HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-1-15, Page 8Said Ti,.
t Algt`AIIY. t€60
tit fiTQCItT V s�
I^ THE G"h'ristian GUeraii;an, the onion of the
Methodist Church of Canada, . edited by Ren,
I.E. H. Dewart, t ; 'De in OA 01t1e t anti beet re-
ligions Weekly h Canatt4. It has completed its
fiftieth yedr'as'a faitllfttl Witness for tritthi . It
has it record of \Odelt110 one neon be ashitm-
' ed. 1n Its protipeatua for 1880, then lditorpro•
miser that thrive shell be lib aeon -tie ht the fit,,
tare. It will contain adgmen&s' eultorials on all
tlto leading questinenof the day; analdug it, in
all respects, it tirst.$)laae family paptek. ;Fried
taw a year, :sees
MOTE PAPER, Ltexrons—The folloti rig+ oisOne ware
FeoLt3CAp8, elected office bearers la tho Enoter Divituoei B,
INKS, Vie,,Lee.', of T., at their regular tneetiug t--•
W. P. Tara. W. Itat ding.
W. A., Sts, fi,.Colgtthotut.
R. S., Bre. D. da qiu�its
A. R. S., Sis. E. Fleming.,
P. S., fro. b;. Spicer.,.,
Treas., Bro, 1t. Crocker,
Chap., Tiro. J. P. Clarke,
Cott,; Bro, 3: Rickard,
A. C., Sis, Milia",
�. 1,S. Sia, A. Henderson.
Ste •e"siter �11�i' . 0. S., Bro, T. rWantess.
Organist, Sis..r, White,
THUIi�+l)A ', JANUARY 15tlrs 18130.
Peet, Lists of which wilt he furntalied, on appli-
J, CI�I(aC7r,
iiooksellor, Win Street, Exeter, Ont,
'Sherman k t1o„ litarshalt) Mfoli , want an agent.
in this county at Duey, ata salary of fi1O0 per
mouth and expenses paid. For full particulars
address as above,
TILE days are lengthening:.
A sown quantity of snow fo11 on Tuesday.
Bncic.—Messrs. klogg,'auil Corkiudato were
in town on Tuescay jest,, They had been so-
journing in the Goclorich strong house for a
FIRST' YEAR, -Our excellent coutetuporary,
the Port Hope Guide, Ilan passed its first year,
gild looks a very hearty child of that age.
!fay it go on and prosper.
Honazs SHIPPED. --On Tuesday afternoon
last Messrs. White and Bissett and a Yankee
buyer shipped 18 horses to Pennsylvania. They
were an first -plass animals.
STOCK PlisCRABED.—The hardware stock of
the estate of O'Byrne"ds Co., insolvents, ;vias
purchased on Tuesday last by Mr. James
Howard, of Exeter at 771- cents on the dollar.
Nary STOOK. -Read !tri John K1ine's ad-
vertisement in another .column. He has pur-
chased a splerdid stock at a lov►price acid is
prepared to give' the benefit to those who pur-
chase from him.
FosEnAi, Sin:mos.—A• funeral sermon on the
occasion of the death of Mien .Hawkshaw, of
Exeter, will be prettehad next Sunday morning
(D. V.) in the Church of England, by the in-
cumbent, Bev. E. J. Robinson.
For fresh groceries try G. A. Hyndman's.
Ws would advice all our readers who think
of making a vegetable or flower garden this
spring to send to D. M. Ferry & Co., Detroit,
Mich., and get their valuable seed annual:
The house is entirely relirble, and if you tisk
10 get exactly what yeu order, you can do no
better than to entrust your orders to them.
'Sermon Maesznes.—W a have read a copy of
the School Magazine, which the proprietors, in
Hamilton, propose to issue ten times a year.
It is the best publication of the kind which has
yet appeared, and if faithfully studied, cannot
fail to be of vary great assistance to pupils
studying the higher branches and the classics.'
Teachers would also be instructed by it.
PssisoNAL,-On Friday last we were favored
with a call from Mr. T. A. McConnell, of Byron,
and formerly of Exeser. Andy looks well, and
likes Byron well, but says "there's no place
like home."
—Mr. Scott, of Point Edward, formerly o..
the Dominion Laboratory, Exeter, was in town
last week. He is looking hale and hearty, as
if the river breezes agreed with him.
Aiennan MEErxNe,-The nnanal meeting of
the Stephen in Usborne Agricultral Society ma
held at Hawkshaw's Hotel, on Thursday, Jan.
8th. The following officers and directors were
elected :—Pres., Jas. Oke ; Vice -Pres., D. Mc. -
Innis ; Sec., A. tr. Dyer; Treas., Jas. Pickard;
Auditors, M, Eacrott and Wm. Sweet ; Direct-
ors, Jelin Willie, John Hunter, John Glenn,
Chris. Eaerett, Win. Lewis, John Dignau,Wrn,
Brock, Thos. Werry, John Fishborue.
LANGE FvaEUAL.--The funeral of Mrs. John
Iiewkshaw, which took place on Monday last,
was a very large.ouei, many of those attending
it having come a• long distance. The deceased
lady had a large , circle of relatives and no-
quaintuuces, and that she was highly esteemed
by all was evidenced by the numbers who
turned out to the funeral.. Ag a mark of re,
spelt, business places in, ton, were closed
while 'the sad cortege passed „through the
MrseroNEnn Sniii tors;firlieannua mission.
ary services for the Exeter branch of Methodist
Church will be held on an. 18th itnd, 10th,
Sermons wilt bo preached do Sunday, at 10,30
a. in. and 6.30 p. in. bythellep.''A, Suther•1and,
D. D., of 'Toronto. The nituiuld n'[d ting trill
aktplace on Janlflth,.when addressee, will
elivered by Isaac Langiorid;'"l:sq:;'aiicl
5uiherlaucl. Collections will be takeu up in aid
of the minden fund..
t tesh oysters at G, .t. IiyndmaU'a,
lug and afteimoon semitone 'ieill be lute • pinged
by seleotiona front 1315,3 suit fiankevin"cepel
Sends;. The Crediton B. G. Choir will a pre,
sent at the evening suasion, Qolleetitm at the
olo,3u Ill aid of tiro CUtiterentie Venn, Lot there
be it geed 'representation, as the Ein*htive
C)olntuitte desire .all ihteresten to itttaud 4u1 be
prepared td disousit or volt ;au'all the tlti ecce
Ws Garda, film 'i
Sea, of Cont.
FREE ENrEw'rATN IEwi —On Friday evening
next, the West Finron Teachers' Association,
which holds its session its the school hoose on
that day, intziud giving the' people a treat in
the form ,of a free public entertainment in
Drew's linlYi;wltdu adclrelises *ill be cdelivered
by Mr. 0. tV. Ross,' 11i.P,, •Inspector I. 11.
Miller and Rev. 11. Webber. Musical selec-
tions will be rendered by Mr. Ii, C, Brewer,
Mr, J, N. Hooper, '31r,-"Roborts, and Masters
itnfglit, and Misbes ilfobon'ell., Fitton and
Vicir's FLonnrn Gdriri,—Oftite many.Gttides
and seed and Plant Catalogues sent out by our
Seedsmeii tilliftirserymen, and. that ;•are, do-
ing so winch to:beautify and enrich our.cotw-
try, none are so beautiful, none so instructive
as Vick'$Guide. -•jts.,,paper. is
choicest; its illustrations handsome, and given
by the hundred, while:its. ,Colored. ,Plate is a,
gem This trork, although- coetiug but five
cents, ie handsome enough. for a Gift Bonk, or
a place on the parlor table,. 'Published by
jinn VtoK; Bochester,•'N. Y..:
TRE CaudrternLncxunit.-,•0h:Tnesday even-
ing last, a lecture on "Tire>+;Q•itemiatry of Na-
ture," was delivered. its 3prew'e Hall by the
Rev. E. J. Robinson, assistedi;by Meeire- Ther:
ton and Selley, who preforined se'e's1 experi-
tempts to illuatrete. tkte remarks of the lecturer.
The a,udience was not ver large, owing,�;in a
measure, to to the„rough etato. the 'weather
The, lest}ire was of p very;i ltereating cbarfcter,
and was delivered with good' effect.' Owing to
the solder on oris o!' the chemical appliances
giving out, eevexpl 'gf, the,•,nh'ti0t interesting ex•
pea.nents had to be a. andon ji The experi-
ments, with the aid of . the acioptacoa., 'were
novel and beautiful
WIND Sxonua. This claas.of storsns'have'
'been very prevalent in this.,neighlwrhood of
late. On Friday night last,, the .wind blew very
violently, and on Sunday night it blew a per-
fect gale. The northcltimney of the Presby-.
ierian Church, in Exeter, was demolished, and
Dignaus' sign was blown ;out of joint. Rev.
Mr. Mitchell was on the road, driving to an ap- •
pointment about six o'clock, When the wind
sprang up, and the horse was unable to proceed.
further until a hall in the and,
when Mr.
Mitchell dir;covered himself and • vehicle in the
ditch. •
Finns* haddiee at G. A. Hyndman's.
ScaooL BOARD MEETING.—The.Sohool Board
met in the Secretary's office on Friday at 8 p.
m. All the meu.bers present. The minutes
of the previous meeting read and approved.
Moved and resolved that Jas. Pickard be chair-
man for the year. Moved' and resolved that
John Rautoii lie SeaTreas. Moved and re-
solved that Geo. Bolton's bill of 410.00 for re.
paring pump; be:paid Moved and resolved
that the auditors peport be published in con.
denoted form in the Exeter nuns for one week.
Moved and resolved that Geo. Willis have dry
wood Medico' yard cut and piled, and that lie
procure 15 cords of green wood at as reason-
able price as possible, same to be delivered in
school yard. Moved and resolved that we ad-
SUNDAY Smoot, ContanENe:c —The S. S. Con.
ferule of the Exeter,Usborne,Hensail t n ; Cen-
tralia Circuits, will hold its annual meet'ng at
Crediton' (D.V.),Friday, J L:le:23rd, 1880. Pro.
grarnme --Morning Session. 10 o'clock, 1. de-
votionat excercisess, by the Rev. H. A. New-
eombe. 2. Rending minutes of last ,Conference.
3. Report of Secretary and Treasurer. 4. Iie-
uorts•of S. S. visitors ;appoincod last 'Confer-
ence. 5, Schedule report /rein each school.
Afternoon session,' at 2 o'clock. 6. Devotional
exereicies,' by Rev, G. -Maar. q. 7. Reading
minutes of'morning . t essiO1i, 8. Election of
officefs, 9''Presideni1anddreas,;-i•6; miou tee.
10.•What ii•the pbjectacf`the tl.. S;,?
A•llin,- ,30 minutes.,, linEst iaeine s cif tlre5S
S. Work) ,knd: hOw to overcome them, Bros,
•gait .
y char, Bitell'.' • 12. Questton.iruvv-
eri :Evening- tiesston,,.7 o'el.4, 13. De'vo-''
tiouat:exeroiee,, ;MF„dacipat'.g>. 14. Reading
minutes of afterrisseo.nesnioit 1K. Tea olaitiis
of the S. S. upon;,tho best,tsient. Rete G. Wch-
bcr •-- 1. hour. h
t 1. ,,. o dot celits owe
f' a
if); S. S., Rev, H. 'N6it''liotnbe,-.'-B } rninutea
17. Parting addresses, by Rev. 3. W. futeligr,,!
and others, 1`lho exercises of the morn I
Pdteirtnn4'tott.-e=0a Wedubeddyi evenl¢g,
Deo. 31st, it company of young people, cclttl) a
cd principally ofthott who hate boon uttdpr
Mr. Geegory's-tuition iii Eftettri btit who hit*e
either assumed the profeettion of tratehing, Ar
are attending the IIigit .schodl, 'assembled it
the residenccbf Mr. Gregory' 1?i•3ncipal of
eter Public Sehobl, litre, after this tlompany
being otlntfortably Boated, the following address
was mad by Mr. Gs VP.' klarrison, and a Writ-
ing'desk, ixtk•stand and gold pen were present-
ed to hitt by Miss E. Rieke I, -
Mn. t3ittldonv,
Dear Teacher, --We, the undersigned pupils
and teachers of Enter Public) School, have
long felt our indebtedness to you, not only for
the instruction received fwhiie under your tui-
tion, bttt luso for tile almost utibottnded inter-
est you have mautfested to our welfare. And,
while we esteem youas • .a true friend and
faithful benefactor, we cannot but look upon;
the past with it feeling •of :,gratitude• miugled
with regret --gratitude for•lurving been placed
under the charge of such an 1nstruetor,and re-
gret at having so soon to emerge.frotn it. And,
that we may show our:app,noiation, of your
services, we would unitedly preseutto yon this
pots, desk and .ink -stand, merely as a token of
affection and regard, and hope the sante be ao-
oepted as such. Ansi while we wish you all
the compliments of the season, And every sue
cess in your future labors,we,erer.reinain your•
affectionate pupils, Signed on; , behalf• of the
pupils and teachers by .
Itfies Erma HIcis
Mir. G. W. HansusoN
to which a very writable reply was, made by
Mr. Gregery,iu which hestated that.fie,
wholy taken by surprise, and !tad not eventhe
Least intimation of their -the
remainder of the evening was very pleasent1y
spent in various amusements.
'••[The above was handed in forpnblicntionlast
week, but was mislaid and could not t+Q louiid
until after the paper was lamed.),
PRETTY COLD.—Manitobameet. be a colder
place than interested, parties will admit. We
are informed that Luther and Albert' Manning,
while not driving, hid $reit eats; Iioseti'iiud
cheeks ,badly ,frost bitten.' And' *bile Ritchie
Elliott was an,his way to the btil:er'e, "'to'buy
him some bread,' a furious istone, which they
call a bliizard. up there, Dame on 'So'wild it
was that he could see uotbiug, find •rah against
a big straw stack which wai 'lying out Inose on
the prairie, furtuuntoly for him, lice grabbed
hold of it, and lung 'on for about five boors,
when the anger of the elements had subsided,
and he was enabled to proceed oi.his way. He
'was probably " ahuugered" when , he, procured
the staff of life. There may be.eoure eaaggor-
atien in these stories, but we give thein as they
came to us. Talking of these reports to a pio-
neer of this looality who now occupies a prom-
inent position in the gift of his fellow -electors,
be said ho had no doubt whatever' that the
cold was as bad as represented in Manitoba,
for Ontario was just as cold at one lime. Tak-
ing off his castor, and pointing with his fore
finger to a naked area on the top of his head,
" in the place whore the hair ought to grow,"
ho said solemnly: "1 suppose you people
have always thought that my wife pulled that
hair out while we were engaged in a :ontostic
discussion, and with a natural delicacy which
I admire (cheers)—yes, which I sincerely ad-
mire (vociferous oheers),: as being the only
virtue you have ever exhibited (silent agonies)
—you have refrained from : asking me any par-
ticulars respecting the nudity of my cranium ;
but such opinions are. a base and atrocious
slander against the docile character of nay ami-
able spouse. Yes,-: an infamous slander, I
repeat. My wife always argues with an iron
poker. (Syrnpatltolie groans.) •Ilost my papil-
lary adornment in this wise. 1 went out of the
house for about ttvo minutes one middling cold
night in October—I tuink .the second year I
name Here—and the hair was frdzen clean off
the top of my head ; and the night was not
what we would call a keener for those days.
We didn't mind the cold any. Why, the first
winter Isaac Carling. was here, he and I went
to the place now known as Grand Bend. ,Ve
had nn old jumper and a yoke of brindle oxen.
They cost about $200. Well, we got caught in
a windstorm which originated on the Bauble.
jtwas;pretty rough. We'were sailing with the
wind to use a nautical:1448e; Those oxen
were good. 'and tough, but that wind came so
strong that,it fairly flayed them !Wye nod coin-
mencing at their tails blow their hides off over.
their heads just, as nine and olefin as Bob
Sanders could take tbo peeling off a rabbit, and
tbey stretched away full length intend of the
ozeu, only .being prevented from leaving us
altogethe) by the horns. One of these soon
came loose, ansi the ',hewed signs of giving
when a happy suggdation from my companion
'relieved us from our situation, wiaieh,.witly
night np.rir0aclueg ];dice iud inpreaaine in vie-.
Tante,,erehno sltelt0r near;, was growing rather
ernliarraednigl" Welt, what did Mr. Carling
cd&?" queried 'MI tiudel•taker up town, who was
listening;' while+^ the narrator took breath.
"What.dtd bonbon,. Why, 11e told me to turn
arotptdf and drive Against the wind; as he had
often deaf ,liiclei sitnilitr circumstances. I did
se; tire tlahidlc'titltiheing to increase, , au d before
Sed had goftentien rroda the hides were blown
beak on the oxen, just as nice en if they'd
uove,li bseinefr,'lint'tee loose howl was blown
ati iiw t desttror jutrr;the ox's head that it was
before the ttorni struok: hien." " I.'id't the ?"
gUeritill h horse trotter, "Is What a lie?”
tlruntieted elle pioneers "I said .)ltd the ort,
(litt't i.)lt t fru lits bitUling setiklotti bask at.
altatslillse's !mills `t+a, rut' trietttn)those 0u0'0
cold eayet title L'i't tin tltttibt it's told iii IOW"
Iolit <'hrj• t<rilds Allothtk thee Squire slebi.:
soil and 1", 1but th.e.slipper bol luivitig ming,
the bsardei's esettpt'i, and pioneer its inure'
sennet Utah 0113 Wilted up hia eoltt collar, put
bit hands ih hispottketal dud fated the biting
bhisae Of thtt•ilortlis
Sc:ttdot> tiere tos. e eery enccees- 1
ful e:ttiminatiou was hold itr' S,'S. No.5.
i�IyGilljvrny, taught by Miss Brooke nett it
was well putrot.ized by parents. and
friends in the heetion. The teaebele l
present were Mies M. A. Rogers, oil
Clinton, Messrs Thomas Houton,
Rogers, and fl. J. Elliot. le the fore- 1
dueti the junior clases:a were entrained,
and acquitted thernrelvee in a very I
creditable manner,•atter;1rbitel) el , most
sumptuous repast was fursiilelttai by the
fetnales of the domicile.. ' rheic. part of
the exercise being brt xsghs to :5 clot er
the examination Write raw tuned and'there
not sufficient time to,exeuuiue the pit-
pile its the branches, studied by
I them, the readiness and acenrrivr with
which they:suswered..tim gtsestirrtns send
solved sine probeews given theme wise
enough to copvince all present of the
flourishing state of the school. The
questions giveu*by.ktdoersi and Elliott
in arithtiletie, Were alcltnow?edged to be
suite difficult, but Were all wc.ilaecl in a
remarkably short time. After the ex-
amination was over Miss I gers was
Appointed is the chafe, recitation& and
dialogutis in a very" worthy mltnsaer,
speeches were delivered by trustees,
teachers and others,:•^ nil • expressiug
themselves mor'e'than satisfied with file
Marked signs of'progresw, .,suti evident
harmony and good' will pervading the
school. The trustees were warn ly con-
gratulated on securing. the service of so
faithful and efficient teacher. Votes of
thanl,s were 'then tendered to the lady
1're.ident', teacher's and otirere,.nspecial
vote'''being given to, Mr.- • Heaton for
faithful services att'1'lidiea' man, In his
reply he accepted the •corupliment, by
stating that long habit hall now form
ed itself into sotnethii ralriu to second
nature. The stay's. proceedings were
muclnenlivoned by, music rendered by
pupils and closest by .singing "God
Sttv'e The.
a •tt~.'
. � •r. �llluyille,. � .
:EL rceterr e— t the. nntinel meeting
of the Elireville L- O.Li;;ithee following
officers were ele,:ated :-1 ;. M.. Bro. J.
Halle D. M., Brit. R, Cooper ; Chap.
Bro. Miner.jr. ,,T,S. ee;T;teae., Bro. T. An-
drews ; D,.of ,-C,, 13,i•o. S. halls let,
Com., 13. Smith ; Oda Goin.T. ;Jones ;
site O. m.,, Il: i'Vadlin,; 4th `Com., T.
MUNnereer.„—The„ township of Ste
Allen hers immortalized itself. It has
elected its whole -Council by aoclama•
tion. No etch thing has occurred be-
fore iu the memory of•the oldest inhabi-
tant. We are prepared to be .set up a,
A model towuship, and as a pattern for
anrroundiug muicipalitiee to imitate.
Stefhen has been so uotoriouafer mu-
nicipal contests.' that to letpr an elec-
tion go by 'acclamation; 'leads one to
suppose the 'Milleuiu' is nut far ells
Meesre..Jonre anti Farmer, we u1e-
deretand, lost five horses between them
last week. The horses ate'so much
wheat that they all died.
The loss of the "beautiful" is..gene-
rally regretted: Hopes are entertained
that a new supply will shortly be forth-
The holiday Benson having passed off,
business is settling down to old rou-
[The above, wee handed in; for pub
a to ss
Vie .'country tura Ysotse 'tie$ 11rp PAcoecetsiata, Deal,
W. E. T ' 0 >w•, 's?
wishes, to tfvatert the Icsal4u au t ]colicinof fel ri ,e
A'Ot da",stleYkbYe4 Witt Of bile
13es ' . 3 Cb avert. Stacks
Annan, Ot1']I' ISSIle iN 1;;,.t Fundi.,
i bili it `110 it n 1 �>itt trni,elltt t, wind those iiw�gp�riiit
f3'ill int :.881Gi)ati .tikt.'gl ,
c c `S�s.
that ha it enalriett fat. tai i.e:f r 'st $eneo to stip'
p y tleen., with wltar w.11 give stiu4*l motion, as Iso
sr4 ss; Iioitds.i; lana. Ibe hos ut atoola anti einpI d
11 b arty r e f
nu r at . ii lbs tit R`.}ni tueiP.
''S'.Ol a tvinismt3 t.ttou�^Siscti .enlL.end sue.
W. Iia. T.1I,OTI.
Tractor„ October:4".35,7 i 4i
ttidrye' 4.Yollegitde Institute for enotbex'
reel) in etlac;;stionl. We wish lain every'
• sue-aele.
complimentary sx:pjre'r 1'riff '
,ten;leredltlr.Leonreeri i-li1'erer,tii White's
lo,tel, E,Iiroville, qn Th at shits eveniu.g,
January 4 Ilio at 7 o clack. blr'alnes-
ter leis been in the Toweis•liip a)cunrit
for the past •foiriteetr' yearei, with the
exception of one'} Aar, arid`She pewee
of the tewnsbip have token this method.
of testifying their appreciation of the.
thous v.tivatrlo eerviddes he has rtittered,
the muuicittaiity, bolls lin the Town-
ship and County tLi,tiue nits.' Mr. A.
Dtxnoan is Secretary, and. will epare no
effort to make the affair a corpieto
ligation last week, but was to late.]
The Orani e Young. Britons gave au
entertainment in the town Haile Credi-
ton, on Friday evening Past;• the selec-
tions for the _evening, were extremely
well executed, and;the 'Earl ,sae , well
filled. Mr. Hobliirk occupied the
Chair, and at the close .of the meeting
Mr. H. Eilbor gave an address on, 41te
benefits whteh was derived tenet the
order, and was listened to attentively.
NEW Tritr8IE.n At outlast school
meeting, Adr, John" Glenn, jr., ' was
elected trustee ;in• the place of Mr. thee:
Fyfe, whose tune has expired. 31'hie
names of the trustees are as follows ;�-
J>l,n Kyydd, ,ltobtert Cann, and Jc bo
Tens. Feogza.-..-The..,.flood' causer b, 3•
the late- rains has done coxxsitferal>le
damage in'GUS '"ricitnity ; carrying away
several rail felines,''&o. •
Hues � — ►
'trf�1D'. . `t r
, Lt:st week n r.l e
11 l
wucl-fltorin passed 'over here, laying,
the fences in all directions.
Gori) .-11Ir. G, A. Powell, ex-.teneher
of Lumley school .has' puna o to the St
E. G. Sialre Reeve of Sidney, has
been nonainatad•in the Reform' interest
to contest Week Hastings for the Local
Legislature, •
The Department of .Public 'Works at
Ottawa has decided to remove' an ex-
lensive shoal in the, St. Lawrence. -op-
posite Mor1tteal, which has greatly im-
peded the navigation.. ,
• The recent sudden death of James
'Wickham in the township of fflorncester_
and the hasty buriai;of his rentable, lx
excited snep)eion, and on ivysstigation
is in prog;resls .; `.
James Haltiu wpm instantly killed, on.
Fridtip night, at :theta a mile and'a elf
north of Millbank rilation by n .1,e igltt
train on the 1, D. & L. •H. B. He .is.
supposed' to:have been under the iuflu-
enoe ea:liquor. .
The Municipal Council of the town
of St. Thomas has forwarded a petitions
to. the' Governor-General of Canada,
praying that, a.Dominion subsidy may,
be granted to aid in the immediate con
etruction of the Ontario Yacifio Jurict-
ion Railway.
Kidd'a Opera,H ruse in Dublin, Ont.„
was opened on Friday evening. Jas..
Fahey. of the Stratford lixs ^al:f, auadtl•
the opening speech, The concert was.
a success. A handsome torn was realise
ed, and will be sent to' Ireland. to aaaiei+.
t'he distressed.
Referring to the paragraph in the.
Lient..Governer"s speeeh,proposing the
appointment of a Government ' Com-
mission to inquire into tiie state of ag-.
r:ctultare,tbe Hamilton Spectate/ sayer.--
"If we are not greatliyc• enista'tteta this.
is to be a Commission mer the purpose•
of making an effilci eli report against the•
tariff from the fermee'd lieiut of xiew,,
and we can scarcely be mistaken in
tracing the fingers cd'the grand old Re -
:teenier himself in the paragrap1t. The
iproteetionists who voted to sustain Mr.
Mowat leeeanse there was no 'possible
connieetion between between Dominion
and itroaineial affairs will do well to
watch whether our strogtsti'on is Night.
or not. 'We have no, tsgnitxnbttsral
tress in the eonntry to deemed this
'Commission. 'There is nothing `what- '`•
,eves• in our eiretamstanees at• present to.
euggest it„ except the tsoiisey' of the Grit
party to, array the fermis opined; the
fiscal policy of the Dominion Govern -
merit. There=! t euld• . be no ebjeotion
whatever to .n, fitir and impart ial inquiry.,
There would' be gory lrt<tte''si,bjoevtion tom'
San iisgtairy in which bo•thi'aides were re.
presented. , But this is not to bo an in-,
quiry li'y a committee of the Legisla-.
tune,: of which representative .fees 1. botbt
sides would be members", ls: iso. to, lie at
oenith4eictnappointed by,, the, Governer,
ment* who can easily seIlecttliebniilable
instruments for;,tlleir Slurp ose;, end with
Government manes'' tai' pasy expetizdea,
the commission tan ' easily get slice
evicletiees res it rehires.'• The report
Swill be oificissl', and, therefolee, it ;will
have all•the appeat'enco of beingsun
e. It will bo nal excellent tett
book for Grit orators lade J•ourualists to
sq note fro.ni. It can, in"ithart bo made
1i llrst•class ertlnpi igu docnu'leut if the,
woo xe suitablyde'u.o." •