HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-1-22, Page 8THE TIMES
.TAv ,A1t1' O
" A ``�`� .., Brame Ors, -The hairy moos of Mr, s, a' d made n lengthy and irteresting Address.
4/ �++ (> � Manning, sou of Mr. IL Manning, Exeter, will H'. showed the extent of the mission field l oe-
store and stook in 10ar1(hill, by fire, on Friday
evening last. The fire took place between nine
tole the nvening,trhile D: Ir. Manning min
his wife were at the house of a friend, Nothing the dist
was slaved. a, most lamentable neem reueo was each otb
toms of trent
United 'Sia
cup ed by the Methodist Clure 1 1, indica' ing
be sooty to ricer that leo has teat his ftlrtliture
INES, &o., &c.
"ice Lists of which wilt he turul bed on apiii
tloolreore',Main fitrect, Exeter,
he gxeht'r
the amount of stoney that was necessary to
on the great work, He deecribecd per-
r the North.1Veet 'Territory, and gave
tgnoes of the missionary stations from
Headverted to the different sys-
ting the Indians practiced by twee
s and 4anatla, In the ,fOl'Ige t
country itwa dnngeroultntravel throtfslate re,
tory oocnpiexl 3' the Indians, becan`so they
Were in some pbt a et all times at war with the
shington. But in Cnna;;a
the tinrning of a man who broke into the house
soon after the fire had etarted, for the porposo,
it is 'opposed, of waking Mr. Attaining, who
was at first thought to be in the house. Ilow
the fire originated is aluystery.
C1tNfl 3s Srnrz'a'rrr —A remarkable ease Of
canine intelligence and tytnpethy recently was
exhibited by a small dog belonging 10 Mrs.
Lyons, in Exeter. The lady possessed two
pets, a kitten and a dog, which seemed quite
attached to L'eaellxotller. The kitten was lost
and evory search failed to discover its where-
abouts .until the third any when the:dog, dis.
'gusted probably with the repented failures of
the household, loft the house, and in about
half -au -hour it returned and scratched at the
TH1aRSDAY, JANiUARY- 1titb, • 1880. door for achiiltance, On opening the door,tlie
Sherman & flo.,marshal:, 1Uiet., want an agent Cxtuuus Enore.tt having p"rehasod the
in this cot:Stv at Once, at a talo ry . of $11 0 per.
sa auth and expenses paid. Por fall particulars boot and shop btisilless of W. H. Trutt, is now
address as above,prepal ed. to offer boots, shoes and heritage at
reasonable rates.
ALT, kinds of hoots and shoes repaired on the
shortest notice at Chas. Eacrett's,
family were delighted end surprised to find
'that the little dog had the kitten in its mouth
alive and well:
TIIEBE is not innoh wood curring into town
just now, owing to the failure of thesnow crop,
ANNUAL MErrhi s. T11e annual meeting Of
the South Harou L. O. L. will be held in
Drew's Hail on Tuesday, Feb, 3rd.
Fon a good pear ' of boats er shoes, , eisher
pegged or sewed, call at Chas. Eaerett's. Child-
ren and ladies work in great variety.
We would feel lunch obliged to anyone who
could supply us with a couple of copies of the
Tluesaf Dec. 4, 18W0.
CONTRADICTION. —Mr. John. Hawlcshnw, of
the Commercial Hotel requests us to state that
the report circulated statieg that one of his
daughters was ill with the diplithc is or fever
is untrue, sho;izaving had only a severe cold
Sureern.—Bissett Bros, shipped to the Bog.
dish market, one car of clover seed for which
they realised the sum of $2,480. James Her-
bert, of 'Osborne, sold a load for which he re-
ceived the sum of $300.
Tua Wrtrinm.—The tine, mill, balmy,
genial, soft, spring-like weat„er still continues.
with us, The roads are several inches deepen.
Mud, and cellars are filled with nater, owing to
the recent rains. Vennor was right when he
said that January evonld be open..
Holm Dxsn. On Sunday, the lith inst., a
valuable blaolc horse belonging to 131r. Richard
Hunter, of Ueborne, died of some kind of hy-
sterics. Dir. Hunter had first observed the
illness of the horse in Exeter, and left it at the
Central Hotel, thinking it would conte alt
right, but it grew worse and died,
Bnxi BUSINESS.—Tilis branch of the mer-
catitile business has been pretty lively in Exe-
ter lot the past couple of weeks. Capt G. Kemp
has bought and shipped a Targe quantity. All
the boys in the village, from one year npvards
aro soowr eg the fields far and wide in search
of ossian treasures, and nearly all the back
government at W
there was avast difference in the treatment of
the Indiana: ' The rulesionary preceded 'em'-
gration edit taught thendians that tho'Union
Jack meant protection desk friendship, instead
of uppressinu and tit twit, inn l : any man cmild
go in safety through any part of the British
Territory by showing a Unlou Jat,'y . The lie\•.
Dr, contended that it was cheaper 'lee. convert
the savages by ehristiauity thanto civilizttlhetu
by modern warfare. He instanced the Fil'i(
Islaildia, which cost the British (1-overi anent
nothing, boouuse the Missionary went boforo
the emigrant, abet New Zetland; which cost chorus. Ait'iesttnutontal duet, "Starry Night". Excitor, oetauorec,la'9. t
mililous of money and thoneands of lives bo ' followed by Miss 'tt ling and ritlou, and it is
needless to say that fnli estl1e was dine the —"—'
clause the otniaraut proceeded the mdasionary. . y 1. • ' •` •---�.---
This cheep an Teachers 111 ('iulzilt)1!.
"When O'Hoolahan eaeyed Mase Ball." Mr,
Hayden is a whole clone :rt troupe hhu>elf and
wee applauded to the echo. In response to au ,
etlihneia•tlie eneore he gave 'mother rollicking 1
Irish song, wltialr' Icupt the iuldh'tice 1u roars of
langllt r, D r, 1•li ;C Kieffer, so favorably '.1'1to gauntry has benetiticd b}• I'rotection, but,
known to tlfe:l'lxeter autiios:i, followed by a
reading ill the Devo11shite dial.. et, b-'. Sahel*
Hogg," oiltittort ' A Terrible ltuiite by itell".ior
smoothing"t`iko that. ALr, Brewer bee faunae-
ed,tltetlia:oot HO we11 Lluat one ooulil hinc• tt•'slaosto nirtc'cttlte health Ar,1 rnelistnof the
rubb0, and has ORO of the
Hint "to the tuauuur born." '1'1io "Murmur of •
the Shell," it very p1,:ttj• scue., was u;l1 , be' best ani Chea'Qsta SteC.E.S
Airs. tiobt, Piekar,L It is no tins: a ageineth
1':•1.111 011'1s'i:IBI1)1\ EXETER,'
Po elle 0,ther singers•' to say tied, she is von weed I
of the lUost ntufieal voi4u that we bit•ard at the 1 noel i5 ell a,tllrrl gen rat prices; Met defy 4'o!11p•'
eouoort. Mrs, Fait -bairn and J. N, kluupi•r tttiun, lie wnitl.l also rotunt:l tilt)se iu want of
sane.e, enact `•Comte over the Moonlit See.." 14""T-ILIA8h HUM"Ii;)
W. 11. TROyT
Their voices barinoilizod well and they 1tere
deservakl4 and loudly nppaudod, 4•The mud J ' lei
Ateatiau Aloiwtains" wile renamed by Miss Mu- �
1)onoll ascii, are tinging tc nes. She, fou, dt ew that hu ig omiblerl fro In long eepeflionco• to sop.
110) t-telu ttith whet wall Kive suti+iatati0n, es uo
forth hearty plaudits. l'srt `I elicited. Wtl 11 au- ; uacs n i11it.g halt the lest ni' etotil( enol employe
other selection from the band, a,tee wee2e1 1 Ilene leu. the beet of wore:mat.•
20 be uouvh tett of these faute,can and sue.:
'hied', Smiling Born," from tete eolupnity leas
giveu'hin evert bettor style than their first W. H.
d efflcaciti le method of securing selection: Mrs. 1'aiebeirtt sang au very pretty ,
sentimeutti.l song "I cannot bill t11eo go, My
Boy" in lier pleasing st; le, when the langhter The West Huron Teachers Association m^t
announced that \I1 Hayden was again on the nit. the Exe1.0r rubric laehnul hntlae, ou Frig it,
morning the Viee Pr(sidclit Mr. G. 733iird, in
platforl'i1. "Are yon there, Moriatity?" wee chair. Atter reading the report of the last
another condo 11•lsh scug, and au encore t0(1tinl>, illr.l3nird introiltirocl .for (11(cnesion
brought' forth still another, "When I fought thesithj•cthoit, iforlll1 oniutiunexnniipatious;
Johnny Dwyer." An exceedingly funny read- and \t]lile ho Atlulitteil that uuiforutity is' ve0'y
�neeirehlo, vet he nensidercd Slat alta tea011e1'
tlfe good•wil1 of the Indians was adapted in the
North -Fest, sod it had worked sncoessfnily.
Lilco :lir Langford, he believed; that the Me-
thodist Clmrch should take 0 more active part
in the politics of the country, end;bavo a great-
er influence in the government. He deplored
the condition of affairs that allnmeel the pha-
lanx front Quebec to tliotate to the Government f'tg, in 'Which a Seotelt minister, who was li a- should be the prtncipt 153.,(nt in lnuking these
of Canada, without their rimynit, no gov- self fond of lus glass, warned his 00.:gregatiou promotions:. Mk. Greg e'y fully cntlore;e'd .the
erument could stand. As a proof of their in- agfdust the sin of driukivar, by '111 Brewer, was scuthueuts repro: seer by tli0pred]nuai speaker,
fiueuee in the conutl•,•, he mentioned that a well rendered cud as well received. It was the na,d stated t,twohe :i deercnild rt othe apprise Any
} scheme that, would deprive the i(nehcr of
North-West priest; had been sent out b3: the best Mr. Brewer has read" for 00100 ti1110. the,right to Promote his, on, ii pupils, ns he
Government to assist Rev, DIr, \l(Dengell, a ' £110I 6(3(11101(3030 fur Twa," was "e:1 sung, maintained that a Kingiebnti•ierl exetninattion
is by no means a reliable test of a+tisiinnouts,
yards are filled. with bags, Everything in the Methodist missionary and other delegates in and followed by the old but good duet, "Gipsy
Shape of bones is 0017011 spoil eagerly by the making a treaty with the Iu,lians. The priest (muutesr:," by Mrs. Thexton and 131. Senior,
vu tug boys. We may, not be sluprlsod to
never reached the )lace were the trent
was in which they both acquitted themselves (wed-
hearuf their llllt „ aged and
infirm horses ..
made. Owing to sickness overtaking him on the. ltably. Drs. R. Pickard thea sang"Sweet
and dogs to sell their bones. The other day
a thin, sad -looking naaive of the Emerald Isle
went to the enptain's place of business, and
enquired if bones were bought here, Being
answered in the affirmative, "Thou,be inhere,"
said Patrick, "place Ino in the scitkctles." The
captain said Hewes not buying rags, too, and
rhe sad -eyed Islander took his departure.
When all the little boys alto are nolo growing t greatest attention, and maintained an unfleg-
wealthth b ne basin -s grow rap to be gi interest in hisaddress. The total amount
men we hope they will remember that but for collected this yenr is about 0157—about the
the N. P:, this grand field for their enter -same as lest year: The meeting was one of
en lee would e: not have been opened to theand
vote acoordingly.
road, but the treaty was completed, owing
meitily to the instrumentality of Rev. Mr•.Mo-
D mgall ; and by the Giovernmeet report of In- brought•to a close by ltr,Ftirbairn as "Sultmidt"
dian affairs, it would be seen that the priest singing a Dntoh comic song, and in response
gat aver $500, while the Bev. Mr. McDougall to a decided encore, giving another of the
received tile insignificant sum of $25. Such same sta+.lp. Mr. Fairbairn must have lived
treatment he did not consider fair. The reve- in Deutschland. ' The proceeds of the concert
rend gentlemen was listened to with the amounted to about $80. Ti o firemen and
band ret.uratheir thanks to lir. Drew fur the
Mother, pray for Me," and riveted the atten-
tion of the audience, when the ooncert was
1'13 e 0 ug
ExyERTATNacrNT.—The free entertainment
given by the West Huron Teaehers' Associa-
tion, on Friday eveuiug last, iu Drew's Hall,
was veryiargely attended, the train being pack-
ed to the door.and many being obliged to stand.
The ltev. G. A. Mitchell, B.A., noted as chair.
map. The masical part of the programme was
executed by Afisses Fitton and McDonell, Mr.
E. Robertsaud the Masters Rnight,all of whom
acgnfted themselves to the satisfaction of the
.audience. Mr. H. O. Brower gave a humorous
reading from the Ingoldsby Legends—"Lady.
Jane," in his well-known excellent style, which
fairly brought down the house. Rev. G. Web-
. er 'delivered an excellent address, showing
Fon t -class sewed work call on net crt. that the work of the schoolmueterwas n tisefu
Abraham, \vho'oan spite you with the article auxiliary of Christianity, and inepressiug up-
yoa want, at Chas.'Eacrett's. on those who have the training of youth en-
STAn-nm BWSXNESS.-As Will be seen by ad- trusted to their care, the necessity of Using
vertieementin•another column, Dir. J. N. How- their influence to direct the young mind into
and has bought the bankrupt stock of O'I3yrne proper channels: Mr. G. W. Boss, AS. P:, fol-
& C0h and hes determined to launch ont into lowed and delivered an. excellent:peech show-
the.hardware trade. Mr. Howard is very pop- iug the progress that edecetiou had made in
ular, and has the necessary push to make busi Ontario and the Dominion during the last tea
110ea a success. - years. Ontario, he showed, from a compari-
Bouaarte Our.—M- r. E. H. Spackman has
purchased Dir. D. Johne' stock of stoves, tin-
ware, &a., and has moved his new Stock into
131x. Johns' commodious store, where he will to a snceosstul speaker, was very interesting,
continue the business_ Ed. is attentive to his and listened to throughout with the best at-
btl.siuoss, and will no doubt vastly inc, ease it tention, Mr. J. It Miller, Inspector of:Pnblic
in his new premises. • Change : of adv. next Schools or South Huron,aud Mr. H. I. Strang,
— —
week. B • A Head Master Godericll High School al: home. ' We wish them Gym success.
bo spoke, but the eveningbontg ac vnnuec leu
ld e werecegsaril short The entfr St. Marys, were glad to see him in our streets
to the earl in another column from the executey
use of the hall.an+1 to the tellies and gentleman
who took pact iu the programinm,
incl thee the teaelter is the only prison wile
' c,
1correctly alt h standing n bt .tope la t s
eull ict e, u ); t t .
Ali:sees. W. p. Miller, P. Strang, and J. 11.
Miller thought that no teacher Omuta be el -
lowed to promote his Ow11 pupils. bet that the
examinations should be conducted, and pupils
promoted by other teachers, and not by their
own—This matter 113141 then referred to a com-
mittee to draft a scheme. DIr. Gregory, De-
legate to the Provincial Association, then gave
a very full autl interesting repo t of the pro-
ceedings of that Association, In the afternoon
the Rev. Mr. Mitchell took up Vdrn Culture;
which he treated in e very able planner, and l ;y
theimportnut rides given, end the numerous
examples for practice mesented, the Rev. gelt-
lenlall made the s ibjrct very iuiere„tiug end •
instrretire, Me. MtDonald then illustrated nil
a yery (leer '+ calor tllo yet to s ethods . of
the best that hits been held in Exeter, and the
Algebraic teetering. On Satin. morning
Con\0(1 llitr•rlve.—Tho Council elect for the report on uniform pr,7motien e)amtn(ttioe
people separated satisfied. this village for 1880 :—L. Hardy, Reeve, and was discussed clause by clause, at cm: eicleraole
Dresses. Damns Pickard, died Drew, John lenp;th. and niter, tanking some slight Alter
PERSONAS. —lIi . Geo. Griffin, of Londen,andt' adopted, The leading feat ne 's fli
trillions eves
( t•
formerly of Exeter, was in toter tin Aiotiday Banton and Wm. Bissett, Conueillors, nue at this scheme ere that unl'orm exalt instion
hut, and gave ue a call. Tito salubrity of the the Market Horse, 'Exeter, Jan. 19th, and sub. papers shall 00. scut to the vari(ns t elionls.
scribed their several declarations of gnahtiea- The. teacher shall condnet his own 'xallinatinll
and shall be at liberty to either 'ptotuote his
own pupils, or to procure other kneelers to as-
sist hen. Mr. U-. W. Boss being then intro-
duced, cleertibed how rending etiotlld be tangbt
from the beginning, so far an to avoid bad
habits, and 110 exemplified very clearly and
pleasingly the hest methods for ein•Ing those
had habits after being negnirect. .The Presi-
dent, Mr. H. I. Strang 13. A., took up analysts
and parsing, \thick he t1eated, ne r.sneeinhis
able acid int irnetive manner, to the general • •
sutisfection of the ten:hers. lir. G. Baird, j+•,
gave an interesting description of how to tench
freedom to beginners:. The work of the Insti-
tute being eomptetcd, the teachers began to
ilisporse' to their different fields of labor, after.
having tinkered, in, what they tor.aud onrthrif-
--Carried. Moved by E. Drew, seconded by ty, though somewhat muddy village of Exeter,
J. penton, that J. Ramsey be appointed to I perhaps the moot interesting :old profitable
ring the bell et the No. 1 engine house. and • series of meetings of the kind, which have .
that he be paid $10 per aulnim for so doing.. ever been held in the County.
—Catried. Moved. b1 J. Pickard, s.conded by •
J. Banton, that Peter McPhillips be pound-
keeper. An application for•a bowling alley Stephen.
WP s read, and on motion of J. Pict:era. second- p
ed b J. Banton \\ Ste refused. :I3y-1n\v No. 1
to his friends in. Usborno on, Saturda3 last,and
.L000, to confirm appointment of otlicers, bnv-
London climate appears to agree with him.
Ho is taking orders for seed, itud also r(+pre- tion and office in . the presence of the Clerk.
sents the Farmer's Advocate. We hope ho will The Minutes of the Inst meeting were react
find business rushing.
1 a ud cenfrmed. Moved by J. Pickard, sec-
- Mr. IToury Jackson, of EgmondvIlIe, muted by E. Drew, that. M. Eacrett be Clerk
brother of Air. G. E. Jackson, was in tent on at a , salary of $100 per nl0nutn.—Carried.
Tuesday, on business connected with the firm. Dioved by 3.. Pickard, seconded J. Renton,
—Mrs. Hayden aocompvnied DIr. Havden to that GOo.Eaw eft be Trees. at a salary of $ :0 per
Exeter on Tnescln3 to attend the concert, and annum.—Carried. Moved by J. Pickard, sec -
was warmly welcomed by her crony friends in ended by E. Dre1v, that John MtDoncll be As-
thevillage. lessor at a salary of $50 r"r annum.—Civ
—Dir. Wm. Dallcwill has arrived home from Tllo Reeve appointed Mr. Cltas. Snell as Audi-
tor. and on motion of J. Panton, secoudi;d by
Muskoka, and will remnin in Exeter about two J. Pickard, Mr. 13. O'Berue was appolstt3.d n.s
weeks, when Ile retires to his home at hear-' second Auditor, salaries, $5 each per ermine.
- Mr. Thomas Greenway has left for Win-
nipeg, to be in time. for the opening of the
Manitoba Legisletnrs, of which he was lately
elected' a member,
— Mr. Samuel P. Halls, Mathematical Mu-
ter of the Go lerioll High School, was 00 a visit y
,au Mg beenread a tint time, was renal a' secnud
and third time And on motion of E. Drew, 000.
ended "by Wm. Bissett, was finally paused:
A cointunnioatiou from Air. 0. McEwen; of
Blyth, p of 0 n; to sia.k a sr t •vel1, furl is
machinery unci appliances to matinfaeture 1,5
barrels of salt per. day. and require no consul
tration until d(0 has found and 'manufactured
1,000 ba"rels of salt, when he will require $3,-
3110 in.eaeb, was laid for eoneidernttou at the
next meeting of the council: Moved by Ja+
Piolcard, seconded byW. Bissett, that orders be
granted for the following stuns :—J. Grigg;
$4.91, for stationery; S, Stanbtke,, $50.19,
for lumber; G. Eaerett, $10.75, for collecting
water tax, postnges&c.; M. Encrett, ,$24.00
for eleetiou expenses ; • S. Littlejohn, $12.50
for latter ; John Wiusor,$0 do.; Geo. Cndmore,
$2.75,'do.; ,Vnt. Phair, $2.50, do. ; L. Ed -
worthy, $7.50, do. ; and Jus. Bnisclon, $1:50,
do. -Carried, -.The Treasurer's report, for the
half-year tnding 31st Dee., was react, and show-
ed a ballance 111 hand at that date of $24.21.
Taxes uncollected, $2,100,70. and liabilities
amounting to $900. 131r. lvinttart's repot t i f
expenditure was in fell and correct, showing
the amount reeeivedby him for charitable im-
poses ($84.00) t0 be 05.08 less than his expen-
diture. • Moved by W. Bissett, (seoon(ed by
E. Drew, that $20 be placed in the hands of
Mr. Dfuttart to repay himself and disburee the
remainder in relief to Mrs.Molntyro in stupe of
$1.50 per week.—Carried. Moved by W.13is.
sett, seconded by L. Drew, that all property of
this corporation liable to destruction by fire be
insured by the peeve.—Carried. Moved by E.
Drew, seconded by W. Bisctitt, that the peeve
enquire concerning a safe for the use of the
corporation and report at the next meeting of
the Co1Incil,-Carried. Moved by E. Drew,
seeondod by 3. Pickard that this council ad-
journ until cell of the peeve.• --Carried.
M. D.tcnurr,
son of etatistios,had a higher percentage in the called npou this friends in town.
Per -
average attendance of chilringe at school, than —Blyth has masts an acquisition 'n the per -
any other country. His address was able, and sous of George and Will Southoott, who left
delivered in that free manner that is essential# Exeter on Monday morning for the northern
burg for the purpose of starting a merchant
tailoring and clothing establishment, ;They
are both practical.tailors, and we have no doubt'
they will soon become favorites in their new
advanced. their — The many friends of Mr. Oaten Willis, of
PAID n FULL.—We would direct attention,
ors' of the estate of the late Wharton Hodgson,
thanking the Confederation Life Association members of the Association, and especially lir.
for paying promptly and in full the amount of Gregory, who labored to prepare the pee -
their claim against the company caused by the gramme, deserve the thanks of the villagers.
death of i1Ir. Hodgson. Mr. Manning the e'1er• --
• 'getic agent of this district, has taken a large Mzsstn',Anv Srnvxors.-The ennui mtssinn-
ntnnber of applications, and in every instance • cry services in connection with the Exeter
where one of the insured has died the Claim,
thus arising has been promptly paid.
al r sses ne
taint -met was highly appreciated, and the t 01100 more on Moutlay hist -the first visit
Lno0unn.—The Bev, T. W. Handford, . who
branch of the Methodist Qhuroh, were held on
Sunday and Monday last, Rev. A. Suther-
land, D. 1)., of Toronto, Sec-Treas. of the
Afethodist Missionary Society, occupied the
was announced to lecture for the Y. P. Cl. A , pulpit morning and evening, and preached two
is compelled to defer his visit nntdl n• xt mouth, excellent sermons to good congregations. On
of which notice.will be gran. 11.1 consequence Monday evening the public meeting was held in
of thin, the Asssociation has arranged for a lee- the ehurelt, which was comfortably tilled. Mr.
tare this (Thursday) evening by the Rev.' G. John Renton acted as chairman. Bev. Mr.
Webber; on"William of Orange." We hope Mitchell read the missiona.y report, which
there will bo a large attendance. Admission by
coarse tirket, or 10 as. .Rev. 11r. Webber has
• been Indisposed during the past few days, but
is all right again.
Stn Srrounn PAM–• -When a young than goon
to see a onng ta•.ly nn•1 11111 so clumsily as to
which he hag paid the piece siueehe was af-
flicted with the small: pox, Although slight-
ly marked on the nose, 'Caten's general
health does not seem to have sniterect from the
disease, as be tells us that his fighting weight.
is about twenty pounds more than it ever was
FxmnMAR's .um BAND CONornir.--This' con-
cert, which has long been looked forward to as
promising the best treat of the season, came
o.1 in Drew's Hall on Tuesday eveuiug, and
in to respect fell below the anticipation of the
people. The hall erne crowded to the doors,
proving that' the people of Exeter can appreee.
elate a good entertainment. The first piece on
the programme was a selection from the bund,
showed that the field of operations had • .been which was' carefully cud well rendered, and
greatly extended, owing to the opening np of w1is followed by the chorus "Let Us' be Gay,"
the great North-West, but showed a (leoidod in grand style by a company composed. of Mrs.
falling off in the finances of the society front R. Pickard, Mrs. Tlaexton,Mrs. Fairbeirn,Miss
the previous yettx. Roy. Mr, . alsli spokes for AleDonell, 1(r. 3. N. Blooper and Dfr. 0. Sen.
a few minutes, • exhorting the people to con- ler. The "Agnes Sorrel Quadrille," an instru •
tine their efforts in. behalf of the missionary; mantel duet, was next performed by Mes. W.
break a Cwwcleliet•, what, Oen he expect but to cause. Isaac Langford, Esq., of London Town- Pickard and Mtge 1,(tou, who were deservedly
1'000100 0 letter from the indignant proprietor ship, spoke about half an hour, "tracing the applauded, both being eisceliot t playors. Airs.
of the house, asking him to make reparation missionary work in the old country and Cana- '1'liexton's song, "Wedding Bells," was render -
for the.r'a'nages. if be allows several months to da,.and pointing out the great results that had 0d i11 a decidedly sweet ;oleo, 'and gained the
pass by without showing any disposition to a,,k been achieved for Christ. He believed that ear of the audience, when the ol(1 favorite, Mr,
the prise of the chandelier. We are informed elinrch members should engage more, actively W. Boyden, who carne all the Way from Wood•
that such was the fate of a young man in this
Own who pretends to be a star,., of t.te' fir}t
irk tnunieipltl and national politics, as it 1onld stook to plegee his friends of Exeter, next ap-
enable them to exert more innuende in behalf' peered on flits pl111101m in the garb of a fans'.
of Gtlristaiuity. Ziev. Dr. SatherIandfo11otised, tactic Irishman, and Selig in &Mout style'
Cnti ott, :Iriscr sn.--T11P.newlyelect• '
Ni1cnnncil met at Town Hall, (11editnn,
1 nn 14lnnday lost. Spntimns , fiognrth,
Reeve ; C; Either. J)eplity Reeve ; .T -inn
Ryan. William Baker and V. Hai z;
Councillors. Raving tai(en tluonecpee.
ary nrtthe of office and signet t•be deo.
iaratind of rinalificatiott, to1idt their ae(.ts,
4Inved nod resolved, that Clerk, Treas-
nry and ,Assessor be the same as last
rear, salary't•lie same; auditors to he
k. Hobkirk and Henry Doyle; same
salary; CJolleotnr to be appointed at .
some future meeting, but salary to bo
the same as 1ast year. Moved and re-•
aaolved ttlat the auditors Make not ihf''r
report in datplicftte. 114. Firachiner to
he care taker at a salary of $14. awl
whatever he one make for ns(- of Hall.
Council fee to be thegame as a,at'yesr,
no milengaf. Moved by W. Baker see -
()odd by. J. Ryon, that no grant be
made for any ditching on side of roads
at expense of township, nnlaas it he the
reanlar water enn000, and reocnmmend-
eat by some one of council. Newt meet
ing of council to be the first 'Monday in
February at 1.0 o'clock in the forenoon,
The following orders. were granted; --
A. Elliott., work on 18111 con., $17,50:
W rn. Kitchell, repairing scr(t(tPr,$1,50;
V. Betz, limber got by T. Lninrnrt,
$10 ; Collector„error in roll, $8,40 ;
,Tnsepli Marshali, error in schrinl i'*x,
$8,481 C. Harris. work nn C.R., $2,25
W . Holt, on C. It, t$C1,50: i),I•Ioolnhan,
error in (nay tax, $1: Molsons hank,
motley bort owed, 'x+1000;; Bank of Com.
metre, gravel refill Intere't, $800 Dr.
Rollins, salary, $80; Dr. Rollins. stn.
1innartt, (likening and milenge, $85; G.
IV. Tbomnsnn, tithingl'apb, $3; C.
Prouty, services in (3 1100ctin0 with
emirs of revi1i0n, $40; C. Preptyr Moat
ing up nomination, notices, 'i4.,
C. Pa r!'arv�
Cie', k.
Port Blake.
The steam barge, Victoria, belonging
to Blake & Co., d,f this port, has made
a round trip on the Dresden and De-
troit rotate thin J'1l)uary, to take down
three harges loaded witl wood,an unpre-
cedented ocettrrnnee at this Reason hi
the history of navigation at these ports.