The Exeter Times, 1880-1-15, Page 73'L.NUFRT 15, 1880 THET S THE IRISH QUESTION.. EARL DUNI AV,L"li'e t, rren ON TILE PARNL+LL New York, jell, 7, --The 7elearam has by cable a flve'aoln•nn letter from the Eitel of Duuraven on remelt 'and Isis alissiou, Irons which the following extracts are taken Of :til the quack cure for hard times, I the patent P trued pill is the simplest and nioet deleterious in co,lsegneneet. It consists in the maxims, "'when hard up, don't pay your debts;" "pay your rent when it is convenientto do co— if it is inconvenient to pay, do not ;" "mnite and you cannot be compelled to pay, enither can you be tnrned out." Robbelry, organized on such a scheme, would, of course, be !lard to deal with, and there would be tomo sense iu the idea, if the Irish tenant farmers were devoid actin moral feelings. But they aro not. It is nbvions that if the ten- aut farmers paid no rent they would be better off for a little time, in the same way that they would be better off if they did not pay forthoir clothes and for the provisions they purchase. The pro. ceedineu o'' the Parnellttes are pecnliar. They assert that the farmers cannot pay their rents iu had Limits, and as a remedy they propose that they should Iiay rent, and a large ;.ddition, to the government, for a term of thirty-five years. Are they certain that there will conte no bad harvests in that period ? Do ;they think that the goverumeut would make abatemonte or trouble their tirade about the condition of their tenants ? The Parneltites recotnmeud the people to do that which is illegal, but by them to keep within the limits of the law. They urge them to keep possession of property, money or land belongitlg to others, excite them to ex- pression of sentiment which imply a determination to shoot one class of creditors rather than pay debts due to them. and appareutiy fait to see that they t r (Ionic) recommending theft add con• murder. They claim to have the welfare of the Iriih people at heart, tend endeavor to preveiit thein from bette,'ing their conditiou by emigrating. They Resort that no landlord has an absolute title to the land—that is to say, even W he bought his land under encumbered estates or from former proprietors, and they commence an agi- tation for the avowed object of creat- ing a number of landierde who are to Lave an abeoln:e interest in the land, but they no not condescend to explain how the feture landlords eau obtain any better title than the present pro- prietors possess. In proof of the as- sertion that peasant proprietorship would baa benefit to the country, no one has ventured to explain what size the holdings are to be, or whether the clw•lers are to be restricted in their rights of sale, of letting and of sub- division. /f not, one or at any rate two generaticus will be eufticient to turn the farms of Ireland into potato ,patches, and two or three bad seasons will see the sale or mortgaging of far- rners' freeholds to usurers and shop- keepers, who have advanced him money or allowed him credit. If a country can only be farmed successfully in large holdings you cannot alter the eiroum- stances by changing the tenure of rand. K.. Emigration is powerless to deal with the'immediaLe needs, and relief must bOobtaiued from ;Abet. sources. The Gogerntuont appear to have wisely de. cided against granting State aid toiIre. laud at present. State interference in such matters is usually injudioioue, It in essential that private ebrraties al- so should be carefully administered and money judiciously employed. If large rums aro snllseribed, the money, after ' the present pressing necessities of the eonntry have been relieved, can be spent with rl certainty of profit in one way only, and that is by helping and encouraging emigration. The experiment in the way of "pea sant proprietorship" might be tried, It is Lard to theorico in such matters. In very excoptiotiel cases it might prove a suecess. Au- nuuseally pre. ,dent man tnight sneceell in getting and keeping possession of his freehold, end whore a farm' contained a large proportion of }iniuioroved but imprer- able land, int yield.n,ight keep pale for time with the increasing number of human beluga to be supported by it. I fear, however, that the :experiment would invariably prove a lamentable failure, 1 ate sorry, for 1 should like to see a nuworntet case of prosperous, 1.rniAll erupric:torn. The settee of owner.' strip, the sense of independence arising Irorn it iuducee self rexpect and begets in a matt a 'patriotic spirit. Anything that encourages the unnatural Accumu- lation of landed mnperty in the betide of is. few its to be deprecated, but if it teens to clo so through ` purely natu- ral causes, nothing short of nunatural and improper means can check the tendency. Ireland onght to be fairly prosperone, One such period of agita- tion, however, by disturbing men's minds by inducing thein to indulge in fooliel► dreamt, by reducing values end destroying credit, l y lietiating English capital and producing in English mind a feeling of diMgnst in every Irish, sets the country back years and soars. Feeling title Na strongly as I do, and seeing that Mr. Parnell proposes to de- vote the funds lie may obtain in Ameri. ca to foment and keep up a state of things fatal to the country, I do most sincerely hope that his success may be shalt. No man wonld more 'heartily wish euccese to his mission tnan I were the money to be applied in any practi- cal manner that °•Mild benefit the peo- pls. The Earl concluded . by saying that he looks in vain through all the speeches of Parnell and hie adherents for one little glimmer of practical com- mon !feline. AN EMPEROR'S COURTSHIP. • There is a romantic story connected with the m•trriage of the Emperor and Empreas of Anetria,wilo lately celebrat- ed their silver wedding. He married a princess who was almost a shepherdess. She lived in the mountains with her sisters and father—Duke Maximilian Joseph, a near relative of the King of Bevarin—a kind of country gentleman, who dressed himself in. coarse cluth, end his daughters in wool. She had not been brought up for the throne,and it Was one otter sisters that they des- tined for the youthful Etnperor. But one beautiful summer evening Francis Joseph made his eurniat}oe at Prince Maximilian's residence, eitneted'on the borders of Lake Trion. Francis was in hunting costume, itwas just dusk when he reached the'cliuteau. Before entering, he reinained.a few moments on the lawn, talking to the four eider daughters of the Prince, from whom ho was expected to select his bride. While he stood there, a young girl, amere child—she was only fifteen then —came ont of the'wonde, that formed a circle, and advanced across the ore'1- ing apace towards the group. She—77e slender, beautifully formed, .and her movements were willowy and graceful. A splendid hound walked by her side. Her stlft white drapery floated lightly around her, and her beautiful hair fell over her shoulder in rich golden masses —it has growu dark brown now, but is as luxuriant as ever. and the Empress wears in eight massive braids. which, weund around her head, form a dia- mond that many a beauty_, would envy as much as the royal circlet. The im- agination fof the :Emperor 1 was seized by the beautiful form and motion of the girl, Lightened as it were by the charm of the evening and the loveli- nees of the scene. He negleeted no op- portnnity to cultivate the roquaintanoe of the "forest fairy," as he called her, He devoted himself to her exclusively at a ball that took place at Ischl a few days after the meeting. Her charming disposition land her brilliant wit com- pleted the oonquest that her beauty had commenced. The mateh was soon arranged, and the marriage took plane in the succeeding year, SCOTLAND. There is a widow living .in Crieff at present who is over 106 years old. 1)r. William Chambers ie the sole survivor of the old Edinburgh publi- shers. On Deo. , 2, the lochs and ponds in Edinburgh worn largely patronized by ekAtere. • The lignidators of the City of Glas• Mr. 0ladrtone was on Dec. let pre. tented with the freedum of the city of ,Perth, on his way from Dalweuy to Taytnoth Ctstle. The Duke of Argyle lute intimated his intention to give a ,acture in the Costo 1?avilion, on "Mehemet, and the ICoran," A gravecontaining twourns,in which were (tomo pieces of charred bonen, has been discovered in Calnbeltown, three feet below the surface of the ground. Upwards of 800,000 words, repro - nettling about 400 nowspaner columns, were telegraphed from Edinburgh, in connection with Mr. Giadstone'e epeeoll ,t, in ono week. The tumborof ecu tents who have al• ready rnartioulated this seasan at the University of Edjnbureh is 2,510, be- ing 178 more than on the correspond• ing day of the session last year. An Zagle was captured alive, Nov. 28, on the island of Rowson, the estate of Colonel Burrough. From tip to tip of wings tt measured seven and a hafl feet, and weighed eleven pounds. InnemmememeomeommehmennommoSieemen NO MORE SOUR ISIILIi. Herr Maurice Phillip, of Znrioh, Switzerland, has found out how to preserve milk for an indefinite period. He placed a sample of the preserved. milk at the disposal of the Agricultur- al Assoetation of Zurich four months ago, and they have been totting away at the milk ever since without finding any perceptible change in its good qualities. A commission analyzed the milk, but could fiud nothing in it that should not he pure milk. Herr Phil- lip proposes to supply London and Paris with ;milk from Switzerland. Instead of getting milk in a pitcher, the city persona will get a week's sup- ply in an enamel-liued keg ;or barrel. If this can be euocesfully and economi- cally done iu Europe, it will soon cross the Atlantic and become a fixed Ameri- can fact. CHEST AND LUNG DISEASES.—Of all diseases frail humanity is liable, there are uoue more generally neglected in their commencement, or more fatal in their termination than those arising from defecttve or supreesed perspira- tion, whether we regard thein iu the trivial light of a slight cold, or whether we view them in the terrific form of a Pulmouary Consumption—the latter, alas! but too frequently the sequel of the former. At the very first symp- tons of a cold, or as soon after as pos- sible, Hagyard's Pectorial Baleen] should be administered. For sale by all dealers at 80 eta. per bottle. Invaluable Liniment. For all purposes, of a family liniment, Hagyerd's Yellow Oil will be found in- valuable. Immediate relief will follow its use in all cases of pain in the stom- ach, bowels, or side ; Rheumatism, Colic. Colds, Sprains, and Bruises. For internal and external nee, it has no equal in the world for what it is reo- nmmended. For sale by all dealers at 25 cents per bottle. HAVING SOLD the remainder of OUR GROCERY STOCK we purpose devoting our whole attention to the Flour, Feed and Seed Trade, ..bxet ,r .N arth:t FLOUR and GRIST MILL, Being in good working order giveµ overt' scours- dation possible in gristidg and flouring, Flour And mill feed delivered to parties leaving their orders betoro one o'clock a4J, BELL'S Bakery, or O'I3YBN 11 & CO'S, or at mill same day 'W` SLC. 'F" 11"199" Z C I, F.Xl TI fl 10 0. EM'.OVAL. RAU would remind his numerous nee, Customers that he leas removed to the shop formerly occupied :by Mr. Bad, where he will be found ever re+uly to attend to all business in the BOOT end SHOE Line, C. RAU, Crediton. Good goods, prImpt delivety and square deal- ing is our motto, R. & E. SPICER, Exeter. lreztto PoetOOtoo Block. `r ATICE. The annual meeting of the Stephen and Usborite Agricultural Society will be held at Hawkshnw's hotel, Exeter, ou Thursday, Jan- uary 8, 1890. for the purpose of electing offi- cers and Dircotore for the ensuing year. All members are requested,;to attend, as business of importance will be brought before the meet- ing. A. DYER, Secretary, Deoomber 24, 1879. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP AT WI - CRELSEA. W. BUCKING- HAM,lntoof Exeter, h a e commenced business in the 4'a i,,, , al.'vebranc't at Winohelso.. and is lire- pa•'ed to do, all _ .,,,,,,4-4,.... ,, kind ofhlack smitllingwork Iforse shoo-. ingspe dally attended' to, Promptness, cheapness and good work guaranteed, A call solicited. 16.0m W, BUCISINGHAM. now Bank Offal re have announced the sale of eighty seven life poliolee. The Federatinn of Cottle Societies, at e meeting in f'tlaegow, adopted a peso• intinn ie favor in the lanwn d la. ' The q►eeti has oommiesiotiu'd 11.1r. George lieid, R. S. A., to paint for liar a portrait of Principal ,'l`ullot:ll, of St. Audrew,, ' ENGINES AND BOILERS. Prom r to tt Norse Power, for Farm- ers, Dr irymen, Batter and Cheese Factories, Printers and all parties using hand or horse power: Best and cheapest ul the market, Send for circular and price list. John Doty. •. lanade Street. tr.: ., asp r Towing, r • s TRY G. A. Hyndman. FOR Fresh Groceries, O-STERS, ORANGES AND LEMON FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER.' leentral Drug Store. ILLINERY M AT MISS GARLICK'S A full line•now in, of FALL and WINTER Hats, and Bonnets, aU the latest styles. New Flowers Feathers,and Ornaments. Trimmings in great variety. GIRL'S HATS NICELY TRIMMED, from 81,00 up. Everything will be sold as cheap as possible. Fancy Goods. Berlin Wool, Mottoes, etc.,aful took always kept. Jackets made or cut MISS GARLIGK, Sop Main St.,E rotor. UP WITH THE TIMES — – PARTIES INTENDING TO PURCHASE ORGAN S SHOULD CALL AT and Examine his Stock. the Best that are Made. DOMINION ORGAN CO.'S. HENS ALL . PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES. Why go abroad for your Furniture when you can get un Good Value for your money iu Hensall as in any other Town in Canada? S. FAIR;AIRN Has now on hand a splendid stock of FURNITURE. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Which He Will Sell at Prices to Suit the Tinges. UNDERTAKING In all Its branches promptly attended to. Also a FIRST CLASS HEARSE, Which he will furnish for FUNERALS on reas- onable terms, Contracts for Building Of every descr'ption taken on most reasonable terms. Material furnished if desired. Remember the Henault Furniture and Under- taking Establishment. S FAIRBAIRN. CDTARRH 1 CATARRH ! ! USE • Tho great Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound. The only positive cure for Catarrh yet discovered. P00 SALE BY C. LUTZ'S CENTRAL DRUt STORE. W. LSJ1ITH, General Agent, Arlcoua, Ont. TERRY 1A4 JD sal?/ Pa c . t'®n 1880 vat 1M mailed emu to n11 npplranit, and tocuetemanwltto,t ordering It. It contsS, four colored pinta) G00 engsteing, about 000 paged, And tuts detorIptlone, price= end dirsseei, foe 1en8ng 1500 vn lend of Ve atsblo 001 Flowoa Seed,, l'lnule,, aoto. +tar. iuvnlu bto eo n1f Sena for 11. Addreer, D. L2. FERRY & 00,, Debrotti >lliall. FOR SALE OR TO RENT—A Stare in Centralia, on corner of Station and Main Streets. Well fitted up an cl suttatile for Drytlnods, Grocery or General Store. For further rticutars apply to S. i1 }IYNUiUCAN,E:teter, or V}t,1R IL1:1C,10eetrulia., OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, EXETER. Constantly on hand Pure Drugs & Chemicalso, PERFUMERY, all kinds, Hair Brushes, Cloth. Brushes, Nail Brushes, Tooth Brushes. In COMBS our stock is complete: TOILET SOAPS IN ENDLESS VARIETY.. Just arrived the largest stock, per express,. direct from manufacturers, of TRUSSES, LADIES' AND GENTS' SHOUL DER BRACES, CHEST PROTECTORS. Horse and Cattle Medicines a Speciality. Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes cterofuliy compounded at Central Drug Store and Fancy Goods Emporium. opposite Central Hotel, Exeter ttENSALL PORK PACKING HOUSE Having commenced business for the Fall andWinterTrade We are prepared to purchase any quantity of Pork, subject to the following regulations: We will take off two pounds per htmdred if dry, and three pound ;f soft. Shoulder stuck, twenty-five cents. If any of the bung gut is left in, 25 cents extra will be deducted. No pork will to bought at an price it warm. SAUS ES —AND-- – Pork Cuttings on hand at reasonable rates. We want all, Hogs Cutting sright through breast to head, and Hann opened outto tail, G & J. PETTY, fi4 W Jai y 'm y 'L.;11.- p.14w v .4 Bm • OFO n a a o0 Z iso i,•I hM ' s «rm "ftp O e o B • ,C o c F ~` o a rJ2 t o voa E M c '4A1- '11 --0 23 W PA e^' tee- Pet ° G o + m a rag 1.1 y w9,. qm L? En a ^ g'°. e a 0 a a Ci s ec y c .,a '42 W 04 EE noiteeve FALL AND W1.it;l'ie TBA1)li d. $out'1 eott cS4 Son TAf1iORS and CLOTJI1LleS, Take pleasure to iv fora, thl einn .ttbitantF of 1Jxetrt add surrottorling 'country, that they have ,just ope.iedout alt eiireilentassortutontof T.ceeds, Coatings, resti7li/BdtC., Pa ttiertitest styles atiriliattcrrle,nnd reel assured thatiut:le matter °feintoittg, they eau suit tite n1.osusestldiQustltstea..