The Exeter Times, 1880-1-22, Page 6A10.71/35: 22, 1I:8O A s.rogY 0E A T1UOUSAND LAB. t3lLL, '*natty years tll;.l, oue night while Cotia'Qotor McKinney of t•,e Southern Itairroad tvtrs, taking rill fares, it uia'n without a ticket hfkeie(l hie a Maple t1i,l, and he, as douduotore ate apt t(1 do, Wyk it salon;, saying he would cowl return with change.The pt:r, 0-0 of these delay is to tuttke a quiet stud•.. of. the bill `in`the baggage ear ail(i sue if it THE TTM fa0I,• AN AUSTRALIAN DON..m:4i London, Jan. 15. -The Mayor of Syd• ney,. N. S. W., telegrapbo 1 that 4r10,- 000 had been subscribed -inthat city, and Liverpool merchants engage in alio Alrtirfoatl provcaion trade subscribed $5,000 to,relieve the Irish distress. novanixamier An LI4;ENSE, Northcote, Chancellor of the E. chequer, fiat the Conserv:rtiva banquet, at Stroud, confirmed the anuo uneement is all right, When lie reached filo of Lid intention to issue loans in Zre• b:gone ear pith the bill, Mr. D eKenny laud, and said the Government has au, fouu(.i wlltrthe lied taken to be $100 thorizud the venous boards to overstep was a hill for $1,Ot)0. He returned to th• eir puiower if ueoess.r.Y. Oa the as the pa:;deul;ei and l'tinnd he+bad shlftesidleddeulbliug of` P:uliaeut the (�averll• Govern - hie seat, Telling hint that there wee a Ment would (resent a b: 11 of indeninit mistake, that the bill was for $1,0(x0, 1y lee wits auli,z d to find the fellow re -1 for -all expenditures thus incurred. 11n(liate the tvholo arrltnl;eliiel,t. Iso 1 Springfield, lfass., Jan.15. A. pub - !mew ntittiitte of it, and insisted that• he bad 31, ticket, acid that it bad been taken up. Fit ally Mr. MolKenuy went oft with the bilis which the next day he turned into the company„ with his ex- planatiou, It was dep, sited and drew interest for several ytars, was never claimed, and was finally given to the conductor by the coinpany. The ouly exjslau11tiou was that s3u e bankrobbers were on t e tt sin; that one of thein carelessly took out the wrong bill anus that they decided it safer to loose the $1,000 then to risk being arrested. Probably they thought he knew of the burgl uy. I-11:110tttOUS. • .Ir, O'Flalierty 'Be ms son], but that was Miss Vivaraus we've passed. Ye know her -that mite little actress?' Mrs. O'F. ‘Nonsense Patrick. She's dead and gone.' Mr. 0 F.: 'Thrue for ye, dar int, so he is, It couldn't be her; and now I look again, she isn't even in mournin.' Somebody says thn,t at some time 'Fortune taps at every man's door.' Oh, yes, that's all very nice, but when a meta opens the door in'respause, nine times out of ten he finds it's the old man's daughter Miss Fortune, who is waiting fur Lim. A gentleman in a draper's shopbad the misfortune to step on a lady's skit t S turned ar(,uud, ber face fiueheel wi auger, but seen r the gentleman was a saran ger she sullied uom pinoently, saying: 'I'beg pardon, sir ; I was going to be in a dreadful passion. I thought it w_1as my busbar d • 'Ddn't you 'aplain to me sat if 1 seftlad alt dat asoonnt you would give Ise �'low-ance?' said tire darkey to the merchant. 'Yes I did say so Situs,' said the merchant. 'If yon are ready to settle your bill now, I will make a good allowance,' and tiie mm rcltatu waited for the colored iedividital to pull out his 'Nell, sir, I hasn't got the woney jus.' not,; brat I thought 1 come in and get de 'lowanee, DIy wife wants a shawl.' 'Some cheese, please,' said a small boy of eight to his papa at dinner. 'Nc my child,' was the reply of the prudent parent. 'You have already had enough. When. I ‘vas a boy I hiul to eat my bread and smell my cheese.' 'Well,' said sonuy, &pleasa gi e me some f(: am(11.' Itis well to look at alt sides of a sub- jeet, before you indulge in an opinion. Curran once said to Father Leary: '] apish, reverend Si', that yon were St. 'Peter, and had the keys of Heaven, be- cause you would let ale in.'The shrewdt and witty priest saw the Erb'cairr, and turned its sharp edge on the skeptic. by saying, 'By my honor and couaci euce, sir, it would be better for you if 1 had the keys of the oiler 'lice, fop then I could let ,you out. IRELAND'S W0E8. --- GAUNT 'FAMINE STALKING THROUGH THE ®EmsERATD ISLE-SQU?.DS 0E' ,XEN ern), E. ING THE WORKHOUSE RATHER THAN DEATH. - RIE CAEIkET COUNCIL, C 1NSIDLRING THE DISTRESS. Lor don, Jan, 15. -At the Cabinet Council to -day, it is believed that Irish affairs will share attention. `. A DREADFUL STATE OF AFFAIRS. A11 accounts agree that the situation in the distressed districts is beeoming extremely cr;tical. A Cork correspond- ent states that sixty able-bodied; men, with families, were yesterday admitted to iltllaruey Workhouse., A wotn.anap- plied for admission on Tuesday with three children. Oona- watt dead' iu her arms from hunger and exposure,, the woman having walked forty miles.. ENGLISH CXfrLES OPENING SUBSOR3IP'rIONs. The Mayors of Sheffield,. Brighton stud other tiwns have openad:subeorip diene. The universal opinionis that private rehefoann'ot cope with the. dis- tress, The Government's plane for sleeting it will prabablg be deterzninad lic meeting was held to•nigllt to raise fuuct� brelieve the Trials fainiue.- It was presided over by the Mayor, and addressed by Bishop O'liieley and lead- ing Protestant clergyman. THE MOVEMENT Iv NEN YORK. New York, Jan. 15.--Dillou called on the Mayor to -day iu regard to open a subscription. for the Irish famine ;relief fraud. The Mayor, .noting in conjunct- ion with leading wealthy`residonte, de- oidect to open subecriptiuus et his office to -morrow. A FOOL'. REVENGE. tIE CUT; ITIS THROAT IN PRESENCE OE THE GIRL WHO REJECTED IUM. Henry Van Dessert, a yonng German, lged twenty-three years, has for some tithe been coachman for Mrs. William 13. Doan, at No 40 Nest Ninth Street, New York, and gave general satisfact- ion as far as his duties were ctwoerued until very lately, when he seemed ab- -.ent-minded. The cause of this tem• ttoral•y aberration was love of a fair real leu of the same nationality, named Lizzie C. Hudf, aged twenty years, who r.sides with her parents on the fourth boor of No. S51 Niuth avenue, The fine figure of the voting man and his pleasant ways at first attracted the girl though shat sufficiently to induce her to become his wife. In addition to this her parents objected and platted a ve o on his p •oject. Leet ever lug at abs ut five o'clock he called on her ag:'in and urged his plea with all the persuasive power in his pos essi ,n, but she finally rejected him. He then threatened tt take his life if she refused to marry him, and she emphatically said sh( could not or would not. He then tool. a horn handled razor from his pool et,, Ind opened the blade, drew it wi'h vigor across his throat, completely sev ering the wind pipe, but missing all tl e saperion arteries. The floor was deiug ed with blon(7. Miss Hupf's screams drew her parents into the parlor, and theltr united cries brought in the neigh- bors. The police (prickly followed, and hen the victim, of bis own folly wa, ,•enmoved to Roosevvelt. hospital, where he now lies in a prt oat iora condition. Dr. E. E. Hunt, the resident physical', says that the result depends entirely upon the enfterer's constitution and the condition of ins olood. Aged People.. To pass from poverty to wealth is only changing misery, but to pass from illness to health ie like flying fi'am this. world to paradise. Many aged people who are troubled with derangements the urinary organs would find relief of using VictorinB.ochu and Uva Ursi, which a8 prepared expressly to meet their eases and cure diaea• es of the secretory system. V. pet bottle. Certificate as to Purity and Efficacy. LABORATORY,UNIVERSXTY COLLEGE. Toronto, December 4th,1872 Tn the Victoria Chemical Ob. Gentlemen, -I have examined the articles employed in the.Victoria Chem - cal Works, in thepreparation of the Victoria Byrne cf IIr ypophosphites.. The several Hypophosphites used are chtenriicallp pare, and the. Syrup is also gide free ,front' (my impurity, Your Syrup of Hypoyiiosptutee will undoubt ly prove a very/ uatuable medicine. HENRY 11. CROFT, ]professor of Chemiatry, U. C. J3W.BLA0KSMIT 11 SHOP A'i* rti. CH13iLPEL. W.1 C.B' lxf-. HAM.lateof h' a Cornnieneed 't1'ustf rt�� 10 4,4 at'vebraneb ai at: 'G4`lnpri 1 , p au 9 pe- I e thio dO il `, ►._,,;. kiudofb'ack r 'Horse Mhoe- in;e, • a ndedto, Promptness, cheapness orkannri,otee4. Acallsolleited. . WW,,BddCEXNGHAM.. EXETER TIMES MEV JOH MIRT116 All kinds or printing done neatlyr cheaply and with dispatch. Order yon work where yon can get it done the cheapest. Colored Work a Specialty The TIMES OFFICE has exc:e'lle bt facilitiesfor turning out 1 CARDS, BILL HEADS, . 1-44 xterell ortlL `LOtC and GRIST MILL, Iteingin good wothing,orslorgi''O$ every mecum. , ishan possible is „ rtstidg and flouring. Flom; and mill food delivered to parties 1euvine their orders before one o'alook atJ.UU10LL"'S ifalcery,Alr Q'J3YEN l CO'S, or at 21.1111 same dwg TERMS CASIT. YV z Z Mir 14/ Ey, E'XGTER ,1»'- 07. $6^ wlleeltftt ono, your own town,. Terms att p$5i WV6 aata Address :L, HALLE7TsG0Or Portland, piafuo: DO NOT READ THIS., L.1 axing received a lot of new machinery, I Would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country that I am prepared to Manu facture all kinds of Horse Bakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, etc, and having secured the services of a first-class Turner, I am prepared to do ALL - KINDS OF •rTU1iNING on the shortest notice, and for style and price I defy obfnpotition. Always on hand a first- class stook of Fork aucl Slovolhanclles. ' Mils, half a mile south of Exeter., A. COTTELL. QTRAYED, from Lot 15, 8, B. Ste- ta_.; phou, ori or about the 5th August last, ono, white t.tetr with reel ring on the lose and rest ears, years old; Quo «royals steer 2 S ears. Old one greyish heifer 9 years old; one 3 oarl;ng steer,. red anti white • one inooloy heifer, light red, with white, Any information leadit,g to .their recov- ery will be handsomely rewarded. JOHN DOLL HAT ,Offa. LEGAL r. --.-'s. R H. CADDY,. BARRISTER & ATTORNEY At Lae, Solicitor, &o. Office, I! ansou's Block Exeter. 1 1 ARDING HARDING, R: WHITE,. 1st risters, Attorneys, Solicitors, 'Oom- sionere,ll. a., &e. obN tow-RuTToN's B•tocx, Water treot, St &Tory's. . Jour H .IIAItDING, H.A.L WHITS MuDIARMID, it t it1t1Tl 1t, NOTARY, CONVEYANCER. LUCAN ONT. MEDICAL. DR. HUTCHIINSON, Member of - the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, &c., &c., Omce next door to I. Carlings, Main Street Exeter DR H :Ni'D1isAN7;.-COPt:ONER FOR the County of Huron. Office,uoxtdocr to (1r.I. Carling'sstore,Exetera W. BROWNING M. D., 0. M. • 1?. :3,Grn.dnatevietoiin,Un=vcrsity Officeand residence, 1)nr� 05011 1.aberatorv. Exeter. 0. MOOIIE, lVt. D. 0. 14 T. .1 J. Graduate of &IcGSllUuiversity,Montreal Office and.resideuoe,Exeter,Onb. O:lice 1•ours- 8ta 10 a. m and 7to 10 D. m TAR. J. A. ROLLINS„ M. C. Y. S. 0., Vittoria Sb. Crerliton, Ont, Mice hours rem 0 to 10 a. rn.; 2to 50.111. GLU'1'Z, M. D.. . Office at his residence, Exeter. 1�R. IRVING, G•RADUATP) UNI - ea VORSITY 'r`rinityoollege M err'bercolleae Physicians and sur`eonr Oti:... Otiiceliirktou. HOTELS. d `fENTRAL HOTEL, OREDITON -Win. Baker proprietor. This Hotel has been newly turuished and fitted up in first-class style. Large and convenient Show Roams for Commercial Travellers; best of liquor'. and cigars attheBa.r. Abteutiveliostlers 0,11,70313 011 hand. M 21-3m. WILLIAM BANNEIL, PRINCE OF WALES HOTEL. - rr 0112i•t'CY. G. SWARTS having purchased the above hotel, and fitted it throughout, now of- fers first-class accommodation to travelers, Good liquor and cigars at the bar. Good stabling and. atteutive•hostler on hand. Every attention p aid to guests. POSTERS, OXROTTLABS. H. 0. ..-+r °a g m g : a j Its) , + aa a 4 .. . -a-, a s.3 N moi. -u a to• -•i • ' 4 c:a ci gym) Oil V cD 0.4 cd 0 am u c^o m V3 dad cd _ be m kd m 61 tn q, Fl CO CD :??x;;! t-.-1 .1 re's ttt�+ I tv d t --'t ea ,. U ,.� .a.mm G Cpl I y (e ° ' ,t1 1 Q i]► .e. a rti S al ii. Il 4f � 5041 ' �"' - m 0 PEA sr' c1.1em ".SAI 4 R, awl . A(;W 3 Or 0 CI vs 0. '00 A o. a.e m a It Z 04 1a.1111 "_ g �S1 !' `' E.