The Exeter Times, 1880-1-22, Page 1ct^ xa.naas esesascnu ewso, raffia yprccr Vol. VII, Pee it e.Tr,LIST, • i"!Olt 4 1:,r-- —AN EXCELLENT P 11i4f of one hutelr,d mirex on. the Loudon roti.'., first cone lei ett. 'f 4t :1 1tr.. n, atnar lite v;tin ge ai Exeter Apply tn. ilii. J3 V,'Ill ,LEOT.Koh cI- tur. August 11. Ic70. f 1U NT PO It r1 I'EIi1I OF 1L. 'L'Fitill II i1: Ii5.–Ten imtlrovodfarms of U •u hundred acres moil, a lore,. banld barn ami rat!ier bail iiU h un each pi tee, Tit- r: uY.ntni3tpc yi lid in advent 0 oidd,tt ctot y seettrity given. x or further as tt,s :tart; alM,l)• fl I the prom sea to \i'•, or 1t. QUI & i'LN, lot t, con, 5, !:xeter P. .i Afi l F O R S&1.11., —Lot 8, Saublo Shopl.-n, 5') alters, 3o acres eleariut,i chopped, : good brick house, .good stable, w el £ owed. Lauri excellent, ill'also shore. ; tit a mile Rom. Port Mike, whore boats ran three tittles a week, and ` eta mile front (;mind mutt' Coo vouL ntr)so,in•,laudeintroties on good ro;.tl Prim, SA,:s)0, tsrnrs easy; Sl.h)1t.•LC IN S,Drown( crtl A. —k 'G 14, CON• oe §icn.h(i,. ,o t1.on, eoutaluina 100 70 acres cleared..Cu'•,d 1 g house and fra no hato.i, .Lorn0, cloud. young oruba d, gre.fLocifruit, T:i& farm inw,°hlirutted caul in a.good state of coili- v,,tiuu. L'lters is large quantity of black ash, also a 1'tOvar failing well. Fur terms apply to 1�x 12tY i Hli.l.It'.1't: t)roditon, JIUIO.1 A Fight in the Central Prison. Toronto, Jan. 1'cJ,--Two convicts in the Central .Prison quarrelled to -day, when 01,e stabbed the other fatally. The wounded man was taken to the hospital, tsllerekisinjtlry was fouttu to. be of a most dan1;ereus ellttracter. narlw at the 'tittle, id1vhtto some dis- tance l-tuice off, and, had it not been for the tt verviutiuu, of a third person, the woentiett timo alight have been hill- ed- • The assailant wale platted in the darn Cell, Rua will be. examined to= morrow. At prcae'tt par'tioulitrs of the affair are Bard to obtain, as •ihe ctfi- entls of the prison will tell ii .hiug. \fill T'or SALE. —li:llal sUl3-� LL' scriber offers fer sale his farm, 1Mt 10, eon. )J,, Township of tisii'nruo County of Huron 80 aetus oica• ort, the rete in.. is plod. 1nFh, well fouoed, and in n food tate /t oultn•�dliou ; ttndlor. drone') good orchard, s,leu:lit dn•11 ofvoter. France hnrtt 36x00, log nt,tl,1,�,:Js ,) log house.aud cony:41 o -,t to sauna and three churches. For urtherpartiotilart apply to 1r\I• IIRYAhti; fittlr'on, .P,r)..ar. IILi.I3. V.1 LLIOT.Attorney. ,,xeter P.O- �All1I EOR SA.LF,—The enbeerib- er errors for vie Is the north' half of lot 17, c ,u. 10. Usbnrno, containing r,0 acres, 44 acres olsarud, well nutsr'traiapd, and in a gond state of cultivation.. Thero are o, ilijo pr ini.'s r ,tures of good uw,h,100 rods board Wimp, a gond catn•1 fort=Lbl:+d.5oinng 21x80, frame horn '14x04, good lug stable and shod 07x47,gond oroilsrdl, gnarl well 01' water with pump. The property is sittiatol six and a half .wiles from i .sots,• tuarltx't and about S' of a utile trona r aruuhar, and cot1tenicnb to. elturehosau 1. schools. E'or fnrtivr particulars. apply. ou the premises et to F,irouhar po.,t office JOHN FtLI'ON. IMPORRT/.NT' NUTIOES. 1�ff ONEY LOA.Nl D IN LARGE OR 1Y. small Rums nu fir,t-rn.te security at ai ine- rieratorate of interest. Ar1plvto lett-effacer, Solicitor, ltlxotor. 20th :VON -ember, 1879. tf ' TAMES UKE, COUNTY AUC:I ION:- Rneer Blies promptly vttbendod to. Days of 18..15*, amused at this ofllce J•: CLL\.Ttli, Agellt for the Us- i e borne and if ibbort Mittnn,1 Fire Insurance Company,' Residence — [s..ronI1ar, Ordors by promptly attended to. t 1 M. 0AJILIN(3 dC J. W. A.RM- • STRr NG, Licensed Auctioneers for the Oountyies of Huron, and dfioallosex Snlds con !ducted' w•ith'satestactiun, and on. liberal terms. M1 orders deft at Christia's Slansiou IlOnno will rocefvetrom0t attention. 3op4 T\ S.. CAMPBELL, , PROVINCIAL rand Surveyer, &e,, will lei at blso lb• yn1 [iotol,llxeter,ou bhe first Tuesday [Wench mouth.' 0o•sl.ers for work left with Mr. John Std acltma'n wiJ lrocoivepromprt Ltto ntion OTIN IL IiYND.1AN, e. ACCOUNTANT, CONVEYANCER, Ii'EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. money to loan on mortgages, notes and.other tseoarities. bents and accounts oelleoted on rea- sonable terms. Insurance effected in flrst,ciaa, Crimpps,. Les at reasonable rates. .puice—ab Or. Ilvuulman's.Main S reset Emmet LAKE, AUOTIONI:EI't FOR • Tlx$I COUNTY OF HURON, ALA.13GE AMOUNT OF MONEY jest receive dfor investmnentonmortgages .at 8 per cent. 1 . f;EDS,WILLS, ETC., .DRAWN Ion reasonable terms. II R. ABBOTT L, ttraduate of ltoyal ooiloge of DENTAL SURGEONS. Office °vox O'Neil bank, and opposite Samwell T'ickards. S'ra PROOF SAIETNMS, (t FES IN PERFECT �PDEB. GOOD AS NEW, Half Price, Bak' Iron, Carriage and D. rule ors' Hardware, c t.r N !O N, • IRELAND. STARVED TO ORATE. I)ublii), Jail. 17.—A woman has (310d of stareetitnh itiKilkenny. IsCR.1r18Ut OP CRIME. Thele is a largo influx to Kilkenny of tramps front the distressed districts, and in coneequeuee of in.taffioieucy of police numerous bttrglitriee are Com - witted. ME11TIN . London, Jan. 18.—At .a iatud meet- ing .t.t \triliiam:mien, County (3tlw,ty, to Clay, Devitt was.pi'oeeut, ale° -a tiovernmolet reporter and a uut)ILer of police. ii11A'rITufeg TO Aarl RIdi1. The Council elf the. Moine Tai's League passed a resolution' thanking the people of Ateeh'ica for their prompt. nidi to the distressed in lrelalld. Tal 1IARLI.10RO1 Gra FUND. The Dnchess of 'efariborottg'lh fund now •amozluhate $100,000. A 1arful Fate. Little Traverse, January 17.—On the 13th instreni F. M. house, Charles Odell, wifeeWnd atio children, started from. .Beaver'Ly enol in a sail beat to go to their hntne, in. "`1.,ititIe i'rttvorse. rrnecanv night they tried to held at' Middle Village, but were prevented by. the ice. Daring the night they were caught between two botlies of ice sev- eral rniles•in extent, and drifted with it into the lake. The boat serene a leak, and the men were kept busy the next day aria night belling. Thursday morning they .were in the vtclnity of 1Vaugoslhanoe Light and. Grape Island. when they abandoned the boat and started on foot over the ice field for Grape Isinntl. After travelling for miles they were stopped by a wide crack in the ice, .and Rouse went hack to the boat for au axe with which ,to cut a cake of ioe to float them across the fissure, but when he returned found that it could not be done, owing 10 the amount of slush leo intervening. They then turned about and started for Wau- Rosllance., Renee leading and Odell arid. family following. After going about n anile Itoese came to a fissure about six feet wide, which he leaped over; but by the time 111e rest of the party came up it had ertlared'so much that they could not get across. Rouse whl,dpow. erless to render them any assistance. and after exchanging farewells, Odell and family turned back toward the 'boat, and Eons() went on toward Wen goshance Light, 'which he reached after many hair -breadth er'capes in and ont of the water, and with one foot • badly frozen. Here be found fuel and Matches, but no fond. Friday morn- ing he took a elfiff belonging to the tight house and started for tine • mail" land, arriving at Cross Village in the evening, when he obtained the first food he lied tasted singe Wednesday morning. Baturday morning he +'each- c'd home. The last he saw of ()dells they were at the break with several miles of ice on each aid of thein. They undoubtedly perished d/ring'I'ltureday as they were without fel, fond or dry clothing, and the boat teas full of water when first abandoned.' ` themselves to be the Legislature, and demmned au entrance. Smith was in- formed that if Ile would put his.request in writing it would bepresented on the Commander. Admission was dauied and the Fusionist tienate and blouse proceeded to transact business on the. sidewalk, there being eight in the Sea• ate and 85 in the Iiouse. Tlie reftdiug ne d of the mortiswere dupe od with, nu 1 without transacting ' business of any ttocmnt, adjourned to the Union Hall. `!.'lie members of the Fusiotlist Legisla- ture then started down street, followed by a crowd. Aa indlignntioth mooting was organized w front of the 'Augusta lionise, and speeches made by leading Fusionists. (creat excitement preven- ted. i+.ugnsta, 11Ie., Jau. 19.—At the Fits - ion meeting in front of the Augusta Hones, held after the adjouiued session ou the'patvemeut, Mr. Lamson made a beief:addresa relating his grievances, aud ' held he was unable to ganea(lhnls8- ieu to tlhe-State House, though the had as much agilethere as any o�tlher_oitiz-: en. Ile was glad to e00 the. -Crowd s0 civil and circumspect. Talbot guide a ba ief speech in the salve vein. Defies i also mode n 'fa+ retnaf r. • Alden v s. \Vliile there were quite dentin -Wee of tatty looklntr ifnsioulets ill •the- crowd, aud joked aboutthe position of affairs, uo threats wore made, ,,but Republicans were given to understands, iu many ways that this would be used against ahem in. the arse campaign. The In Ottawa streets a leo of wire vet crowd then quietly dispersed. detaoho.1 from the pole; and. hanging Cray. D.mvis, by whose orders elle across the street, caught n geutlehuan State House was closed against the enol hung lam up- • He was nuoansa- tt'Iisloti' Legislature, says 110 was all- lone. when fescue,., by' a polieemau Mr. Bruce, oue of the Iuveruess de - legatee. who has been'vieiting parts of the Domiuion.that escaped the atten- tion ofthe other delegates, expresses himself as satisfied wit`li the country. H. R. Ives, S. T.1btolson and others are organizing a wire company In Montreal, with li capital aud•etock of $50,000. Edward Hanlan will likely be grant- ed a lease by the (rovernlrfaut of a por- tion of tire Island in Reroute Bay far hotel purposes. The efforts to establish a soup kitult- en in Brantford ar.elikely to be euoeess- ful. The donations received are liber- al. Dundas and Belleville will petition the ,Domiuibn Governmout to subsi- dize .the Ontario and "eitaific Juuotion Railway. On board the barque Sarah, lying-in St. John Harbor, N. B., a sailor fell from the maintopnlast to the doelr, 60 feet, aud cannot recover. In Minden the by -taw granting -a bonus of $20,000 to the, Victoria, Northern Extension Railway watt vot- ed on aud carried }1y a majority .of 175. Thompson Murray, of Seafortb, had $108 taken from bila. by John Craig, a Couper, in company with \Vhu. Tay- lor. Both are in jail. Taylor coo- feeses to Craig's bavata,g the money. In 111ontreal Rev. Wm. Hall, of the Do Lights St(dee-Church , preached San day on. 'Potipliar's Wife' to a crowded hone of inen, showing up t110 arida' evil in all its hideousness., wiling the fiarae : hottld go on any long- er. Heal they applied as oitizena, and tett as a .legislat'ive b.idy, adulieoion would have -been granted. Augusta, llo., Jan. 10.—Fttiliug to gaivadmissiuu to the Bette house to- day has seemed :o' cement the Fuei:.n- iats together,' tetra they atan i quite o•nupaotly at the present time., .Tiley say Gov. Smith had 10,000 teeth i0 retttlinesa at a moment's antics, but This „else b'ulllon. �.� xintisly awaiting. Council had been for peace, and it has The t iembetit of t eGivil Service ace )1t1,11 ,� emutll' fratllte stable on St. Ulalir prevailed: The meeting to-ni:;lit of elle F+ usion ists seemed h,mr,noniuun. They have secured Uuiou Hell. where they will hold their legislative assemblie., be- ginning to -morrow. The Secretary of State and the Governor have secured rooms in. the same bidding. Money enough has been guaranteed to. run their. Legislature all winter and pay every msu 'WS Salary. They Bay they inteud to appeal to Oongrese, aud will soon have a Commission here to in- vestigate matters. Their Cowmissiou will report to•uhurrow, uuauiuloualy de- cleriut; their body to be legal, but have not yet determined on any definite plan or action. The Republicans say. tech a Legislature ecluuut hold togeth- er n week, bet in the present frame of mind of the Fusionists it is imp.issible to predict how long they will hong to- gether. Itis thought, haul they taken poseessiou of the State House today, they would haw held it until expelled.. Tee imports of the Dominion, exclu- sive ss and Selkirk. Their the oleo of the of B1'itteh tJ luinbiit, for the pay of F(redorictou vs. the Queen bli11ge month of November, were valued at 'tip the question of the validity of the i4,8y0,12S, and the exports at X10,- Cauada Temperance Act, a dt.o1 inn fon' or destitute emigrants iXt •iithe poi Halifax until bitch stems off. tno.ne'y may bA found ueeeasary ark,peevid and paid into the hands of te5e Ge4, diaElnigrutioln nt s po> ,�by'' theu mucus' of theAgevusse1taoarryhutitg st'tt'' emigrants, for t11,e1t f'emporery su"p'iport it and transport to their place ofdlettl-` }' nn, 7.sulxl �,.h 0 s clared to betioueeesoheiuy fvr soft1oh purposeides, A writ has been issued ageiust the (xeorgiau BayTi•aurportation Co npany, claiming damage's for $20,000, by J.' C. Judd, of Toronto, on behalf of Mrs. Fisher whose husband was loot on the \Vatibuuo. "Several other' suits" have been also placed: in his hands .laiiiling heavy damages agauet the same oom pally Top ey; of Ottawa„ has experi- !neated o1 the photograpihe taken of the eves of Ada Brown,the victim of Clark Browu, and holds that there is uo image to be seen. in thous, as stated, but; eays that there may have beeu a lack of skilful supervision in taking the same. A transparency was n1ado from the negative, stud thisexperiment- ed upou with the result otated. The annual meeting of the Mann. fruiterers' Association of the Province of Quebec, was held in Montreal on Fri- day, 111r. E. G. Greene, President, the chair. The Presideu t lauded the Nutiofhal Policy, and r•ehnaekeci that Canada was about to enter ou a period of prosperify which the eauutt'y had not enjoyed for years. A diecuseiou on the banitrui)toy law., which' wee eou- dernued, wound up the prooeediugs.a The time for the inseription of oases for the B'ebettary session of the Sup. rem° Court expired on. S.tturday last. Seveu'teeu cases in. all,have beau eutel-. ed. Among the .cases ineoriued, for heariug are no less than three electiuit appeals, viz., North Ontario, .Bellecha e 480,410; exclusive of $11.603 in cuin weiah;•tee temperance people 810 Dominion Smugglers in Niagara district are said to Iso doing a lively business, '.L'he Hallie of the lady berried eo death in Napunee ie Dtrs. Samuel Hayes. The Baldwin lumber mills have been. purchased by Perley & Potter, for $45,- 000. t eterboro' will petition the Govern - meet to Subsidize the 0. & P. Junction Railway. • Tou'.et, the -recently appointed Minis- ter of Agriculture for Manitoba, was re-elected by acclamation. . Three wildcats were caught in. traps near the village of Banton. The lar- gest weighed twenty-five pounds. The Arnprior Ceiling Team defeat- ed' the Viceregal Team. on Saturday afternoon, by a score of 18 to 45. The township of Brantford offers $200 as a reward for the arrest and conviction of Boer Park iucendtaries. A Senate On The S wall. In Kingston, Mr. Toesell, .a very old and respected residon t, and prominent ooutrActor, died on Saturday. Some 25 fanners drove into Ottawa t 'rIIR FUSIONISTS ItA1)BRD OTjT OF TIM 11fAI:1d STARE ROUSE. Ailgnsta, M-0-, January 10.—The State House was strongly fortified to. duty, and no one was allotted to enter except Ulnae having n pass front the Ra' pnblacan authorities. Governor Smith, this Ltfternoon, ad- vanced to the &gateway of the capitol at the head of 50 persons, representing Monday with loads of wood for the Protestant Hospital. ` Seven men have been fined by the Don Vaunt Juetiee of the Peace 1h10 stud costs eaclh forceck-fglltiug. Mr. A. J. Graben'', acoountttnt the llerobetirta' Bank, Belleville, has been prate -tea to a position in Chat- ham. considering the propriety of making ap- pliea iuu to the Corporation of Ottawa for taxes illegally collected from them 011 tuaome. Nominations for the representation of the couuty of Stormont in'the House of °ominous took place at Newington, Saturday. Jos. Kerr, Conservative, aud Finlay>MoNaughton, Reform, were nominated. street, 'Chatham' uorth, buluu ieg to i\Ir. A.. J. Witson, dry goods merchant, was totally (iestroyed by file ou Sou- day afternoon. Tne cause of the fire is supposed to be from childieu play- ing with matches. Two of eair, Wil- sun's ehildreu, a son about Jour years • old, and a dau=guter nearly six, uerdi hniseiuf7. A search was made, aud the charred remains were foiled. The Mr. John. J. McGee, of the Survey parents are almoot frauslc with. ghief, Breneh, Departlueitt of the Interior, having seen them playiug in. the house Weout five minutes before the fie trope Out. On Saturday horning, between three and four o'clock, a mite named Jellies 1.1. Lewreusuny was arrested while try lug to force au eutrauce into the gro- cery etore of W. & E. Dickie, DuPdas. tie first tried tv force the hetet, door with a jimmy, but being unable to rill so he went Llroued to the rear of the building and had bared several holes with an auger, aud was iu the act of pulling the boards off a shed which proveuted him from getting to the rear and brother of the late T. D. Arcy i110- Gee,has been appointed' Assistant Clerk of the Privy Council, in place of Mr. Cote, the receutly appointed Clerk. The new Toronto Council comprises. seven lawyers, four merchant?, two ex contractors, one hide dealer, oue soap manufacturer, one tmarble-cutter, one druggist, one .ped lar, one broker, oue vessel owner, one saddler, one Goveru- meui official., ono florist, one wharlili• ger, one ex -hotel keeper nerd one patio - 'The Dominion Government are eon- eloor of the store, when Chiet Begley • arrived on the sceue and protuutly ar- rested the would-be burglar. He fought herd to escape, but was not successful. A select set of • btu ;let's tools were found in. hie posseeeioa. He is supposed to be au old hand at the business. lie hue beeu )iviug' in letwilas about two mouths teed a half, and professes to'be a tailor by trade. A meeting of the mereh tilts and The Rev. Wm. Hall, M. A., of Detest - lawyers was held to discuss needed lits 1'Ietlhodiet Church, delivered a ser- neneudhuents to the iusalvency law. mon to men only Iut evoaiug. The After a discussion it wits deeidedi to 1'e- suhjeet was "Uuchtistity: its Extent, commend the Board of Trade to seed a deputation to Ottawa at the ensuing Parliahnentary sessiou to urge •oextain ameudlneuts. sidering the advisability of subsidizing a nue of steamers to run from !Index to Aspiuwnll, thence by rail to Panama aud from Pauamat to British Columbia. Mr. Oppenheimer is at the bottom of the project, and has Montreal and, Torouto capitalists interearted in the scheme. Causes, Consequences, and• Cure." Statistics here brought forward es ter • the prevalence of the crime of imprutty the euulnbers afflicted with epilepsy us Quite a number of Senators and lei. I a direct result, as well ae those reuder- ed fit subjects fi r a,,y lues. Mr. Hall supported his statements with extrants from the Goveretneet reports of tiler' P.'s have wade arrau, eiuente for the accommodation of their wives au'l daughters tinting the session at Ottawa. This, no doubt, is owing to the au- Lunatic Asylums, and by corroborative neareselewd. that the season at the Government House would be all till usu- ally gay one. A company has boon formed at 'tepid City, lfitn.,.for the purposeof construc— ting a railway from that place to sumo piece. i0 the Souris coal fields. Measys, Junes Carrutltere, editor of the Reid City is,tterprise, C. J. .Witellitrne and 1). r\lcLareu are 011 tl'ieir web to Ottawa ns a delegation to promote.fid obtain. ing of the necessary charter ftona Parr liaulertt. Au Older-in-Ounlneil has bean pas. testimonies fl'Orn eminent profesoore it7t the•eledical Schools of Montreal colt Toronto. Reference was 11le0 ,nada t the work of the Society for the Sari pressiou of Vice, of New York, T .. chief remedy suggoeted was early mere rat's. Figures were given ' to prayer that a young man with firs, 1'tteratI011 aud sensible wife, c)),ld b0g;i,ii Ali Montreal ;til leas thin, ten t1eAtet week. The morel). «a'e filled✓. I most capacity, and 'tire eolith occupied twu and e Leif hog I.ioei ,eats iistouo l til, Miele t ? sol prohibiting tin. leading of pauper est attention.