HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-1-22, Page 7,TAWUArx 22, 1SRQ CROJ1.4 BOORS AND "RE FORM." ) treceu the. Lon lou tree- ess,l WI., 'Warwick, the Toronto book Beller, writes to the 0/obe saying that the'perente of O.itari•.i lievn been m I.le ko pay $50,00;) :i y<ta' more for tit eir children's 8011001 bul)Iistitail they shoed Base done, owing to the monopoly which heshienSet 1111 nuclei tlio re�xlt latfnns of tlte ) pertinent of 1'itlati,ttiott Lie illtisttatee lip fellows; 'Mason's Creamer is one of those bloke in wl.ictl thtyru iK ,l rigid privet t:? Canadian 'cop}'i•iellt. 'There is oily 1 one ficin iu Clu,n l:t which eau produce it. But the piipila,of our public it (+r'fLlnuI yr Schmitt; must have it, cost What it rney. Whet gnaratiteo agoinst Aieturlinr) 11a4 Geverntoa'ut secured for this extrant'tl}1 t%Iy innnnpoly2 .Simply Hatt the retail pike shell not exceed octets. The Tttird .htentler is It Ber- ger volume than ' llusou's,' anti in tae mere ale&nuiie:tl production costs 0' dnuela Is, lhoesever, sold to tire: trade at 17 cents— scntletitnee for Fess tad at that yields a 'fair, though riot extrevaga lit, profit. Whet is ' 1To 4 is sold for ? It's net wholesale price' is �1GI cents. The differencerepresents copyright of Hist nook fur less than $500, became) 1)reSi (its to altithotizit- liorl its oirculal4»n wee a mere baga- telle. Now its forced sale is upwards •of 410,000 copies per ) )ttUln, froin winch the nnneaolseary profit is not far •abort ol1.1,00e1aud every pareot whose'l child uses 0 Mason }lays 0 share of that tax. Thiel is but a specimen." Patents 8e111iiug their coil tree toI the public ehools eine now le tal.i'9tan(1 lievv it liege,1ne to pass that they have been so deer of late. Our Government have pertaittci a Innrlopoly to exist no der cover of a oo})yright. The method of procedure has been easy. In the first place, a book was compiled, the author obtaining nn'itthori:ation from the Eancational .Department that it 'should be used in the schnole. The next step was to obtain a cop 714et The Canada 'Vest Vann Stook &sso; elation will sell by auction on the Ag. 1i°niturid Show Gronnds,Brautforts, on Ileo 291h of Jnnua•'y, tweuty-five they renelilirrd 141100, 1101'11,1, Outatvniitr call 10'1008(0r droop; also 0 lot of Berkshire pitr., Mayor 11 isvru•tl, of Guelph, has been ieerved wish a melee of ai.tion, for $500 tlrllntiaeq, by 1lnonlillito & O'Connnr, eolicit ore for AWL Gentian., The basis .)f the Fnitis the illegal ejectment of Gan lion from the Council Chamber by His Worship. Mennen yesterday rent an answer; to \[r, l3loildo to Coertney's last propn- 4111)r,. He save when in New York latit month, after the failure at Courtney to fulfil the entriteeni'tntlYnder Rochester i,rtiela•n, he Mullen) made a propncsi- iin0 to rows a play of pay race eitlh his wonted T:[o then. publicly eiated that that was. the last chance he would t,it•e Courtnoy. 'Po that propusttinu ,1n111hot cl••terminntiml he still arlhores. If he 001180111(4 to sign articles it mast bo upon n play•or pay bssis. Hansen says ho has no stomach for two or three tuantl)a training to secure for himself :;t the end of that time jest money enough to cover hie expenses. \Vinnipeg, Jan. 15.—Tile elem')litinn of the wails and bastion" of Pnrt Garry has been ef)tUIT nute)1. The rottiiclion of ttassenger rates on the St. Paul. Miuneepolia &Manitoba RR., by which r.lie first Clave fares between Winni- peg and St. Paul bare been recused from .$2S.25 to $18.75, is greatly ap- prieiitted hero. The \Vinnipest Board of Trade has passed a resolution urging upon the City Council the necessity of employ- ing a paid chief and rtseistant chief of the fire brigade. The Board Valeo ap- p•tinted a committee to enquire into the pause of the decay in transit of freight between SI. Paul, Minn., and Winnipeg. " Nodes has been given of a motion that the board heartily endorses the scheme for a through railway route by Sault St ;Marie., to connect with the Canadian and Amerioan railway eye- t, n18, Eby means of which the public have COMBAT WITH AN EAG -LE. ib.een compelled to purnbase at any A IIUNTER OVERPOWERED AFTER A SEAERE price which the 'authorised books' STRUGGLE AND NARROWLY ES0AP- i inlet b,3 pint at by the grasping pub. ING DEATH. putters. The result has been that for several years past the parents have Lor'd's Valley, Pa., Jan. 6. -Henry Decker and John House arrived here been called upon to pay $50,000 a year Thursday from Trenton, N. J„ expect. %Icon o: the bool s Nen vas 1e;ititnnte, ins to rennin. several days to hunt and or which favor they have to thank the f1811. The next morning at daybreak -Government at Toronto. Mr. Crooks they took their ouns and fishing tackle has r t s` began 0 lse1 to the existence and stinted for Blooming Grove Pond, three miles distant. While passin( of this 'tax neon koowled2e,' and has ).tlhrough the woods, Decker separated written to the booksellers, comprising' from Honso, being called away by the the monopolists' book -ring in Toronto barking of his dog, which, he supposed (Toronto again !), saying :— was After a rabbit; or fox. ,House can• 'I do not propose to trertnit of the tinned on and soon reached the pond. mere circumstance of the copyright be- He warted over an hour for his enm- ii•rg held by a pnblisher to place him rado's arrival and then tom back to and the of her publishers in a ylnsiticn where they'had se A a ed. He hallow• to ooiuhii e and so obtain extravagant ed repeatedly, brit. reeeivt•ttnoresponsr. profits at the expense of the public. He then followed the tracks in the 'Tate facts of this present eotnbina, snow, and after going nearly a mile. tion having been formed, the urobabi- discove:°ed spots to( hlnod. 1'Iis first lity of whish we; deprecated by some thought was that Dealer had been of the very publishers now concerned wounded by the accidento,l discharge of In it, will lend me also to a course 1119 gun. A.sihe went nn the blood spots asai,h w;ll effectually prevent any such beca'ne thicker, and near a clltsler of combination being attempted in the bushes there were indientions that the ?atls. hunter had encountered something, for 'The Public Schools are entitled not the snow was trodden for considerable (lister ce. Elnulae called not againl and only two books of merit, but to cheap- soon there °tome n feeble response, 1)ess in price, and I see my way to no- which was reemenited as the voice of cnhnplii+h this either with or without Decker. pause hurried on, and as he cnniturrence iu tloe mode in w11ieli Iwets about to enter et dark ravine, ha propose ' to cheek your presout at. saw the bustlers move. Looking closer. tent pts.' This is very proper for Mr. Crooks le do under the circumstances, bot the public will be apt to ask how ib has Caine to pass that they parte been iinee. el for years past by persons acting tine the protection and countenance of the MiniAter of Education 2 Dominion The Kingston ferry stealners con - thine funning. P,irlthill, Iiine.stou'a absconding gro• cer, has retnrned. were terribly lacerated, anti his c1nth One hundred and fifty sheep were frog torn into shreds. He was assisted shipped from Guelph to New York on back to the valley, and will be sent 1'intrsdny last, home tomorrow. The eagle was the lie saw a large grey engle perched rill• on Decker's breast and picking hini in the face. House approached to with. in shooting distance and fired, killing the eagle instantly. He hnrried to *where Decker lay, and found him un- couscinu5 and bleeding. When he had gained conselonsthess he said t11At he did not see the eagle until it had (le Peonded and fastened its sharp claws into hie hack. Being frightened, .he dropped his gun into the snow. He freight the eagle as beat he could, but conn became so week i't'em loss of blend n3Id suffering snob intense pain, that he fell unconscious. His body and face Port will petition the Dotnin• ion Government to subsidize the On tosio Pacific Ju':ction Railway. The South Brant Agricalturai Soci- ety will hold their annnul meeting on' largest one ever Itelled in this tteelion, measuring nearly eight feet from ti to tip of .wings. 1? the 21st of January, to receive the re- GE/MA'S' SYRUP. l�'o other medicine in -the world was elle); port of the Directors a'tld election of of. given such a test Of its curativeq Malities As $vers. Bosonini's Gi0tatAE SvittTg. In three years two Air, E. G•.. Sills of Frankfol'd hits millions font hunched thousand small bottles again changed his Tlllttd, anal will con, of this Medicine distributed .1. tee of'eltatee the by druggists in this conntr,y to those nfileted test l o election for West Hastings in with Consumption, AStrinuil. Croup, severe interest against Ales. itobertson, who Coughs,' Pnenntnonia, and other 'diseases of 'lite throat and lungs, giving the Atnericati people undeniable proof tllat'>(xiiltm.ty SYmti' will caro them. The tcasltit. has brei that (lrllt,*nists in every town mid billn,;:c in the Ca - was lately unseated. Th )alas GOW(1V hag purchased 0 ni site's Agricultural \urke,Guelplh,wh101i went into insolve Icy n short time agrly nudes and united States are recommending it and will begin running• the eeatablish• to their enstyl nors, (+o to vont di'upgi61 and mut on li .iLatty to its fulle=st caplet- , ask what they kuow stent It. Sample bottles, ill genes, negnite size, 75 Dents, Titre) doses ty,'. will relieve any ceir;. van7.1VIttcS.�y tl " )rnvalaala t Liniane3ht.. For nil purpose), of a ftot aityliniment, Hagysird's Yd�low OH will be foand in. vl►lnablo. Immediate relief will 'follow its 11se ill all cases of })hili its the wool - 0011 bfOWoi4n, or side Rheumatism, Colic, Colds, Sprains, and ;Bruises. For internal 'azul external nse,it Etas no equal in the world' for what it le rec. ntllmended. For sale by ail dealers at 25 cents per bo,kt1e.' CONSUMPTION OUJRED .Au old physician. retired front ptaotieo,hay- ng had plaeed in his panels by an East In. dia missionary the formula of a sitrJplo :vege- table remedy for the speedy and "permanen- eure for Couse 01)tiun, Bronchitis,Cattarh; Ast theta, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive all. radical euro for Nervous De- bility and all Nervous Complaints, after hav- ing tested its wooden ful curative powers in thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his sniTering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human ,suf- fering, I will ',mid free of charge to all who de- sire it, this recipe, in German, wench, or Eng- lish, full directions for preparing and us- ing. Sent by trail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. SHEDU 1, 140 Powers Clock, Rochester, ,t\r, Y. ational Policy PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS Lconstantly on hand and made to ordar Mc1\TILLANT & 1!r! oBRIDE raving now g'eator facilities than ever, are pro pared to supply fanners with Iron Beam Plows Stool Itlould Board, wade by ourselves ; Chill Plows, I>,naoplier make; Scotch.Dittmo.td Harrows 0nitivators, Gang Plows, Carriages and buggies on hand,- and trade to or- der. .-1 orse shoern8 alt:*uded to ou the shortest notice. Horses shod to preVeut iuterferieg. htolttiLLAN C McBride, Ii;ing Sb.,Ronsa I THE EXETER Planing Mill, Sash, DOOR AN D BLIND Pilla1111 ALL BINDS OF T U R NING Done to order. Itemomberthe place lover ( Icy rs rel eros. NEW BU'T'CHER SHOP rlflbeundersigneid wonldinforne the inlrabi- 1 tants of Exeter and vieinitythat peltas OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP ono too? south of Ws eta0rtamithshnp ancihopee theaame liberal patronage that has bean me corded to hiuriuthe DB.10E9=7111 AND WAG011 12fA1fl1G linewillbeextendedtohim inlais now branch o oaxsi8ess, His lneatwagnn willean at the resi- dents of tit villagethreotimes eaol wookand FRESH MEAT all kinds kept constantly ru hand at hie butolierslrolr. 131aoksmithing and wagon makingcarriecl 011 as annul in all its brarttl.cr R. DAVIS. MILLINERY AT • MISS GARLI.CK'S A. full line .tow in, of FALL and WINTER flats, and J3onnels, all the latest styles. New Flower's Feathers,and Ornaments, Trimmings in great variety. GIRL'S HATS NICELY TRIi4.MED, A Leoture TO YO V J.�1 l� �V Bi14. We lui*o reoontly published a view edition et Alar. (ITJ ,Vl.I1WM.,L's UE/.1:IIRA'li•.1) ESSAY cm the rnalical and .perm orient pure (without ute- dtotno) of Nerc•ous l)eUillty, hIerttal and pliysic'til incupsetty- impediments to llxarrhtgo, eta., re- sulti.nofrotn axoess. 1=t. Price iu a sealed envelope, only 6 cents o: two postage stamps, '1104 celebrated sutlt*rof this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, front thirty years' suoc.c•.ts. ful practise, that atarw8sg consequences near be radically ourea without the dangerous use art towel medicines ur the use of the knife; Point• oat auto,e of cure at onto simple Certain anti ef- fectual, by means of which every sufferer, no treat - 1 ter what itis condition may bo, may cure himself optgqaltly, privately and radloally, Th s Lecture should be in the Bands _ of every youth and ovary mart In the land, Address, THE OULVJi SWELL MEDICAL (Jo„ 41 Ann Street,New Y rlc. Post Chien lion 4586 ,11E N S ALL. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES. Why go abroad for your Furniture when you eau get as Good 'value for your money iu Hensa31 (1.8 in any other Town iu Canada? a 7.41.11121341211,14" Has now on hand a splendid stook of TTRNITTTlt 01+ EVERY DESCRIPTION, Which He Will Sell at Prices to Skit the Tithes. UNDERTAKING In all Its branches promptly attended to. Also a FIRST CLASS I EARSE, Which he will fulnish for FUNERALS onreas- onable terms. Contracts for Building Of every iso@or ption taken on most 'reasonable terms. Material furnished if desired. Remember the Hensel' Furniture (Ind Uuder- taking Establishment. S FAIRBAIRN. UP WIT•Li THE TIDIES PARTIES INTENDING TO PURCHASE. () GANS SHOULD CALL AT s". FITTON'S and Examine his Stock. the Best that are Made DOMINION ORGAN CO.'S, R E M O -V- A L. CRt1U would remindhisnumerous oCCustomers that he has removed to the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Rea where be will be found ever ready to attend to all business in the 1100T and SHOE; Line. (3. RAU, (]retliton. from SRN/ up. EEverythingwillbesold ascheap f{ATAIlRf31 as possible. 4J The great Fancy GOtr1 13erllu ivoo1 tfnttoes, etc., tools always kept. • Jackets made or cut MISS GA.RLICK, Sop Main St.,]lLcoter. CATARRH 11 USE Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound. The only positive cnrefor Catarrh. yet discovered. BOB SAM BY C. LUTZ'S CENTRAL I)ittf STORE. W. LSSIITH, General Agent, Arkona, Ont. NEN GOODS,N W GOODS constantly arriving • at W. 1). M'eGloghlov's Mammoth Jewellery Store, 130, inudas street London, Get rio Whenever yen visit the J?nr- osa City don't fail to vi sit this fano establishment, the only first alit s store of the hint! in the (:icy, Mild best arranged Jewellery store in. the Douti n1021. 'Jlhe W, 1).1t.eGloghlou 1,Vn.teh stands jut- rivallod, Al' who ase them recommence 'thorn to their 6r.ends. A11 kinds of Watches in stock. Clocks of every deseroption, Eich Jewoliary of ev- ery stylo, Diamonds and P1 (talons Stones. Fancy Goods, Spoetaolos, and all '.S eliding Icings, Watches, Clocks, au0; Jewellery repaired and warranted W 0. ittevL0c4H1.CN.. ENGINES AND BOILERS. From r to 1.31torsc Power, for Farm-. crs, Dairymen, Batter and Cheese Factories, Printers anti all parties using hand or horse power. Hest and cheapest to the market. ' Send for circular and price list. te*Oill ot. Ftspinnade Street. J 7.'urtowan, .. !q ER I C, tv� I_ carp: 8 tt/STR!ITEDriV£ia dEsc IF>, PaickSo tm�til Central Drug 'Store. OPP'osM 'CENTRAL HOTEL, EXETER, Constantly on IUa:'it Pure Drags & Chemicals PERFUMERY, all •kinds) Haar Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Tooth Brushes. to COMBS ourstack is ea'Mplete. TOIL€ . SOAPS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. Just arrived the largest stock, per 'express, ddreet from mandfaeturers, of TRUSSES, ,ADIES' AND GENTS' SHO'UL- DEIt BRACES, CHEST EROTEC.'O.CtS. .dorso and Gattle Medicines a Speciality. Physicians' Preseripticus and familyEecipes carefully compounded at Central Drug Store acd. Fancy Goods 1Sutporitlm, apposite Central hotel, Blmter' �i:BNSA11l, PORK PA CKING HOUSE Having commenced bnsinessfor the Fail andWinterTrade We are prepared to pnrchase any quantity. of Pork, subject to the following regulations: We will take off two ponuals per Imitdredd if dry, and three pounce if soft. Shoulder stuck; twenty-five cents. If any of the bung gut is , left in, 25 cents extra Will be Initiated. No pork will be bought at an price Waren. S .E1 CrS r1D-- Pork Cuttings on hand, at reasonable rates. We want all Hogs Cutting sright through breast to head, and :Hams opened ontto tail. G cC J. PETTY. TR - G. A. Hyndman rOR Fresh Groceries, CYYSTER S, ORANGES AND LEMONS PANSON'S BLOCIK, EXETER. E. 50 0 rr ; a y co 8" Fey tee; 1 p c' 7; g`{ R r Sl=i" ^e cis 4,1 Ps sv .('t K' ea 0 z CJ' Micce 7073 1880 Wel bastioned -studs to all applicants, and So customers without ordering It. It contains rotor colored plates, Geo engravings, about .6t pages, and fall descriptions, prison and directions for planting I d varletles of Vegetal.le and Flower Seeds, Plants, oses,ote, Invaluable toal. seas for Mdress, D. M, FERRY & 00., Detroit, Mich. Tho 0)010 French Medicineeuree Spormatorrl:gea IMPOTENCE, and all nervous complaints re- sulting in Loss of Memory serious impediments t0 marriage great depression, etc. 753 per box: it for 82, Solei by druggists everywhere, Whole saale—LYMAN BMA. de CO., Toronto. Sent by mail. securely sealed, 0nreceipt ofprioo. Address Imperial M dicing Agenev.13021889 P,0.. Toronto ITA'1tcwrns, CI.ociisy Sewing Machines, e rrgans, A0eordenns, and Umbrellas ret•Oired, Agont for this Wainer series sew- ing Machines, Second - he ncl Snwi !ng alaclitnna for solo (Moat , :111 kinds of hoerlles and shuttles for Sowitiglillieli os k•mtrot Sand Shop-.ilfaio: Street, l)ushWoce1, 10IIN Cr. ut1LD0N,Proprietor, play 1G 1-y. ST. M3IIY'S LIM �'WOBKS, ourdralrnkiln e hoinguow i 11 full n•)aratinn',ane turul0 outdaili-e large r110011111t3 of LIME thatf0ra11 pT po1.e. cannot be surpassed in the Domili.. int). T'ai`tiestrotn s (pc 01.0) 1lwfl3'rbeo''p13r0 eithe-rntthe kilns or rittliverdt,vteaine titlew' tlgtrounnnnt at r t•ntaa Onle,rs2rnlr, n 4istauee prom pts y n tt(t i dt ct to !'W1.tITsoo; ; S4LATER.,'