The Exeter Times, 1880-1-22, Page 44 A VIENNA 11O IANCE. The rotrranee: of a hair comes from Vienna. A poor girl with beautiful Bair went to a barber to eell it., Ile tried to matte a close bargain, salving flair was plentiful this : year, heti de - (blared he could Orly give her eight florins.. The little rai de s eyes filled with tel>,re, and she Ilssrttl,ted a moment while threadiag her fiugers through her ohesnut looks. Finally she thew herself into the chair and said 'Then take it fluidity.' The barber was about to cut oli the tresses when a geutleman sitting in one of the chairs interrupted, and spoke to the ghl, 'My child,' said he, 'why do you sell your beautiful hair 2' 'IsIy mother has been nearly five mouths ill. I oaunot woik enough to supportus. Everythiug has been sold or pawned, and there is not a penny in the house.' 'No, no, )sly child ; if that is the ease I with buy your hair, and give you, one hundred florins fur it.' He gave the poor girl the note, the sight of which, dried, her tears, and he took the• barber's shears. Taking the lock in, his hand,. he sel•cted the longest hair,cut it off., and put it carefully in his pocket -book, thus paying one hundred florins for a singly hair. He took the poor girl's address, in case he should want to buy another at. the same rale. This charitable gentleman is menti- oned as the head of a large industrial] establishmeut iu Vienna. ,-- THIS SIDE UP:. A novel illtastra;tton of the ingenuity of thieves has just been aflturded by an incident reported from. the contiueut. For 801110 URA past a'o icrcb-Ge1'nlan railway oumpauy had been suff.ttieg from the repeated toss of goods which were seut by luggage -train, and which notwithstanding ail researches and pre cautious, coutiu,ued to disappear in a .very 1nys.terious annuner-., The secret •whi0fi• the inquiries set 011 foot had failed to discover was atlength resealed by a_rather amusing accident. A long box, on one side of which 'were words equivalent to 'This side .up,' had, in disregard of this+ caution, beer setup on lend 1n. t11e goods shod. S(.,nie time afterwards thh' employees were iiot a little startled; to hear a voice ap p ret,tly pri,ceediug from the box in lineation, begging the hearers to let the speaker out. Ou opening the lid, the railway oflieers 'were. sarprised ate d amused to find a loan inside standing on; his held. Iu; the explanation which followed, the fellow wlott•ed to account for 111s'a,plaenrauce, ander such unusual circrunstatice:,, as due to the result of waxer ; but he was given into 'custody, and it.was soon found that.bat the thieve,, had adopted this method of conveeiug. thtniselves .on the railway premises, and that during the absence of the em ployees they had lot thenrselyes.out of the box, winch they a4 auce filled with any articles: they could lzly-' their .band. - on, refastening; the lid,: and then de camped, leaving the bax. to he seut for- ward to its destination in accordance with the address. upon it. But for tai unfortunate inability of poor h,u.ni.au nature to endure'au inverted;'poaitiotr fur an• irtdefieite l ee:od, the ingewiour au:bora of the scheme might• have. flourished a long ,time without detec tier. TETE BOY WITH THE BANDBOX. A day or two ago, as the country ,people who had brongitt in produce to bell in the market were about ready to start for home, n boy appeared, with to 'Woe banbui, under his arm. ' Among the vehicles was a one-horse ' wagon belonging to an old woman who had last sold four bag. of otlinns, and: was neatly to drive loupe The boy ap prlaached her in au hottest.,straightfor- w,at;rt.tnanuer, and row rked._ auntie,here its that bonnet fit to bonnet 7' SW inclllil 0.41. 'Why yes ; the one you entered at the store a. week ago. You'dlook so purty iu it that the old mau won't know you, Ilt'•s paid( for all right,, and now I'll set 4t right down here by your feet,' That old woman knew the boy was making a'.nistake in leaving the bon net with her, but after the first word of sr Irtri u so she made. no sign.. She reasoned that it wasn't her business to correct mistakes, and as soon as the boy had retired; she picked up tbelines and drove up the street, every ;moment expecting to hear the euistnheaboy cal- ling after her, and every nomeut aur- frying the old nag as test as she could go. After driving a short dis.tanoe, she felt that the boy could not over- take leer,, and it was ouly natural that slleehoulid have a lively curiosity to see what sort ofa bonnet it was. If plain ,blast[ it would suit her ton dot; if gory • geuus, it would suit her daughter. The 'horse was reined up to the curb, and the driver carefully untied the string fastening the box, and lifted • the cover. A 'yeller' eat of monstrous size, feeling that he had been abused and insulted, and her eyes glaring with hate and oontewpt, oiune out .of the box ]ilk a bullet. People who happened to be in the neighborhood were !treated to a curious spectacle. With one wild un- earthly yell, as old woman was sent to pitch backward by the shortest route. The oltt, seeing her out of the wey, mild..: a spring from the seat to the horse's back, and began a dories of per- formances never known or dreamed of by that old equine, and the way that horse gathered his legs ander him and scattered the old wagonfor half a;blook was wicked to bee. Tlie old lady hav- ing been raised to her feet by a con- siderate bystander stood on the walk and endeavored to explain. A mau iu the crowd. piclved'up the wagon wheels and remarked hat the whole outfit wasn't worth scraping together, and some one in the crowd solemnly ob- served : _••,-'. If ]loneety ain't the best policy, then I don't tvan,t a cent.' THE QUEEN AND THE,. PARROT. L. noted %bird -fancier, living iu th. neighbarhood of the Groat Wester!, terminus at Bristol, England, reared ► parrot of uncommon beauty, and more over of a dipositioll to talk. Her teacher wee so much pleased with Poll's progress that he determined to present her at Court, and she was ac cor,iitlgly started on her josrney. Poll upon her arrival, was somewhat abash- ed at the new scene of eptender ii which she foulid herself, and exhibited an uuwonted urioountuess. and would not speak to auyono. At length how- ever, she was introduced to the Queen. %v110 &t;ruck with the sbeautiful plumage and fine eymm. ethy of Vie newly arriC-- act finest, eutered with greatc•lndeseen• -ion into 000VCIsation with her. Polly'[ 'shyness wore off, and before the Queen left®rer,,ehs sai:t, 'If you don't seri, twenty pounds, 111 go bolt,' The Queen inquired to whom. she. was in- debted for this new acgtlisition to her aviary, escertaaitied the circumstances connected pith the affair;, and; gave the orders for the tiit.ustnissiuia of twent) wounds to the nearer of Putl, who ac em'dingl•y was pail that ratrtrnt at the '`V ist of g ligh►nid Batik in Bristol—au 'iudueement to all teachers: to, impart profitable ina ructions to their. pupils. DOMINION. Jot Eby, a former resident of. Port ,Elgin, but lately of I1ausaa, was re. 'cantly killed) in a quarrel. His pa!'ents :still live at Port Elgin,• and the. follow - ting iuform:ltiun was forwarded to.them ;by telegraph.:--'Ybnr son was killed in a quarrel anent a knife given hen by I1is-mother,-which had been. stolon, and. which he hied to recover, resulting in a gnarrel, in the midst of which the mur derer structs hiri;w,rth tlae•,ltllife, severe ing et muscle of his arm, from which kli:pped up, Ottting the jugular vein, try malting a terrible gash in his neck. ]Ie *abed two hundred earde, to kr drug store for me icine, not knowing( then how badly h was hurt. Ha bled to death in five mill Mee., The murderer it 3n ouitodv,,i n4 Z gleans, ata, a',tll get THE TIMES jnet deserts, uo sympathy shown with Niall.' AFGHANISTAN. 7tIeT ceell Y 22, Sd being GENERAL BRIGII't OBTAINS A VICTORY diONEY REFUSED. London, Jan. 14.—A dispatch from Cabal says Label merchants have re- fused Gen.: Roberts' pressing demand for six Lacs of rupees. raECARlons. The positions of the tuudinatal and Dakka garrisons are very perilous. 1111LIT4Rr irov1:lext,TS. London, Jan. 14.—A Bombay oor- respondent states that an expedition is being prepared at Oandahar for move meat against Ghazni and Herat, as a counter stroke to the apprehen1ed juno• tion of the hostile Afghans ofEterat and' Ghuznifor another attack nu Cebu% STATIONS of REINFORCED. Calcutta, Jan. 14.—In consequence of fresh gatherings of Kohistanis, near Lundi, Kotal, and Dukka,t•Lose stations have been reinforced with a view to im- mediate offensive operations. Calcutta, Jan. 15.--3eneral Bright reports that he was attacked twice by IViollmunds on Sunday, in the neigh- borbbod of Aliboghan, and repulsed them. Their loss is heavy. AN ATTACK ON LUND. Lahore, Jim. 15.—The Mohmunds attacked Lundi Ktiotal on Weclussday, but with what result is as yet un- known. A MULE TRAM WASH"1' FOB SALE.: He was showing the man the new bay mule that he was working in a team with the old gray. 'Yon warrant hint perfectly kind and nettle?' the man said, 'teerfeotiv.' said Farmer John. '11y wife and children drive hint, and be isa perfect pet. Comes int the house lite a dog.' 'E5;.y to shoe? 'Well, I gues so; fact is, I never lead him shod. 1 (100 't believe in it; 11(` works better without it,' replied Farmer John. 'Ilow does he not when yon put the creeper mit asked the ni tr.. Farmer John hesitate d, ''W- It, pretty good, I guess,' foot 14, I never pet it an.' How does it get on?' asked the man; 'who does put it on?' 'Well, I kind of don't know,' said Farmer John; 'fact is, he had the haruese 09 when 1 rent him, an' it fi,t hint so well, and he -seemed to be so kind o' eoute''led in it, that I sort of never took it af'ri 'And how long have you had hila? asked the nian. Farm• r John ( hewed a wheat straw very meditatively. 'Well,' he said, 'not to exceed more'1r two years, mebbe,' Atrial the m.ui back- etl a little further away, and said he would 'sort of look aronnd a little fur- ther before he bought, like.' And Farmer John never saw him again, not even unto this dny. R. FOWLER'S EXT. W!LD Strawberry .0 Specific Remedy for all Sumner Complaints such as Diarrhoea, Dy - sentry, Canada Oholoia, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Iufaltluu, Sour Stomach, Griping Plains, and all derangements of the bawels, caus- ed by using improper food, such as raw vegotebles, unripe or sour fruit, bad niiik, impure water' or change of water, changes of the seasons, exposure. No matter from what cause or in what form you are subject to any of the above e,,om- plaiirts, La, Eaw1,51t'S fixTittor or WILD Srn,A;,W31,1t11'c will relieve yon, and a speedy cure kill be effected without injury to the system. It is manufactt recd from tho Wild Strawberry Plant, and free from opium and other injurious drugs. For sale by all dealers, at is. 10jd., .to or . eLoo •• MILI3iFJRN, PREPARED BY PEA.RSON TOI W.iy7O. iL.iPIP/.OPoi Car,' PO It elLG. . Saud for circulars explaining our New System, of canvassinz Agents have wonderful success,. 100 strDarvs- ,EDs'roa000rYaADITAN 3, Our publications are .standard, Address, The Henry Bill Pith. Co., 41' 40 alld145•Sheti. ket et, Norwich, Conn. FOR SALE. orr..ier, ho, A5 UFlopIY a,e Wnatthighinititeofficlre. haul press, In iioo4l, —,1111 .Unc1el'ti�li(1T WOULD. SAY I'(.) V [dose who intend P=414414; to do: so front the manufacturer. Tile dealer who buys 10 sett again must nece•tutrtly have a profit. We ,t1 tint to give the purchasers the bonotit, which cannot tail toile le the e vi ••0 1 h views the 1 E ti Grangers. Our expenses are lessthan those. of city 11(4(3110:aeturerseouseq"ent- ly we can setloheaper, C, S. GfI) I1 til 1', flail I-,itt'ill�l7] I Alaril:1111:(. .11 'e2.8 r WOULSI ' coil spt'ciiilattepti, al to ung undertaking 'l,i,rt lilL1 31(111`1, is more 031n•., 11( lc thal,u of ns 'We have .idCod ao1 Ol•u1 lloy titmij;lat Alp 0l Iniu Tho AIN tante,., ^''• l:. raskc` c sl voutlr•,an(1 el el Gm " {r • ▪ t ln1, est priculFlnite Our t uc i IIcart.y is 1rr(1n0unceii krg 0enll'etell3 ju0r;eo' to Igo second to none in tbo • province Emblems of all the f e e .t Sccreties. THE EXETER 'MN A sEr ER0'36 a THE Sabsoribor begs_ to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and. the color» try, that he has ()polled a TIN and S !'011, DEPOT in the store newly opposite Mr. G. A. Maces Grocery:[ cl .uitlnor store, itiain street. Exutot , whore tic is p. spat elite till allerste, s for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Mauufao urers' Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and matte up by imp -tient workmen ou the promises. 0 intending puroliasers will always find use at my pas,, ready to attend to my own btISnws0 and prepared at all tau'cs to treat customers courteously ;Incl supply thea[ with a good and cheap article. Depend upon it that nowhere can you get better value for your money. The v, ry highest price iu Cash pia. for Hides thud Sheep sliir,s, E H. SPACEMAN. Exeter I' 0, October 15 Piano 1 for file OF THE and Sewing achine rrHE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF Silverware, China and Dell ever seen in the West, at Ditt.EW'S S TO,. :qr. Drew has just received an excellcntstoe n Silver Tea Sotts,lit er('ooiers,Dolll,lerutdShlgiu Pickle ()roots, Caked ti kets,l.ar,lneceilers,00nl- luul,ion Sol ts, oto.,e1 the Bast Qluadtul:le and't'iil'] e Plate, and isoffering the samcatpricesthat ehln ASTON1t;11 YOU FOR CHEAPNESS l He has just opened ont a 1101c auci complete as. sort,neut of China, Glass mail Stonewares. A' largo stock of Lain psjust arrived. Call 3r,d;iati cry , yourself as to quality 1011,1 0.lieapat l:ss. 001310 and jtry our instruments. Music Teacher still on rieland. services at lowest figures. Special attention callvdto the liaymonrl•Sowing •)fachine. Organs and Pianos unsurpassed. 1.•1. beant: of design, and duality of tone. • E. DR EW. 1879) THE OLD � IO•TJSE At alltia>os,• u apart/calmly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money. Acaroe, it is in the ira•torest of every buyer to purchase whore he can get the article 11e wants. ; at the lowest rate. In.calling your attention to my present stock, I do so with eve'•v conlid 1 ence; it being morecarefully assorted and selected than than of any previoussoason. 0 In the Dry Goods EJserydepartmentisreplete wi'bthe most soasonahleand fashionable fabrics, marked 1t, 'prices.whieh should command the attention of the very closest buyers. THE ORI)L1i.&D C1LOTEIN0still has MIs. •tv;INES at it. head In Millinery Undortheme..agefnontof Miss McGloghlon,wecan suit the•mostfastidious.. Our steak oft !Grece,.ies, Boots and Shoes•, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware ;one oftlie Iargestand. best assorted intbeCounty. Intending purchasers will 'cunsul'ftheir,• best interests by examining mystock before,goiiig elsewhere. ,',"'Masi (1879 It Will pay you .to) call at i2'€ LETT JAN D BROS' =J+ E: M'S $LOCI ',, For your Dry-G'oods,,, Croce ries,, Etc E:vierything re iced[ to suit-, the' h aid times,. 1)IG ]frl'IRAY-Came ou Lot 17; one 8, Usborne, November,;C.xe 427, it large soY 1owner to r have her by provingproperty. co Tyro/O n Fand laying mpe,csex. CLARK. ) tSS()LUT1O T Oi? PARTNER.. SHIP—'iinqt,:.paitnership hereto/ore existr.. etwor n the alrnderis1' wed as marble workers gy.l�p. no 'Village of 1'i a�1a, has bean this day (Ifs-. IFo1Vod by mutual ri#bbt; The business 1, 311 ia, future bn oonctuetfaad by , G, 11 ;1 AM 30 oculus duo the to /Irn1, greet be settled before the nth 7uuifdry, x JAiUEH ill±]W, ., GEORG I BAWDEN, Idgeomber , 8 9. 4f, i►7 C'dlIEEl<' l'I YTBAY. rr rr Oarne on tot 18>, son 4, Osborne, alsnit the mid- dle of November, It ewe. The ewuortr requested to, prove prop.e.y,,pso• chile , nd take Iter: I., at;:tlK,rr.vs�v�z,l�,, ALL CLASSES' AT PRESENT WF-10I.JESAIL,+ '.,' '7ct" Be s re and ea1ll , before buying sults to. order at startling, figures* ILCI,ELL,A T,D• T . Q.S.,