wtedueechay. fourths of themobs se money 'rima- afternoon halt, which :resulted in the 1 • > 1 death of one litghly esteemed resident pial and interest, to be repaid' ill 851 and the serious in ,paste. Sucli ft^inet1eure Bright belies,- of the township, • injury ed would meet the d]01t'ee of the Irish of two others. ;11r. Artbur Wanless roplo,. The Gotn'uie,sirn should as. was eageged in threshing for Mr. Cam - gist, the tenant to purchase whenever eron, .with his steam tbi'e Bing ma. the bsu(llord was willing to sell. He re- chine. They were jest fluieliteg tip the utameuded a oonnpnlsory sole only job, at about 4 a ..lock, whefaithe ex- • TN S. CAMPBEL1L, PROVINCIAL • Lad Surveyor, l&c., will Le at the R ye1 Hotel, G:xoter,on the firALTuesday in mach mouth. Orders for work Itit with Mr., John 311eckrnan winreceivepromptattontioq OBN H. IIYND1hAN, ACCOUNTANT, .CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. money to loan on mortgages, notes and other securities. Rents ;i)rdaccounts collected on rea- sonable terms. Insurance effected in iirst•ola4s Comps.. ins at reasonable rates. o,ltee—ab Dr I yndruan's, Main 8 root Emma ]LAKE+', A.UCTIONEEit FOR • "t`HH COUNTY OF HURON. LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY just reoeivcilforrinveatmont on mortgages ,at t; er cent. lEEDS,WILLS, ETC., DRAWN A Ion reasonable terms. R.ABBOTTL. Graduate of Royal College of DI3 NTA f' SURRGEONS,. Officio over O'Neil bank, and opposite .samwel4 Picknrds. li here lau(1 18 owned by Laudon an n. iilosiou took plane. The weenie was blown td th ',allies, as is the case with large tracts own to atoms. and sea `tere .over e , ileal' L nuluuderry, He expressed the adjoining field. Both'euds and vioces. convic,mu alimt if his plans were ever, of the sides were blown out of the boiler, )tree, self iu tercet or public opinion and thrown a considerable distance. kdo wonld soon coinliel individual laud- he main' part of the boiler was`' thown Tonle to sell to teu;tl'tQ. into the barn, a distance of 00 feet, and fell on the froutt,of the machine, Tni' LORD LI1tV11 NAN1' S LOYALTY. .orushing down the felt board, and fall - DeWitt, Jan, 26. -The Duke of ingot ayoung men mooed Mtinit,;from Ma'lborungh, the Lord tiientanaut of the township of Nay, who was feuding Ireland, flee ined the invitation of the the machine, and before he could be re. Lol d Mayor of Dublin to a bat:gnat on moved the broken boiler hitaAp be roll - the Std of Febroasy on account of the ed off biro. Mr. Arthur Wal ss watt resolutions do )ted at a meeting of the attending to the engine at t,l a time, rlr 1 g � Home Rule 'members of Parlinmeut, and he, also, wits badly sc 1ded and over 8111011 the Lotd Mayor presided. terribly injured. Mr. Duncan Mol; wen DAVITT AND L'RENNAN. had just come over to smachine ee thea Dania and Brennar, indicted for work, and . wits standin.g Tnoking on when the explosion took pla. He sedition, •1n day eeta.red ea igir(earano"•was blown into all a(1'1ouruin field, a in the Duellu. Court • of Queen's PARNI)LL'S TALK MAKING HIMP UNP PULAR AT HOIIE. London, Jan. 26.—The reception. likely to be accorded Parnell in P•lrlia- ment is being disces-ed'by Inc friends hare. It is uotbelieved that the series of speeches he is delivering. in 'the' United States will add to his popular- ity at hone. The Horne 'Rulers assert that he talks too loosely, and many.. of hie utterances are considered iujudiol xga %etty ultra loits3t.ra,iNw.,.t rt ^ London, Jan. 2ti.—A Dli"liliri des- patch says it is•iiow generally believed that. the GovernmentiutenLs to proceed with the proar+outions of Devitt, Daly, Killen and Bt'ounan far sedition, the 8,ud trials not to take place before the beginning of February next. AN APPEAL TO CANADIANS. Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 26.—Parnell and well known and highly esteemed where" ever known, and his sad death will be distance of several rods, and died from the effr'ots of his injuries soon 'afterebe- ing removed to the house. I�r,�' Wau- kee and the yonttg man Muu Bare very severely injured, and their recovery, at last accounts were doubtful, Several of the threshing hands were standing at the front of .the separator, where Munn was when the boiler struck him, and their escape' from •injutv'.is little short of uriraunlous the camas of the the revolution in Lima, the capital of Peru, when Pierola became Dictator. Acouvention has been signed by the Turkiell Minieter of, Ft.reign Affairs and Layard for the suppression of the slave trade in Turkey. . Telegrams from Caprera announce that a civil marriage between Garibaldi and Donna Franceesoa was rerformed to -day. The General at the same time recognized his two ohiidren,Maulio and Claus. The despatch from Cabal, referring to the scheme for the. withdrawl of the British troops to Jellalabad, was pro- bably inspired by the Indian Govern- ment as a "feeler," with a view to ob- serve its effect. Tlie bhoe ,shop in Ring's County Penitentiary, N. Y., which octet 1'100,- 000, was destroyed by fire. Not insur- ed. The Bay State Shoe and Leather Cnmpany, who leased prison labor, es- timate their loss at $200,000. Two hundred females employed from the outside are thrown out of employilleut. • The U. S. Senate Confirmed the fol- lowing Envoys Extraordinary and Min- istere Pleuipoteutiary James Russell Lowell -to •Groat Britain ; • John Walks - ter to Russia ; Lucius Fairchild to Spain Phillip H. Morgan to Mexico ; Consols; Lewis Richmond at Belfast,, and James W. Slier at Mayaguez. The Italian double -turreted ironclad Duilio, the most powerful in the world, on Saturday, Jan, 24th, gave fonrteen miles per hour, working at siit•sevenths of her sapaoity. It is expected she will attain fifteen miles per hour. :ter performance greatly exceeds the recent estimates. Her armament cousists of four 100 -ton Armstrong guns, 33 feet long, and Tiring it projectile of. L500 pounds weight, with charges. of 850 pounds of powder. She has also a powerful ram and torpedo boat., explosion is not, and•'roba'bly, never will be known. .: Mr. unless. the ' n-: kidder, was oongiaaereii , :ti'b,l•ycon•' _ retent to run the engine, being well acgo•.inted with such machinery. It . The Indians report that there are m� anon o is stated, however, that it had not been • � working well that day, and it may he that something was.wrong of which he was not awere. The engine was one of Braggart's make. 11ir. McEwen, who was killed, was .+..-. t ,•. DONMINION John Oaaey, a fireman on the G. T. R., fell from a locomotive terrier oi?, Saturday afternoon, at Doon $tartyl,�,), and was taken up senseless.' He is"'e- oo'.eriag' The school iu Hull have been closed owing to the prevalence of small -pox, but a"sahion iteoper who is down with, • tho,disease keeps his bar open, near where he is lain. Several oases of poisoning from eat- ing partridges kept too longafter death have recently ecourred at Halifax, N,S-, - many of the victims, having narrowly escaped from death. ' While a young pian named Guest was driving a load of hay in Port Elgin, the load was upset. Guest fell on a stump and fractured his leg, and was surprised that he did not break his neck. Mr. R. L. Hawkins, who has .been the Watford agent of the G. W. R. for the last twenty years, Mt yesterday foe Longwood, on the main lisle, towhich plane he has been removed by the Oom.- pany, with an advance of salary. Yesterday Warmiugtan, the deserter returned from Toronto, was brought be- fore the officers in Kingston; and ar- raigned. He donned the militarycloth ing under protest. A' question, has been raised as to the legality. of oath administered,' and Warmington's will be made it test case, The prisoner was x remanded. Theeledition of it representative for'. the coustituehey of Cornwall in: the ee House of Commons took place OD Tuba;, day last.' !Tile nal retnrt B show that Dr.� Berg in the onservativecandidate, who was 'elected ih September, 1878, over Mr. Maclennan '(Reforn) by 38 votes, has been returned to the seat ho lost by the largely increased majority of 176. Aa Mr. Maclennan again iS'p- posed Dr. Bergin, lend the relative per- sonal strengih of the candidates was " necessarily the same in both contests, this victory is hailed by the.conserva- tives as a i eI;c triu pliant qviertVlo Dillon issued an appeal to the people of Canada, for aid for the sufferers of Ireland. Adlr. trOw(.EDGEMEOrr. Washington, Jar: 20.—The Treasur- er of .the Irish relief fund in the Dis- trict of Columbia has received a tele- gram from 'the Mayor of Dublin ack- nowledging the receipt of $2,500,and stating that the distress is rapidly in. creasing. CANADIAN CONTRIBUTIONS. Brantford, Jan. 26. --The collection of St. Basil's Church, yesterday, for the relief of the poor in Ireland, was over $200, and this amount, it • is ex- pected, will be largely increased by next Sunday, as there wore many who bad not heard that a special collectionwas to be taken up. lleenansville, Jan. 26.—There were $800 collected at St. James' '.Church It the Irish relief fund.. A. concertand dramatic entertaiument will be - held for the same purpose shortly. A FURTHER APPEAL. FOR RELIEF. New York, Jan, 26.=It is stated to- day fetid another influential' appeal to the people of the United Skates for the aid of: the starving Irish is to be made; that the evidence of Impending famine In Ireland is such that there must be no delay, in affording relief. Tears were brought to many eyes in church yesterday by adoonoto of the dreadful suffering. 'Great activity now prevails tri the good work of raising -money for the suffering;' manylarge eubecriptions have been already made, and more are rapidly corning. Some parties have sobeori)bed x;1,000 each,and some $500 each, Mayor Cooper ler; the x;500 sub. seription. The Greed Opera House matinee for the sufferers realized $800. It is proposed to abandon the St. Patrick's Duty parade in this oily, and devote whst the celebration would cost to Irish relief. It is thought that the oarryinir nut of Berth a move will ensure :$ 0,000 for the relief fetid for Eriu's famishing people. Dnnnvilie has been eared for $8,400 B taia by the Silrhy ( oreliniiy, for backing tett of a bargain to boy nsteam fire engine from them. rzan PrLoor SAS `. IN PERFECT ORDER. GOOD AS NEW. Half Price. { �1r •diY.i.r ACZT, i3,ay Iron, Carriage and era Hardware, pt:TN' T0N. deplored by many. He had been laid hp with illness for several weeks, and this was the first time he had been from home. , Drs, Stewart, of Bruce - field, and Worthington, of Clinton•,were iu atteudtiiree. and did all that medical skill could do for the alleviation .of the sufferers. --i .cposivol•. A Brantford' 0 Incher• WHO DROP INTO A PASTOR'S HAIR—AND SLAPS HIS FACE WHILE HE HS ENGAGED IN DEVOTIONS AT A PRAYER MEETING. Brantford, Jan. 2G,—'Saturday even• ing.a number c'f the members of the West. Brantford Methodist Church had assembled to hold prayer meeting..A team got away in Hamilton, ran While they were engttged in prayer a over a little girl named Canita, and a Miss °Heel] entered the Church, and over aperamwith a child in %it, ainj rid walking quietly . to where Bev. Mr. ung both severely. ' Broadway was Icneelirg, caught hold of Monday, a young lad named Edward Perkins, while ljchapping_ in a bush near Bradford,.was aoeidentally killed by a tree falling upon him. . ' Mr. Coursol. M. P., will introduce' a hallucination, and fannies that , Mr. bill in next session at Ottawa for the Broadway wants to marry her, No abolition of Grand' Juries and other re - other cause is assigned for the attack, forms in oriminal procedure. though Mr. Broadway has not given her any eause to suppose that ho thinks of marrying. her. Mr. I3rnadway is not a reguter''ordsined preacher, but has been filling, that position •for some time. . • . tete.. General. not many deer this year , The Wyoming Pres is published by the Lowrie Bros, of Petrolia. • A movement is an •foot to forma new rifle company in' Brantford. The Grand River .Terry .tit -York has been running as uetial lo,tely. Dr. M.'whiirn, of Clil'lon, tins ,entire- ly recovered from•. the effects of the late nimelernns assnillt- cis him. 11Ir. W. A. 'aende bitrrlater.. son of acv. Conan Reade, of .has started besinesteitl Aniherstburg. • Rev. J. A. Stnth, the oldest Baptistminister in NNW..I3rmiswick,. dropped dead of heart disettre:. To Braut((it'd, .Iteri)e Jones een.tenced epa110 North 11Ii".ddiesex: ;,ry • t.- Grange Na. 28 appeatetern' pompous array at Pettie Street "clot 'Honse, East Willi mw, on Taesd enttig :,t•,• last, ' Soma tall talking camp 7 K. A. filled the chair. ' 'Mr. Henry Blow died of ii fa`rteetti of the lungs and chest last Wr�dnesday and McGillivray has last d very active and enterprising farmer. • The late Kira. Ryan, of Biddulph, whose remains were Hist week buried at Lucas,',Avas' barb". little over 100. years ago, near Neniagli, in the County of Tipperary, -Ireland. She was mother R .1.0 S epliens, aged 15, to flve`lyears of the present'Reeve.of 13iddnlph, anti;` Piutteutlary for ro bay. near relation of the oldrietener tame -'., Dr. Joseph Clarice, of Pugwasb, N. ty,'Shalnnon Hall. Barony of Lower.' Ormond. 5.. ttee."lantaily noiaoned` himself by The East Williams Insurance Co, is taking c trbulic acid, and died iu an said to be in a prosperous condition. / hour afterwards, The Northern Fair held its annual Mr. Parnell, the Irish aeitator, has meetinh io the Town Hall, Ailsa Craig, been invited to speak in Belleville on on Wednesday, 21st 'lust. .t. S.Smith, behalf of the Relief Fund, but no reply Esq President, in the chair. The air- lifts been received. ditor's report was read and adopted af- ter wbiell the following elections took place ..—.:Pres. John McClurg ; Vice - Pres., A. A. McArthur ; 2nd do., An. drew Robinson ; sec. ),V -II. Atkinson, Directors, L. W. Charlton, Thomas G. Shipley, Ira. Campbell, .t)eter Girdle, John Rollins, D. Shoff,. Dr. Stewart, Dr. Gunn, and Thor,. Nicholson. To- tal receipts 1901.48 ; total expenditure, 1920.69. Iobn Dawson and David Wyllie, Auditors. ' A. Mrs. Jones, oho was confined by sickness in one of the houses burned at Parkhill last week, received. such a. shack that while some friends had her in their arms for removal to a safer place sae died. The great sawing match, England versus Canada, name off at Popular Hill, Lobo, last week. 1!;nglandsxou this time. There is to be another match soon, and Canada says she must beat tbls time. A. large concourse as. present "iotrol. • j sembled and much interest was exalt - him by the hair of the head and hit him several times in the •face, when three gentlemen present took hold 01 tier and rut .her • •out. It is supposed Miss. Clinch is laboring under an Advices from Rio de Jacoiro of the 19th report 130 fresh disturbances there. The Greeter' 111inietry has resigned in consequence of the defeat on the fi- uanckal vote. In ITarrisburg,-Pa., Eli Jaokson, col- ored, aged 10, bonged, himself on trod. day la -t, Tire ottani/1 supposed to be religions excitement. Benj. G. Per(body, a prominent Inlet - noes than of Provi(lenoe,R. I., fell down stairs on Sunday night, mad broke his neck. Three hunched lives were lost (luring During the season of navigation the River Line Company have shipped 1,966 cattle,4.771 sheep, and 54 horses, from Montreal for Liverpool. A men named McIvor, residing neer Pugwaslt,'while eating his 'dinner, was choked to death by a' piece of meat whit'' he attempted to swallow. Not since 1858, according to a conn- try friend of ours, has so molt plough- ing been done in January as daring the While there are one hundred and ed. sixty-six married mer; in the Canadian House of Commous, there aro only twenty-six bachelors, Alvinston has brought forth en'ano- tiler paper. It is onlled the. Sun. May it ever shine its brightly as at the pre- sent.. May it never be eclipsed. The Hot Emety Wheel. Company, with place of business at IHamilton, capital $10,000, apply for letters pa 16u to manufacture polishiug mater- ials. A. orimpeny is about being organizer' to work the Atkiu,anil cheese factory. The locality its good fur such an euter- arise. The quality of cheese made there by i1lr. Watson, we belfev'e, fine as tiny made in Canada. No ) l2f1iit No, th Middlesex will be glad to ]rave this besieess ninth) revived, A daily mail is at last arranged tot' between London and ,Ailsa ()MAY ell oniuts vla London Huron and B. Br • ;r